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Chris Evans | 09:32 UK time, Wednesday, 17 January 2007

Oh how true...

I鈥檓 currently reading Gene Wilder鈥檚 autobiography, it鈥檚 extremely funny. He always wanted to be a comedian and so far is the only person I have read who has come close to explaining to me why and how.

I鈥檇 just finished reading for half an hour yesterday afternoon and then I went to the gym. When the days and the weather feel as they do at the moment I don鈥檛 actually work out at all, I merely have a couple of bashes at the sauna with an ice cold shower in between.

Now yesterday, I鈥檇 been in the sauna on my own for the first of my twelve compulsory fifteen minutes when this knob of a bloke comes in and says鈥

鈥淵ou don鈥檛 mind if I put some more water on the coals do you ?鈥

Now this is not a question, especially when he was already holding the wooden spoon and bucket in position over the hot coals. A question would have been,

鈥淓xcuse me do you mind if I put some more hot water on ?鈥

That is genuine and honest and fair. The way he asked the question in the first place was totally leading and presumptious as far as the answer was concerned. Add to this that he already started the pouring before I'd answered and you can see the bloke was a fully paid up member of the, "I am a total '拢$= society."

I could of course have denied him his request anyhow but frankly I couldn鈥檛 be arsed. So what i said was,

"Well I've only got three minutes to go but whatever,"

What really got on my wick though was the fact that getting to twelve minutes anyway is hard enough but then when someone doubles the temperature, the falling steam also burning your skin, it becomes almost unbearable.

So, what, I thought, would Gene Wilder do in this situation ?

Gene didn't let me down.

After a few seconds I started, saying things like,

鈥淛esus that鈥檚 hot鈥

And then..

"Oh my lord almighty if this ain鈥檛 as hot as hell鈥"

Afew more seconds and...

"Wow my goodness I think I鈥檓 gonna melt.鈥

I began to intersperse these statements with huge exhales of air and uncomfortable turning too and fro. I started whistling for a while.

The more I did this the more I began to laugh. It was hilarious, for me at least.

Then when my time was up I said,

鈥淲ell no more for me then, that鈥檚 me done !鈥

I then went and had a cold shower shouting as I did so how refreshing and joyous it was鈥

And then...

Back in the sauna for another fifteen with the words,

鈥淏rrrrr, I think we need a bit more don鈥檛 you,鈥 and with that I splashed on to the coals all of the remaining water in the bucket.

I was dying inside.

I have never been more satisfied when dealing with a complete @$%+.

Thank you Mr. Wilder, it鈥檚 the way forward, I am never going to argue with anyone again, there鈥 too much fun to be had.

CLP. x


  1. At 09:45 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:


    and jolly good for you Chris! What an ***ehole!

    Was working, and now have to start again...

    piscine de plunge

    ps I also love Gene Hackman...not a thing about Genes by the way...

  2. At 09:53 AM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    "fuzzy wuzzy was a woman???"

  3. At 09:58 AM on 17 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Christoph, you're so funny!!!! What did the @$%+ say when you put the water on the coals? Or was he gasping for air by this time?!!!!

    I love Gene Wilder - he's a genius - didn't realise his autobiography was out so I'll look out for that at the library.

    It's tricky reading a funny book when you're on the train though, especially when you guffaw like I do!!!! You get some strange looks ....

    Have a good humpday everyone

    jillygoat xx

  4. At 10:00 AM on 17 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Hazel Love - you truly are numero uno!!!!!!!!

    Well done me lovely xx

    jillygoat x

  5. At 10:01 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Em M wrote:

    Great one Chris,

    I think the world is full of nice people like you, me and all the bloggers, and selfish idiots like your mate in the sauna, and sometimes it helps to play them at their own game. Just not too often, or we might become selfish idiots too!

    I think it's a good idea to sometimes think how others would deal with certain situations, or to think how you'd deal with something if you only had a week left to live! I'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to standing up to people, but I'm different if I pretend this might be the last time I see them.

    As I mentioned in a previous blog, on New Years Day I spoke to Mark Goodieron Radio 2 about why i love Queen (the group not the person, although she's quite sweet too!), and he said he'd send me a Queen CD I don't already have. It hasn't appeared yet; the guy i spoke to was Nick Leake, who I think is the producer of the Jeremy Vine show, so i could email him, i just don't want to seem too grabbing, if you know what I mean.
    Maybe Chris, you could get one of your guys to run down the corridor and remind him!

    Thanks lover,

    Em xx

  6. At 10:04 AM on 17 Jan 2007, tobes wrote:


    Greetings friend, I've just got back from a few beautiful days in Rome!

    What a place, its just too difficult to explain just how wonderful it is, every corner you turn the city gets bigger and even more detailed!

    Food was fabulous... Roast Lamb with Rosemary, one of the nicest meals I've ever had & the wine was so good with the meal that I even bought a bottle back with me!

    If you've never been to Rome, just go, you won'tbe disappointed, I PROMISE!!!

    Its great to have you & the Blog back Chris, it was horrible coming back to work and not enjoying the blog every morning!

    Have a great day all!

  7. At 10:04 AM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Like I said before...

    Just for today... Do Not Be Angry, Do not Worry.... That's what you did Christof.... You took humour in the situation and dealt with the Arse the way, I'd have expected you too....

    You daft bat!


  8. At 10:10 AM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I love Gene Wilder too - Great hair and the best Willy Wonka!

    I think it's actually rude when someone asks a question out of habit when they're going to do something regardless of your answer, it's the same when him indoors asks if I want a cup of tea then when I answer in the affirmative he says - make me one while your there will you!

    Cheeky get....

    Anyhoo - work to do

    :o) Jo

    PS Never Piscine the Piscine!

  9. At 10:11 AM on 17 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Good morning Chris and thanks for a great blog. What an absolute 'blankety-blank' he was, but thanks to Gene Wilder you got your wonderful revenge. That was absolute genius - you are the main man.

    Wish I could come up with that sort of response to such behaviour.

    Really do have to dash now and sorry to say I'm going to miss your programme for yet another day! But will catch up later with you and all your lovely team, as well as my fellow bloggers.

    Please say hello to your lovely Enzo as well - by the way, I hope he enjoyed his Christmas bless him.

    All the best and have a lovely day.

    xxx sallycat

  10. At 10:17 AM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Glad to see you were able to find humour in the situation, but that sort of attitude really grates.

    Bring back thoughtfulness for one's fellow human beings.

    J x

  11. At 10:27 AM on 17 Jan 2007, derek wrote:

    Chris you always get 1 they come in and think they own the place good to have you back keep up the good work

    p.s how is enzo setteling into the new house has he got hs fav spot yet???

  12. At 10:27 AM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Morning bloggers and schloggers....
    Very amusing post this morning CLP, made me laugh out loud in the office - always a danger people think you're crazy when that happens - but hell who cares!!

    Gene Wilder is a legend.

    Heres to making people laugh.

    Lotsa love

  13. At 10:38 AM on 17 Jan 2007, steve potts wrote:

    Hey Christoff and bloggers/schloggers,

    Saunas, don,t get them at all , did try turkish baths when in the navy, which is a 2 hour experience and quite exilarating, but burning your xxxxx off in a steam room ain,t my bag baby.

    Gene wilders comb over is legend , I loved blazing saddles and young Frankenstein, I think Mel Brooks directed both films.

    Looking forward to the one off casualty special tonight will be a laugh I,m sure Dr Evans.


  14. At 10:50 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi Chris and all,

    I couldnot agree with you more re the p**t in the sauna, sometimes the best way to deal with people like that is to amuse yourself at thier ignorance.

    I take great delight when being served in a shop by a young person with a mouth full of gum and no manners or intellect whatsoever to be so incredibly polite and really gushingly thankful for their help.

    The look of stunned confusion on their faces, makes it all worthwhile!

    best go now, busy busy busy


  15. At 10:55 AM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Either I'm extremely impatient or I've been got at.
    I'm gong to sulk for the rest of the day or until my post appears...


  16. At 10:58 AM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Just what I needed you are ssssoooooo funny. I have just got off the phone doing a bereavement call to a mum who's son was a patient of mine and died aged 39 years last friday.

    That post actually made me laugh out loud. I have also given up letting people bullsh*t me and confront them every time. But your way is more amusing I think I'll try and do that next time.

    have a great day. I'm off to Reading for a meeting


  17. At 10:59 AM on 17 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:

    Good morning Chris xx

    I'm also a fan of Gene Wilder, very funny man!

    Great how you handle the sauna situation, putting him in his place!

    Happy hump day!

    Mary xx

  18. At 11:11 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Lynne wrote:

    What a great way to deal with an irritating situation. Just wish I had the nerve.

    Well, Hazel Love today and well done Moose, you made numero uno yesterday.

    Well tomorrow's the big day for OAMC. I'll raise a glass to you all tomorrow at the appointed time.

    Not read yesterday's postings as was out ALL day shopping. Came back with keyboards (have to learn to play them now) and cross country skis (have to wait for the snow to come back)!

    MWK- Thanks for noticing (Mondays posting).

    See you all later. Back to the keyboard, the musical kind.

    Lynne x

  19. At 11:22 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:


    There isn't really anything to be gained from arguing unless it's a reasoned and thought-out debate. My mum used to say (and probably still would if I dared to) 'Don't argue with me, young lady' and this was my cue to STOMP upstairs to my room, (DON'T YOU DARE) slam the door and put my music on REALLY LOUD. Then, being a total woose, I'd put my headphones on at the risk of antagonising her any further...

    The argument was usually about 'unsuitable' clothing, shoes, make-up or hair.

    The one time I wish I'd listened (only one? I hear you cry!) I ended up flouncing out of the house in a pair of strappy sandals and no coat, and had to walk a mile to my friends house in the snow. Serves me right!
    (By the way, I did have clothes on, I ain't that stoopid!)

