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Chris Evans | 09:50 UK time, Tuesday, 25 September 2007

So back on the blog, actually hands on and all that. First things last, now yesterday's show...

... ragged but happy. Totally feeling great just a little dishevelled from a mad journey in. A journey during which at several points we'd actually given up from getting in at all.

Accidents, spillages, resurfacing required ! It was all going on.

Events which rather robbed me of telling you about the wonderful day I had on Sunday.

Wheny you find yourself, voluntarily, sat in a portakabin, in front of a blackboard with a cup of tea listening to someone who's sharing their expertise with you in an attempt to help you achive a goal - you know life's going ok.

Our guy was Gary, (later joined by Rob) expert instructors of the motor cycle world. Both work full time and both teach CBT in their spare time. Purely to pass on the joy of the freedom of the two wheeled world.

Honestly, I have done many things but Sunday was so excellent. I just didn't expect it to be so much fun, so rewarding. Doing things properly is the best, why didn't I realise this years ago ? Instead of arsing around like an unimmaginative lemon. What a plonker.

Β£95 for a day of learning and enjoyment. All topped off with a two hour ride out, it trul ywas brilliant.

You know when you're making a packed lunch pn a weekend morning, it's going to be a good day.

Thanks guys.

Get doing the things that make your hearts skip people.

CLP 2007.



  1. At 10:11 AM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:

    i'm going to climb a hill next weekend.

    My husband and son have just done the three peaks. Nevis, Snowdon and Scafell. I want a shot now, but I'm starting smaller. A wee hill first.

    That'll get my heart racing if nothing else does.


    ps - my husband gets my heart racing. Always.

  2. At 10:17 AM on 25 Sep 2007, Keith Nuttall wrote:

    Liked the roundabout question last night, but cannot find that rule in the Highway code under rules 160-166.

    Is it a definite rule (as implied on the show) or just a recommendation from the CBT trainers?

    Please let us interested drivers/riders know.

  3. At 10:18 AM on 25 Sep 2007, Gaby wrote:


    You are such an inspiration. Glad you had a great day - hope you had a pork pie in your packed lunch!!

    Talking of making our hearts skip......yesterday I popped into a well-known DIY store in response to their sale adverts. I didn't go looking for a bed but ended up bed browsing. A sales assistant approached and asked if I needed help. Never one to turn down an offer of help, I said yes and asked him to (honestly) explain the pros and cons of expensive vs cheap mattresses, beds etc.......he said to me with a straight face ' will the bed have normal usage, madam?' ......!!!!! I couldn't believe my ears and looked at him expecting him to smile/laugh/admit to using such a cheeky one-liner to break the ice and so hopefully secure a sale having built up a little rapport!! BUT no!! No such thing. He was delivering the question with absolute seriousness. I didn't know how to answer his question - it reminded me of the 'Fawlty Towers' sketch where there are psycologists staying at the hotel and Basil thinks the afore-mentioned is asking him how often he has sex, when in fact he is actually enquiring as to the frequency of his holidays.....'how often do you manage it?' ...... I really did think the sales assistant was asking me how much activity the bed would have to tolerate!!! I evaded an answer and carried on with our conversation. It was only after about 10 minutes that I realised that he was asking whether it would be for a spare room (non-existent in my little abode) of for my room (ie usage each night).....PHEW!!!!! I am still blushing. At the time, I just wanted to come back at him with a Basil-ism.......'well, normal usage really....I mean, what would you say is normal???!!!'

    Apologies for those of you who didn't see that 'FAwlty Towers'....

    Chris.....yesterday's show was still great : )



  4. At 10:24 AM on 25 Sep 2007, hazel love wrote:

    What a brilliant smile you've given me Christophe! Making a packed lunch on a weekend morning has taken me back to SO many occasions! Going to Littlehampton Dunes on the bikes, in the summer...the only thing was, if it was egg sarnies they dintarf get warm en route!

    I passed my motorcycle test longer ago than I care to remember (I can't actually remember...must be my age (other reasons available)) and had a tiny two stroke 100cc to start with...working up to a z13 on which I had to do an arabesque if required to stop at traffic lights (or anywhere else, but that's not for here)...

    EVERYONE should do their bike test...preferably before their car test...I found it gave me much better road sense...maybe that's just me...

