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Chris Evans | 13:27 UK time, Tuesday, 10 April 2007

You know the caveman used to...

... have to work as long as it took to put food in the mouth of first him and then his family, defend his village and find a woman in the begiining to do all this with.

As civilisation took hold, it appears somewhere along the line we, i.e. most of us, have been given weekends off, for which we are eternally gratefull... HOWEVER....

After such a blissful long weekend this morning and as I was squeezing the last droplets of holiday feeling from whatever I could, the following thought occured to me: Since technology is making everything easier and quicker and more efficient, why have we stopped at just having Saturday and Sundays off. Isn't it time we redefined the week? Can't we now, in general please note, announce that the working week is ready to come down another day.

In a society that needs to spend more time getting back to the more natural, important basic things in life, why don't we give ourselves more time to do it.

If you won the lottery, you would no doubt take a wee while off to smell the roses. Well in a way, as a race, compared to the poor cavemen we have won the bloody lottery, so why are we all still working Mondays.

Four highly productive days at work, three life enhancing days at life.

CLP 2007



  1. At 01:45 PM on 10 Apr 2007, Sally wrote:

    May I commend the idea to the House?

    Have a great day


  2. At 01:48 PM on 10 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Good afternoon Christophe! What a fabulous idea, shrink the working week! However, having had a lovely long weekend in the shunsine, enjoying the d-lights that the Easter weekend bestowed upon us. I will need a pay rise to cope with an extra weekend day! Easter has been redefined in our house as a time when you can easily spend one months money in four/five days, but what a fabulous time!!

    I trust all the loyal bloggers and shloggers had a good Easter break (if such a thing occurred for you specifically) (I also hope that none of you work for B&Q (other DIY stores are available) as it seemed to be company policy to open at ohmigod o'clock over the weekend (Easter Sunday excepted of course)).

    Only four weeks to the next long weekend!!!

    DD out

    PS Moose eggs!

  3. At 02:37 PM on 10 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hi Christophe,

    "Chris Evans for prime minister"

    What a great idea about the working week - and it is not just an idea to work less but it does make sense when you say it like that - Ever though of runing for parliment you could be the 'Drive time less work more play' party or DTLWMP party (umm doesnt really roll off the tongue does it - will have to work on the name!)

    still got a little holiday feeling as my other half said that because he had to work over easter we are making next weekend our easter & heading off for a few nites away... bliss..

    fairwell for now

    p.s DTLWMP party needs you....

  4. At 02:57 PM on 10 Apr 2007, Delilah wrote:

    Oh Chris, if only you knew how long I had been campaigning for the 3 day working week!

    I believe it would actually maximise efficiency and I'm sure I'd far rather be giving 100% for 3 days of the week than 35% for 5-7 days of the week - no-one is really with it on a Monday or a Friday anyway so why don't companies cut their losses and do their bit for the environment by only being open Tues-Thurs? Everyone's a winner!

    Ah, well, only 2 more hours to go xx

  5. At 03:11 PM on 10 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Yes it was a lovely weekend...over far too soon...

    I should like to second your idea Christophe, if not third, fourth or fiftieth...

    ...and did anyone hear the chap on Jezza on Friday...talking about shops being open all year...how 'everybody should have the right to shop when they want to'...if this had been on around your birthday, Chris, I'd have thought it was an April Fool. The reason he was giving was our 'multicultural' society...so shops should be open ALL THE TIME just in case your religion, colour, gender etc etc forbade you or inhibited your abilities to get to the shops ever...just wondering if anyone has been to a predominantly 'other religion' (ie not 'Christian' like the UK) multicultural society country, and noticed that the shops were open on the religious holidays?

    For crying out loud, the shops in Spain still shut for the siesta! Neither religious nor caring about the tourists...who should surely have a right to shop when they like...they're on HOLIDAY! It's too hot...and they shut everything, all day, on the high days, holidays and religious days...except the bars and restaurants, so the poor s*ds working there never get any time off at all...I spec this'd cheer him up a bit!

    Yes Chris, I think a four day week would be lovely, but would you do it across the board? Would supermarkets only be open Monday to Thursday? Or would it be people who are only 'allowed' to work not more than four days in every seven?