    Now I'm older, but still not grown up, and it's my prerogative to decide anything I wear, I'm delighted to say that if my mum could see me some nights, she'd STILL have something to say about my outfit, shoes, make-up or hair.

    My much beloved mummy also went crazy bonkers when I decided to buy a motorbike, and then I found out she used to ride on the back of my Uncle Sam's Vincent because she wasn't allowed her own, she backed down a bit...but wouldn't go pillion with me...it was partly Uncle Sam's influence and his offer to be my guarantor which helped me get my bike, but don't tell her that...

    My way of dealing? If someone is mean to me, I'm sickeningly sweetly pleasant back to them. That way, they have nothing to complain about!

    oui ou non

    pps JAX JAX JAX - I've put a note for you on yesterday.

    ppps sallycat - can't believe it. You and I being terribly terribly careful about what we write, and DWNB gets an *rse in there! Good on ya wee girlie! Q and M have got to be on day off today!

    pppps jillygoat - it may be too good to be true. the BP's (if they are at work - see above) may be holding one back that went through about 09.44...and it's probably Moose...

    ppppps I hope someone, somewhere, is having lovely weather today. I seem to be getting all the cr*p stuff here, so it's gotta be GORGEOUS somewhere else...

    pppppps Steeeeevie fae - Welcome back babe!

    ppppppps one tin of ps please

  20. At 11:37 AM on 17 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    What a fabulous blog today. You are so right, no point in arguing with people, just play it cool. That idiot paid the price for his stupidity and you came out on top! Just brilliant! (and I love Gene Wilder!).

    I listened to your show last night and I have to tell you it is fantastic. The difference in you is just remarkable. I don't think I have ever heard you sound so happy! All the best to you Chris -between your show and this blog, you really make my life so much happier! Your chat with Sally last night about whether she sounds better on your show or Steve Wright's was so natural, just two mates "chewing the fat"!

    C xx

    P.S. I'll be back later!!

  21. At 11:49 AM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    man i love a sauna!!not too hot though! how are all you lovely bloggers this morning?

    thank you for your messages on my blog! yes i still feel awful but just chilling and knitting! i detirmened to feel better for saturday as i'm going a dinner dance for the company i used to work for pre chronic fatigie so i have got to look AMAZING!

    Christophe so glad you are back! love to you all, missy xx

  22. At 11:58 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning all;

    V quick Blog - am in London HQ... Ooo-er!!

    Day did NOT start well;

    1. Turned off alarm INSTEAD of getting out of bed!

    2. Missed train

    3. Lost work mobile phone
    4. Missed next train while looking for said mobile....

    5. Just been booked into late meeting (without checking with me first...)


    Will adopt the Gene Wilder approach (will probably be bloggin from the Luny Bin later)

    Have a better hump day than me!!!!

    S xx.

  23. At 12:01 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:




  24. At 12:06 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hazel Love #19 - have gone back to yesterdays blog and found you rmessage. Sory to hear you also suffer from a painful back - it's the worst isn't it? Your advice makes absolute sense and I know you're right; it's just that I so enjoyed the dancing class and I really don't want to back down - hopefully you're right and the teacher will be able to tell me what's best for me.

    Another wise and wonderful piece of advice from a fellow CLP blogger

    Lotsa love everyone


  25. At 12:15 PM on 17 Jan 2007, mystic mog wrote:

    Peace and love all

    I don't frequent Steam or Sauna rooms as a general rule as apart from misting up my cystal ball I am afraid of the door jamming and being poached alive.
    Bad manners are most annoying particularly in busy car parks. Car drivers cruise the area... the other car is the enemy the car might as well be a army tank at war ready for confrontation. You put your indicator on.. to display a hostile warning light to say this is my space.
    Park up disengage all hostile activities and glance back at the enemy still cruising.

  26. At 12:16 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Tiggy wrote:

    Hey all,
    Not been about for a few days, work keeps getting in the way!
    Loved today's blog, what a genius way to deal with a jerk. Wish I could think so fast, always come up with great retorts 2 hours after the event!

    Happy hump day all (already)
    Tiggy xx

  27. At 12:16 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    ha ha ha - Sorry about that folks...

    I was just so pleased with my Arse, getting thru, I thought i'd try the next thing....

    Apologies if I have offended. Is not normally in my nature to do so.


  28. At 12:45 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Kev C wrote:

    Morning AGAIN
    Last blog gor BP cos i sent it about 1 n half hr ago

    I dont know why?? answers on a post card to.......

    Funniest film Gene wilder in "see no evil - hear no evil" LMAO, nowt to do with a bottle of red before sitting down to watch it.

    CHRIS, it always does my head in when, you've just got settled in sauna then some arse come's in puts temp up by god knows what, sits down for 5 mins then goes cos he's to hot!!!

    JANNI thanks for the best wishes for panto, we got our technical rehersal tonight, that should be a laugh. Its the first time the backdrops & prop men have been !! Fire away with your Innuendos Im all - ways up for a laugh....

    MOOSE, i did wish you good luck this morn but it didn't get thru. I hope im not to late with this wish.

    LYNDYLOO i heard your shout out on show last eve babes, well done.

    DD fave 3 tunes !! i got loads but heres just 3
    Phil Collins - Against all odds
    U2 - Pride in the name ........
    The Platters- Only You (reminds me of my DAD)

    Have i missed something here ? what is this HUMP DAY thingy all about ???

    Got to go BIG OWNER BOSS here today

    aka Nurse Molly Coddle x

  29. At 12:47 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Tiggy wrote:

    Hi again
    Answering DD on fave 3 songs of all time:

    Styx - Babe
    Bette Midler - The Rose
    and Bon Jovi - Always (mine and hubby's 'Our Tune'

    See you later
    Tiggy xx

  30. At 12:50 PM on 17 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Either I'm extremely impatient or I've been got at.
    I'm gong to sulk for the rest of the day or until my post appears...

    (Yes mose I have pinched your post but it said it so well) ;-((

  31. At 12:51 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I shouldn't be on here - I'm sulking...

    But I just wanted to reassure Hazel that the blocked post (for NO REASON!!!!!!) was timed by me at about 10.08 so there's no danger of usurpation by me.


    PS I've finished the paper. Hoo and rah

    PPS 10 minutes to zero hundred hours...thinking of you too Keith. And Gaby. And anyone else with work related d-days this week.

    PPPS All I said was (sorry and shhhhh...) - I don't get Gene Wilder...but I could imagine Eddie Murphy doing the same thing. But the comedic credit should really go to CLP himself.

    PPPPS 1 sleep to go. Actually I'm so excited I don't think I'm going to get any sleep tonight!

    PPPPPS The PSs make me feel like I'm not breaking my sulk - why is that?

    PPPPPPS Check my blog - also sauna related...how wierd is that?

  32. At 12:57 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Afternoon all,

    Nice one Chris : ) It's good to have you back.

    I have had customers being very rude and disrespecful to me at my place of work. It used to really upset me at first - but I stand up to them now, where I can anyway. (cathmel #16, I know just what you mean),

    Nicki #14 - on New Year's Day (in the morning, just before I saw my team hammer West Ham) I wished the lad in my local 24/7 a Happy New Year. He looked at me as if I had just asked him the directions to Pluto (avoiding motorways and congestion charges). He just looked down and carried on scanning my groceries. lol. : )

    DWNB - you ARE on a roll with slipping under the radar - am looking forward to your next post : )

    Lovely people yesterday - sorry I haven't been able to reply - but am sending you lots of love...you know who you are.


    ps merci beaucoup

    pps Madam, we have run out of tins of ps - but can I recommend the pps

    ppps I'll be working my way back to you babe

    pppps sorry for the above Moose

  33. At 01:03 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    ps Keith...I should be so lucky : ) x

  34. At 01:03 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Amanda wrote:

    Hello all! I am glad to see we are all getting back into the groove of things after such a luxurious holiday.

    I am a pretty patient and laid back person. I am slow to anger...for the most part. Similar to the man who asked to add water to the coals AS HE WAS POURING IT...I am amazed at people who ask if they can pet my dog AS THEY ARE REACHING OUT TOWARDS HER!! I have the greatest dog in the world, but she is shy of strangers (particularly men...who wear boots) because she had been abused by some creton before she was rescued. So I tell folks not to reach out to her becuase depending on her mood, she might see that as threatening and pull away or nip at the air to warn them to get away. The person always seems offended when this happens!!! Didn't their mothers ever tell them to ask BEFORE petting a strange dog?!!


  35. At 01:07 PM on 17 Jan 2007, T wrote:

    Ok so the BP have taken my post somewhere. Not sure why as it only commented on how reading the blog brought a smile to my face 鈥 well done Chris! I may invest in Gene鈥檚 book as I think it would be a great read.

    How is D Day going for all those making/waiting on a decision today??

    Until later


  36. At 01:17 PM on 17 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi again!

    Hope you don't mind, some things from yesterday (I didn't get the chance to comment on soooo many things!).

    Jax - I sympathise about your back problem. I have a really weak back after the most terrible fall about four years ago. I swear by acupuncture which I have every 8-10 weeks. It just keeps the damaged muscle supple and helps me mentally! Of course, every injury is different. I agree, talk to your dance teacher, but I can only imagine that you must have to use every muscle in your back for belly dancing. Get yourself to the OAMC and let your back recover!

    Lyndyloo - heard your text on the show last night. I almost mentioned it to my husband, like I know you!!

    DD - my favourite three records:

    1. Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley
    (will be played at my funeral!)
    2. Jet - Wings (this is "our" song and we have been married 31 years today! What a slog it's been!!)
    3. If You Leave Me Now - Chicago (for a time in our lives which was definitely not so happy!)

