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Chris Evans | 09:47 UK time, Wednesday, 29 November 2006

I now have a head cold, my head feels like a ton weight. When I cough it feels like my head’s going to burst. High blood pressure, sagging skin, failing eyes, diminishing libido, none of these things bothered me as a kid. All I wanted was a new Snoopy poster, though when I think about it I’m not sure why.

Why was Snoopy so successful anyway ? Come on cards on the table, why ?

Was Snoopy America’s version of…

…Winnie The Pooh?

Now, you see I get Pooh, he’s a sage, sagacious to the last. He’s funny and simple and very clever. When it comes to Snoopy I like him but I don’t get him. And Charlie Brown, well I don’t get him at all, he’s a dull bald kid, he’s not a victim and he’s not a wit. Linus, I don’t get either, I mean I like the blanket thing but again I don’t get him. Now, Lucy, I do get and Pig Pen and to some extent Beethoven but not really actually.

Can anyone tell me what was the deal with Snoopy ?

Also, I don’t, for one second, get Laurel and Hardy. It completely passes me by. Any takers here ?

What don’t you get ?

What did you not get and then one day did get ?

Cook for ever ! Sound familiar.

Oh, quick story about Rick Stein.

He wasn’t a cook at all, he was a d.j. He owned a night club and the police closed him down because his customers were always do-lally. He owned the property free hold, so he had to do something with it, so he said,

“I’d better learn to cook and fast.â€

The rest… is mystery, as they say. He’s now worth over thirty million pounds !

Ha ha.



  1. At 10:16 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Gilly wrote:

    Sorry you are feeling so ropey Christoph!!
    Boil up a kettle and pour over loads of lemons cut in half- (not half-cut lemons!!) Let it steep for a while, then store in big jug and occasionally pour yourself a mugful with some honey spooned in for sweetness and maybe a glug of whisky. Retire to bed or sofa and snooze, rest, read a good book or just daydream....
    And please feel better soon!

    Gilly x

    I always loved the friendship between Snoopy and Woodstock. Loyal, forgiving and understanding- and just loving that person for who they are- isn't that we all want from our best friends?

  2. At 10:19 AM on 29 Nov 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Oh Chris - I'm so sorry that you are a poorly boy. You'll have to get onto the Day Nurse now! You could also try Sudafed non-drowsy - it helped me recently when I was in the same state.

    I never ever got Snoopy, and yet my parents bought me a Snoopy pyjama case when I was young - I wanted Winnie the Pooh but apparently Snoopy was cheaper ......

    I have to confess that I don't get The Simpsons - alright, don't all shout at once - but I just don't, and I also didn't get South Park,

    Luckily for me it takes all sorts.

    Wishing you and all other sufferers a swift recovery in time for the festive season.

    jillygoat xx

  3. At 10:19 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    BIG SMOE to you Chris!...and a good matins one and all.........tra la!

    I don't get Snoopy either...but I do get Garfield and Calvin & Hobbes.
    Never got Bottom but loved The Young Ones. Definitely don't get Tittybangbang, but DO get Catherine Tate.
    Did used to get Two Pints of Lager..etc but don't anymore.
    Did used to get Allie McBeal and now I just don't care!

    ...and who is our Heston kidding please? A pizza in under two minutes? Has the entire last six months just passed him by in a blur?

    The sky is blue
    The birdies singing
    I had some toast
    The phone is ringing

    Here endeth todays lessen

  4. At 10:20 AM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Morning Chris

    How did the meeting go yesterday ? Well I hope.

    Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well - I hope you feel better soon. Sending lots of get well soon vibes your way :)

    What don’t I get ? Well, I love Little Britain and Catherine Tate but don’t get tittybangbang at all !

    Also - the one thing I really don’t get - We are haemorrhaging money to a pointless war yet we are unable to stop 30,000 children dying daily from curable diseases. That doesn’t make sense to me. This world breaks my heart sometimes. Thank goodness for all the wonderfulness, such a shame there isn`t more of it.

    I hope everyone has a Wonderful Wednesday

    All my love

    Tracey-Ann x x x

  5. At 10:24 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    ...doing a moose he he...

    Laurel and Hardy would be a whole different tin of peaches.

    They always seemed to be on TV when I was but a wee lassie and I really enjoyed them...however, now, the only ones I enjoy are 'Way Out West' and the 'Music Box'.

    I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT STAND MICKEY MOUSE (no no not mickey moose, mickey MOUSE) or Charlie Chaplin.

    moi aussi

  6. At 10:26 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Jax wrote:

    Morning one and all.

    That's pants that you have the lurgy Chris. Lots of bed rest and a doogy companion is recommended.

    I'm in the Winnie gang - afraid I never got on with Snoopy either - and what the hell is Woodstock talking about?!


  7. At 10:27 AM on 29 Nov 2006, CAKE wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Perhaps Hazel Love and I and anyone else that does Reiki could send some distance energy healing to you at an allotted time to try and shift your head cold.

    For me the deal with Snoopy was Woodstock! (Pooh however is perfection)
    Laurel and Hardy I got as a kid, but I don't get now. (Although like the song in the advert - sweet)

    I didn't get "Are you Being Served" and Mrs Slocombe's pussy - then one day I did!!!!

    I saw Father Christmas at the end of my bed when I was little, as I was older people implied that he was unreal. As a teenager I discussed it with my friends- "I know I do my own present shopping and stuff, and people say he doesn't exist, but I've seen him!"
    At 16 years and 11 months my mum and dad reminisced at the dinner table about Christmas's past (My then boyfriend was present). My dad told a story about being attacked by Shep the dog (because Shep didn't recognise him) He couldn't tell him off because his mouth was full of cotton wool to look like a beard - Then I got it, as I said in shock - "That was you!"

    Take care all
    Cake x

  8. At 10:28 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris and fellow bloggers,

    Really sorry to hear you feel so rough today, have you been out to get some Manuka honey yet? Sorry to boss you about, but you men really seem to need a bit of nagging when you are ill.

    Another good thing for a head cold is putting your face over a bowl of boiling water with a few drops of olbas oil in it and covering your head with a towel. Stay like that for as long as you can bear it, I promise you it'll help.

    I absolutely love Snoopy and all his friends, especially Charlie Brown. I remember when I was little my mum and dad going to a Peanuts fancy dress party, and my mum dressed up as the really nasty girl, I think her name was Lucy, and my dad was Linus, the dopey boy who always carried a blanket everywhere. I'm sorry Chris there is no comparison between Charlie Brown and Winnie the Pooh, Winnie the Pooh is too cute (to use your favourite word!!) for me.

    I won't hear the show tonight as I am taking 15 7 year olds to Hollywood Bowl for my little boy's birthday party, but I'll look forward to listening tomorrow night,

    Get well soon,

    Love Em xx

    Ps What was the name of the character who called Charlie Brown "Sir"?

  9. At 10:29 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Penguuin wrote:

    Deal or no Deal - what? - it's just people opening boxes. How can that be interesting? Catherine Tate - funny for about 5% of the time and then it's the same joke recycled.

    Ciao baby

    Take lots of hot bina (Ribina - other blackcurrent drinks are available) x

  10. At 10:30 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Prof Plum wrote:

    I never got Snoopy. However Laurel and Hardy. One or two clips that make me laugh. One springs to mind. They are on the street trying to make money by playing intruments. It is of course a right old racket. Somebody throws Oliver Hardy's trumpet under a passing steam roller." Its completely flat he says"

    Somwhere over the rainbow. Chris if your feeling your age, no need to worry. Age is but a number.

  11. At 10:30 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Chris, bloggers, shloggers et al

    Oh poor you Chris - going down with one of the lurgies (spelling doesn't look right, grammar certainly not good and far too many one-liners flooding my mind)

    Snoopy - yeah, am with you on that one.

    I will try really hard to think of a cracker of an example of 'what I didn't get and then did get' while I am putting on my new tyre (that is not a euphemism for eating a couple of crumpets with next cup of tea. I had a puncture the other day and now have to replace spare with new.)However, until such times as inspiration strikes.....

    ...I could never get why my text messages to your show never 'went/sent'.........then after countless times of trying I realised that the number was 88291. I thought it was 288291 as in 'text TO 88291'!!!! DOH, yep I am blond...and happy to be : )

    Hazel Love - hope your pre-birthday warm-up is going to plan.

    laters guys - tyre awaits

    ooh, nearly forgot to say - I had a little browse on your photo gallery Christoph - Nick caught my eye - is he the one that was in the chippie when your team was researching a place from where to do the show next week. Ding dong - I wouldn't mind sharing a cod n chips with Nick. Sorry, it's a little early for all of that...


    ps blancmange et petit pois

  12. At 10:33 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Hannah wrote:

    I get Winnie the Pooh, most definitely, and Piglet is just the sweetest. The Tellytubbies completely passed me by but thank goodness that I was old enough to miss that, really don't get the attraction!! Did anyone watch Bertha as a child? Most people have never heard of it... about a factory machine that made toys etc, such good fun! And bring back Pigeon Street!!

    Don't get Little Britain, really don't find it funny, but no offence to those who do! Oh and talking about not getting things, I didn't click that you were talking to George Michael and Emma Bunton on the last Request Friday, that totally went over my head!!

    Hope you feel better soon Chris,


  13. At 10:35 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Morning Chris

    I’ve managed to fend off the dreaded cold so far. Keep exercising and eat loads of fresh fruit – that’s my mantra and it’s working. Just. Oh, and I’ve even had a couple of good nights kip this week too.

    Things I didn’t get and then suddenly did?

    Heavy metal. As a teenager it was all hairy tattooed monsters making a banal racket. Then I borrowed the first Van Halen album and the rest was history.

    Olives. OK, not strictly a ‘get’, but hated them for 25 years, now can’t get enough.

    The Office.

    Things I still don’t get?

    Reeves & Mortimer. Sorry boys.

    Musicals, ballet, opera. All wrong. Call me an uncultured philistine, but none of these work for me. This includes Grease, Rocky Horror and any other production that requires dressing up to enjoy it.

    Big Brother.

    Have a fab hump day.

    Peace all.

  14. At 10:36 AM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Forgot to say ... I loved to Pooh poem last night. It was perfect in its simplicity.

    Although I am much more a Pooh fan than a Snoopy fan I do remember watching the Charlie Brown Christmas specials as a child. I also have a massive Snoopy doll (enormous thing) in my parents attic that a relative brought me back from America when I was a child !

    Interesting facts about Snoopy :

    Snoopy first appeared in print on 4th Oct 1950 but wasn’t named in the strip until 10th Nov 1950. Schulz was going to call him Sniffy but then found out there was already a comic strip running with a dog called Sniffy so changed it to Snoopy.

    Snoopy was silent in the strip until 27 May 1952 and he ate a brand of dog food called "for dogs who flew in World War One and know a little French"

    Until he died Charles Schulz saved his June 6th comic strip every year to commemorate all of those who died in the war....

    Until next time,

    Tracey-Ann x x

  15. At 10:37 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Kat wrote:

    Have been reading this blog since it began, and have to admit I have become hooked, but have never posted anything before as I never felt I had anything constructive to add, but having heard of Chris' plight and others of you who have been suffering with colds lately I thought I'd share my usual remedies which work for me:
    1- Chilli and lots of it! Either a really hot curry or chilli hot chocolate (which is fabulous as it cheers you up aswell - infuse chilli in melted hot chocolate and milk/cream)
    2- Hot lemon and ginger. Squeeze half a lemon into a mug of boiling water and slice the other half in too. Peel an inch or so of root ginger, bruise and throw that in too. Add honey or brandy to taste
    Just wanted to add a thank you aswell for cheering up my working day with your great blogs and funny jokes, and for making me realise there are a lot of people who share my world view,

    Cheers, Kat x

  16. At 10:37 AM on 29 Nov 2006, ND wrote:

    I'm gonna be controversial and say that I just don't get Little Britain. I simply can't see why anyone would think that it's even remotely funny. Believe me I've tried time and time again thinking that there must be something I'm missing but one programme is pretty much the same as the previous with the same jokes and punchlines in the various sketches (maybe that's the irony?).

    I really do think that, for the most part, people think it's funny because they're told it is and they don't want to appear to be different.

    I could also say the same about Catherine Tate - utterly boring and dreary.

    These shows disguise themselves in the name of comedy but just don't get my chuckle muscle going at all.

  17. At 10:45 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Em 26 wrote:

    Hey Chris!

    I am sorry you are ill! Atleast we are getting closer to the weekend by the second!

