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Chris Evans | 16:32 UK time, Friday, 27 April 2007

This morning I was engaged in the action of SHEEP...

... shuving

I have a bit of bumpy grass that will best be sorted by two sheepies. The two sheepies in question were currently short on grass and having to live off feed, well not anymore, not as of one o'clock this afternoon.

They have numbers, their land has a holding number as does their new home. All these must be transferred, like a car log book, and then they can get to work.

Should have taken a photo, it was hilarious, penning them in and then "persuading" them to "get in the back of the van !"

I will see them again tonight in their new surroundings, hopefully alrerady a little less grassy.

Yetserday we also found twelve pheasant eggs, in a border in the front garden. Mum seems to have gone, so any tips on emergency incubation would be welcome.

The chickens still haven't laid but are a lot happier than when they arrived and certainly much happier than when they were on the battery farm where they used to exist.

All this and the gym and show prep. and a haircut. My hairdresser, a dark mysterious type, a smiler, gentle like an affectionate auntie and handsome, oh so handsome. He spends all day fighting them off but he says there's always room for one or two more and of course should that ever so special lady ever come along he says he wouldn't think twice about hanging up his hat once and for all.

You wanna see him....

The sun has said hello to the second half of the day here in London, all is well and we're about ready to take the reigns from Mr. Wright and his possy and get on with another "you're in charge-ALL REQUEST FRIDAY."

It's not rocket science but it's a great gig and it leaves several million people smiling.

See you Monday cats.





  1. At 04:48 PM on 27 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Soooo glad to hear they are ex battery hens Chris. have a good one and happy weekend to one and all.

    haricot vert xx

  2. At 05:03 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Steevie fae Dundee _+ Glas wrote:

    Howdy Chris and fellow shloggers

    Today's Friday frivolity Chris you may particularly appreciate as the topic is
    "corpseing" (or is it corpsing or even corpse-ing). You may enjoy it in a schadenfreude point of view. Maybe you "corpsed" on TV once in a while, I can't say I can ever recall but..........

    I spent an entire morning laughing my head off at this. It was originally sent to me as a one-minute attachment in an email but I've come across an extended version.
    It is in Dutch but that is irrelevant as you will see.
    It purports to be about the affects of medical blunders. Normally I wouldn't laugh at other people's misfortunes but in this case I couldn't help it. Anyway, I wasn't laughing at High-voice.

    There is conflicting "comment" on youtube as to
    whether it is for real or not. The sniping between
    the Danish and the Belgians quarrelling about it makes the
    Scots vs English seem tame by comparison.

    How and ever, real or otherwise it brought tears
    to the eyes. I haven't laughed so much in ages.

    It does help to know that about 1min 50sec in,
    the man with the high voice is describing how it has
    affected his love life and after you hear him saying 'sex' then the Danish for 'physical' he says that "the sweet talk counts as well" which causes
    another round of.... ehm ..... "unprofessionalism"
    worse than the first. There is a 6 min version with sub-titles
    but I think this one (3 mins, no subtitles) is the best.

    I assure you, it is still funny after 30 viewings
    (not one after the other, spread over two days - haha)

    I had a "not feeling best" day yesterday but
    another couple of viewings of this and the
    "I just want to funk and dance" link I posted Monday,
    (Message Number 10 for those who missed it)
    and I was all the road again. In fact I was wandering in to town today humming "I don't want to funk and dance" AND laughing at High-Voice. Anyone seeing me must have thought I was daft............


  3. At 05:04 PM on 27 Apr 2007, dave innes wrote:

    maybe first to respond good day to one and all off to work 12 hr night shift everbody have a good one tonight

  4. At 05:12 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Steevie fae Dundee _+ Glas wrote:

    P.S. : Can HIGHLY recommend "Life of Others", that film in German with subtitles about the Stasi (etc) that is in cinemas just now. Absolutely
    superb. But the viewing I saw today didn't have subtitles until 10 mins in which I think was a boo-boo cause suddenly part way thru a dialogue the screen suddenly changed from being TV square-sized (which made people look 'stretched') with no sub-titles to letter-box with sub-titles.

    Fairly stretched my knowledge of German !

  5. At 05:13 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Gloria wrote:

    Chris, I'm not really sure about this as the memory's not as good as it once was, but ...

    My Dad used to keep pheasants and chickens and I think had trouble with the pheasants sitting on the eggs long enough to hatch them. (did you know that some varieties can be quite valuable?).
    If he had what he called a "broody" hen that wasn't laying, they could sometimes be persuaded to adopt the pheasants' eggs to hatch. I kinda think it was sometimes successful, and you got hens ...

    You may wish to take some more reliable advice, of course, so would there be a breeder anywhere near you?

