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Chris Evans | 16:38 UK time, Friday, 13 April 2007

Fresh from the gym, fresh from the sauna. Fitter, stronger, firmer than for ages however...

heavier !

It's all the muscle and as we all know muscle is heavier than fat. Ha ha ha !

That was all fresh from the forest where I've been most of the day with Fergus our friendly forager. We've been planning the Big Children in Need weekend. If you're coming along I promise you're not going ot be disappointed.

That in turn was fresh from a meeting with the guys that run my pub.

The big questions on the agenda today ?

When is a special not a special anymore if it stays on the menu too long and how many more covers do we need for outside now the nice weather seems like it's here to stay and what kind of quality do we go for.

That was all after a discussion to do with whether or not we need a layer of shingle in between the soil and fertiliser ready for the japanese acers we've just bought.

Currently having a friendly row about the first record on tonight's show, got to go.

CLP.... 2007



  1. At 04:54 PM on 13 Apr 2007, wrote:

    What great decisions to have to make. I'm just back at home office and ready to finish off while listening to ARF... Have a great one!

    See you all after the last blast on the piste next week!!


  2. At 05:22 PM on 13 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I'm one of your locals and was at the pub last night and thought, why don't you have a Jazz and BBQ night. The Lickfold did one last summer in their small garden and it was packed. Great evening as well, something different for us locals.

    Sam x

  3. At 07:11 PM on 13 Apr 2007, wrote:

    OMG it should so havebeen Reef - was singing Place Your Hands all the way home thinking you should open tyhe show with it someday when it's sunny out :o) Jo

  4. At 07:11 PM on 13 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Off to see best beloved...

    S xx.

  5. At 07:42 PM on 13 Apr 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    I'm with Sam on this one.

    Mrs MfR often pop over for a pint and I think a bit of jazz and a barbie (even speaking as a 20 year veggie) would be top notch.

    Having had a form of surgery (not medically required - but most certainly not of the plastic variety) today, I shall not be participating in pool or sauna related activities this weekend.

    So maybe I'll catch you in a week or two.

    Fab weekend one and all


    PS Paint your wagon

    PPS Living Color

  6. At 07:43 PM on 13 Apr 2007, bev young wrote:

    where has my sunshine gone? We saw rain in Wales today, admittedly not much but my evening in the garden with the family was damp. i'm off out in a limmo tomorrow and have no idea what shoes to wear. The champagne will be flowing as its a hen night for the lovely steph, so i think flat and posh. May your weekend bring you joy.



  7. At 08:36 PM on 13 Apr 2007, gingembre wrote:

    Didn't get to hear the show - my answer however would've been "depends on which Jacksons song?"
    Stick with the quality for the al fresco diners.
    It's been a quiet day os so and I can't think of much to write but don't like to not write anything???
    Spurs depressed me last night too.
    Looking forward to a great weekend, off out tomorrow night to some great friends, I know I'll be in bits most of the evening with laughter...
    Have a great weekend all you bloggers - and of course you CLP.
    Bonnet de douche.
    KW x

  8. At 08:45 PM on 13 Apr 2007, gingembre wrote:

    Didn't get to hear the show - my answer however would've been "depends on which Jacksons song?"
    Stick with the quality for the al fresco diners.
    It's been a quiet day os so and I can't think of much to write but don't like to not write anything???
    Spurs depressed me last night too.
    Looking forward to a great weekend, off out tomorrow night to some great friends, I know I'll be in bits most of the evening with laughter...
    Have a great weekend all you bloggers - and of course you CLP.
    Bonnet de douche.
    KW x

  9. At 09:13 PM on 13 Apr 2007, wilsmar@home wrote:

    Good Evening all,
    Sammie - could I put in for the National please?
    Gingembre - It was "Blame it on the Boogie".
    Don't forget to slap on the sun screen people and don't stand too close to the barbie.

  10. At 11:33 PM on 13 Apr 2007, wrote:

    God.. this is what friday nightsd been reduced too.. started off looking for travis's "closer' and ended up writin this. Am i now offically sad and past it? i'll never get the lucious drive time dress...
    from chistinesadulikesaunders

  11. At 06:48 AM on 14 Apr 2007, gingembre wrote:

    Cheers Wilsmar -Hmmm, would probably have said The Jacksons then.
    Late to bed, terrible night's sleep and my 2year old alarm clock (son) has awoken early - good start to the weekend.
    Gonna sit and spend some money on eBay for now until MrsW rises from the boudoir.
    No sun in Norfolk as yet, just heavy mist??!!!!

