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Chris Evans | 09:14 UK time, Thursday, 15 March 2007

Another ridiculously blue skied, cloud free day. The builders downstairs are my new….

….alarm. Five to eight every day the first scraping of shovels can be heard. It’s a sound that doesn’t bother me, not in the slightest. I find all their sounds rather reassuring actually.

As the different noises change I try to figure out how the building work is progressing. I’ll often go to my window some moments later to see if I was right. I look down to the ground floor for clues and then realise I have no idea about building work so remain completely nonplussed.

The workmen have currently employed the services of a mini digger, it looks like a child’s toy, with this they have gauged out three hug holes from the ground, if they make any more dust I may just use these holes to bury them. Only joking of course. They are a well mannered bunch, calm and hard grafting, not too noisy. The girl on the sofa has encountered them several times also and there has been not a single hint of stereotypical wolf whistle behaviour, at least I don’t think so. When they take a break, they chat and read books, there's not a copy of the daily Star to be found anywhere.

Two days to go now to:- COMIC RELIEF, two weeks holiday and playing football at WEMBLEY.

The emergency gym diet is going stunningly well and by the time nine o’clock arrives tomorrow evening, target weight should be reached.

I’ve had a new suit made for the night but during rehearsals yesterday felt so comfortable in what I was wearing I’ve decided to wear that instead. I often find decisions like this have worked in the past, the original desk for TFI was the one we used to use in the rehearsal rooms, we became so attached to it, it became β€œthe one”. People thought it was a piece of avant-garde design but it was simply a happy accident.

Holiday will be spent here in Blightie, sorting things out and relaxing, football, hopefully, will be brilliant but brief, I really am not very good.

Herbal tea now and then off to the gym for three hours ! Sometimes it has to be done.

This afternoon I’m meeting up with my old pal Danny Baker when I go on his show for an hour to promote C.R.

Have a nice one y’all.

CLP 2007.


Yesterday's posts really were first class.


  1. At 09:27 AM on 15 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Is raining here in Ayrshire, but I'm as high as a kite. Life just gets you that way sometimes.

    I stood in the garden this morning and opened my dressing gown to the world..... well not really, directly at my back door to freak my husband out! I wouldnt' do that to the neighbours my gawd, I'd probably kill them with the shock! tee hee.

    And I sung to him, Zooom, that was the first song we ever danced to and Sarah played it this morning. She drives me insane, but insane enough to make me get out of bed. Which is good.

    My oldest is sitting is music practical today. He is a lovely saxophonist, and I reiki'd him before he went to make him calm and powerful. I'm sure he do well.

    Youngest is just gorgeous and is away to school to make orange and coconut cookies... her recipe, how good does that sound.

    Am away to have a wee tap dance in the stationery cupboard. Fantastic Accoustics!


  2. At 09:32 AM on 15 Mar 2007, wrote:

    just a quick post before i go to work on my tan! weather brilliant here today. just watched a bit of bbc news and looks like its getting cooler again back home.
    thank god we have got bbc here i need to see comic relief tomorrow!! whoo hoo!!!

  3. At 09:51 AM on 15 Mar 2007, James wrote:

    hello chris and all,

    first time poster but have been lurking around these parts for a few months or so, just wanted to say a quick congrats on a great show and to also comment on the good nature of fellow bloggers on this little corner of cyberspace, you all genunienly seem like a nice bunch!

    Hope to post more soon..

    Have a good one...


  4. At 10:04 AM on 15 Mar 2007, christoff wrote:

    Hi, everyone. Just read yesterdays posts before heading off. I never read them before the next days blog as I want a clean slate to muse with. Also my reward for posting the original blog is I then get to read what you've all been saying. Very impressive stuff on climate change.

    But who knows what is right ? Many of the arguements against one set of evidence seem to be based another set of evidence, equally as questionable or unquestionable.

    The answer to any problem of this nature is to live one's own life as well as one can, regardless of what is, or what is not happening in the world in general.

    There is no way, no way we'll ever get all the world to behave in a certain way. It only takes one person to start a fire to burn down the entire forest.

    Sixty milion people didn't and one did and therefore it was all over.

