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Chris Evans | 08:03 UK time, Tuesday, 27 February 2007

My firewall is turned off, my anti-virus cover has expired, quick run for the hills the end is nigh. How did all this happen ? Why does my computer think it has to tell me this every day ? It’s like a desperate door to door salesman who just won’t stop knocking, scared to go back to his office without the scalp of yet another unsuspecting signee.

One day I’d like to switch on this computer and for it to say…

…Morning Christophe, it’s finally time for us to tell you what you’ve been put here to do. And then for that to be a special mission.

I went to see The Good Shepherd last night. Three hours long, take plenty of maltesers. Matt Damon is inducted into a mason-like fraternity,

“Skull and Bones…Reject or accept ?â€

This in turn leads to him helping set up the C.I.A.

Not really of course, Matt Damon is only an actor and at just touching 40 could still pass for twelve. Is there anyone in the world that looks younger for his age ?

Matt Damon may not be in the C.I.A. but I think he is probably part of some secret group of Hollywood film makers who have decided to do what they can with their money and their power and their skill to help make the world a little bit better.

Robert De Niro is the boss, I reckon, George Clooney is his number two, his protégé if you like. Others involved would be Pitt, Di Caprio, Toby Maguire, Tim Robbins, his Mrs Susan. There are quite a few others but I think I’ve said enough already.

People definitely not involved…. Any of the ex- cast of friends, especially Mathew Perry, Tom Cruise, Hugh Grant, Billy Crystal, Vin Diesel, Val Kilmer, Oprah Winfrey and Jim Carey.

People that you might expect to be part of the society but are not:-

Clint Eastwood, he’s still too busy working out every day, even though he’s a hundred and three.
Jack Nicholson, a surprise omittance you may think but I just can’t help feeling that no matter what Jack tries to portray, when it comes to the real deal, he’d rather stay at home staring at his hugely valuable private art collection.
Tom Hanks is also not available as he’s currently disguised as a black dude called Obama and is making a run for The Whitehouse.
And finally, Marlon Brando because as far as I understand he’s still dead.

Secret societies, get one today. They make life more exciting.

I’m a member of two. The Once a Month Club, which although you know about you will never really know about. And also one that today will be making themselves known to a group of people in Scotland whom they’re not very happy with.

Here’s to your cause whatever that may be.

CLP 2007. x.


Angelina Jolie is well fit in The Good Shepherd. Ha ha !


  1. At 08:32 AM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Morning CLP!

    An early start today which is nice. I can't say I'm part of any secret clubs. I used to be in the brownies if that counts? But come to think of it I think I might have been elected into a club which advertises me as a best mate if your marriage/job/life goes wrong and you need somewhere to stay and build yourself back into the sort of person you want to be. It's a great job when you get to set them free back into the world again. Of course it's only open to existing friends in general but every now and again a newcomer needs to join.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone!


  2. At 08:34 AM on 27 Feb 2007, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Morning Chris and the bloggettes

    Secret societies are what make the world go around. The trick with a secret society is for it to exist in plain view, hidden fully visible amongst the normality of life, so remains forever, a secret. Any suggestion of odd goings on, simply dismissed, with a don't be silly - there's nothing secret about him/her or that lot.

    Take for example, the Radio 2 Secret Society - beautifully disguised as an overt national broadcasting organisation but communicating their messages amongst themselves under the guise of entertaining the masses. The tracks, the threads, the e-mails and texts, and yes, even the travel news, all part of the great conspiracy but who is the real controller? Who is to Radio 2 as Charlie is, to his Angels?

    Keep smiling


  3. At 09:05 AM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I Love Secret Societies!

    I used to belong to a Sunday Breakfast club, oh it was great......... but times change and people move away and so the monthly trip to the funniest greasy spoon you can find where ever you are is no longer a possibility :0(

    R xXx

  4. At 09:08 AM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    The next time you are washing your hands and complain because the
    water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be. Here are some facts about the 1500's:

    These are interesting...

    Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May, and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were starting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor.

    Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married.

    Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children. Last of all
    the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it.
    Hence the saying, 'Don't throw the baby out with the Bath water.. '

    Houses had thatched roofs of thick straw-piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and
    fall off the roof. Hence the saying. It's raining cats and dogs.

    There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds came into existence.

    The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence the saying, Dirt poor.

    The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winterwhen wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until, when you opened the door, it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entranceway.
    Hence the saying a thresh hold.

    (Getting quite an education, aren't you?)

    In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while.

    Hence the rhyme, Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old..

    Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could, bring home the bacon. They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and chew the fat..

    Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach into the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.

    Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the upper crust.

    Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them forburial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a wake.

