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Chris Evans | 14:23 UK time, Tuesday, 5 December 2006

This on the road lark really is a hoot. We are having a whale of a time to tell you the truth.

Last night was so special. The Murdoch family were the absolute nuts. I just wish I could have been a fly on the wall several hours after we left their lovely home. I have a suspicion the party had only just begun. I bet it’s still going on now.

There’s nothing like...

...getting out of the studio and meeting the people that listen to our shows, it’s so important. They are nearly always really nice folks, they’re welcoming, larger than life and brutally honest !

So it’s on from the Murdoch’s in Scotland to the Kane family household in Northern Ireland. It’s 9.42 a.m. on Tuesday and we’re already at our second location.

We travelled through the night: This is how it went,

We left AUCHTERDERRAN almost immediately the show finished. The team couldn’t have been in better spirits. Everyone played their part in what was a highly satisfying experience, we are so fortunate to be able to do things like this. As the coach pulled away, one of our merry band inspected the fridge, this vehicle has a galley to be proud of, however the fridge had little to offer, get this – just two cans of beer.


Tesco, every little helps, was waiting round the corner, like an oasis in a desert, ready to welcome a caravan of desperate Bedouins.

β€œYou take the food aisles and I’ll hit the winery,” I said to our very able producer, she responded with military-like gusto, if she had not been a ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ producer she would surely have been a forces babe. (Seriously ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ producers, especially the girls, are a breed unto themselves, they are extraordinary beings, driven by a deep sense of loyalty and what is right, very similar to nurses in their own way. Money, materialism and vanity are not matters that concern them, this is not to say they don’t have their allure, oh my goodness not for a second. They would put any man in a state of dither with just a flash of their womanliness. There’s something about those thick woolly tights don’t you think ?)

Five minutes later, the Evans credit card had done it’s job again, I say this not to claim the crown of altruism but to once again reassure the licence payer, we really are not allowed to squander your hard earned pennies.

Baby bels, hummous, crisps, pork pies, sausage rolls, red wine, French bread, pitta, choccie…it was time for a party on the bus….

And then…. AND THEN….

LOVE ACTUALLY on dvd. Yeeeeeeeeeesssssssss.

The opening caption,


Audible screams now, we certainly were a happy lot.

By some twist of fate, the movie finished exactly at the same time as the wheels of our bus ground to a halt at the port of Stranraer. It was midnight and time for an overnight sailing to Belfast.

Health and safety says we have to leave the vehicle for the duration of the crossing, so we studied the form on board and realised the smart move was to find somewhere to lie down and grab an hour of kip.

Was there movement in The Irish Sea last night ? Oh yes siree, yes indeed there was but we were on tour so we had been blessed with temporary sea leg status.

Two hours later back on the bus, driving through the night and now here we are at our next location.

As I said at the beginning this is the best fun. See you on the radio.


P.S. Yesterday’s blog was written on time it’s just that we couldn’t get to anywhere to publish till later, I fear the same may be true today.

P.P.S. I hope you are all well and getting in the mood for CRIMBO.

P.P.P.S. Thanks for my job.

Good morning Johnny!P.P.P.P.S. Here’s what we woke up to this morning – our Johnny, deshabilles !


  1. At 02:39 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Anna Log wrote:

    Surely I can't be the first? I'm never first at anything!

    Haven't got anything to declare except astonishment that I may (depending on the speed of the blog police) be at the top of the list!


  2. At 02:43 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Penguin wrote:

    Good grief - you were on the sea last night!!!! OHMYGOD! You must have lined your stomachs well. It sounds such good fun.

    mange tout

    ciao xx

  3. At 02:49 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Teresa wrote:

    Mr Chris Evans - you are such a nice guy!
    Your P.P.P.S. Thanks for my job sums you up! It almost made me cry.
    Thank YOU for doing your job!

  4. At 02:50 PM on 05 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    Sounds like a fantastic 'Road Trip'. I wish I was there too...

    Not sure my flexibility is up to the standards required for a night on the tour bus, though.

    Only caught bits of the show last night, but the bits I did get were fabulous. Reality radio is what you and the team do, Chris. Whatever it is you've got going, keep it going. It really does make us all feel like you are 'at one' with us all.

    The blog is part of that too.
    Unbelievable how much I miss it not being there first thing in the morning - no blame attached, I fully understand the trouble with mobile internet connections etc. Do you not just need a mobile phone and a dongle, though?
    I don't know what that means, or if it will get past the blog police, but it sounds good.

    Gaby, Matt, Dr McC, BigUn and anyone else I've forgotten to mention by name...
    Thanks for the encouragement. Don't tell the boss, but so far I have written 16 pages of my book today at work!! I've written most of the chapter where Matt (my one, not the one from Rudgwick) gets a publishing deal for the book he's writing, and I've come up with some plot twists as it meanders towards the end that I'm really quite proud of.
    If work stays as quiet as it has been (unlikely) I could have the thing finished by the weekend!!!
    Gaby - are you free next week? Or still busy on the McCrumble saga?


  5. At 02:52 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Afternoon Christof and Team,

    Glad to hear you made it save to Northern Ireland. Enjoy yourselves. Am amazed the boat was sailing last night, sea was VERY rough.

    I'm back on form again today. No hangover, no sleeping sickness pretty damn fine. Hope the Birthday Girl is feeling on form after celebrations!

    Daughter's volleyball team came 2nd in their group. Excellent People especially since they are wee first years playing against second years.

    Son had a ball camping. Came home exhausted, and is still suffering slightly I fear. But no worries, he'll snap back.

    Si (my beloved) is not feeling so hot today. Jippy Tum. I told him to stay in bed, but he has to get up to look after us. Poor him. Is like having 3 weans and no wife.

    Tonight I'm going to opening of New Beauty Salon, so I maybe TOTALLY gorgeous tomorrow instead of just merely gorgeous. And Most exciting of all. Am going for Reiki session on Thursday. Never had one before... what's it like?

    Then,..ta ra ra ra - I'm getting a pedicure. This is some exciting week for middle-aged mother of two.