    I know you like it but I do not get Bo selecta at all! I just do not find it funny! I love catherine tate, black books actually most comedy i get! I love Ricky Gervais, Dylan Moran but I just do not get Bo selecta at all! I have tried I havereally tried!

    Oh and I totally do not get Laural and Hardy either! My dad, however thinks its marvellous! So it must please some!

    My boss is talking to me today about a payrise so please all keep there fingers crossed because man am I broke!


  18. At 10:47 AM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Em M @ #8

    I don`t remember anyone calling Charlie Brown "Sir" but Marcie always called Peppermint Patty "Sir"... Very odd I know !!!!

  19. At 10:49 AM on 29 Nov 2006, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and all)

    Sorry you are feeling so bad - you sounded as though you were going downhill a bit last night. When I have a cold I stay in bed. All day. Also I do not go to work, but I guess you don't have that option. Try to do as little as possible, but I guess when it comes to you, that is asking too much!

    Snoopy - the dog is a genius - so clever and has a terrific insight to life. I guess you would have experience being a bit of a loser in life to get Charlie Brown! I wouldn't say I have been
    a "loser" exactly but I know what it feels like to love the male equivalent of the "little red
    haired girl" and for him to walk by as if I didn't exist!!

    Laurel & Hardy - you HAVE to watch "Way Out West" - the funniest film I have ever seen. I used to watch this with my lovely (no longer with us) dad and we would weep with laughter. Maybe you're too young. But hey, I'm only 49 and I soooo get them!

    I didn't used to get you, but now I do. Chris, when your utterly brilliant show, ".... Toothbrush", was on telly, I avoided it like the plague. Everyone told me it was fabulous, but I just didn't "get" you so I missed all of it, with the exception of the last two shows. The final show of course had the gorgeous Kim Wilde at the height of her powers and the couple who won the Ferrari! I wonder what they did with that car! When I watched that last show I was knew that I had missed something really special. (You wouldn't consider doing a one-off some day?!)

    Last, Rick Stein - don't get me started. He may have £30m in the bank but he treated his wife very badly. Just as well I don't eat seafood, he'll never earn a penny from me buying one of his books!!

    C xx

  20. At 10:51 AM on 29 Nov 2006, annie wrote:


    Get well soon - remember you are an old trouper and the show must go on.

    Saw George Michael last night and despite his reported sore throat, he was absolutely amazing !!

  21. At 10:51 AM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hannah @ 12 "Bertha, lovely Bertha" ... Thats all I can remember from the theme tune but it was great !

    Oh and how I loved Long Distance Kara taking the pigeons on a day trip to the seaside. The excitement of it all !

  22. At 10:52 AM on 29 Nov 2006, tobes wrote:

    GBORNIN... (Headcold hello)

    I know the feeling, I've been trying to shake one off for over a week now... She still lingers like a bad smell in a the fridge!

    Snoopy was far too difficult to understand, they were trying to be far too cleaver and it passed over the majority and affected very little!

    I dont understand my brain... I'm a creative for an ad agency and I'm trying hard to find solutions to problems...

    The question is why cant I always find the solution?
    Is it a matter of experience/age/outlook...?

    Can anyone shed some light on this???

  23. At 10:58 AM on 29 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    Hazel Love,

    I can't think what you mean... :-)

  24. At 10:58 AM on 29 Nov 2006, soozy woo wrote:

    Hi, I'm Back!!

    Sorry to have deserted you for the last few days. (It's ok, don't worry, I'm ok that you didn't miss me!) Work has been hellish and I've not had a second to myself (not even a lunch break)

    Anyway - Bo Selecta - I'm sorry, I just don't get it. Are they impersonations? But they are so bad they have to tell us who they are supposed to be? And a rude monkey living with normal people? eh? I JUST DON'T GET IT!!!!

    Off to get more coffee - for some reason my body is telling me it's thirsty Thursday today, it's going to be such a disappointment tomorrow when I wake up and it's not Friday!


  25. At 11:02 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Steve o wrote:

    Hi christoff lammie "poorly" pie
    Never got ivor the engine, don't know why just a bit crappy i think. But baba papa, i thought was fantastic, Never heard of it since "maybe i dreampt it up, can anyone tell me?

    40 @ start of april and know what you meen about diminishing libido!! still' do my best though, just not as often!



  26. At 11:02 AM on 29 Nov 2006, soozy woo wrote:

    oooh, and I never got Vic Reeves... just some bloke doing stupid things.


    I just did!!!


  27. At 11:13 AM on 29 Nov 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Poor Chrissie Lambie Pie,
    Sounds like the beginning of the post-smoking healing process. A very good sign indeed.
    There's a fab homoeopathic remedy called Gelsemium. Call Bill or another local friend, get him/her to pick up some Gelsemium 30 (not 6) from the local health food shop or Ainsworth's or Nelson's homoeopathic pharmacy in town and take one every 4 hours - up to 4 a day for 3 three days. If it works you're symptoms will be worse tomorrow but you'll have much more energy and by Friday you'll be 90% recovered. If the rememdy is wrong it will do nothing at all so a very SAFE practice. (By the way I am a qualified homoeopath and the training took three full-time years not 6 weekends!). Please observe the rule no eating, drinking, brushing teeth or smoking 15 mins before and after taking the tablet. xx
    Love, light and all my other healing wands are winging their way to you,

    Dr Debs xxxx

  28. At 11:14 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Jo wrote:

    Morning all - been blog absent for a few days, please accept this note from my mother!

    I'm sorry to say I don't get quite a lot of things. I don't get why to most people programmes like Only Fools & Horses is funny, or Fawlty Towers, or Monty Python.. oh and Blackadder. I find lots of things funny otherwise but I can't stand the above 4. You can include Bottom in that list as well.

    I do however get I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue, and definitely get all the rules to Mornington Crescent.

    I don't get beach holidays, what's the point in that, just an excuse for lying around being lazy. I do get camping in the south of France however.

    I used to love snoopy (finding Winnie The Pooh a bit too goody goody for my liking) and one christmas received a paint by numbers snoopy art kit. Imagine my horror when I awoke on Boxing day to find that my drunken parents, aunts and uncles had painted it for me...My goodness I was so upset, although they had done a really good job.

    So another thing I don't get is why parents wait until they have children to buy gifts that they would like themselves.

    Buying gifts doesn't have to be all serious. For example this year I am buying my Grandma some racing Grannies to gamble with amongst her friends

    Anyway, toodle pip for now

    :o) Jo

  29. At 11:14 AM on 29 Nov 2006, MWK wrote:

    Sorry to hear you are poorly Chris xx This remedy always works for me when I'm coming down with a head cold. It's best to do this when you are home for the evening and just before going to bed. Have a nice hot both, hot toddy, cover you neck and chest in vicks vapour rub then sleep like a baby xx As a result of this remedy I have never had a full headcold, I hope it has the same result for you xx

    What I don't get is little britain or catherine tate! Controversial maybe but it would be a boring old
    world if were all the same :-)

    I can't believe it's Wednesday already.....happy hump day xx

    Hazel Love - not long to wait for the birthday fairies :-)

    Take care all
    Love Mary xx

  30. At 11:15 AM on 29 Nov 2006, kaz wrote:

    Get well soon christophe lammby -pie.

    Keep warm


  31. At 11:17 AM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Morning Again,

    is it caus I never asked after your man-flu Christof, that my first blog got Poo Poo'd?

    Sad. I didn't think I'd said anything offensive.


  32. At 11:18 AM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    'hope you're feeling better soon.

    Hmmm, what didn't / don't I get ?

    Through the music played at home when I was a kid, I had / have a very varied taste... but I just never got "Elvis" until within the last few years.

    And I just don't get "The Goon Show". I wish I did. To me, they were all very funny in their own right, and I had the pleasure of interviewing Sir Harry some years ago. I love old radio comedy... I have loads of Hancock and so on, and I've bought my Dad loads of "Goons" CD's... and I've tried, but no, I just don't get it !

  33. At 11:20 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Lorraine wrote:

    Hello and good day one and all!
    I've been reading the blog on and off for a while now and am amazed at how you can have me in stitches one minute and in tears the next. Anyway today is my first day, so here goes.
    Sorry your a poorly bod today Chris, but I'm sure you'll still do a great show later. See if you can get someone to rub something on your chest!!!!!
    Things I don't get
    Little Britain, Catherine Tate Yuk! yet absolutely loved Monty Python!

    Never got why anyone would eat anything but good strong Cheddar cheese, the sorth that makes the roof of your mouth itch, and would never touch any other cheese, then discovered feta, now I can't get enough of the stuff.

    Well that's enough excitement for me today.
    Take care everyone and feel better soon Chris.

    Rainy x

  34. At 11:23 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Sugarlamla wrote:

    Chris Hi I'm doing the mummy thing, take at least 1000mg of vitamin C for at least 5 days and your cold will disappear, promise!
    Love the show, my kids used to listen to you on Radio 1 and I couldn't understand why. When I heard that you were taking over the drive time and that is my drive time for listening on my way home I thought OH NO! I will eat my words you are GREAT a very genuine guy and there aren't many of those about. I LOVE the show, it's great, lots of interesting people and comments and the choice of music is so varied and so me. Don't go anywhere else.

  35. At 11:28 AM on 29 Nov 2006, soozy woo wrote:

    Jo # 28 - I took delivery of my racing grannies a little while ago.

    Take it from one who knows, you will NOT be wanting to give them away. Get the racing nuns to compete with the Grannies - Who's gonna win? Who can take the tension?....



  36. At 11:28 AM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I don't get The Stone Roses, and I live in Manchester (though am not from here) so this is like blastphemy!
    Seriously, what's the deal with the Roses? Ian can't sing, though jon can certainly play well. And the basslines are cool. But still, I don't get it!

    I also don't get Little Britain (except VP) or The Fast Show.

    I totally get Pooh though, tiddly pom.

  37. At 11:29 AM on 29 Nov 2006, IanG wrote:

    #12 Hannah, guess what I've got going through my head now:

    Bertha lovely bertha

    Sometimes I think your a dream

    When we work out what you have to do

    You can always turn the goods out

    Always turn the goods out

    We can depend upon you

  38. At 11:32 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Lynn wrote:

    Laurel & Hardy??? Both me and my brother love Laurel & Hardy and find them hilarious BUT my mum always used to comment "you two say you find them funny but I never see you laugh" which is true. I can picture myself sitting watching them now, inwardly laughing but to everyone else a somber look on my face! If you ask me why I like them, I can't say, I just don't know!! Love your blogs Chris, read them every day.

  39. At 11:33 AM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hi -

    Ill try again, without being offensive.
    Christophy. My heart breaks that you are feeling pish. You should have a duvet day, and a wee bit of malt whisky.

    Winnie the Pooh - My All Time Favourite, makes me cry with love
    Laurel and Hardy - Scary.
    Snoopy, Lovely, Woodstock Even Better.
    Garfield - In cartoon version. My hero.
    Vic Reeves, reminds me of Eric Morecambe (Did I spell it right? ). I love Eric Morecambe. I just laugh looking at him.
    Little Britain, nope don't get it. I can sit there while Husband, and Two kids wet themselves wondering where I went wrong.
    Catherine Tate - Old lady scares me.

    I've phoned the school. I've decided to take decisive action.


  40. At 11:39 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Claire wrote:


    Waves of sympathy and love from the West of Wales. Honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice in boiling water always works for me.

    Winnie the Pooh for me every time. Used to love reading the books to the girls when they were small - I think I enjoyed it more than them and the last chapter still makes me cry. Loved Willie Rushton reading it on Jackanory and Phil Jupitus floating down the river in a large hunny pot!!

    Loved Andy Pandy, Camberwick Green, Trumpton, Chigley, The Herbs, Bagpuss and The Clangers. Never got Barnaby the Bear!!

    Don't get tittybangbang but love Catherine Tate particularly Nan. "Am I bovvered" is particularly accurate (I live with teenage twin daughters!!)

    Never got Woody Allen or The Marx Brothers.

    Love n stuff

    Claire xxx

  41. At 11:39 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Morning Chris, (I wont say good, cos it sounds like you need "a secnd class redurn do Dottinghab blease") tudes helb you bread bore eadily!

    Anyway to return to the story of last Friday. Mrs Dissing was out in London and was scheduled for dinner at the Oxo tower and a heavy drinking session for her birthday. They decided to go to the Natural History Museum and use the ice skating rink prior to the published plans. Anyhoo the obvious occurred slipped over on the rink, fell onto the gluteas maximus, bruised her coxics (is that spelt incorrectly, bovvered!) and sprained maybe broken her wrist. She still went to dinner, and drank the liquid anaesthetic. Good girl!!!

