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Chris Evans | 10:52 UK time, Wednesday, 7 March 2007

My goodness me, here I am, like a Take That song with nowhere to go.

Last night I went to see…

…the funniest play I have ever witnessed. It was hilarious. It was so so so so so so so funny.

I went completely by accident with a male friend of mine. We were like a gay couple enjoying the virtues of a fulsome London. We ate peanuts and minstrels, we drank whisky and… more whisky and we laughed and we laughed and we laughed.

I had no idea what the play was about but I like my friend so much I just went anyway. It turned out the play was about a man, a typical man and his genius way of handling women, which of course was not genius at all.

He figured out that it was best to date air stewardesses cos’ you always knew where they were going to be, if you had the airline schedule that is. He then encounters one particular day when the β€œthree” of his girlfriends converge on him at the same time due to changes in weather, speed of aircraft and…er’ something else which I can’t quite remember.

Anyhow it all turns out to be brilliantly honest, more honest than real human beings can ever be. And the cast were to die for.

The two guys were amazing. The cad was played by the same guy who plays the tory leader in The Thick of It, he also played the equerry to the queen in The Queen and his co star was the strangest most β€œin the moment” stage presence I, personally, have ever had the good fortune to watch. Funny, funny, funny. So so funny.

The girls were gorgeous and outrageous and total marriage material, although I suspect they are already totally maried.

Now here’s the thing, my friend and I then went to a club and ten minutes after we arrived, guess who walked in ? Only half the bloody cast.

We spent the rest of the night in fine and robust conversation with the ladies and gentlemen of the thesp profession, pushing each other and ourselves to the boundaries of our intellectual capacity. How the hell they all then ended up back at mine I’ll never know but I’ve just walked into the kitchen and the evidence is still there.

I woke up this morning with my head stuck fast to the pillow, the builders downstairs had already started doing what they do, my dog was looking at me with that, β€œI really need a wee” look. And another day seemed to have begun al of it’s own accord.

Isn’t it all just great ?

CLP 2007-03-07


P.S. The play is called Boeing Boeing and you have to get on a train and come to London and go and see it. It will make happy.


  1. At 11:09 AM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris et al

    Glad to hear you enjoyed the play, Chris. Up here in the middle of nowhere we don't get many opportunities to watch top class performers in action. We have to make our own entertainment most of the time. Ravel has a good voice, and often treats us to Bulgarian folk songs. When Denise was around they would perform in harmony. Now Denise has gone, Ravel has lost some of his enthusiasm and has taken to singing ballads to himself whilst sitting on a bench in front of the Institute.

    Some people in the village did try to put on a musical, but it didn't work out. It was dogged throughout the preparations by techincal problems, a small fire, resignations etc. The final straw, though, was a fight on opening night between the director and a farmer whose fields bordered the village hall garden. The farmer apparently accused the cast of unsettling his sheep with their wailing and screeching. When the director contested that none of his cast could make such horrific noises, the farmer retorted that it must have been the director's wife in flagrante with a stage hand. Suffice to say that fisticuffs ensued and the play was cancelled.

    J McC

  2. At 11:11 AM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Ho ho - sounds like a brill night and a great play. Was it Robin Soans? You've just given them a great marketing plug as we'll all go onto google and look it up. Hey - well done Christophe. Boeing boeing! - said in sort of Basil Brush fashion. Are they still there?

    Ciao xx

  3. At 11:25 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Third day in a row....


    CLP - not blogging again until you've had your go first - no matter what my thoughts are...

    Susan S - blogged something for you on yesterdays blog, just a short while ago - not there yet, so can't copy it to here and I soooooooooooo want to be first....

    Sounds like a fab night CLP. You're starting to become a bit of a party animal again, aren't you? No matter - you'll level out again soon, when your inner voice starts shouting, healthy food, no alcohol and more sleep!!!

    MY b/f rang me this morning at 7.30 (got flutterbies just typing that bit!) because he wanted to share his good mood with me - how sweet! Up until that point, I was wondering how on earth I was going to drag myself out of bed to face yet another mundane day, but after his call, I felt as zippy and zesty as him. Your blog has that effect also, but without the flutterbies...

    Will be back later (nursing toe at home).

    Happy hump day!

    S xx.

  4. At 11:39 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    Hey ya all!!!

    I love this new sense of spring in the air! It has certainly put a smile on my face!

    I have a date at lunchtime, which means I have actually made quite an effort for work today, and do you know I may do this again it feels rather nice!

    As for your evening Chris I am actually turning Green with envy! I know celebrity can have its draw backs but you do get to meetsome marvellous people, get a blog with full attendance and around 50 proposals a week!


  5. At 11:50 AM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Darling Christophle, it all sounds fabulous!

    Be it that I had Β£45 plus booking fee plus train fare and subsistence money, I should be boarding the next express as we speak.

    As it is, I haven't, so again. like Equus, unless it goes on tour, unfortunately I will have to miss out.

    Darn it.

    I take it, by gay, you meant two jolly chaps out for a night out on the town? I only mention it because most of the homosexual gentlemen of my aquaintance would rather DIE DAHLING! than eat peanuts or minstrels, and then drink whisky. Ooh dearie me no...