    I'm not arguing with anyone especially, but that bloke, saying what he did, as though shopping is a God-given (other deities are available) right! Incensed. Like a blimmin 3-king of orientar.

    Now this seems to have turned into a rant, and I got BP'd the other day by someone for something...

    You never know

    HL out

  6. At 03:17 PM on 10 Apr 2007, Tickle wrote:

    Great idea Mr E and so true of these days for many. Why not give everyone a set number of hours to complete their work in a week. Keep track of it and then we'd cut down on congestion - as people would go to work at different times, keep up a happy family life, as people could work from home and enjoy life - if its a nice day, work outside, or wait for a rubbish day and make up the hours!

    After a fabbo Easter weekend in the sunshine and countryside, I think I invented a new phrase, "Crying myself to wake up" this morning - so painful to head back to work!

    Hope everyone had a great Easter...and that there's still some easter eggs left to enjoy later - continue the feeling!

    Tickle :)

  7. At 03:19 PM on 10 Apr 2007, Natalie wrote:

    I'm always for less work and more play!!

  8. At 03:25 PM on 10 Apr 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    Completely agree - four day week would be wonderful. Until ....... we get used to that, and then we will be looking for a three day week. Conclusion? We'll never be content!

    My dearly departed dad told me that when he was a young man he worked on Christmas Day - he was a carpenter (he had a great talent) but work for these guys was endless. He worked six days a week: no-one was permitted to work on a Sunday. In Scotland, the only official day off for men in the building trade was 1st January. Must have been really hard in those days. No Bank Holidays - two weeks off in the Summer and one day off at the start of the year. No wonder my darling daddy was kinda cynical!

    But back to 2007 - CE for President!

    Hope everyone had a good Easter break and we're all back, ready to rock!

    C xx

  9. At 03:28 PM on 10 Apr 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Sounds good to me.

    So I've booked Friday off.

    Loved the long weekend so much I have to do it all over again.

    We played golf yesterday. In fact, Christoph, you were ambling along the 4th fairway as we teed off.

    You are a lucky man indeed. No, actually, we played OK. Not bad for first time out in a few years. A beautiful course, fantastic weather and the club captains for company.

    I may well be doing this again. Very soon.

    Much love to one and all.

    Have to get to the gym tonight and burn some of the weekend off.


    PS A bottle in front of me

    PPS Hammer of the gods

  10. At 03:31 PM on 10 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Just glanced out of my cell, sorry, office window and up at the sky to see a cloud that resembled the shape of an elephant. I had a temporary Banana Splits moment there! "Size of a house!"

    A bank robber was captured by the police the other day on the evidence of the cashier that he stole from. In true bank robber style he had entered the bank with nylons on his head, unfortunately they were tights and not stockings, and he was recognised by his split ends!!


    DD out

    PS Post-Easter madness that I picked up from the Easter madness sale!

  11. At 03:40 PM on 10 Apr 2007, Tickle wrote:

    Just had a disturbing thought - if we had a 3 day week, then wouldn't we end up with just three helpings of Drivetime?

    Chris - you're talking yourself out of a job, we'll only hear you three days a week!


  12. At 03:47 PM on 10 Apr 2007, gingembre wrote:

    Great idea as usual CLP, you really should run for PM.
    Unfortunately as I'm a police officer we have to work all the time (well the shift pattern given to us) but I'm sure my life will be made so much easier if the majority of the Great British Public are off for 3 day a weeks and are far more relaxed with it?
    Get upto anything exciting over the 4 day break? Was looking forward to a good story to read.
    My knee is on the mend, cartilage appears to be healing well, went out without crutches today - wahay!
    Bonnet de douche
    KW x

  13. At 03:57 PM on 10 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hi CLP & Bloggers

    I don't know about anyone else but I seem to be working more hours now than I've ever done and so do most of the people I know. There's not enough time in an ordinary week to get everything done let alone cut it down to 4 days! Technology is making it easier to spend more of the time working... we travel to work (used to be free time) but what with "hands free" phones and blackberries this is now often work time. We don't have to wait on receiving letters any more as emails are instant.

    I'd love to be able to work 4 days a week but truly those 4 days would have to be 48hours long....

