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Chris Evans | 13:35 UK time, Friday, 26 January 2007


What a week that was. Up and down like a rollercoaster. Talking of rollercoaster’s...

…this weekend I have one all to myself. Tomorrow at Alton Towers I’m recording the launch film for this years Comic Relief, which involves me riding on the big dipper there several times totally on my own. The director has told me three times should be enough but of course he is lying. Knowing film crews and directors as I do I’ll be lucky to get off there before midnight.

The scenario or the plot if you like for the trail revolves around me telling the boys from McFly that they do not meet the height requirements for any of the big rides at the famed theme park. They then slope off to console themselves with candyfloss and cokes whilst I meglomanically claim another preposterous victory. It all sound hilarious doesn’t it? As long as is does the trick what does it really matter?

Been asked by the Â鶹ԼÅÄ to consider fronting a new cookery show! Apparently, one of the big wigs saw me on Saturday Kitchen and liked the cut of my apron. The format, without giving too much away, well actually I can’t tell you. Nice to be back in the wanted box, will see what happens. One thing is for sure, anything that takes away from my focus on our little radio show will not be an option.

All Request Friday kicks in again tonight. It’s up to you whether we rock and roll or not. So get your thinking caps on if you can be bothered.

In the meantime have a cracking weekend and keep your paintbrush wet.



  1. At 01:39 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Impish37 wrote:

    How did you know that I should be decorating rather than surfing?!

  2. At 01:39 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:


    CON-GRAT-U-LATIONS!!!!! What a coup - you superstar DJ/chef-in-waiting type, you!!!

    Surely in light of this magnanimous news the opener for ARF has to be something foody-themed - will put some thought into that during my afternoon in the portacabin.

    As for rollercoastering tomorrow - hang on to your lunch, my dear. I don't envy you one bit - that would be my idea of HELL (although I might be persuaded if McFly were replaced by Aerosmith!)

    Have a fab weekend - will check in later for ARF suggestions.

    Here's a suggestion: why not have a blog-themed ARF where all of us on the blogging community get to have something played?!?!

    Ti amore!

    CtD x x

  3. At 01:41 PM on 26 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Definitly a lot of people woud love to see you back on the box!! Enjoy filming for Comic Relief...sounds like fun...Not! Have good weekend!

  4. At 01:44 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Dan the man wrote:

    This is really bad but,

    title suggesstion . . .

    "Ginger Cookie, anyone??"

    Sorry, lets see some better ideas . .

  5. At 01:45 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Em M wrote:

    Great to hear you are in demand again Chris, i have to say your performance on Saturday Kitchen was brilliant, you always look like you are having so much fun, and that can be infectious.

    Got my 7 year old at home today with a cough, poor little chap, he's milking it for all it's worth! His big brother said I love the little one most cos i let him have brekkie in bed this morning! Sibling rivalry, don't you just love it?

    Have a wonderful time on the roller coaster chris, and I hope everyone else has a lovely weekend, whatever they are up to.

    Love Em xx (No hugs as they are not allowed!!)

  6. At 01:46 PM on 26 Jan 2007, rebecca pierce wrote:

    Cookery sounds like a good idea, particularly if you focus on cooking food that you can easily buy from one shop and cook quickly. Busy people food.

  7. At 01:49 PM on 26 Jan 2007, wrote:

    OMG - clp don't eat any lunch first !!!

    Glad to see you blogging in person.


    Have a good one everybody x x x x

    P.S. YES YES YES YES to the cookery show

  8. At 01:54 PM on 26 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hooray - all seems well with the world again, can't wait for the cookery programme - viewer number 1 reporting for duty sir!

    :o) Jo

  9. At 01:57 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Tracey-Ann wrote:

    I know you’ve had the honour of hanging out with the McFly boys before and played cricket in India etc but have a great time tomorrow they are always such fun to be around. Darlings !

    Good luck with the cookery show too... All sounds very exciting.

    Have a good one.

    Tracey-Ann x

    P.S - To the (seems like) millions of you who E mailed me in response to this mornings E mail - thanks !! I`m here ! :) x x x

  10. At 01:57 PM on 26 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Aw Wow. You have the life eh?

    All day at Alton Towers... with McFly... no queues.. .and no need to buy a ticket either...

    And if that isn't enough... You and a cookery programme. Jeez, you just keep landing sunny side up eh?

    Anyways... my life is good too, if not on the same scale as yours. I have my RSF and my SProgs, my tidy wee job, The rest of my family and my mates. Tomorrow I shall be doing Sprog 1's paper round, while he disappears to edinburgh to play volleyball, and then trying to help RSF erect fence. On Sunday I shall be watching Sprog 1, this time playing footie in a Cup Quarter Final... Woooooooow. What a weekend eh? Think I might treat myself to a wee request tonight, see if I can find a suitable lay-by.


