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Chris Evans | 14:15 UK time, Monday, 23 April 2007

The last bed was finished this morning, at least that’s what I BELIEVE. I had to go to work before the final seeds were lain. The patch is now in the hands of the God’s and the wind and the rain and the rooks and the slugs and the rabbits and all the other perils that are about to decide it’s fate.

Bought my mum a…

… get well car at Christmas. She was quite unwell and did the good job of getting better. We once had a car she liked although she’d never told me just how much. When I got rid of it because I thought nobody cared about it, it transpired that it was way up there in the popularity stakes, especially with Mrs. E senior. So I hunted down another just around Christmas and hey ho happy getting well mummy.

Now, I have discovered that the new one is not what the old one was and that she thinks it to be more uncomfortable than a bouncy old bus on a bad B road. So, The Duke, as we have fondly named him has to go. The phone call was made this morning and he will be history come the end of the week. I feel quite sad for him actually, it’s like taking a sick dog to the vets and in his eyes you know, he knows that the end is nigh.

His replacement will be a second hand old favourite, a sure fire hit. A floaty ride if ever there was one. Please God let it be all alright.

Well done to those who ran and cheered on The Marathon. Why oh why won’t Milliband stand against Gordy B ? Maybe he knows something we don’t and if you didn’t hear the Morrisey documentary on Saturday then do yourself a favour and listen again.

Just heard the start of Steve in the afternoon. You can say what you like about him but you have to also say he delivers day in day out. As for the Togmeister’s absence this morning, his chest apparently got the better of him, as Lady Wogan’s chest has been doing for years. I understand he’ll be back tomorrow. Bless him.

Suzie who works on the show has just brung me a cup of tea. A ray of sunshine, her and it.

My beard’s getting too long I must go and deal with it.

CLP. 2007 x.


  1. At 02:31 PM on 23 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Happy Monday Chris and bloggettes

    Sometimes a car is not just a car but the car - it's the only one that will do. Many moons ago I had a black VW scirocco and believe me I was the bees knees in it. A few years ago I decided to do the traditional middle age thing and get another one - oh it was dreadful - I'd grown up and they hadn't. C'est la vie.

    Are you going to get some chickens too? You would really have to fox proof the garden then - or you could get an egloo!

    spent half an hour in the pouring rain this morning after a fire alarm sent us all out - just what I needed on a monday morning.

    Looking forward to the show.

    Mange tout, haricot et choux fleur


  2. At 02:37 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Just popping out to find my sons!!!!

    Good luck with the veggie patch.


  3. At 02:39 PM on 23 Apr 2007, wrote:

    ...and not a mention of Saint George's Day Christophe?

    Second-hand cars are where it's at for sure...but with my fiesta as the exception...time to go said zebedee, and it's hanging on for grim death...but it's always said when you have to let go...

    Glad Mrs E is enjoying life again!

    ...and I know I can say what I like about Steve, and I have before. I've never got on with his humour, his presenting style or the fact he is always so terribly patronising and egocentric when interviewing people...but it just wouldn't be good if we were all the same, would it? Yes, he delivers day in, day out, and he played 'The Mighty Quinn' the other day...but I still don't like him. Chances are, he probably wouldn't like me either...

    On that note, I wish you the best for your Saint George's Day show this evening...

    Cry God for Harry, England and Saint George!
    William Shakespeare (Henry V)

  4. At 02:42 PM on 23 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hello CLP and all you lovely bloggers. I've just returned from a week on the piste in the sunshine and it was wonderful, just the start of the birthday celebrations for one of my best mates. It was quite a shock not to have Tel on this morning, I had been looking forward to hearing his sweet Irish lilt on my return but it was not to be. Also I just got the news that Nic is leaving the show!!! I'm not at all happy :((((


  5. At 02:55 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    Hey Chris et al

    I completely agree about Milliband, it has been bothering me a lot I think he would be a breath of fresh air!!

    I am going to London at the weekend to meet my best friend! I am looking forward to it but will miss my little chap! He will love the weekend with Daddy but I will feel bad for leaving him for the weekend.

    Does any parent ever not have that guilt of could I be doing better, or even I know I should be doing better!!

    Its hard enough trying to get your own life right butthe pressure of actually starting someone elses on the right track is immense!


