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Chris Evans | 07:18 UK time, Tuesday, 3 October 2006

Looks like it鈥檚 going to be a great day break but I reckon it鈥檚 going to go off pretty soon after. Hasn鈥檛 the rain been biblical ?

Me and a couple of pals are up and at it real early, in fact we鈥檙e on our way out in just a sec.

Big K. and Marcus Marcus, both slept in the living room last night, they鈥檙e banging about in the kitchen as I write鈥

Golf calls, not a full eighteen, just maybe nine or perhaps twelve.

Twelve is the perfect number for a round of golf. Eighteen is too long, nine not enough. Originally golf was twenty two holes. Twenty two, the magic number.

Twenty two yards on a cricket pitch. Twenty two yards on a tennis court. Twenty two players on a footy pitch. Twenty two letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Twenty twoooooh !

If you had to be a member of Monty Python, which one would you be ?

Michael Palin, every time. Nice, nice guy.

If you had to be an ex Pres, who would you be ?

Thomas Jefferson, the Bill Clinton of his day. He penned the line, 鈥淭he Pursuit of Happiness.鈥 Mind you he did also believe in the slave system, so may be I鈥檇 just opt for being big bad Bill.

If you had to be anyone at all from History, who would you be ?

Walt Disney. (I don鈥檛 believe he was anti-Semitic)

How about you ?

Did I tell you how nice Laura Davies was ?

What about Greg Rusedski ?

He was lovely too and apparently a neighbour of mine.

David Cameron鈥檚 not got it in my opinion, thought he might have but now he reminds me of a Harry Enfield character.

The search for a new host for Countdown continues, apparently I鈥檓 33-1 at the bookies, well you can forget that, no value whatsoever.

The Big Idea continues to gather momentum.

And life is always sweet.

Now why hasn鈥檛 one of those two mountains of men brought me a cuppa yet ?


12.28 update.

Walt Disney was a humanist and envirometalist way ahead of his time, he never drew cartoons, he wasn't good enough, don't comment on things you have no idea about, otherwise people will just think you're a knob.

Just had a massive fry up and was watching an old episode of countdown when they used me as a clue to a teatime teaser...

E G G D I N E R... Add some spice, goo evans ?


Whoopee, I love it when I'm a clue.

Golf was great, just played the twelve holes, glorious weather all the way through, seems we got the best of the day.

Thinking about doing negative marketing on the show tonight, that and the five most valuable recipes in the world. We think the recipe for coca cola is probably worth the most. I heard it's formula is caled RX 7, like the toyota car.

Several more Countdowns to be watched, the Telegraph crossword and subconscious weight loss, that's how my lunchtime's shaping up.

Is it me or is there a certain peskiness in the air? Good peskiness.

ta ta again xxx


  1. At 07:52 AM on 03 Oct 2006, Katie wrote:

    Good morning Chris & all

    Well I do hope you don't all get drowned out there on the course today and that you get a good round of golf in. The rain we've had over the last couple of days has been just amazing, gorgeous to listen to when you're inside but not nice for those who have to be in it or sadly live in it.

    Who would I be, who would I be....

    Monty Python - Michael Palin

    Ex president - don't think I'd want to rule a country so I'm going to pass on this one

    Anyone from history - wow, this is a real biggy as there are just so many people that you would be so proud (and amazed) to be, so I'm going to go with Enid Blyton.

    Re the big idea - any clues as to when it will all come out and about or is it still in the early 'hush hush' stage yet?

    At the mention of a cuppa, that's where I'm off now as my son has very kindly made me one.


  2. At 08:16 AM on 03 Oct 2006, Andyroo wrote:

    brilliant, just what i need early in the morning!

    Its only a short post, because i need to get going to uni.

    Personally I would like to perhaps write like Roald Darl, but do you know what, i quite like being my self really!

    have a good day all!


  3. At 08:24 AM on 03 Oct 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    Morning everyone.

    I'm a day late but I think the best presenter for Countdown would be Boris Johnson - I do believe he means no harm, but is a dangerous man due to his blunderingness. You did say we should be uncertain of their level of intellegence!

    As for the any person from history, I think i will go with Darwin. What an amazing life he must have lead, and besides I've always wanted to go to the galapagos islands!

    MW, a!

  4. At 08:30 AM on 03 Oct 2006, Daniel Floyd wrote:

    Morning Chris - and everyone;

    Hope you are all well.

    Ooo questions, questions - well Monty Python...I'd go for Michael Palin as well.

    As for the Pres I'd probably go for JFK...even though hypothetically I know my fate - but should I duck?