    Congratulations on doing something else you wanna do Chris! Part two soon then?

    a ring ding ding

    ps Under my wheels

    pps Gaby

  5. At 10:31 AM on 25 Sep 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    I'm hoping I'll be having a baby next weekend but you never know with these things!!

    Do you know Chris...As long as you have come to the realisation that doing things properly is better than arsing around then that's all that matters...It's a case of the length of journey not really mattering that much, so long as you arrive at some point.

    Been for some mega walks recently (well mega for a 39 week pregnant person) and picked blackberries from the hedgerow on Sunday which were made into apple and blackberry crumble yesterday which was LUSH! I had the apples in already so the blackberries didn't magically transform into apples (just in case any pedants want to pick me up on that one!!)

    Have a good day one and all.

    :o) Jo

  6. At 11:00 AM on 25 Sep 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Morning each again

    I'm learning French, so I don't ask the waiter in a Normandy cafe if he would like a sandwich, as I did the last time I was there!

    I'm not going back till I can talk proper and not look like a total idiot.

    Anne x

  7. At 11:02 AM on 25 Sep 2007, Jools wrote:

    Hello Chris

    Great show yesterday. Even if you were flustered, it just made the programme all that more personal.

    Looking forward to this afternoons offering, as I'm working from home today, so can listen from 5. No office news though - it's just me...

    Keep up the good work.


  8. At 11:04 AM on 25 Sep 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    Yes, you probably did a*se around for years, but that time wasn't completely wasted because now you are seeing clearly and doing what you really want to do with your life - great stuff! We have to make an awful lot of mistakes before we get our act together!

    Gaby is right you are an inspiration, and I am really going to attempt to take my life in a slightly different path. Nothing major, but just maybe learn Spanish, or really learn to cook, that sort of thing. I really do just stumble through each day and I'm going to try to change that.

    However, changing my life slightly will NOT include buying a motorbike!

    Hope everyone is o.k.

    C xx

  9. At 11:39 AM on 25 Sep 2007, Gilly wrote:

    At the age of 49 I have just gone back to full-time education to take my Masters in Library and Information studies...and it is truly a joy to be really learning about something I have wanted to do for so many years- my heart is skipping too!! I feel very, very lucky.

  10. At 11:47 AM on 25 Sep 2007, hazel love wrote:


    Normal usage for a bed - FAQ for the salesman/woman/person

    1 - Do you have any pets?

    2 - Do you have any heavy pets?

    3 - Do you have a partner who habitually sits right on the very edge of the mattress to put his socks on despite regular reminders to the contrary?

    4 - Do you expect to place a glass of wine on the opposite side to which you sleep and not have it spill as soon as you get in?

    5 - Do you intend to fold the mattress in half EVER even though it says not to?

    6 - Do you regularly eat breakfast in bed?

    7 - Do you drink either tea or coffee in bed?

    8 - Do you hoover any toast crumbs on a weekly / daily basis?

    If the answer to any of these questions is 'Yes' please refer the customer to our office in Pocket Springs, C.A.

    Please also remember our linen sale happening on the third floor.

    Sell up

    ps Badger makes my heart skip, and I'm gonna be seeing him for just an ickle bickle bit longer tomorrow as he's taking me to the aeropuerto hoorah! Now I'm going outside for a cig and to watch the rabbits for a while. That should make me happy for a time...



    ...and another one for you, Phoenixx

  11. At 11:49 AM on 25 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Ah CLP, you're so right - as usual. You really are our Ginger Guru :-)))

    I've recently started cooking. Never really got it before. Now I'm a dab hand at muffins, home made tomato sauce and soup ...

    Next project is to make hugely chunky scarf for my daughter - big knits (as opposed to nits, which I did just type by mistake) are IN this winter!! Obviously I'll be knitting that not cooking it (unless it goes horribly wrong of course).

    T xxx

  12. At 12:04 PM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Jo -

    How fantastic. I can't believe is that time already, I remember when we were guessing over the road!!! How is everyone over there by the way - haven't stopped by in an age.

    Seen a week 9 day old babe last night - gave me halucinatory groaning in my halucinatory womb. I still feel movement in there, like it was still there.