    Hitler, Stalin, Ceasar, The Mongols, name the rest yourself, they were all allowed to play with matches.

    Look after yourself and a few others if you can, that's that.




  5. At 10:06 AM on 15 Mar 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Guten morgan yourself Krystoffe...

    I woke up to a rolling sea fog this morning. Nightmare getting to work, and to everyone out there, PUT YOUR HEADLIGHTS ON BECAUSE YOUR SIDELIGHTS AREN'T BRIGHT ENOUGH! And to all the stupid people out there, PUT SOME LIGHTS ON FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!


    Another 'pc' law - wolf whistling is no longer allowed, and is a disciplinary offence if you are reported as doing so by the whistle-ee...

    Glad the weight loss is going well - are we to take it that you will be resuming your usual diet come later on Friday evening? Are you still eating the foods that your friend was cooking for you before? Y'know, the relatively healthy one with the granary bread and bacon sarnies...

    The fog has now gorn to be replaced by the sun and a blue sky, although not for long if the forecast is to be believed...and thank your lucky stars you don't live in Brighton city centre re the building works...that's all I can say!

    So, my day is stretching ahead, wide open highway, and I have an appointment with the boy this evening...he's on nights at the moment y'see...

    Tea and toast now I think

  6. At 10:14 AM on 15 Mar 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Ooooh, meant to say...


    Hope he is feeling much better today...upper respiratory tract infection is a b*stard...

  7. At 10:19 AM on 15 Mar 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Chris, Bingo Star ere,
    Greetings to you and all blog friends out there.
    Chris there is nothing worse than the scraping and hammering noise of builders first thing in the morning, especially when you're trying to have a some extra close eye. Even worse when you've been on nights! - I should know.
    That is unless the builders who are making all the noise are doing a job for you- but then actually thinking about it - it could be worse if they are doing a job for you.
    Are they doing a good job?
    How much is the final bill going to be friend?
    Sorry don't want to stress you out Chris- you'll end up comfort eating and ruin your television diet. Sorry i'll shut up now. I'm probally putting bad thoughts about your builders into ypur head.
    My advice to de-stress- listenen to some mega wrock- THE DARKNESS. works everytime for me friend.
    Aye be a good one to open your show - get the whole UK - WROCKIN' at five o'clock!!
    Oh well- bye for now Chris and all bloggers.

  8. At 10:58 AM on 15 Mar 2007, wrote:

    It's raining in Lochaber!

    It is encouraging to know that you read the posts you get! You must be so excited about Friday - it's been a lot of work but it must be so gratifying to know that each minute you are spending working on this project is making a difference to another person who is living a life of poverty, hardship, illness or fear. If only our blooming politicians would take such causes as seriously as this, then we could have an even bigger impact on the world.

    I fully believe, and often tell the children this, that this generation has the capability and the means to totally eradicate world poverty. Yes it is a lot of hard work lobbying MP's and Government, getting involved in charity and volunteering, but I do believe that we will all be held accountable as to how we treated our fellow man. And poverty doesn't just exist in third world countries .... illness and hardship doesn't have borders .... we have so much need in our own backyard too.

    Well, enjoy your day on Friday ... and enjoy the rest over the weekend after it all!

  9. At 11:03 AM on 15 Mar 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    I just posted and then realised it had gone on a September 06 blog - what's all that about????

    A propos of nothing - if anyone fancies a bit of exercise and fun walking a dog, but can't for any reason own one themselves - or if you're not sure you want a dog but would like to try one out - get down to your local animal rescue/rehoming centre - they're ALWAYS looking for volunteers to take the doggies out, and also the smaller rescue centres will sometimes foster dogs out!!!

    Have great days all, it's gorgeously sunny here in the South East!

    Beat the Buzzzzzzby now!!!!!