    England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a bone-house, and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realized they had been burying people alive. So they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through thecoffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the graveyard shift.) to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be, saved by the bell or was considered a ..dead ringer.

    And that's the truth...Now, whoever said History was boring!

  5. At 09:55 AM on 27 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Good morning Christophe

    Tuesday and I already have my binoculars out trying to see the weekend in the distance.

    Dear oh dear.

    Interesting take on the good and less good of Hollywood. And what did the ‘Friends’ do to upset you? Although you do have a point.......

    I love the thought of secret societies and conspiracies. The Illuminati, JFK, the tomb of Christ – David Icke would be proud of me. Alas, I am not a current card holding member of any clandestine organisation.

    Unless you count this blog. Perhaps our daily postings are littered with hidden messages and secret codes?

    Who knows?

    Peace & love


    PS It really doesn’t matter anymore

    PPS Drop the bomb

    PPPS They call us the cockney cowboys

  6. At 10:13 AM on 27 Feb 2007, Paul Robinson wrote:

    Hi Christophe - what happened to that text message you couldn't read out last night that you were going to put on the blog?

  7. At 10:47 AM on 27 Feb 2007, Simon wrote:


    Am I losing the plot or am I tuning into a different frequency all of a sudden?

    What can be good about secrets??? And secret societies just thrive on people's doubts, fears andsuspicions. What was it Yoda said (can't remember the quote but it was typically sage like and said back to front as always) about fear breeding violence. Rock on Yoda!

    All secrets do is create barriers and barriers are bad for everyone. They restrict people from achieving their potential for no good reason! Barriers to trade, barriers to entry etc - all they do prevent the world becoming the meritocracy it should be!

    Information is power and it should be equally available everyone!

    Here endeth the rant!

  8. At 10:55 AM on 27 Feb 2007, Ginnie-pig wrote:

    Surely the best thing aboout secret clubs is that noone knows about them, otherwise they're just "showing-off clubs"?!!


  9. At 11:00 AM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Good morning Chris!

    My word, you must have had a couple of vins rouge, some cheese and some chocolate as well as the maltesers eh? Golly! Enid Blyton could have come to you...

    My Secret Society is SOOOO secret, I'm the only one in it. I can't tell you what I do at risk of being put in front of the firing squad by slightly more than 300,000 people.

    nuff said
    you ain't seen me, roit...

  10. At 11:13 AM on 27 Feb 2007, moose wrote:

    The blog a secret society? Don't be so silly. There's nothing secret about this...

    Love the theory on Hollywood, but where do the Brits all fit in? I think both groups have a little splinter group here...

    The IN crowd: Kate Winslet, Daniel Craig, Judy Dench

    The OUT crowd: Jude Law, Clive Owen, and somewhat controversially, Helen Mirren.

    I have to confess that I am in a secret society. David Icke must be stopped from telling the world about us. He is the lizard, not us. We are cuddly and friendly people. You can trust us. We illuminate people's lives. Darn, did I give it away? Think I got away with it...

    Clearly there is a small part of the blog community that are the special ones. My F5 didn't show me the web page with today's blog until 11.02am, and yet there are comments from 8.32am...highly suspicious if you ask me...

  11. At 11:15 AM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    May I just say, then I'll go until later...

    ...with regard to secret societies/conspiracy theories and their ilk then, something strange is 'appnin 'ere.

    I have been checking, with not quite monotonous regularity, the appearance of today's blog.

    All of a sudden, not five minutes ago, there it is...and it would appear that there have been postings (see lyndyloo numero uno) since 0832. How can this be? It appears to have been logged at 0803, which is about the time I turned on my pc, but this weblog was not there.

    It would appear therefore, that I am not a member of the Elite. Those who are answerable only to one man. The CE. You are the UNIT. I am paranoid.

    Cue for a song...

    ps Well I guess it doesn't matter any more

    pps Drop the pilot

    ppps There's gonna be a borstal breakout

  12. At 11:30 AM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Morning :o)

    I love reading the personals in National papers looking for secret squirrel stuff. And I am a member of a secret society and it's not the brownies, pleased to say that I was asked to leave them for being too loud. I think I was just too much fun!

    :o) Jo

    PS - I think that CLP has missed a few out of his Hollywood secret squirrel club surely the Chairman of the board would be Mr Travolta? matbe not but he would be involved somehow!

  13. At 11:51 AM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    ‘why does it always rain on me?
    is it because I lied when I was 17?’

    It ALWAYS rains when I come back to Oban!!

    Morning Christophe, my dear!