  6. At 03:10 PM on 23 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hi ya Chris

    Haven't posted for a bit so thought I'd say Hello. Very sad about the car. I have a company car and I hate it (astra 04 model). Used to have a lovely avensis and I was so sad when it had to be changed. I'd rather have run it into the ground than taken on a new one, but alas I had no choice. Don't worry about the beard, we can't see it anyway so make yourself comfy. Have a good night. xxx

  7. At 03:28 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Your mum sounds like a lovely lady and you sound like a lovely son, i hope my boys look after me so well when I'm a little bit older.

    My ten year old has just walked into the room, and in what I think was an impression of my voice said, "Oh Chris I think you're so hot, come to my house"! The secrets out!! He then said, in an impression of your voice,"Oh no another lunatic trying to murder me!" Kids, who'd have em?!

    Very excited to see I am first on the Recent Comments list, I hope you all read my words of wisdom about the lack of Norfolk accents in Stephen Fry's new drama.

    Gotta go now as Kiddo wants to revise for his Science SATS, Â鶹ԼÅÄ Bitesize, here we come!

    Em xx

    PS Love the snow x

  8. At 03:38 PM on 23 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    He won't stand against Gordie (in my opinion) because he knows that the next PM to follow on from the cheater is on a hiding to nothing. Therefore he'll let Gordie go in from now until the next election and then Labour will loose and Danger Mouse will leap into the abyss and rebuild to hopefully (in his mind) reclaim the top spot. At least that's what I reckon!


  9. At 03:51 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Ali wrote:

    Can't believe, first time I've posted, and I might even be first! hope the old car works out better than the new one for Mrs E senior.

  10. At 04:17 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:

    Howdy Chris

    You're having a time of it with things that aint
    'suitable' for one reason or another; first the
    house now the car. Wot will be the third?

    I sometimes (as you may kindly remember) do
    a Friday frivolity. Well I'm on "use it or lose it"
    hols at the minute so all my days are
    helter-skelter. So I thought I would do a
    "Day Before Tuesday" one instead, assuming
    it "gets through". The montage of clips is
    SUPERB; see how many films you'all recognise.
    It was on in the pub Sat night. I think it was
    the TV, one of the Sat / Cable channels doing
    a countdown of the campest videos
    (you know, "Summer Nights" from Grease - how
    old is THAT - Erasure 'Stop', Pet Shop Boys and
    Dusty Springfield 'What have I done to deserve
    this' (my, didn't they all look young
    and freshly scrubbed). ) I had heard the
    song a few months back in another pub and
    asked my pal "Did she say what I thought she
    said". "NO!", he said, "it's 'I just want to
    funk and dance' You've just got a
    filthy mind". "OK", I said, listening more
    intently but not quite sure once he had put the
    idea of "funk and dance" in my mind, esp over
    the noise of the pub. It's a great wee song
    (perhaps you will come across a 'radio edit' to
    play?) and I defy anyone listening not to be
    toe-tapping at the end. Only those without
    a pulse won't ! At two in the morning
    I was worse, I was clapping (OK, I'd been out
    for a non-standard Sunday night tipple and I
    got carried away with the video). On the 10th
    play (blush). Today for some reason it was
    stopping and starting (maybe my connection)
    so if it does that to you, just let it do it's thing
    then go back and "Play again" and it will play
    OK from the "buffer". I will warn those of a faint
    disposition that no, she AINT singing
    "funk and dance". You may have worked
    out that THIS version has that naughty word
    that rhymes with trucking but that is by-the-by.
    Perhaps if I say it comes from the Jerry Springer
    Opera that might explain it! The lady who
    has uploaded the vid he also uploaded a
    re-edit of wee interspersions of her singing it
    on the stage on the JSO. It is well book-marked
    on my "Firefox" now and I am passing it on
    and on. Needless to say there are umpteen
    "versions" of this doing the rounds (some
    'letterbox' etc) but this is the best one I have
    found for picture and sound quality / volume.


  11. At 04:37 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Elmlea wrote:

    I care that it is St Georges Day - lpease can you play God save the queen by Queen - possibly a night at the opera album - between 5:30 and 6:15 tonight for all those who are proud to be English and celebrate the national day! (other national days are available).