    Enjoy Jo - Giving birth is the MOST fantastic Experience in the world. Fripping Sore, But the one experience you will never regret!

    Take Care


  13. At 12:46 PM on 25 Sep 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    yes...what a nice little chunk of advice, do what

    makes your heart skip...

    The 'arsing around' helps you see clearly now,

    so not such a waste...

    Nice piccy (finally, took all day to looad)

    De x

  14. At 01:25 PM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:


    Driving a motor bike is great fun,almost as fun as driving a Robin Relinat round a tight corner at 40mph and being on only two wheels, as being a passenger in a side car.

    However nothing is a enjoyable as gliding, you go out for a day, with your pack up get into a glider with your instructor and you fly. Word of warning, be carefull where you put the pack up as you could end up wearing it as you loop the loop or do a tight turn.
    All you hear is the wind there is no engine so you are towed by a car and the glider is on two wheels like the motor bike.

    As always fab show Chrostoff keep you pecker up (Guiness is good for that!!!) you are doing great guns

  15. At 01:27 PM on 25 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Aye up one and all the pic appeared.

    They all look the business those leathery bikers.

    I found the book 2DO BEFORE I DIE very helpful in choosing my goals in life.

    NUMBER 26. Be Eccentric.

    Shrug off shame, embarassment, and fear of cliche'- start living life for the memoirs. Imagine the tales you'll have to tell: singular oddball perculiarities, musty eyed extravagance and quick -witted intellectual triumphs. It all starts today, with your first, sporadic steps into a more extraordinary and decadent world.

    PS The only way to have a friend is to be one.


  16. At 01:36 PM on 25 Sep 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Afraid I'm not a happy bunny at the moment. Moving to Crete has never felt so impossible. I was ill yesterday and got a rollicking from my boss because of it (I mean, he seriously would have preferred me in the office, vomiting everywhere a la Swedish TV person, than staying at home.). So now, I'm in the office, feeling dreadful and have had a row with the boss.

    Ex either hates me, or wants to get back with me, depending on the amount of alcohol he's consumed and his mood at the time.

    Best Boy has suddenly developed into a stroppy boy now that he's 10.

    Daughter got caught truanting last Friday afternoon. This makes my heart skip, but not in a good way!

    BUT, BUT, BUT, joy of joys, washing machine was fixed yesterday, so can now catch up with the laundry. The only downside is the amount of ironing! I am folding very carefully though when it's all dry! The guy that fixed my machine said he never tires of seeing the smile on womens faces when their machines are back up and running! Bless.

    Saturday was fabulous. Got up late, went for a massage, then off shopping and back in time for the rugby on Saturday. Great game :-)

    Going to the Driving Range tonight, haven't been for ages and have also planned some pitch and putt for the weekend.

    I want to feel inspired Chris, I really do, but sometimes, Life just weighs down on you and it's a struggle.

    Ho hum. The sun's shining (intermittently) and I'm seeing Special Friend tonight, which makes my heart skip.

    Insofar as doing things properly, I'm asking for golf lessons for Christmas!

    Thanks for the welcome distraction all.

    Jo - I'm sooooo excited for you. One of the girls at my club is due to have her baby in the next couple of weeks too.

    Smiles and hugs all,

    S xx.

  17. At 01:47 PM on 25 Sep 2007, Q wrote:

    Well said Prof Plum

    I agree whole heartedly :)


  18. At 01:53 PM on 25 Sep 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Afternoon everyone

    Wow what a Tuesday post Chris.... enjoyed the advert on the website as well - cheers.

    My sister is doing her CBT on 2nd October over in Wales the same day her daughter takes her driving test...

    My maxim for driving is drive to arrive - and never to break the 2 second rule.

    Mind you I did take the IAM test and the Diamond Advanced Motorists test a few years ago and the amount I learnt from the observers on my driving skills just can't be retold - I think everyone should do either the IAM or ROSPA test as the next logical step to improving their driving.

    Once you've done your CBT Chris will you be taking your IAM test as well - as an inspiring person others may take your lead.

    Phoenix stepping off very tall soap box as she is very small!!!

    over and out

  19. At 02:02 PM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:


    For your next day out why not try a Brands Hatch skid frame they are BBRRRIIILLLL

    Basically you sit in a car with a "Skid frame" attached to it, you drive round the course and the instructor makes the car skid by raising it of the ground using the Skid Frame"

    Make you pack up before you go, don't take it in the car though as it will end up all over the place. Drive out there have a great day and learn loads about controlling skids

    Then on the way back have some fish and chips to round of a great day out.