    I hate those messages that pop up! I haven’t the foggiest what they mean or what to do about them! I just got told that if I want to run something I have to add the site address to my pop-up blocks. Huh?! Like I would know where that is! So – I didn’t get to listen to my choice of music on the laptop! Grrrr!

    ‘The untold story of the most powerful covert agency in the world.’ So looking forward to seeing The Good Shepherd – I love films like that! Matt Damon is a tremendous actor! I like your idea of a top secret group of A-listers out to save the world!

    Tell me, Chris, have you ever been tempted to become part of one of these secret societies? 3 of my maternal Uncles were in the Freemasons, one of them was the highest level in Scotland. Their father before them had been a member too, and several of my cousins are also members. Scared the living daylights out of me! Something dark and sinister about ceremonies involving goats, pentangles and knifes ….. wasn’t so scared of the trouser leg thing, though!

    Hmmm … so who is winging it up here today? Do tell, Chris … I can’t see anything in the news pages!

    My causes:

    Eradication of poverty
    Abolition of child exploitation
    LOVE your neighbour

    Have a great day, Chris – looking forward to 5pm – I’ll have to make the dinner again to listen to you, but it’s a small price to pay!


    Susan, Highland lass

    ‘Let it never be said, that romance is dead
    Cos there's so little else occupying my head’

  14. At 11:54 AM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    OMG have just remembered, not only was I a Brownie then a Guide, I was also in the Tufty Club.

    Does this qualify as secret squirrel?

    look right look left

  15. At 11:54 AM on 27 Feb 2007, moose wrote:

    Jo - NO! Travolta is OUT OUT OUT

  16. At 12:00 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning Christopje, et al...

    Secret Societies - I'm a member of one (this one - no-one knows who I am!) and have been a member of others - at work. I've been working on something so secret at work, I've not been able to discuss it with anyone, not even colleagues (unless they have been initiated). I think they tell you that at work to make it seem exciting, when really it's all as dull as dishwater...

    Have a friend who has a job that he's not supposed to talk about - he has to tell fibs all the time and then things happen and I'll put two and two together.... Exciting!!

    Just back from Docs - have tonsilitis, so that's me off work for the rest of the week. My own fault, if I'd have had time off when I had that chest (and water - yuck!) infection a couple of weeks ago, I'd be fine now.

    No flutterby man tonight :-( but I did see him last night and he has made me feel lots better with calls and txts this morning :-)

    On the other hand, as I'm off all this week, I may be able to talk my way out of the dreadful course I'm scheduled to be on next week... clouds/silver linings, etc.

    HL - Blog mystery or what???

    Take care all.

    S xx.

  17. At 12:04 PM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I was being denied comments from MfR's 9:55 effort - Am half in half out of the secret society, maybe I've been thrown out - To be thrown out of one club is a mistake but to be thrown out of 2 is surely careless!

    :o) Jo

  18. At 12:17 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Paula wrote:

    Hello One & all,

    Secret societies - what a strange and fab idea. My mind is exploding with so many pictures of people being 'publicly' secret when they meet in the street - eyes turning and people looking at you from everywhere, just wondering if you are a member or not!!

    Many years ago I did some waitressing for Masons dinner functions - we would always be locked out of the room after dinner and we would be told off if we made too much noise polishing cutlery, even though they made lots of noise from the main hall. When we would return the men couldn't wait to get rid of us - clearing the coffee cups was always a little freaky.

    I love the idea of getting out the bino's to find the weekend already - good one Matt.

    Happy Tuesday everyone.
    Keep smiling - it does make them wonder......
    Best wishes P x

  19. At 12:17 PM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Guys, watch your nuts, Hazel Love's about

    :o) Jo

  20. At 12:34 PM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    DO you think Nic Cage & Jonny Depp could be in the IN SS? I think they're both out to save the world!

  21. At 12:36 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    I think life would be a bit dullsville without the odd secret or two.
    Creating a sort of crepuscular zone.

    PS DR JMC In regard to your beetles beware of catharides.

  22. At 12:51 PM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Good afternoon, fellow agents!

    Ok … before you go out today, have you twitched the curtains to check you are not being watched? Do you have your theme tune running through your head to keep you focussed (mine is Mission Impossible)? Do you have your boots and trench coat on?

    Now, remember to slip the microfilm into the lining of your shoe, attach the mini camera to your tie pin and don’t forget your pen with the poisoned tip! And have you watched the training video

    Lyndyloo – First! Well done! That means it’s your turn to get the lattes and doughnuts! So …. which newcomers get to join your club? Huh, huh, huh?!

    Rachel (Blue Angel) – I think it would have to be our bonny Christophe, eh?