    Je suis fatigue

    KW x

  12. At 09:51 AM on 14 Apr 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Hi ya'll

    Just dropping in to say Hello from an Internet Cafe having returned from Madrid. The hotel had an Easter garden in reception. It had live bunnies and chicks in it all running around. I think I want a pet hen.
    Saw a Blues band in a bar called Populart called Buscavidas or in english Bluescavidas. They were awesome.

    Missed the show I'll have to catch up.

    Oh my connection is running out,
    Bye for now

  13. At 12:56 PM on 14 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Blimmin heck, missed the blimmin show. Well you were about in the background CLP, whilst I was rushing about doing a bit of housework and getting my haircut...

    Hence, the house is now presentable, I am reasonably presentable, and as the boy had a trim (ahem) he is relatively presentable too...

    So, not up to much today. May have a flutter on Jack High, and may have a stroll into Brighton, but that's about it. A jolly breakfast of porridge followed by poached eggs on toast and a BIG cuppa char has been enjoyed by all...now the afternoon is suddenly upon us!

    Have a lovely holiday lyndyloo!

    wilsmar...always good to see you about xx

    coming up on the inside

    ps that's not six feet under

    pps for Gaby!

    Anyway, it appears I won the sweep, so it's not all bad...

  14. At 12:30 PM on 15 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Unfortunately, my PC caught a cold, well, the flu actually, that was threatening to progress to pleurisy, so no virtual sweepstake. Huge apologies to you all.

    Said PC is now fully recovered and I have had a rant about free AV software being far superior to the overpriced rubbish that in actual fact must be a Trojan itself as it let FIVE malicious files through... Breathe, breath, breathe......


    Off out now to enjoy the lovely sunshine, as I have just spent the last 3.5 hours on this machine.

    S xx.

  15. At 10:23 PM on 15 Apr 2007, Catbird wrote:

    Hi all - haven't been able to blog for ages due to horrible work commitments and generally hectic life. Still, I suppose it beats being bored. Hope you are all having a fab weekend. Went into the garden for an hour earlier and lapped up the lovely sun - I love it. It won't be long before people are saying -"it's too hot!". Bah humbugs - the hotter, the better I say.
    Anyhoo, just wanted to say hi - take care y'all,
    Love Catbird xxx

  16. At 09:28 AM on 16 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Oh Happy Day...

    Morning, schmorning!

    How are we all today? Personally, I hate Monday's and this one has already been as manic as they usually are...

    Where have all the bloggers gone?

    I predict Christophe will blog late again today as;

    1. He's in the country
    2. He's not as much of an avid Blogger as he used to be (possibly because he spends so much time gardening...)
    3. He's always late these days!

    S xx.

    P.S. Broke the news re: Kate/Wills to my daughter and told her Wills was now free for her. She said "I'd prefer Harry, thanks." Is Wills too young for me? Sorry Flutterby Man!!!

  17. At 10:48 AM on 16 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hey Sammie -

    all the bloggers are waiting for today's post around the corner! I hate Mondays too - everyone is far to motivated for the working week whereas it's just another day wilfing for me :o)


  18. At 12:19 PM on 16 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Blooming GAWJUS here today. Hayfever is being it's usual prolific self...but I purchased some feverfew on Friday, and I dunno if it's just me, but I am not quite so bunged...

    So, if the queue for the turf accountant (other accountants are available) hadn't been soooooooo long, and I'd have been served before the race had actually started, I'd have won a grand. Thems the breaks huh! Anyhoo, I just tucked myself into the local for a pint of Devon's finest and decided (from the brochure) that the Brighton Festival is far too far up it's own b-hind this year for me to attend. The Fringe now, a totally different matter!

    Over to you Em...

    anyhoo, Moonday is upon us with a vengeance, and going reasonably well so far.

    boids and beez is buzzin abart

  19. At 12:44 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Cheryl The Diva wrote:

    G'day all.

    Tis very quiet in here today . p'raps everyones sunbathing?