    Still it's nice to dream.... "This time next year Rodders!"


  14. At 04:13 PM on 10 Apr 2007, Sm0key wrote:

    Counld'nt agree more!

    Why do we work 5 days weeks?

    Causes chaos in rush hour, weekends and bank hols

    We should be on 4 days weeks, maybe 4 on 4 off, and all staggered so all of us are not off at the same time.
    In todays society with so many poeple, and with modern communications methods we dont need to be off at the same time as all our friends and family..

    We all get pushed at our jobs to work harder and be more efficiant, this probably has the opposite effect of making less focus'd on the job.

    5+2 days weeks are out of date
    Tho doubt they will change anytime soon hehe

  15. At 04:14 PM on 10 Apr 2007, jt wrote:

    That is the best idea yet, mavellous, yes yes yes I say why not I am constantly board at work, I could easily do a 4 day week. Bravo CLP

  16. At 04:15 PM on 10 Apr 2007, Elmlea wrote:


    I work for a large american company (other jobs are available) in the accouontancy department so had to work Fri and Mon (but at home - yeah) because the accounts must be finished.

    So missed having the extra days off but at least got to sit around in joggy bottoms etc rather then my sytlish yet affordable suit.

    Oh well, week booked off in May - here I come.


  17. At 04:26 PM on 10 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Welcome back Chris - oh yeah rock n roll - four day week sounds swell to me. Hope all the bloggettes and you Chris had a good one - me, I - what did I do? Must have been good eh?

    Ciao x

  18. At 04:27 PM on 10 Apr 2007, john wrote:

    Once you win the lottery do you stop caring enough to do anything, or do you devote your time to good works? I only used to work about 10 hours a week in my last job and I hated it so I left and I work 50 hours a week now and am much happier. Perhaps I am just confused as is often the case having read MR E lol.

    JK Nonegreen

  19. At 04:50 PM on 10 Apr 2007, Peni wrote:

    Yes Chris, I think a four day week would be lovely, but would you do it across the board? Would supermarkets only be open Monday to Thursday? Or would it be people who are only 'allowed' to work not more than four days in every seven?

    What a brilliant idea. Everybody would do shifts, so the shops/offices etc could still open 24/7 if they want to, and if you really wanted to you do more shifts. well you could, and then you would get double time for bank holidays.......oh hang on, don't we all do that anyway?

  20. At 05:40 PM on 10 Apr 2007, EG(Scotland) wrote:

    Great idea Chris. Although at the moment I would quite happily settle for working 5 normal days - rather than condensing the equivalent of 7 into 5 and only getting paid for 5! What if I had to condense 7 into 4 and only got paid for 4! YIKES!!!!!

    I still like your idea though.


  21. At 05:41 PM on 10 Apr 2007, Susan wrote:

    I do this already, but still work full time.

    I'm a staff nurse working 12.5 hour shifts, so 3 days at work and 4 days off every week. It's wonderful gives me lots of time to spend with my husband, pets and think up excuses for not going to the gym.

    Of course it helps that I love my job. I've had jobs where the thought of being there for 12.5 hours would have made me cry.

    I'd say if anyone gets the chance to work longer but fewer days go for it. The work life balance is much improved.


  22. At 06:22 PM on 10 Apr 2007, Simon wrote:


    Well I apologise in advance for what I am about to say - swimming very much against the tide of the rest of the blog today methinks - but I couldn't disagree more!

    We in 'the west' are, to say the least, comfortably off and can 'afford' to work less but the majority of the planet is still struggling to make ends meet. Many are still enduring caveman conditions and the hope of technology making their life immediately easier is laughable.

    I cannot wait to hear what Jeffrey Sachs is going to say in Reith lectures this week (Radio 4). I hoep you're going to be listening CLP! Recognise how lucky we are. Easy, well paid (relatively) jobs, comparative safety, access to drugs when we fall ill. As the intro on the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ website says, 'the world faces challenges on an unprecedented scale - the destruction of the planet through global warming, terrorism, extreme poverty, disease and bad governance.'

    OK lecture over. A nice long bank holiday weekend quaffing a glass or two and enjoying the company of friends or family is lovely but let's be thankful for what we have.