    Hazel Love - #1 ! and well-deserved!

    Re: famous people - I have had several drinks with Ally McCoist on many occasions. He is very funny and really good company. Women just adore him! Also, about 30 years ago, my friend and I sneaked backstage at a Radio 1 roadshow in Glasgow to be confronted with Dave Lee Travis, Noel Edmonds, Tony Blackburn and Kid Jensen! We were promptly booted out by two monsters wearing dinner suits!

    Thinking of Moose, BigUn and Gaby - job issues are a nightmare!

    I really am going now!

    C xx

  37. At 01:24 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Parker wrote:

    Three men - an American, a Japanese and an Irishman were sitting naked in a sauna.

    Suddenly, there was a beeping sound. The American pressed his forearm and the beep stopped. The other men looked at him questioningly.

    "That was my pager" the American said. "I have a microchip under the skin of my arm."

    A few minutes later, a phone rang.

    The Japanese fellow lifted his palm to his ear. When he finished his conversation, he explained: "That was my mobile phone. I have a microchip in my hand."

    The Irishman felt decidedly low tech, but was determined not to be outdone. He stepped out of the sauna and went to the bathroom.

    He returned with a long piece of toilet paper trailing from his backside.

    The others raised their eyebrows at him. The Irishman glanced around and said:
    "Bejesus! Wouldja look at dat!! I'm gettin' a fax!"

  38. At 01:25 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Debs '75 wrote:

    Simple - next time you're in the sauna on your own - hide the water!!

  39. At 01:28 PM on 17 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    DD - my fave 3 songs:

    1) Music by John Miles (reminds me of special times with my mum)
    2) What a Fool Believes by the Doobie Bros
    3) These Words by Natasha Bedingfield

    Kev C - Wednesday is Humpday as it's a downward slide to the weekend from now on, hence the celebration!!

    Hazel Love - still well done on #1 xx

    Moose - hope the meeting goes/went well, depending on when the BP let this through. Other posts have disappeared into the ether so far today.

    Jo - I haven't seen Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka - wot's it like? I've been out with some twonkers though - hell, I even married one once!!!

    jillygoat x

  40. At 01:31 PM on 17 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Just come out of a meeting, dashed back home and thought I'd have another peep before dashing off out again.

    Moose - just to let you know that some of the post for today has actually appeared on yesterdays, including one of yours.

    Wish I had to time to respond to everyone, but have to leave that delight until later.

    Love to you all

    xxx sallycat

  41. At 01:33 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:


  42. At 01:34 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Moose and BigUn - Sulking, dahlings...tsk tsk! When there is so much to be joyful about in the world!

    Moose, by the time you get this you'll have done wotcha gotta do - hope all is well!

    Keith - I'm sure you'll catch us up! Loving you xxx just because I can!

    Gaby - Option Z. Now you have to not doubt what you've done! xxxx because I can too xxxx

    I got got earlier too - was only checking if everyone is still voting McCrumble...and DWNB got away with ARSE!

    Amanda - we were talking about that very thing at work yesterday. The other subjects which came up were...touching pregnant ladies tummies and stroking very short hair. I've only suffered from impulsive hair stroking, but HOW RUDE can people be, and HOW TOTALLY STUPID to want to pet a dog without asking - do people not read the papers! Golly...went off a bit there...

    SAMMIE - if you're out there, there's a note for you yesterday too!


    ps the weather seems to have taken heed of my misery earlier as the sun appears to be appearing...

    pps stop press...have just been outside for quick cig, and it is bleedin' freezin'!

  43. At 01:37 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Boys, boys,

    I am going to get hold of those BP and give them a right, sarf londin thingymajig - not fair they should get at you both.

    I read Keith's post and thought I was suffering from stress/insomnia-induced name replacement, as I was sure I had seen the same words under Moose's name. Note to self...read to the end of the post. : )

    Off to Beeb towers to give 'em what for

    Your protector and friend

  44. At 01:40 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Hazel Love.....I need reinforcements .....


    ps If my last post was taken away, the above will make no sense at all ("no change there then",I hear you cry)

  45. At 01:40 PM on 17 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Afternoon Bloggers and schloggers,

    I am with moose and still sulking at my post not getting through this morning and time is against me!

    Oh yes the blog.

    Chris what fun! I commend you with the way you dealt with Mr S#1t! I always say there is more than one way to win and that is exactly what you did win! ;-)

    You are also correct when as you say the way he asked was not a question it was a challenge to you, daring you to say no!

    To put into poker terms he called you with a pair of sevens (feeling lucky) and you saw his bluff with a flush of your own! ;-))


    P.S. No joke until the BP calm down ;-(

    P.P.S Gaby do you have some connection with Mr E? I only ask as on yesterday鈥檚 blog you mention lying in front of the fire like a dog and today鈥檚 blog is let sleeping dogs lie鈥︹izards is all I can say to that! ;-))

  46. At 01:47 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Dear All,

    "Don't tell me this didn't make you feel better", didn't make me feel better last night, and I would have phoned and said so, but I was driving. It made me feel like ripping my ears off at the roots. Flipping Riverdance. Purleese!

    Let me think.... am off to come up with a more better one than that. Something which truely makes your heart leap.

    Speak (more Bollocks) soon


  47. At 01:53 PM on 17 Jan 2007, fillybay wrote:

    Hi Chris and all,
    Gene Wilder,my{yep mine all mine!!!} complete hero.Saw him in 'Laughter On The 23rd floor' on the first and last night.Met the man.....someone special for sure.
    Laugh in the face of...... always works for me and boy have I had to do some laughing over the years!!!
    Have now bulit an Ark for the hippos and the rice fields are now looking more like the Everglades.Did anybody say its raining??? Or was that the hose pipe ban!!!
    Oh no thats right it needs to rain for another 40 days and 40 nights before we can wash our cars again!
    Off to buy hippo food now and check the houses in my care are managing to stay above river level. He he its all fun fun fun down here,lv fb.

  48. At 01:54 PM on 17 Jan 2007, soozy woo wrote:

    Hi All,

    I wish I had the courage to stand up to rude people. I'm the sort of person who has great intentions, but scared of the consequences of standing up to them. I will see someone drop litter (one of the RUDEST things you can do in my fine country!) and then rather than suggest they pick it up, will walk along behind them and pick it up. I've always got pockets full of other peoples rubbish!!

    As you can see, I decided to stick with Soozy Woo and puddle jumping! Thanks for the advice on growing up - I've decided.... Shan't!

    To all those that attend... Hope you have a great time at the first ever OAMC tonight. Would be there, but I live hundreds of miles away, and it is a school night!

    Hey, ho..... back to work (and no - I'm not one of snow whites dwarfs!)


    PS. Hazel Love - I applaude your continuing love of the "parental dissapproval" attire. Whenever I think I may be turning out like my mother I go and buy something she would NEVER buy.

    PPS. Hence my love affair with selling things on Ebay! (other online auction sites are available, probably)

    PPPS. Is it a bad sign that I am beginning to think that Ma does actually have a point?

  49. At 01:57 PM on 17 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    I don't know if this post will get through but I've tried five times to blog, three times being told that I can't, and twice the post just disappearing - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr to the BP!!

    However, if this and the other two get through, my sincere apologies for rambling .... and BP, I think you're lovely xx


  50. At 02:06 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Bingo Star wrote:

    Hi Chris, all bloggers, schloggers but not lane hoggers. I'm off on one now - sorry!

    Driving reminds me of your visit to the sauna Chris- there's too many selfish people around these days. But most people are nice, it's just the idiots, that are a minority, that seem to stand out.
    Take driving, some people drive as if the road is completely their's and everybody else shouldn't be on their road.
    It's not just driving- there is a selfish society out there were people are rude, try to push in at queues not just on the roads but in places like the pub or supermarkets.


    If everybody followed that motto what a better society we would have.
    Almost everbody indoors i'd say are very decent people, it's just outside people seem to put up an aggressive free for all front/attitude- I don't, i'm always polite but it ain't easy staying that way when it seems so many are rude to me.
    That's the problem - it spreads.
    I say to all, keep to the motto above, don't be rude and what a better society it would be.

    You don't need to go to the sauna to make your blood boil- am tellin' yer!
    Aye and that was a close shave Chris and I ain't talkin' Gillette. Someone making your blood boil while actually in the sauna really could make the old blood blow. Close one - good job you've got a sense of humour to keep yer cool!

    As for bad drivers- next time someone cuts you up, hogs a lane or something similar don't retaliate, just chill!
    Their probally just having a stressful day and they probally have been cut up earlier themselves.
    Bye for now blog friends, from Bingo.

    PS. Great blog from Em M - Reply 5 - I agree totally. If people suddenly only had a week to live or a similar tragedy they would suddenly slow up the modern rat race and be more laid back and polite. It's just a shame alot of people don't see that now.

  51. At 02:09 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Sorry guys, I posted this just for fun on yesterdays blog because I was too impatient for Chris to get out of the sauna
    At 09:42 AM on 17 Jan 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:
    Hump day so time for a Q, fave three records of all time
    1. Sittin (on the dock of the bay) - Otis Redding
    2. Chasing Cars - Snow patrol
    3. Hopelessly devoted to you - Olivia Neutron Bomb
    DD out
    PS Smile! You know you want to - with apologies to Big 'Un

  52. At 02:12 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Skids wrote:

    I was desperate for a sauna yesterday, it had been really stressgul day, interest rate has gone up again, I was worried the wife will up and leave as we cannot afford the mortgage repayments until the bonus comes through. You know when you want it really hot to just chill out and steam away the worries. There was a ginger guy in there looked vaguely familiar, I did ask if he minded, but quite frankly it was either hot or I jumped off the bridge. Then after he had said it was ok , wittered on and I couldn't relax at all. So I was still stressed after the sauna, got home, blew up at the wife, she has now moved back to her mothers, kicked the dog, which is now at the vets and looking homelessness in the face as I punched one of the bailliffs...All for a peaceful sauna..