    Raggyanne5 – Really makes me thankful for showers, washing machines, hoovers, cookers, fridges, freezers, and modern medicine! Thanks for the education!

    Matt from Rudgwick – I think we could count ourselves part of this intelligent, exclusive society known as the Chris Evans Blog … and what about next door? No BP or 502s there!

    Moose – Well spotted! The blog didn’t register up here on the West Coast til after 11am either! Hmmm …. curiouser and curiouser! Let’s get Lyndyloo and interrogate her!

    Hazel Love – you hold the light while I tie Lyndyloo to the chair!

    Jo – no secrets … tell us which one or Moose will get a chair for you beside Lyndyloo!

    Well … Charis has a bucket on her head (video will be posted later!) so I think that’s a cue for me to go!

    Hope you all have a fabulously turquoise Tuesday!

    Huggles, Susan, Highland lass

  23. At 12:53 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Su wrote:

    My Dad (long since departed, sadly) always told his lady friends and admirers when the subject of war time occupations arose (which it did with monotonous regularity) that he couldn't tell them what he did - he wasn't allowed. They all thought this was fantastic; only the family knew he was an air raid warden.

    Good Old Dad

  24. At 01:05 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Hi everyone - happy Tuesday!

    I didn't get to blog yesterday as I had THE most awful day ever atwork, which culminated in Diva tears being shed in a colleagues office by mid afternoon.

    Today is slightly better ... and I have my job interview this afternoon which will all be over by the time drivetime starts (I'm not in the least bit nervous about it tho - I love interviews for some bizarre reason - perhaps that's another Secret Society just waiting to be formed?!)

    Yep - portacabin life is definitely bad for my health ... crying in the middle of the just makes you look like Alice Cooper - not a good look at 3pm.

    Sleeps bad too at the mo.

    Ooooh I'm getting all maudlin' ... change the subject.

    I think Simon Cowell controls the world - he kind of hibernates to regenerate himself then comes out and WHAM! he's in control of everything!

    Righteo, 2 hours to go before I leave for my date with my (prospective) new employer ... eish me luck!


    ps: Hey Ho Let's Go!!!

  25. At 01:06 PM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Now I'm at lunch. At liberty. Undone from the shackles that hold my spirit in check for too many hours a day.

    Prof Plum. How about a day trip along the coast ending up on the prom at Brighton & Hove (actually). We will ensure no breaking out of les mouches espanol eh...

    Sammie, how many things do you need to get wrong with you before you start listening to your body tell you it needs a rest! From EVERYTHING. Just for a little while. Even the texts and calls. Just til you've shaken all the bugs off...because they don't exist...they are alle in your mynde...but until you listen to them, they will keep whispering...ssssssh and you can hear them...

    Oh dear I'm sorry. That is my paranoia.

    Pass the crackers

    It's gonna getcha, comin' up strong!

  26. At 01:31 PM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:


    What did Jim Carrey do wrong? Since his performance in 'eternal sunshine' I have admired the man. Not just because he showed a great talent but also the background story, being told he had to do Bruce Almighty first, offering to do the role for free, getting behind a low budget film (which are always the best). Thats just my personal opinion, and I can't wait to see 23. OK, not so low budget.

    Still what do I know?

    MW, a!

  27. At 01:32 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Nev wrote:

    Secret societies - not for me!

    I am suspicious and sceptical of my son being in the beavers.... too many secret greetings etc. for my liking!


  28. At 01:52 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Nev #26 - I did a recycling night with some Beavers and Cubs in December at their scout hut. I was amazed at the amount of ceremony that goes in - definitely a pre-curser to the Freemasons, if you ask me! There was lots of saluting and Ra Ra Ra-ing and flag unfurling ... bizarre behaviour for 8 year olds, IMHO !

    Controlling the little blighters was a complete mare, but that's another story!

    Soz for the typos above - this is not a reflection of my bad typing - I am, after all, the world's best PA ever ever .... it's just so darned cold in this portacabin my fingertips are turning bloooo.


    PS: Mick Jagger - now HE is the GUVNOR!

  29. At 01:54 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Nev #26 - I did a recycling night with some Beavers and Cubs in December at their scout hut. I was amazed at the amount of ceremony that goes in - definitely a pre-curser to the Freemasons, if you ask me! There was lots of saluting and Ra Ra Ra-ing and flag unfurling ... bizarre behaviour for 8 year olds, IMHO !

    Controlling the little blighters was a complete mare, but that's another story!

    Soz for the typos above - this is not a reflection of my bad typing - I am, after all, the world's best PA ever ever .... it's just so darned cold in this portacabin my fingertips are turning bloooo.