    Happiness is a journey not a destination.


  23. At 06:28 PM on 10 Apr 2007, kaz wrote:

    here here christophe

  24. At 06:57 PM on 10 Apr 2007, Jo wrote:

    Christopher my love. I do just that. I am a teacher Tueday through Friday and a wife and mum all day everyday. So we like it - a sensible work/life balance. I works for me !

  25. At 07:31 PM on 10 Apr 2007, SammyM wrote:

    Hey Mr Christophe......

    Isn't that why you goy the big elbow from Radio 1 all those years ago - Suggesting a 4 day week???

    I always said you were ahead of your time!!!!

    Love ya babe xx

  26. At 07:33 PM on 10 Apr 2007, wrote:

    I totally agree bring on the four day working week. I think its time to start a campaign Mr Evans.

    Please see my post on the subject at:

  27. At 09:06 PM on 10 Apr 2007, becky wrote:

    sounds good but surely this would make Tuesday the new Monday! were would it end?

  28. At 09:28 PM on 10 Apr 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    #27 James - just checked out your site. Well done for getting it off the ground.

    People should take a look and support a new blogger in his endeavours.


  29. At 11:36 PM on 10 Apr 2007, Little Sue wrote:

    And there's me having an argument at work about part timers who chose to take time off and work say 3 or 4 days per week.

    And they still expect to get the same number of bank holidays as full timers in lieu! Us full timers need an extra day now and then. I was told by one of these part timers that the law states they are due the same number of days - whether contracted or not!

    Where is the balance.

    I have since checked - and they are entitled to the same pro rata days. So if 8 bank holidays are given to someone working 5 days a week, then 4/5 of 8 days are given to someone working 4 days a week etc, etc.

    I can't wait until I get into work tomorrow and put this person right and deduct her extra days off!! That will teach her for trying it on!!

    I hate working class tryers oners!

  30. At 07:29 AM on 11 Apr 2007, Pig Pen wrote:

    It's a great idea... but sadly not currently financially viable. I don't get paid for working X hours, or Y days... but I can see questions being asked if I took 3 or 4 days away from work - and my salary would be reduced accordingly (assuming I wasn't sacked!).

    I for one could not afford that - I can barely afford living with the current 5 day week.

    I can remember being at school (and I'm 40, so it's not *that* long ago) and being in "Humanities" lessons (do they do that any more?). They would talk about how we were moving to more leisure time and less "at work" time. Unfortunately, economics got in the way. Now you have to work more hours - and have both partners in a relationship - working in order to have what our parents had. So life is going in the wrong direction really.

    I mean... how many first time buyers of a house - for example - can afford to buy that house on the same terms as even I could 20 years ago (by myself, with no financial help from my parents)...

    So you describe Utopia, but unfortunately we are going in the opposite direction.

  31. At 07:47 AM on 11 Apr 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Happy Humpers all!!!

    Little Sue, I hear what you're saying about things being "fair and equal" but chill out honey, we're talking about a difference of 2 days a year. I fear you would lose more than that in productivity by making an issue of this matter.

    Carrot and stick management by all means, crack the whip on the important issues, but keep your powder dry for those important issues only, otherwise a happy workplace is a productive workplace.

    My wife works part-time (3 days a week, Monday-Wednesday) and because she knows that her department is going through a busy period at the moment, end of year accounts, etc. she has offered to go into work on Thursday this week to assist, given the Easter break. It's about being professional and appreciating when the extra time would be of benefit to all parties. She builds up goodwill with her employers, her employers are more inclined to assist when she needs to change her hours for things she wishes to do. Give and take all round.

    DD out

    PS Snarf Snarf

  32. At 08:23 AM on 11 Apr 2007, Lily wrote:

    I've been thinking along this line for years. Can't persuade the bosses though :-(

  33. At 08:28 AM on 11 Apr 2007, Peni wrote:

    Pig Pen - I bought my first 'house' - well, it was a flat, couldn't afford a house - in 1978. Nobody could afford to buy property then without borrowing from parents and/or relatives. - I don't believe it's any harder now than it was then.
    I know there was a property slump about 15 years ago, but even then, you had to be quick, and if you didn't make it in that small window of opportunity, you still had to mortgage yourself up to the eyebrows, and apart from that brief period, it hasn't really changed,

  34. At 11:35 AM on 11 Apr 2007, wrote:

    I thought of something really profound to write on here after reading all the above comments. I though as I was writing it, that I would talk myself round in circles...I ended up not being able to articulate what I was trying to say without sounding like some communist/anarchist/istist/ so I scrubbed it.