    My morning got off to a pants start - I fell down the stairs and it really hurt - ouch ouch ouch! It was only the last 3 steps but I still ended up en derriere in the hallway, and banged my chin on the storage heater ... anyhooo

    Then ventured into town to tax my new car - hurrah! All legal now. I even treated it to some petrol.

    I've got this week off before stsrting my new job next Monday and I'm planning to be a real-life bonafide Domestic Goddess! Gonna do some baking and cook REAL dinners as I'll be here and have the time to do so ... really looking forward to it. Having lunch with a girlfriend on Thursday while her children are at school ... at this rate I won't want to start new job!!

    My beautiful black cat is lazing in the shade under the washing line ... bless!

    RIght, lunch time beckons. Will check back later to see if everyone's woken up!

    Mange tout, mange tout!

    CtD x x

  20. At 12:48 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Anne G. wrote:

    Hazel love: Glenfarg Folk Festival this weekend, much better than Brighton!! That's if we ever get past the roadworks on the Forth Bridge (nightmare).


  21. At 01:16 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    All quiet on the Western Front eh?

    CtD - have a lovely week honey. I plan to be a Domestic Goddess all the time and never do! Last night, I ironed all four loads of washing I had done during the day and opened a bottle of wine to celebrate! Nothing else got done...

    As I now work near to a supermartket, I have done my shopping at lunchtime, instead of tonight, so I can cook a delicious, nutritious meal for the kids tonight. Well, pizzas have vegetables on them, don't they?

    HL - how are the greasy balls and tits? Apparently, the larger the black area on the front of the tit, the more aggressive it is!

    More musings later...

    C'mon CLP - WHERE ARE YOU?????

    S xx.

  22. At 01:37 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Caroline wrote:

    hello everyone

    I missed the show on friday, but I'm sure CLP picked a great record to start.

    Hazel - festivals - Didn't know when I wrote about SPOOH - that's another spookydooky one!

    I'm sure there will be redbreasts around today

    where is he?
    Love caroline x

  23. At 02:06 PM on 16 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Hello all

    Quiet here, isn't it? Is everyone still on holiday? I haven't had much of an Easter break, owing to the small but significant event of my third son's birth last week. He shall be known publicly as No.3. I've broken with my own rules on complete anonymity by posting up a couple of pictures of himself in typical poses. He seems to have the capacity for both thinking and fighting, despite his tender age.


    J McC

  24. At 02:15 PM on 16 Apr 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Dr McC!!

    Congratulations to (you and) Mrs McC! Trust No. 3 is well? I'll have to look at the pics later - poxy server and all that...

    Now that the Doc's in the house... Why am I sooooo tired all of a sudden? I've eaten healthily today - had 7 hours sleep last night... 30 mins ago, I was wishing I could go out for a run! Right now though, I'm scared that if I go to the loo, I might fall asleep!

    Will check back later for your words of wisdom Dr.

    S xx.

  25. At 02:45 PM on 16 Apr 2007, wrote:

    hello everyone, its nearly 3 o'clock already time flys when your up to your neck in work - but goes slowly when your quite - could do with been round the other way but hey ho!
    My other half picked the winner on Sat in G.N - meal out me thinks!!

    Also celbrating my dog having puppies (hopefully!) in 8 weeks - cant wait for a litter of fluffy andrex dogs! She is going for a scan at 4 weeks to check everything going ok & to see if we can count heart beats! Season off agilty tho but never mind the team will have to get by without us... Its amazing that it only takes 9 weeks from conception to birth..

    Got to go now speak later

    Chicky xx

  26. At 03:06 PM on 16 Apr 2007, wrote:

    I think No. 3 is a perfectly acceptable name. Next to some of the doozies parents can come out with these days, I think it's quite mild.

    FOR INSTANCE:- Thady and Thandie - did the minithter have a lithp or wot? PURLEASE! Jutht don't get me thtarted.

    Re black bits on chests - how about strap marks? Where would we be on strap marks.

    Seven of eleven

    Anne G - thank you for the suggestion! If I had a Cat in Sammies garden's chance of getting there, I spec I'd go!

  27. At 03:14 PM on 16 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Ooooh puppies - love em, have a 17 weeks old spotty puppy who hasn't learnt to pant yet, it's quite funny!

    :o) Jo

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