    PS: Mick Jagger - now HE is the GUVNOR!

  30. At 02:00 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Nev #26 - I did a recycling night with some Beavers and Cubs in December at their scout hut. I was amazed at the amount of ceremony that goes in - definitely a pre-curser to the Freemasons, if you ask me! There was lots of saluting and Ra Ra Ra-ing and flag unfurling ... bizarre behaviour for 8 year olds, IMHO !

    Controlling the little blighters was a complete mare, but that's another story!

    Soz for the typos above - this is not a reflection of my bad typing - I am, after all, the world's best PA ever ever .... it's just so darned cold in this portacabin my fingertips are turning bloooo.


    PS: Mick Jagger - now HE is the GUVNOR!

  31. At 02:03 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Nev #26 - I did a recycling night with some Beavers and Cubs in December at their scout hut. I was amazed at the amount of ceremony that goes in - definitely a pre-curser to the Freemasons, if you ask me! There was lots of saluting and Ra Ra Ra-ing and flag unfurling ... bizarre behaviour for 8 year olds, IMHO !

    Controlling the little blighters was a complete mare, but that's another story!

    Soz for the typos above - this is not a reflection of my bad typing - I am, after all, the world's best PA ever ever .... it's just so darned cold in this portacabin my fingertips are turning bloooo.


    PS: Mick Jagger - now HE is the GUVNOR!

  32. At 02:32 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    I'm impressed with your musical knowledge.

    Perhaps you are a member of the top secret Jimmy Pursey Appreciation Society?

    Likewise, Cheryl.

    I'm coming over all punky.

    Perhaps Chris could give us a bit of Sham 69 or Ramones later?

    Secretly, of course.


    With one torn, bleached trouser leg rolled up and a hat covering his green hair.

    PS Your future dream is a shopping scheme

    PPS Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

  33. At 02:36 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    Hey Chris

    I am really looking forward to seeing that film!

    Today is a good day! My friend Cate from South Africa is pregnant! This is extra special as she suffers from endometreosis and has been having fertility treatment for three whole years. Cate will make a brilliant mother, and the fact she has now got pregnant has restored my faith in the world!!!

    happy days!!!


  34. At 02:40 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    Hey Chris

    I am really looking forward to seeing that film!

    Today is a good day! My friend Cate from South Africa is pregnant! This is extra special as she suffers from endometreosis and has been having fertility treatment for three whole years. Cate will make a brilliant mother, and the fact she has now got pregnant has restored my faith in the world!!!

    happy days!!!


  35. At 02:41 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Just me again

    Susan S #22 "I think it would have to be our bonny Christophe, eh?"
    The "controller" , of any proper secret organisation is never a single person. The Big Cheese is a collection of ever-evolving ideas thoughts and experiences shared through a common vehicle of transference on the understanding and acceptance of the need to remain completely secret without being secretive. There is no initiation ceremony, no rituals, no membership card or fee. You know if you're in it, when you become part of the experience.
    The Radio 2 secret society is a direction, over which anyone can influence provided they adhere to the above.

    Keep smiling :)

    Rachel x

  36. At 02:41 PM on 27 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    CtD - hope you're feeling better today and I wish you the best of luck for your job interview.

    Re: cold fingers - the 'barn' that I work in is so cold that I have been typing whilst still wearing my gloves of late!!! Oh for a decent office - the Safety Elves would freak out if they saw this place! Ooh, now there's a thought .........

    Looks like there's a massive repedemic here today!!!!!

    jillygoat x

  37. At 02:41 PM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Isn't it ace that little boys maintain there innocence throughout the whole beaver age then as soon as they start growing up and understanding other stuff they can't get back into beavers for love nor money?

    Hello corner, nice to meet you :o)

  38. At 02:43 PM on 27 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    CtD - hope you're feeling better today and I wish you the best of luck for your job interview.

    Re: cold fingers - the 'barn' that I work in is so cold that I have been typing whilst still wearing my gloves of late!!! Oh for a decent office - the Safety Elves would freak out if they saw this place! Ooh, now there's a thought .........

    Looks like there's a massive repedemic here today!!!!!

    jillygoat x

  39. At 02:44 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Nev #26 - I did a recycling night with some Beavers and Cubs in December at their scout hut. I was amazed at the amount of ceremony that goes in - definitely a pre-curser to the Freemasons, if you ask me! There was lots of saluting and Ra Ra Ra-ing and flag unfurling ... bizarre behaviour for 8 year olds, IMHO !

    Controlling the little blighters was a complete mare, but that's another story!

    Soz for the typos above - this is not a reflection of my bad typing - I am, after all, the world's best PA ever ever .... it's just so darned cold in this portacabin my fingertips are turning bloooo.