    Well now the anyone question 鈥 that is a biggie and one most people will think about all day and change their minds often! There are so many great people out there 鈥 Sir Edward Hilary, all round talented artist and genuine nice guy Rolf Harris, what about a genius 鈥 Einstein? Depends on what you want to add to the world 鈥 explorer breaking boundaries, inventions 鈥 albeit that Einstein created a monster for the world鈥or me though I think I鈥檇 prefer to give people something to remember and laugh at time and time again; new and old generations. I鈥檇 be Ronnie Barker.

    This is another good one; let your ideas flow.

    Have a great day everyone.



  5. At 08:49 AM on 03 Oct 2006, Sammie wrote:

    Random this morning Chris!!!

    Enjoy the golf, the weather is lovely at the moment, rain forecast for later, but just now, my gardens are enveloped in a glorious autumn glow...

    I am very, very tired at present, work and life seem to be taking their toll, combine that with no holiday this year... you get the picture! I am taking half term off to spend with my Angels (14yo is devestated she won't have the house to herself..) and hoping for some more of this glorious sunshine so that we can go out and fly kites, collect conkers, walk in the country and anything else the kiddiwinks fancy (except shopping madam!!).

    Back to the grindstone I suppose!

    Have a tremendous Tuesday All!


  6. At 08:56 AM on 03 Oct 2006, Sammie wrote:


    Not sure what happened - deleted my 'famous' bit...

    American Pres - none, I like being British (!!!). Monty Python - has to be Palin, character from history - I would have to be one of the brave, extraordinary women that worked for the SOE in WWII - Sonia Olschanezky for example...

    Have a good 'un!!

  7. At 08:56 AM on 03 Oct 2006, Em 25 wrote:


    Tuesday! Not such a bad day, tonight I am going out with some people I used to work with in an old hotel in a small town. I met the best people in that hotel. I met a man who had had his own law firm and been a millionare in his time, now this 60 year old man was a waiter, actually the best waiter. He was gay and had been married, his affair with a man not only bankrupted him but the guilt drove him to a breakdown. The bestfriend ive ever had.

    I met the most beautiful girl in the world called Cate, she was south african and enchanted all she met, I fell inlove with her for a while, I met the manager sally, the strongest women but with the saddest eyes but the best sense of humour!

    Marie the young girl that turn out to be an amazing women who is now travelling the world!

    The people I am going to meettonight are Linda and Pam, They are old enough easily to be my mothers but I dont think of them that way, they are the strongest women I have ever met. Both have lived real hard times, alot of which due to men. They live on there own now and lovethere independence, they form a strong group and have more fun than i have known! Linda seems hard and cold, she scared the shit out of me when I mether, but infact she has a huge heart and fabulous stories to tell, her sisters live in italy and africa and her son is in the secret service!

    In short I know its going to be a good night and a headache in the morning!!!

    As for chris your questions! President, Truman, to get the potential of what he could have done at that time right!

    As for person from history, Audrey Hepburn, well which women wouldnt want to be!

    Oh and Michael Palin! Maybe just for his later life, I would love to travel like that!!!


  8. At 09:07 AM on 03 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Morning Chris

    I was up and about early this morning too, walking round the golf course... but with my dogs not a set of clubs and a ball (just yet). I swung my first club last week so I don't think I'm ready for the full on game just yet. Golf courses are lovely places though especially first thing in the morning if the sun's out.

    I know what you mean about David Cameron being like Tim nice but dim, shame, he talks really well.

    I was born the same date as Walt Disney, not the same day obviously or I would be 104 (which would be some sort of acheivement) and I'm only 38. He truly was a genius though and I commend you for wanting to be him. I guess if I had to be anyone from the past I'd want to have been Doris Day, I always wanted to be Doris when I was little.

    Right, time for work but one final thought..... "Before drawing boards what did we go back to?"


  9. At 09:28 AM on 03 Oct 2006, a Scot in the Medway wrote:

    Christophe et bloggettes!

    I think you have a marketable thing with the 12-hole course.

    As I've mentioned before I'm not a golfer. A lot of my contemporaries were and my dad used to play, but by the time I came along he was too busy in the shop to take me and show me how to play. My mate Steve tried to show me, but I spent more time taking chunks out the Lawns than hitting the ball.

    I wish I had a sport or similar hobby. I used to go to the gym before work, but now I've got a longer commute, I've let it fall by the wayside recently. Of course I don't have to start work at 8am... I just always do!

    Python - Graham Chapman.

    Ex-President... Nelson Mandela (well you didn't state US Pres)

    Person from history... Neil Armstrong

    back to work now.... busy time as I'm going on hols this week.... gotta get everything sorted and do lots of handovers...

    PS.... wasn't Tim Vine brill on good-day, bad-day yesterday and I had no idea he was Jez' bro!!!