  53. At 02:18 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Oh my god how am I going to cope, I've just read a headline that said there's a worldwide shortage of PS's and that people will have to use the less popular PPS (other PS's are available) as a temporary replacement!


    DD out

  54. At 02:23 PM on 17 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Testing, testing, testing鈥︹..I have sent another post and that has not appeared either鈥︹.I am starting to take this personally ;-(

    Of course it may appear and so I have to say that I am humble to an inevitable delay and apologise for being so impatient ;-)

    If it does not appear then I challenge the BP to a duel and will meet them behind the bike sheds at dawn!

  55. At 02:50 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    hellloooo - where is everyone.

    Wot - no posts in almost two hours!!

    I have had 3 posts confiscated...but can't believe there's no one else getting through : (


  56. At 02:57 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Lots of love

    PS Still sulking...thanks for the credits BigUn. Q & M - what's up today? Did someone pour water on your hot coals? Are you mad with us? Can you tell us why?

    PPS Zero hundred hours has moved. Can they do that? I feel like I'm in a time warp. I'm going to have to pretend I'm in Boston (Mass not Lincs) so that when the meeting happens it'll be zero hundred hours somewhere in the world.
    ...The mooselets are in the Children's museum, being chaparoned by the nanny, and Mrs Moose & I are enjoying a coffee and a sandwich in the cafe of the New England Aquarium. We're going to the Summer Shack tonight for Clam Chowder and Lobster. Tomorrow is the US launch of my book at Barnes and Noble (it's partly set in Boston - my book, not Barnes & Noble. Other bookshops are available). Then the day after we head up the coast to Maine to my spring residence (as opposed to my winter one in San Diego, the summer one in St Ives and the autumn one in the Black Forest just outside Freiburg). The music in the cafe is September Blue by Chris Rea, The Power of Love by Huey Lewis and the News and Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel. When the mooselets arrive the music will change to You Really Got Me by the Kinks, Mr Blue Sky by ELO (if you've seen the film version of Magic Roundabout this will be obvious) and You're Beautiful by James Blunt (don't ask me). We all think how funny it is they know our favourite songs and contemplate that Dissing Dave must have told them...
    Wow that was realistic pretending. I even impressed myself.

    PP(P)S Gaby - Just to remind you that you are not getting away with it. Someday I shall pour a bucket of water on your hot coals. When you are least expecting it...

  57. At 03:11 PM on 17 Jan 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hello ......... hello .......

    Perhaps it's just me, but the last comment I can see is T #34 which is timed at 1.07pm!

    Don't know what I hope to achieve by sending this, but hopefully someone will update the blog!

    Thank you, Q & M!

    C xx

  58. At 03:12 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Is it really this quiet today??? Or have Q & M stolen all the posts?

    :o) Jo

  59. At 03:22 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    oooooh BP stopped me - to repeat,

    Is it really this quiet or have Q & M robbed all the posts?

    Maybe it was their boss 'C' - or the redundant 'K'?

    :o) Jo

  60. At 03:32 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    What a hoot, I must read this. could be life changing?

  61. At 03:32 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wilsmar@home wrote:

    Good afternoon everyone and good luck with all the "doings" you have to deal with today.
    "Kiss me like a stranger" - fabulous book - laughed all the way through it.
    Dissing Dave - how did you know??? I am on sick leave today now feeling better after staying in my pit until 2p.m. Think the "big" fella in the sauna has been sat on my shoulders, hitting me on the head with the ladle. Pain(s) all gone now.
    Off to the kitchen to break my fast and get some comforting sustenance.
    Bye all.
    PS She is a good looking sheep.

  62. At 03:33 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Chris - what's going on with the blog - no posts since 1:07pm

    Surely it's not that quiet??

    Is everyone at a party and not invited me?

    Have I been sucked into the mysterious 5th dimension?

    Will it all be OK with the world today?

    Tune in at 5 oh 5 to find out!

    :o) Jo

  63. At 03:40 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris - yep it is always good to laugh at to**ers.
    It is embarrasing to read a funny book on the train. I was reading Peter Kay's autobiography on the train down to Brum and kept trying to laugh silently and not explode.

    I've had mixed experiences in a sauna. Once went in with gold dangly earrings and they burnt my neck when they touch it!

    Lyndyloo - thanks for the comment and Chris gave you a shout out yesterday. Have a good holiday.


  64. At 03:42 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Nunu wrote:

    OK - I surrender

    Could somone please explain this whole 'blog' thing to me? I have been reading it for months (posted a couple of comments)
    I just don't get it - Are you regular bloggers all blogging in another blog zone???? If so, how do i get in????????

    I think it was Moose havin trouble with blog timing..... I'm confused, how do you time your blog entry???????

    Who are the blog police? And how do you know if they are onto you?

    I'm prob about to throw myself open to a load of abuse now..... but, am i being thick?

    I'm beggin someone, please, reveal the secret to successful blogging.........

    (once i've mastered blogging - i shall move on to schlogging - yet another mystery to me)

  65. At 03:46 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Karen K wrote:

    Gene Wilder - what a star. Did you see him in Will and Grace on Living TV - he played a completely insane boss of Will (who is a Lawyer), if you were in with him you were in - best office etc, if you were out - you were right out. It was one of the best comedy sketches I have seen on him - and sooooo realistic. I would love to read his book. The recent Ronnie Corbett book about Ronnie Barker was funny, moving and incredibly sad in places - what a great read, would recommend it.

    It's not raining for the first time in days..... it won't last me thinks... !

    Thursday tomorrow - where has the week gone

    K x

  66. At 03:50 PM on 17 Jan 2007, karen K wrote:

    For Amanda.....

    I can sympathise with your doggy - my little hound is of the nervous variety and has a particlar fear of scooters ridden by small children and yes, they drive sooo close to him despite my warning actions and trying to him behind me to avoid the confrontation, when he snaps or woofs and small child and scooter depart company I find myself apologising for his behaviour and giving an explanation for his action...... I am such a fool - I should tell the parent that they can expect very little else if their child is allowed to mow dogs over with their scooters.......

  67. At 04:16 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi all,

    Gaby, I think the lad in your 24/7 must have been one of those teen creatures, on the whole they are ok, but they definately operate on a different level to the rest of us.

    All this news of job/work related stuff just keeps reminding me how scared I am. I have a second interview in the morning!!!
    I haven't mentioned it before....you know, tempting fate (or was it one of those 'to be on the safe side things')
    Anyhow, it's much better job than I have at the mo, with pots more dosh, and very close to home, the thing is the guys I work with are so sweet, so, I don't know if I will be too put out if I don't get it, 'cos I'll feel so bad leaving the place I work now...........................Oh I don't know, hell I shall just go along and have a look, no harm in looking eh??

    Good Luck to all of you having d days hope it all works out well.
    take care

  68. At 04:20 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Nick Winfield wrote:

    I like Gene but didn't enjoy his autobiography; just didn't sit well with me, for some reason. That being said, I'm glad you conjured up some humour out of that all-too-familiar social situation!

  69. At 04:22 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    COme on Chris, Gene would have said..
    "Go ahead, the steam makes me horney as hell".

    ...but i shoot with this hand!

  70. At 04:26 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Nev wrote:

    Kev C - Gene Wilder with Richard Prior in Hear no evil see no evil - brilliant.

    As to curtsey and manners.. I said to the kind young man offering to look after my car as i parked for last nights footie (scraping through will do) 'That is most generous of you to offer but no thank you anyway' - he was still scratching his head wondering what I was talking about as I approached the ground!


  71. At 04:42 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Nunu wrote:

    OK - I surrender

    Could somone please explain this whole 'blog' thing to me? I have been reading it for months (posted a couple of comments)
    I just don't get it - Are you regular bloggers all blogging in another blog zone???? If so, how do i get in????????

    I think it was Moose havin trouble with blog timing..... I'm confused, how do you time your blog entry???????

    Who are the blog police? And how do you know if they are onto you?

    I'm prob about to throw myself open to a load of abuse now..... but, am i being thick?

    I'm beggin someone, please, reveal the secret to successful blogging.........

    (once i've mastered blogging - i shall move on to schlogging - yet another mystery to me)

  72. At 04:45 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Me thinks the blog is suffering from constipation!!
    been on 34 for ages, Oh well give it time these things usually work out in the end!!

    The will be posts flying on here like a cork from a bottle!


    ps work it out with a pencil (sorry very old joke)

  73. At 05:38 PM on 17 Jan 2007, JoJo wrote:

    Hi, haven't been blogging as can't get on computer because Partner is researching his Ancestors. Anyway he's off to see Leicester V Fulham (Leicester fan for his sins - bless!), so I can catch up on the busy blog.

    Funny Sauna story - reminded of me when I worked in luxury health clubs and Sauna's have always been cause for complaints, the bucket and ladle are so tempting for people to experiment with. Steam rooms are better, no gadgets, nothing to tamper with, go in get your fix come out - few complaints - the temperature stays the same, but then again I had to deal with 2 flashers in the steam room.............. perhaps the boredom of not having anything to fiddle with causes flashers to come out of the woodwork!!!! - what's that all about?


  74. At 05:45 PM on 17 Jan 2007, The Debster wrote:

    Hi Chris!
    It's good to have you back. Haven't got around to tuning in yet but I never miss a blog.