    PS: Mick Jagger - now HE is the GUVNOR!

  40. At 02:45 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Yikes! I keep getting "Error No Submission" or "Your Post Was Unsuccessful" and then I'm there 4 times on the trot.

    Sorry all.

    Blog controller - sort it aht, pls.

    CtD x

  41. At 02:45 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Just me again

    Susan S #22 "I think it would have to be our bonny Christophe, eh?"
    The "controller" , of any proper secret organisation is never a single person. The Big Cheese is a collection of ever-evolving ideas thoughts and experiences shared through a common vehicle of transference on the understanding and acceptance of the need to remain completely secret without being secretive. There is no initiation ceremony, no rituals, no membership card or fee. You know if you're in it, when you become part of the experience.
    The Radio 2 secret society is a direction, over which anyone can influence provided they adhere to the above.

    Keep smiling :)

    Rachel x

  42. At 02:47 PM on 27 Feb 2007, peter wrote:

    I like beavers !

    Have I missed something?


  43. At 02:50 PM on 27 Feb 2007, peter wrote:

    cannot get enough good beavers......

    Have I missed something?


  44. At 02:54 PM on 27 Feb 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Christophe Lambpie don't get me started on the lap-top fire eater thingy whatsiname that keeps poppin' up when you least expect it and triggers another spectacular outburst of the Tourrette's.

    In fact I can feel me nose wrinklin' up as I speak, well, tap with me one finger, and all the hairs at the back of me neck standin' up at the vert thought of it. Just bugger off, if I want a pop-up I'll go down to ToysRUs and buy one. With bells on it.

    Anyway, hurrah to the Secret Society. I've bin' one for ages, the pseudonymous frantic faxer and e-maginary e-mailer, living a secret vicarious life for five minutes a day (ten if the Togmeister's around) unbeknown to most of her friends and it's Fab. Ha ha if they only knew how I waste my time they'd probably have me certified, or at least never let me near their children or pets again.

    See you in the next incarnation, Christophe. I'm comin' back as summat that hibernates and never has to deal with men, money or roadworks.


  45. At 02:58 PM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Ok so now I've placated you all with latte's and doughnuts I'll let you into my secret.... "AGGGHHH! *%@#~! SPLAT!!"

    ... seems it's not allowed, you'll have to just trust me that I just know stuff!!!


  46. At 03:01 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Sam Downie in Bristol wrote:


    to stop ur computer complaining, you could either pay-up! and get the new anti-virus update, and switch back on ur firewall.. or.... you could buy a apple flavored computer, just like Chris Moyles (Radio 1) has recently. The u don't need to worry about firewall, viruses and such.. above all it also has it's own Podcast Studio built right in, so you can do your own podcasts!

    Did you enjoy the Rugby? you sound as though u enjoyed the socalising but u never talked about the game in yesterdays blog.

    There's a music expo taking place in london this week called Sounds-Expo, do go to it, as it will open your eyes on the technology behind todays music and hits.. even the producers behind Lily allen will be there talking about their recordings and producing the UK's #1 single.. Smile. It's at Olympia 2 BTW from thursday until Saturday this week!

    have a good tuesday everyone and enjoy todays drivetime session from 5pm til 7pm..

    Goodtimes xx

  47. At 03:06 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Paulie Paul wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    I'd love to be in a secret society, any ideas how to start one?

    Should we tell Jonny Ross about the movie secret sect, if he turns up dead in a hotel room we'll know the culprits! i'm worried for him.

  48. At 03:07 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Paulie Paul wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    I'd love to be in a secret society, any ideas how to start one?

    Should we tell Jonny Ross about the movie secret sect, if he turns up dead in a hotel room we'll know the culprits! i'm worried for him.

  49. At 03:11 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Q wrote:

    Hi Y'all

    You English have lot's of secret socities. The Masons, Knights of the round Table, Wi, Help lines from Mumbai, you know what I mean when you have to invent a story to get off the phone.

    Oh but I do love a bit of indian music .

  50. At 03:17 PM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:


    Secrety Societies.

    I know a Secret bigger than any of you could possibly guess.

    Nuff Said.


  51. At 03:21 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Danny Dayglow wrote:

    Naught but funny

    Miss Beatrice, the church organist,
    was in her eighties and had never been
    married. She was admired for her sweetness and kindness to all.