    Speak Later Dudes


  6. At 02:55 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    What a great blog! Have been waiting with baited breath all day, and now at 1457 here it is. And well worth the wait!
    Looking forward to tonight's Irish show. If the Scotch one is anything to go by, we are all in for a treat and a half.
    Happy Tuesday everyone xxx

  7. At 02:56 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Glad to hear that Project X is going to plan.

    Blimey, last night it blew a ruddy typhoid Rodders!

    I fear that Mother Nature is not a happy bunny.

    We should be popping our scarves on, trying to find two matching gloves, and scraping the windscreen with a CD case before slipping 'Christmas With Elvis' into the slot and driving ever so tentatively to work trying to avoid the icy patches.

    Not, moving everything that's not tied down in the garden into the garage to avoid it winding up in the next village and worrying that we'll wake up in the morning with a pond in the kitchen.

    I'm sure it wasn't like this when I was a kid. That snowman can't be a figment of my imagination. Can it?

    They said there'll be snow at Christmas,
    They said there'll be peace on earth,
    But instead it just kept on raining,

    Greg knew.

    Peace all.

  8. At 02:56 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Nicki wrote:

    Hi bevryoddy,

    Chris, last nights show was a real hoot, looking forward to this evenings, hope you guys have managed to fit in some shut eye, although I dare say the 'BUZZ' will get you through.

    Hope your crossing wasn't too bumpy, I remember a crowd of mates and myself used to go over to Hamburg for New Year (boy can they celebrate) the overnight crossing going out was always calm and sedate, but, on the way back ooh no! I did however fulfill one of those thingies (you know you always wanted to but never did) It must have been about 4 am, ferry well out to sea, go outside onto deck, lean over and take full force of freezing wave...fantastic, until small foreign ferry staff member drags you inside muttering things like 'mad english' but I DID IT!!

    Anyhoo, Happy birthday to all you celebrating this week.

    Jo, I feel for you, and anyone going through bad stuff right now.

    Sorry I've not been about much lately, trapped nerve in back and shoulder, been doing lots of that laying down flat stuff (I must give my living room ceiling a lick of paint....note to self: mention this to georgeous guy)

    Wrap up warm and take care

  9. At 02:58 PM on 05 Dec 2006, mary young wrote:

    wish i had your job chris
    what a life
    what a trip
    what a shopping list!!!

  10. At 03:12 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    MOre Photos Christof. Nice to see you all in action.


  11. At 03:12 PM on 05 Dec 2006, jane wrote:

    What? You woke up in a stadium!!! Amazing!!!

  12. At 03:14 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Bien venu Krystoff!

    I hope no one at the back of the bus had egg and tomato sandwiches. These may have been the best sandwiches in the world at age7 but they don't arf pong on a coach!

    It sounds like an absolute riot - and is that the correct picture? It doesn't look like Johnny with no clothes on.

    I can do a Sooty with no clothes on, but that's probably better left there.

    ...and LOVE ACTUALLY!!! Hoorah, ant or dec yippee!!!!! Sounds like the perfect journey! (Unless as previously mentioned there was someone on board with egg and tomato sandwiches...)

    If any of you are interested, I have reported (not quite in full though I hasten to add) on this weekend's birthday antics. I thought my scribings had been incarcerated, so I did it again, so sorry abart that, coz it's more or less on there twice...

    ciao burros

  13. At 03:18 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Emma SK wrote:

    Chrissy poppet,

    it sounds like you are all having SUCH fun.

    Next time can we come too! We'll hire our own bus called the blog-bus and buy our own houmous and vino.



    p.s hello to all hope you are having lovely day. Only 1 hour and 40 mins to go till we are spiritually in Ireland with chris rebecca johnny et al. hope its as much fun as last time.

  14. At 03:21 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wilsmar wrote:

    Happy Tuesday to everyone.
    A very happy birthday to Lyndyloo and Mary - no favouritism, it's an alphabetical decision - many, many happy returns of this day.
    Ms Love - you are heartily welcome - glad to be useful for something.
    What a great mix of music last night, the Murdochs are all bobbins.......... I loved the Frank Sinatra/Primal Scream/Andy Williams mix the photo's of the family were a great idea too. Billy the Piper should have got a badge - Mr E's very short pause before reacting was brill. I wonder what loons the Kane's will be? Will find out soon enough.
    Safe travelling to one and all.

  15. At 03:25 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Hello Christophe and gang!

    Glad to know you made it over the sea to Ireland last night, even if it was a little choppy! I missed pasrt of the show last night as I was on the way to see George Michael (Still on cloud nine reeling after the show) but from what I heard it was bedlam. Will try to catch some of tonight though I'll be having a quick manicure before heading off to have a skate (Centenary square Birmingham for any bloggers in the midlands that might want to join in the party) with my mates as a Birday trip.

    Thanks for all the birthday wishes it's nice to know that you care.

    Catch you on the airwaves...



  16. At 03:26 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Rather you than me, I'm afraid. I've never been tempted by the prospect of overnight bus journeys. It's like being squashed into the smallest, most uncomfortable dormitory possible. That's bad enough, but you are also faced with the threat of imminent death if you are prone to sleepwalking in the fresh air. Furthermore, rather than simply putting up with the snores of your nearest and dearest (or Enzo, in your case) at home, you instead have to endure the sights, smells and sounds of your colleagues after waking hours, not all of whom may share your taste for either privacy or hygiene.

    You do all this in the name of entertainment! I can only guess that your monetary recompense at the end of each month makes it all worthwhile.

    Have fun in Ireland

    J McC

  17. At 03:32 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Desi McFarland wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    you are off to see my kin in Castlederg. I miss them while I'm on my missionary work in Sussex. It is my job in life to educate the populace in and around Midhurst. They drink this warm watery stuff called beer. I am test tasting my way around the area just to see if it is suitable for selling on the Norn Iron market. So far nothing compares with the true beer brewed in Dublin. I dream of tall dark glasses with blond heads and a creamy soul. I'm sure you will have fun with that lot. Love to them all especially Jason and my sister and her husband Nana and David.