    Next week, for the first time in 22 years, I am going to meet the girl who taught me to smoke! At 12 she had already mastered the art and I was a keen student. She convinced me that boys preferred girls who smoked (boys really fancied her) and that it also helped her get her homework done (she was a top student)! I on the other hand had sucker written all over me and desperately needed to improve my grades. Oh, and boys were quite interesting too....!
    When we meet I can't help thinking that we should perform some ritual that would turn back time and take us back to those fateful days under our tree in Greenwich park and I would NOT take my first drag on my first fag........ 'Back to The Future' styleee. 19 years on I am still not rid of the curse entirely. She's got a lot to answer for that girl........If only her name was Earl, I could be in for a really rewarding time! xx

    It's pub quiz night tonight and there's always more boy's questions (sport and machines) than girl's questions (food and nature). Luckily the quizmaster will give points for comedy answers if they really make him and the punters laughand that's usually my contribution to the team. We end up trying to chose between an answer that may be right and one that may make people laugh. It really livens up a pub quiz. We are often first and never below third. I shall put my Gene Wilder hat on tonight and say what I think he may have said in answer to some of the questions. I'm usually Groucho Marx so it will make a change to be someone else. So Chris, I may well be having a glass of winners red for you at about midnight if the plan works. Chin chin!

    Debs xxx

  75. At 05:47 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Ok - top three records -

    Baker Street by Gerry Rafferty
    Solsbury Hill by Peter Gabriel and
    Golden Brown by The Stranglers.

    Famous people - I once sat next to Bob Harris at dinner (Of radio 2 fame). He was visiting BFBS Gibraltar and was quite delightful, funny and entertaining.

    First LP I ever bought was Tumbleweed connection by Elton.



  76. At 05:52 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wilsmar@home wrote:

    Mr E. Hayfever....... I'm nearly 100% certain ..... the pollen from trees "usually" starts in Feb .... mine hasn't started yet!

    But ....loads of folk at work seems to be sneezing this week so it may not be hayfever??

    Bless you!

    PS Other allergies are available.

  77. At 05:59 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Gaby, honey, I've only just been able to read your message! Couldn't get messages past 'T' for the whole afternoon! Thought it couldn't be possible that everyone had got got!

    Anyway, I'd happily be your right hand man (person?). I could probably learn to play the bugle for the charge too as I can play both the kazoo and the recorder.

    We'll sort strategy and tactics tomorrow...

    In the meanwhile...

    Moose - that is really mean of them. Hope it's sorted now!

    Nicki - Good luck with the 2nd interview.

    Nunu - You can only blog on your own blog site...ergo, Chris blogs and we all comment on what he has said and start other (sometimes even related to what Chris has written...) threads within the comments. A 'Schlogger' is someone who listens to the show, and also puts comments on here.



    pps has anyone seen my message that went with the ps?

    pps DD - the ps I used had a 'please copy more' sticker on it. There will be extra ps's available tomorrow.

  78. At 06:01 PM on 17 Jan 2007, anna wrote:

    Evening, easier to catch up with when the blogs having a go slow n'est pas!

    CLP - That is sooooo funny, i too laughed out loud.

    Iain - No, Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear.,....who was bald.

    Nicki - good luck for the interview!!

    Nunu - you have it, the blog is about as random as your message, no further training required! ;o)

    Hazel - touching pregnant bellies is bad at the best of times, worse when you arent pregnant!! In the last 6 mths 4 people have asked me when my baby is due, patting my (fat) belly as they ask... still, i would rather they thought i was pregnant than fat!!

    Does anyone know where tracy-ann is? Did she say she was going away?? Hope she is alright!!

    DD - am thinking and will blog my songs later.

    Moose - A Hooker!? My favourite position. (Fly half close second....unless we are talking johnny wilkinson, and then things are a little different im afraid, which i suppose is handy given that 'im in doors was a fly half!

    right, off to the other side for a brief interlude.


    PS Oh, the antici.........................

  79. At 06:02 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Fun! :) well that answers the question:

    "what fun, can you have in a sauna?" - get a compleate B$$$$$d and ase in!

    You didn't shrivel up like prune did you...?

    Chris.. go and take a bath!! - in-fact go and have a bath in the new Bath Spa in Bath, and take in the hot waters... it's great!

  80. At 06:04 PM on 17 Jan 2007, anna wrote:


  81. At 06:16 PM on 17 Jan 2007, M wrote:

    We have been officially notified that we are fully authorised to make comments on here as long as we stay away from any subject of a classified nature.

    You may hear from us again. In the meantime, may I please add a hi to y'all.


  82. At 06:26 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    I would most sincerely like to apologise for all my bloody swearing today.

    I think it was my fault the blog got held up. Once someone commented on me getting away with Arse, I just had to keep doing it to see how much I could do!! Me thinks the BLog Police fainted with shock at my nerve. Apologies.

    NuNu 64...... we are actually all on another planet. This is our one means of communicating, unless of course you click on the names of those of us who have linked to another site. There are lines under our names where we have links.

    Hazel Love (1) Avec La Plume De Ma Tante.

    Moose ... they was just stopping you cause you were there so much yesterday.

    Tap last night - Brilliant.

    Migraine this morning.. Reiki'd myself. All gone. AMAZING!

    See Ya All 2moro

    (I learnt that from my son)


  83. At 06:28 PM on 17 Jan 2007, fillybay wrote:

    Please sir can I blog now................I promise I will be good,x

  84. At 06:32 PM on 17 Jan 2007, M wrote:

    How very true! Why does this kind of realisation only come later in life! Since turning 40 Life just makes so much more sense!

    Anyone seeing their 40s as a milestone DONT its so much fun :-)


  85. At 06:35 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Nicki - good luck tomorrow xx

    Keith - sadly I am not connected to the afore-mentioned. I, personally, think we would make a great couple - but it's the sofa thing....I prefer bed


    ps where on earth were all those posts all that time.......bien sur, monsieur

  86. At 06:39 PM on 17 Jan 2007, JoJo wrote:

    BP's thankyou thankyou thankyou, I thought you'd taken me? I'm a BP Schmoozer - ...........I got the key, I got secret.......

    First thing I do when I get home, same as Chris mentioned one lady on show - bra off! But not the conventional way, oh no I take it off without removing my jumper/top - am I alone with this 'private' party piece? Does anyone who doesn't do this want to know how - not the guys -.......STOP IT!!!!

    JoJo x

    PS If manage to get to OAMC (not def. yet) - I will NOT be demonstrating this.

  87. At 06:41 PM on 17 Jan 2007, JoJo wrote:

    BP's thankyou thankyou thankyou, I thought you'd taken me? I'm a BP Schmoozer - ...........I got the key, I got secret.......

    First thing I do when I get home, same as Chris mentioned one lady on show - bra off! But not the conventional way, oh no I take it off without removing my jumper/top - am I alone with this 'private' party piece? Does anyone who doesn't do this want to know how - not the guys -.......STOP IT!!!!

    JoJo x

    PS If manage to get to OAMC (not def. yet) - I will NOT be demonstrating this.

  88. At 06:42 PM on 17 Jan 2007, M wrote:

    Listening to the show love it :-) Lil'l ol wine drinker me sumd it up! Grat to have you back. You guys really get iy........ Yeah!

  89. At 06:46 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wilsmar@home wrote:

    Hazel Love ................ Stand and deliver!!! - (but get the money off them first)
    Cheers all (for tomorrow night)
    Chairmoose: Can I give you my apologies now.
    PS..... Could Q and M be taking the p*ss?

  90. At 07:39 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Gaby wrote:


    I replied to your comment re our leader and myself - it was witheld for purposes

    : (


  91. At 08:03 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Has anyone else noticed Lynne is very quiet recently. Lynne where are you? Are u ok?And also weezie???????????

  92. At 08:17 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Livingstone wrote:

    Gene Wilder - the funniest man with the saddest bluest eyes. I could just imagine him ranting and raving and going all hysterical at the man in the sauna like he does in Stir Crazy. Or Silver Streak. Or See No Evil. Or Young Frankenstein. Or any Gene Wilder film. Love that man! "Oh shee! Oh sheee!" God bless Grossburger.

  93. At 08:20 PM on 17 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    麻豆约拍 at long last and I did manage to hear about the last five minutes of the prog. Oh well, maybe another day I'll be back before 5.

    Moose - How have you got on today? Been thinking about you and all those with things to deal with.

    Em M - You're right, people are actually really great. Let's face it, most of us just want to have a happy life, with a comfortable home and with family and friends around us - but occasionally we come across someone who's selfish, rude and downright objectionable.

    I always try to remember that they too have personal lives and must care about someone or something. It's difficult at times though.

    I spent all my life trying to be a 'nice' person, not rocking the boat or being confrontational, but recently I've changed and will say what I feel.

    Jo - I too loved Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka, but am looking forward to seeing the new film. Wonder what it's like.

    Nicki - Your way of responding to a rude sales person made me laugh and I would love to see their bemused expression as you walk away. smiling no doubt. I have worked in shops but always had to treat the customers with courtesy.

    Hazel Love - I really loved your post about the door slamming, stomping up the stairs, loud music - did you also THROW yourself onto your bed, muttering 'it's not fair and when I have children, I'll NEVER do that to them?'

    I can't remember the number of times I'd done it and cringe when I think what my poor mum must have gone through. Oh dear about the walk in the snow, with totally unsuitable clothing. We always learn the hard way don't we? Your Uncle Sam sounds an absolute darling.

    Yes, we are careful about what we write aren't we - I suppose I do it after a life-time of feeling I had to be 'nice' and not upset people.

    The weather here has been cold, wet, windy and generally grotty. Still, it's been beautiful for the last few days, so mustn't grumble.

    Didn't know you had a bad back - hope it isn't made even worse by all this cold weather.

