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Chris Evans | 15:38 UK time, Thursday, 28 June 2007

In the office right now and all the girls are huddled around the smallest portable telly you've ever seen watching...

... Tiger Tim. He's putting his fans through a living hell. Down 1-2 (sets that is) he's now pulling all the way back and playing like a man possessed.

I do like Tim. The Mac is up to the commentating, the sun is shining, we've just been sent some spanish cherries here to the office and life is sweet. Apart fromthat very quiet for a Thursday afternoon.

Just been listening to a show on radio 4 about getting married all over the world. The best three were... under water - where you hold up signs to say "I do."

You can also get married on the isle of Mauwi under the title "just got mauwied 1"

But my fave, by miles, is tied together on a bungie and when it gets to the crucial bit you both jump and shout, "I doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!" Brilliant.

Oh no, I've just spotted the "I Love Musicals", c.d. I hope none of the girls see it, otherwise that'll be it.

Tim's just tied up the fourth set and Lopez looks like he's about to cry, I'm off to put the kettle on and settle down to see Tim trample over lady-boy-Lopez.

CLP 2007.



  1. At 03:51 PM on 28 Jun 2007, wrote:

    CLP - all this talk of impending events and now your top 3 marriages .. are you sure there's nothing you want to tell us loyal bloggers?

    Tiger Tim is agonising to watch - but brill at the same time!

    Happy Thirsty Thursday.

    CtD x x

  2. At 03:53 PM on 28 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Oh, good grief Christophe, that means I have to immediately stop everything I'm doing, rush to the other office, interrupt the meeting to tell my boss that he has an extremely important telephone call.

    I can't watch the tennis on my pc, but he can on his...


  3. At 03:58 PM on 28 Jun 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    CLP - there seem to be quite a few references to marriage on the blog lately ....... are you trying to tell us something?

    jillygoat x

  4. At 04:28 PM on 28 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Oh what happened to Tim, it looked so promising for a while. He just ran out of steam. Maybe next year!!

  5. At 04:49 PM on 28 Jun 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Chriiiiiiiisssss you were going to tell us all but you haven't.

    All this talk of weddings are you and your lady golfer getting hitched and you're thinking of going somewhere really special?

    Sorry about Tiger Tim - never mind - how did O'brien get on with her second round match?

    Please play Sunchymes by Dario G for me

    All the best

  6. At 04:52 PM on 28 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    what a surprise Tim lost! I have to say I'm not surprised and the little bit I did watch Lopez was brilliant.
    Just phoned the benefit people about my appeal for incapacity benefit, they said it could take up to 6 months before I hear anything! I'm trying not to cry. So if you work it out 6 months it will be Christmas, better start knitting everyone's presents!

    Jilygoat, I'm thinking the same thing about Chris talking about marriage. 3rd marriage maybe?

    Whoo hoo I am sooooo going to see the Spice Girls! They all look so amazing and how great does Emma B look? She is definatly having a boy! Catch ya later, alex xx

  7. At 05:26 PM on 28 Jun 2007, caroline bunn wrote:

    Just listened to your bit about extreme weddings. My husband and I got married wing walking on biplanes!

  8. At 05:31 PM on 28 Jun 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoof & ALL Blog Friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Aye CtD I heard your mention yesterday live on the airwaves of the UK - great gobsmackers yesterday.
    I was driving me truck on the A1079 from Beverley ter errrr York at the time. And I don't mean Beverley Knight, I mean the town in Humberside. I'd just been going mental playing air drums on me steering well, sorry wheel, ter the new Kaisers tune. (by the way CLP HIT- The Kaisers new tune- spiffingly beautiful percussion).
    Then came on CtD gobsmackers- the Stones tune was WROCKIN'!!! I nearly crashed me truck 4 times playing air drums again, ter the Stones. I'm just damn glad I had an automatic. It's the only thing that kept me on the road- am tellin' yer!!!
    Great one CtD!!!!!

    PS CLP I was listening ter Sally saying about the cycling she's going ter be doing soon for charity. She was asking advice about how not er get saddle sore.
    I used ter do alot of cycling when I was younger- I've still got the iron legs ter prove it and the knobbly knees!!!