    I won Β£2 at poker last night, so I suppose I could start saving for a London trip. It just depends how long the play is running for.

    Boing said Zebedee

  6. At 11:52 AM on 07 Mar 2007, waleslass wrote:


    Thought i'd look into taking my other half to boeing, boeing......

    nice idea as usual but ......out of my price range....

    Β£56.50 PER PERSON / PETROL / ACCOM.......

    o well maybe i'l remember it for when i do have that lottery win ........

    love reading your blog, still dont go anywhere else stay as you are.....

  7. At 11:54 AM on 07 Mar 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Morning CLP

    You've definitely got to get a bigger place in London - your flat must be bursting at the seams with all these people who end up back there!!!

    I've heard about this play before. A group of us are coming up to London next weekend and were wondering what to see so I'm going to suggest this play, thanks!

    Have a good day one and all

    jillygoat xx

  8. At 12:00 PM on 07 Mar 2007, martin james wrote:

    I`m glad your happy Chris. I`m back on the sauce and the depression has got worse because of it. I know the reason, it`s stress. If I get too stressed I start on the sauce again. I don`t want to go back to rehab, I don`t want to end up back at A&E on a drip with an even more nackered liver. Can anyone offer advice??



  9. At 12:03 PM on 07 Mar 2007, suegee wrote:

    Wasn't that a film 1970's with Tony Curtis and Jerry Lewis? I seem to remember it was a very funny film - can't remember the name of the film though - does anybody know?

    The weathers great here today, my need is to head out with the dog and enjoy the sun and the smell of spring in the air.

    enjoy your day


  10. At 12:04 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Cat wrote:

    Morning (just!)

    Glad you enjoyed the play Chris. So good to have an evening where you don't know what is going to happen and you get great entertainment and have a really good laugh. There's so much doom and gloom around us that a comedy is a great relief!

    As I've just directed one myself it's also a relief for the cast and crew when you get the audience in hysterics! Especially when it's a comedy! :o)

    Hope the dust issue is getting sorted in your flat as well Chris. Mine is bad with dust, but I dont' have the excuse of neighbours doing building work - I just am well behind on the cleaning.

    Cat x

  11. At 12:31 PM on 07 Mar 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    What a wonderful evening you had - lucky sod! Ah well, you deserve it. It's great when these one-off evenings occur - if you had tried to plan it, it would have been rubbish. The price you had to pay? (apart from a sore head) - you missed Life on Mars! Totally brilliant, hope you can Sky+ it.

    You are sounding in great form. I can't get to hear your show due to work and family commitments and I really miss you! Hopefully will get back on track next week.

    Have a great Wednesday everyone!

    C xx

  12. At 12:43 PM on 07 Mar 2007, martin james wrote:

    blog, blog give us a snog...

  13. At 12:45 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Caroline wrote:

    hey Chris
    sounds like a perfect night!

    it's a bit far for me to come from good old Gala, but I'll keep it in mind for when i grow up!

    I love it when spontaneous/unexpected things happen, it's a joy!

    Hope builders are not too bad today, the taped up floo holds and the butter is proper butter colour again and i hope enzo's bladder held out!

    day off today, so now going to watch loose women on telly (Don't expect you to like it though Chris!) I do, and so it's a treat.

    Happy hump day everyone

    Love caroline x

  14. At 12:46 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Ivor Boil (last time I looked) wrote:

    Monge two, monge two to one and all.

    Ivor Boil here.

    Blog, blog give us a snog...

    Iver Boil signing out

  15. At 12:54 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Ivor Boil (last time I looked) wrote:

    Monge two, monge two to one and all.

    Ivor Boil here.

    Blog, blog give us a snog...

    Ivor Boil signing out

  16. At 01:10 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    What a great evening!

    I love the theatre - we've got 3 trips planned to local theatres in the next few weeks - although not plays per se ... this weekend we're off to the final night of the Rocky Horror in Ipswich - we're right at the front of the stalls and I'm oh so excited! Then we're going to see the (recently reformed) Goodies - not sure what to expect as I was only a child when the tv series aired, but I'm all for a bit of surreal comedy - and it's only up the road. Then we've got tickets for Mr Brand at the end of March. Mr Diva is dreading that one!

    I had THE most bizarre dream last night CLP - I was at a health spa with loads of people I used to work with and YOU were there too - but sadly, you were quite horrible. I'm totally convinced you're not horrible in real life - this blog is testimony to your loveliness - but in my dream you were positively venomous and vile vile vile. You were slating the saddos who blog on your site every day and said you only did it to keep the bloggers happy and that you were getting bored with blogging. Please, please say it isn't so! I'd be lost in my portcabin without your daily chunk of wit, wisdom and views on life in general.

    Builders .... I can sympathise. We're living in an upside down house at the mo and it's driving me NUTS!

    Feeling slightly better today bloggers - been really down of late. Went to bed at 9pm last night and had a really good night's sleep, then played the Bee Gees greatest hits in the car on the way to work - how can one not be in a good mood driving in to Night Fever etc!

    Right, will see if this gets posted, then pop back later to catch up with you all.