    Desi, Jill and Tom

  18. At 03:32 PM on 05 Dec 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Brilliant show last night. Well done to all of you for surviving the journey, and thanks to the Murdochs for letting you crazy people in just to entertain the nation. Their lives will never be the same again!!

    The tour bus sounds like great fun and oh to be a fly on the wall.

    Can't wait until 5pm!

    Love to all, jillygoat xx

    PS Oo-er Johnny, nice legs!!!

    PPS Well done Anna Log on getting 1st place!!

  19. At 03:32 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Hey hey! Chris, welcome to Norn Iron! ;o)

    That's some journey you took, but I'm sure it's all worth it as taking your show on the road is a brilliant idea!

    Hope you enjoy Tyrone (coming from a Down-man, that's saying something!) and KEEP HER LIT! :o)


  20. At 03:37 PM on 05 Dec 2006, derek lewington wrote:

    Chris and Team

    Glad to hear you had such a good time in Scotland and have now moved on to Ireland how is the Fox copeing with the trip did she sail over as well or is she flying over ?? cant wait to hear show later have a good time

  21. At 03:52 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Somerset Philsy wrote:

    Brill Blog Chris. But where are the tour pictures!!

    Last night sounded great in AUCHTERDERRAN, what a show. But we poor stay-at-homes want to SEE what life is like outside Heathrow departures.

    Please post piccies pretty promptly.

    Cheers and enjoy Sunny Norn Irn

  22. At 03:53 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    I like the painting on the side of the bus 'Girl with finger in eye'. Looks like a Vetriano. Is this instead of having a window?

    DWNB #5 - Nothing that an early night tonight won't cure!...and Reiki. It is a very strong healing force, but feels extremely gentle. You may feel heat, or cold, or vibration, or waves, or nothing but the practioners hands. Don't worry if you think you aren't feeling anything 'spiritual' because then you'll get caught up in that rather than relaxing and having a lovely time.

    The treatment is always carried out over your clothing. You may want to wear some comfy loose trews and a long sleeved t shirt or similar. I always wear a thick pair of slouchy socks so my feet don't get chilly.

    When you get home, relax again and make sure if you are thirsty you have a drink of water - best to avoid alcohol that evening because sometimes reiki can be a de-toxifier, and the water is best to help your system.

    Hope this helps

  23. At 03:55 PM on 05 Dec 2006, cate D wrote:

    Good show last night. Glad you all arrived safely in Northern Ireland. Looking forward to 5pm


  24. At 04:03 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Dear Christoph

    Ref your P.P.P.S - We love you and are so happy you are on Radio 2 - I feel it is your rightful place - it's home and I couldn't imagine it without you.............(no disrespects to Mr Walker)

    Roll on 5pm


  25. At 04:05 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Tony Trott wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Just an update on the travels of Emily Huxtable

    She’s made it to China β€œhorary”

    It was however the longest of wait of my life,

    In the end I could take no longer and so contacted her in her little room is the airport hotel. So good to hear shes ok and taking life head on

    She leaves China tomorrow for Mongolia and will arrive at Ulaanbaatar by 11am the capital city

    From there she is taken to on of the big white tents along with 400 goats The temperature will be somewhere in the -20s moving to -30 by Christmas

    So keep your socks on Emily

  26. At 04:08 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Caroline wrote:

    Hello Chaps and Chapettes and the Lovely Chris + team

    Blog is great, I’m not worried about lateness, it’s just good to see!
    Trip sounds amazing so far, unfortunately circumstances did not allow me to hear much of the show..Will β€œlisten again” tomorrow ( when not at work)
    You had a feast last night, and I’m sure even more tonight.
    Love, Actually.. That film makes me cry, ( as does the Shawshank Redemption) and I’ve just found out it’s on telly on Wednesday!
    Hope Foxy is OK

    Happy Birthday Mary and Lyndyloo

    Moose…16 chapters! W O W, what’s your secret?!

    Gaby, don’t hold your breath for my book, I’m only on Chap 6!

    BigUn – Laugh out loud joke today(on yesterdays blog)

    Everyone else…Happy Tuesday, can’t wait to here the show from Ireland!

    Chocolat Fondant

    Love Caroline

  27. At 04:20 PM on 05 Dec 2006, assasson owl wrote:

    love actually is one of the best dvds ever!
    hope the fox is o.k

    please post this comment, i have sent in five, none have been published

    good luck with the party on the bus and getting to the next family on time

  28. At 04:24 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Debbie Clark wrote:


    It sounds like so much fun that I wish I was there! My job seems so dull. I love the fact that you are so normal if you know what I mean, and you appear to take nothing for granted.

    I'm really glad that you love your job, I love you doing your job please never stop.....

    Love Deb x

  29. At 04:36 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Jo wrote:

    I wish you were coming to my house! The show was brill last night, it sounded like you had a blast, and the tips from the family (to get lots of food and drink in) were probably well received!!!

    Glad you made it over the sea in safety - a distant relative of mine tried it once in a yacht but unfortunately they started sinking and had to get an emergency rescue, scary stuff but looking back it is quite amusing (of course I could be making this up but I think that's what my Grandma said!!)

    Anyhoo, best get off now - got to get in the car in time for the show

    :o) Jo

  30. At 04:54 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Caroline wrote:

    Hey Moose, I re read yours, and you've written 16 pages ..not chapters...Note to self DUH!

    I wondered how you could be so prolific AT WORK!!

    still, 16 pages is pretty good going aswell!
    Caroline x

    P.s as I write, only 12 mins to go 'til the Ireland Show...I'm running for my car, for 45 mins of pure entertainment

  31. At 05:21 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Ard-fheasgar mhath (good evening!), Chris, honey, on-the-road-team, and fellow bloggers and blogettes!

    I didn't realise you were overnighting it to the Kanes! What dedication! Just sitting listening to y'all! Hope you've all had a fab day ... you'll be absolutely knackered by the time you all get home! As Theresa said ... HUGE thanks to you for doing the terrific job that you do, Chris!