    I used to get Abbott & Costello, and then I grew up.
    I used to get Laurel & Hardy, same applies!
    I used to not get Catherine Tate, but I saw the not bovvered about French the other day and laughed my nadgers off!

    Get well soon

    DD out

  42. At 11:44 AM on 29 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    DWNB...I'm with you today...long blog confiscated. OK I was offensive, but no more than usual.

    Creative juices for today now redirected towards book (oh and I've just remembered I've got some work to do too...)

    ..I'll just finish the page I'm on...

  43. At 11:54 AM on 29 Nov 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Lorraine # 33 - welcome to the nuthouse!
    I agree with you about the cheese - I love the strong cheddar that makes your cheeks ache and got into feta in a big way in October when 'im indoors and I went to Greece for a week. I'm now obsessed with the stuff.

    Still don't get olives though - urgh!

    I bought two sets of racing grannies as Xmas pressies but can only bring myself to give one set away - will get the nuns next! Aah, small pleasures eh?!

    Got stuck in Operation Stack on the M20 last night and it took me two hours to get home. Thank goodness for Christoph and the gang who kept me company, though sadly not sane!

    Hazel Love - happy birthday to you in case I forget on the day !!!!

    Love & stuff and a happy humpday to you all

    jillygoat xx

  44. At 11:56 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Prof Plum wrote:

    I don't want to be controversial,however I fail to see how anyone could not find Little Britain or Cathrine Tate funny. Eric Morcambe and Ernie Wise, well Mum and Dad liked them. For me it was predicatable corney humour. Ernie Wise particularly was complelety humourless in my eyes.. I best not mention Ken Dodd...... with his Jam butty mines and tickling stick.

    Thank heavens for alternative comedy.

  45. At 11:58 AM on 29 Nov 2006, Gaby wrote:


    You have usually appeared by now - hoping things are just fine and dandy.


    guys - can we pretend it's thirsty thursday today? It must be thursday somewhere in the world : )

  46. At 12:03 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Nix wrote:

    Oooops.... really HATE to say this but I just don't get Ricky Gervais. Tried REALLY hard to watch 'Extras', tried to like it and get it but couldn't. I think there must be something wrong with me?

    Maybe it's because I never watched The Office? (sinner I hear you all cry!).

    Perhaps it's too subtle for me?

    Sorry again.

    Nix xxx

  47. At 12:03 PM on 29 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    Dissing Dave,
    Sorry to hear about the unfortunate accident. I do hope you didn't plan to have any (more?) kids. Have you kept the nadgers? - they can do wonderful things with micro-surgery these days

    Hope Mrs DD recovers soon too.

  48. At 12:19 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Cheryl Turner wrote:

    Christoph lammy-pies - you so can't feel groggy on Happy Hump Day!!!!

    I don't get sci-fi. My hubby is a real sci-fi head and I endure hours of the stuff ... grrrrrrrrrrr!! my revenge .... tickets for Russell Brand in Ipswich next March ... now there's someone hubby doesn't 'get' at all!

    Is the Russell Brand phenomena a girl thing???

    x x x

  49. At 12:25 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Chrisso, sorry to hear you're unwell, must be feeling like Quasimodo with an attack of serious humpness.
    Seems like only the laydeees are scrivenning in your direction during the day, does this mean us guys are at work and only reading this in their lunch hours?
    What's with the smoe? Does that make you the same as me? I'm just an old frat, too old for a rock band, too young for a buss pass.

    Getting things?
    That's for durks, you only 'don't get' something you don't understand and can't get your head around. This just means you probably have to look deeper into the subject. Me, I laugh at anything, even if it's not funny, even 'My Hero'. Now what's to laugh at there without the big Oirishman?

    Now back to the symptoms, High BP? Failing eyes? Saggy skin? Diminishing Library? That just means you're getting old! S'normal!
    Wait 'til you get to my age, I just started skiing, playing cricket and golf. Then you can start saying, WOW! I fell good!
    BTW, the El Velcro comes from my crricket mates, depending upon my catching abilities, El Velcro, Teflon Tel, Lurpak etc. I leave the rest to your imagination.

    (Losing boy v girl)

  50. At 12:27 PM on 29 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    Cheryl Turner,
    ....don't get me started (again) on Russell Brand...

    sorry Hazel Love, I know I'm doing it again, but...

    ...I know you Love it really, and
    ...I just couldn't let that one go

    The Moose

    PS C'mon Keith, we need a joke....

  51. At 12:28 PM on 29 Nov 2006, CAROL FEASBY wrote:

    Winnie the Pooh is not sage he is a bear of 'very little brain'!
    Snoopy is fantastic read the cartoons again they are really funny Charlie Brown appeals to the downtrodden kid in all of us.
    Get well soon.
    PS I love the Fox the Fox theme Danny Kaye is my hero!

  52. At 12:29 PM on 29 Nov 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Good afternoon all,

    Chris sorry to hear you are not feeling very well, there must be something in the air as there is a lot of it going around at the moment. I am almost cured of my recent ailments as I type so if I am you barometer you should be fixed in a couple of days! ;-)

    Snoopy I do not get it at all :-(

    My kind of humour is Tommy Cooper is a legend I can watch the Plank all day and still laugh out loud. I get some of Monty Pythons flying circus but not all although the Life of Brian is brilliant. Most modern sketch shows Catherine Tate or Little Britain I only find funny in places; certain characters are funny to some and not yet to other people it could be the other way around. I think that is the point of humour as we are all different.

    Even the jokes I post on here I am sure some days you will find them funny and others not. It does not mean that the joke is no good, just that it is not your kind of humour.

    I do not think there is any think better than a real good belly laugh to cheer you up! :-)))


    P.S. In these times when we are asked to save the planet and use public transports beware…….

    In a crowded city at a busy bus stop, a beautiful young woman wearing a tight mini skirt was waiting for a bus. As the bus stopped and it was her turn to get on, she became aware that her skirt was too tight to allow her leg to come up to the height of the first step off the bus.

    Slightly embarrassed and with a quick smile to the bus driver, she reached behind her to unzip her skirt a little, thinking that this would give her enough slack to raise her leg. She tried to take the step, only to discover that she couldn't.

    So, a little more embarrassed, she once again reached behind her to unzip her skirt a little more, and for the second time attempted the step. Once again, much to her chagrin, she could not raise her leg.

    With a little smile to the driver, she again reached behind to unzip a little more and again was unable to take the step. About this time, a large Texan who was standing behind her picked her up easily by the waist and placed her gently on the step of the bus.

    She went ballistic and turned to the would-be Samaritan and yelled, "How dare you touch my body! I don't even know who you are!"

    The Texan smiled and drawled, "Well, ma'am, normally I would agree with you, but after you unzipped my fly three times, I kinda figured we was friends."

  53. At 12:29 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Anna Log wrote:

    I'll try again - apparently I caused offense last time and I only said that I didn't get Big Brother, I'm a Celebrity and other such "entertainment". LOVE Strictly Come Dancing though - I'm rooting for Mark!

    Don't get Alan Partridge, The Fast Show, The Office and that sort of stuff (am I weird, or just old???)

    I do get the Racing Grannies thing though - think we need some to help fill the gap left since my own rather racy granny departed - she would have loved them! Christmas isn't the same without her, but a couple of clockwork biddies whizzing about the place would remind us of the fun we had when she was around.

  54. At 12:30 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Moose, thanks for the kind wishes! Mrs DD says cheers as well.

    How come adults fall really awkwardly and injure themselves and kids just fall down and bounce back up?

    Pizza in two minutes would go down really well right now!

    ps Chistophe, love Rick Stein, and anybody else, who talks passionately about what they do, particularly in the culinary line. I wish I had the time to cook more. Jealous moi, you bet!

    pps The result of the Friday cooking session was Sirloin Steak in a Peppercorn sauce, on a bed of roasted tomatoes, and asparagus and wilted garlic spinach. V V V Good

    DD out

  55. At 12:31 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Tiggy wrote:

    Hi Bloggees!
    Happy Humbday everybods!
    Sorry you're not well Christophe, hope some of the cures offered help you. I for one will vouch for homeopathy, I use arnica quite regularly and bruises are history in hours rather than days!

    What don't I get? Lord of The Rings/Tolkein in general. Tried really hard to read The Hobbit as a kid, couldn't understand one word. My baby sis is completely hooked, has the same feelings about Terry Pratchett (another one I don't get)
    Maybe I should give them another go as I've just recently entered my 40th year on this planet?! What do you lot think?
    Anyone else out there love Chorlton & The Wheelies? Loved all the Postgate stuff (Bagpuss, Clangers, etc) and all Camberwick Green and Trumpton type stuff (Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grub)

    TTFN, really ought to do some work!

    Tiggy xxx

  56. At 12:31 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Catherine wrote:

    Poor Chris! I reckon you've been working too hard and got run down.
    Try Day Nurse liquid (v good) and Vit C and zinc lozenges. Also to clear your head - Olbas oil in a bowl of hot water and inhale (or you could get one of those steam inhaler devices from Boots - the best!)
    Have lots of water to drink, a nice hot curry or lentil soup and you'll soon be on the mend but the most important thing is to REST!
    You've got to get your strength back for next week's marathon around the UK!
    I never got Snoopy either but I did get Garfield.
    I never got Reeves and Mortimer but I did get Laurel and Hardy but not Charlie Chaplin.
    I never used to get Catherine Tate but now I do - she's a genius!
    Well take care, hope you feel better soon.

  57. At 12:36 PM on 29 Nov 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    I must be the only female on the planet who doesn't get Russell Brand! Whenever I see him on the tele (never by design I might add) my fingers itch to take the scissors to his dreadful long hair - something else I've never 'got' in blokes, plus I could never go for someone whose thighs are THAT much thinner than mine - it's just not right.

    On the other hand, why do I hanker after little Dec from IACGMOOH? I think he must bring out the mothering instinct in me!

    On that subject, my doctor told me that at 45 I'm at a 'certain age' now - what the hell does that mean? Anyway, I didn't argue with him and he should be able to see out of his right eye soon!

    jillygoat xx

  58. At 12:40 PM on 29 Nov 2006, TheBigUn wrote:


    Unless the blog police have decided today’s you should have been able to refresh your page and I should be there, if not all I can say is…. Doh!!

    Thanks for your concern but I am fine and dandy :-) Well maybe not too dandy if you know what I mean ;-)

    I am afraid it is just a case of employment getting in the way of enjoyment :-( I will try to not let it happen again :-)


  59. At 12:43 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    The blog gendarmerie is holding some things of mine not dis-similar to this so here we go again mein leibchen...

    Ha one, ha two, ha one two three four!!!

    So Chris.

    Have you tried any of these remedies yet? After all you said only recently that you don't get doing ill, it's such a shame you have succumbed to the dreaded disease...and now you're getting and doing it!

    For later **** BLESS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    MATT FROM RUDGWICK - did you say you're an uncluttered palestine?

    GABY - Going to plan so far thanks. On own in office, not too busy, so will have a schmall schnooze in a bit I think.

    SOOZY-WOO and JO - Did you have a nice time?
    and JO Love to Charlie xxxxxxxxxx

    ANYONE - What does 'diminishing libido' mean please?

    Frere Jacques

  60. At 12:49 PM on 29 Nov 2006, emma wrote:

    I used to so get the Goodies but not sure I would now but then they've never repeated it so will probably never know....
    I used to get pretty much all cartoons but not keen on any now (except the Simpsons, oh and of course Calvin&Hobbes - so get them too).
    Like Tom & Jerry - that used to be funny but I can't see what was funny about that poor cat now. Maybe it's a predictability thing - as a kid you enjoy knowing what's going to happen and then as an adult it's suprising humour or insightful humour that is funny. At least to me.
    Does anyone else also feel sick if you go on a swing these days?
    Cheerio x

  61. At 12:54 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Lizzybeth wrote:

    I don't get Fawlty Towers. Not funny, it just makes me cringe! And Penguin (#9) is right- who gets Deal or No Deal?!?!

    I didn't get it when my mum said 'You can't change people, they are who they are' but I really do get it now! I've learnt to lavish my attention, time and love on those that make me feel good and to minimise time with those who don't- they aren't going to change.

    Wise words mum!!

    Get well soon Christophe- eat lots of garlic :-)

  62. At 12:55 PM on 29 Nov 2006, CrispyJ wrote:

    Well for a long time I couldn't read music. I tried and tried but it just didn't click. Completely dumbfounded me. Then >> one day I could. Dunno how it happened. It was amazing! and I passed my music exam with flying colours to boot.