    Jax - How's your back today and have you had a chance to talk to your dance teacher about the problem. Fingers crossed, because it's awful not being able to do something you enjoy very much.

    mystic mog - I can't cope with Steam or Sauna rooms, not because of my crystal ball though - the truth is that I'd melt and ooze from under the door. Which would be messy for anyone walking about with no shoes on!

    I don't drive, but as a pedestrian the thing that makes me scream is when waiting to cross the road near a junction, the car coming towards me doesn't indicate, so I think they must be going straight on - only to find that at the last minute they turn into the road!!! I always feel like making a very rude gesture or shouting uncontrollably. I've even wanted to stand in the road, shaking my fist at them as they disappear up the road.

    tiggy - Oh yes, I'm with you and always think of a wonderful put down hours after the event.

    Kev C - Thinking of you for this evening's technical rehearsal.

    Amanda - Why is there the assumption that any dog is fair game for somebody's child to touch? Don't some of these parents teach their children how to treat a dog, let alone a strange dog.

    Parker - dear Parker, I read your post and laughed out loud. Good job I was home alone, so that nobody could wonder what on earth was going on. It's great and so I'll be sending that on to family and friends.

    Soozy Woo - I'm glad I'm not the only one who's picked someone else's rubbish up. And I'm so glad you sticking with Soozy Woo and puddle jumping. Do you like shuffling through dried leaves in a wood? Bliss.

    Aren't we strange about our dear mothers? Mine has been dead for quite a while now, but I often think of her and the things she used to say and do. Interestingly enough, the other day I drew a self-portrait and when I finished, stood back to see what I'd done and saw my mother staring back at me!

    The scarey thing, when you have children, is finding yourself saying something that your mother had said to you.

    SUPADEL - Yes, yes, yes, this is indeed life-changing. I only heard about Chris's show and the blog a few weeks ago and am well and truly hooked.

    I'll post this now and then catch up with more in a little while - after a cup of tea.

    love to all

    xxx sallycat

  94. At 08:53 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Jeez, the blog's gone mad today.

    Double postings, no postings, stolen postings. What is going on? I posted early to say I was about to enter the meeting from hell and would catch up later (I have been to the gym since - the meeting wasn't that long), that got BP'd and no-one else seems to have had much joy since.

    Moose & Keith. What happened?????

    3 favourite songs. That is a harder question than it seems at first glance. Depends what mood you're in, I suppose. Right now;

    Anarchy In The UK - Sex Pistols
    The Blower's Daughter - Damien Rice
    Thank You - Led Zeppelin

    But then that could all change tomorrow.

    Talking of tomorrow. Oh. My. God. It's OAMC day! What am I going to wear? the weather is going to be shocking! How will I know who anyone is?

    Never been quite sure about Gene Wilder. As a kid I remember being hugely entertained by Silver Streak and SNE,HNE was funny too, but then in both cases it was the Wilder/Prior combo that did it. I always thought there was something slightly sinister about his Willy.

    That'll be Wonka, of course.

    Another quick 'celeb spot' I remembered.

    A friend and I once went to a 'macro-biotic' Japanese restaurant in Hollywood. The cab took us all round the houses and deposited us outside a strange cafe-like place in a deserted street. Outside, was a Bentley, looking very out of place. We stepped in and the place was empty, bar two Hells Angels types in the corner. We ordered a beer, only to be told it was 'water only'. OK, water it is, cheers. Just then, another biker type strolled in having parked his Harley outside. I recognised him straight away as Flea from the Chili Peppers, and the other two were Rick Rubin (producer, Def Jam bigwig) and one of the hairy ones from ZZ Top (Dusty or Billy).

    I didn't have the b***s to ask for an autograph.

    The food was rubbish.

    Must go and see how badly Fulham are doing (losing last time I looked).

    Sleep very, very well my friends.

    Peace and love


    PS Johnny Stabler

    PPS Like a bird on the wire
    Like a drunk in a midnight choir

    PPPS You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me?

  95. At 08:56 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    .....one last thing.

    Tip of the day (which I didn't follow myself, so if my last post didn't make it past the gestapo it's my own fault)

    Type your blog into Word and paste it in. If, for whatever reason it doesn't make it, and you have created a mini-masterpiece, you can have another go!


  96. At 09:22 PM on 17 Jan 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    Chris - As they (whoever they are!) say - "don't get mad, get even". And it sounds as if you did that with style. As Terry (you know him) would say " Me, me, me, me, me." Some people are the centre of their own little universe - no thought for anyone but themselves. And this group of people seem to be on the increase. On the roads, in the supermarkets, and now in the sauna. No manners, no thought for others - it's all me, me, me, me,me. Well it's time for the worms to turn. So good on you Chris - not that I'm suggesting you are a worm! Let's retake the roads. Let's retake the supermarkets. And let's retake the saunas. But let's all do it with style - with Chris style - with a smile, a laugh, and a witty but to the point comment.

    DWNB - you're on very good form today!


  97. At 09:24 PM on 17 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Matt - What an absolute brainwave my friend. I鈥檓 typing this into Word, as you suggest and will then paste it in. I鈥檝e lost count of the number of times I鈥檝e lost a message, through pressing the wrong key nine times out of ten I hasten to add.

    Boy, oh boy it works a treat. You are a genius.

    M - Yes, a thousand times yes - 40 is great, 50 gets even better and I'm happier in my 60's than ever. Apart of course from the odd physical bits that aren't such fun. But hey ho, I can cope with that.

    DWNB - You're right, this is our own planet and long may it last. Didn't know it was possible to Reiki oneself. Must learn how to do that, because I get migraines and they're not funny. Wish I could text just with my thumb - I see people doing that and wonder how they do it. Well, I did try but can't reach the speeds the experts seem to achieve.

    Hazel Love - Thanks for explaining blogs and shcloggers to Nunu; it was useful for me too.

    Jillygoat, cathmel, Lynne and everyone else - how are you?

    x sallycat

  98. At 09:33 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Evening peeps,
    Well, what a frustrating blog day that was. I'm just glad I was able to control myself and assume something was wrong with the site and not bother until now...

    So I'm feeling sad. I think I've won. The boss has capitulated and offered me the payout - no talk of how much yet but legally I'm confident it will be "enough". Enough to take a step back, try a few new things out (book, coaching, bit of consultancy etc) and have time to work out my future without worrying about cash. So that's good.
    Sad only because it feels a bit like the last x years have come to nothing. I've put a lot in over the years (OK, not in the last 2 months or so!) and feel that there has been no repayment, no closure, no thanks and no "legacy". There is really, all the good stuff I've done hasn't suddenly become undone. But it just feels a bit empty and unsatisfying. I guess that only sunk in as he told me he was going to write me cheque for me to walk away. I expected some triumph or euphoria or some great positive feeling.
    But in a strange way I'm glad I don't have it. The sadness is more real and actually more appropriate.

    Knowing me, I will not feel sad for long, and will be on top form to party tomorrow night.

    I was going to put all this on my other blog for tomorrow, now I shall have to tune in to CLPs mind and write something else...won't it be freaky if there's a common theme tomorrow too?

    Matt from Rudgwick - I should be able to be there reasonably early. I suggest we meet at 6.30 - I think you said you'd be there then. We can meet in the pub, or there's a Caffe Nero (other coffee bars are available) in Neal St (corner of Long Acre) just round the corner from Covent Garden tube if you prefer...
    At least Fulham are back level as I write...

    Hi to everyone else. I'm afraid I feel drained and not up to reading through everything and commenting. Hope you understand.

    See you all tomorrow (some of you really!!!)


    PS None left!

  99. At 09:36 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    NuNu - just for you I'm going to try and hit 100.
    (well Ok a bit for me too!!!)


  100. At 09:40 PM on 17 Jan 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    #86 JoJo - I do the same thing. I expect we have a similar technique. It's especially good to be able to remove said undergarment in this cold weather without having to remove the upper layer(s). Never thought of it as a party piece - private or otherwise - but might be a bit quirky.

    Sallycat & DWNB - me too with the migraines - any advice on how to deal most welcome - I'll give anything a try.


  101. At 09:43 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Thanks for all the visits on my blog, guys. It has blown up now too!!! So I can't see your comments...

    Matt 4-3 Yes!!!

    Maybe this one...

  102. At 09:44 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    6.30 sounds good. I am aiming to meet Mrs MfR at Warren St around 6-6.15. See you in the pub.

    Try and tune in to Mr E's vibes and get him to come along.

    Fulham snuck it at the death.

    NB: This is in no way a shameless attempt to bag #100 for the second night running.


  103. At 09:45 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Ali wrote:

    Hi Chris

    It is soooooooo good having you back this week - it was like restoration of my sanity Monday evening as I drove home :)

    Your response to the bloke in sauna had me laughing out loud . . . spot on (probably had more effect than if you'd told him what you really thought . . . and you felt better for it too)

    Will try and implement this approach at least once at work tomorrow :)


  104. At 09:50 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Night, night.


  105. At 09:50 PM on 17 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Moose 鈥 thinking of you still and please don鈥檛 be sad for too long. You have tomorrow to look forward to and I wish I could join you all. But I鈥檒l raise a glass to everybody there.

    It鈥檚 always the case, that once something has 鈥榝inished鈥, there鈥檚 a feeling of emptiness that takes over for a while.

    You don鈥檛 need to comment on this, that鈥檚 understandable - so just have a good lovely evening with Mrs Moose and the dear mooselets. Sleep well and look forward to tomorrow evening.


  106. At 09:52 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hey I feel special! 99 and 101 today!!!!
    Bad luck Matt, and congrats to Fulham and EG!
    See you in the pub...look out for McCrumble (book and Dr Booth), and if I lie on my side I'll be wearing very thin blue and white hoops...I think!