    Baby bels, hummous, crisps, pork pies, sausage rolls, red wine, French bread, pitta, choccie… how is that staying ULTRA HEALTHY before Christmas, Christoph? Huh?

    Haven't seen Love Actually ... any good?

    Rebecca, girls .... tell the truth ... how smelly is it sharing the bus with the boys?!

    Great opener .... 'The Boys are Back in Town'!

    And Final Countdown!!!!!!!!!! Yay! That takes me back!!! I had that hair do!!!!

    Oh my goodness .... I forgot that Ronan was on tonight! Oh how happy am I!?!

    Lamb yesterday ... Irish stew today ... you guys will be wanting to tour the country every week to get such fab food!

    Johnny - nice legs! Hmmmm ....

    Anna Log - the joy of being first, huh?!

    moose - I hate not getting on to the blog in the morning too!! I had brunch in town this morning with my pal ... then it was shopping, cos there was nothing in the cupboards when we got back yesterday .... then it was Mums-&-Tots with Charis .... then it was drive around the town til she dropped off so that I can get online!!! What a dreadful mother I am! And ... are you writing a book (I'm a newbie on this blog!)? Fantastic - 16 pages in one day is excellent going!! I've been trying to get back to my writing ... but Mummyhood is soooooooooo busy!

    DWNB - yay for your daughter's team! Sorry you're still all a little under the weather! Reiki isn't for everyone, but I love it ..... so much so that I'm training to be a practitioner. It really helped me with my ME. Enjoy your pampering!

    Gotta go .... will be back shortly to catch up with everyone else!


    Hugs, Susan >

  32. At 05:21 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Good afternoon friends,

    Really looking forward to the show tonight Chris .

    Hazel Love - how do you know what Jonny looks like with no clothes on? : ) Nice to have you back mon amie.

    Moose - I am indeed free next week - have been swotting up on my placing, of, commas, and, other, grammatical necessities in preparation for and anticipation of the completion of your book. Well done, by the way, great progress today. Don't worry, we won't tell the boss. Has Matt found his lady yet? Do we know what star sign he is?

    Matt from Rudgwick - you made me laugh with your weather commentary. It reminded me of my night-time antics the other evening: up in the middle of the night braving the storm, battening down the hatches, namely meter cupboard doors and side-gate that refused to stay bolted. I put a waterproof on over my night-time attire and the obligatory trainers and crept out into the night, not a pretty sight at all. Note to self: double-bolt the side gate and batten down hatches before storm has bolted!!

    Caroline - keep going at whatever pace you choose with the book : ) - I feel like writing one now!! : ).....

    Off to cook now while listening to the maestro - I have never enjoyed cooking as much as I do now that we have Christoph at tea time - my kids have never seen me spend so much time in my kitchen. In fact, Chris, I have just spent Β£300 (ouch, really ouch) on a kitchen table and chairs so that the kitchen is an even lovelier place to be for all the peeps. : )

    Enjoy the show guys


    Mary - just in case you didn't see my post today that went on yesterday's pages, HAPPY BIRTHDAY xxx

    ps chaise longe

    pps tour bus looks cosy : )

    pppps where is the ppps?

    ppps oh, there it is

  33. At 05:27 PM on 05 Dec 2006, marshie wrote:

    Hellooo Christope and gang,

    It almost feels as if we are tour with you, what fun! I would have been holding my breath for the whole sea crossing though! Wobbly sea legs.

    Happy Birthday to you........Mary and Lyndyloo, hope you have a fab skate. I have fond memories of Winter Wonderland in Cardiff, an out door skating rink with millions of sparkling lights and christmas trees, I always come home with bruises but love the romance of it all.

    Having lots of nights in this week and loving every minute of it, watched Memoirs of a Geisha on monday and have the notebook for tonight accompanied by a bag of revels!!

    Back to the show...

    bye x

  34. At 05:51 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Happy Memories. We used to live in northern Ireland for four years and ahd a very happy time there. Enjoy!!


  35. At 05:56 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    I'm back!

    Hey, Chris, honey .... can we pllllleeeeeaaaasssseee have more photos (not necessarily like Johnny's one!) on the blog? Pretty please? Go on, go on, go on!

    And I meant to say last night .... sorry, but I was in absolute stitches at the Piper, Billy, last night!!! How quick was he?! Don't think I've ever heard you stuck for words before, Christoph! Can't believe Billy isn't in Dr Who next season ... I'm still in mourning!

    Is Enzo with you? A bit worried about him cos you haven't mentioned him! My hubby is still in London if you want him to pop round and walk him!

    Matt from Rudgwick - I thought I was the only one who scraped the windscreen with a CD cover! And we don't have a CD player in the car! And, no, that snowman isn't a figment of your imagination! I have the pictures to prove it!!

    Emma SK - I'm right there on the blog-bus with you! But I still think Chris should take us all to Barbados to say 'Hi' to Ann!

    lyndyloo - Happy Birthday honey! Have a fab one! George Michael AND skating ... what more could a girl want for?!

    Mary - Happy Birthday sweetie! Hope it's a great one!

    Tony Trott - keep us posted on Emily's travels ... brave girl! She should be quite toasty surrounded by 400 goats!!

    Love and hugs, Susan >

    PS Can someone please remind poor, bathless Johnny that he's in Ireland, not Scotland tonight!? Wee slip up there!

    PPS We footer about in Scotland too!!!

    PPPS Enjoy the stew!

  36. At 06:12 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Gaby wrote:

    watch out, watch out ...there are strict blog police about.

    posted one in reply to you Moose, Hazel Love Caroline and Matt from Rudgwick.....but it hasn't made it : (

    Hopefully, it's in the blog queue : )


  37. At 06:17 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Nice pitcture! good evening everyone! The road trip sounds great. what film is it tonight?!
    Glad you arrived in ok! man love actually is a fab film!!! especailly at this time of year!
    Please put a pic on tomorrow's blog! they always make me laugh. will read tomorrow
    missy xx

  38. At 06:25 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Ali from Bristol wrote:

    Absolutely love the show this week. Inspirational, radio 2 ratings must be on the up thanks to you and the gang! Can't wait to tune in for the rest of the week. Wish we could be with you.