    Despite your flagging libido, happy hump day!!

  63. At 12:55 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Jax wrote:

    Jillygoat - there's 2 of us! I also do not get Russell Brand and can't see what people do get about him. Ho hum.

    Get the Fast Show, Monthy Python and Smack the Pony. Don't get Catherine Tate ot Tittybangbang (is there anyone who does - please let me know).

    Get peanuts and chocolate but don't get peanuts with chocolate (Snickers etc).

    Get Marmite but don't get Vegemite.

    Get colds easily but don't get winning lottery tickets.

    Get distracted at work very often by this blog - don't get much work done.

    Lots of love to all,

    J x

  64. At 12:57 PM on 29 Nov 2006, fillybay wrote:

    No sympathy Chris.be a man. Get some Vit C n Zinc,glug some Echinacea drops in apple juice{v yummy} 'n' some Nat Mur tissue salts for the runny nose{yuck}.Oh n Im free tonight if you want vic rubbed on your chest.
    I never got the Clangers,but loved them all the same.Hey do we have to get them to love them?
    Afterall if we are lucky enough to be in a relationship,chances are we dont 'get' our partners,but we love 'em all the same.
    Bacon n eggs for lunch.
    Spent morning polishing parque flooring{substance guaranteed to clear nasal passages and give you a rosy view on life!!}.
    Afternoon will be spent clipping fluff off a poor horse.Only to have his owners wrap him up in even bigger Pj's.Can a horse get embarrased?
    He can.
    Bac to rural life,lv Fi x.

  65. At 12:57 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Tiggy wrote:

    Not blogged in ages now onto second entry for today? Must be good!
    Jillygoat #56, no you're not the only female who doesn't get Russell Brand, I can't stand him! Sounds way too much like Dot Branning (Cotton) for my liking!

  66. At 01:01 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Yvonne wrote:

    Tell you what I didn't get, I didn't get Morcambe and Wise....the whole stripped peejays....in the same bed...but always on the look out for women.....I asked my mum and dad...they didn't get it either.

  67. At 01:02 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Ceejay wrote:

    Come on Chris - you had a person on recently telling you all about echinacea! I know it works - send an oik to the healthfood shop now! Not H&B, not good enough quality - one of the independents will be best. Get well soon

  68. At 01:02 PM on 29 Nov 2006, emma wrote:

    Oooh no, Jillygoat, I'm with you on the Russell Brand front - so do not get him. It's not so much the hair for me but the nasal whiny voice and lazy speech which sounds all a bit put on for my taste. x

  69. At 01:04 PM on 29 Nov 2006, fillybay wrote:

    NB; gotta thank Russell Brand for one thing atleast.He introduced me to a new word......Solipsistic.
    It describes the guy I 'think Im dating{!!!!} very well!!
    Ta Russell.

  70. At 01:10 PM on 29 Nov 2006, becks wrote:

    bevis and butthead...... thats who I don't get!

    The thing with Snoopy was Charlie Brown was meant to be in charge of him and in control, but Snoopy was smarter than that after all in the imortal words of Lucy, Charlie Brown was a block head!

    See this is something I aspired to as a small child, there was a bit of hero worship going on, I used to think if only I could get one over on my big brothers who where in charge of me like snoopy did with Charlie! Also as achild in the summer hols, the choice between the Snoopy cartoon or Cricket, it was snoopy every time.

    Now if you're looking for a quality comic strip, Calvin and Hobbs! brilliant, a 6 yr old little boy with so much mischief in him he could keep a convension of nannies going for years, he's not a bad little boy, just likes to play tricks and stuff, and his huge stuffed tiger which only comes to life when it was just the 2 of them. They of course terrorise the slimey girlie next door suzy and always come off worse. I'm sure theres a message in there somewhere, but I'm usually to busy giggling to see it!

  71. At 01:11 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Jillygoat @ 56 - I have mentioned about Russell before, but there is definitely something about him. And when he dons his eye liner... Yum ! However he never used to have the backcombed affect or as much facial hair and in my opinion looked much better for it ! He still had quite long hair though....

    And our own Mr. Evans is a bit of a dish with longer hair. I can`t remember which `do` it was (might have been the BAFTAS) but he was with Billie (who looked utterly amazing, really stunning) and he had longer hair at the time. Rather dapper !

    Love Dec - he is just a sweetie. Such a nice chap. Well, they both are. I really enjoy their feeds on IACGMOH. They have such perfect timing. Relative is still in the jungle... Don`t think they will win, think it will probably be David or Jason.

    Dec would definitely be in my elevator !!! x x

  72. At 01:12 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Titch wrote:

    Oh - forgot...
    Something controversial - I just don't GET the Simpsons! I'm not sure I've managed to maintain interest enough to see a whole one so wrong of me to comment maybe.

  73. At 01:17 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Oh! and didn't used to get "That 70s show" but love it now! Sorry! I know it's on a channel I can watch on Sky and you're so anti the Rupert Murdoch conglomeration at the moment! I believe that conglomeration is treatable these days!!

    DD out again! 3x in one day

  74. At 01:20 PM on 29 Nov 2006, becks wrote:

    Em m @ 8
    it was Marcy, Peppermint pattys friend!

  75. At 01:25 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Happy Smoe Day Everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hope you are feeling better soon Christoph Lamby Pie - plenty of hot toddies and big cuddles...............

    Hurrah for Big Un - Another Tommy Cooper lover

    I don't get Tittybangbang, Russell Brand, Jimmy Carr, Extra's or its creator, League of Gentlemen or Big Brother, Snoopy, Southpark, Catherine Tate (Oh my God I hear you cry - this woman must be a dinosaur)

    I do get Tommy Cooper, The Two Ronnies, Morecombe and Wise, Peter Kay, Lee Evans, Eddie Izzard, Winnie The Pooh, Little Britain, The Young Ones,

    Happy Hump Day


  76. At 01:26 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Hannah wrote:

    Tracey-Ann #20 - I know, Bertha was so great! Remember the little robot that ran around trying to fix things and the forklift-truck driver too?! Then there was the secretary and the boss in their office up the stairs, I think she probably had glasses on a piece of string round her neck...!

    IanG # 37 - how do you remember all the words!! Sorry if you have that tune in your head all day though...!

    Jo # 28 - I also get I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue but Mornington Crescent completely passes me by, please enlighten me!!

    Oh and wasn't The Magic Roundabout great too, and have also suddenly remembered Playdays and 'what's the sign on the lollipop?'! Also remember something about looking through the square window, who was that with??

    Love Hannah

  77. At 01:28 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hello all

    Having to keep this brief as we are very busy at the moment. Ravel told me to say hello to everyone whereas Dolores (my fragrant and currently pregnant wife) just shrugged her shoulders. I think she is beginning to suffer again after a period of several weeks feeling not too bad.

    On today's subject I would just like to say that I don't get why people don't get someone else's attempt at humour. Where does our individual view of what is funnny come from? It's a fascinating subject in itself. I personally loved Snoopy as child, and was never impressed by Pooh and his gang. I think I liked Snoopy et al because they were a bit of a challenge. They didn't view the world as children because they were in fact adults, merely given the appearance of children by Charles Schulz. It was adult humour, delivered to children in a way that stretched our minds whilst at the same time being funny in a peculiar kind of way.

    Sorry, got to go now. Something in the lab has boiled over and McCavity is swearing.

    Anyway, hope this helps

    J McC

  78. At 01:28 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Hannah wrote:

    Tracey-Ann #20 - I know, Bertha was so great! Remember the little robot that ran around trying to fix things and the forklift-truck driver too?! Then there was the secretary and the boss in their office up the stairs, I think she probably had glasses on a piece of string round her neck...!

    IanG # 37 - how do you remember all the words!! Sorry if you have that tune in your head all day though...!

    Jo # 28 - I also get I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue but Mornington Crescent completely passes me by, please enlighten me!!

    Oh and wasn't The Magic Roundabout great too, and have also suddenly remembered Playdays and 'what's the sign on the lollipop?'! Also remember something about looking through the square window, who was that with??

    Love Hannah

  79. At 01:31 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Snoopy has the "cute factor" which kids like. Adults like Winnie the Pooh, because they can relate to the wit of AA Milne. I love reading Winnie the Pooh to my kids, but they would probably prefer another dozen books in preference first. They will probably like reading Winnie the P to their children though....

    Disney tried to make Winnie the Pooh into a cute American looking bear by colouring him yellow with a red jumper, but we who know the REAL Pooh bear, know that the original drawings are much nicer!


  80. At 01:35 PM on 29 Nov 2006, NICKI wrote:

    Hi all,
    Hope you're soon better Christoph.

    Bit late today, spent the night tossing and turning with the most amazing neck/shoulder pain, had to call boss to say would be late, waiting for painkillers to kick in, wee bit easier now (3 doses, no more till 4pm)

    Anyhoo, it's been really interesting to see how different we all are (an yet the same - spooky)

    I totally get Winnie the P, but not Snoopy or any of the Charlie Brown bods esp woodstock.
    Love Garfield (I'm sure he was once mine)
    Can't stand and never could Laurel and Hardy, always, even as a kid found them embarassing.

    However, Woody Allen, Tommy Cooper, The Goons esp Spike, truly have me in tears of laughter.

    Oh yes, Mr E on the subject of tears, that was a wicked trick to try on Rebecca last night, reading that lovely poem to try to force a tear from an emotional Fox.
    It worked on me, I have to say I'm the same, if there's some really nice news I'm in tears, don't know why just 'appens. It also happens every week whilst watching Strictly Come Dancing - not at the votes, but while they are dancing (I fear there is something deeply wrong with myself)

    Just had a thought about kids progs, dont really remember that many, but, Iloved Tales of the Riverbank and HR Puffenstuff - sorry for spelling bound to be wrong.

    Take care, hope all runny dozes dry up


  81. At 01:38 PM on 29 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    Hazel Love - Diminishing is better than none at all...

    ...oops, I ended up writing about 6 pages in the last hour...and do you know what?...it's all about you lot!!! I have written it with your real names (well, your real, made-up blog names). Do you mind? Should I disguise them? Oh what a dilemma...Will any of you sue me for defamation? I was quite nice about everyone really...honest.
    In case my book ever does get published, one of the 3 main characters is called Matt. I just want to go on public record to say that this is in no way any reference whatsover to Matt from Rudgwick. I am frightened by the glimpses into his life that parallel stuff I have written about my Matt over the last 7 years. Uncanny.

    really must do that work now, I suppose it is what they are paying me for...

    Nah...lunch first.

    The moose

  82. At 01:44 PM on 29 Nov 2006, becks wrote:

    tiggy # 55

    I was the same with terry P books, Then I read Wee Free Men, It's one of the kids books, but good for grod ups tooo!

    Try it, get it from the libery, that way it wont cost you anything if you don't like it!

    B x

  83. At 01:45 PM on 29 Nov 2006, CAKE wrote:

    For Hannah#12

    The Bertha theme tune, check out:


  84. At 01:58 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Carole, Oxford wrote:

    Ah, Snoopy.... I'm not sure I can explain it, but there was something about that cute nose and his sage-like silence that I really liked.

    And he was great to draw, as a kid. Really easy to copy.

    Ooh, I've just gone down such a nostalgic route all of a sudden.

    Things I don't get (and don't suppose I ever will):
    1. Frank Spencer... no-one is really that chaotic and hopeless. Even as a child I wanted to shut him up.
    2. The appeal of eating kidneys... don't people KNOW what these are used for?!?!?!?!
    3. Simon Cowell - for some bizarre reason, my boss fancies him.

  85. At 02:01 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Eddie Izzard.

    Now there's something eh?

    Heaven's what I would have given to see him as a baddy in 24? Even in a skirt. Bummer about him getting picked up elsewhere. Imagine Jack's face when confronted with evil superpower, wearing black leather skirt and fishnets under POWER MEETING suit. ha ha ha

    His humour is just bang on.


  86. At 02:04 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Carole, Oxford wrote:

    Just reading through some of the posts (I posted my first when I'd just read Chris' blog)....

    Benny Hill. How could anyone EVER find that funny? Did I when I was younger and now I've just blanked out the memory?

    And why is he still so popular abroad? Or is that just an urban myth.

    Which reminds me, whilst Blackadder was sheer, utter comic genius, I will never get why Rowan Atkinson did Mr Bean. Again, supposedly desperately popular in other lands. Or is this just an urban myth too.

    I could really get into this bloggin business.... I've never been on before and I can see it could become a bit addictive.