  10. At 11:05 AM on 15 Mar 2007, sue phillips wrote:

    Morning all,

    My nextdoor neighbour is doing up his house and the building noise starts around 3pm until around 7pm, so I know all about hammering, sawing,drilling, JCB's, mini-diggers and of course the most important tool of all builders....the RADIO! When our neighbour started work on his drive it caused the well in our cellar to flood! But he's a nice guy and fitted a pump with a float to stop it happening again. Wasn't that lovely of him. I don't mind about the noise as we haven't had neighbours for 3 years and am looking forward to swapping wine and beer across the hedge.
    He gave us a massive holly tree that the JCB dug up and it looks like it will survive, at 15 ft tall and 7ft wide it's the biggest thing I've ever transplanted!
    Don't think I'd risk flashing at my neighbours (DWNB) or my partner for that matter, you never know if someone has cardiac problems that haven't been diagnosed.
    Nice to see new bloggers on side but what are we all going to do for the next 2 weeks????

    Love to all, Pips x

  11. At 11:07 AM on 15 Mar 2007, Susan wrote:

    Good morning Chris and fellow bloggers

    Hazel Love and Penguin - thank you for the citrus peel comments yesterday, much appreciated. With that in mind, I started on the gin and tonic last night - feeling a bit headachey this morning, but hopefully the moggies will no longer be using my veggie troughs as their litter tray!!

    Take care all, have a great Thursday


  12. At 11:09 AM on 15 Mar 2007, Em M wrote:

    I don't know what's wrong with me, I sobbed all the way through Comic Relief does Fame Academy, its Tara's fault, I just love her! Did you say that you will be announcing the winner in your section tomorrow night Chris? If so can you make sure its her please! Hope today's rehearsals go well, my kids are really looking forward to tuning in.

    I've just got back from library duty at school, I've read the blog and eaten my muesli and now I've got to turn round and go back and serve the lunches - what an exciting life I lead. Very jealous of Missy sunning herself on the beach, I believe we're from the same neck of the woods, its sunny here but not warm enough for sunbathing.

    Don't know if any of you have had a chance to read my blog suggestion for when Chris is away - I think its one of the last comments on yesterdays blog, what does everyone else think?

    Love and hugs,

    Em xx

  13. At 11:16 AM on 15 Mar 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Top of the morning one and all

    I do admire people that go to the Gym, alas I feel I am allergic to them.

    What a powerful programme Mad World was last night.
    The poor guy, who in effect is a child trapped in an adult body, struggling to get by in a normal world.
    I'ts sad to see nearly always that mentally challanged people always carry an item with them, all the time. It's their friend I suppose, something to hold on too when afriad.

  14. At 11:30 AM on 15 Mar 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Good Morning All!

    I left the sunny environs of Leicestershire this morning, only to drive into the cloudy and overcast West Mids. Hmm - should have stayed at home today a la reducing global footprint.... Anyhoo, I'm here in the office and NONE of my colleagues are - I have resorted to iPod for comforting background noise....

    Builders waking you at 7.55? Goodness, I should be so lucky! Mind you, isn't it the way, whenever a lie-in is planned, someone/thing wakes you. Flutterby Man has e-mailed me to say he was going to lie in this morning, but was woken by a delivery lorry at the hotel at 5.40... Hmmph.

    Right, back to it - l

    Just been interrupted by a guy calling me to talk about a new role... same company, but am being released early from my current role (underperforming DOES have it's rewards!!). Sounds good, am seeing him tomorrow for a more in depth chat (to make sure I look suitable to meet with suppliers and manage them I suppose!) so that's FAB news!!!

    No, I have to get back to it!

    Have a good day all!

    S xx.

  15. At 11:31 AM on 15 Mar 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Posted this 1st thing on yesterdays blog, so copied it here for todays readers ...

    Hey all - it's Thursty Thursday already - hurrah!
    Thanks to everyone offering me virtual hugs on not getting the job ... I know there will be others and I've got to stop sitting in my portacabin crying. I just find the whole thing really frustrating - my heart literally sinks the moment I arrive at the gates every morning. This morning was no exception ... I decided on a bit of Simon & Garfunkel to get me the 26 miles up the road to hell, and just as I got to the turning the song "Honeward Bound" came on the CD - talk about irony! Anyhoooo ... moving on ....
    Martin - you sound like you're going great gnus - well done you! Other great words?
    It's rude but one of my fave words is b*s. It always has me in stitches ... possibly because of the image it conjures up ..... (will probably get BP'd for that!)
    Others .....
    Dandy (as in fine and ..)
    Amore (esp. when sung by Dean Martin)
    Like MfR I too have to go to a meeting today but I should be back in portacabin land by 11. Apparently there's a really nice bakery i nthe village where the meeting is, so if things go bad I'll be queueing for a cake before coming back here!
    Right, best get on - gotta do a report for said meeting - yikes!