  39. At 06:45 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Oh, Chris ... Ronan is just the best! Thank you so much for persuading him to play from the bedroom! You and the team are doing a grand job out on the road! Methinks this should be a monthly event!

    Can you ask the Kanes if Castlederg is Red castle - Scottish Gaelic for red is dearg, and it's awfy close to it!

    Gaby - you do realise that all the laddies will be beating a hasty path to your front gate now, after your description of what you do on a stormy night! New dining table?! You are a serious fan, huh!?

    marshie - I must have missed something ... notebook for ....?!?

    Hugs, Susan >

    PS {{{{{Rebecca}}}}}

  40. At 07:05 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Merry Christmas (I don't want to fight tonight)

    ....is a proper Christmas song. Thankyou, Joey, Dee Dee and the boys. RIP.

    Moose. The world needs to know. What star sign is Matt? I bet I know.......

    Oh, and, what football team does he support? I bet I know......

    This 'Drivetime on the road' thing is really working isn't it?

    Enjoy Heston and Gordon. Sleep well.

    Peace all.

  41. At 07:40 PM on 05 Dec 2006, sarah j wrote:

    i want to be on the bus !!!
    Blog is as good as ever ...



  42. At 07:51 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Em M wrote:

    hi all,

    Having a bit of trouble typing as I have just shared a bottle of white with my hubby, who is up in the loft at this very minute getting the Christmas decorations down!!!!!!!

    Chris and gang - you sound like you are having a ball, your shopping list sounded scrummy. rebecca, I totally understand where you are coming from, i really miss my kids when we are apart, my 10 year old was on a residential school trip for 3 days recently and I missed him SO much. Its scary how much you love them isn't it, if anyone hurt one of my boys I'd kill them wouldn't you.......? The film Serial Mom was based on me I think!!

    Love and best wishes to every one of you lovely bloggers,

    Em xx

    Ps Hot legs Jonno!! Can we have a pick of you in your knick knacks tomorrow please Christoph???!!!! xxx

  43. At 07:58 PM on 05 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    Come on then Matt, put your money where your mouth is...

    One free copy when it's published for each correct answer for star sign and football team...

    Of course, I might think astrology is a load of xxxxxxxxx and I might be making my book completely football free...in which case(s) there may be no right answer as I might not know...

    I suppose as he's quite autobiographical I'd be tempted to give much smaller but less valuable prizes if you guessed mine...and to narrow it down I'll let you have the Premiership team that I've seen 4 times in the last year and sort of follow, rather than the real team that I keep quiet for the reasons of poor performance and lowly division status. Although if you were to guess that as well I'd be mightily impressed.


  44. At 08:35 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Kathryn wrote:

    This is my first comment on a blog and I'm quite nervous about it. Will I put the right thing? Really enjoyed the show over the last two nights - don't envy Rebecca being on the tour bus, especially her condition (have recently found out I'm in the same ... is condition the right word?) There aren't many radio shows that make me laugh out loud - but yours always has (I'm just thinking back to the 4DJ (Postcode) song that used to be sung on Radio 1.)

    Anyway hope to be part of this blog again in the future.

    Kathryn x

  45. At 08:36 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Gaby wrote:


    I was just about to sign off but then read your challenge to Matt : )

    Please can I have a guess.....I put him down as a fire sign - maybe Leo.

    I, too, have 2 teams - one Premiership (Reading) and one lower (Palace)...sorry, for gatecrashing your game and I know you weren't asking for football team interest, but hey...it's either gatecrashing games or clearing up the kitchen....

    I will guess his team is Man U and his 'lower' team is QPR or possibly Northampton


  46. At 08:37 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Moose, my friend.

    I don't do star signs. I was responding to Gaby? from earlier, who posed the question.

    For the record. Matt must be;

    Virgo. Fussy. Perfectionist.

    Fulham fan. Inherited from my father. First went when I was knee high to the proverbial grasshopper. Go sometimes. Still wear the shirt in the gym.

    Not the one from when I was 5. Obviously.

    If I'm right. Dinner at The Mulberry. Your shout.


  47. At 09:04 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Martin wrote:

    I am so jealous!! Sounds excellent,im sure all your listeneners feel the same your shows are full of gusto!!!

    ps we all love crimbo too

  48. At 09:49 PM on 05 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    Your psychic powers are indeed legendary...well they are now...the lower league team is indeed...QPR.
    See previous post for being wrong on the other two though.
    Man Utd...pah!
    Mrs Moose is a Leo...maybe you just missed by a few feet while honing in.
    You get a free copy anyway with every 20,000 copies sold.

  49. At 10:21 PM on 05 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    Don't know what's up with the blog police tonight...my "previous post" was confiscated.
    Not sure whether "xxxxxx" or "xxxx xxx" were the offensive words.
    Or maybe it was WRONG and WRONG!!!
    Anyway, the blog police now know the truth,
    Ask them.

  50. At 10:25 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Well, Christoph and gang! Congratulations on yet another fab show - the Kanes were just lovely! What great kids! If my hubby had heard them he'd definitely be making me homeschool Charis! Hope you all have a great trip back over tonight ... the seas should be calmer tonight, Johnny .... and that the bus isn't too smlly for Rebecca! Mummys-to-be have a heightened sense of smell, so be nice to her!

    Kathryn - welcome to the best blog IN THE WORLD!! I don't think I've ever met a nicer group of bloggers! But, like Em M, I've just had half a bottle of red vino and some bubbly stuff that tasted like peach juice .... so I may be even more sentimental than normal!

    Anyway, sleep well peeps! Tomorrow's another day and 5pm brings another on-the-road-show.

    And remember .... 'Where there is love there is life.' Mahatma Gandhi

    Hugs to my fellow bloggers and blogettes, Susan frae the bonny Highlands o' Scotland!