    Great show Chris. Keep your pecker up (Guiness is good for that apparently) keep up the fab work


    Adam From Sudbury

  20. At 02:16 PM on 25 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:


    Wow you have a lot on your plate - BUT ...

    Confucius he say ... Life is too short for ironing! Hang it up carefully when it's wet and fold it nicely when it's dry. Avoid the middle man. Guaranteed none but the very pickiest will notice.

    I've been to the driving range once - it was really good fun - great for venting your frustrations!!!


  21. At 02:19 PM on 25 Sep 2007, mwk wrote:

    Hi Chris

    It was still a great show last night, thank you xx

    I need to make some changes in my life, I'm just not sure what I want to do. I know I need to change my working environment, if I were to discribe where I am now I would say it is like walking into a darkened room with no lights!

    Hey maybe I should switch the lights on - if only it were that easy!

    Sammie - How awful for your boss to treat you in that way! Make sure you are standing very close to him when you are ready to throw up! Don't give up on your dream of going to Crete - stick with it! Hope everything else settles for your soon {{{hug}}}

    Gaby - I nearly choked on my lunch reading your bed story! Good luck with the job hunting!

    Missy - how are you? Haven't seen you on for a few days. Hope you are ok.

    Hazel - Have a fantastic holiday xx

    Have a good day all.

    Mary xx

  22. At 02:27 PM on 25 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    Can't remember the last time my heart skipped.

    Anyone watch that Ken Loach film on Channel 4 last night? Can't remember what it was called but the woman in it was fab.

    MfR - I know what you mean about Nigella, but I still think her food looks delicious. That eton mess she made yesterday looked scrummy. Let us know what the Pattie Boyd book's like, I'd love to read it.

    I've read the first chapter of the new Harry Potter to my youngest son, pretty good so far!

    Hope to tune in at 5 (I keep misssing the show due to childminding duties!)

    Em xx

  23. At 02:38 PM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:


    Wee village in Suffolk?

    Been there, but that's not a story I like to repeat unless I've had MUCH to drink.


  24. At 02:45 PM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Chris sounds like a brill day. Learning is fun and achieving your goals even more fun. Not as much fun as going round a roundabout a minimum of 3 times but hey!

    Mange tout x

  25. At 02:56 PM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Sudbury - "wee village" in Suffolk?

    It's a market town ("tow-en" if you're a local), birthplace of the artist Thomas Gainsborough and where I live.

    I love it!!!

    CtD x x x

  26. At 03:35 PM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Aw, CTD,

    I wasn't trying to be bad! I'm Scottish! Was Quaint wee village to me. I understand fully though, that it is flourishing market town.

    Loved the market town while I was there, hated the rest of the experience which was NOTHING to do with the town or the regular people there.

    I thank You.


  27. At 03:37 PM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:

    missy - pop over to ole Russell Brand's Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R2 blog and check out his newest pair of rootin' tootin' cowboy boots. They're awesome baby!!

    Hope all's well. Not blogging as much as I'd like due to work getting stoopid busy - but that's a good thing!

    I'm a-lurkin' in the wings tho ....

    CtD x x x x

  28. At 03:58 PM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:

    dogwithnobrain ..... no offence taken, at all, absolutely. If ever you wanna come back down to good ole Sudders just let me know and I'll show you the sights. It'll take all of oooooh 2 hours then we can hit Bury St Edmunds or even big bad scary Colchester - they've got shops and everyfin!!

    I've never been to Scotland but have arranged an itinerary for someone to visit Edinburgh this weekend and it looks fantastic!

    Will have to try and get up there myself at some point in my life.

    CtD x x

  29. At 04:03 PM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Sudbury (Wee-little town)

    Only moved here from Leeds a couple of years ago, loving it, 5 mins walk in any direction and I'm in the middle of the country side, Relaxation or what.

    The people are great and you don't have to pay for parking.

    Big Hi to CtD


  30. At 04:11 PM on 25 Sep 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Heart is beginning to skip a little as I only have 51 minutes left before my HOLIDAY!