  10. At 09:31 AM on 03 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Good morning all

    So many questions so early in the morning. I've barely had my second sup of tea (courtesy of Ravel, who is doing a sterling job of making me comfortable here in my secluded Scottish croft).

    But in the spirit of the blog, and because there isn't much else to do, let me have a stab at your questions.

    Monty Python. - I would have to choose Cleese, mainly because he got to romp around with Jamie Lee Curtis in a Fish called Wanda

    ex Pres - Jimmy Carter, mainly because he founded the Carter foundation which is dedicated to reducing the burden of parasitic infections in developing countries (true story!)

    Anyone from History - easy. I would like to have been Professor Ebeneezer McCumbernauld. He founded the Cumbernauld Institute of Parasitology and was a pioneer in his field during the reign of Queen Victoria. Sometimes, the uncaany parallels between his life and mine make me wonder whether.......no, I must not allow my scientific brain to entertain such a notion.

    As for your suggestions

    1) Greg Rusedski. No, I would have both an identity problem and an inferiority complex

    2) Laura Davies - No, on the grounds that I would hve been paid less than if she had been born Larry Davies.

    3) David Cameron - No, on the grounds that he is a wolf in sheeps clothing. My granny told me never to trust such people. I argued that wolves have many fine properties, not least that of loyalty and the ability to function as part of an efficient pack.

    Oh, with that in mind maybe Cameron isn't a wolf at all......

    J McC

  11. At 09:46 AM on 03 Oct 2006, James or Parsnip wrote:

    Walt Disney is a curious choice, Chris. Why? No, more than that: WHY? There are so many more interesting people than a man who drew a mouse and who founded a bizarrely Stalinist conglomorate.

    I'll got for Christopher Marlowe. Top playwright and poet, and packed an awful lot into his (admittedly short) life. Or Marc Bolan, 'cos I like his hat. Tell me a better reason.

    Monty Python - Terry Jones. I like his historical stuff. But then, he is insane.

    As to #3, Mariella, I don't think there's any doubting Boris Johnson's intelligence. I know it seems unlikely, but he's really, really sharp. The idiotic bluster thing is a useful decoy.

  12. At 10:09 AM on 03 Oct 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    #11 James or Parsnip.

    That was my point really. I did write my post fairly early and with a head full of 'things to do' I kept it quite short, and didn't explain myself properly. I find Boris' bumbling highly entertaining and I believe it is a true part of his personality - and on various game show appearances he has come across as a bit bewildered. Chris said in his blog yesterday that the audience should have the feeling of being slightly confused as to the intelligence of the host - and I believe Boris would pull this off to a tee. I don't question his brain power, I believe his persona would suit the position.

    On a lighter note I understand that Parsnip is your cat's name. Sorry if I've got this wrong. I had a cat called Onion. Is there something about root vegetables as pets names or is it just us??

    MW. a!

  13. At 10:10 AM on 03 Oct 2006, Kevin A wrote:

    Morning all...first timer.first blog visit anywhere.

    chain..22 yards..4rods (the length of the stick needed to control the front ox as part of a ploughing team) furrow long (furlong) the length a team could plough before needing a brief rest to turn. One chain by one furlong = 1 acre..wow there is a symettry to it all.

    Python..definitely Palin...seriously nice bloke wife met him in Walsall Art Gallery and chatted away nicely

    History...oooh difficult..maybe Duke of Wellington..successful and few doubts

    Cameron..agree Tim NBD..haven't the Tories realised that we are fed up with Blair so a Blair cloneis not the way forward

    Time for my third cuppa before I get on about how much money is being wasted by central government in the NHS..perhaps more later

    Best wishes to all


  14. At 10:11 AM on 03 Oct 2006, cath wrote:

    Bonjour tout le monde.

    Can't answer any of these questions - am a bit hung over and brain won't get into gear this morning!!

    Except - can I be married to someone famous rather than being someone famous? If so, I'd like to be James Stewart's wife. What a lovely gentle bloke he was - and I think he died of a broken heart soon after she did. Do people die of broken hearts any more?

    I wish William Hague would come back for the tories - he's so witty, I think he's got a lot to offer.

    Hope the golf goes well Chris. What's the big idea? You're such a tease sometimes. And how's the house hunt going?? Are you still going after the lovely man's house?

    Have great days everyone.

