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Chris Evans | 08:21 UK time, Thursday, 1 March 2007

Harry Potter naked...

…Equus. If it was a departure that Daniel Radcliffe was trying to achieve then he can take a bow right now. Powerful, powerful stuff here.

A really grown up play about someone who’s yet to grow up at all. Needless nudity to grab a few headlines ? Not for a second, rather a boy left with nothing, literally nothing but himself at an age when the world should be helping him find out who he is and in which direction he should be heading..

Is it better to β€œthink” one has a life full of love and meaning when that is rarely ever the case ? Or, know that one has experienced a passion beyond which most mortals could ever even imagine let alone survive ?

Go see it, book your ticket today.

Richard Griffiths is on stage throughout as the child psychiatrist, Griffiths, the new master, a title he thoroughly deserves, leads us by the hand,

β€œIt’s alright, come with me, listen and I shall take you where ever it is you need to be.”

And nice to see that in Mr. Griffiths, β€œHarry” still has a teacher near by. Not, that is that he needs one, Radcliffe, I promise, truly holds his own.

You know Daniel Radcliffe is the second richest teenager in the world, he’s made four Potter films, (I think) and is about to make another and yet he has the good sense to go on the West End Stage and push himself to his absolute, seventeen year old limit.

The catch is though, that within a few minutes, you realise it is the viewer who has to push themselves. Daniel’s put the work in and is already there. He’s found his performance. He’s found it in hundreds of hours of rehearsals, his travail is there for all to see and so is everything else for that matter.

Are the nude scenes necessary ? Absolutely. Are they at all embarrassing or giggle inducing ? Not for a second.

β€œAre you coming on this journey or what ?” screams Radcliffe’s character.

Yes we are Daniel, yes we are.

To claim one’s life, one must first discover one’s pain. Only then can one truly live.


CLP 2007 x.


  1. At 08:33 AM on 01 Mar 2007, Sammie wrote:


    What an amazing review! Think you should review a few more plays, in your inimitable style - beats the heck out of the usual wannabe luvvies...

    Daniel Radcliffe is an amazing actor, anyone that thinks his limits remain with Harry Potter (actually, have you seen those movies - amazing) are sadly mistaken - rah rah for Daniel.

    To live having experienced and lost an all consuming passion, or never to experience it? Now there's a question.... Personally, I do feel it is better to have loved and lost....

    HL - how you feeling today?

    S xx.

  2. At 08:46 AM on 01 Mar 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Morning Christophe

    Still not sure that this play is for me, despite your glowing review and that fact that I quite like Radcliffe.

    Well, he is a Fulham fan, after all.

    I've managed to sneak onto the guest list for a, ahem, top gig tonight.

    I'll let you know how we get on.

    Must dash. 1st of the month, and as any self-respecting accountant will tell you (and there are plenty on here),

    It is a fairly busy day.

    May your Thirsty Thursday be quenched with peace and love


    PS Checkmate honey, beat you at your own damn game.

    PPS Wild at heart.

    PPPS Phoney.

  3. At 08:58 AM on 01 Mar 2007, Elmlea wrote:

    very thought provoking comment there Mr Evans - something that made me and 'im indoors ponder was the beautifully acted show on Sunday night with David Tennant being the victim of brain damage. We are still discuissing this in our house and has made us ask questions about are own furture about what would happen if.........

    David Tennant is a really good actor and this was his chance to show his stuff, you completely forgot about darleks and let him tell the story of this character - well done ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ!

    On a downer - where was life on Mars? it was missed!

    Have a good Thuirsday everyone

  4. At 09:21 AM on 01 Mar 2007, Peni wrote:

    Morning CLP,
    I missed Life on Mars - it was replaced by football for some reason - why did the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ have to take of the best show onTV, just to show a game that only a tiny bit of the country are interested in........I could go on, but I won't. It had better be back next week.....

    Would love to see Dan in Equus, especially after your glowing review, but I live out in the sticks so it would be a major major expedition. Saw David Tennant on TV at the weekend, though, it was very good....