    Hoorah hoorah hoorah so see you a week Thursday...thirsty already!


    ps Plum, agree with Q. Every time.

    Forty nine minutes...

  31. At 04:14 PM on 25 Sep 2007, Moose wrote:

    I am determined to do my "Back to riding" course in the spring and buy that motorbike next year. It's about 15 years since I rode and I don't think getting straight onto an 800cc bike is very wise after that long. I have already been to the dealer and decided what I want, but then discretion won over temporarily and reminded me that late September is not the ideal time of year to buy a bike.

    I have to agree that learning to ride a bike makes you significantly better as a car driver. While there are some nutters on bikes, the biggest dangers to normal bikers are still nutters in cars.

    As for packed lunches at the weekend, they usually signal long walks with the mooselets and very good days!
    Maybe we should all just make packed lunches as a habit at the weekend, and THEN decide where we are going to go and what we are going to do to justify having made it?


  32. At 04:20 PM on 25 Sep 2007, Moose wrote:

    Just caught up with yesterday...

    HL and Missy - I do believe you have been day-dreaming about me?

    On the other hand, maybe it's only in my own day-dreams that I'm a leather clad hunk...


  33. At 04:25 PM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:

    'Get doing the things that make your heart skip people' I like it. I been reading what you have written in the last few days away. If you convert to God then you might pack a church or two - good stuff...have you thought about what might be your next career?

  34. At 04:25 PM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:


    I never take offense life is too short. Been to Scotland several times love the highlands and around Ben Nevis, many a time I spent there training for rock climbing before hitting the French or Swiss alps and the Himalaya's.

    Not many rocks in Suffolk, let alone Sudbury. Still get up to Leeds to see my folks and a bit of rock climbing though.



  35. At 04:27 PM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hello Adam - welcome to the Blog! See ya down t'Kingfisher sometime (but hopefully NOT in need of your services!!)

    CtD x x

    PS: Hazel - are you clock-watching babe???

  36. At 04:29 PM on 25 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    It's not easy having no wall in your kitchen, but thats another story.

    Q. Thanks ya'll

    HL. Have a nice time in Greece. I'ts all Lamb Stefado for the next week.

    Knitters out there live dangerously and start an Arran jumper.

  37. At 07:54 PM on 25 Sep 2007, wrote:

    MWK- Hi I'm ok, my computer has been rubbish at posting the last few days to hoping today will be better. Been exhausted the last couple of days as saw the fella on sunday and we went out for the day and ofcourse its caught up with me now.

    CTD- Will have a look at Russell's page. Love his radio 2 advert . They are really funny!

    Sammie- blimey everything is going on at the moment. Hope everything gets sorted.

    Moose- Can't stop thinking of you!

    Hope you are all well abnd would like to say well done to Norwich on the monopoly game. Same spot as Trafalgar Square, not bad. Ofcourse it will always be Park Lane to me, Love to you all,missy x

  38. At 08:44 PM on 25 Sep 2007, BigBump wrote:

    Evening all, have tried to post last wo days but stoopid pc kept freezing seems to be ok now tho!
    Jo just wanted to say best of luck and Ill be keeping a lookout for your big announcement next week! Ive got three n a half weeks left so hopefully I wont be far behind you, oooowwwwwww

  39. At 11:27 PM on 25 Sep 2007, neil wrote:

    Not sure what school you went to in warrington but they are shutting down woolston High school. Not a good sign

  40. At 11:35 PM on 25 Sep 2007, neil wrote:

    Not sure what school you went to in warrington but they are shutting down woolston High school. Not a good sign

  41. At 08:47 AM on 26 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Happy Hump Day, one n all.

    It's a beautiful day here on the Essex/Suffolk borders. A fresh autumnal morn with just a slight nip in the air but a golden sun beaming down. Real wellies on and trudge over the fields weather, but hey ho - I'm at work!

    MfR - I soooooooooooo thought about you last night whilst watching Mr Oliver cooking up a maelstrom in his greenhouse. Although we have never met, I have a mental image of you and last night my mind was consumed with images of you screaming "no no Jamie" at the tellybox whilst Mr O lovingly shew (Suffolk speak!) us what to do with our chillis:-

    "Mr Chilli has a loving relationship with Mr Tomato, then when you introduce that cheeky monkey Mr Garlic - BOOM! - delish ...." and so it went on. Right up to introducting us to that "juicy little fella - Mr Avocado.