  87. At 02:04 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    howdy do,

    I get Harold Lloyd, but not Charlie Chaplin - but I do get Charlie Chaplin when he is portrayed in films by other actors. particularly by Eddie Izzard in The Cat's Meow.

    I don't get Pokemon but enjoy japanese animation otherwise.

    things I definitley did/do get are ;

    Trap Door
    Terry Pratchett
    NYPD Blue
    Prog Rock
    The Adventure Game.

    I used to get Little Britain, now not so much. Never got tittybangbang, but do get numberwang.

    One thing I definitley don't get, and this is where it all gets a bit deep and heavy is how people change their opinions of long term relationships. Recently I was talking to a lady that had been married for 15 years, and had split due to the wandering eye (and other parts) of her husband. The venom and hatred she applied whilst wishing for him to no longer exist and decompose in a particularly nasty place took my breath away. Some of you know my recent history, but I am glad for our years together, most of which were my happiest and most exciting so far and I want more than anything for us to remain close as friends. I have been described as a cynical romantic before and I think I get what they meant now. Think I'll put it on my CV.



  88. At 02:07 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    FILLYBAY #69 - ...Oh dear my dear...Who dear? Me dear? Solipsistic dear? No dear...You'd be best to ding the boyf in with the man-ure!

    .........SOLIPSISTIC - extreme preoccupation with and indulgence of one's feelings, desires, etc.; egoistic self-absorption.

    BIG'UN #58 - Good to have you on board Keith. I fear the boyz in bloo have imprisoned many comments today. Shudder to think really! Anyway, dandy, I bet you've got 'clocks' on your socks!

    JILLYGOAT #57 & MAYHEM #75 - Russell Brand. I used to think he was ok until he started shouting and taking himself too seriously. Lucky man if his world truly does revolve around him!

    TRACEY-ANN #71 - I only just found out last night which one is Ant. How is your relative doing by the way..? The funniest line in 'Love Actually' is when Bill Nighy is being interviewed by the Geordie boys, not knowing which one is which, answers..."Well, Ant or Dec, I er..." (Sorry, I suppose you had to be there.)

    HANNAH #76 - Brian Cant. I worked with him once and it's uncanny that his voice really IS the same as on TV...

    And now as is popular on the old Â鶹ԼÅÄ - a repeat...

    Bloke goes into a petshop.

    I'd like to buy a wasp please.

    Sorry we don't sell wasps.

    Well, you've got one in the window.

    crepe suzette

    PS Dermot O'Leary

  89. At 02:12 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Nicki wrote:

    Hi again,

    Emma, you are so right, swings, I used to love them and try to get them to flip over the top.

    However the writing was on the wall that our love affair was doomed after a visit to the park whilst I was in my teens and had discovered the joy of Cider. I slipped quite easily into the kiddie swing (you know the sort with the bar across your legs) I was swinging away quite merry (well I think now drunkenly) until I realised I could not extracate my chubby thighs from said swing, mates all finding it highly amusing until it was time to get home for tea. Eventually somebody called the Fire Brigade, I will never forget the embaressment of standing with kiddie swing stuck on rear end whilst hunky Firemen cut the damned thing off.
    Or, for having to explain to my mum why she got a bill from the council for repairs!!

    However undaunted I have tried swings in the not too distant past, and, yes made me feel very icky-poo - strange that

    Take care

  90. At 02:13 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Diane wrote:

    I didnt get the tea ad with the monkeys on a boat.
    One of them said 'duck' when the sail was swinging around and the other replied; 'thems not ducks, thems seagulls' got hit and fell overboard. Hey - they WERE seagulls - umpteen viewings later got it - when nearly got hit by a low canal bridge after hubby shouted 'duck'.

    Some of us need to personally experience things to take them on board.

    PS I need a spell check on this postie board.

  91. At 02:16 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Erik wrote:

    First time visitor helllllllllloooooooooo to you all. Was having a bum day but the smile inside has now returned. Tara Lot!

    Sorry to do this to you Cristoff but it has to be said. PULL YOUSELF TOGETHER MAN !! You have a cold.... that is all. It will not kill you, make your legs fall off or in anyway diminish your ability to charm the masses.
    Get wrapped up and go for a good walk in the fresh air.

    Only kiddin ;-) hope you're feelling better fella.

    I don't think it's been mentioned but I may be wrong. Am I the only person in the world who didn't get The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? My fiends all raved about it but I found it about as funny as sleeping on a bed of hedgehogs.... (Obviously I haven't tried this but I would imagine it to be none too amusing..)


  92. At 02:19 PM on 29 Nov 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Tiggy # 65 - thank you, thank you, thank you! I knew Russell Brand reminded me of someone but I just couldn't work out who - you've put me out of my misery!!!!

    Carole, Oxford # 84 - I'm with you on the kidneys or any offal, come to think of it. Perfectly named too is offal.

    BigUn - love today's joke!

    Have any of you listened to Round The Horne? I'm too young (despite what the doctor said) to remember it first time round but I've listened to some of the tapes with my mum, and then saw Round The Horne Revisited in London last year. Absolutely brilliant and way ahead of its time, espeically "I'm Julian and this is my friend Sandy" and their company "Boner Promotions". Some of it not so great (as with a lot of comedies even today) but well worth a listen. Kenneth Williams & Kenneth Horne were on the original recordings - both v v funny men.

    jillygoat xx

  93. At 02:23 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wilsmar wrote:

    Good afternoon and a speedy recovery to all who need one for whatever ailment/reason.

    #76 Hannah - the windows thing was Play School unless someone else knows differently. Just seen #86 Hazel Love = Brian Cant.

    Animaniacs - did anyone else watch this cartoon... they were absolutely brilliant so much so I would forgo a Saturday lie-in to watch them. Sad but I don't mind being the dweeb!

    The Beverley Hillbillies - watched regularly but got so wound up with them using all the mod cons/luxury items for all the wrong things. So not sure about the getting/not getting!

    #1 Gilly - the big jug of steeped lemons brought back so many memories of my childhood when me Mam would make this juice for "our" colds. Only we had the honey put in at the boiling water and lemon stage then a saucer on top of the jug. Does anyone know what to take for a lump in the throat - I mean to get rid of. Memories eh!

    Must get back to work now - lunch break over.


  94. At 02:24 PM on 29 Nov 2006, IanG wrote:

    Hooray, finally the Bertha tune is outta my head.
    Don't know how that happened .......

    and you'll find Chorlton,
    he's a dragon
    he will keep you free from harm
    ho ho ho


  95. At 02:27 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Hannah wrote:

    Ooh, my last post appeared twice! Bargain! Didn't press the button twice, honest!

    Cake #83 - thank you, will check that out :-)


  96. At 02:33 PM on 29 Nov 2006, ChrissieS wrote:

    Sorry, can't resist coming back again!

    First, sorry for using the word "guess" a hundred times in my first comment this morning. I kept getting interrupted by work - what's that all about?

    Russell Brand - I think he's very funny and I really used to get him but since he has started going on about how he's addicted to sex and has "slept" with hundreds and hundreds of women (how very puritanical to use the word slept!) I've gone right off him. Sloppy seconds are just not my style.

    Ricky Gervais - yes I understand it might take time, but the guy takes my breath away. And Stephen Merchant - where does that sort of talent come from?

    Hazel - I love your comments, really I do. However I find it hard to believe you didn't know which one was Ant and which one Dec. Come on, it's o.k. to admit they are terrific! Also, diminishing libido - give it time, you'll find out about it!!

    BigUn, as I have said, I love your jokes but today's was a belter and I really did laugh out loud!

    I will go now, but just want to say to Moose that I thought his effort yesterday with the quiz was above and beyond and I can only hope that with such a low score, it's o.k. for me to stay on here!

    C xx

    P.S. I used to have a Garfield poster with Garfield looking at a set of bathroom scales and the saying was "I might as well exercise, I'm in a bad mood anyway"!

  97. At 02:35 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Dan Boyle from Belfast wrote:

    Hey Christoph,
    I'm normally blogging on from Belfast, this morning I'm blogging in from beautiful Bermuda! Over here visiting a mate who's on a 2 yr contract. Its half ten in the morning, 76 deg and sunshine just to make you all jealous!!
    My friend's boss is a lovely lady called Tamara whos really into her cooking and fine food. We got talking last night and she has promised to take me to a place called Mara Point on the island which is apparantly renowned for it's tomato growing.

    So if I go to Mara, with Tamara tomorrow to pick tomatoes, I'll fill you lot in . . . !

    (Sorry, didnt want to miss that opp!!)

  98. At 02:36 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    MOOSE #81 - Gorgeous honey puff, and I have no doubt that you are, and much as it PAINS me to say it, if you are writing anything of mine (and it may be TERRIBLY presumptuous of me to even THINK that you are, or possibly might be considering it...) please would you change the name to protect the innocent...many t's xxxxxxxxx

    Well you did ask...

    CAROLE, OXFORD #86 - Yes it is addictive. There is a 12 step programme, but one of McCRUMBLE's assistants/science projects ate it.

    MARIELLA #87 - Hoping to get 'THUD!' for my birthday (which is tomorrow in case anyone had missed the announcement in the CENSORED weekly rag).

    JILLYGOAT #91 - Julian and Sandy stow away. Friend asks "Did you get dragged up on deck?" "No, we just wore slacks."


  99. At 02:39 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Sal Acious wrote:

    Look on the bright side Chris, a bad cold is a good excuse to eat comfort food (mashwith butter, chocolate or steamed pudding). When I was a child and ill i bed they asked me 'Is there anythig youf ancy eating@ I always asked for grapes and lucozade which were normally too expenive to eat everyday in the 60's!

    I didn't used to get Wake up to Wogan but I do now as I have got the gist of all the in jokes and inuendoes.

    I till don't get Tommy Cooper, Charlie Chaplin Morecombe & s, The Office, Trish, Gerry Springer Show and the new Robin Hood

    But love SPike Milligan, Monty Python, the old Robin Hood and Extras.

    Be very thoughtful in the studio tonight and wipe all the phones and stuff you use with disinfected wipes so other people don't catch your germs when they share stuff in the office. I haven't had a cold for years as I do not share my little office or phone with anyone. Have told all the girls in the office who do share to wipe their phones to avoid germs!


  100. At 02:45 PM on 29 Nov 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Welcome Erik - no, I didn't get League of Gentlemen either. Were those huge teeth real?

    Nicki - laughed out loud at your swings story!! I took my niece on the swings in the summer and was devastated to find I couldn't fit me backside on them - not even the good old plastic ones for the big kids. See, me above average knickers strike again!

    Ooh, Eddie Izzard - now there's a good looking/ funny in at least three languages/knows how to buy a frock kind of guy. Oh, yes please, even 'at a certain age' .......

    Me and 'im indoors are going to France for the day on Saturday for some pre-Christmas alcohol shopping, so I'll practice my French whilst there. I reckon I've picked up enough petit phrases from the blog to get me by ...

    Tour de force and all that,

    jillygoat x

  101. At 02:48 PM on 29 Nov 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Here is a little teaser for you! I am sure some person on here will come up with some logical reason why this happens ;-)

    How Smart is Your Right Foot?

    This is so funny that it will boggle your mind. And you will keep trying at least 50 more times to see if you can outsmart your foot, but you can't.

    1. While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

    2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand.

    Your foot will change direction.

    I told you so .....and there's nothing you can do about it!

  102. At 02:51 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hazel Love @ #88 - I love that bit in Love Actually ! I know exactly the part you mean ! For the record Ant is the married one, Dec is the semi-single one !

    Relative is still in the jungle and doing well. Making us all laugh. Other half of relative has flown out to Oz now to be there when they walk across the bridge.... I am predicting they will come 4th (as goodness knows who’s voting for Jan !) If the Jan Fans continue though I think they will come 5th !

    Wilsmar @ #93 - Oh I’d forgotten all about the Animaniacs ! They were great !!!

    "It's time for Animaniacs, and we're zany to the max, so just sit back and relax, you'll laugh 'til you collapse, we're Animaniacs"

    Yippee !!! x x x

  103. At 02:51 PM on 29 Nov 2006, MarkE wrote:

    MarkE's patent cold cure - take a whisky (other spirits work, but not as well) that just a bit too large and have a bath that's just a bit too hot. You'll feel like death for about half an hour, then its gone!

    Never got Charlie Chaplin at all and most modern TV comedy misses me.

  104. At 03:01 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Ian G - Oh my goodness Chorlton and The Wheelies. I can only just remember that programme but the one thing I do remember is Fenella, the horrid witch who lived in a kettle. She was the scariest thing on television ! ...The Wheelies were rather cool though ! x x

  105. At 03:11 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Not knowing this was joke week, I read the story supplied by the TheBigUn an larfed to some degree. Serves him right, shouldn't be a tall guy with a big hat.