    Happy Thursady all - my OAMC is meeting down at the local tonight, can't wait

  5. At 09:35 AM on 01 Mar 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Hey - morning blogmunity peeps and CLP.

    I have a blister on my finger and it's only 9.30 am. Why? Because since 9 am I've been hitting redial for a certain ticket procuring outfit to try and get 2 tckts for V in August. I really want to go this year - strong line up and it's my 39th birthday that very weekend. The online booking keeps crashing and the phone line is always engaged. Ugghghgghg! So bloomin' frustrating.

    Gotta go thru the same again tomorrow for the Take That tickets.

    Nearly the weekend - hurrah! But also boo as I think Mr Diva will have me rubbing down woodwork, painting etc from when I get in Friday night to when I come back to portacabin life on Monday.

    Sammie - enjoy Dirty Dancing, and remember - nobody puts Baby in a corner!

    Laters amigos!

    CtD x

  6. At 09:44 AM on 01 Mar 2007, clodagh wrote:

    White Rabbits Christophe.

    Absolutely. What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger.

    I am mindful of November 2000, in a state of shock and mild panic and crying like the daft girlie I am, on a plane to New York, having been given just hours' notice to decide upon a work opportunity I couldn't refuse. I didn't know what exactly I would be doing, who with, where or how, and for a control freak like myself this was akin to going over Niagra Falls in a barrel.

    On top of this I was leaving behind the greatly adored daughter who had been in Australia with her dad for 3 weeks beforehand and was due to return the day after I left; and of course, I would have been away over Christmas. I was traumatised.

    But guess what. The experience changed my life. The New York people have this zest and joie de vivre that re-charges the batteries, it's like they get up in the morning and think, 'Right. What's in store today. Bring it on.' And it's infectious.

    It was also a freak cold snap in Manhattan, yet whereas at home in Wigan I'd be whingeing and jumping into the car to go round the corner to get the papers, I found myself wrapping up like a rabid Inuit and walking 3 miles every day down Broadway in minus fifteen degrees, ice collecting on my eyelashes, down town to where I was working in the World Trade Center. I could have taken the Subway but how could I resist taking in the sight of the sunlit Empire State Building, the smell of pretzels, the banter with the stallholders on Union Square, the rushes of steam from below street level that makes you feel like Marilyn Monroe, and most of all, the noise of New York. It's unique.

    And the daughter simply jumped on Virgin Atlantic and spent the best Christmas either of us has ever had before or since.

    Yes, this was the year 2000. Since then, not only my insignificant life has changed. The world has changed.

    And if we don't open our minds and hearts to change and be positive about it, we're all doomed. I still shed tears over those faces I will have had brief conversations with and who beamed at me and wished me a Good Day, I'm still haunted by the awesome experience of standing atop the Twin Towers, what happened is still unimaginable.........

    So let's all value what we have and embrace change. It's gonna happen, and who knows. Just around the corner a miracle, maybe in disguise, may be waiting...


  7. At 09:51 AM on 01 Mar 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:


    9.35 am and that certain tckt selling agency announces no more tickets whatsoever in the universe for V at Chelmsford.

    Let's see how many are on a certain internet auction site by lunchtime at grossly inflated prices, shall we??

    Rant over. Blood pressure up up up but kettle on.

    Mr Diva now needs to think of something else to entertain me on my birthday weekend!

    CtD x x

    PS: Baby we were born to run!

  8. At 11:14 AM on 01 Mar 2007, Em M wrote:

    Love the review Chris, I would really like to see Equus; i also live out in the sticks but think sometimes the journey and the expense is worth it. I really like Daniel Radcliffe as HP, and I thought he was great in Extras, how game for a laugh was Dame Diana Rigg in that scene with him?

    I really really want to go and see Take That, but just am not sure I can justify spending that kind of money on a ticket to see four men (maybe it will be five by then!) dancing and singing for a couple of hours. Although I'd be quite happy to pay a few hundred quid just to see Jason Orange strut his stuff!

    Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? Who knows - what is love anyway?