    One afternoon the pastor came to call
    on her and she showed him into her quaint sitting room. She invited him to have a seat while she prepared tea. As he sat facing her old Hammond organ, the young minister noticed a cut-glass bowl sitting on top of it. The bowl was filled with water, and in the water floated, of all things, a condom!
    When she returned with tea and scones,
    they began to chat. The pastor tried to stifle his curiosity about the bowl of water and its strange floater, but soon it got the better of him and he could no longer resist.
    "Miss Beatrice", he said, "I wonder if
    you would tell me about this?" pointing to
    the bowl.
    "Oh, yes," she replied, "Isn't it wonderful?
    I was walking through the Park a few months ago and I found this little package on the ground. The directions said to place it on the organ, keep it wet and that it would prevent the spread of disease.
    Do you know I haven't had the flu all


    Two old ladies are outside their nursing home, having a drink and a smoke, when it starts to rain. One of the old ladies pulls out a condom, cuts off the end, puts it over her cigarette, and continues smoking.

    Maude: What in the hell is that?

    Mabel: A condom. This way my cigarette doesn't get wet.

    Maude: Where did you get it?

    Mabel: You can get them at any drugstore.

    The next day, Maude hobbles herself into the local drugstore and announces to the pharmacist that she wants a box of condoms. The pharmacist, obviously embarrassed, looks at her kind of strangely she is after all, over 80 years of age, but very delicately asks what brand of condom she prefers. "Doesn't matter Sonny, as long as it fits on a Camel."

  52. At 03:56 PM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    DWNB - just looked at your blog - Para 4, 1st line.....tea now all over computer screen!

    :o) Jo

  53. At 04:03 PM on 27 Feb 2007, steve potts wrote:

    Hey Christoff,

    Take it down a level old bean, we don,t want premature burn outs.

    Best secret society I,ve heard of is this one , ROAB, that is abbreiveated from , it,s good this , ROYAL ORDER OF ANDULUCIAN BUFFALLOS.

  54. At 04:16 PM on 27 Feb 2007, clodagh wrote:

    And another thing.

    That pop-up thingy offerin' me a bigger organ.

    What do I want with a bigger organ. I can't even play the piano.

    And my best efforts to learn the accordion came tragically to naught when I failed to wear the correct underwear and sustained third degree friction burns. Thank heaven for the corn plasters.


  55. At 04:16 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Sammie wrote:

    HL - so right Honey, so right!

    S xx.

  56. At 04:39 PM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris, yes I know the feeling running a small online radio out of the states (its cheaper that way) and my two servers have just fallen over due to some unknown windows errors, I am now left to ponder the answer to the universe (no its not 42)

    This computer thing though, my home computer has a few problems, the issue is what do you do when you dont have a computer to use, its all become very boring, (thats nerdy talk) too old for clubbing, pubbing, ok off to see Keane tomorrow night but I'm left with a void, do you find this happens to you often.

    Oh clubs now thats talking, I have decided to create my own club which everyone is welcome to join, the only problem is its on one of my servers in the states not working. But when it does (ok secret stuff cant declare here yet whats it all about but its big I mean really big you will probably want me on your radio station when it goes live) it will be brilliant. Until then the solution to the universe looms in front of me.

  57. At 04:42 PM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris, yes I know the feeling running a small online radio out of the states (its cheaper that way) and my two servers have just fallen over due to some unknown windows errors, I am now left to ponder the answer to the universe (no its not 42)

    This computer thing though, my home computer has a few problems, the issue is what do you do when you dont have a computer to use, its all become very boring, (thats nerdy talk) too old for clubbing, pubbing, ok off to see Keane tomorrow night but I'm left with a void, do you find this happens to you often.

    Oh clubs now thats talking, I have decided to create my own club which everyone is welcome to join, the only problem is its on one of my servers in the states not working. But when it does (ok secret stuff cant declare here yet whats it all about but its big I mean really big you will probably want me on your radio station when it goes live) it will be brilliant. Until then the solution to the universe looms in front of me.

  58. At 04:47 PM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I have to say, I did enjoy the Brownies, and the Guides was cool, but Beavers now? I thought Cubs was for small boys.

    Jo, you are right to be ashamed of yourself.

    MfR, why thank you kind sir xxx


    ps I want to see some history

    pps A show of strength with your boy's brigade

  59. At 05:55 PM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I'm in a secret club, doing covert creativity in the deepest darkest countryside.

    I don't fancy Angelina Jolie one bit - even if I was a man I wouldn't.

    Jan x

  60. At 06:17 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Hellen wrote:

    Hey Chris

    Listening to the show and u sound a bit down, is Ireland catching up with u? Its just we in the CCU cannot allow any hint of dourness to pass your lips. Nuff said.