    PS: don't dream it ... be it! x x

  17. At 01:19 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    What a great evening!

    I love the theatre - we've got 3 trips planned to local theatres in the next few weeks - although not plays per se ... this weekend we're off to the final night of the Rocky Horror in Ipswich - we're right at the front of the stalls and I'm oh so excited! Then we're going to see the (recently reformed) Goodies - not sure what to expect as I was only a child when the tv series aired, but I'm all for a bit of surreal comedy - and it's only up the road. Then we've got tickets for Mr Brand at the end of March. Mr Diva is dreading that one!

    I had THE most bizarre dream last night CLP - I was at a health spa with loads of people I used to work with and YOU were there too - but sadly, you were quite horrible. I'm totally convinced you're not horrible in real life - this blog is testimony to your loveliness - but in my dream you were positively venomous and vile vile vile. You were slating the saddos who blog on your site every day and said you only did it to keep the bloggers happy and that you were getting bored with blogging. Please, please say it isn't so! I'd be lost in my portcabin without your daily chunk of wit, wisdom and views on life in general.

    Builders .... I can sympathise. We're living in an upside down house at the mo and it's driving me NUTS!

    Feeling slightly better today bloggers - been really down of late. Went to bed at 9pm last night and had a really good night's sleep, then played the Bee Gees greatest hits in the car on the way to work - how can one not be in a good mood driving in to Night Fever etc!

    Right, will see if this gets posted, then pop back later to catch up with you all.


    PS: don't dream it ... be it! x x

  18. At 01:50 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Dearest Sammie, SOOOOO sorry to hear you are in desperate pain with your tootsie. I'm glad your body finally found something to slow you down!

    Feeling TERRIBLY theatrical today dears...must be in the air!

    On a serious note however, Mariella, I do hope you are surviving the aqua invasion! I still have some powdered egg if you need...

    Just keep swimming!

    ps If the blue teacher fish had been just that little bit more vigilant, finding Nemo would never have been necessary. Discuss.

    pps Hiya MfR. We know you're there...xx

  19. At 01:55 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Chris B wrote:

    Hi Chris - the play sounds fantastic! In return, I can recommend 'The Producers' which is in Manchester's Palace Theatre. Peter Kay is absolutely brilliant - as is Cory English and John Gordon Sinclair, in return to your blog message, get on a train to Manchester and go see it - it will make you very happy!

    Which theatre is Boeing Boeing on at?

  20. At 01:55 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    What a great evening!

    I love the theatre - we've got 3 trips planned to local theatres in the next few weeks - although not plays per se ... this weekend we're off to the final night of the Rocky Horror in Ipswich - we're right at the front of the stalls and I'm oh so excited! Then we're going to see the (recently reformed) Goodies - not sure what to expect as I was only a child when the tv series aired, but I'm all for a bit of surreal comedy - and it's only up the road. Then we've got tickets for Mr Brand at the end of March. Mr Diva is dreading that one!

    I had THE most bizarre dream last night CLP - I was at a health spa with loads of people I used to work with and YOU were there too - but sadly, you were quite horrible. I'm totally convinced you're not horrible in real life - this blog is testimony to your loveliness - but in my dream you were positively venomous and vile vile vile. You were slating the saddos who blog on your site every day and said you only did it to keep the bloggers happy and that you were getting bored with blogging. Please, please say it isn't so! I'd be lost in my portcabin without your daily chunk of wit, wisdom and views on life in general.

    Builders .... I can sympathise. We're living in an upside down house at the mo and it's driving me NUTS!

    Feeling slightly better today bloggers - been really down of late. Went to bed at 9pm last night and had a really good night's sleep, then played the Bee Gees greatest hits in the car on the way to work - how can one not be in a good mood driving in to Night Fever etc!

    Right, will see if this gets posted, then pop back later to catch up with you all.


    PS: don't dream it ... be it! x x

  21. At 01:55 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Dearest Sammie, SOOOOO sorry to hear you are in desperate pain with your tootsie. I'm glad your body finally found something to slow you down!

    Feeling TERRIBLY theatrical today dears...must be in the air!

    On a serious note however, Mariella, I do hope you are surviving the aqua invasion! I still have some powdered egg if you need...

    Just keep swimming!

    ps If the blue teacher fish had been just that little bit more vigilant, finding Nemo would never have been necessary. Discuss.

    pps Hiya MfR. We know you're there...xx

  22. At 01:57 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Em M wrote:

    I would love to see Boeing Boeing, especially because it has the wonderful Michelle Gomez in it who was in one of my favourite programmes (alongside the gorgeous Julian Rhind-Tutt) Green Wing, and is married another rather attractive young man, Jack Davenport. Oh dear, I'm starting to sound like a lecherous old woman, as I expect both the young men in question are at least 10 years younger than me! That's what I love about you Chris, whatever happens, you'll always be older than me!

    My evening was slightly less exciting, I went to bed at 9 to watch Life on Mars (starring the rather gorgeous John Simm - oh no, here I go again) and I was asleep by five past. I don't know how you cope with these late nights Chris, especially at your age!

    Love and hugs,

    Em xx

  23. At 01:57 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Coops wrote:

    Ivor Boil - you do realise it's 'Mange Tout' don't you?

    Oh well - how are you lot? I wonder if anyone else had a similar Tuesday evening to Mr Evans?