  16. At 11:31 AM on 15 Mar 2007, Sandra S wrote:

    Hi Christophe and all - I havent blogged for ages - been very busy at work with new boss, new broom etc....but she has day off today so can relax and get down to the really important stuff in life...CLP's blog! So nice to see that nothing has changed and you're all still there. I was out for my usual power walk on Sunday and passed the usual house with the usual mad Jack Russell that jumps up and down and barks madly from behind the wall.... which makes quite a comical scene - like the old John Smith advert was it? with the jumping dog? Always makes me chuckle.My bad luck this week was that the owner had just come back in his car and the gate was open! Said Jack Russell made a bee-line for the back of my ankle and sunk his nippy little teeth in. Owner was suitably apologetic and concerned. But I didnt want to make a fuss and laughed it off as 'dont worry - these things happen - the little monkey haha'
    It wasnt till I got home - limping by then and had a proper look that I realised what a mess it was. I didnt need a doctor but it's been sore and I've had to keep an eye on it and tend to it and wear different shoes etc.
    Anyway it made me think.
    About how you can be just happily going about your normal business and then within seconds something happens that changes everything. I only had a little dog bite but I'm sure we can all think of major incidents that have seriously affected peoples lives just through them being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Life eh?

  17. At 11:43 AM on 15 Mar 2007, allypally wrote:

    Hello one & all

    The sun may be shining on your world Chris but what a boo hoo day for me yesterday was, & it was my birthday.

    Ticket suppliers for Lemar concert have gone to the wall.

    So no 'tick tock' for me & my daughter, plus purse is now nearly Β£100 lighter. Boo hoo hoo hoo.

    Never mind its only money.But just think, that would have been better going to RND The Big One.

    We ain't so badly off after all are we.(Loved fed & watered)

    Have a good time on Friday Chris the slim one.

    Love Allypally

  18. At 11:52 AM on 15 Mar 2007, Si wrote:

    I loved listening to the Danny Baker breakfast show on ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ London two, three years ago. I remember each Christmas time when you/they sold the Christmas trees from somewhere or other and he'd try a persuade you to say something on air and you wouldn't because you were in your non broadcasting phase! He nagged you to say a few words on air and now a few years later you're on back on prime time! His respect and friendship for you always came across on the radio.

  19. At 11:59 AM on 15 Mar 2007, wrote:

    I didn’t get a chance to comment properly on the climate change post yesterday, but whoever it is to blame for climate change, we need to stop talking about it and start doing something before it’s too late! Whilst I’m convinced that climate does have cycles, one doesn’t have to be Einstein to realise that man must be having an incredibly negative impact on the world we live in! Why can’t people see that? I’m amazed at the lack or responsibility individuals have.

    We all need to realise that our words, actions and desires have an impact on those around us and upon the environment around us. As you say in your own comment, we need to live our lives well, but with our mind upon the impact that we have in doing so. It takes effort, but is it not worth it if we leave a better world for our children?

    What thought-provoking blogs, Chris - thank you for taking the time out to do them!

  20. At 12:22 PM on 15 Mar 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Hey CLP - 2 weeks hols eh!?

    I like the suggestion of getting your 'stand in' to blog for you, but how about letting one of the team blog in your place? Most of you regulars on here know I'm a huge fan of Love Muscle Russell and he hardly ever writes his own blog - it's usually Matt or sometimes Trevor.

    We'd then get a chance to get to know a member of the team a bit better. Now, as Johnny's away at the cricket world cup you could hand over the blog-baton to The Busby - she's new and it'd be nice to have an insight into her busy business brain!

    Think on it my friend.

    Emotions running wild today ... this morning's meeting was hellish and went straight to cake shop on the way back to the portacabin. I just feel so weird, angry, hurt ... dunno what I feel really ... numb?

    Right, better try and do something constructive (like search job sites perhaps?!?)

    Laters bloggers!