    PS Talking of Dr Booth, where are the terrible worm twins?

    PPS Tracey Ann - missing you - are you OK?

  107. At 09:55 PM on 17 Jan 2007, EG (Scotland) wrote:

    Oooooops - sorry guys at the moment it looks like my earlier post made it to #100. I do apologise. Sometimes the positions seem to change though - what's that all about?


  108. At 10:02 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Oh, and girls, some guys can do it too...to women I mean. Although i'm sure Kev C can do it to himself too!


    PS I'm talking about the bras...just in case you were wondering.

    PPS Do you think Chris is saving my "Always makes you feel good" for tomorrow and the OAMC?...listen out just in case! OK you'll be listening anyway. Fair enough

  109. At 10:06 PM on 17 Jan 2007, mwk wrote:

    Moose, when an employee does a comendable job and could in fact do the job of the boss better than he does, the last thing the employee will get is a thank you from him!

    The world is your oyster, grab it with both hands and go for it!

    A {{{{{{hug}}}}}} for when you feel like it xx

    Night night
    Mary xx

  110. At 10:10 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Sallycat - it's Ok sadness, necessary and part of the separation process. Mooselets have been in bed a long while now. Mrs Moose is on the phone upstairs and I'm blogging and schlogging. Nothing unusual there then!!!

    EG - posts don't get approved in the order they turn up, but do get shown in that order. So you can be usurped later (unlikely tonight now as response times are fast....)
    Also, if someone complains about a post, it can disappear later on...then everyone else shuffles up...so if you complain about Matt from Rudgwick's post just before 100, I'll move up from 101 to 100!!


    PS Can't wait to call my Toon mate tomorrow. How bad was that? Nearly as embarrassing as a certain New Years Day defeat for the Irons...at least Reading are in the Premiership (for now).

  111. At 10:10 PM on 17 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    EG (Scotland) 鈥 Sorry to hear you have migraines too. How often do you get them?

    I must admit that I don鈥檛 get those blinding headaches and all the rest of the stuff that comes with them. I get bad vision, with swirling lights flashing in circles in my eyes and can now recognize when one鈥檚 brewing, usually feel a bit sick and not quite myself 鈥 but I have a couple of paracetamol, lie down and that seems to do the trick.


  112. At 10:12 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Thanks to everyone who noticed it.
    Kev- How's the eating plan?
    Chrissie- feels like I know you too
    Pengiun- keep up the cotton knickers!
    MFR- We was robbed!
    Moose- Bah Humbug.... we was robbed!
    Boooooo! for the rude and untimely last minute goal at Craven Cottage!

    La bonne nuit mes amis!

    & the Bears

  113. At 10:28 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Thanks for the hug. I'm not the sort of sad that requires them, but nice anyway. You don't have to need them to appreciate them.

    Wow, little late night party on here, and so fast too - well done M and Q!!!

    Lyndyloo, sorry forgot we had Foxes on here too!!! Commiserations. The only reason QPR are still in is because our reply was cancelled!!!

    I could do with another trip to Cardiff in May - and CLP if I go again I'll get you a place in our box...and I'll look after your ticket!!! You can provide the helicopter. This all assumes Wembley will NOT be ready of course. A mate of mine always books a room in a hotel in Cardiff for Cup Final night at the start of each season. He has done it this year too, he says just in case but I think he forgot! So Come on You Irons!

    Switching off now.
    Night night insomniacs - try to get some sleep in before the OAMC (whether attending or not)


  114. At 10:47 PM on 17 Jan 2007, JoJo wrote:

    EG - Congratulations - welcome to the 100 club!

    Moving out of our small but lovely flat on the Thames in 2 weeks to a house. Left my walking boots outside flat door so some neighbour thinks it's me who leaves the mud on the stairs! That's why they FILLED MY BOOTS with dried mud - what the h*ll is that all aboot? Why don't they try the landscape gardner next door - hellooo!!???????

    I live in a nice flat with what I presumed were mostly nice elderly neighbours, and now I discover someone doesn't like me - OMG. I can PROVE my innocence as my boots are expensive austrian walking boots, and an imprint on the dried mud left inside my boots states 'made in england' - I shall be the new Miss Marples and commence my investigations forthwith, and like Chris in the Sauna I will overcome and prove who is the stronger.........

    Just a late night moan, and actually now I am laughing about it - 'Mud in Boots'! Needed to get this off my chest as can't discuss with neighbours as everyone is a suspect - still all v. bizarre!


  115. At 11:05 PM on 17 Jan 2007, Q wrote:

    Hi y'all

    Hey I hopes yer all have a groovy time at the meetin tommorow, Q will try and make the next one. Busy following up a muder case at the moment.

  116. At 11:20 PM on 17 Jan 2007, wrote:

    ps.... I forgot to say, I made extra food last night (just in case) and had 2 extra friends as well as the initial one that popped by to share the cabbage and bacon feast with creamy mash that I'd made for tea!

  117. At 12:59 AM on 18 Jan 2007, Sammie wrote:


    The powers that be BLOCKED my last message...

    I don't really know if it was 'cos i named my Ex, in a particularly satirical section, or because i mentioned that Hazel and i should meet at Disney in CG (other stores are available)...

    Have had THE most dreadful day...

    Row with Ex finished it all - cried all the way home for 30 mins....

    Mr A rang and took my mind off things for a while...

    Dirty Dickie has been sent packing - he can't give me what I want, even though he is ever so sexy and gorgeous (yum).

    So sorry guys, but can't so the OAMC after all - family commitments....

    Chris, if you were going to meet me at the door, please arrange to meet Hazel instead...

    Love to all...

    S xx.

  118. At 07:23 AM on 18 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Good morning and have a wonderful OAMC folks - thinking of you all and am ever such a beautiful shade of green.

    Talking earlier about looking more and more like my mother these days, started me thinking about some of the things I put her through - and I just couldn't help giggling at the memories.

    For example; I loved climbing trees and in our garden there was the most beautiful and very old Bramley apple tree. The trunk was leaning over at such an angle that the whole tree had to be propped up. I absolutely loved this tree and could scramble up the sloping trunk at quite a rate of knots.

    Anyway - this did serve me well, because one day after I'd been particularly obnoxious to her, she roared like an enraged lioness and chased me out of the house. I beat a very hasty retreat and flew out of the house, with her not very far behind me.

    Beating my own record, I shot up that tree and sat safely out of harms way, eating a freshly picked, sun-warmed apple, while mum paced round and round below me. Much to her annoyance she had to leave me to it eventually, but I stayed up there for quite a while, waiting for things calm down a bit. It still makes me laugh and I just wish I could give her another hug. Sorry Mum.

    Apologies for the ramble, but these memories do have a habit of sneaking up on me.

    I don't suppose for one moment that I'm the only one who drove parents to distraction. Well folks ... ?

    Had better go now, but will keep an eye on things and as I'm working from home for most of today can catch Chris's new blog.

    love to all and catch up with you soon.

    xxx sallycat

  119. At 07:30 AM on 18 Jan 2007, sallycat wrote:

    Sorry folks, I forgot the following -

    JoJo 鈥 The incident of mud in your boots is absolutely incredible. I really do not understand what makes some of these people tick. Brilliant detective work though.

    Sammie 鈥 Sorry you had such a horrible day yesterday and hope that today is much, much better for you.

    Lyndyloo 鈥 How strange about making extra food and the 鈥榡ust in case鈥 actually happened. Happened to me on more than one occasion, but each time it makes me wonder what鈥檚 going on. Love the sound of your meal as well. Yummy.

    I'll be back darlings

    sallycat signing off (for now)

  120. At 09:15 AM on 18 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Mornin' all

    I had to give up on the blog yesterday after not being able to get past 'T' until long after I'd left work.

    JoJo - I do exactly the same with me bra on the way home from work - I can't wait the 45 minutes it takes me to get home!! I've had some strange looks at the traffic lights (which is where I usually do the deed), especially when with triumph I behold said instrument of torture!!!!! Aah, the relief .....

    SallyCat - thanks for noticing my absence!!!! xx

    Moose - good luck with the OAMC this evening, and to the other bloggers who will be there. I think the rest of us are rather green with envy but my glass will be raised to you all xx

    Have a good thirsty Thursday one and all

    jillygoat xx

  121. At 09:27 AM on 18 Jan 2007, wrote:



    Q - I DIDN'T DO IT!


    PS Sammie - Sorry you can't make it!

  122. At 09:36 AM on 18 Jan 2007, AS wrote:

    For those lucky enough to attend the OAMC, have a great time tonight - post lots of info tomorrow so those of us who couldn't attend can hear all about it. Will raise a cuppa at 7.30 and think about you all.
    Enjoy! x

    PS Two elderly women were eating breakfast in a restaurant one morning. Ethel noticed something funny about Mabel's ear and she said, '"Mabel, do you know you've got a suppository in your left ear?" Mabel answered, "I have a suppository in my ear?" She pulled it out and stared at it. Then she said, "Ethel, I'm glad you saw this thing. Now I think I know where
    to find my hearing aid."

  123. At 09:40 AM on 18 Jan 2007, wrote:

    OAMCers, bloggers and schloggers - Good Morning!
    Weather is rubbish, traffic awful and I'm hungover...

    Sallycat - before I forget; thank you for asking about my back. The dancing class is tonight so I will have a word with the teacher then, however back does feel better today so maybe it was just the fact that I used muscles I hadn't before.

    Am also worried about Tracey-Ann - not heard from her in a long time. Sending her {{{{{hugs}}}} which I hope she will see.

    The bra thing - can also do it, such a lovely feeling 'breaking free'. I think that most women can do it - some kind of evolutionary thing.

    Sayanara for now.

    Lotsa love all,


  124. At 10:03 AM on 18 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    I was going to start with a greeting, but it got blown away. Sorry.