    Not TheBigUn, the Texan.

    Mrs O'Flaherty & Mrs Murphy found themselves in court one day, both accused of causing Grevious Bodily Harm to the other.
    The judge said, "Mrs Murphy, would you be so kind as to start the proceedings with your account of the day"?
    "Certainly your Honour" she said, and continued "I got up early and thought, I'm not feeling meself this morning - I must stop that - I think I'll pop down to see that nice Dr Chakrabati and see if he can tell me what's wrong. So off I went and arrived there in a trice. That's something like a cross between a bike and a taxi your Honour"
    "Of course, Mrs Murphy, please continue" said he.
    "i said Good Morning Doctor, I'm not feeling well this morning, can you possibly tell me what's wrong? He proceeded to examine me - with some gusto, I should say! Afterwards,, he said, now Mrs Murphy, there is a small problem but before I can go any further, I will need a urine specimen" "I said, sure, I'll do that straight away, and off I set, as happy as Larry".
    "On the way home, I got to thinking, 'now what's a urine specimen?' 'I know, I'll ask Mrs O'Flaherty, she's the knowledgable type, she knows all, and there she was your Honour, in the garden, hangin' out her washin', a smile on her face as wide as the Liffee, you wouldn't think she could hurt a fly'.
    "What happened next' enquired the judge.
    'Well, I called her over and said to her, Mrs O'Flaherty, can you help me, pray, what is a urine specimen?'
    'Oh,' says she ' Go pee in a bottle'
    "Go crap in yer hat, says I and that's when the fight started, Your Honour"

  106. At 03:17 PM on 29 Nov 2006, So Sad wrote:

    For anyone who gave me advice last week, here's the latest:

    We bumped into the injured party on Friday night as we thought we might, but thankfully he didn't ask us anything about his ex. However, today I've been advised by her that if anybody asks, including him, then we can tell them exactly what her situation is, thank you very much!

    We're seeing him on Saturday and I think at some point during the evening I'll explain the situation to him so that he finds out from someone who cares and means well and not through gossip and rumour. She obviously doesn't plan to tell him herself - wish me luck .....

    Thanks for listening and for all the advice last week.


  107. At 03:18 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Working Mum wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I hope you get better soon.

    My 10 year old daughter doesn't get the meaning of "profits".

    She had some maths homework, which asked her to work out the profit. She asked what does profit mean.

    I had a pen in my hand, so I said if you buy this pen for 10p and sell it to your friends for 20p, then you have made a 10p profit.

    She then said "isn't that cheating?" I then tried to explain that she's added her value to make that pen worth 10p more.

    Maybe Fox can help explain the meaning of profits from a childs perspective.

    My 7 year old son, on the other hand, was listening in. He said I made 10p profit today. I said how, he said someone gave him a Dr Who card, which he didn't really want, so he sold it to another friend who was collecting Dr Who cards for 10p!

  108. At 03:24 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hi everyone

    Happy Hump day! Time is flying by this week!

    going to see Pink on Monday at Wembley!

    Great joke again Keith!

    I get Pooh, Snoopy (the cartoon jokes in the papers anyway), South Park, Morecambe and Wise, The Office, The Simpsons, ... never heard of Tittybangbang!! is it not sh?

    Suck it up chris! Man flu!? My mum always sent me to school and I always found I felt better by lunch time.

    Keith is right that a bit of adrenaline round your body from laughing or a brisk walk in the fresh air will make you feel better. Now go to school!


    Em x

  109. At 03:28 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    I don't often come back for second helpings, but you've got me intrigued!

    It feels odd that I may exist in some parallel universe (ie in your book-to-be).

    Can't wait to find out what happens at the end! On the other hand, maybe I don't want to find out? Help!

    Another 'didn't get, now get', someone mentioned Elvis earlier, we went to Graceland out of curiosity and I then went on to read Peter Guralnick's books (Careless Love & Last Train To Memphis) and it clicked.

    On the other hand, never got, never will get Cliff. Met him a couple of times, nice guy, but the 'English Elvis'? Nah.

    Peace all.

  110. At 03:30 PM on 29 Nov 2006, CAKE wrote:

    Mmmmm, Chorlton and the Wheelies themetune:

  111. At 03:32 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    CHRIS!!! Have you noticed!!!

    This is the one.

    This is it - the ONE conversation that will keep on running and running - favourite TV programmes, in particular, favourite childrens TV programmes.

    This is BRILLIANT today!

    TRACEY-ANN - I can see it now. All your family crammed into (who ever has) the biggest sitting room, clutching bubbling plastic barbecue champagne flutes, smiling til you're sick and being interviewed by Ant (or Dec) as you are waiting to welcome home the intrepid (victorious) IACGMOOH explorer for Newsroom Southeast. I think you should do this anyway - just TOO cheesy not to!

    CHRISSIEs - It's all true.

    KEITH I am SO cross. I've done that before, and now, of course, I've done it again.

    encore s'il vous plait

  112. At 03:35 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wilsmar wrote:

    #102 Tracey-Ann if your relative on ICGMOOH is Malandra Burrows (not sure if she's still in there as not watching and not seen a newspaper since Saturday) BUT Alan Turner left Emmerdale last night to visit her in Australia after getting knocked back by Betty Eggleton. Surely he's not her other half!!
    Don't all shout at me; I've been off with an abscess in me ear and was grateful for anything to take my mind off the blasted thing.
    Going to hide until red face abates.


  113. At 03:38 PM on 29 Nov 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Sal Acious # 99 - I always knew when I was really ill as a child, cos that's the only time mum would buy a bottle of Lucozade. As you say, it was really expensive then.

    I used to love the crunchy wrapping round the bottle !!!

    As you can tell, I've had a deprived childhood, closely followed by a depraved adulthood!

    jillygoat x

  114. At 03:39 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Erik wrote:

    Ha... Happy hump to the rest of you. I have dug a tunnel out of here (pretty difficult I'll tell you from the first floor!) and I will be out of here Thursday night.

    :-) Mange tous mon Petits Pois


  115. At 04:05 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Tracey-Ann wrote:

    Hazel Love - Not in a million years. You couldn`t pay me enough money !!!!! x x

  116. At 04:24 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:


  117. At 04:25 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    but Tracey-Ann, the premise is totally sound!

    x x

  118. At 04:28 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Nigel wrote:

    Re Snoopy and Charlie Brown. You might like to read this article by Jonathan Franzen (the bloke who wrote the Corrections).

  119. At 04:29 PM on 29 Nov 2006, MWK wrote:

    Keith - I had tried that before but had to do it again.......... :-)

    Mary xx

  120. At 04:31 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Dissing Dave wrote:

    I'm now really depressed as I am recalling Noah and Nelly, Roobarb & Custard, Willo the Wisp, and other cartoons from my Yooff!

    You still need to go some to beat Saturday Mornings and Noel Edmonds Multi-coloured Swap shop, with Noel, John Craven, Maggie Philbin, Keith "Cheggers" Chegwin, and Posh Paws, followed by Grandstand.

    Aaah memories!!!!!

    DD out x4

  121. At 04:34 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Tracey-Ann wrote:

    Wilsmar - Malandra left yesterday :) ... x x

  122. At 04:38 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Ian Bourne. wrote:

    Get everyone to cancel their sky subscription, that'll make you feel better !!!!

    Otherwise - get drunk

  123. At 04:48 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Mary wrote:

    Hello hello hello Chris the man

    Just love listening 2 ur show on way home from work and hearing about all the traffic etc ... I live in wee town called Ramelton in Co Donegal in North West of Rep of Ireland and I have a wee giggle to myself we think here if we sit a junction more than 5mins we have a traffic jam all I can say is thank god I live here and not there milling my way through all those motor ways etc .. it will take me 15 mins driving 8 miles home at the most.
    As I say enjoy ur show I listen 2 u in the evenings and Terry the boy in the morning.

    Anyways I am outa here in ten mins and will be in my car listening to u then.


  124. At 04:50 PM on 29 Nov 2006, sarah wrote:

    Think I liked Snoopy cos he was dog....thats it....anything to do with dogs or horses i liked it.
    Get yourself some fresh ginger, lemon and honey. Perfect for sore throats and blocked bits.
    My gran told my mum to rub coal tar on her feet as this burns out a fever- also takes the soles off your feet!
    Feel better soon

  125. At 04:55 PM on 29 Nov 2006, My name is Joannie (Toronto) and I am a Blogaholic :-) wrote:

    Afternoon all....
    First of all, hope you are feeling better Chris...not nice being sick.

    Here is my tuppence worth : The pH factor of the body becomes a bit more alkaline prior to a cold or flu striking you down. When you take cider vinegar it helps to rebalance the acid level of your body....sooo....from my book of lots of stuff to do with cider vinegar...try it. A couple of teaspoons in water, twice a day !!! Vit C and echinacea works too and as Debs said Gelemium....or failing all else, take two aspirins and call me in the morning :-)

    MOOSE - We will of course all need royalties and of course be at the book signing.... of course which will all be paid for, especially people flying in from lets say, Toronto :-)

    HAZEL LOVE - almost time to partaaaaaaaaaay!

    SW - Welcome back :-)

    EM26 - good luck with your payrise...you DESERVE one!!
    PV's to Tracey-Ann and all who need em.

    Things I dont get (I am sure there is more but this is what comes to mind)
    Who is Russell Brand?
    Snoopy (sorry)
    Mickey Mouse
    I am sure there are many more but.....

    Things I Get
    Coronation Street :-)
    Cadburys anything
    Catherine Tate - bovvvvverrreddd....

    Things I did not get now I do
    My kids (when they were teenagers)
    How leaving home affected my mother, I emigrated to Canada at 18 - now my son is moving to Calgary (4 hours by plane) - I definitely get that!!!
    Eating properly
    Being veggie
    Anyway, happy hump day all....not a good word for you Chris at the mo - wink wink nudge nudge
    Joannie xxx

  126. At 04:58 PM on 29 Nov 2006, My name is Joannie (Toronto) and I am a Blogaholic :-) wrote:

    Ooops forgot,
    One thing I did not get but loved
    Bill and Ben the flowerpot men :-)
    Scholbagob likkle weeeeeeeeed - is it any wonder I am the way I am :-)

    Great joke by the way Keith...:-)
    Joannie xxx

  127. At 05:01 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Parker wrote:

    Winter is here with its grouch
    The time when you sneeze and you slouch
    You can't take your women
    Canoein' or swimmin'
    But a lot can be done on a couch.

  128. At 05:01 PM on 29 Nov 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Ha, ha Hazel :-) I have this vision of you chair pushed away from your desk leg out and drawing the number 6 in the air….and would I be right in thinking that your tongue is protruding out of one side of your mouth as you concentrate! :-)))))

    Still I can not hang around all afternoon as I have to go and get my gorilla suit ready as rumour has it there a very shy girl from the blog has a birthday tomorrow and I have a booking as a gorilla gram ;-)

    It’s show time :-)

    Later all


  129. At 05:03 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Gaby wrote:

    good afternoon friends and we'd better be tuning in : )

    Hey NIKKI #80.... H R Puff n Stuff - with the wonderful Jack Wild - yipee

    Eddie Izzard - he's one of my faves.

    Didn't 'get' Fawlty Towers when I was married - I found it chauvenistic - now I am not married, I find it hilarious!! I feel ashamed that I can't spell chauvenistic ( I always look up in the dic words that I can't spell but not right now as Chris is about to start and I need to be by the radio for the groovy bit at the start).



  130. At 05:11 PM on 29 Nov 2006, PJ wrote:

    Snoopy - for me it was my first lesson in how to have attitude and get what you want - I perfected it as a child, now failing in the skill as an adult - perhaps because I don't watch Snoopy any more!

  131. At 05:13 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hello Peeps!

    I don't get people who throw litter out of cars as they're travelling!!

    Here's a little joke I was sent...

    One afternoon the pastor came to call on Beatrice and she showed him into
    her quaint sitting room. She invited him to have a seat while she prepared some tea.

    As he sat facing her old Hammond organ, the young minister noticed a cut-glass bowl sitting on top of it. The bowl was filled with water, and in the water floated, of all things, a condom! When she returned with tea and scones, they began to chat.

    The pastor tried to stifle his curiosity about the bowl of water and its strange floater, but soon it got the better of him and he could no longer resist. "Miss Beatrice", he said, "I wonder if you would tell me about this?" pointing to the bowl.