    Em xx

  9. At 11:56 AM on 01 Mar 2007, moose wrote:

    There was a lady on Radio 4 'Front Row' last night claiming to be the only person in the world that had never seen a Harry Potter movie.
    Well let me just say that not only is she not alone on that score, but some of us have never read a single word of any of the books either. And proud of it. And I will protect the mooselets as long as I possibly can from it.

    What is it about 'trends' that makes people think they are all-inclusive? What's the tipping point?

    - When 50% of people had read or seen Harry Potter did that suddenly become 'everyone'? Or 25% or 75%?
    - How many people were pleased to watch Reading vs Man Utd on Tuesday instead of Life on Mars as so many expected?
    - How annoyed are most people when the news is delayed from 10 o'clock just because a football match overruns?
    - Why is football 'mainstream' and everyone is allegedly into it and yet religion is laughed at, when more people go to church than to a football match every weekend?
    - Who decides all these things?

    Well I know the answer to the last question - it's the secret society geezers that are running the world - the lizards...or should that be the wizards?

    Anyway the lady concerned was a critic and reckoned she could have an independent view of Daniel R because she had never seen HP...and she said he was OK.

    I remember studying Equus at school. I don't think I really understood it at the time, naive teenager that I was. Unfortunately I don't get to the theatre any more to be able to see this version.


  10. At 12:21 PM on 01 Mar 2007, Jane wrote:

    I have been an avid reader of your blog for a while now but never posted and I'd just like to say I absolutely love your outlook on life!!

    You have soo much energy and passion for life, something I really admire.


  11. At 12:41 PM on 01 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Good afternoon, Christophe!

    Great review! You should be doing a column for a quality paper or magazine! However … Daniel … naked? I’ll give that one a miss methinks! Brave lad!

    I think life is far more rounded if one has experienced that passion … but it’s hard to live without it once that moment or period of your life is over. Whilst it’s wonderful to have the memories of that love, you still get periods of β€˜what if?’, when you let your guard down. If we are really fortunate, we get another chance at that with someone or something else … and I, for one, thank God for that! A life lived without love and meaning is a wasted life.

    I am most definitely coming, in fact already on, this journey!

    Fantastic blog again, CLP! Have a great day – not sure if I can join you at 5pm as we are going for a pizza then off to see Oklahoma. Will be with you in spirit!

    Huggles, Susan, Highland lass

    PS I was a week out with my news reading on the net yesterday! Hence I sounded like a complete madwoman!

  12. At 01:49 PM on 01 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Good afternoon Chris and all!

    Still not of my best, but struggling on! Am getting tea made for me, and my boss has just been out to get me some lunch, so I'm being well looked after.

    I saw the first Harry Potter, and then we had a heated debate about whether the kid who played Harry Potter was the same lad as in My Family. I was right as I seem to remember.

    I always though Equus was about a horse. This is in no way meant to sound facetious by the way. I have neither read nor studied the text, so I really don't know. I have to say, that perhaps because I though it was about a horse, I wouldn't have read it, because it would have been a horse that lost it's mother, then got lost in the wood, then got a thorn in it's hoof, then went lame a day before the World Showjumping contest, then still miraculously beaten all the opposition into a cocked hat, staggered on three legs to get it's rosette, then breathing it's last as they got it back into it's stable at the yard where it was probably raining. Everybody cries, and then the very next day another foal is born.

    I was never much into this sort of book. So I think that's why I didn't read Equus.

    Now apparently it isn't about a horse at all, but instead sounds like a fine and compelling story, I might give a go. I won't be able to see the play itself unless it tours, but at least I'll have an idea of what it may be about if people are talking about it!

    I think it is also worth mentioning another damn fine young English actor who keeps cropping up lately, although without all the pomp and circumstance of Mr Radcliffe, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr Rupert Grint.

    It has taken approx three hours to write this post. My work breaks seem to be getting longer and longer!

    ---cut here---

    ps Just thought, Harry Trotter! hehehehehe

    pps I am only medicated to legal limits. It could get worse at any time.