  11. At 01:58 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Lorna wrote:

    Hi Chris and bloggettes

    Best times ever have to be on rollercoasters, fun fair rides etc.

    love the big tea cups personally, but you can't beat the old clickety clackety wooden rollercoaster at Blackpool Pleasure Beach - it's been there so long it's a wonder it's still going!!

    Hate the mousey one though that takes you spinning over the edge and you feel like you are going to drop off as it shoots round the corner !!

    Can't wait for the weekend - have a gud'un one and all - especially chris on his big ride!


  12. At 02:01 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Sigh Not Simon wrote:

    Hallelujah !....Back on TV. And from those about to ROCK ('n' roll) we salute you!

    I do however think you've freudian-ly (sp?) let it slip about the format of the Good Evans' Cookery Show though. It's no surprise that people, like us, of a certain age, as soon as as Rollercoasters are mentioned, remember back to Jim Fixing it for those cub scouts to eat their lunch on a moving one.....
    ....The Good Evans' Rollercoaster Cookery Show might sound fresh and exciting but just think of the reduced portion size as a result of all the McFlying ingredients!

    Have a good one folks. I'm leaving my paintbrush dry in the cupboard. My Paint ROLLER, on the other hand, is gonna get soaked ;-)

    Happy Friday!


  13. At 02:04 PM on 26 Jan 2007, wrote:

    hi chris, sure you will have a fab time at alton towers, should do the classic jim'll fix it and eat your lunch up there!
    hope the cooks programme works out, sure aldo could give you a few tips?? how's he doing anyway?
    be great to have you back on a regular tv spot, really miss the t.f.i. days up in the bar but guess we all have to move on.
    look after yourself
    love ali xx

  14. At 02:08 PM on 26 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:

    Hello Chris

    Nice to have you back in person xx

    OMG I love rollercoasters, not sure I could manage 3 in a row.......good luck :-) Can't wait to see it on TV :-)

    You have got to do the cookery show, you were fab on Saturday Kitchen!

    How is Mummy Evans? You haven't mentioned her on the blog since you have been back.

    Have a great weekend xx

    Roll on 5.05...............

    Lots of love
    Mary xx

  15. At 02:10 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Parker wrote:

    Some Thoughts............

    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

    One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor.

    If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes?

    Should crematoriums give discounts for burn victims?

    Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice?"

    What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?

    Why do they lock gas station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them?

    If the police arrest a mime, does he still have the right to remain silent?

    Do they sterilize the needles for lethal injections?

    Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

    Light travels faster than sound. That’s why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

    Live every day as if it were your last. Eventually you’ll be right.

    The easiest way to find something that’s lost is to buy a replacement.

    How come when you open a can of evaporated milk it’s still there?

    Why is there only one Monopolies commission?

    If a thing is worth doing, it would have been done already.

    Guns don't kill people - Husbands who come home early kill people.

    Why do you press harder on a remote control when you know the battery is dead?

    If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be?

    Why does your gynaecologist leave the room when you get undressed?

    Why is it called Alcoholics Anonymous when the first thing you do is stand up and say, 'My name is Bob, and I am an alcoholic?

    Why does mineral water that 'has trickled through mountains for centuries' have a 'use by' date?

    Is French kissing in France just called kissing?

  16. At 02:13 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Have I been BP'd??

  17. At 02:14 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Good afternoon Christophe et les petit lapins

    I see you have given Mr Philps the day off!

    I DETEST big dippers with a venom. I have no idea why, but I think it's something to do with being that high up on just a scaffolding of matches...

    Mind you love flying, but I guess I'm shut in, and don't have to have any body parts flying in the wind. The likelihood of getting boy scouts vomit in your face at 60mph is a lot less too I find...

    Good luck to you, hope the weather is kind to you too!


    ps I had no idea the McFlies were so diddy...

    pps vive le show et vive le blog!

  18. At 02:17 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Foody show opener for Violet Friday ....

    Hot Fudge by The Robster p'raps?

  19. At 02:17 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Morag wrote:

    Hey Chris,

    A fab weekend to you too... How's about some of your favourite recipes? I'd then pass them onto my Hubbie as he does all the cooking in our house... how good is that!!!!

    He cooked me haggis neeps and tatties last night.. Bliss!!!

    I take it you love rollercoasters... the thought of spending hours on one really freaks me out.. I could maybe go around once but would then feel really unwell and shaky.