  51. At 10:36 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Hazel, and Susan

    Thanks so much.... I'm very curious about it (the Reiki)... I had actually been thinking about going on a course, but thought I better try it first.

    I'll let you know how I get on.

    Hey Christof and Gang.... hope you are getting across the sea safely tonight. Waves still abit calmer than they were yesterday. Good luck in Wales.

  52. At 10:48 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Rob wrote:


    Sorry, was listening to tonight's question to Ronan. You both got it wrong! Sort of. Coca Cola DID NOT change Father Christmas' outfit to red. The British Father Christmas (first written reference 1616) wore all sorts of colours - including red - and didn't start handing out presnts in the way we know today until he merged with the American Santa Claus tradition in the first half of the C19th. He still wore a variety of colours. BUT, in 1865 an American pronter called Louis Prang produced a Christmas card with our man in a red outfit. This became more and more the norm until - I undertand (I have not been able to check the reference) the New York Times in 1927 described the standard Santa as being dressed in red. the first Coca Cola advert to feature Santa was in 1931.

    So, your sop to corporate America nearly spoilt a grat show. But I didn't let it spoil it - it is Christmas after all!


  53. At 10:51 PM on 05 Dec 2006, Margaret Willcox wrote:

    Wonderful prog tonight Chris, as was Monday's. Looking forward to tomorrow. Hope you're beginning to realise that - for some strange reason - we like you!!!!!!???????!!!!!

  54. At 11:25 PM on 05 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Never mind the shows from home - get me a place on that coach!!!

    Ross Hemsworth

  55. At 12:16 AM on 06 Dec 2006, The Boss wrote:

    Chris and the Team

    I must admit I had my doubts when you took over from Johnnie - I have been proved wrong - The show is great - I look forward to it everyday as at 5 the rest of the office have gone home and I can listen in peace - keep up the great work


  56. At 09:11 AM on 06 Dec 2006, Jax wrote:

    I agree with you Em ?

    Let's have a week of Chris and his Bloggers on tour!

    How fun would that be. Do you think the conversations would go off on as much tangents as the posts??

    Loved the show last night too - the Irish stew sounded gorgeous. Oh and wanna try me some of that 7% stout....mmmm.

    Happy Hump Day everybuddy

    J x

  57. At 09:43 AM on 06 Dec 2006, Tracey Bradley wrote:

    Thanks to listen again I will be listening to the show shortly. I missed it due to having to go to a dear friend funeral, which started on Felixstowe Seafront with a flyby of a WW2 spitfire, thanks to the local police there for their traffic measures to get us safely to Ipswich, when you got over 300 bikers on the road, they did a good job.

    My husband is currently in bed nursing a very bad hangover. Such a beautiful morning we are having, blue skies and sunshine, its December umm..

    Glad to hear you are all having a hooolie on your merry jaunt around the country. Having been born and lived most of my life in Northern Ireland, the people are amazingly welcoming, so I am sure you had a great time there.

    Wales next, will be tuning in to listen. You'll have to make this a regular thing every few months, broadcasting from your listeners houses.

    Have a safe journey
    Tracey xoxox

  58. At 09:59 AM on 06 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    Happy Nikoluasi everybody.

    6th December in Germany is when Saint Nikolaus traditionally visits children to leave shoes full of sweets...the mooselets left their (empty) shoes on the windowsill last night and they were indeed full of sweets this morning. What a mystery!!!

    Mrs Moose had her boots filled too.

    Rob - I think even you give too much credit to the Americans for the red suit. Saint Nikolaus was allegedly a bishop in the 3rd/4th century...and the bishops cloak was probably red and the mitre (hat) white. The mixing up of Santa Claus, Father Christmas and Saint Nikolaus happened over many centuries, and was probably largely in place before America even existed!

    Here endeth the lesson for today!!


    PS Bull
    PPS Alan Pardew
    PPPS Gaby - Still can't believe you guessed QPR

  59. At 10:01 AM on 06 Dec 2006, David Southgate wrote:

    Dear Chris.

    Can I hi-jack your blog. When you are out in the tour bus today see how many illegals you can spot using their mobile phones while driving.

    Having nearly been knocked off my motorbike a few times this year by these loverly pepole I would like you to help start a campagn. If we all gave a long blast on our hooters everytime we saw an illegal phone user perhaps these people will be embarressed enough to stop doing it.

    Please try to get the country behind this and help save some lives

  60. At 10:07 AM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    O M G Everyone.
    I crashed my car this morning. 21 years of driving, and I've never hit anything... well with the exception of the car I hit, while i wasn't actually in the car, but pushing it back into the driveway.....

    More later, once I have had lots of caffine to make me feel better.


  61. At 10:26 AM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Madainn mhath (good morning), Chris mil (honey), on-the-road gang, and bloggers and blogettes!


    So, Chris and gang, did you get back over the waters ok? I'm guessing you're trundling down to Sebastopol as we speak!? Another Celtic Kingdom, huh? I'm determined to visit it one day! Can't wait to hear the Welsh accents of the family!

    Ok, so where's the photo of Chris in his knick-knacks!? We don't mind a shot of bed-hair-do!

    So .... I wonder what you'll be having for dinner tonight, Christoph? Caws-Wedi-Pobi? Ffagodau? Cawl Cennin? We all look forward to 'sharing' it with you!

    Well, this isn't getting anything done! Charis and I are heading to the pool with my sis. It's a gorgeous day in Inverness ... hope it's just as gorgeous with y'all!

    Speak to ya later peeps!

    Hugs, Susan >

  62. At 10:48 AM on 06 Dec 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Caroline - six chapters?!!!!!! Don't do yourself down - I've only managed two, so best I get a shift on!!! Well done you - keep up the good (and fast) work!

    The only advantage of the blog arriving later in the day is that I'm getting more work done - hope the boss notices 'cos when it comes to pay negotiations........ !