    "Oh, yes," she replied, "Isn't it wonderful? I was walking through the park a few months ago and I found this little package on the ground.
    The directions said to place it on the organ, keep it wet and that it would prevent the spread of disease. Do you know I haven't had the flu
    all winter."

    Maybe you should try it Chris!!



  132. At 05:14 PM on 29 Nov 2006, PJ wrote:

    Forgot to mention on the subject of Snoopy - why oh why I received a dolls buggy in snoopy material for christmas when I was 10 after asking for a dolls buggy for christmas for the previous 5 years and expressly stating I did not want a dolls buggy now I was 10 so not to bother any more!


  133. At 05:18 PM on 29 Nov 2006, PJ wrote:

    Forgot to mention on the subject of Snoopy - why oh why I received a dolls buggy in snoopy material for christmas when I was 10 after asking for a dolls buggy for christmas for the previous 5 years and expressly stating I did not want a dolls buggy now I was 10 so not to bother any more! I just don't get it!!!!!!!!!!!!


  134. At 05:18 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Garry B wrote:


    Boo to Snoopy, Calvin and Hobbes Rock...!!!

  135. At 05:20 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Jane wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I must admit I didn't get 'Last of the summer wine', It aint half hot Mum or Dad's Army. But I do love Catherine Tate and Little Britain.
    Never watched 'The Simpsons'

    Jane in Topsham

  136. At 05:21 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I don't get Little Britain and my husband's a professional Little Britain Lookalike! I never used to get Ali G either when he did him.

  137. At 05:22 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Jane wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I must admit I didn't get 'Last of the summer wine', It aint half hot Mum or Dad's Army. But I do love Catherine Tate and Little Britain.
    Never watched 'The Simpsons'

    Jane in Topsham

  138. At 05:24 PM on 29 Nov 2006, joanne healings wrote:

    I don't get snoopy, mickey mouse or simpsons but i do get the clangers and the moomins!!! Am i weird??

    Jo xx

  139. At 05:27 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I really don't get Catherine Tate! The most unfunny person on any TV channel.


  140. At 05:28 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I don't get why peole get so excited about Christmas....and especially those people who put their Christmas decorations up in October!! I dont get those houses covered in lights thats flash and I really don't get those huge blow up Santa Claus...
    Hope you feel better soon.... and I do get the whistler!!! He is fab.....

  141. At 05:31 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Lauren Plant wrote:


    i dont get Steve Wright but i get the posse.

  142. At 05:31 PM on 29 Nov 2006, moose wrote:

    Matt from Rudgwick,
    See I knew I'd get misunderstood...it's not you!!! Being my first novel and therefore way too autobiographical for my own good, MY Matt is probably me. When I started the book 7 years ago, I chose pairs of friends from Uni days and combined 1 christian name and 1 surname to make up my character names. Matt just happened to be one of them.

    So the coincidences between you and him are really coincidences between me and you...well, we did all that yesterday...

    Just to let you know a little more about MY Matt...
    ...he's an accountant
    ...he goes to the gym a lot
    ...he likes good food
    ...he's a writer
    ...he's a blogger (at least has just become one in the chapter what I have written a chunk of today)
    ...he has blog conversations with some mixed up blogger called 'The Moose'
    ...his blogname is 'Aardvark' (its an alphabetical thing)
    ...his parents live in Worthing, (which appears not to be too far from Rudgwick)
    ...I don't think he dies in the end (haven't got there yet so it could all change...originally planned ending was a bit too gruesome and cheesy so I've canned it - he did die in that one)
    ...he is single (at the start of the book)
    ...he is married (by the end of the book)
    ...he gets to travel a bit (Ireland and Hong Kong)

    Saying more would be giving too much plot away.

    Anyway, it was the accountant, gym and Worthing thing that freaked me out slightly.

    I shall put you down for the first order when the thing gets published...unless of course the editors decide that I should change his name to Hazel or Keith or Dog or Tracey-Ann or Lynne or Joseph or .....................................or Dave

    Have to go now to catch some of the show on the way to the gym...

  143. At 05:39 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Good morning from Vancouver and good evening to all back in Blighty,

    David Morris. Sublime. Uplifting. Magic.

    Our postman here in Vancouver whistles and I must confess, on the rare occasions when our paths cross, it is a pure and undiluted delight to hear.

    "After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music"

    I hope all the contributors to this fine forum are well, content, fulfilled and optimistic.

    Tomorrow, I depart to the winter wonderland that is Banff, in the heart of the Canadian Rockies. Dog sledding, sleigh rides, red wine, cheese fondues, steak, whisky and hot springs await.

    As words are woefully inadequate when it comes to describing the majesty of the region, take a look at the webcam on the Banff Gondola website and decide for yourself. Nature truly is inspiring.

    Good day to you all

    Dr T

  144. At 05:48 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Andrew wrote:

    Oh for christ sakes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how did we ever have an empire? You don't think he actually reads these do you........YOU DO.........!

  145. At 05:50 PM on 29 Nov 2006, manny wrote:

    I used to not get what a good day was but today was a good day You dont get many days where things go right all daybut today was one of them.
    It started with my little Gabriella, only 9 days old but already in a good rountine which includes only getting us up once at night. Had a great cuddle with the wife in the morning.
    Jordan my eldest was up and dressed before I was so I didnt have to chase after him.
    Got to work and it has been an easy day. A meeting I didnt want to go to has been changed to Friday - my day off- got some good orders in and had a laugh most of the day.
    Top that off with the fact that I have been asked to go to a 5 day exhibition in Abu Dhabi in Feb.
    Got home and Harvey and Jordan came running to greet me, can smell roast chicken cooking, got a great kiss from the wife and am now feeding Gabriella her bottle.
    Doesnt get any better so I now get what being happy really is.

  146. At 06:12 PM on 29 Nov 2006, jillygoat wrote:

    Manny # 144 - What a lovely picture of family life you've painted.

    I got a wee bit teary-eyed reading your blog - my brother and family (four kids under 6) emigrated to New Zealand in January and I've just got an email to say that my beautiful niece who's five was rushed to hospital last night (their time) and is on a drip and allsorts of stuff and they're still not sure what's wrong. It's hit home just how far away they are and how helpless I feel - not having kids of my own they've become my surrogates! I've now got to ring nana & grandad to give them the news .....

    Would you give your kiddywinks an extra cuddle from me?

    jillygoat x

  147. At 06:20 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Oh, honeybun! You need to take a good old hot toddy!


    Double shot of single malt whiskey
    Juice of 1 lemon
    1 cinnamon stick
    a little grated ginger
    tablepoon of manuka honey

    Just like Gilly's suggestion, but a bit more expensive (have you seen the price of manuka honey!?!)

    Umm ... why the high blood pressure? You look great on the webcam so you must be hiding the saggy skin! Talking of saggy skin ... Jan Leeming ... multicoloured swimsuit ... need I say anymore!?

    I don't get the Simpsons, Futerama or Seinfield either! Or Lost .... what's with that?!

    Loads of love and hugs from the blustery Highlands of Scotland, Susan >

  148. At 06:26 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hey ... meant to say .... we are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!! I head back up to Inverness, from Oban, tomorrow night with my Mum and our 21 month old daughter. We pick up hubby Andrew from home ... get the sleeper ... arrive in London Friday morning!!! How exciting is that?

    We are seeing a show ... taking a champaigne trip on the London eye ... any other suggestions, bearing in mind we have a toddler?

  149. At 06:29 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Joannie (Toronto) wrote:

    Am off out to run some errands soon but wanted to add......

    Keith.....awwwww I was determined to do the foot and hand thing but alas you were right......do you think with practice it can be done??? Just think, people working in cubicles and offices will be sent home cos they look like they are having a funny turn!!! :-)

    Manny - you put everything into perspective :-) Cherish those moments for sure....

    Littlest Hobo....enjoy the rockies...I have not been but I know they are magnificent - my son is moving to Calgary and he has been - you are right, nature IS inspiring.

    Have a good evening all......hope you feel better Chris :-)
    Joannie xxx

  150. At 06:39 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Have you lost the plot Chris? lol Is that fever in need of some kind of strange treatment?

    Now let me get this straight, you don't get Snoopy but you're ok with a Pooh?

    And where exactly does Rick Stein fit in here? lol

    Dr Ross prescribes a week in the Caymans with two good lady friends!

    Ross Hemsworth
    Net Talk Radio

  151. At 06:41 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Richard Anstey from Birmingham wrote:

    I just don't get Ricky Gervais. I just do not find him funny in anything! Not the Office, Extras or even his standup stuff.

    I don't understand why people find him funny!

    I get other forms of comedy but not him!

  152. At 06:44 PM on 29 Nov 2006, cathmel wrote:

    Big'un - you have saved from half an hour of boredum I am determined to stop this darn foot turning anticlockwise

    Lynne - Jasper is settling in well thank you. He is completely house trained and is enjoying his walks. I think it's doing us all good to go for our after dinner walk.

    Missing Dad today :-(

    Love to u all

    Sad Catherine

  153. At 07:06 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Emma wrote:

    Winnie the pooh lives in a glass box on an upstairs floor of New York Library in Manhattan.

    All his friend are there too. I dunno who gave him to the American's but I signed his guest book.

    Piglet looks like a bean bag.

  154. At 07:42 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    i was just hoping to hear about the party with the d.g.
    i hope i didn't miss anything
    all the best (keep whistling)

  155. At 08:08 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Amanda wrote:

    Hi folks! I am sorry you are not well Chris...hope it is not the same strand of plague that I currently have. I just cannot shake this!

    Well, I have come down from my celebrating after winning yesterday's blog contest. What can I say? I have no life.

    What I do not get? - Reality Shows. all of them! They are all ridiculous and a complete waste of time.

    What I used to not get? Monty Python. Now I just cannot get enough of them! Same goes for "This is Spinal Tap".

    Have a great day!

  156. At 08:36 PM on 29 Nov 2006, pete w wrote:

    I am so pleased that I am not the only person in the uk that doesn't get little britain.Also I have housebricks with more talent then Reeves and Mortimer.

  157. At 08:43 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Gilly wrote:

    2nd time on today.

    Loved, loved, LOVED the whistling man on the show tonight- what a beautiful, heart-rending wonderful sound!!
    Already looking forward to Red Nose Day 2007!!

    Brought back very happy memories of my Dad- especially when you played I was Kaiser Bill's Batman...he could whistle every note of it too. When me and my sister were kids (in the days when you could play outside on the street) we always knew when it was time to go home, cause Dad would do this absolutely air-wrenching -, ear-splitting whistle that had us gunning for home before he'd finished!!!

    Love to all,

  158. At 09:22 PM on 29 Nov 2006, bunty wrote:

    christophe lamb pie you poor brave little soldier.

    Don't worry, it's your pre-christmas blow-out. All the little white cells are busy zapping the baddies in your system and you'll be flying by yuletide, hurrah!

    Now then I have to make a shocking confession.

    I don't get Little Britain. Yes I know I know but I don't get it. I've tried and I've failed.

    Big Brother. Boring.

    And remember There's Something About Mary. Nope. Never got it, despite just about everybody who knows me telling me I would. And Jim Carrey. Dumb and Dumber. All lost. In fact there's another one. Lost.

    Is it me? Ah now then...Is It Me. The fabulous Sir Pository, Wogan. Get him. Bless his little fat socks.

    And why oh why do I have the irresistible urge to snog the face off Noel Gallagher but don't get Liam? That can't be right.

    I'm off now. I'm boring meself.

    Hope your head soon gets better. As my dear departed father Eric once said to the Lady Mayoress when she turned up at the rugby club wearing an attractive white turban.


  159. At 09:30 PM on 29 Nov 2006, DMS wrote:

    I never understood why Monty Python made everyone laugh - when I watch it it bores me to tears. I completely get loads of other stuff like:
    Little Britain
    Young Ones
    and loads more than I can be bothered to type out.

    Loved the show today - as always.

  160. At 09:53 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Lynne wrote:

    Late today only just managed to catch up with everyone after being out for part of the day. Chris hadn't blogged before I left.

    Hope you are feeling better by tomorrow Chris. There's certainly loads of advice offered here on the blog you can take your pick from.

    I often don't get things first time around. Then I catch up with them later.

    No one has mentioned Green Wing. That is hilarious!

    Love the Marx Brothers but haven't seen them in ages.

    Husband loves Laurel and Hardy, I find them sometimes irritating, but love some of it too. The museum in Ulverston, in Cumbria is worth a visit if you're a fan.

    Cathmel- I'm sure you'll enjoy the walks with Jasper, and feel some benefit from them too. Know what it's like missing your dad, and mum also.