    Sal the only way ter prepare is start training know Sal. It'll make it easier come the time for your big journey. At first if you've not cycled you will be abit saddle sore for a couple of days but if you train each day and build it up by the time you do the ride in, was it November?, you'll not get sore at all. Also if it's up hill at all yer need abita strength in the thigh muscles ter power up.
    And more advice Sal - drink lots of water and/ or isotonic lucozade and you'll be like a spring chicken on a cycle- am tellin yer Sal!!!!!!
    DO NOT DEHIDRATE SAL!!!! + Bananas too!

    PPS CLP - The bungie- I no way could do that friend. If someone payed me a million pounds I still wouldn't do a budgie, sorry bungie jump.
    I don't know how anyone could- feeling dizzy just at the thought blog friends.

    Chow Blog Dudes!!!!

    PS Chris man any chance of playin' Flashlight Brown- Cycle- beautiful tune friend, especially the geetarrrr riff!!! Tarrr!

  9. At 08:54 PM on 28 Jun 2007, Plum stone wrote:

    Hi one and all

    Well the shake and vac lady on la radio... wow thought she would have been dead by now from the toxic fumes given off ...... Shake and Vac and collapse on your back. When you pass out your friends do too smoke it in a roll up, loo roll will do.

    Well looks like I will have to leave Great Britain as the Spice girls are set to return. Why don't they just call themselves Tarts r us and we can't sing.

    I'm nice really x

  10. At 09:51 PM on 28 Jun 2007, clodagh wrote:

    D'oh. Blogged in t' wrong place.

    It's me age. I can never find me car keys, keep goin' upstairs only to wonder what I've gone up for and it wouldn't be the first time I've found the milk in the dishwasher.

    Plus I've now discovered that, after the distressing experience a few years ago when I went to see me doctor about Womens' Problems, only to come face to face with the spotty youth I once snogged at a school party and therefore emerged with a bottle of ear drops, the new locum went to school with the daughter.

    Bugger. Now I'll be in me dotage and at the mercy of some little gurrier who's probably felt the back of my hand for aimin' his football in my sunroof. D'oh.

    Anyway what did I want. Oh Yes.

    Is it me or are Victoria Beckham's puddings in danger of not just boilin' over but exploding like a pair of unpricked black puddings.

    What with this and them black trolleys, the last time I saw a sight like that was when I got Ronaldo the Clown and his Balloon Tricks to the daughter's birthday party.

    The balloons could sing better, too.


  11. At 05:40 AM on 29 Jun 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Good moaning, Hope you are all well today my blogging compadres.

    Can't say I'm excited nor surprised by tigger Tim, as much as I admire his tenacity and determination, he's never gonna win it nor even get into week two anymore. Shame as I would've loved to see a Brit win Wimbledon.....maybe young Mr Murray could do it one day????

    missy - I have to agree with you, wow, Emma Bunton looks amazing, she's always been the one for me. VB still looks like she's the sober one at their drunken party tho' doesn't she? Just on the edge looking in.
    Don't let them get you down re your benefits. try to be positive and I'm certain you'll get what's due in time x

    HL - how's the box filling going?
    clodagh - very funny re the GP, how embarrassing. Did he remember you?
    CLP - hmmm, are you being cryptic or just playing along with the is he isn't he vibe?? Either way, good luck with whatever you and said girlie are planning (if anything)

    Work's hectic at the mo', far too much going on. Whatever happened to sleepy little Norfolk??? hmph

    Gardien de la paix


  12. At 08:46 AM on 29 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Alas CLP - Tiger Tim failed to roar as much as the fans willed for him...

    But is that a red herring to all this marriage talk? Eh?? I looks like it's a topic that's top of the mind at the moment!

    Two tips - It's I do not Do I? And it's "lawful wife"...not "awful wife"...I couldn't stop laughing at our wedding rehearsal when I was thinking of that old pun...

    But as somone who's approaching his 5th month of marriage, it's well worth doing!
    Come on Tim! (Sorry....)


  13. At 09:38 AM on 29 Jun 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Gingembre. I'll say he remembered me.

    What was worrying was that he regularly got detention after chemistry lessons for puttin' tadpoles in the centrifuge, settin' fire to the teacher's toupee with the bunsen burner and shuttin' peoples' heads in the fume cupboard.