    Off to visit great friends for the weekend into Englandshire .. Isn't it great having friends who are there for you no matter what! When you find them they are there for life if you are lucky. Its my friends birthday and I've bought him lots of scottish stuff as he is a Teuchter married to a Sassenach..

    Definition -Scottish country boy living with a Englisher or Scottish lowlander...

    Have a braw weekend and we'll be listening to All Request Friday on our drive south...
    Hear you on Monday...

  20. At 02:19 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    And a good ‘ARF’ afternoon to you Christoph

    Have we chased all the bad guys away?

    Having breakfast in the garden in LA a few years ago, my other half and I came up with fabulous idea of going to Mexico. That day. Just to have a look, you know, stop at the border, and peak over. So we hopped into the rental car and headed south. We passed San Diego and soon came across signs telling us that the border was approaching. We flew straight past a car park and the last sign we wanted to see. ‘Last Stopping Point Before Border’. Ah. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Still, disaster was soon averted as we entered the ‘U-turn lane’. Phew.

    What happened next was a bit of a blur, but suddenly I noticed something odd. All of the road signs were in Spanish and we had joined something akin to the Cannonball Run as ten lanes of traffic all tried to merge into one at the same time. We were in Mexico.

    Now this wasn’t a terribly good situation as we were in a rental car (first rule of renting cars in the US – don’t take it into Mexico. You are not insured), we didn’t understand Spanish, oh, and I had no passport with me. I had visions of crashing the car and spending the next 47 years as Miguel’s ‘special friend’ in a Mexican jail.

    We careered headlong into Central America with no clue as to how to get out of this. Soon we saw a turn-off and flung the car down the ramp. As luck would have it we came across a policeman. I mean, who else would you want at a time like this? Sweating profusely and shaking like a leaf, I wound down the window and cried ‘The USA! Which way the USA?’ Our Lee Van Cleef lookalike peered at us from over his ample moustache and proceeded to deposit a gooey brown gob on the side of the car. He simply pointed back in the direction whence we’d come roared away on his motorbike.

    We decided to take drastic action and performed a highly illegal u-turn that Bo Duke would have been proud of and headed back towards the freeway. By some miracle we found the lane heading north. Only this time instead of joining moving traffic (albeit moving in several different directions at once), we joined a queue. A very long queue. Clearly, the Americans aren’t too fussed who leaves their country but they are slightly more concerned about who comes in (I know, this does seem to fly in the face of many stories, particularly from this part of the continent). We sat in the traffic for hours fending off small children trying to sell us matches, drinks and assorted trinkets. One thing that was very apparent was the contrast in standards between the US and Mexico, just yards apart. As we neared the borderline we suddenly remembered the other problem. My passport. How was I going to explain that I was trying to get into the US without one having never officially left? My saving grace was that my other half held dual citizenship and had an American passport. As we stopped at the checkpoint she waved that sacred blue book and we both gave a suitably toothy grin. After several very long seconds we were waved on our way. Needless to say, much beer was consumed that night. We passed on tequila and tacos though.

    I’ve never been back to Mexico and never strayed further south than San Diego again.

    Just in case. Miguel may still be waiting.

    Sorry for the long blog. Don’t read it if you don’t want to. Just scroll on by.......!

    Good weekend everybody.


  21. At 02:19 PM on 26 Jan 2007, derek wrote:

    It must feel good that you are back in demand you go for the cooking show just think how much fun you could have you could even take some of the recepies from your 1000 cookbook or even better get the young lady on the show to help you

    looking forward to tonights show

    have a good weeked fellow bloggers

  22. At 02:33 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Rod Borham wrote:

    How about on a Friday we get some more music in and less of the chat.We are all anticipatin a good weekend and jogalong music would be great to get us all home safely


  23. At 02:35 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    It will be great to see you back on tv, we miss you there!

    Have a lovely weekend all,

    Deb x

  24. At 03:00 PM on 26 Jan 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Afternoon to all, It's freezing in here today .........the toasty bit on earlier comment was wishful thinking.
    Well Mr E. I don't envy the multiple rollercoaster rides - leaves me with a banging headache and feeling nauseous for the rest of the day. I love funfair/theme parks but can't take anything stronger than the kiddy rides. I can get seasick stepping in the bath!! Wonky ears or something! Anyway it sounds as if you enjoy them so have fun and wrap up - otherwise vision springs to mind of you as Steve Martin in the burnt out car in Planes, Trains and other varieties of travel available. I don't know about keeping me paintbrush wet ..... I've got a full time job trying to keep me nose dry at the moment.
    This cookery prog - Will Enzo be the "new" Chalky?
    Good weekend and health to all.
    PS: Charis and Amy the new Tiggers!