    I own a second hand car, 1.2 Corsa R reg, bought under protest in the dark, when I wrote my beautiful car off, but shje has been the best car I have ever had - hurrah for 2nd hand cars

  12. At 04:50 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Treazle wrote:

    Hmm. Coming out of lurk mode but only for this. If it wasnt for the endless self congratulatory stuff I'd agree with you about Mr In-the-afternoon. Some great elements to the show and he does most of it well. But unfortunately I can't listen without wanting to throw rocks at my radio. Please don't allow the sychophants any room on drivetime. I know a bit of positive feedback is good, but I wish he could drop the 'love the show' 'you are so fab' every 5 minutes cos I just can't stand it and have to switch off! I dont mind if you dont post this - dont really want to upset anybody but wanted to make the comment!

  13. At 05:05 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Dickie Drain wrote:

    Hurrah for St George...
    Whats for Dins?
    Steak and Kidney Pie
    Bangers and mash
    Fish Pie.

    Pud is defo Spotted Dick with lashings of custard.
    Dickie D x

  14. At 05:14 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Happy st george's day one and all.

    Em26 - I think we all think that, but are probably doing a much better job than we give ourselves credit for. That siad, it's good to self analize and reflect - makes us better parents (and people in general)
    CLP, glad MrsE senior is still cruisin' about, hope the patch grows and flourishes - any problems look up the green gardener web page, they're the pro's.
    I'm inspired by all the runners yeaterday and my aim is to recover from my op and run one (london if poss, or local) - ouch!
    Had a great weekend, good to catch uptoday with all you bloggers and blogettes.
    Je t'aime


  15. At 05:56 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    OK everyone. First day done and dusted and I LOVE IT!!

    The day flew by and I am absolutely shattered. The people are really nice, very friendly, very sociable .... already turned down an invite for tomorrow night. Yikes! There's loads to be done and it all appears to be done with a smile.


    Now off to remove the high heels ... portacabin hell called for flat, hefty safety boots so my feet are now killing me!

    Petit pois, petit pois!

    CtD x x x

    PS: I can also listen to R2 thru my PC - unheard of at last jobby!

  16. At 06:29 PM on 23 Apr 2007, De Sm wrote:

    To Those It May Concern...
    Happy St George 's day,
    De Smith x

  17. At 06:36 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Crossie wrote:

    Hi Chris, just setting up the garden myself for growing produce, however I have to rely on containers as I and my wife to be have a completely mad labrador who eats anything in sight.

    Know what you mean about the car. I've got a peugeot 307 (yes I know there may be sniggers of derision, but) it never lets me down, I can fill it with loads of stuff and I don't want to part with it.

  18. At 06:55 PM on 23 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Ah bless Christophe. Get well soon to your mum.

    My mum, one year senior to the lovely Minnie, also has fond memories of the various cars she and the dear departed father Eric, owned. Particularly the Austin Ruby with the wheel on the back, the pop-out indicators and the big hole in the floor that if you put your foot down whilst hurtlin' down an incline you'd lose your leg.

    As for Eric himself, he loved his motorbike and sidecar. He used to say the days spent aboard said bike with the wind in his skid-lid, blissfully oblivious to me mother bangin' on the sidecar window and roarin' at 'im were the happiest days of his life.

    Me, I'd have to say me little VW Polo with the big sunroof that went right back the length of the roof. What fun. Came in most handy when en route to the Mediaeval Banquet I attended, strappin' on me 4ft. wimple hat on before settin' off. Said headdress fitted nicely through the roof, even if I did lose its floaty chiffon thingy on the fast lane of the M6, but at least I arrived with me plaits intact.

    And get well soon to Chesty Morgan the Togmeister. It's about time he was gettin' that cough sorted though, bless his little mustard socks. He'll be bringin' up oil at this rate.


  19. At 07:09 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Claire Pereira wrote:

    What does CLP stand for?

    They are my initials!!


  20. At 07:18 PM on 23 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Only caught the last hour because of work but loved the songs especially that new guy who sounds like oasis sent Chris an invite for some golf seeing as he missed out. New here will come again. cheers

  21. At 07:22 PM on 23 Apr 2007, SHEELAGH wrote:


    discussed in pub on Friday night about lefty and righty being all clear and we all are delighted with the outcome. We had lots of discussions as to who these two are and no matter what so long as you are well that is the main thing.!!!!