    CtD x

  21. At 12:26 PM on 15 Mar 2007, allypally wrote:

    Had to sign in again...........

    Just quick blog to say I agree with Em M.
    Tara always looks so troubled. It breaks your heart to hear the emotion in her songs.(Perhaps shes not had such a charmed life as we are led to believe)
    I love her to bits hope she wins!

    Love Allypally

  22. At 12:31 PM on 15 Mar 2007, Tickle in Cork wrote:

    Hello CLP and Co!

    Wish the weather was as nice here today, it was gloomy this morning and now it's raining! Still, life isn't too bad, it's a bank holiday weekend thanks to St Patrick, so I'll get to catch up on all my own work. Not exactly building work - but there's always alterations to be made at home!

    Break a leg for tomorrow night on Comic Relief, you're probably way to busy with it - but we'll be watching and cheering you on. Oh - and have fun as well! (I'm sure you will!)

    Well, the Paddys Weekend kicks off tonight with a work trip to the dog track! If anyone has some good tips for me - let me know!

    Have a nice day -
    Tickle :)

  23. At 12:41 PM on 15 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Chris - what a celebrity life you do lead. Only waking up at 8 o'clock when the builders start. Lucky you! It's not just my failing memory that means I can't remember the last time I woke up at 8 o'clock...
    And then 3 hours in the gym. I was late for work this morning after only managing 45 minutes in the gym.
    New suits being made for you that you don't wear...hmm.
    And holiday again, so soon? Who gets more hols - you or the Togmeister? Are you in competition with one another? Well, we've made it through without you before (OK with a few "wrinkles", but we made it through) so we'll make it through again. Probably.

    Personally I will be giving CR a miss, but that's another blog entirely.

    And if I have to name one myself, I will...Mugabe.

    Plum - I've got something I hold on to when I'm
    afraid too. What does that say about me?

    DWNB - I was going to say I wish I could have seen that but thought it might be misconstrued. Hope the hubby survived.


    PS It's my antlers. What were you thinking?

  24. At 12:52 PM on 15 Mar 2007, Sam Downie wrote:


    come on my 'new' drivetime radio show, on the UK's first and ONLY Community Radio Station on-air 24/7.. it's in Bristol, called BCfm ... on-air 93.2fm and streamed online live at: www.bcfm.org.uk I am presenting the Monday night drivetime show from.. 5pm - 7pm.. and I'm doing it for FREE! as I love to do radio and presenting..

    Would love you to be a guest of mine. come to the studio in bristol, or call me up while on-air..!

    I want to to talk about.. you you you! and radio 2, comic releif and heaps more.

    you and the team rock.. great to see the photo's of who works on the show, and as ever your writing on these blogs are fantastic.. i do hope others agree with me, when I say.. your thought's should be published.

    Be great for you and the team to be my guest on my weekly drivetime show! on BCfm.. cheers guys n gals.


  25. At 01:03 PM on 15 Mar 2007, allypally wrote:

    Had to sign in again...........

    Just quick blog to say I agree with Em M.
    Tara always looks so troubled. It breaks your heart to hear the emotion in her songs.(Perhaps shes not had such a charmed life as we are led to believe)
    I love her to bits hope she wins!

    Love Allypally

  26. At 01:10 PM on 15 Mar 2007, hazel love wrote:


    Don't take any more money with you than you can afford to lose...

    ...and I'll have ten bob each way on the sheepskin noseband.


  27. At 01:11 PM on 15 Mar 2007, Paula wrote:

    Hello One and all,

    Fabulous thought provoking comments over the last couple of days - climate change - recycling/reuse great issues.
    The self watering plant pots made from plastic bottles went down really well with my cub pack this week, not too much compost to clean up afterwards and lots of smiling faces.

    Thinking of Danny Baker always makes me smile, remember years ago when he was talking about seafood sticks and said they were so great that someone should make them the size of chickens. This comment has always made me laugh with the picture of someone trying to eat a sandwich bigger than the size of a chicken - well it dings my bells.....

    There seems to be a lift in the mood of bloggers now - is that the slide to the weekend that causes so much happiness?!
    My weekend starts today (taking day out from the bat cave tomorrow) with an indian head massage, hair cut, the suprise from the beloved & C.R. - tomorrow is looking like it's going to be a good birthday....it starts this evening with girlie night out.