    Personally, I just did some work on the laptop at home!


  24. At 01:57 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Chris B wrote:

    Hi Chris - the play sounds fantastic! In return, I can recommend 'The Producers' which is in Manchester's Palace Theatre. Peter Kay is absolutely brilliant - as is Cory English and John Gordon Sinclair, in return to your blog message, get on a train to Manchester and go see it - it will make you very happy!

    Which theatre is Boeing Boeing on at?

  25. At 01:59 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:


    The last show I went to see was Avenue Q in January. I loved it, thought it was hilarious and the puppet handlers were fab, though not as good as the puppets themselves. With songs such as 'It sucks to be me' and 'The internet is really great (for po*n!)', and even an explicit sex scene between puppets, I was panicking a tad that it might not have been really to my fathers taste - but rest assured he loved it too.

    Today I am trying my hand at Suki-e. Japanese ink painting. I will attempt a long tailed tit perched amongst some magnolia blossom. Apparently I have to find my inner peace first, so it may take some time.

    Til later,

    MW, a!

  26. At 02:00 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Paula Halloran wrote:

    That was my first read of a blog, most excellent!

    I listen to you guys whilst driving home from work and you always make me smile ........ by the time I collect my son Henry from Nursery he has a chilled and relaxed Mummy!

    The little boy who was a mascot for Middlesborough was just scrummy wasn't he?

    P xx

  27. At 02:00 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Em M wrote:

    I would love to see Boeing Boeing, especially because it has the wonderful Michelle Gomez in it who was in one of my favourite programmes (alongside the gorgeous Julian Rhind-Tutt) Green Wing, and is married another rather attractive young man, Jack Davenport. Oh dear, I'm starting to sound like a lecherous old woman, as I expect both the young men in question are at least 10 years younger than me! That's what I love about you Chris, whatever happens, you'll always be older than me!

    My evening was slightly less exciting, I went to bed at 9 to watch Life on Mars (starring the rather gorgeous John Simm - oh no, here I go again) and I was asleep by five past. I don't know how you cope with these late nights Chris, especially at your age!

    Love and hugs,

    Em xx

  28. At 02:02 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Chris B wrote:

    Hi Chris - the play sounds fantastic! In return, I can recommend 'The Producers' which is in Manchester's Palace Theatre. Peter Kay is absolutely brilliant - as is Cory English and John Gordon Sinclair, in return to your blog message, get on a train to Manchester and go see it - it will make you very happy!

    Which theatre is Boeing Boeing on at?

  29. At 02:03 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Dearest Sammie, SOOOOO sorry to hear you are in desperate pain with your tootsie. I'm glad your body finally found something to slow you down!

    Feeling TERRIBLY theatrical today dears...must be in the air!

    On a serious note however, Mariella, I do hope you are surviving the aqua invasion! I still have some powdered egg if you need...

    Just keep swimming!

    ps If the blue teacher fish had been just that little bit more vigilant, finding Nemo would never have been necessary. Discuss.

    pps Hiya MfR. We know you're there...xx

    ppps Hump on, MacDuff!

  30. At 02:04 PM on 07 Mar 2007, graham heywood wrote:

    The play sounds cool, but the after play sounds better ( no jokes about fore play). Missed the show last night as I was not in the car, but will be there for the whole two hours tonight. Get Johnny boy to talk to someone from Man United before their game tonight, it sounds like a feisty affair in prospect, cant wait. My daughters 13th birthday tomorrow and you can see the young woman she will become. Being a dad is the most wonderful and painful experience and you'd better get your finger out or you will never experience it Christoph. I bet its better than meeting actresses in a London nightclub!

  31. At 02:05 PM on 07 Mar 2007, graham heywood wrote:

    The play sounds cool, but the after play sounds better ( no jokes about fore play). Missed the show last night as I was not in the car, but will be there for the whole two hours tonight. Get Johnny boy to talk to someone from Man United before their game tonight, it sounds like a feisty affair in prospect, cant wait. My daughters 13th birthday tomorrow and you can see the young woman she will become. Being a dad is the most wonderful and painful experience and you'd better get your finger out or you will never experience it Christoph. I bet its better than meeting actresses in a London nightclub!

  32. At 02:06 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Dearest Sammie, SOOOOO sorry to hear you are in desperate pain with your tootsie. I'm glad your body finally found something to slow you down!

    Feeling TERRIBLY theatrical today dears...must be in the air!

    On a serious note however, Mariella, I do hope you are surviving the aqua invasion! I still have some powdered egg if you need...

    Just keep swimming!

    ps If the blue teacher fish had been just that little bit more vigilant, finding Nemo would never have been necessary. Discuss.

    pps Hiya MfR. We know you're there...xx

    ppps Hump on, MacDuff!

  33. At 02:09 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Dearest Sammie, SOOOOO sorry to hear you are in desperate pain with your tootsie. I'm glad your body finally found something to slow you down!

    Feeling TERRIBLY theatrical today dears...must be in the air!

    On a serious note however, Mariella, I do hope you are surviving the aqua invasion! I still have some powdered egg if you need...

    Just keep swimming!

    ps If the blue teacher fish had been just that little bit more vigilant, finding Nemo would never have been necessary. Discuss.

    pps Hiya MfR. We know you're there...xx

    ppps Hump on, MacDuff!