  13. At 02:12 PM on 01 Mar 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Hello all

    Nothing like real theatre for stimulating thoughts and mind. However I sometimes come away with more questions than answers.

    It's a shame that we don't see more plays on Tv anymore instead of endless Police or hospital dramas. Taking bets on who will be the deado this week.
    I still watch and enjoy Mike Leigh's Abigails Party rather a differebt kettle of fish I know, but so funny.

    Don't forget them Largers Lawrence.

  14. At 02:16 PM on 01 Mar 2007, Rudi wrote:

    I too have never read a Harry Potter. I seem to have been donated a copy but never opened it.

    The same goes for Rod Stewart and the song (I think it was called) Down Town Train. Never listened to it all the way through, don't know why and then it became a mission to switch over as soon as it came on - again I don't know why.

    Naked in front of Richard Griffiths - Uncle Monty - Radcliffe must have never watched Withnail and I. Best movie ever, Uncle Monty freaks me out everytime!

  15. At 03:29 PM on 01 Mar 2007, Parker wrote:

    "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of
    > arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather
    > toskid in sideways - Chardonnay in one hand - chocolate in the other -
    > body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WOO HOO,
    > What a Ride"

  16. At 03:39 PM on 01 Mar 2007, wrote:

    ...and MfR

    Cherry bomb!

  17. At 03:40 PM on 01 Mar 2007, Danny Dayglow wrote:

    John and Jill were about to go into his apartment, and before he could open his door, Jill said, "Wait a minute, I can tell how a man makes love by how he unlocks his door."
    John says, "Well, give me some examples."

    Jill proceeds to tell him, "Well, the first way is, if a guy shoves his key into the lock, and opens the door hard, then that means he is a rough lover and that isn't for me."

    "The second way is if a man fumbles around and can't seem to find the hole, then that means he is inexperienced and that isn't for me either."

    Then Jill said, "Honey, how do you unlock your door?"

    John proceeds to say, "Well, first, before I do anything else, I lick the lock."


    A young executive was leaving the office at 6pm when he
    found the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) standing in front of
    a shredder with a piece of paper in hand.
    "Listen," said the CEO, "this is important, and my secretary
    has left. Can you make this thing work?"
    "Certainly," said the young executive. He turned the machine
    on, inserted the paper, and pressed the start button.
    "Excellent, excellent!" said the CEO as his paper
    disappeared inside the machine. "I just need one copy."

  18. At 03:44 PM on 01 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Other news...

    Did anyone recently see in the news about the eight year old boy who weighs about 14stone?

    They were interviewing him at school during a music lesson for a tv documentary.

    When the interviewer asked his favourite tune, he replied "The dinner bell".

  19. At 04:03 PM on 01 Mar 2007, Simon wrote:

    Greetings - and happy St David's day one and all, especially our welsh bretheren!

    Re Clodagh #6 - absolutely! What doesn't kill you definitely makes you stronger.

    I used to be a terible worrier and then my mother died. Brain tumour. All over in six weeks. Until then I didn't realise that we worry about meaningless trivia most of the time or, as I would call them, "luxury worries". Now I just think life goes on. When life's little traumas come and present themselves we just have to think, it's not the worst thing that can happen so deal with it.

    Not sure if anyone saw Grand Designs last night (Channel 4 - sorry) but there was a man with a very nice approach to little traumas - calmness personified! I think I'd have been going ape!!


  20. At 05:36 PM on 01 Mar 2007, Simon wrote:

    Oops - blogged twice same theme. I thought the first one was jigged.

    Apologies for being a bore!

  21. At 07:49 AM on 02 Mar 2007, steve potts wrote:

    Happy friday everyone,

    What time are you opening the book rock chick,

  22. At 09:29 AM on 02 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Rock Chick eh? I like that. Its been ages since I got called a rock chick.

    The book is now open.

    Same rules apply as last week.

    I'm sticking with 3.48pm

    til later,

    MW, a!