    Enjoy your well earned break Chris, we expect many new photos on your return.
    Life without CLP & blogging is going to be dull, dull, dull - hey I might even have to do some work while at the bat cave!! ha ha.

    Take care out there
    Pea x

  28. At 01:37 PM on 15 Mar 2007, Linda l wrote:

    Dear Chris,

    I have been back in Blighty for the last year, but happily I am going back to Florida next week. However, I have really really enjoyed your Drive time, and will miss the cheery chatter with Rebecca, and Johnny, and the rest of your team.

    I am more a Wogan Tog, than an Evans Tag, but love your show. Thank you for keeping me very entertained and laughing all the way home from work through the Hertfordshire countryside.

    One question though: Why in most photos do you wear a baseball cap? I think although you may not be the most handsome man in the world, if there is such a thing, you have a lovely face, full of expression and character, which is very attractive to women, and should not be hidden behind the peak of a cap!!
    You are in the public eye so much, you should be used to being scrutinized by us all, and love it!!! Dont be shy, you have good looks and personality.

    With gratitude for making my evenings better, and very best wishes for the future

  29. At 01:38 PM on 15 Mar 2007, steve potts wrote:

    Good afternoon Christoff/Bloggers,

    I was amazed to read on your blog that you have sheduled 3 hours in the gym today.

    What the bejeez are you doing for 3 hours baby,a 45 minute burn 3 times a week is plenty for a youngster like you .

    Hey I hope you are all keeping pace with the soprano,s the new series is awesome.


  30. At 02:08 PM on 15 Mar 2007, Tickle in Cork wrote:

    Hazel -
    I was going to go for the dog with a patch over it's eye and vegatarian tendencies....but thanks to your advice, I'll go with your option!


  31. At 02:21 PM on 15 Mar 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Moose- Antlers indeed, you could say that I could not possibly comment!

    I hold on to my shopping trolly, I never go anywhere without it. Took it with me up Snowden last year.

  32. At 02:43 PM on 15 Mar 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Hi Chris and the blogettes

    Builders! It's been a while since we had builders in our home. A local firm, not the cheapest by a long chalk but highly recommended. A good bunch, if a little careless with their skin. ( I asked them several times why they weren't wearing gloves; must me a macho thing) The plumbers were the real pains because they had to take up lots of floor boards to put in the pipe-work for the new heating and didn't put them back down again each evening. ( night-time visits to the bathroom were made very carefully over a floor that was; how can I put this; not entirely stable or there at all, in some places) We decided to stay living in the house while they did the work, which in hindsight was probably a mistake but it was fun; well: very nearly. With both of us out at work from early on in the day, we left little post-it notes with any messages for the builders or changes we would like, written on them. It was really quite exciting on the drive home wondering if they had found the post-it for that day and had paid any attention to it. The guys were still there when I arrived home each evening and I could tell if they'd had a post-it and done what we'd asked or had a post-it and were going to pretend that they hadn't seen it. If they had done what we'd asked, they would line up smiling, to greet me in the way that people do for meeting the Queen, if they hadn't done it , there would be a bomb-burst of activity and not a builder in sight by the time I'd gotten out of my car. What I did notice was that the knocking down bit, took no time at all - dust everywhere; the building up again took a week or so, the finishing off took forever and the clearing up of all the building rubbish outside ; well lets just say we had to help a little with that but the end result: fantastic. We had them back again for some outside work so we must have liked what they'd done.

    One of the guys .. a carpenter .. his hands were huge but as rough as a rat-catchers dog. I asked him if he moisturised: he said he didn't! So with some of my hand cream, I did just one of his hands, he seemed quite impressed by the result and offered me a ride on the back of his motorbike in exchange. An unusual offer that I wasn't able to take up, on account of being terrified of motorbikes, although the thought of wrapping myself around a one man mountain was very tempting, I did go and look at it (his motorbike). Apparently it was a good one ... a black something or other.. I can't remember now.. It was huge though.