  34. At 02:09 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Happy sunny hump day all!
    Mr. E. another trip out gallivanting and after telling Mr S that the new going out was staying in!! I love live Theatre, going to concerts etc but have got lazy about travelling into London for entertainment - and then there's the dash to get back out; not to mention missing the end of stuff because of late starts and having to rush for the "last" train. I'm much too old to sit on Paddington waiting for the "milk train" now - happy days though.
    Another lovely sunny day..... but the draughts back!

  35. At 02:10 PM on 07 Mar 2007, J-not-J wrote:

    Happy days - happy life.

    Martin James - I may sound harsh now, but you've already answered yourself really. You know drink (no euphemisms here please) is making you depressed, you know its cause is partly stress and you know the consequences of drinking. STOP - you are killing yourself!

    There must be some root cause for your drinking - whether it's an escape route, a reinforcement of self loathing, or boredom/hole filling - you need to find out what it is before you can treat the symptom. Please try counselling - the freedom you will find within counselling to explore these possibilities, gently guided by a trained therapist will help beyond your wildest beliefs. Please ask the wizards to provide you with a suitable therapist.

    Life is a drudge - but it is not meant to be a dreadful drudge. There is always something to find joy in - yesterday's blogg to t-bags shows how simple pleasure can and should be.

    I wish you well.

  36. At 02:15 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Martin #8 - go and see your doctor now young man! Nothing in life is worthy of what you describe - particularly not a job (the usual cause of stress - I'm guessing here?)

    Temptation is hard to resist, but never drink alone.

    Thinking of you and sending positive vibes with diva hugs.

    x x

  37. At 02:23 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    all and one hello

    Minstrels, dont you just love them

    Song lyrics by the way, incredible what you can get away with.

    When your in love with a beautiful woman etc

    Also I have always thought that "Swing your Daddy" by forgotton who has a chorus line sounding a bit like xxxx off to me.

    Just my imagination running away with me as usual probably.

    Hope you have a special day I am

  38. At 02:29 PM on 07 Mar 2007, J-not-J wrote:

    Happy days - happy life.

    Martin James - I may sound harsh now, but you've already answered yourself really. You know drink (no euphemisms here please) is making you depressed, you know its cause is partly stress and you know the consequences of drinking. STOP - you are killing yourself!

    There must be some root cause for your drinking - whether it's an escape route, a reinforcement of self loathing, or boredom/hole filling - you need to find out what it is before you can treat the symptom. Please try counselling - the freedom you will find within counselling to explore these possibilities, gently guided by a trained therapist will help beyond your wildest beliefs. Please ask the wizards to provide you with a suitable therapist.

    Life is a drudge - but it is not meant to be a dreadful drudge. There is always something to find joy in - yesterday's blogg to t-bags shows how simple pleasure can and should be.

    I wish you well.

  39. At 02:43 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Blimey, it said I couldn't post, then the page could not be displayed, now this is another fine mess you've got me into Stanley.

    It would appear that it was ever thus. There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio...

    ...and whoever asked, can't find you now, Boeing Boeing is on at the Comedy Theatre in Panton Street, London SW1, and your nearest choob station would be Piccadilly Circus. It is a really cool little theatre too.

    This information was brought to you by Poorprint Productions ltd.

    ps It's Moose's bra

  40. At 02:51 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Sue Gee - it was a 60's film - called, unsurprisingly, "Boeing Boeing" :-)

    Martin James - you know yourself the start of the answer, don't you? You have to kick the sauce habit. Have you tried AA? I'm assuming yes...if so, go back and try again. Try getting addicted to something less damaging like blogging instead...it's called replacement therapy. Find a positive way to deal with the stress like exercise. When I'm stressed I go to the golf driving range and smack 100 balls as far as I can. It works wonders!

  41. At 02:55 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Belles wrote:

    Hello one and all

    CLP - what a top night - i love off the cuff nights like that! Had my last mad one like that just before Christmas when i went out to lunch with a friend and ended up rolling in at about 6 in the morning from a mega night out! Am due for another one - but you cant plan them!!

    Martin - contact AA if it works for you - it might not, but being around clean and sober people can help or contact Drinkine on 0800 917 8282.

    Anyway have a fab hump day one and all - have job interview in the morning - all a bit scary - not sure if i want to move jobs, but wil cut down my communte by about and hour a day!!! Decisions decisions if i get it. I know im carrying on the theme from yesterday but it is about making life more simple and easier to do the things we want rather than the things we have to!!

    Big love to all

    Belles x x x

  42. At 02:57 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Sounds like you had a great night Chris.

    I love the theatre and really wanted to go to see Billie at the Theatre Royal Windsor while she was there. I am sorry that I never made it.

    I saw Alan Rickman (one of my favourites) in Anthony and Cleopatra at the National Theatre years and years ago. He was a little disappointing actually - but I still loved it as it was him!!

    On the web site, on Jezza's 'vote a vehicle off the road' bit, there is a pic of a man on a horse - when I saw it I thought of Alan Rickman in Sense and Sensibility. Just a thought....but then.... it's the thought that counts.