  22. At 07:53 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Straight Outa Bristol wrote:

    happy christmas mummy evans (again!) hope you get the bugger sorted! (that's the car not chris!).

    Now chris, hope you have a bloody good shave, beards are ok I think.. what do most of the lady listeners think, of men with beards?

    And Chris, I hope you get some great veg in your patch.. good-luck with the fight between you, the slugs n snails..

    have a good tuesday day, and a wicked tuesday show!

  23. At 08:09 PM on 23 Apr 2007, mARIE HATTON wrote:


  24. At 08:26 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Sharon Smith wrote:

    Hi Christoph,
    Sorry to hear of Terry's illness, hope he makes a speedy recovery. Long time yet before you get a breakfast slot!

    Didn't hear beginning of Steve's show today, maybe relisten as I am doing with your show currently. Ought to have a useful job by now, but don't really want to leave my friends - well that's the excuse for now. Something will turn up eventually. Love you all ++

  25. At 08:43 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Hi matey!

    Glad the beds are done. Mine is too, but I always do mine in the morning when I get up - oh, what's that, not the same beds???


    Yes, St Georges day - hardly a mention anywhere - odd!

    I love my car. I bought it used (12 months old) and it really does feel like a pair of old, comfy slippers. I'd hate it if I lost it!

    Steve Wright is OK. He's not my cup of tea though - but Tel on the other hand is FAB!!! I did miss him this morning - GET WELL SOON!!!

    Righty, I'm off, need to do some prep for tomorrow's ass kicking session!

    Night all (or should that be Nytol....)

    S xx.

  26. At 08:59 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Must've gotten BP'd earlier? my first time, haven't a clue why tho'??

    Hope you all had a great weekend, good to read all the messages today. Happy St Georges day to you all.

    CLP, glad o read that Minnie is ok. Good luck with the patch, hope you grow plenty and it keeps you as happy as you've been sounding recently.

    The runners yesterday have inspired me massively. I'm taking Jo's advice and looking for a hydrotherapy pool to get over my recent op and then will apply to run a marathon myself for 2 main reasons..... to rid myself of the belly which is settling too nicely on me after 2 ops and to try and remain fit and healthy for my 3 kiddies to be able to play with for years to come..... London hopefully if not I'll stick to the Norfolk one.

    Em M - I totally agree about the accent, or lack of it.

    It's Norfolk 'n' good!!

    Bonnet de douche


  27. At 09:40 PM on 23 Apr 2007, harl wrote:

    I still have a soft spot for Steve Wright , probably because he put on such a great show in the Smashie & Nicey days of the late '80's. I think he was on Radio 1 in those days & was one of the first (sorry Chris!) to use the "zoo" format on radio in this country, really inventive stuff at the time. Chis Moyles is in about the same position at the moment & it can only be a matter of time before he arrives at R2 to the horror of bloggers everywhere!

  28. At 10:04 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Christopher Penny wrote:

    Dear Christoph,

    Re Stealing paper.

    Interesting to hear your anguish about paper...

    Thought you might like to know that there are four factors to complete the action of stealing.

    First, you have to be motivated by a negative mind, like greed or convetousness. You could steal with a positive mind, such as stealing drugs away from someone you love so they don't use them. This is still stealing, but less negative ans the action is not complete.

    You have to correctly identify the object as belonging to someone else. If you take someone else's property believing it to be your own, the action is not complete, although still negative.

    We have to engage in an action which will result in use removing the object and possessing it.

    Finally we regard the object as ours. So long as we recognise it as belonging to someone else, the action is not complete.

    So you can see, we need to get it just right to complete the action, and needless to say, it is never ok to steal anything!

    Best wishes


  29. At 12:10 AM on 24 Apr 2007, john wrote:

    #8 J, I think you may be spot on with your analysis of Milliband. I think Gordie is being lined up to manage the last part of the disaster. Hey Ho, he has no mandate, being unelected anyway, so I guess we just tough it out and try and return any of them with a majority of one next chance we get. Then we can return to consensus politics with all the members having a say instead of just the cabinet.

    What do you think if the French election? A woman candidate who does not understand what NO means, seriously standing on a platform of revitalising a federal state. Still I suppose the pensions are good if you can land a job in Brussels.