    And you think I'm goin' to Just Pop Up On The Couch with HIM. Not bloody likely.

    Mind you. Confucius He Say. Rape Impossible. Woman with skirt up can run faster than man with trousers down.

    Well now. It's ARF and I think I might try my luck with a nice tune in honour of the Genius daughter whom I'm deserting yet again for 2 weeks in West Cork and thus will be cut off from sensible civilisation and surrounded by people called Finbarr.

    Wish me luck. I'll need to get past CLP's butterfly net. I think he thinks I'm a bit daft and might carry a knife.


  14. At 10:02 AM on 29 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Bonjour Christophe et mes petits. Il pleut et il vent. Beaucoup pleut et beaucoup vent. Et le pleut seems set to continue for the weekend. Oh joy. House removals in the pleut. But at least we have cars and will not have to do the move in a boat or similar.

    Gingembre, in answer to your question, all mine are. The boy has yet to consign anything of his to anywhere. He has packed masses of stuff, but as yet, none of his cr*p or clothes. He also stated last night that he wants to calm and methodical tomorrow. I would estimate that this includes suddenly realising that he still hasn't packed any of the afore mentioned...thank you for asking...

    ...and Clodagh, especially for you (there's a cue for a song if ever I heard one...)

    Gordon Brown has finished announcing the members of his new cabinet. As follows:

    Chancellor: Bushy Spice
    Education: Ballsy Spice
    Culture: Petri Spice
    Chief Whip: Dominatrix Spice
    Justice: Haystack Spice

    They will each be earning approximately Β£4,000,000 in their first year of office, except Dominatrix Spice who will also be granted an extra Β£37.75 wear and tear.

    Anyhoo, work continues apace (other speeds available) so I guess I should get on. For those of you planning to drive into Brighton over the weekend, I would consider giving Eastbourne a go instead...

    Poor old Timmy...sob!

    They should call it Wimbledon Pleutnight

  15. At 10:11 AM on 29 Jun 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Lordy Lordy - Clodagh, you do make me laugh!!!

    CLP, I could HEAR you blushing last night when you were talking to the Co-op lady!!!! Very funny.

    Hazel, hope the move goes extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemely well and that you are very happy in your new home.

    Have great (if wet) weekends one and all - I don't think other types of weekend will be available!


  16. At 10:40 AM on 29 Jun 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    I have been reading the blog all week, but haven't contributed - sorry!

    Chris, the good news for me is that I will be on holiday for the next two weeks and should have every chance of hearing the show most days, so I'm looking forward to that!

    We can't go away this year due to being poorer than a church mouse, who's wife has just left him, taking all the cheese. (Blackadder of course!) Still, I am o.k. about it and we have decided we are going to be "Glasgow tourists" and really get to see the place. There are some fantastic museums and architecture in Glasgow, but I never have the time to look at my own city. So, that's the plan.

    Clodagh - you are hilarious. I love reading your comments. But everyone on the blog is doing a great job, I will try harder to contribute!

    Missy - I can see you love the Spice Girls and I do understand - I hope you get tickets. But for me, Geri behaved very badly when she abanoned the group and indeed all the fans who had been paying her handsome wage. I don't forgive her for that and I just couldn't go to see them for that reason. And, poor Victoria Beckham - she actually looks like a freak - I do believe she is desperately unhappy.

    Sorry to moan!

    Have a great Friday everyone!

    C xx

  17. At 10:58 AM on 29 Jun 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Hazel. Hurrah nice one very funny.

    Mind you I'm more excited about Jackie Charlton as Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Secretary. I wonder if he'll substitute Ed Balls early doors, or if he'll keep him on to take the corners.

    And how reassuring to see that Gordy has started as he means to go on behind closed doors at no.10 by yesterday playing Name That Cabinet, and then this morning we hear he has Lined Up His Cabinet.

    Hurrah! That'll be the popular Thread-The-Spoon-And-Fork-Tied-Together-With-Hairy-String team game. First team to get said spoon and fork out the other end, up the womens' clothes and down the mens' (and no cheating by discarding the string vest), wins.

    Excellent. I can't wait to see him take on David Rubberband at the Flour Cake Challenge.

