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Chris Evans | 15:20 UK time, Tuesday, 29 May 2007

It's not me you see, it's a friend of mine whos says...

... he was in a swimming pool over the bank holiday weekend, apparently it was one of the driest places he could find, when a coach load of lovely elderly people, mostly ladies, arrived and took to the water. And why the devil not ? Good for them ! However there is a caveat to all this...

He did say that, as they hit the water, with them came a huge waft of perfume, the type such ladies take to wearing, apparently the cloud was so substantial it permeated into the water.

I can only imagine what this was like, not pleasant for one second I'm sure. Now where do they get this perfume ? And do they know it's not nice, is there a time in one's life when this perfume starts to smell like nectar and you just don't know until it's your time to find out. After all cardihans are becoming more alluring to me with the passing of every day.

What an unbelievably wet weekend, I was as wet, at times, as I have been for years, great fun though, real good fun.

A big dinner at my mums yesterday and then sweat it all out again in her living roomfor two hours immediately afterwards, I swear my mum's house is hotter than the equator.

Back at work now for a short week from heaven, four shows to go, let's get on it. Work wise that is.

CLP 2007.



  1. At 03:41 PM on 29 May 2007, elmlea wrote:

    HI everyone

    Very wet w/end in Wycombe, even the cats got blown over and refused to leave the house.

    Sunny today now we are back in work, where is the justice in that!

    Have a good short w/k everyone


  2. At 03:53 PM on 29 May 2007, wrote:

    What a very wet weekend!!! It's rained on me wherever I've been, all the way down the M40 and back again, in Warwickshire, in Brighton, in Leicester and then again this morning when I was out walking the bears..... shhhhh! there's a break in the clouds!

    Only 4 days to go and it's the weekend again hoorah!! Now counting down to the Puerto Banus girlie week away.... 10 days and counting...


    ps did anyone see the fireworks on Sunday night?

  3. At 03:58 PM on 29 May 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Bless you Christophe, Mummy's Little Soldier. Now fasten that cardy, you'll catch yer death.

    Listen. Don't talk to ME about Old Trouts and perfume.

    My mother Renee is bloody lethal with the stuff, and the more potent it is, the more she loves it. There's not a bluebottle in Wigan will go near her bathroom without its inhaler, not to mention the tits in the garden that found themselves gassed by Vivienne Westwood's Boudoir after she mistook the bottle for creosote.

    My old Dear Departed Father used to refuse to bring her any back from his rugby travels. He used to say she would work her way down the street with it, squirting the neighbours into submission and then claiming it didn't go very far.

    And another thing. Don't you just HATE it when some Danny La Rue lookalike make-up consultant accosts you in one of the posh knob stores like Haemorrhage's or wherever, looms over you like a cross between the Grim Reaper and the nit nurse and blasts you in the eye like you'd just stepped off a cattle truck on the way to the abbatoir.

    I swear. Next time that happens I'm goin' to take out me M&S custard pie and invite her to sample THAT.


  4. At 04:04 PM on 29 May 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    It is all true.

    Many times have I been happily swimming away only to be overcome by fumes - something akin to a strange blend of fly-spray and furniture polish - as one of the old dears takes to the water. And it really does knock you for six.

    There was me thinking that you are supposed to shower before swimming....

    Oh well. Short week. Weekend. Busy week. Road Trip.

    I would wager that it'll be a touch dryer and slightly warmer in Death Valley.

    Peace & love


    PS Don Van Vliet

    PPS Dachau Blues

  5. At 04:17 PM on 29 May 2007, Suppressed wrote:

    It's us grandkids that keep buying perfume and cardigans for our "what do you buy" grandparents as presents. Maybe we should be more creative. Saying that, last year I bought a pair of racing grannies on zimmer frames, that you wind up. They caused such a laugh.

    Not quite 40, and refuse still to wear cardigans.

    It's wet out there, but I'm still happy.

    And what do you do when you're married to someone who has become mentally ill. I have been offered a no strings attached one night stand, which my body physically really needs. As things don't happen anymore. But I can't go through with it - it's still being unfaithful?

  6. At 04:22 PM on 29 May 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    ooh my, am I first?

    Old ladies - better they smell of smelly perfume than of wee!

    I can still remember the smell of my grandma's handbag when we used to go and visit her - an 'old talc' smell, mixed in with sweets missing their wrappers and old brown bananas she'd been saving for us, bless!!! Those were the days - miss you grandma!!

    Have good ones all.