    Old cars are a funny old game, there is nothing quite like something old an familiar. I have been driving 30 years in August and I have only owned 7 cars in all that time and 1 was stolen and 2 were written off. Got a faithful old 911 turbo now, can't imagine life without it really it kind of talks to you and you know it was built by hand by people who cared about what they were doing. Can't imagine what I shall do when the sandalists stop me from using it, emigrate maybe.

    JK Nonegreen

  30. At 08:30 AM on 24 Apr 2007, Gaby wrote:

    lovely as ever Christoph,

    Totally agree re Milliband. Although, methinks that Labour are on a hiding to nothing. Electorate will vote Brown out in a couple of years anyway. If Milliband stood for leader now and won, I think he would be voted out by electorate too. I therefore think it is just a matter of time before Milliband steps into the race but he knows he would get nowhere right now.

    Timing is everything (allegedly)

    I have recently purchased some tomato plants, chilli pepper, green pepper, melon (we can do 'hot' here in Berkshire) and aubergine. Have purchased a little (very little) greenhouse-type-staging-with-plastic-cover-type-thing. So exciting.

    Have a good day.


  31. At 08:36 AM on 24 Apr 2007, Gaby wrote:


    note to self: (re Milliband) read and inwardly digest ALL the comments before posting!!!!


    ps if my first post didn't get through then this one won't make sense at all ("no change there then!", I hear you cry)

  32. At 08:49 AM on 24 Apr 2007, wrote:

    CtD, glad your first day went well! Didn't want to wish you luck, just in case you ended up hating it! I'm not allowed to wear killer heels to work either. The guys get all too over excited, spesh when I once wore my RorD boots, and couldn't bend over to get the milk out of the fridge...but that's not for here...

    Claire Pereira - Christophe Lambie Pie

    Anyhoo...Saint George's Day...I ended up in the pub last night rather than home...there were flags and balloons everywhere, proper beer for only £2.50 a pint and a rather tasty sounding menu. I had two pints of fine Sussex Best Bitter and a delishus (HUGE) portion of Pie, with Spring Onion Mash and Parsley Liquor. Absolutely blimmin GAWJUS and full compliments to the Chef!

    In Bulgaria (where they celebrate Saint George's Day) they roast and eat lamb...in England (where they USED to celebrate Saint George's Day), the day is treated in much the same way as Christmas Day...families and friends come together to feast and thank the Lord how lucky they are to be together...


    We all know you LUUUUUUURVE Christmas...so perhaps Saint George's Day could be passed over to you for next year...but I'd like to put agneau (just for mulbartonboy) on the menu instead of dinde, s'il vous plait?

    Q'est'ce que vous pensez huh?

    JK Nonegreen - I like your way of thinking!

    ps The red and the green

  33. At 09:20 AM on 24 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    Morning all

    Must say again - what absolutely fantastic TV is Prison Break. Is there anyone else out there addicted and watching it? If you remember how edge-of-the-seat exciting 24 was in the very first series, well it's just as good as that. If you've not followed it, it is so worth getting series 1 out and then we can all badger Channel 5 to rerun this series, or do a catch up thingey or whatever. But it is SO good.

    Was listening to the cricket on Saturday (was it?) and during the innings break Aggers cut to the UK to get the County Scores and it was to be Saunders, only he wasn't quite ready! It was lovely to hear 'our' Johnny on another time slot!

    And finally, Treazle #12, I couldn't agree more. I can't abide listening to him massaging his own ego - and he obviously demands his minions to be submissive. It's embarressing - and what's all this "big show" nonsense.

    OK and now finally, #29 JK Nonegreen - I'm really excited about the election in France. An 80% turnout is so impressive - especially when you think what our turnouts are now. I really hope the woman socialist gets in and is able to make a go of socialism in the 21st Century. I lived in France for a little over a year and would dearly love to go back. I love their way of life with community still at the heart of everything. Anyone know how I can get myself back there?

    Have a good day all,

  34. At 10:26 AM on 24 Apr 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Good morning Catweazel. Have you got that beard sorted?

    I hope so. Otherwise when my CIN egg-cup arrives to take its place next to the Togmeister I won't have to stick half a brillo pad on it before banging yous two heads together with me spoon. Hurrah!

    Anyway, enough of bein' nice.

    Last night I had an e-mail from a friend in New York who lost her brother on 9/11. Apparently they're still finding shreds of personal effects and I read her letter with tears in my eyes and feeling humble.