  23. At 10:02 AM on 02 Mar 2007, Em M wrote:

    The Harry Potter books are great and I can't see why anyone would want to discourage their kids from reading them. It's often hard to tear boys away from their Playstations, but a new Harry Potter book will usually do the trick. My son (nine at the time) even cried when a certain headmaster died at the end of the last one, and I had something in my eye at that point too! Well down JK, you make it look so easy. I will be a very sad girl when I read the last page of the last book - please don't kill Harry!!

    Em xx

  24. At 10:44 AM on 02 Mar 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    I vote for 2.14pm please

    Good morning all


  25. At 10:56 AM on 02 Mar 2007, steve potts wrote:

    Thanks Mariella,

    50p each way please for 3.42, I was pathetically way out last week, I fancy my chances today though, cheers.


  26. At 10:56 AM on 02 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Mr Potts, as they say in stamp collecting circles, philately will get you everywhere...

    I'm gonna go for er...um...neck out now...16.09.



    Hi Mariella!

  27. At 11:08 AM on 02 Mar 2007, wrote:

    4:23pm for me please MW,a!

    I reckon today will be a rush of house activity as it's a clear crisp sky - perfect for spring cleaning

    :o) Jo

  28. At 11:44 AM on 02 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Morning CLP!

    Just a quickie today (oo-er!)! Heading to Aviemore shortly for the weekend - it's our 6th wedding anniversary!

    Hope your having a great Friday, Chris! Have taken a radio just so I can tune in later when we get to the hotel!

    Hmmm ... methinks it'll be 4.36pm! What's the prize today Mariella?

    Have a blast, y'all!

    Love ya, hug ya, squeeze ya!

    Susan, Highland lass

  29. At 12:20 PM on 02 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Morning CLP!

    Just a quickie today (oo-er!)! Heading to Aviemore shortly for the weekend - it's our 6th wedding anniversary!

    Hope your having a great Friday, Chris! Have taken a radio just so I can tune in later when we get to the hotel!

    Hmmm ... methinks it'll be 4.36pm! What's the prize today Mariella?

    Have a blast, y'all!

    Love ya, hug ya, squeeze ya!

    Susan, Highland lass

  30. At 12:21 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Happy anniversary Susan S - enjoy Aviemore and come back Monday to tell us all about it!

    Phew - what a morning! Got to work at 8.15, armed myself with caffeine and started the Great Take That Ticket Search.

    10.05 am Mr Diva rings with alternative numbers for V Fest Tickets.

    11.30 am - Got V Tickets - hurrah!

    11.50 am - Got Take That Tickets - joy joy joy!!!

    Now skint but with a HUGE smile on my chops!

    Can I stake my last Rolo on CLP appearing at 16.13 today. Ta!

    Take care bloggers - will be back later for a paddle!

    CtD x x

  31. At 12:41 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi all,

    Sorry, I've been a bit of a fairweather blogger of late, all sorts of lame reasons, interviews, flu and work mainly, but I shall try to be more attentive in future.

    Mariella, can I play too? if so I think I will plump for 3.42 if it's not already gone.

    take care
    Friday fluffiness to all

  32. At 12:48 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning all (v glum...)

    TT tickets all sold out - can you believe someone is selling them on a certain online auction site for Β£700!!!! I do like them, but not THAT much!

    I predict that CLP's blog will appear at 4.12 pm....

    Have been to the solicitors this morning and drawn up legal docs that state I have reverted back to my maiden name - I am sooooooo pleased! All part of the rehabilitation....

    I've seen the pics of CLP and Billie and a part of me wishes that me and my Ex could be like that - but it will never happen. We stopped being friends too long ago.

    Plans for the entire weekend, including tobogganing, although that's a maybe, as a certain sensible person doesn't think I should exert myself, having been ill all week... I won't be playing netball this week (don't want to faint and have done that before when rushed into sport too early after illness), so maybe tobogganing will have to wait. We'll see.

    It's a gorgeous day (the sun's shining on my name change day!) and I hope you;re all having a funky Friday!!

    S xx.

  33. At 01:13 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Nev wrote:

    I'll go for a very late 4.44pm.