  25. At 03:02 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Afternoon Chris and bevryoddy,

    Filming on Rollercoaster and cookery program (DO NOT TRY TO COMBINE THE TWO)

    However, I must say that my love affair with fairground rides was a very short lived thing, rollercoasters I used to love as a kid, I remeber the one at Southend I think it was called Steel Stella, I dare say it's long since rusted away. But after I was gr...... (I nearly said grown up, but thankfully that hasn't happened yet 45 going on 7 at the mo) anyway as a mid teen decided along with some mates to have a go on one of those kiddies roundabouts that move really slow and smooth, boy was I ill, I recall it being very embarassing, my chums and I along with several little tots on said roundabout when my internal workings desided a slow plume of my lunch was what was needed at that moment to keep the entertainment going.
    Needless to say I was sooo apologetic to the mums that had been proudly watching their little bundles of joy having fun on the
    ride, only to have it turn into some sort of horror movie, there were screaming splattered kids and mums all over the place.
    I have never been on a fairground ride since.

    I did however a couple of years ago get treated to a couple of flying lessons and a flight in a microlite (spelling not sure) Now that was fantastic! It feels like youre way up high on a flying sewing machine! I got told off by Air Traffic Control for screaming 'cos I was so excited.

    Better do some work now, later peeps.

    I have deffo got that friday feeling, can't wait till home time.

    Take care

  26. At 03:03 PM on 26 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Great to hear you may be back on the TV :0) glad to hear yu have no plans to give up on the ol radio though!

    Yey its the weekend, and looking forward to bopping my way home tonight.

    Have a good weekend!

  27. At 03:13 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    CLP .... when the Good Evans Kitchen gets going, you could have James Martin on as your spesh guest and be really surly and condescending in return for how he treated you! How good would that be - except it's not in your nature etc etc etc.

    The portacabin is a lonely place on a landfill site - thank Evans for the blog chat passing the time of day .... ho hum.

    Chinese spare ribs and red wine for dinner tonite. I love Fridays!

    Jambon Jambon fleur de lise

    CtD x x

    PS: when will steve wright stop playing '80s soul?

  28. At 03:19 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Amanda wrote:

    Hello shlogger friends...it has been a little while for me. Nose the grindstone and all.

    A cooking show? YES
    Riding a roller coaster? mmmmm....maybe not.

    A show about cooking while riding a roller coaster? Priceless!!! Now you are talking!


  29. At 03:20 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Jim'll Fix It .... there was an episode mid 80s when a young girl called katie was 'rescued' from a maths lesson by simon le bon dressed in armour, rising a white horse. the lucky katy was thrust upon the horse with mr le bon and off they raced over the school fields. i was about 15 at the time, and absolutely hated katie for her 'fix it'.

    i wonder what katie's up to now?

  30. At 03:21 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Fabulous a cooking programme with a diiference at last.

    Could it include Cooking for Dummies. For the type of cook full of good intentions but stiill it don't turn out right for them.

    How not to resort to the take away leaflets in the kitchen drawer.

    Good day one and all.

  31. At 03:48 PM on 26 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Enjoy the Rollercoaster - I hate them myself. I am not looking forward to when the mooselets are big enough to satisfy the height requirements - my excuses will have run out!

    Cooking show sounds great, can I be viewer number 2 after Jo? I think you should have a regular slot on real person's cooking with your blog friends. I hereby offer myself to come and cook my asparagus and rocket spaghetti whenever you want!

    Loving ARF! Will listen as much as I can...


    PS Happy Violet Friday everyone!

  32. At 03:56 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Jill wrote:

    Hey Chris

    Please ignore the earlier request for less chat as it's not from me! It's the chat that keeps us all happy and giggling.

    Hope you have a cracking weekend too, but no cracking of body parts - apart from cracking up with laughter on the Dig Bipper of course.

    Jill xxxxxxx

  33. At 03:58 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Wolstenholme Cradock wrote:

    Dear Mr Evans

    With regard to the possibility of your accepting the offer of creating a televisual cookery programme, I was wondering who would be your Fanny?

    I feel sure there would be no shortage of offers given the amount of personal feelings of admiration and affection for yourself throughout the comments of this 'blog'.

    I await your reply with interest.
    W Cradock

  34. At 04:10 PM on 26 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone),

    I missed the show last night and when I read yesterday's comments, I realised I just had to hear the wedding dress story - so I managed to Listen Again at lunchtime today. Utterly brilliant, that lassie was just about speechless - I sincerely hope her knight in shining armour is out there waiting for her!

    Please, get yourself back on TV. How I wish the days of Don't Forget Your Toothbrush days could come back!