    Seventy miles an hour apparently.

    We had a power cut sometime during the night, so of course I was late for work...I arrived (eventually ahem) to a chorus of 'Good afternoon' and now I've been left on my own, and I have to admit to feeling a little bit scared...the weather is such a powerful thing!

    Right. The OAMC. I will have to get a train to town. If the weather is still this bad I may not come. The train service, as I'm sure you all know, is notorious for finding reasons for not running trains, but the wind is so bad, there are going to be trees down, and although getting to London probably isn't gonna be too bad, I still have to get home. I am not happy about this state of affairs, but it's better to think about it now than be disappointed later.

    I'll be checking the rail website for most of the day...

    force majeure

    Moose - I've spent years waiting for a thank you. You don't get thanked, you get taken for granted, and the only time a 'boss' speaks to you about anything, it's usually because of something you've either done wrong, or not at all.

    ps What is this 'foot ball' and 'hoops' I keep hearing so much about?

    pps re Q. Just wondering what a muder is..?

    ppps Harry Cane wants his ball back. Tough.

  125. At 10:04 AM on 18 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Good to have you back

  126. At 10:22 AM on 18 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Morning All,

    No Sweary Face from DWNB today. I apologise for my outrageous behaviour yesterday.

    Yeah,.... Reiki'ing oneself. Excellent. did it again this morning and I'm feeling the power.... I've managed to change my Enlightenment meet til 3rd February, so once I've had that, I can Reiki you all... share the peace and contentment.

    Migraine never came back, so am feeling that I have achieved great step forward in medical science.

    Practised my tap dancing til my husband could not stop sniggering at me last night. What a ball I'm having.

    The World is My Lobster!


  127. At 10:25 AM on 18 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Ok morning all I have only just got in and I have to say I am wet and cold. I have been standing behind the bike sheds waiting for my duel with the BP but guess what no one showed up :-( So did I win or lose?

    I gave up on the blog yesterday as it had stalled and was obviously straining under the pressure of a BigUn trying to blog and not getting through. Now should I still be sulking or is the system back to normal (what ever normal is) and accepting post oh yes and publishing them?

    I will be back later after I have found some dry socks ;=-))


  128. At 10:33 AM on 18 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Just voted for McCrumble again. What is going on with the kasi-blog person - I agree J McC, something is extremely flawed in the voting system...

    Everybody, you gotta vote man dude!

    The good doctor is running a very bad 3rd place...so geddin there and get voting!

    Canvassers 'r' Us

  129. At 10:51 AM on 18 Jan 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi all,

    Just got back from library duty at school, got completely soaked on five minute walk home from school, have to go back in twenty minutes, i expect I'll get soaked again!

    Just wanted to say, hope you all have a wonderful time tonight, I'll be thinking of you and raising a glass to toast you all! Hope Chris puts in an appearance, make sure you tell us all about it tomorrow,

    Lots of love and kisses,

    Em xx

  130. At 11:00 AM on 18 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Q is busy.
    A muder is when you kill someone in the summer months (May to August) ie when there is no r in the month.

    Trains - know the feeling. I guess we are all in the same boat (there's a thought, a boat might be a better way to travel in this weather).
    I thought the forecast was for the wind to lessen down south later in the day (ahem).
    I guess all we can say is Get there if you can!


  131. At 11:05 AM on 18 Jan 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning all!

    I've changed my name from Cath in honour of the new little cat that crept in through my cat flap over Xmas and hasn't left yet. He's a sweetie and I feel very honoured that he chose our home to relocate to!

    Just a real quickie as I'm in my new job and can't be seen to be blogging quite so soon (day 3!!!)

    Just wanted to say Chris, the shows are FAB. When you played RiverDance music the other night though, I really had to stop myself from driving too fast!! Music to listen to at home methinks, not in the car!!

    Loving the 2007 shows - it's lovely to hear you all giggling and being silly. There's a real sense of 'naughtiness' in the air!!

    Much love to everyone. I'm sorry I can't do any personals or catch up with your news, but hopefully I will be able to in the next couple of weeks.

    For those of you who remember, I split with my abusive partner just before Xmas. Well I have to say my life has GREATLY improved. I feel free! It was really tough for the first couple of weeks and especially over the holiday period, but I will definitely never go back.

    Am loving my new job, have joined a choir, which is just sooo good, and have booked a solo holiday in Italy in November! Roll on the rest of 2007 as a free, single woman!!


  132. At 11:08 AM on 18 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Good deed of day - I've just upped Dr. McC's votes to 179 - come on bloggers get voting.....

    I work in Dartford and the QE2 bridge was closed this morning causing all kinds of traffic hell. We just can't seem to cope with any kind of weather extreme in this country. And it's put me in a horrid mood. Lots of work to do with big deadline on 29th January but feel it necessary to blog first.

    Hazel Love - I hope the train service is good enough for you to get to OAMC - please keep me informed as am very interested in who goes. Also you have to put forward your idea of changing the day of the week for each meet.

    Onwards and upwards,
    Lotsa love

    PS I can never think of anything to PS

  133. At 11:14 AM on 18 Jan 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Cor blimey, it's breeze here - no doubt down here in Kent we'll be having Operation Stack - yet again - which means a nightmare journey home.

    Not a good day so far - and here's why:

    my car has decided to indicate left all the time, except when I鈥檓 actually indicating right, even when the indicators are in the 'off position'! This led to some confusion for other drivers this morning 鈥 as if it wasn鈥檛 hazardous enough today! The only way to stop it doing this was to press lightly on the end of the lights stalk but this meant driving one-handed and in this morning's treacherous winds that was decidedly dangerous!!!! Needless to say, I was very relieved to reach the office - now all I've got to do is get home again.

    Suppose I'll have to get it into a garage for a look-see but that'll no doubt cost me tons of money - pah!!!

    Hope the day improves .....

    jillygoat xx

  134. At 11:15 AM on 18 Jan 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Hazel I agree with voting for J McC and have done so about 8 times so far. It only takes a second to do so come on make a big effort and just do it! ;-)

  135. At 11:31 AM on 18 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Morning all, Thirsty Thursday and the first meeting of the Chris Evans Blog Once a Month Club (CEB OAMC). YAY

    On the drive into work this morning in the appalling wind and rain with large puddles across the road, witnessed an act of sheer stupidity, got to a roundabout behind 2 cars a Rover 25, and an Audi A4, driver of the Rover waiting to traverse the roundabout with a left turn and Audi driver intent on doing the same. A gap of no more than 3 car lengths on the roundabout and the Audi driver gets the hump with the Rover for not moving. Throws hands up, toots his horn, and then at the next opportunity proceeds to tailgate the driver of the Rover at speeds of up to 55 mph with no more than 3 feet between them for the best part of 2 miles. Wonder if the driver uses Chris鈥 sauna?

    Reminded me of my favourite saying, 鈥淚f ignorance is bliss, you must be ecstatic!鈥, I don鈥檛 watch Big Brother 鈥. ever but I think this saying could very easily be applied to Jade Goody this morning. However, having seen her mother in action on the news as well, she didn鈥檛 really have much of a parental example to follow, and there is no doubt that a lot of our early views are informed by the behaviours that we witness from those around us, that said, when you reach adulthood (being grown up) we are all able to make our own decisions on what is right and wrong. I despise bullying in any form, and hope that Jade Goody now loses her so-called celebrity status.

    Sorry guys and gals just needed to vent that.

    Have a great time this evening, synchronising watches to ensure a 7:30 glass raising across the blogsters for this evening! May your evening be as entertaining and fulfilling as this blog is every day!

    DD out

    PS Thanks for sending me extra supplies of PS鈥

    PPS Is a lonely child, she鈥檚 dancing in the

  136. At 11:33 AM on 18 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Good to see that you are back Chris and in fine fettle!

    Have you ever read Branson's biography?

    It's a MUST read!


  137. At 11:43 AM on 18 Jan 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Lyndyloo - recipe for cabbage thing please...and in the meantime, one for you.

    Treat yourself to some tasty ham, preferably in a lump or very thick slices. Dice into cubes of about 5mm (or 1/4 inch if you're feeling imperial) Melt some butter in some oil in a frying pan. Tip the ham into the pan, cover and just leave to cook through gently on a really low heat, stirring periodically. It doesn't matter if it goes a bit brown, but the idea is rather than being 'fried', it is hot. During the meanwhilst, steam or boil some french beans (other nationalities of beans are available) and drain them. Scoop the ham from the frying pan and toss the beans in the oily buttery residue...of course you can add more butter, don't ask such daft questions...put the beans on a plate, top with the ham, and serve with a BIG chunk of crusty (other yeast based items are available) bread.

    I'll leave the quantities up to you. You know how much you're gonna eat. An addition of a couple of garlic cloves sliced up for cooking with the beans makes for another flavour too.

    Delish and very cheap.


    coquilles saint jacques

    ps Tracey-Ann is REALLY REALLY busy at the merment.

  138. At 12:09 PM on 18 Jan 2007, wrote:

    Hi all.....
    Sorry I have been missing for a while....I have been working late and getting up waaaay too early....
    I am trying to catch up on the blog but I just wanted to say


    I will have a cup of tea about 2.30 and be thinking of you all....please let us know the outcome, it will be such great fun, wish I could be there (I am in spirit :-)
    PLEASE TAKE PICS too...then we can witness the fun too :-)

    Have a great day everyone, I am thinking about you all.
    Joan xxxxx (((((huggggggggssss for all ))))
    PS Moose and Big Un...hope the job situations are resolved in your favour of course... Bye xxx

  139. At 11:58 PM on 05 Mar 2007, wrote:

    luogo interessante, soddisfare interessante, buon!

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