    Mr Diva and me were in hysterics, eagerly awaiting the men in white coats (or at least Mrs Oliver) to come and calm the poor boy down. Obivously, the capiscum from his chillis had permeated his pores, this is the only possible explanation.

    Puzzlingly brilliant telly!

    Tonight, it's The Restaurant. My tv highlight of the week. And fish and chips. After chubby club!

    Adam - no rocks in Sudders? Have you never been to The O*k on a Friday night? PLenty of rockin' going on in there (and other things that aren't really for here!)

    Righteo, let's hope this gets thru the BP. Long busy day ahead so will pop back later to catch up with y'all!

    CtD x x

    PS: you and I are gonna live forever
    PPS: leaving on a jet plane

  42. At 09:35 AM on 26 Sep 2007, j wrote:

    Hi all,

    been and still am so busy at work so am playing catch-up, very, very slowly.

    Just wanted to catch HL before you go off on hols - thanks for asking, but not moved in yet, looks like mid October. Getting very cold feet now though, looks like I might not have bought before because it is one step too far down the road of responsibility!

    Have a great holiday... jx

  43. At 10:09 AM on 26 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    I know I'm sad, but if anyones interested, MPW is presenting a show on QVC (shopping channel) at 11 am!!! Gutted I can't see it!!

    Morning all.


  44. At 10:13 AM on 26 Sep 2007, Stu-W wrote:


    Gotta start my driving lessons soon, on four wheels but still getting my heart racing. So nervous! Not as nervous as the pedestrians currently fleeing from the streets of Belfast at this very moment, but still . . .

    Stu :-)

  45. At 11:12 AM on 26 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello CLP & ALL Blog Operatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I've got a joke that got blog ploiced yesterday. Don't know why, maybe they thought it's just too silly but I hoped it would bring a little bit of joy to one or two people, so i'll try again.

    First just want to say I agree with Prof. Plum on eccentric people. The world would be a dull place without any and anybody who' afraid of making a fool of themselves and hence stay in their shell DON'T!!!!!!
    Be eccentric and enjoy life more being who you want to be.

    Oh well here's me JOKE :

    Errrr..... errrr..... errrrr..... mmmmnnnn..... yes..... no...... yes..... yes...... errrrr..... errrr.... sorry I can't remember what i've come on ere ter write about.........

    I've got WRITERS BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok bad joke but i'm trying, get it writers block!!!

    I give up!


    PS I've got some very funny jokes i'll put on the blog soon if the BP allow me and I ain't talkin' BP i'e' British Petroleum.
    PPSNo naked flames blog friends, if it is the BP..... errr BP!!!!!

  46. At 11:16 AM on 26 Sep 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning all!

    Really is a gorgeous morning here - always makes things seem better - don't you think?

    Wacked a few balls at the Driving Range last night, imagining they were my boss's head! That's therapy for you!

    Decided that as it had been such a pooey day, that I would have a Chinese takeaway for dinner, instead of going to Fat Fighters. So me and kids had a lovely hour around the table chatting and scoffing.

    Special Friend is lovely and really makes my tummy do flip flops (not butterflies - but flip flops!), so I had a lovely time with him.

    ALSO - have decided to stop drinking during the week. Feel very smug that I have managed two nights (and been out on both of them) without even a snifter and actually not even being tempted! :-) (That's a smug one!)

    Came in this morning and was at my desk for 10 mins before boss and I talked to each other. Then, halfway through a teleconference, he jumped up, put his coat on and picked up his keys. Thinking there was something terrible going on, I asked if everything was OK. "I'm taking my daughter to the dentist" he replied. Hmmm, I'm not allowed to be off work ill, but it's OK for him to take time off to take his daughter to the dentist, when his wife doesn't work!!!!!!! Ho hum - never mind. Today IS another day and there's still work to be done.

    Ona positive note, I feel much better and also the 100's of issues we had to firefight yesterday have reduced significantly today.

    Thanks for the comments and hugs, Missy, MWK and Tinsel.

    HL - have great hols! We'll miss you, but I bet you won't wish we were there!