    Rollercoasters - absolutely terrified of them. Went on the Pepsi Max at Blackpool about 7 years ago, just because I felt it was one of those things you have to do in life. My daughter was quite young and begged me not to go on it, just in case it crashed. I said "don't be silly, it's very, very safe". The NEXT WEEK it crashed!!
    No worries, don't let this deter you!

    You seem a really nice guy, Chris and we love you loads.

    Have a great weekend one and all.

    C xx

    P.S. Parker # 15 - really good stuff. Re: kamikaze pilots - years ago there was an ad campaign for a certain lager. On the billboards there was a picture of a kamikaze pilot and the words underneath said: "I'll have a **** lager when I get back" !! It was banned, so many people complained about it, but I'm sorry, I thought it was hilarious! (I was young then, I know better now!)

  35. At 04:11 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi guys

    I know this will probably sound gushy and luvvie, but I'll be off home shortly, and I would just like to say a huge thank you to all of you who felt or showed support for me this week.

    It was terribly sad to say good bye to my much loved Barney.

    I know a lot of you probably have much more complex or important problems than the death of an animal to deal with, but it was so kind of you all to take the time to think of me.

    Barney liked a bit of jazz, being a bit of a Kool Kat Dude, so I've put a request in for him on ARF...you never know!

    Anyway. Thank you.

  36. At 04:14 PM on 26 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I love alton towers - its the bomb. Remember Chris.... Dont ........ Look ......... Down........

    Oh please please please come back on the telly... that would be good.

    Off out with friends tonight so will miss ARF as i will be making sure the man cub is ready for bed a little bit early. See you all on the otherside of the weekend.

    The paintbrush will be dry and instead, the hoe will be out. Its time to sort the garden.


  37. At 04:15 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Fabulous a cooking programme with a diiference at last.

    Could it include Cooking for Dummies. For the type of cook full of good intentions but stiill it don't turn out right for them.

    How not to resort to the take away leaflets in the kitchen drawer.

    Good day one and all.

  38. At 04:27 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Tracey-Ann wrote:

    Woo Hoo !!! My day just gets better and better...

    My boss has just brought me two fab tickets to see Damien Rice at Wembley in October ! I CAN`T WAIT !!!!!

    Good Weekends One and All !


    P.S - Big Un and Ms. Love - Thank You x x x x

  39. At 04:36 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Amanda wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Glad you have good news. My day has been one of ups and downs, but really when I look at the downs I wonder why I get so upset. I know that I shouldn't let things get to me, but that's easier said than done isn't it. Especially when people that you love wont talk to you, and pride (stupidity) stops me from begging them to talk. I have tried, but I do not want to appear weak, as I have been taken for a ride before, and can feel myself slipping back there again.

    I should be happy, so why aren't I? Or why do a I perceive that I'm not. Arrggh. It's not what we need for a Friday is it. Sometimes work can be a great release from thinking too much about personal stuff, and now looms 2 days of nothing but thoughts. Oh dear. Roll on Monday !
    Take care, and a big mange tout Christophe x

  40. At 04:43 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Emma wrote:

    I thought i would just check out your blog as a gorgeous single friend of mine is staying this weekend and seems to think you have pretty much all the qualities she would expect in a man - sensitive, sense of humour, bright, articulate, successful, sexy, says you've learnt from mistakes, moved on, dont hold grudges, are positive, upbeat, enthusiastic, fun, kind etc etc - enough said for now!

    Anyway am impressed with the blog, not being a blogger myself, particularly the amount of comradeship that appears to come from those blogging on the site.

    Now look forward to looking forward to listening to your show.....have a lovely stomach churning time at Alton Towers....

  41. At 04:50 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Felicitous Salutations from Vancouver and a good afternoon to all back in Blighty,

    "The ornaments of a house are the friends who frequent it"

    I am delighted, nay, ecstatic, to witness that this wonderful forum seems to have taken heed and banished the extemporaneous exchanges and unwelcome diatribes. Splendid. Bravo. Have another slice of cake and a cup of Earl Grey.

    As the sun rises here in the Pacific, and a glorious day it is too if I may be so bold as to say so, the weekend seems even more enticing than ever. The allure of a night at my local, the tantalising tease of some culinary delights tomorrow evening and fine company at every juncture.

    To one and all, I wish the most auspicious of weekends, the finest of Friday and a hearty congratulations on quashing the undesirable altercations. Genuinely, I feel that order has been restored.

    Good day to you all.

    Dr. T

  42. At 05:19 PM on 26 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Sounds like you need to have a quiet night in tonight, Christoff! Alton Towers sounds like an absolute blast! Don't eat too much before you go on though!