  7. At 04:24 PM on 29 May 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    CLP - lovely to hear from you again and glad you had such a good BH weekend.

    I think most of us are now suffering from trenchfoot and rising damp due to the inclement weather, but hey ho, we should be used to it.

    I hope we don't lose our sense of smell as we get older ..... could be embarrassing. Still, good on the old girls for taking to the water in the first place!!!

    jillygoat xx

  8. At 04:36 PM on 29 May 2007, harl wrote:

    What a fantastically cold and wet bank holiday weekend! Not only was it too wet to do any gardening, it was too cold to go on a family outing (usually 5 hours in hot car on the M6), too cold and wet to do any decorating or clear out the garage; too cold and wet to spend a fortune at the garden centre or at the shops! The worst holiday weather since records began meant that I could do nothing but eat , sleep & read the papers; except yesterday afternoon when the weather was just perfect for sitting in the local pub watching the footie final on the big screen. Brilliant, that's my idea of a break!

  9. At 04:49 PM on 29 May 2007, wrote:

    Christophe, it's called 'Tweed' byt Lentheric. My pusscat Bean (now sadly long deceased) used to come home practically awash with the stuff, having spent a sunny afternoon on an old lady's lap at the British Legion flats up the road.

    If they aren't using 'Tweed' then you can bet it'll be 'Youth Dew' by Estee Lauder. I just hope that those who use it aren't thinking that it is going to do exactly what it says on the tin...

    My nephew once asked why I use baby lotion as a moisturiser. I told him that I was trying to recapture my childhood.

    torkin bart my generator

  10. At 04:52 PM on 29 May 2007, wrote:

    don't you just love granny perfume!!!!!!
    What a dire weekend weather wise, i didn't venture out at all apart to go to waitrose yesterday, i think most of norwich also decided to have a trip there as it was so busy!
    got rid of some more stuff on ebay, need to sell some more stuff now as need the money (my incapacity benefit as been stopped, see blog for details) so trying to think of ways to get money without tiring me out!!!! ARGH! Hope you are all well and chris will listen in the show in a few minutes! love to you all, missy xx

  11. At 05:21 PM on 29 May 2007, De Sm wrote:

    It's probably the ' and I will wear purple ' syndrome... bless em..

    Sense of smell changes when you get older ..

    Maybe they don't know :)

    D x

  12. At 05:28 PM on 29 May 2007, John wrote:

    Hmmm thats incredible, I just got back from taking my elderly mother to buy some Guerlin. Smells fantastic, very expensive though and not stocked at the ordinary riff raff shops. While we are on the topic of elderly ladies habits. What in OBI 1's name posseses these creatures to spend their youth cramming their feet into badly fitting shoes and then. And then, like some awakening they realise in old age, they are now equipped with a toe pointing to every corner of the compass and its time to proudly display this magnificent achievment by wearing sandals. AAHHHHHHHHH. NOOOOOOOOO. Buy some BIG BOOTS for goodness sake. And stop wearing Pop socks as well.

    Just a pet hate sorry for the rant

    JK Nonegreen

  13. At 07:56 PM on 29 May 2007, Em M wrote:

    Do you know, I love that smell! I must be crazy. I think its because my son is allergic to all things perfumed that I crave things that smell pretty. I love walking past my friend's house when she's just hung her washing out, I'm barmy I know!

    Childminding course is over apart from the First Aid and the exam. Got a potential customer coming round on Thursday, I feel a bit nervous but excited too, like I'm embarking on a big adventure.

    My 10 mile walk went well, it didn't rain until the last half an hour thank God. My lovely mum-in-law ran me a bath when i got in, I can't remember the last time anyone did that.

    I haven't left the house for the last two days, just been pottering; catching up on the housework and playing The Sims on the PS2 with the kids. Bliss!

    Looking forward to catching up with your blog missy, sorry to hear abour incapacity benefit

    Em xx

  14. At 09:41 PM on 29 May 2007, fraught wrote:

    Chanel no 5 and Cornish Violets. Pungent memories of my lovely nanna. This kind of memory will vanish off the face of the earth all too soon, as our children are so gobby these days, that our generation will not be allowed to carry on the tradition!! The question is however............ what sensory memory will they have of us. Much rather manufactured and bottled than urine!

    ps- dear suppressed- if you can enjoy as opposed to obsess about your 1 night stand, then go for it!

  15. At 11:47 PM on 29 May 2007, Mrs Robinson wrote:

    Lights action ...... oh hello

    Pefume can't live without it darlinks.

    Give me a little John Paul every day.