    Have a GOOD day all,

    S xx.

  47. At 12:04 PM on 26 Sep 2007, David Maund wrote:

    Hi Chris, This will sound quite strange and I dont know if you will ever get to see this but hear me out ! I had an idea for a TV show, its simple but brilliant. It will be bigger than deal or no deal. It came to me last night and dont ask me why or how (because I dont know myself) but I know for certain that it involves you. I was telling my fiance about it this morning and that you were the only person I would speak to about it and as I mentioned your name, a picture of you appeared on the TV on This Morning....

    Im not a nutter, I think this all sounds crazy myself but it makes my heart skip, and I'm doing it !

    Give me five minutes Chris, if you dont like it walk away. I have a feeling you wont


    David Maund

  48. At 12:05 PM on 26 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Ah Sammie, glad you're feeling better today!
    HL - have a fantabulous hols!!
    Bingo .. have you found Des O'Connor's joke book??? :-)


  49. At 01:01 PM on 26 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    Hi all! The blog I usually visit is broken. Would it be alright if I play here?

  50. At 01:43 PM on 26 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hey RJD - welcome to our playground! We're a friendly bunch and can get pretty playful .....

    CtD x x x

  51. At 01:51 PM on 26 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Ola one and all

    Bingo bless you my son. Some may say eccentric some may say mad.

    Oh this post by David Maund sounds mysterious.

    I wonder if you can win a speed boat though?

  52. At 02:01 PM on 26 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Happy Hump Day Everyone!

    Hope that you are all well, lots to do so better be off and catch up later.

    Meanwhile, I'll try to think of something that would make my heart skip........

    Debbie xx

    PS. Nearly wished Mr Debbie a Happy Hump Day this morning and just stopped myself. Wouldn't want to build his hopes up ;-) xx

  53. At 02:03 PM on 26 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Happy Hump Day Everyone!

    Hope that you are all well, lots to do so better be off and catch up later.

    Meanwhile, I'll try to think of something that would make my heart skip........

    Debbie xx

    PS. Nearly wished Mr Debbie a Happy Hump Day this morning and just stopped myself. Wouldn't want to build his hopes up ;-) xx

  54. At 03:40 PM on 26 Sep 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Wahhhhhhh my entry got a 502 error......

    I've now forgotten what I said too.

    Have a great hump day everyone


  55. At 03:40 PM on 26 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    RJD - alwight errr.... feel free ter join in the bloggin' fun.
    The only problem you'll 'ave ter get past the blog ploice.
    The blog ploice are alot less scary than the real ploice, for example i've never ever 'ad a fixed penalty notice off the blog ploice or 'ad me particulars taken after unfortunate incident with Tiger Woods.
    But 'aving said that, the blog ploice do still scare me.

    PS - Debbie 'appy 'ump day ter you too & everyone else - any camels involved in this 'ump day thingy????!!

    PPS RJD 'ope my ott comments 'aven't frightened you away from the blog, i'm sorry but i've been just a little unbalanced since I got thrown out of the circus after failing on the high wire!!!!!!

    Chow ter all!!!!!!!!!!

  56. At 03:51 PM on 26 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    RJD - alwight errr.... feel free ter join in the bloggin' fun.
    The only problem you'll 'ave ter get past the blog ploice.
    The blog ploice are alot less scary than the real ploice, for example i've never ever 'ad a fixed penalty notice off the blog ploice or 'ad me particulars taken after unfortunate incident with Tiger Woods.
    But 'aving said that, the blog ploice do still scare me.

    PS - Debbie 'appy 'ump day ter you too & everyone else - any camels involved in this 'ump day thingy????!!

    PPS RJD 'ope my ott comments 'aven't frightened you away from the blog, i'm sorry but i've been just a little unbalanced since I got thrown out of the circus after failing on the high wire!!!!!!

    Chow ter all!!!!!!!!!!

  57. At 03:58 PM on 26 Sep 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Wahhhhhhh I keep getting 502 errors when I post......

    I've now forgotten what I said too.

    Have a great hump day everyone


  58. At 09:52 PM on 26 Sep 2007, John Cox Fatshady wrote:

    Hi Chris I have a Hi vis Bike does it count? How can I mail you a pic?

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