    Top tip for anyone who is having the builders in. Milk! Lots of milk. Milk Milk Milk. These guys will drink tea at every and any opportunity... it's part of the process of building - just go with it and the job will be well done... :)

    Holiday... We're away on holiday next week too. Sunny Cornwall- walking and other outdoor activities. I hope it stays dry..

    Have a good one everyone... :)

    Keep smiling


  33. At 02:59 PM on 15 Mar 2007, wrote:

    'ternoon all.

    CLP, yesterday you said Snow in a couple of weeks... Well, an hour ago the Met office issued a severe weather warning for Sunday night/Monday morning...... Heave Snow across the whole country.

    Don't turn the heating off or put your winter stuff in hibernation just yet.

    Our winter has a bite in its tail.

  34. At 03:20 PM on 15 Mar 2007, john wrote:

    I am not looking forward to the next 2 weeks with no exiting drivetime to listen to. I will listen but I will be on edge. Somehow Mr Evans seems to provide the right input to stop the teeth from grinding in the traffic. Going to change my routine in the Gym and spend a little extra time in steam room in preparation.

    How cool are those house of Lords chappies. They are voting to dismiss themselves in most cases yet they have taken the altruistic view and voted to claim the constitutional change that is inevitable. Well done to all of them. Personally I always though being altruistic was the domain of individuals but it seems we have a group of them. Oh the Irony if the climate change warriors created the second house of common sense lol.

    looking forwad to CR though

    John nonegreen

  35. At 03:21 PM on 15 Mar 2007, Delilah wrote:

    3 hours in the gym every day? Is that super dedication or suicidal tendencies?! I am in awe!

    Good luck with it anyway and glad to hear it's working but surely there must be more pleasant ways of burning off excess weight. Have just signed up to the Race for Life which I do every year and that's only a gentle 5K jog, just once a year and that nearly finishes me off!!

    Anyone doing anything fun for Comic Relief?

    Happy Humpday all x

  36. At 03:23 PM on 15 Mar 2007, wrote:


    I went to the dogs a long time ago, but went dog racing on tuesday. My tip is choose 3 numbers, and stick to those numbers. Ask for an always trio and you can almost (I said almost) guarantee that in some point of your evening those three will come in. This also gives the best payout. If its the same system as where I went the bet will cost you Β£3 a time.

    Oh, and numbers 1 and 2 did very well on Tuesday, coming in 1st, 2nd or 3rd in 8 out of 13 races, but that doesn't really mean anything.

    Good luck, have fun but don't bet on the veggie doggy!

    MW, a!

  37. At 03:42 PM on 15 Mar 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Prof Plum - you don't surf on your trolley through the supermarket do you?

    I did, with disastrous consequences - 'im indoors didn't know where to look or where to put 'imself. Hugely embarrassing all round and I haven't frequented that particular branch of Tesco (other supermarket chains are available) since!

    You'd think, at 45, I'd know better, wouldn't you?!!

    jillygoat x

  38. At 04:08 PM on 15 Mar 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    9.30 to 4.00.

    Ho what fun.

    Mrs MfR's birthday today, so Thirsty Thursday will be truly quenched.

    And I need it after that.

    The only upside is that all of a sudden it's nearly time to hit the road and listen to the show.

    I'm impressed with your dieting Chris. At least you can chill out for a while come the weekend.

    Although you may need your winter woolies again next week.

    Peace and love


    PS All we need is a drummer.

    PPS Hello Cleveland!

  39. At 04:29 PM on 15 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon chaps and chapesses

    Gracious, Christophe, I can't remember the last time I slept till 8. I think it's probably an age thing though! Three hours in the gym, I would die of boredom. I used to be a member of a gym and used to walk on the treadmills so that I could read and then used to sit on the weight machines and carry on reading without actually lifting any weights; so I decided a library would be more appropriate.

    Oh are you not on till 9 tomorrow night - ah that answers my logistics question. Sorry - having a blond moment.

    Mange tout xx

  40. At 04:52 PM on 15 Mar 2007, J-not-J wrote:

    I must confess I'm gutted at the thought of two weeks Christophe-less - I haven't had this sort of a crush since my teens!

    Does anyone know who is covering for CLP?

    Does anyone care?!!


  41. At 06:37 PM on 15 Mar 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Jilly Goat

    I have skate boarded on those wooden patio tub mover things on wheels in ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ base . I really don't worry too much what people think.