    But if Bands were to have their own perfume that could be more interesting than wearing Posh Spice.

    Imagine wearing Bowie or U2.

  16. At 11:53 PM on 29 May 2007, Mrs Robinson wrote:

    Lights action ...... oh hello

    Pefume can't live without it darlinks.

    Give me a little John Paul every day.

    But if Bands were to have their own perfume that could be more interesting than wearing Posh Spice.

    Imagine wearing Bowie or U2.

  17. At 06:47 AM on 30 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:


    Hope you're all well, I've just seen the first peep of sunshine come through the Norfolk greyness which has made me smile.

    I had to work during all the rain this weekend, apart from Monday when we took the ankle biters on Thomas the Tank along the Bure Valley railway. I actually thought our son was going to explode when Thomas emerged from the steam, and as for when the fat contoller spoke to him......

    missy - I'm sorry to hear of your benefit issue, I'll check out the full story in a mo'
    I assume you mean the Waitrose at Wym? I passed there over the weekend whilst at work and the car-park was rammed full??

    Work has been great, I'm back on full duties, the knee is feeling loads better but I am still wary of it. The only problem was that when I put my uniform back on it was a bit snug??!!

    I'm very excited as I'm off to Wembley on Friday for England's first ever game there - and it's against Brazil.
    ...and Becks is back - woohoo, he's brill and I can't wait to see the stadium and the game.

    Re: old people's aroma. I was only asking MrsW the other day that when do oldies stop wearing deoderant? I go into a lot of houses of the elderly through work and there's always this waft that always greets me which I cannot describe.

    anyway, we are meeting friends today who are up from Portsmouth. Can't wait as haven't seen them for ages.


  18. At 08:18 AM on 30 May 2007, wrote:

    Morning all

    It is a worry the whole - getting old thing. These ladies may well over do the perfume thing but the clincher for me is getting the hair wet - when I start swimming with my head rigidly held above the surface of the water, or even worse, wearing a flowery swimming hat - I'll know I've got there.

    Good show yesterday, the guy who was talking about doing something different got me thinking. It's true, perhaps I should go swimming when I get home rather than slump in front of the TV.

    Absolutely beautiful day here in Northshire - though I think some of the plants I put out at the weekend may have copped the frost. C'est la vie.

    Choux fleur. xx

  19. At 09:12 AM on 30 May 2007, wrote:

    heh heh heh heh! Have just realised...

    I've brought in a cardi to wear today! It's my lovely cuddly warm poorly cardi that is usually teamed with my fweecey blankey and all the remotes on a Sunday afternoon or a sick day!

    My, but it's snug!

    ...now...a nice cuppa tea and a fig roll should just about sort this morning...aaaaaaah...

  20. At 10:03 AM on 30 May 2007, wrote:

    My Gran'ma was the first person in our family to get colour telly, and also the first person to have a remote control as well. This consisted of a walking stick with which to lean forward slightly to depress her selected channel changing push-button. She couldn't use the stick to do anything about the brightness, colour or volume unfortunately, not enough dexterity to turn the knobs...but that is what me and my brother were for apparently...

    Other news.

    Is freezing cold again sarf o' the darns this morning. I had to put the heating back on last night! What is that about please? Is it Wimbledon Fortnight already?

    forty thirty

    ps please see if you get the chance...thank you for your time...

  21. At 10:23 AM on 30 May 2007, wrote:

    No Gingembre it was Waitrose in Eaton! The best one!!!!

  22. At 10:55 AM on 30 May 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone),

    Yes, the subject of getting old - very frightening, but what's the alternative? I have now lost three of my siblings, my brother being the oldest to die and he was only 65. It's not much of an innings is it? I do hope I will wash if I get to old age, but I think it's such an effort then!

    Hazel Love - Youth Dew! Ye gods, my beautiful mum adored the stuff! I had forgotten all about it.

    Clodagh - were you mentioned on Terry Wogan this morning? I'm sure I heard your name and certainly the letter sounded just like your writing!

    EmM - you ARE about to embark on a big adventure! Well done - you are changing your life is a huge way, you must be quite chuffed with yourself!

    Suppressed - oh, this is a biggie. I couldn't for a moment judge you badly on this one. Life must go on for those who can live it to the full and I don't see this as being unfaithful. The only thing that would stop me is that I could not just have a one night stand. I know it would mean more to me than that - I'm one of those people that get so emotionally involved. But, if you know you won't feel like that, then I say go ahead and don't feel guilty - you are entitled to happiness (and other stuff!).

    C xx

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