    As for the cookery show .... YES PLEASE Â鶹ԼÅÄ!!!! I love cooking shows, and a cooking show with you hosting will be worth tuning in for! Here's hoping!

    Looking forward to the show, which has just started and is blaring through my headphones!

    Have a great Friday evening, Christoff, team, bloggers and bloggetes! And may the weekend bestow blessings and bubbly fun on us all!

    Group huggles, Susan, the Highland lass x

    The being of being is Being;
    The being of nothing is none.
    And if you find this so much nonsense,
    At least it will do you no harm.
    Now nothing is nothing, for certain;
    And something is something, for sure.
    Since something cannot come from nothing,
    It must be eternally there.

    And though it is hard to imagine
    Since time is our air and our sea,
    No thing will ever be nothing,
    Though we will not always be we.

    Eric Satie

  43. At 05:48 PM on 26 Jan 2007, JoJo wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Yes take the TV job (but keep the day job, please).

    Title suggestion: Don't forget the gravy separator?

    You could be the male Nigella, filmed in your own kitchen wearing silk jimjams with that just crawled out of the duvet look. Although the other picture in my mind is of a Keith Lloyd type programme with a swig of wine between each ingredient being added - either way as always you'll be a great hit!

    The music is absolutely fantastic tonight - all my favourites - Thank you to all who contributed - FAB!

    JoJo x

  44. At 05:51 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Fan blinking tastic Christophe, your first guest has to be Mrs Evans, that way you can extract all of her secrets and save them for posterity, and she daren't refuse 'cos it's on da telly.

    Mrs DD currently heading for a messy weekend in Barcelona, including VIP tickets to the Barca v Celta Vigo game on Sunday night, so all weekend to myself. A chance to go and see the last king of Scotland.

    Have a good weekend all!!

    DD out

  45. At 05:56 PM on 26 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Chris, you are always so infectiously enthusiastic on your show, but I swear you go up a notch on a Friday!

    Violet Friday is turning out to be utterly fabulous Violet Friday!

    My pal, Ann, is prepping all the veg for haggis, neeps and tatties, and for the soup. Hubby is home. Charis is sleeping (must have been all that bouncing earlier!). I'm about to open a nice bottle of red wine.

    And tomorrow we are hoping to go sledging in the Cairngorms! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

    Will be back later to catch up with the other gorgeous bloggers and blogettes!


    Susan x

  46. At 06:01 PM on 26 Jan 2007, The BigUN wrote:

    I am sorry but I sent this two hours ago and it has not appeared on the blog? It is far from offensive so please let it through or explain to me why it is not suitable….thnaks.

    Afternoon bloggers and schloggers,

    It is nearly show time and I am only just getting the chance to read today’s blog ;-)

    I think Alton towers and the big dipper would be OK for three goes, anymore and I am sure I would be green around the gills ;(( As for McFly I have a 15 year old daughter who is sure all that Dougie has to do is see her and he will want to marry her! Mind you my wife was the same with Donny Osmond so it must run in the family or just be a girl thing! My daughter is so jealous of you spending the day with them I think she would faint if she was even close enough to touch on of them. ;-))

    A cookery show on the Â鶹ԼÅÄ, congratulation to you! ;-)) It is nice to be wanted.

    I echo the words from Mr E have a cracking weekend!


    PS. Tracy- Ann :-)))) says it all xx

  47. At 07:06 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Kt G wrote:

    Hello everyone

    Being a bit of a BLOG virgin I'm not too sure what I am supposed to write, but just felt an overwhelming urge to join in with the chit chat! It seems such a friendly place.

    Great show tonight - really hits the spot at the time of day when I am resisting the urge to pour a glass of wine whilst making the kids tea... Gives me a great excuse to turn up the radio and dance around the kitchen with the little uns! What I call quality time with the munchkins (small people who live in my house not the Chocolate Factory!).

    Long may it all continue. x

  48. At 07:51 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Gavin wrote:


  49. At 08:06 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Claire wrote:

    This is my first time on a Blog! I love all request Friday and look forward to the drive home from work just so I can listen! But today, my 7 year old was off sick after throwing up all night last night - I completely forgot to tune in and will now have to do listen again to start my weekend off.

    Thanks Chris, the show is the best and actually makes me smile and laugh out loud!

  50. At 09:06 PM on 26 Jan 2007, Sandra H wrote:

    Hullo! Not been around for a few days....but have caught up with CLP on my way home. The ARF was fantastic tonite, it even made me cry!! Two extra special tunes one after the other...FAB!
    I'm a bit of a scaredy-cat when it comes to cooking hence I don't really follow any cookery programmes but if SMK was anything to go by, I'd certainly watch it, good luck Chris!