    I can recommend Trolley racing, lovely to get up speed and feel the wind through your hair.

  42. At 07:59 AM on 16 Mar 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Saw you last night on the Apprentice and just now on ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Breakfast rehearsing for tonight, and you definitely look thinner, think I could do with going on this seven day 3 hours a day at the gym diet. Maybe you could bring out a book!!

    All the best,

    Em xx

  43. At 08:10 AM on 16 Mar 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Two weeks holiday : (


    ps enjoy yourself Chris, and we look forward (as always) to having you back

  44. At 09:00 AM on 16 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Well blow me.
    Friday all ready.
    Look at that!
    The boy is still on nights so have arranged night in with a friend, who I haven't seen for ages, and I think a male might be the reason for her continued absence, so I shall be finding out later...

    So. Haven't got a red nose on, but am listening to our Tel, and loving the lightbulb jokes!

    By the way, I had the great tit back yesterday, and he has finally decided that it IS ok to land on the feeder and help himself. I have also had a chaffinch and an exploratory sparrer. The pheasant also re-appeared, clad in fancy new spring plumage - V posh indeed.

    ...and there are ten baby bunnies...

    I love my job!

    Happy CRARF Friday lovely people

    Prof Plum - next time while in ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔbase (other DIY/Gardening stores available, probably being built near you as we speak) Try doing 'stepping stones' across the floor, on the little feet they sell for holding your patio tubs off the floor. As long as you don't get asked to put them back before you've had a chance to give it a go...

    Tickle - did you win? Anything at all? How's the eye?

    M.W.a! - Coral mate!

  45. At 02:45 AM on 20 Mar 2007, Awen wrote:

    Well,here I am sitting in 42 deg heat in Adelaide Australia......what was that about Global warming?!!Just been given your website address by my dear friend Margi from Liverpool.I am Welsh and emmigrated with hubby 13 yrs ago.Recently seperated from him and decided to give some inspirational books/cd's tapes a go due to stress and anxiety.!Margi suggested i check out your blogs daily as you are such an inspirational writer Chris.I have read them and will be a daily reader from now on.....

  46. At 08:53 PM on 20 Mar 2007, Francois Del Touche wrote:

    Two weeks without the ginger, Withnail quoting, badger stroking, mushroom gathering, babble gabbling(couldn't think of anything to rhyme with gathering), golf batter, relationshiply(this definitely isn't a real word) challenged, ex channel 4, mogal of radio now a humblish millionaire Radio DJ.

    I have some extremely distressing news we have just run out of ideas, what are we going to do about it?

    My suggestion is we paraphase and bastardise film dilelogue along the following lines, most original para bastardisation should rewarded with a radio 2 mug

    Five Million Britains Drive ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ to this.. The Murder of Walker(Johnny - and not in the literal sense) and The Rape of Alban(Damon) The whole thing is just a Blur, I must get home and discuss these feelings in depth.

    Look at Chris Evans his head must weigh fifty pounds on its own... imagine getting into a fight with the F.

    Withnail quoting is always a good thing but remember study the depths for the gems not just the obvious!

    I understand he has an interview for REP to play a soldier, However I wouldn't advise a hair cut man.. All hair dressers are in the service of the government.

    So I a'm going to get in there and get wrecked then I'll eat a pork pie.

    Others are telling me he has gone on holiday by mistake.

    PENRITH and is up to his eyes in awful mud and umphs-gah, without a good quality rubber boot for shelter. The man is clearly mad.

    Any way I'm making time.

    Good day or is it night, never have quite being able to recognise the actual cut off!

    One day I'll buy this place and install a jukebox that should liven up all the stiffs

  47. At 07:25 PM on 13 Apr 2007, Michelle Walker wrote:

    Really loved the show. Even without my request for Thunder -love walked through my door. Brill song no one seems to have, Were you serious about a band in your pub. Probably not. If I am wrong and you ar4 serious I can recommend Glenn Walker and Patrick best blues brothers in Uk and Glenn used to tour with Thunder so good credentiials he is also best Meatloaf tribute. Interested. I am sure you can get known names but why not get the best.

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