  34. At 01:50 PM on 02 Mar 2007, moose wrote:

    Em M - sorry if I offended. I only meant to have an opinion. It just happens to be a different opinion than most people.
    It's not about reading vs Playstation, it's about what they read.


    PS I'll take 3.33 please Mariella.

  35. At 01:59 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Belles wrote:

    Hello all!

    Kinda new to this bloggin thingy!

    Can i play the game as well - i think our beloved CLP will appear at about 4.36pm!!

    Whats the prize?

    Am struggling to contain my excitement but i have TT tickets for London woo hoo!!! Hope ARF includes some classic TT.

    Have a fanstastic weekend one and all

    Big Loves

    Belles x x

  36. At 02:01 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Ellie wrote:

    CLP et Bloggers,

    V plated bloggette here. Have read this page every day since it's started and aboslutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Love CLP, love the comments and insights from everyone else.

    Today's and yesterday's blog I found partularly touching and the following comments and enthusiam infectious!!

    In fact am going to take them on board and do something invigorating this weekend!

    Your adoring fan

    Roo xx

  37. At 02:03 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Can't resist a compo I say 16.45.

    Heavens have TT tickets sold out what an awful shame, Actually I would not pay to see them...not even for free.
    But I'm sure they have appeal to some.

  38. At 02:03 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Roo wrote:

    CLP et Bloggers,

    V plated bloggette here. Have read this page every day since it's started and aboslutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Love CLP, love the comments and insights from everyone else.

    Today's and yesterday's blog I found partularly touching and the following comments and enthusiam infectious!!

    In fact am going to take them on board and do something invigorating this weekend!

    Your adoring fan

    Roo xx

  39. At 02:06 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Afternoon all

    Nodding off this afternoon.

    Mostly because of the accounts. Perhaps I should do this stuff in the evening?

    The perfect cure for insomnia.

    In one, easy to swallow spreadsheet.

    Also because of my rock 'n' roll lifestyle.

    No, really.

    Was VIP guest (ooh, get you!) at a splendid gig last night and even managed the aftershow party.

    Cheers Richard and the boys.

    I think I'm going to dust off my Strat and see if I can remember how to strum a D minor.

    The saddest of all chords.

    Ta ta


    PS The Lords

    PPS The New Creatures

    PPPS 4.27

  40. At 02:12 PM on 02 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Hi again,

    Nicki, I'm afraid Pottsie has already plumped for 15.42 if you wanted to change your bid.

    I can't believe I have actually set up a spreadsheet to keep track of the names and times! I really should get a job soon.

    Good luck,

    MW, a!

    PS. Anger is an energy

  41. At 02:12 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Em M wrote:

    Moose - you haven't offended me at all I promise! Sorry if that was how it seemed; all i was meaning was that the books are really good and I bet you (and your kids) would love them if you gave them a go. I agree sometimes things are so overhyped that they can't possibly be that good; I think in the case of Harry Potter they are as good as the hype says they are. Sorry if I seemed grouchy about it xx

    Em xx

    PS Has anyone else said 4.02?

  42. At 02:16 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Afternoon all,

    I will go for a tenner each way on 4.04pm and 4.07pm please.


    ps I want to put on my, my, my, my, my boogie shoes

  43. At 02:37 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:


    Don't give up on the Take That tckts - I heard that they'd all sold out at 9.10 am today, but managed to get mine online just before lunchtime. there's more out there than tcktmstr.!

    Have good weekends everybody.

    CtD x x

  44. At 02:49 PM on 02 Mar 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Sunny Friday Greetings all,
    Could I have 16.17 please.

  45. At 03:19 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Amanda wrote:

    I for one, love love love the Harry Potter books. My daughter and I read them together. Yes, Em it is amazing to see children so excited about a book these days. Not just any book...but a book that weighs a good 10 pounds and is over 800 pages!

    We can't wait for the last one...it will be a sad day indeed.

    PS: I know it is late to put in my 2p ....but I will say 4:20ish.