    Still waiting for the 'employer' to let me have t'internet.... so I can catch up during the day. 'Im indoors thinks I'm chatting on Friends R!! Not for me thank you!! I like my new friends (if I may be so bold as to call you all that?) here on the best blog!!!!

    Have a great weekend all, be safe & be warm xx
    Soon be February!!!!
    S xx

  51. At 10:43 PM on 26 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Good evening, Chris and fellow bloggers and blogettes ... you lovely people you!

    Thoroughly enjoyed our haggis, neeps and tatties! Even more enjoyed the bottle of red wine I opened! Mine .... all mine! Hope you're having a quiet night, Mr E .... you've a busy day tomorrow. Still blown away that Sally kissed you ... on the lips ... ooo-er, Mrs!! Can't wait to see you back on the box, Christoff! Re the cookery programme ... you should have your loyal bloggers and blogettes in the audience!

    Impish37 - hope you managed to get back to your decorating!

    Cheryl the Diva - that's a great idea - a blog ARF!

    Tracey-Ann - glad all is well!

    Em M - don't care what they say ... sending hugs to the little one!

    DWNB - what a busy weekend!! Hope the fence gets erected ok! And the papers deivered!!

    Parker - My fav - 'Light travels faster than sound. That’s why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.'

    Morag - you lucky lady you! A man who cooks! Safe travels south of the border!

    Matt from Rudgwick - great story! Scary, though!

    Gotta fly just now - hubby wants laptop!

  52. At 01:17 AM on 27 Jan 2007, wrote:

    A big HELLO and WELCOME to all the newbies!

    And a big HELLO and WELCOME BACK to all the oldies!

    Hmmmmmm ... not sure if that came out right!

  53. At 10:15 AM on 27 Jan 2007, wrote:


    Missed the show last night - a day of interminable meetings! Fantastic news on the cookery show - I loved the Saturday Kitchen that you did. As for the rollercoaster at Alton Towers, makes me feel quite ill just thinking about it. Enjoy
    ciao x

  54. At 12:23 PM on 27 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hello all

    Sorry for my extended absence this week. After attending court as a witness, I had to buckle down and prepare a good number of forthcoming lectures on infectious diseases. Interesting of course, but somewhat time-consuming as this is a new course and on a specific aspect of infectious diseases with which I am unfamiliar.

    The lectures begin on Monday. By wednesday lunchtime I will have endured 16 hours contact time. I only hope that the coffee machine is working.


    Chris - make sure you aren't eating or drinking anything on the rollercoaster. I had a nasty episode once when I thought I could chew gum on the corkscrew. I ended up swallowing it and being rushed to A&E by my parents.

    Susan S - Hello Susan, not seen you for a while. Thanks for voting. I passed your message onto Dolores. She reminded me that Twin Y was saying something similar about her 'bobos' until he was 4

    PLum - the solution to not looking at the take-away leaflets is NOT TO PUT THEM THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE

    Tracey-Ann You might be happy now, but you'll be feeling miserable when you leave the stadium, unless poor Damien finds something cheerful to sing, poor chap.

    Hazel - I hope your weekend isn't too lonely without Barney

    Wilsmar - I find a welders visor keeps most paint off my nose. It's a little heavy though, so you might want to go for the lighter option of a piece of clear plastic attached to your scalp with sellotape


    J McC

    P.S. Still no word from Denise

    P.P.S Ravel has found a girlfriend from within the village. She is the local goth, apparently. Not yet met her.

  55. At 02:11 PM on 27 Jan 2007, wilsmar@home wrote:

    A warm Saturday to everyone,
    Dear Doc Mc........ thanks for the advice - I am just about ready to go to the local shops and will see if the ironmonger has any welders visors; if not I shall use the "big" sunglasses and hope for the best. Tried to leave a message on your site, after voting last night but got in knots and couldn't. Glad to hear from you.
    PS. Gaby, Sallycat, Joannie fT and anyone else who is on the "missing list" come in your time is up!!!!
    Great weekend to all.

  56. At 04:17 PM on 27 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I just wanted to add my support to the idea of a cookery show hosted by you. You could be a cross between Jamie Oliver (mange tout, mange tout) and the domestic godess, since you are a man with his finger on the pulse but also seem to know what you like, and know how to enjoy it.

    You seem to have picked up lots of "mother's traditional methods" along the way and could get Foxy to come up with a theme for you every week.

    With you having a pub, you should always include some great pubfest but you could also add in some quirky extras on each show, like a quick blast in the microwave for a beddy bear!

    You could even wear the drive time wedding dress whilst you cook - careful not to splash it though.