    Great show Chris


    ps crudites sur la table

  43. At 03:06 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Quelque chose wrote:

    Precious Coops...

    Gaspard Monge (1746–1818) Mathematician, physicist, and founder of descriptive geometry, born in Beaune, E France.

    Consequently, the son of the above could be said to be Monge a deux, or indeed, Monge two.

    et voila
    je pense et voici je suis
    petit suisse

  44. At 03:11 PM on 07 Mar 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Graham # 30 - I'm not sure that CLP 'getting his finger out' is going to help him become a dad!

    Sorry - I couldn't resist ....... this will never get past the Blog Police - never in a million years .....


  45. At 03:13 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Have just had the BEST news Bloggers - am being released from the Programme I'm working on - at the end of this month!!!! In reality, that probably means end April - but woweeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Only slightly pleased - as you can tell - there are rewards for underperforming after all!

    Can't wait for the next challenge - will make sure I work on something with less pressure - to help re-balance work/life....

    Martin James - are you on the sauce or just saucy? Snogging whilst blogging? Honestly :-)

    HL - thanks for the support re: little piggy - I'm determined to be able to don my netball kit and play at the weekend!! BTW - so right about that negligent fish - I smell a law suit...

    Susan S - all ok honey?

    Chris - what DO you mean about being like a Take That song with nowehere to go? Are you insinuating they are repetitious?

    TT fans - help with this one, please!!!

    Over and out from a very, very happy

    S xx.

  46. At 03:14 PM on 07 Mar 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Graham # 30 - I'm not sure that CLP 'getting his finger out' is going to help him become a dad!

    Sorry - I couldn't resist ....... this will never get past the Blog Police - never in a million years .....


  47. At 03:15 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    My goodness, Christophe, you are a busy boy these days! Glad you're having a blast. Have you done anything about the country abode?

    Poor Enzo! I din't realise he was 8 years old!

    This was what I nourished my inner self with today:

    For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible, everything got sterted by him and finds its purpose in him.

    It's not about you.

    The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness. It's far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. If you want to know why you were placed on this planet, begin with God. You were born by his purpose and for his purpose.

    Have a happy hump day, y'all.

    Huggles, Susan, Highland lass

  48. At 03:18 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Happy sunny hump day all!
    Mr. E. another trip out gallivanting and after telling Mr S that the new going out was staying in!! I love live Theatre, going to concerts etc but have got lazy about travelling into London for entertainment - and then there's the dash to get back out; not to mention missing the end of stuff because of late starts and having to rush for the "last" train. I'm much too old to sit on Paddington Station waiting for the "milk train" now - happy, halcyon days when I did though.
    Another lovely sunny day..... but the draughts back!

  49. At 03:30 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon Christoff,

    Yesterday you were asking about name changes.. I would change mine to Robert Swipe, so i could sign my council tax bills as R.Swipe...

    Also, as spring has sprung, i have decided to join my mate Ashley at a gig he is playing in Hornsey ( ViVa ViVa ), but it looks a bit posh.. as you are nearly a local, can you advise me on what to wear to a pop gig in a posh venue..??

    And obviously you are invited....


  50. At 03:42 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    JMcC - you’re quick off the mark, being 1st! How is Mrs McC?

    Sammie - thank you so much for that, much appreciated. The police have been round again this afternoon - it’s getting really awkward as I know most of the policemen/women from lunhing too much at Andrew’s work. I’m worried she’s going to think it’s me phoning them when she sees me talking to them from the garden. She never answers her door, so can’t visit, and she’s agraphobic so is never out! Wondered about popping a card through? Hark at you boyfriend! Yay!

    Em 26 - how did the lunch date go? I had lunch with a bunch of folk and lingerie ended up in trees and everything!

    Martin - please don’t take this the wrong way, but have you tried finding a friendly, supportive church, where you can meet folk who will support you? You need someone to help you take the focus off yourself and the things that stress you, and help you take in the joy and wonders of the world that you are missing.

    Sue - it’s beautiful in Inverness too!

    Cheryl - you need to get out of the port cabin asap! Stay strong, honey!

    Mariella - make sure you take a pic of your painting! Hope your inner self found your inner peace!

    Graham - I remember how excited I was when I turned 13! Hope you and your family have a great day!

    Hazel Love - Get back up that tree NOW!

    Huggles, Susan

  51. At 03:43 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Morning Chris and the bloggettes

    Blimey! "Like a gay couple", "thespians" and waking up with your "head stuck to the pillow". ...I just hope you followed my advice the other day about not sleeping with your mouth open. ...,,, Chris, are you trying to tell us something?.... Just teasing ;).... The play sounds like a blast. Pop up to London? ............ there's nothing I like more....

    Keep smiling

    Rachel x

  52. At 03:46 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Naughty Mrs wrote:


    I replied to you yesterday - but it must have been too rude - ho hum!!!

    (nice though!!)


  53. At 03:59 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Just thought i'd post a joke......

    Clairvoyant enters the theatre stage and addresses his audience and says "Has anyone here ever seen a ghost" several people put their hands up. He continues "has anyone here ever been TOUCHED by a ghost" - to which four people put their hands up, then he says "has anyone here ever had SEX with a ghost?" A guy at the very back puts his hand up and the clairvoyant, looking somewhat surprised, calls him up to the stage.....