    I feel it was a fine idea in principle, but would possibly need an entire team of economists to work out the sums, and a small handsome boy (other sizes and appearances are available, obviously the beauty is in the eye of the beholder and would be relative (other family members are available)) to fan me with a leaf from a Swiss Cheese plant. (Other cheeses that grow on trees aren't available).

    Anyhoo, I erased it.

    Which is possibly what I should have done with this.

    Ah well.

    The sun is out now. At least where I am I can enjoy it, even at my five day, 45 hours per week job. In fact, I'm just gonna pop outside for a quiet smoke...and watch my birdies.

    I'm a lucky gel

    twiddley diddley dee

  35. At 11:48 AM on 11 Apr 2007, Little Sue wrote:

    Dissing Dave - I was offloading slightly - and hence I have come into work all calm and professional.

    Some people - you give an inch and they take a mile - they wind me up. They work to the minute of their contracted hours.

    I am more inclined to give more to those who don't ask - but work hard, and are flexible.

  36. At 12:03 PM on 11 Apr 2007, Jill wrote:

    Hi everyone - after a long absence from me....How CLP kept writing the blog when he was spending a lot of time with a special person in hospital I just don't know!

    I'm in tune with DD's philosophy about flexible working, putting in the hours needed.

    In response to comments about us versus other areas of the world that are struggling, I remember the Dalai Lama commenting:

    How is it that the smaller our families, the larger the houses we have?

    The more labour-saving devices we have, the more we complain about being too busy?

    We can fly from one side of the world to the other but don't cross the street to see our neighbours

    Food for thought.

    Hugs and neighhourliness!


  37. At 01:41 PM on 11 Apr 2007, Alison Roberts wrote:

    Im voting for you to be next PM !! Bloody good idea !!! x

  38. At 02:07 PM on 11 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Whilst at work, I have blue tits on the fat balls.

    Like I said.

    I'm a lucky gel.

    Blue tits on the fat balls
    Told a tale on you-hoo


  39. At 04:18 PM on 11 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:


    If we only worked four days, we'd only get paid for four days...

    I agree in principle, it would be great to work four days - it's called part-time!!!! And for those that do work part-time, like many of my colleagues, they fit 5+ days work into four, which is precisely why I didn't reduce my working hours. Yes, I still work overtime (unpaid), but at least I get five days of pay.

    Some Government smarty pants is probably reading this and thinking - yes, let's give them a 4-day working week, but they have to work 24 hour shifts instead....

    In principle Christophe - great, but in reality - not practical.

    Doom Monger over and out,

    S xx.

  40. At 05:57 PM on 11 Apr 2007, Pig Pen wrote:


    Thanks for reminding me why it's best not to comment on stuff like this. "off topic" springs to mind.

    Suffice to say that whilst it would be great to do this, yer average bloke/lass/family it's pie in the sky.

    Take your current "Mr works 5 days, earns Β£X, missus works 5 days, earns Β£Y"... one or both wish to reduce hours/days, then Β£X + Β£Y is no longer likely to equal Β£Z, and not many banks are going to be happy to support that for more than a few days...

  41. At 06:47 PM on 11 Apr 2007, Hellen wrote:

    I love your idea Chris, as long as you are still on the radio 5 days a week - how would I get through the day without you?!

  42. At 09:40 PM on 11 Apr 2007, Georgie wrote:

    Hey Chris,
    Didnt you come up with this idea a few years ago when you asked for Fridays off?

  43. At 09:00 AM on 30 Nov 2007, Ade Edmunson wrote:

    Has anyoneone, even you Christ lamby pie, got any idea what the heck this Hump Your Way To Happiness song is about? Driving me crazy. Heard it last night in a bar in Manchester. Stupid thing is stuck in my head

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