  61. At 07:30 PM on 27 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Talk of secret societies has had me smiling today and looking back nostalgically to age between 8 and 14 (now 48). In the days when parents used to let children wander freely as long as they were back for 8pm. Two friends and I founded the "Three Trees Club." We had a den and met every Saturday. We organised annual jumble sales for the PDSA (elderberry and sycamore were great animal lovers. I was privet!!) We had a yearly day trip out (bear in mind our ages ) to Bakewell, Chatsworth etc. On Christmas Eve we would visit the old people in the area with a guitar and three voices singing carols. (Not really the goody two shoes that we sound but we were only little and wine had not been introduced to us).
    But what made me laugh was remembering our initiation ceremony. We had to prick our thumbs with a needle and write our names in blood on a bit of paper which we then placed in a jam jar and thrust deep into a blackberry bush, to be found by generations from now. (We all obviously read far too much Enid Blyton and the Famous Five/ Secret Seven) Unfortunately I had a rusty needle and finished up with a severe infection in my thumb. Also had the longest name so was quite anaemic after the event. Visit to the doctors, anti-biotics and had to tell my Mum how it happened. Got a clip round the ear and our secret society was no longer such a secret!!!!
    We went on to grow up,as you do and our yearly trips expanded to Italy and Island hopping in Greece for a month in 1980. Very nice men appeared on the scene soon after and that was it. (We have all celebrated our Silver weddings over the past couple of years).
    Still see the girls now. We all have grown up children of our own. When they were little they would ask to hear tales of the 'Three Trees Club". I think in my heart, the club, not so much a secret society will live on. Who knows in 2167 someone may stumble on the bramble bush and the jam jar!!!!!
    So thanks Chris for stirring up a memory which has made my day.

  62. At 09:46 PM on 27 Feb 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    On computers - if I'm to believe the messages, I'm being attacked by a virus threat every 2-3 minutes. Ooooh, maybe that's where my cough came from.

    On secret societies - bdfh5 ^ ngh&&8 ndhg%$£ngh lhyidnm. Those in the know will know!

    DWNB - go on share your secret - we won't tell.

    Hey Chris - who's picking on people in Scotland and why? By the way, nice to hear The Proclaimers on tonight's show. Also enjoyed the bit on books.


  63. At 10:02 PM on 27 Feb 2007, Ashy wrote:

    I can definately say that spring is on the way because today on a closer inspection of the hen house we found two beautiful large brown eggs and considering we only have two old hens that is pretty good work Penfold!I never like to buy eggs but gave in to pressure last week and bought a dozen free range eggs. Well the yolks were so pale but they were so expensive!!!So come on everybody out there you don't need much land have some hens and you will love the eggs sooooo much flavour and so good for you.XXXAshy

  64. At 12:19 AM on 28 Feb 2007, Simon wrote:

    (late) Greetings!

    I now know, without fear of a doubt, I am tuning in to a different frequency!

    Secrets????? You have got to be MAD!!!!

    Nos da

  65. At 12:25 AM on 28 Feb 2007, KC wrote:

    May I just say that the show is awesome. I think Radio2 is the new Radio 1.... now all we need is to replace the morning slots with dare I say Simon Bates and Gary Davis. Compulsive listening.

  66. At 02:04 AM on 28 Feb 2007, wrote:


    Don't know if this will get through, but I just wanted to let you know that you are an absolute gentleman and sweetheart. Do let her know that she is a special lass and admired by so many folk, and that she's to keep her chin up. You know what I'm talking about! :) Your Mum must be so proud of how kind and thoughtful you are. God bless you, honey!

    Huggles, Susan, Highland lass

  67. At 10:18 AM on 01 Mar 2007, Trevor Townsend wrote:

    You don't need Anti-virus software Chris. Just bung a bottle of domestos through the floppy drive every week, that'll fix it.

    I've done that to all my 4,007 computers and I've had no problems.

  68. At 10:11 PM on 09 Mar 2007, Medusa wrote:

    We live in a world of secret societies
    that leave room for religious varieties.
    And those who work underground
    can always be traced and can always be found.
    Secrets are for the elite,
    but how well do their secrets keep?
    And how for can a secret go
    before it reveals itself for the world to know?
    Secrets are kept for many reasons,
    but mostly for lies, deceit and treason.
    Secrets can mean power,
    but to keep knowledge for one's self allows it to sour.
    The best kept secret is inside your soul-
    choosing to seek it is even more powerful.
    The knowledge that is stored within our hearts
    is the secret that sets us all apart.
    To know one's self is to know GOD
    but self has been taken and choice is outlawed...
    Which leaves room only for secrets
    and societies still that wish to keep it.
    Seek and ye shall find--
    never underestimate the power in your own mind.

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