    Happy humpday to you all

    jillygoat xx

  63. At 10:48 AM on 06 Dec 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Watch out blog police about!!

  64. At 11:11 AM on 06 Dec 2006, Kato wrote:

    hi Chris
    i am so jealous of you all, you sound as tho you are having such a fab time, wish my job was as much fun! But please can we have some more photos?
    Now going to listen to last nights show - can't wait!!
    david, no.58- i totally agree. i have also nearly been taken out on my motorbike, by someone who was reading a text message!

  65. At 11:15 AM on 06 Dec 2006, IanG wrote:

    David #58

    Completly agrre but your idea won't work - the "very nice and sensible" people (not what I'd like to call them but those blog police will tell me off if I put the real words) who use their mobiles whilst driving, do so 'cause they think they're some kind of supreme beings.

    All you'll get for your horn blast is some vigorous hand signals and abuse.

  66. At 11:19 AM on 06 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    ...can't decide if the blog police are over-active or under-active today?
    This message is a test to help decide which...

  67. At 11:34 AM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Hey Moose,.

    Blog Police definitely Overactive.
    I blogged in about an hour ago to tell you all about my car crash this morning.... I'm sure I didn't swear... I'm sure I didn't admit liability..... but my wee story never appeared.


  68. At 11:35 AM on 06 Dec 2006, anna wrote:

    my goodness me, i go away for 11 days and get back to find photos of men in their undercrackers on the blog.

    arent we all getting cosy!

    got back last night, the mancub has gone for his morning nap. Him in doors has gone to collect our woof bark from the kennels and i have settled down with a cuppa to work through the last 11 days of blog and show. Wonder how far i can get before the silence is broken!!

    hope you are all well. Tracy-ann, not checked the history yet but hope you are well. Hazel, by crikey that paella was good. (hope you had a good birfday).

    look forward to catching up with you all.


  69. At 11:43 AM on 06 Dec 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Good morning you lovely people,

    Just a quickie before I am off out again.

    Hazel Love #22 - I forgot to say yesterday that your post re Vetriano and the tour bus pic had me laughing out loud - so funny

    Susan S - I recommend Love Actually - some great scenes -enjoy. LOL re the laddies racing to my door after my stormy night story!!!! - have had my door open since I read your post.....not a sausage : )

    Mary - unless I am mistaken (likely), you didn't post yesterday - really hope you had a fab day xxx


    ps sur le Pont d'Avignon........

    pps I should have guessed West Ham...

    ppps... but Moose, I thought it was your other team that you kept quiet due to their 'poor performance' ;) ....sorry, sorry, I just couldn't resist that : )

  70. At 11:45 AM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Hello !

    Haven`t had a chance to be here - or listen to the show - this week....

    Wismar - thank you for thinking of me :) I really do appreciate it.

    Joannie - thank you so much for my lovely E mails....I will make time today to reply - I promise !

    Hazel Love and Lyndyloo - I hope you both had wonderful, fantabulous birthdays :)

    I am on day three of treatment at the moment which is begining to take its toll, I was feeling ok but its making me feel a bit icky now. The Doctor said it would. Hoping to feel much much much better by Christmas !!

    Just a short one today - might pop back later if I get a chance.

    Missing you all though !!!!

    All my love as always

    Tracey-Ann x x x

  71. At 11:50 AM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Really enjoying listening to tour show, lots of laughter. If you're enjoying yourselves and laughing then we the listeners are too.

    Not really a chore your job is it?

    It's fun working here at the Vet School but not quite as much fun as your obviously having.

    Keep laughing

    Cheers Helen

  72. At 11:55 AM on 06 Dec 2006, moose wrote:

    Sorry to hear about the crash. Hope you and anyone else involved is OK. It really shakes you up, even the smallest bump, so take it easy and don't try and force yourself to do too much.
    All the best,

  73. At 12:03 PM on 06 Dec 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    DWNB # 60 - I hope you are OK? Get some rescue remedy down you if you can - it'll calm the old nerves.

    Take it easy

    jillygoat x

  74. At 12:15 PM on 06 Dec 2006, steve o wrote:

    I used to be a trucker "hated it" but what your doing sounds a hoot, no driving just great fun. wish i were there big time!!!

    Any chance of an autobiography, can't seem to find 1 "will pay"

    Cheers christoff & team!!

  75. At 12:28 PM on 06 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Thank you for asking.

    Really annoyed at myself if truth be told - And also at kids' music teacher.

    They (and me) are so scared of her we were racing to get to school so she wouldn't shout at them for being late for early class!!!!!

    Still a couple of cups of coffee later, and a piece of shortbread and I'm feeling much better. Only problem now... no car to listen to Chrisoflambypie on the way home. (Young trendy person who is giving me lift listens to Radio 1). Bummer. Thinking about bussing it.


  76. At 12:29 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Jenny Cass wrote:

    I am so enjoying your tour Chris. Keep up the good work. Love you all

  77. At 12:30 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Jo wrote:

    Afternoon all

    Sad day today. It feels like this week I'm climbing the almightiest hump! While I knwo that the brow is in sight the climb has worn me out.

    By the time the show starts Charley will no longer be with us :o(. This afternoon he will be ruined with food and a little hop around the field to sniff the grass and maybe eat some horse poo! I'm taking comfort in the fact that he'll be with his Auntie Ellie who's been waiting for him since August (picture of both in much happier times!)

    Thanks to all who sent well wishes over the past few weeks (without sounding too cute!). Normal service from me will be resumed next week (or maybe een tomorrow, who knows!). Am loving the road shows (it reminds me a bit of 5 go mad in Weston form the Radio 1 days!)

    :o) Jo

  78. At 12:36 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Andy wrote:

    Christmas is coming, look busy!

    Missed the show last night, first time in ages. Will have to catch the highlights from the podcast.

    Why do people put their decorations up so early? Who are they trying to impress? I like to dress the tree and the front door at the earliest a couple of weeks before the big day, maybe because I don't have kids, or maybe it was my deprived childhood! At least I an lucky enough to have a good woman at home who gets excited enough for the two of us.

    Travel safely, Chris and the team, we need you.

  79. At 12:37 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Saint Bernard wrote:

    Welcome to Wales boyo! A lovely place with great scenery and memories of many happy holidays when the pups were young. Pity it is the heartland of rugby union - that good old kick and clap game!