    Next to me at the time was a copy of Heat magazine showing Stars With Cellulite. Well, it went straight in the bin and I've made a vow never to buy the said rag or any like it again.

    Yes, I really only buy it to look at the frocks, I rarely ever read the spite-filled, toxic so-called Features on the various stars, picking their noses or showing their knickers which we all do on a daily basis. But buy them I do, and I'm disgusted with myself.

    So no more. What's wrong with us all that we have our heads buried in this carcinogenic trash?
    It's time we got a grip and some values.

    Or am I just old and grumpy.

    Well, must go..I'm off to pick me nose and flash me wobbly bits at the bin men.


  35. At 11:21 AM on 24 Apr 2007, Draclia wrote:

    Good Day all

    Well, I hope you are all growing lot's of garlic on the Veg patches. What's all this, having a go at Steve Wright. The man's a legend. His humour very sarcastic and I love it.

  36. At 11:38 AM on 24 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Oh, J, you do so appeal to the facetious in me...

    So, try the ferry, darling!

    Sometimes I've just gotta...

  37. At 11:59 AM on 24 Apr 2007, Jill wrote:

    Hi y'all

    When there was talk about the 'runners' I immediately thought of beans rather than the Marathon! Didn't they do well though? What a great effort (the Marathon people, not the beans)

    Hope all the veggie patches are flourishing. i'm working on a new asparagus bed, first attempt at a RAISED bed and hope it deters the bunnies a bit. Now have deer trouble too but don't think they go for asparagus. The crowns are awaiting in the bottom the fridge their burial (mortunary-like). Meanime nous mangeons the purple-sprouting broccoli that was planted SO long ago. Worth the wait though.

    See ya soon

    Jill xx

  38. At 12:04 PM on 24 Apr 2007, J wrote:

    HL - Now thank you - why didn't I think of that!!!


  39. At 12:14 PM on 24 Apr 2007, mulbartonboy wrote:

    Hazel L. what a great idea ! Agneau / Lamb (i looked it up on Google) AND St Georges Day all in one .Fantastic ! cant wait to put it into practice next year or when i next go to a fancy restaurant......now all i need is the French for Treacle Pud and Custard and i have a meal to die for......

    talking of Lamb and knowing your liking for "Pomes"

    Mary had a little Lamb
    The Doctor was surprised..
    But when McDonald had a farm
    He couldnt believe his eyes !

  40. At 12:19 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Roni wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I agree with your comments Re: Steve Wright. I know he's not everyone's cup of tea but to have lasted this long and to still get the amount of listeners he does I guess it means he's doing something right.

    No Terry again this morning :-( hope he is feeling much better soon, I'm missing the old fella.

  41. At 01:17 PM on 24 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Jill...for Deer Trouble, read Venison...free range, and if it was self-defence, they can never getcha!

    The bunnies will simply fashion small ladders from debris recycled from burrow digging, or find the one who can hop the highest, and get him/her to let a rope down for the others.

    Slugs, snails and other creeping, sliming, shuffling beings have special shoes which enable them to climb both vertical and overhanging walls. Please ensure you plant a hosta right by the edge of your garden in order that they may enjoy a snack half-way.

    There is no escape. Humans will not inherit the world. We are only in the food chain when we are dead...and it ain't gonna take the animals much longer to figure that one out...

    In the meantime everyone...enjoy your gardens...

    WOOO HOOOO HA HA HA HA HA (Panto Baddie laugh etc)

  42. At 01:20 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Em M wrote:

    I used to get Heat magazine and then I realised I was left with a horrible feeling after "reading" it, so i stopped. i also don't watch Big Brother anymore, although i'm afraid i am partial to a bit of Strictly Come Dancing, but that's because its not all about watching people slag eachother off.


  43. At 07:19 AM on 27 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris sorry to hear the duke has to go iv herd you talk about the duke several times but still dont know what sort of car he is,

    i personally don't like modern cars, my car is now 14 years old and going strong its a merc 190 deasel which i love to bits,its never let me down once

    They don't make them any more sad really

    hows the allotment going i have always wanted one myself,

    I live up in colne lancashire there would be no problem,with drout ha ha its always raining

    all the best chris i enjoy reading your blog

    best wishes alan.

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