    Hope the sheep are enjoying themselves!
    Good weekends, everyone!

    G x

  6. At 05:13 PM on 27 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Hmmm ! Hairdresser sounds scrummy, any chance of a look?????

  7. At 05:48 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    CLP - I LOVE ARF!!! Really sets me up for the weekend!

    Thanks gang


    P.S. Partay's over for me
    P.P.S. Headscarf required this evening
    P.P.P.S Long ago, high on a mountain in Mexico..

  8. At 05:55 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Danny Dayglow wrote:

    What`s going on Chris?

    What`s going on?

    What`s going on Chris?

    COME ON...

    DD x

  9. At 06:39 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    I'd have to consult Ye Olde Booke Of Ancient Byelaws, but I'm sure that 'Sheep Persuading' is an offence of some description.

    Any road.

    Have a wonderful weekend one and all.

    We're doing a whole bunch of bugger all.

    How nice is it when you get home on a Friday and have a gaping hole called the weekend in front of you. No places to be, no timetables to stick to.

    Oh, and fine weather, to boot.

    Much peace & love


    PS Heroes and villains

    PPS Smile!

  10. At 06:44 PM on 27 Apr 2007, claire wrote:

    Incubating pheasent eggs?- don't go there. I had a broody hen who emergency incubated a clutch of pheasent eggs and they were a nightmare!! Confused mother hen who didn't understand silent chicks (pheasent chicks remain silent to confuse predators, hen chicks are noisy and talk to Mum).

    They were very flighty, caused havoc getting out in the street. 2 battered themselves to death on wire netting - not nice.

    Best bet is maybe just to leave the eggs be.


  11. At 06:47 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Sir Smedley Smyth Smarty wrote:

    Hey, I know I`m new to this, but I know something is going on!

    What exactly is going on?

    What`s happening, and why?

    So many years. So much of his life. So much waisted time - why?

    He`s just an ordinay bloke.

    Come on CLP. Be a man, come clean.

  12. At 06:53 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Mrs JONES wrote:

    Bless your heart Chris for rescuing battery hens. I dare say they might sit on the pheasant eggs.

    Otherwise they are quite nice poached....

    Sheep now too, goodness me what next

  13. At 07:13 PM on 27 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Chris a pal of mine has three rescued hens and believe me they don't look anything as healthy as yours - but they are laying and enjoying a neighbours garden. They peck and grub as if they are born to it - nature or nurture?

    Shameless self promotion methinks

    Have a swell weekend.

    Choux fleur xx

  14. At 07:54 PM on 27 Apr 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Me too ARF rocks................

    ..De Smith x

  15. At 07:59 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Mandy wrote:

    Hiya Chris

    On the subject of your pheasant eggs you can indeed put them under a broody hen and they may hatch. They do kind of lie dormant for a while until there's a whole clutch but 12 would be a fair few for any hen to sit on. Your best bet is to get an incubating lamp and/or box and put them in there. Apart from anything else it's a handy thing to have for anything from baby hedgehogs to eggs. The trick here is constant temperature, but don't expect all 12 to hatch or indeed any.

    Glad to hear about the battery hens. I rescued 6 and they didn't know what to do with themselves at first but soon settled in and mightily enjoyed country life! They were very good layers but not good sitters as they were used to having the eggs swiped out from under them.

    Ducks next? Would advise against Guinea Fowl. Noisy and dumb but good to roast!!!

    Have a good weekend

    Mandy x

  16. At 08:20 PM on 27 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Chris and the drivetime posse leave several million people smiling, at the end of each week.. roll on monday I say for more happy times! :)

  17. At 10:13 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Jacqui L. wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Absolutely loving your show!!! It's outstanding, although I'm afraid I have a complaint. ;-)

    After you spoke about the wild garlic on your show, I've spent each and every drive to and from work peering through the windscreen trying in vain to find some. None to be seen unfortunately, I'm very disappointed.

    Keep up the good work.


  18. At 11:13 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Bit tipsy, been for a "burn" at my neighbours house, left hubby over there, huddled round the burner with his buddies, I had to bring the kids back to bed.

    As always a great show tonight, I've had a stressful week so it was good to chill out with a glass of wine and some good tunes.

    My hairdresser is gorgeous, i have a cut and colour every 5 weeks for Β£25, I bet you can't beat that! We talk about anything and everything, I love her to bits. Do you prefer a man or a woman to do your hair?

    So when are you going to play Rumbly in my Tumbly? I promise you it stands the test of time.

    Em xx

  19. At 08:41 AM on 28 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Good morning one and all...

    The sun is shining beautifully here in Norfolk today.

    Em M, hope this makes your hangover disappear nice and quickly.