    With so many kids coming out of school without much more knowledge than how to mix up a Pot Noodle or microwave some burger and chips, your pop food show, with lots of cookery that people can use in everyday life, would be a fantastic public service.

    Can't wait to see you in "Don't forget your toothpick"


  57. At 10:43 PM on 27 Jan 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    Evening all

    On roller-coasters - well what can I say. I remember taking my neice on the baby teacups ride at a fair - probaly the slowest fair-ride you could possibly imagine and I felt so ill after. My neice was clearly loving it at the time and the ride-operator decided he would spin the teacup a bit more - to her enjoyment but to my horror. I just gave him such a look .... and came off hardly able to stand. Not long after I discovered that I had an inner ear problem - so that was probably the cause but I just can't stand the thought of a roller-coaster.

    Chris - it would be great if you got your own cookery show. What will you call it? Cook-along-a-Chris? TFI Cookery? King Christoff Cooks? Oh I am sure there are many suggestions waiting out there from the bloggers.

    Moose - I'm missing a Saturday and Sunday colour - do you have to stop for the weekend?

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.


  58. At 09:01 AM on 28 Jan 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Come on guys it's obvious what Mr Evans signature dish is going to be.

    Can you guess??

    Can you???

    Go on Can ya???

    It's the famous CLP

    Christophe's Lamby Pie

  59. At 05:27 PM on 28 Jan 2007, Sandra H wrote:

    where in the world is everyone? Sunday's have usually been quite busy on the blog.....is it just me who's BillyNoMates today?

  60. At 07:09 PM on 28 Jan 2007, RJD wrote:

    just testing

  61. At 08:18 PM on 28 Jan 2007, wrote:

    EG (and anyone else who cares!!)

    Yesterday was Primrose Saturday.
    Today is Scarlet Sunday.

    Well, tomorrow is another day!


  62. At 10:06 PM on 28 Jan 2007, Ashy wrote:


  63. At 11:03 AM on 29 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Good morning, Christoff!

    How are you this bright Monday morning? Looking forward to hearing about your weekend .... did Enzo join you at Alton Towers?

    Listening to your podcast with the PM - missed it at the time. Very interesting! Do you think you'd like another chat show? Tell the Â鶹ԼÅÄ your public would love that .... as well as the cooking show!

    Hope you're having a great day, getting ready for a blasting show. Enjoy the drive to work ... what do you listen to on the way in?

    Morning bloggers and blogettes! Hope you all had a great weekend. I caught the sick bug .... not great! Was having a very intimate conversation with Mr Toilet Bowl, when a wee face appeared beside me -

    "You alright, Mummy?"

    Thumbs up.

    "You being sick, Mummy?"

    Thumbs up.

    "You finished yet, Mummy?"

    Frantic shooing motion!

    "Ann! Ann! Come and see this, Ann!"


  64. At 01:33 PM on 29 Jan 2007, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:

    Chris (et al)

    I've watched '24' since the beginning. I used to watch it week to week but found I enjoyed it more taping it and then watching it in a "one"-er. Until the set where two episodes were trashed due to digital transmission problems. Now I just wait until the box-set comes out. My Season 5 is currently "doing the rounds" in the office (is that technically in breach of copyright, lending it to colleagues?)

    A female colleague recently phoned me up to ask for me to collect her on the way to work. "I know I should have waited until the weekend but I put '24' on and then sat up until 4am watching it.". She then added "That's YOUR fault" ?????
    I enjoy '24' despite the implausibility of some of it. I mean Season2 (or was it 3) how much could happen to Kim (the daughter); nearly eaten by a lion (or summat), almost held hostage by some imbalanced guy in the woods etc etc. There is also the factor of all those bullets flying about and Jack is the only one who doesn't even get a scrape. Not to mention he is bringing "an important tape" in to CTU and lo and behold someone "inside" wipes it before the big-wigs hear it. Why didn't he play it over a secure link to make sure there was a copy ????? I'm quite sure, like every other season, S6 will start off with CTU chasing Jack as a baddie until they learn he was set-up. They never learn..........

  65. At 08:24 PM on 05 Feb 2007, Paul wrote:

    Chris mentioned a cookbook on air by a lady in her 90's that had over a thousand recipes in it.
    does anyone here know who it was by or what it was called???

  66. At 03:30 PM on 13 Feb 2007, ur daughters best friend wrote:

    get a life

  67. At 06:38 PM on 18 Sep 2007, Andy Carson wrote:

    hi chris the show is once again up to the standard we all expect ha ha keep it up

    the spimley mick track is straight out of the top draw just fab play it again soon


  68. At 12:48 PM on 02 Feb 2008, wrote:

    >easy to make peanut butter cookies

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