  46. At 04:06 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Ashy wrote:

    Hi All.Mariella can I have 16.26 pleaseXXXAshy

  47. At 04:09 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Ashy wrote:

    Hi All.Mariella can I have 16.26 pleaseXXXAshy

  48. At 04:16 PM on 02 Mar 2007, wrote:

    wilsmar! YAYYYYY!

    Happy Friday to you too gorgeous!

    I think I am going to lose.

    I also did a whole post about tobogganning, name changes, going down (slopes) in Aviemore, the list would appear to have ended there, but I can't merember no more!

    I did say, Cresta, it's frothy man!

    ...and a Happy ARF to all of everybody else too!


    MfR - is it 'depressed accountant' season again?

    ps It's an alternative Ulster

    pps Stiv Bators

    pps Little White Dove

  49. At 04:18 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Shucks - guess I haven't won the sweepstake then..

    Prof Plum - I accept that TT aren't to everyone's tatse - but don't knock those that do like them!!! They remind me of a really happy time in my life, a time that I had thought was long gone. These days, I'm just as happy as I was then and TT make me smile!! I will definitely get tickets and go to see them again - went twice last year - what a show!

    Cheryl - thanks for the message of support babe!!

    To all those that did manage to get tickets today - well done! Maybe I'll see you there!

    S xx.

  50. At 04:21 PM on 02 Mar 2007, wrote:

    wilsmar! YAYYYYY!

    Happy Friday to you too gorgeous!

    I think I am going to lose.

    I also did a whole post about tobogganning, name changes, going down (slopes) in Aviemore, the list would appear to have ended there, but I can't merember no more!

    I did say, Cresta, it's frothy man!

    ...and a Happy ARF to all of everybody else too!


    MfR - is it 'depressed accountant' season again?

    ps It's an alternative Ulster

    pps Stiv Bators

    pps Little White Dove

  51. At 04:23 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Shucks - guess I haven't won the sweepstake then..

    Prof Plum - I accept that TT aren't to everyone's tatse - but don't knock those that do like them!!! They remind me of a really happy time in my life, a time that I had thought was long gone. These days, I'm just as happy as I was then and TT make me smile!! I will definitely get tickets and go to see them again - went twice last year - what a show!

    Cheryl - thanks for the message of support babe!!

    To all those that did manage to get tickets today - well done! Maybe I'll see you there!

    S xx.

  52. At 04:24 PM on 02 Mar 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    I will have to go for a 4:21 post ;-)

    I am feeling lucky!


  53. At 04:29 PM on 02 Mar 2007, wrote:

    wilsmar! YAYYYYY!

    Happy Friday to you too gorgeous!

    I think I am going to lose.

    I also did a whole post about tobogganning, name changes, going down (slopes) in Aviemore, the list would appear to have ended there, but I can't merember no more!

    I did say, Cresta, it's frothy man!

    ...and a Happy ARF to all of everybody else too!


    MfR - is it 'depressed accountant' season again?

    ps It's an alternative Ulster

    pps Stiv Bators

    pps Little White Dove

  54. At 04:44 PM on 02 Mar 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi again all,
    Ok I c+@ked up, but I look on it a bit like the lottery and would'nt mind sharing any prize with pottsie.

    Mariella you are soo organised, spreadsheet and everything, actually I guess you'd have to, to keep tabs on things, but don't worry I dont believe you've created a monster, just a good guessing game to keep us all amuseduntil the boss turns up, so well done you!

    luv n stuff

  55. At 08:35 AM on 04 Mar 2007, Rick wrote:

    Who is this Daniel Radcliffe anyway? And who is Harry Potter? Now that should get some schoolgirls shouting! I am probably one of the few people in UK who have never seen a Harry Potter film and don't intend to. The only Potter books I have read are Beatrix Potter (I still love Jemima Puddleduck xxx). and if ever I get a book published then I hope that I can get the same PR company as Potters author. That should ensure that all my books would be best-sellers before I have even thought up the plot!
    Have a nice one!


    PS. Who is this Chris Evans as well?

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