    I have just received an email to tell me I've been successful in the ballot for tickets to England Vs Brazil at the new Wembley in June, I'm in such a good mood.

    I have nothing to add re: hairdressers sorry, used the same bloke for years, always have a laugh, best in Norwich, hello Peter. (He ran the London Marathon last week)

    Good luk with the eggs n stuff, sounds like you've been given loads of great advice, hope you have a great wceekend.

    Got a kiddies party to attend today with my 2yr old son. My eldest daughter is 10 tomorrow, that makes me feel old. Taking her ice-skating.

    Mange Tout


  20. At 12:36 PM on 28 Apr 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Holy Moses one and all

    I saw a funeral pass by on the road the other day. It was a horse drawn hurse, the horses were wearing black feathhers on their heads too.
    Someone remarked "Wow bet that cost a few thousand. I could not help but think the
    dead person in the box could not really careless.What else are they going to spend it on.

    We are so lucky to be alive and although our destiny is not all we might hope it to be, we go on,another day another dollar.

  21. At 08:05 AM on 30 Apr 2007, Ian & Avril Smith wrote:

    Hello Chris, Janine and all the Drivetime team!

    Looking forward to this very special 'Children in Need' weekend!

    Very exciting!

  22. At 09:08 AM on 30 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Blimey look at that, Monday already!

    Really (h)enjoyed the show on Friday...the bit I heard before I rushed out to get the train to my friend's birthday party, anyway...much fun had by all!

    Chris...I read 'shuving' as being some ancient old country word which is only used when talking about sheep. Having read on, I take it you meant shoving, as in pushing..? You need to get some of those special wellington boots with the strap and buckle on the front...and if you ask the guy in the shop nicely, he'll tell you how to use them...

    No idea about the pheasant eggs. I'm still sad that the beautiful pheasant that was hanging around here has disappeared. He was all in his spring plumage too, so I hope whoever got him appreciated what they had!

    Happy Lunes Day
    May Day tomorrow
    Hump Day after that

    ps She's my baby

    pps Reggae-reggae sauce

    ppps The wrong thing

  23. At 10:07 AM on 30 Apr 2007, harl wrote:

    I'm amazed that you have time for sheep, pheasants, chickens, dogs etc. We had a dog once but just didn't seem to have time to fit all its needs in between work, kids, schools, shopping, holidays etc - it had to go to a loving home of a local widow who spent all day pampering him. It may have been Friday's blog that made me aware of them, but sheep have appeared this weekend in the field along the edge of our housing estate in a scene that looks just like the picture in the developers brochure - message - your new house will be overpriced and on a big estate but you will still be living the country life. I didn't actually notice any of the sheep moving ; may be they re just in place for a photo shoot for the next phase, reminds me of the cows of Milton Keynes.

    Fantastic weather again this weekend, great excuse for a walk to the pub & sit drinking in the sun from late afternoon; never seems like it was quite such a good idea the following morning though!

    Is it any coincidence that the energy companies are announcing price cuts, just in time for everyone turning off the central heating & setting up their BBQs; you can bet the prices will go up again in October! Not that everyone will benefit from the price cuts, on the news this morning they say that those people who are on meters will not have a reduction ie those who can least afford to pay will pay the most. And its not just the energy companies; a couple of months back we had a letter addressed to the ex husband of a previous occupier (who had never actually lived at the property), it was from a debt collection company & was very threatening in its tone. A call to the company to point out the error - "Oh, thats fine just ignore it, we just send those letters anywhere we think the debtor may have connections". An old person receiving such a letter in error would probably have thrown themselves out of the window! Out of curiosity I looked up the company on the internet & for the modest interest rate of 150% ARP they will give poor people a loan!

    Years ago a friend, a high living Scot finding things a bit tight financially, told me how he dealt with such people. "When they call me up threatening this that & the other I tell them - at the end of each month I put all my bills into a hat & the first 3 I pull out get paid. If you call me again you'll not even get into the hat this month!"

    Have a good day

  24. At 11:00 AM on 30 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    I fancy using sheeps in my heidi-style back garden - didn't use the strimmer this weekend but did make up my hanging baskets. I murdered millions of snails too - yuck.

    HL - missed the last few days as have been working from home and don't have broadband.

    I hope you've managed to keep anything else inappropriate out of the loo!


  25. At 09:30 PM on 30 Apr 2007, Elaine wrote:

    Dear Chris,

    The answer to the pheasant deserted eggs and lack of chicken's eggs situation - take the pheasants eggs and put them in the nest of your chickens, they will think that they have laid them and will incubate the pheasant's eggs. 2 problems solved in 1.

    Bye for now, best wishes, love Elaine "en France"

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