    Jillygoat- hope you get some encouraging news soon.

    So Sad- things seem to be working out okay. Hope they continue. I had been wondering about you earlier today.

    Nicki- swing story very funny.

    Hazel Love- Let me get in early as it's not long now, Happy Birthday or in Swedish:-

    'Grattis tonåring!'

    That means congratulations teenager. Am I anywhere near?

    I only know that because I was busy translating my nephews card earlier today. He is 13 next week. I carried his card all round town not seeing a post box anywhere. So I will have to post it in the village tomorrow. A mildly funny story:-

    We had been in Sweden a number of weeks before we got a telephone call from someone saying we had been posting our letters in their mail box! My fault, it looked just like the ones you post them in to send letters. I had disregarded the fact that they had their name in large print across the front of it. Oops!

    Who is Russel Brand?

    I miss Cadbury's

    Oh and I talked to my grandson earlier this evening. Haven't a clue what he said! He's 2 in January. Bless.

    It's too late for anyone to read this now except the insomniacs, or shift workers, or if Chris posts late tomorrow. We're an hour ahead of the UK, not sure about Toronto.

    Nite all, sweet slumbers.

    Lynne x

  161. At 09:57 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Lynne wrote:

    p.s. I can't whistle. I've always wanted to.

    My neice has been able to whistle from a young age.

  162. At 10:12 PM on 29 Nov 2006, Dave wrote:

    I don't get "Eastenders" or any "Casulty" type progs. One on tonight about the brain surgeons? Who on earth wants to see people going through what is probably the hardest time in their lives?!

  163. At 10:47 PM on 29 Nov 2006, hayleycaesar wrote:

    hi christophe and all
    a first time blog visitor - don't know where i could have been til now...
    am a nursery teacher and am always getting sneezed on - my sympathies!
    magic roundabout - didn't get it but now...
    hate cringe tv - frank spencer, little britain, league of gentlemen, ricky gervais.don't like to squirm in me own living room.
    love eddie izzard - how could you not?

  164. At 11:26 PM on 29 Nov 2006, cate D wrote:

    I get telletubbies, Snoopy, Buffy, Bones, little miss jocelyn, and (does anyone else remember it) Ludwig. I think Jane Austen is the greatest

    I did/do not get The Office (I have worked for someone just like David Brent), tittybangbang and Charles Dickens (too many words).

    Night night all

    Lots of positve vibes to those in need.

    Cated x

  165. At 11:42 PM on 29 Nov 2006, wrote:

    So ... how are you feeling honey? Taken your toddy yet? Make sure you rest up as much as you can!

    Oh ... tonights show was great by the way. All those whistling songs and what was that whistler like?! Where do you find those folk?

    So .... do you ever get time to read all these comments? And have you visited some of your blogger's site ... there are some crackers!

    Hugs, Susan >

  166. At 07:00 AM on 30 Nov 2006, wrote:


    I think it might have beem Snoopy's all knowing awareness of what was going on, combined with his ironic detachment from it all, a detachment we admire him for. We'd be the same perhaps, if we could be get away with it..especially if surrounded by such characters.

    Charlied Brown was martyred for being an unsophisticated simpleton..good heart but uncool..maybe we can relate to that though we'd hope not to be found out.

    I think generally it just captures the bizarrely honest and extreme would of the children very well.

    What about Tintin..that's where its all really happening.

  167. At 07:22 AM on 30 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Snoopy is the worst creation,ever.
    Made his master a fortune though!
    Laurel and Hardy, now your talking. How can you not like them Chris? Come on get a grip!!
    Rick Stein, his food tastes of nothing, jammy .....!!

  168. At 08:30 AM on 30 Nov 2006, Jill wrote:

    'Morning All

    MOOSE - it's dawned on me that people have to have most of the 10 listed characteristics to be blogaholics as those who are in othe circs. don't have the time to read/contribute as they'd like to. I'm addicted to the blog and make time to read all the comments - which I really enjoy - but that's often v late at night when there's little point adding anything more!

    Agree with the defence of Snoopy and gang, thought they were great and must look out the books again. So much to do, so many places to go, prioritising is a a real SKILL... How do I acquire it? "Something's gotta give" as the song goes.

    Thirsty Thursday. Let's all toast Hazel - HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAZEL!!!

    Cakes and candles

    Jill xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  169. At 08:34 AM on 30 Nov 2006, Tiggy wrote:

    Hi again
    Becks #82, thanks for the tip, will definitely try Wee Free Men

    Ian G #94, glad I managed to dispel Bertha from your mind!


  170. At 09:05 AM on 30 Nov 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Morning bloggers and happy birthday to Hazel Love :-)
    How old are you?
    A man walked up to a little old woman called Hazel rocking in a chair on her porch.

    "I couldn't help noticing how happy you look," he said. "What's your secret for a long happy life?"

    "I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day," she said. "I also drink a case of red wine a week, eat fatty foods, and never exercise."

    "That's amazing," the man said. "How old are you?'

    "Twenty-six," said Hazel.

    (only joking Hazel, I mean we all know you are not 26!! :-0)))))

  171. At 09:42 AM on 30 Nov 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Good morning schmorning

    I was hoping to get on 'today's' page, Chris having blogged, before I go out - mainly so I could wish Hazel Love a Happy Birthday. However, I can wait no longer so........


    Also, bon voyage to Littlest Hobo - have a wonderful time in the winter wonderland - a votre sante.


    I expect when I send this and refresh the page , Chris will have blogged! - happens to me sooo often . lol!!

  172. At 09:47 AM on 30 Nov 2006, Gaby wrote:

    ps does anyone know where I left my address book - not a good time of year to lose it!!


    pps it's a good job I am going out now, otherwise the blog police would 'get me' for doing it too many times (those were the days : ))

  173. At 09:47 AM on 30 Nov 2006, Tessa Beeching wrote:

    Morning Chris

    I have woken up with my glands enlarged! I look like a saggy hamster! It hurts too.

    Hope you are feeling better today. I am off to watch day time tv now!


  174. At 09:49 AM on 30 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Morning honey! Morning fellow blogees!

    Thought I'd post here as your today's blog isn't up yet. How are you feeling? Hope your cold is getting better!

    It is soooooooooooooooooo stormy up here in the Highlands! I hope there is no disruption to our travels to London tonight! The MET office has a severe weather warning for our area with 60% chance of disruption! I'm holding out for that 40%!

    I love to fly ... my hubby and Mum hate it, hence we are getting the sleeper train tonight from Inverness. How many fellow blogees hate flying?

    Have a thumping Thursday! Hugs frae bony Scotland, Susan xx

  175. At 10:00 AM on 30 Nov 2006, Gaby wrote:

    I posted a post wishing Hazel Love a Happy Birthday, and it got conviscated : ( : (

    It's disappearance also makes my post above seem like nonsense (not for the first time, I hear you cry)


    laters - am off to the naughty corner....AGAIN!!!


  176. At 10:32 AM on 30 Nov 2006, Jo wrote:

    Aaaah (in a Â鶹ԼÅÄr style shriek), todays blog won't let me comment


    :o) Jo

  177. At 12:21 PM on 30 Nov 2006, wrote:

    I know what you mean about Charlie Brown and his mates. They used to freak me out. I didn't know what they were talking about half the time. And there was always that rubbish jazz music playing in the background. As a kid I found it kind of disturbing.

    One thing I don't get is Ed, Edd and Eddy on Cartoon Network. I think the writers are on amphetamines. No line of dialogue seems to follow on from the last. The characters seem to speak and act in a completely random way.

    re laurel and hardy - if you don't get it, you're probably thinking too hard. Basically, you either find it funny to see a man being hit on the head with a plank, or you don't.

    ps get well soon

  178. At 01:55 PM on 30 Nov 2006, wrote:

    Hello all

    This message belongs to tomorrows blog entry, which appears not to be accepting comments!

    Thanks for the free recipe Chris. I've passed it on to Dolores, who may use it when training Denise in the kitchen.

    In return for your generosity, I've asked Dr Booth to post you a copy of my book-of-the-blog. He tells me it has just gone into the post so you should receive a copy (providing it gets past the front door of Â鶹ԼÅÄ HQ with out being confiscated by someone keen to read about my misadventures themselves) in the next couple of days. I'm telling you this so that if the book doesn't turn up, you'll know something has gone wrong somewhere between Cambridge (from where Dr Booth has dispatched the tome) and London.

    I was amused to read that Enzo requires a carrier bag to contain his excrement. Even for a German Shepherd this would be considered excessive. Are you sure he isn't raiding your food cupboard whilst you are away? Dogs are getting smarter with each generation because that's how we are breeding them...


    J McC

  179. At 02:14 PM on 30 Nov 2006, johnnio wrote:

    Hi everyone,
    There seems to be a problem with today's blog. You were talking on it about recipes, so thought I'd send you a few, free of charge:

    Here's one for fried rice:

    Cumin powder
    Scallions (or Spring onions if your english)
    Cooked rice

    Heat some oil in a wok, heat some cumin powder, chillies and garlic for no more than a few minutes. Throw in the boiled rice, mix it thoroughly, add the scallions and coriander, mix them up for about 30 seconds and .... Ta-dah!

    For those of you who are into Thai food, I have a great recipe for Thai green chicken curry, made from scratch - none of your poncey sharwood sauces:


    (Chilli Paste)

    Lemon Grass
    Garlic (2 cloves)
    Green Chilles
    Cumin (ground)
    Rind of a lime (keep the rest of the lime for later)
    Coriander (Preferably fresh, but failing that, ground will do)

    Other ingredients:
    Chicken - cut into cubes
    Thai Fish sauce (NOT chinese, ONLY Thai - completely different taste)
    Coconut cream or coconut milk
    Demerera Sugar (two tablespoons)

    Heat some oil in a wok and once it's hot enough, add the chicken and cook until it's brown (about 3-5 minutes), while you're doing this, using a blender, mix the chilli paste ingredients together then take 2 spoonfuls (one spoonful per person) and mix in with the chicken.
    Cook for 5 minutes.
    Add coconut milk/cream and fish sauce, turn the heat down and cook for a further 10-15 minutes on a low heat, cut up the aubergine into cubes and add into the mix along with the lime juice, and the demerera sugar.
    Leave for 5-10 minutes

    Serve with boiled rice.

    And the best of the lot:

    I've got a recipe (if you can call ingredients for a drink a recipe) for a special mexican coffee, very alcoholic, very fattening, dangerous to do when drunk (nearly burnt apartments down in Cyprus, twice!), but delicious.


    Coffee (of course!)
    Chocolate Ice Cream
    Cinnamon powder
    A ladle
    Double cream

    ...and a gas cooker!

    Using the lemon, squeeze a segment around the rim of the glass, pour some sugar onto a saucer, turn the glass upside down and twist, so that there is a little bit of sugar round the rim of the glass.
    Pour a shot of Kahlua into the glass, lower the glass (carefully!!) towards the gas flame and allow the flames to light the alcohol, sprinkle the cinnamon into the Kahlua - if you have an audience, you can impress them with this by twirling the glass and the cinnamon will sparkle as you sprinkle it in - add the coffee, leaving room for the tequila.
    Using a teaspoon, add a teaspoon of chocolate ice cream, and mix the ice cream into the coffee, add the double cream, using the back of a cold spoon, pour it in slowly.

    Now the piece de resistance, pour the tequila into the ladle, hold it over the flame and allow it to boil, tilt it gently and it will catch fire, now, be careful, using the ladle pour the tequila into the glass, as you get more and more experienced you can hold the ladle higher as you pour in (and as you get more and more drunk, but please, please be careful), when I first saw it done in a restaurant in Spain, the waiter stood on a chair and poured it from about four foot from the glass - don't try this until your more experienced - then, enjoy!!!
    Very strong, but very nice - you need to experiment with the measurements, it's well worth it though - perfect for after the end of a really nice dinner party.

    Just be careful with the flames!!!

  180. At 05:00 PM on 30 Nov 2006, John Miller wrote:

    please can you give me the web site for the whistler that was on your show 29/11/06

  181. At 08:55 PM on 30 Nov 2006, dave soper wrote:

    love the show but mothers cooking is allways the best i m a lorry driver so i listen to you most days

  182. At 11:48 AM on 23 Jan 2007, kazi wrote:

    Whens red nose day in 2007 thanks

  183. At 06:23 PM on 23 Feb 2007, wrote:

    mmm.. nice design, I must say..

  184. At 06:19 PM on 21 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Hello world

  185. At 06:22 PM on 21 Jun 2007, wrote:

    I'm really impressed!

This post is closed to new comments.


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