    Must go, off to West Cork on Sunday for 2 weeks at the behest of the cousin Barry and I've just remembered I need to find me puncture kit for the company wheelbarrow.



  18. At 11:04 AM on 29 Jun 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Friday greetings..........
    Ms Love this french rain you're expecting..... is it of the red or white vintage?

  19. At 11:23 AM on 29 Jun 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    err ...... abandoned!

    C xx

  20. At 12:06 PM on 29 Jun 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    OMG thank you everyone you have made so many funny comments this morning.

    It's a very nice sunny day down here on the south coast - blue skies. This means that when I am on the stall tomorrow at the fete it will be tipping it down!

    I think Katie O'Brien did very well yesterday in getting to the 2nd round of Wimbledon shame she wasn't mentioned as much as Tim. Even Terry this morning was going on about the only British player in the second round - is it just me.

    Can I moan about inconsiderate drivers on the roads on a Friday - KEEP CLEAR means don't park your music blasting car on it! Grrrrr

    Off now to enjoy the outside whilst I can

    Bye Bye bloggers until Monday


  21. At 12:39 PM on 29 Jun 2007, wrote:

    No - Not sure I fancy getting married under water!

  22. At 12:51 PM on 29 Jun 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi all,

    I think summink strange has been happening with my posts of late. I have tried, honest and they were all terribly important/informative and essential, so much so that I can't for the life of me recall what I was rambling about, never mind it'll come back to me, eventually....
    Does that happen to any of you, you can't remember something no matter how hard you squeeze your brain, then in the wee small hours it comes back like a flash causing you to sit bolt upright and announce it very loudly causing shocked rabbit in headlights look from your beloved.

    I once had been having terrible trouble remembering the name of the sock puppet that had Shari Lewis attached to the other end, then about 4 am there it was, himself not too pleased as I sat up and yelled LAMB CHOP at the top of my voice, and me a veggie - I ask you.

    I think I may be a little odd, still I guess that's better than being a big odd whatever one of those is!

    I shall try to be more active blogwise than I have recently, damned work, it does get in the way don't it.

    I really have blogged several times in the last few days but I think they have been during that strange twilight zone spot just as the blog is updating with CLPs latest missive.

    Wishing all a great weekend, my fella and I are going for a huge pub dinner tomorrow night as a farewell to being able to smoke, we both smoke, not masses, but I do so hate being told what I can and can't do. OK, the flame thrower I used to carry around Tescos (are there any other stores available?) may have been over the top.

    Anyhoo take care, have a good one, one and all

    Oh well here goes, hold nose, close eyes, press post

  23. At 12:52 PM on 29 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Dear Phoenix. Am wondering which South coast you are on. Spain possibly? It's TIPPINNIT DARN along here!

    ...and wilsmar (hi hon x) anything'll do! Me and the boy have liderally only just been paid, to have been told that we have got to come up with a deposit after all, so now we are turtelly skint. Am fermenting water with pickled onion and an oxo cube as we speak. You can hope.

    Tinsel, thank you sooooooooooooooooo much me darlin!

    ...and to everyone for all your good wishes...

    I know that there are loads of you who may think 'it's only moving house' but it gets terribly wearing when you keep having to do it, (5/6 times in two years) especially through no fault of your own...and it doesn't get any easier as I'm sure some of you know.

    Really thank you to you all, you're such a great bunch, and thank you Christophe for bringing all these lovely people together! A tad gushy I know, but I mean it...

    Indoors if wet

    ps to all those in flooded areas, my heart goes out to you, and I hope you manage to get cleared up and safe again very soon

    pps Clodagh, have a lovely time! Is it really true that they don't have snakes in Ireland?

    Em M, hope you're feeling better, and SammyM, if you're there, hope everything is going ok x

  24. At 01:24 PM on 29 Jun 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    hi Hazel

    Dorset is the answer and it's still nice out there - I've been down to the bank in just a t-shirt and trews but not a black cloud in sight.

    I really feel for all those who are not so fortunate.

    Good luck with the move - I've still got one or two boxes in the garage from my last move that are just storage and haven't gone any further.

    Does anyone know someone who collects chocolate advertising mugs - I have a few stashed from the 80s.

    Must dash

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