    Hope you find some rarebit....

    A big hello to Sally in the studio - feet up and surrounded by choccie I bet!

    Keep broadcasting - I'll be listening!

    Saint Bernard

  80. At 12:40 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Jo Williams wrote:

    Dear Chris and team

    I've no idea how to use this but I'm a 'have a go Jo' so...

    Listened to the show last night from NI, fantastic! What a family the Kanes are, I felt really warmed by their genuine friendliness and good humour. The parents and kids were all such characters, are you sure they were picked at random?!! Looking forward to this evening's show as I'm sure you are.
    All the best for the rest of your journey that shows the real heart of the British.

  81. At 12:44 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Jax wrote:

    That's a lively picture of Christoph on the Radio 2 home page.....

    I agree - Rescue Remedy for you, DWNB. Jillygoat is right - it's fantastic stuff.

    J x

  82. At 12:48 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Jax wrote:

    Ooops! Meant lovely - not lively....

  83. At 01:45 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Dave wrote:

    It's all fun and games to start, chris! then someone loses an eye and then it's not fun anymore... i'd probably find it funny... but then one of my colleagues is losing her voice and i'm finding that hillarious. Then again i do work in a call centre...

  84. At 02:06 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    What a beautiful day for shouting at the top of your voice from the top of a hill!

    Well it is stunningly gorgeous weatherwise this side of the downs. If you want some of it, I'm sending it now, but if you love the wind and the rain too, ENJOY nature's bounty!

    I had a fab time listening to the show last night. Was doing really well right up to Kane Jnr not having to give his blue blanky away...then I lost the signal. I did try to get a passing night creature to hold the aerial up for me, but apparently it's against health and safety.

    VERY much looking forward to tonights Welsh offering. I have ensured that there are enough conductive metals where I am so that I can fashion a crude interception device. This is not possible with twigs and please don't try this at home.

    GABY #32 & 36...it was a picture of a concert or something before the current pic of Johnny 'where's ya trewsers?' was posted...that's why. I wish it was a more interesting tale! PS the report of the birthday is on yesterday...nearly twice...

    ANNA #67...glad it was good! I even thought of you whilst I was tucking into my entirely un-Spanish crispy duck with pancakes & various noodle, rice and chicken-based meal!

    Jillygoat - Hi babe! Hope you're doing ok too!

    DWNB - Even if you ache like b***ery tomorrow, make sure you keep your appointments! Consider yourself told young ladle!

    JO - Hope today is ok for you x

    Keith. Just because I can xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    MOOSE - Was your wife issued with the correct owners manual before you were married? Although having said that, the one for the Gnu is very similar, so that may do just as well.

    Joseph MCC - I'm using some of the cash my mum donated to my worthy cause to purchase your worthy cause. Please expect a cheque fairly soon. I don't especially need it for Christmas because a book is for life.

    Anyone would think I've got no work to do! I'm all a bit discombobulated because I made myself an early lunch, and it seems like 5 o'clock is FOREVER away.

    jambon puree

  85. At 02:13 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Jill wrote:

    Hello friends and bloggers

    Loving the blogs, posts, shows, and Christmas merriment, including imaginings of the Tesco trip on tour.

    All this has fires me up for all the local light-shows round people's houses and in the town, so I now detour specially through the town, avoiding the usual bypass, to see it all. Yipee for a positive outlook on life and boo to those who moan and groan about seasonal jollifications.

    I'm only sad that PC fear reduces the number of Christmas cards and decorations that actually show angels and other things that truly remind us of the meaning of Christmas, i.e. God's love for us, new life and hope. We tended to be reduced to a selection of snowflakes, snowmen, snowdrops, robins and stars which are very beautiful but rather less relevant!

    Happy times to you all


  86. At 02:13 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Ben FitzP wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Hope you enjoyed the Derg lastnight. I had a fab conversation with your researcher when Castlederg came out of the tombola. I live about four miles away and offered my services for a round of golf with you. However, having read the blog I can see you're pretty pushed for time!!!

    I won't lie to you though Christophe, I was hurt when you didn't call. After all it's not every day you're just a phone call away from one of your heroes. I'm off for afew holes now before it goes dark....... on my own.

    Keep up the good work. This week's show has been awesome......



  87. At 02:16 PM on 06 Dec 2006, Jill wrote:

    Hello friends and bloggers

    Loving the blogs, posts, shows, and Christmas merriment, including imaginings of the Tesco trip on tour.

    All this has fires me up for all the local light-shows round people's houses and in the town, so I now detour specially through the town, avoiding the usual bypass, to see it all. Yipee for a positive outlook on life and boo to those who moan and groan about seasonal jollifications.

    I'm only sad that PC fear reduces the number of Christmas cards and decorations that actually show angels and other things that truly remind us of the meaning of Christmas, i.e. God's love for us, new life and hope. We tended to be reduced to a selection of snowflakes, snowmen, snowdrops, robins and stars which are very beautiful but rather less relevant!

    Happy times to you all


  88. At 11:07 AM on 07 Dec 2006, Joybells wrote:

    hi Chris & all

    i got a new job recently which is cool - miles better than teaching full time. Nuff said! But the slightly downside is that my journey is longer - don't like long dark journeys...
    However, have now found a long single track road over the hills( called the egg road cos I buy eggs from the farm) and all the way home i can listen to your show, Chris, which is TOP.

    You always make me feel cheered - love the music you play and your enthusiasm is infectious.

    Its so nice to hae you back

    Joy xxx

  89. At 12:50 PM on 08 Dec 2006, Joybells wrote:

    Hi Chris & fellow bloggers

    Going down to Bristol tonite so can listen to ALL of the show ( a rare luxury ) specially since its Friday and I might even get a request played. I need the show to be especially entertaining , cheery, xmassy and just basically fantastic around 5.30ish cos that's when we will be going through Birmingham which is just poo on a Friday night at rush hour.

    I know you are up to the challenge!

    love JoybellsXXX

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