    So sir, he says, when did you have sex with a ghost? The stunned audience member replies "oh GHOST, sorry from the back there I thought you said GOAT!"

    Ross Hemsworth

  54. At 04:11 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Prof Plum ...... just incase you did want to know who was swinging his daddy - it was Jim Gilstrap. JW played the song this morning. Can't think of the line you allude to but will now definitely listen again when I get home. Sad, I know.

  55. At 04:15 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    I so want to see that play. I saw Tamzin Outhwaite on TV talking about it and it sounds really good. Hopefully will get it see it soon.

    I love nights like that where you don't plan to go out but you do and it turns into a fab night out. They are always brilliant.

    Who heard that Lou and Andy (aka Matt Lucas and David Walliams) are going to be in neighbours? That will just be fab. I went to see the boys in Edinburgh last year and I think it was the best show I've seen. True legends.

    Feeling so tired today, just haven't properly woken up yet. Don't you just hat days like that!

    Well my little bloggers, I better go take care and will listen in later, missy xx

  56. At 04:23 PM on 07 Mar 2007, alison wrote:

    Hi ya one & all,especially the ginger one.

    What a lovely life you have,Chris.
    Mixing with the rich & famous.

    You should walk the dog more often.its good for the soul.(Keep it on a lead.Iunderstand from Tuesdays prog. it has aggression issues.)

    Are there any moments in your life that are dull,dull,dull.....or is it always happy,happy,happy fulfilling?

    Perhaps we all need to wake up & smell the cappucino.

    PMA is the order of the day,I'll try it.

    love xxxxxxx

  57. At 04:33 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    The bright-clothed photos are on my site now, honeybuns!

  58. At 04:35 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    My God i am in a good mood!

    My pregnant friend in Colorado has invited me over in august! I havent been on holiday in four years and havent seen cate for five. I am so excited I do not know what to do with myself!!!!


  59. At 04:45 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Darren Cox wrote:

    The blog today, mentioning Boeing Boeing, has brought back happy memories. Last year I was on honeymoon on a mediteranian cruise, one afternoon there was a play on in the on-board theatre, Boeing Boeing. The wife and I decided to cath a bit of culture and went to watch it. To be honest we were not expecting it to be up to much, I mean a play named after an aeroplane on a ship in the middle of the med! However, it was brilliant. In my head now I'm back there watching the play with a pot of tea and scones at hand! Memories. Back to work.

    Darren Cox

  60. At 05:58 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Peni wrote:

    Cheryl the Diva - on drinking alone, I always have Chris and you fellow bloggers as company so that's not alone.....is it?....

    Btw, hope portacabin life is getting slightly warmer. Last winter, I had a job in a shed. Well it was ostensibly a shop in a converted barn, but I have never been so cold in my life - not even when I went to Yellowstone in November without a coat. I would work away in front of the woefully inadequate fan heater, and then when the afternoon shift arrived, she would say, 'Well it's not too bad, really is it?' Should have been here at 8.30, I'm thinking, and anyway you have an extra layer of , er, adipose....(bitch bitch)......so I left........thank goodness something turned up yesterday, I'll be able to earn some cash at last.....and it'll be MUCH warmer, in a proper shop...

    Happy Hump day all
    Peni xxx

    ps, wassup with the blog today? It's taking forever to post and then everyone's on twice......

    Peni xxxx

  61. At 06:38 PM on 07 Mar 2007, GeetarrrMan wrote:

    Aren't unexpected pleasures the best!
    Went to see Gruff Rhys play at Brecon on Sunday night and a totally unexpected support act "Voice of the Swven Woods" played his guts out.
    So witty, good natured and...talented to boot. Love it.

    Hwyl fawr
    ps sorry i got it wrong earlier post, this is my first blog!!

  62. At 06:53 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Susan S, Cheryl the D, etc, how about a welcome back!! What's happened to the BigUn? Ciao xx

  63. At 07:04 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Ali wrote:

    Hi Chris

    The play sounds fab :) glad you had a great evening :)

    Just wanted to share the huge smile on my face . . . I've just got a new car (new to me) and the dealership were fantastic . . . couldn't have been more helpful and friendly (and I probably bought the cheapest car they had, so no huge commission for the salesman)

    Having been shown the controls AND EVERYTHING :) I was about to drive away when they presented me with a bouquet of flowers (for no apparent reason)

    Thanks to Johnsons Honda in Dunstable for such a great experience :D (they've just phoned to make sure everything's ok and I'm still happy - I'm no teenager :) )

    And I'm still grinning from ear to ear :D

  64. At 07:13 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Two women met for the first time since graduating from high school. One asked the other, "You were always so organized in school. Did you manage to live a well-planned life? "

    "Yes," said her friend. "My first marriage was to a millionaire; my second marriage was to an actor; my third marriage was to a preacher; and now I'm married to an undertaker."

    Her friend asked, "What do those marriages have to do with a well-planned life?"

    "One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go."

    Huggles, Susan

    Is it time for your medication or mine?

  65. At 07:22 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Smiler :-) wrote:

    Hi all,

    Just to say Mr Evans that listening to your doggy decription last night was quite surreal. Sounds just like ours. Perfect house dog but Tazmanian devil on the outside when she catches site of anything else that moves, even old lady with shopping trolley. Bless her eyesight is going downhill!

    For info: Sue film was called Boeing(707) Boeing(707) 1965 with Tony Curtis & Jerry Lewis- check out will provide answers to those all so difficult posers for Mr Evan's film pub quiz too!


  66. At 07:57 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Just catching up. I've had the most wonderful day.

    Take two ingredients. The worst ones you can think of. Are they worse than mine?

    VAT + Reading (as in Berkshire, not word scanning leisure activity).

    Sorry Gaby.

    Oh, and then upon leaving my brand new 4x4 (no names mentioned) broke down.

    Any road, when I did get home I discovered the greatest culinary invention of recent times.

    Guinness Marmite.

    Toodle pip. I'll try and be punctual tomorrow.


    PS Yo! Bum rush the show

    PPS Pebble in the sky

  67. At 08:09 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Catbird wrote:

    Hi all - great blog Chris. Sounds like a wonderful evening. Em 26, I'm going to Colorado in August too - my sister and her family live there. Been over 3 times, and it's incredible! I could quite happily live there, but then I wouldn't be able to hear our lovely Christophe in the afternoons, so will stay right here.
    Happy Wednesday all,
    Love Catbird xxxx

  68. At 08:59 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Penguin, honey!

    I'm assuming my WELCOME BACK was BP'd!

    So ... welcome home honey! Looking forward to reading about your African adventures! Raising a glass of red!

    Huggles, Susan

  69. At 09:04 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Kay Allen wrote:

    I was in Rome with my beautiful daughter a couple of years ago, and went into a takeaway pizza shop for pizza (obviously). There was a sign on the wall saying 'Pizza is like sex. When it's good it's brilliant; when it's bad, it's still pretty good'.
    Ah how true.
    I just want to say to M if he's feeling lonely. I am too.

  70. At 09:08 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Gaby wrote:

    apology accepted : )

    Guinness ARE 'branching out' these days....whatever next.....THEY won't be seeing red........

  71. At 09:11 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Milo - Ashley Bruce sounds fantastic! Enjoy the gig!

  72. At 11:17 PM on 07 Mar 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    Martin James - you need to sit down and work out what's really imoprtant to you - and then make a choice (hopefully the right one!) It won't be easy, but maybe if you could get some support you won't be alone. You also need to identify what's causing the stress and try and tackle that too. I'll be thinking of you. Keep in touch.


  73. At 11:20 PM on 07 Mar 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    Martin James - you need to sit down and work out what's really imoprtant to you - and then make a choice (hopefully the right one!) It won't be easy, but maybe if you could get some support you won't be alone. You also need to identify what's causing the stress and try and tackle that too. I'll be thinking of you. Keep in touch.


  74. At 03:45 AM on 08 Mar 2007, Karenza wrote:

    Hi Christophe and fellow bloggers

    The one thing I miss here in Australia is good theatre. I would love to see a cracking comedy, although we do have Fiddler on the Roof doing the rounds.....

    Hey Chris! I saw this today

    umm not sure what to say?

    Good Luck England in the Cricket World Cup, Down with the Aussies!

    Karenza x

  75. At 12:52 PM on 08 Mar 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    Taking of great theatre.....did anyone have the joy of watching The Hound of the Baskervilles with Peepolykus and Neal St. at leeds not sure if its still touring .. i laughed laughed some more so did the kids and my grumpy husband fanstatic stuff catch it if you can

  76. At 04:16 PM on 08 Mar 2007, Simon wrote:


    Good luck Martin. One thing I would add to CLP's advice - don't do PE late at night. It gets the body's endorphins running around and will probably keep you awake thinking. Try and do it earlier in the day.


  77. At 07:47 PM on 08 Mar 2007, Uncomfortably Numb wrote:

    Hi Chris, and all the bloggers, great show tonight, I hope Foxy has a great leaving do, I am sure she knows that we all wish her well.

    Martin, your post touched me, I have spent the last 7 years battling a coke habit, and finally i am coming out the other side, although I have had a few set backs and probably will again. There is light at the end of that tunnel mate if you try, don't be disheartened if you fall off the wagon, just get right back on it, it makes it harder to fall off again.

    The hardest bit is admitting to yourself that you have a problem, then making the decision that you WANT to deal with it.

    Good luck mate, Chris you are welcolme to pass on my Email address to martin if he thinks it may help to talk to someone.

  78. At 08:51 PM on 08 Mar 2007, Kay Allen wrote:

    I want to say to M, if you can't be with the one you love, then love the one you're with.

  79. At 10:19 PM on 15 Mar 2007, biff wrote:

    hi Chris

    Biff here from a small town close to your home town Warrington, I live in Northwich Cheshire.

    I want to tell you of a game we use to play, the idear of the game is to take a famous name and make it into a sentence like the following. the only rul is, is that you cannot insert a word between there first and second name. it a good laugh and some funny ones come up like.

    when playing football is Roy Kean.

    Pamela Anderson went ot together.

    With Glasses would Jane Semore.

    sorry about the spelling but it would be fun to hear what your listners can come up with.

    great show listen to it on my drive home each night from Birmingham.

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