  15. At 10:24 AM on 03 Oct 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Hi Chris and fellow members of the inner circle. Hey ho! Another day......
    Following yesterday's shannanigans I am surprisingly lively and optimistic today. I found the 拢50 I'd 'mislaid' but not before I had gone through two black sacks of rubbish. One was recycling only - very civilised - just some beer and wine and JD juice to contend with. Luckily all food waste is sent to compost so not much to offend the searcher in bag 2 other than the possibility of finding something nasty!
    It was a great feeling finding that 拢50 and it was in an impossible place. The carrier bag bag. I keep a big posh carrier bag just for keeping carrier bags in. My son was determined that this 拢50 was going to be found even though I was in despair and despite my negativity he systematically searched the whole house whilst I churned out the bins.
    After about an hour of searching he handed me the carrier bag bag and instructed me to unravel every one and sure enough..........what a feeling! x

    I then had to reflect that had I not lost that 拢50 I couldn't have felt so happy about finding it which scrambled my tired little brain at bedtime. However the fact that my son had wanted it to happen so much and brought his magic to the search gave me a lovely warm glow that sent me off to the land of nod all happy and cosy. I made him I did. x

    ......and it's good to know that I don't have to spend the morning playing golf! Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden. Is there any truth in that? x

    Now I'll have a little think about who I'd like to be. It's tricky because I really do like being me except when I lose 拢50......or get a flattie.....or stare at my big belly.....x

    Happy Tuesday to all you lovely people. Enjoy being who you are.

    x*x*x*X Debs x*x*x*x

  16. At 10:35 AM on 03 Oct 2006, prof plum wrote:

    It's a beautiful day here, the sun is shining and the streaks of puffy white smoke can be seen from the high flying aircraft as they make their way to yet another destination.

    I think John Cleese would be my choice. I love the sense of the ridiculous. Fawlty Towers was based on a true story!

    It was really called The Gleneagles Hotel. Cleese was staying there on a project. One of his companions left his breifcase in reception one morning.

    Upon his return, he asked reception if they had discovered it. Basil Fawlty replied it's out by the swimming pool. "But is been raining all day replied John Cleese". "Well, said Basil it might have had a bomb in it".

    Not into Politics, but maybe the leader of the Raving Looney party.

    My historical character choice would be Agatha Christie. I love a good mystery and she lived in an idylic part of the world on the River Dart in Dartmouth. This is where The Onedin line was filmed many years ago.

    Have a nice day y'all

  17. At 10:39 AM on 03 Oct 2006, kev wrote:

    Gooooood Morning Chris,
    What a fantastic morning in Yorkshire it is.
    The monty python thingy, gotta be John Cleese he is the aristocratic englishman , but with a sense of humour. The typical gent and an intelligent person.
    A president is a hard one, I will say Bill Clinton but only cos' he plays the sax.( yes sax I said!!!). That makes him pretty cool, but he couldn't lie for toffee.( if you know what I mean)
    If I could be anyone in history it would be the great Charles Darwin how cool was he?
    Before I go, countdown host has to be Richard Digance what a comic.

    Cheers old bean catch you tomorrow

  18. At 10:46 AM on 03 Oct 2006, jackie wrote:

    Hi Chris
    I regularly listen to your show when I am cooking the tea. It brightens my day and I think that you have got the content mix just right. It is like a newspaper supplement/magazine with some fab music to listen to. I first heard James Morrison on your show and now play his CD most days.
    I am sure your show will go from strength to strength.
    I would be Bill Clinton, he has got bags of EQ (emotional intelligence)and oozes charm.

    Micheal Palin again has got bags of EQ, that's why people are drawn towards him.
    Funny isn't it we measure people in terms of their IQ, but levels of EQ are a greater indicator of whether you will be happy and successful or not.

    Have a great game of golf it is ideal weather, I agree an perfect game should be 12 holes!

  19. At 10:55 AM on 03 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris and Fellow Blog Readers, Happy Tuesday to everyone. I would not like to be anyone in history, or anyone famous, I am happy being me. David Cameron doesn't do it for me at all, but none of the politicians do anything for me at present. I just feel I cannot trust them.

    Totally off subject here, but has anyone else on here noticed on here people in general especially some older women nowadays seem to be getting more miserable. Yesterday I had half a jeep full of stuff we had cleared out from the store and the garage. I decided to take it all over to an independent charity shop in a nearby village. All decent stuff, no rubbish. When I arrived at the shop, I asked the two older female staff, if they were accepting stock. The one behind the counter actually pulled a face, as if to say, oh surely not more stuff for me to sort through! I nearly said, oh I will take it somewhere else, but then the other one said, ok, bring it in the shop. Not so happy when I asked if she could possibly help me unload it from the car as there was so much and it was quite heavy.

    I didn't want them to fall over themselves with gratitude receiving my stuff (some of which was quite sentimental to me, even though I didn't want it anymore), but I thought how graceless and uncourteous they were. Especially as my hubby said, I was giving them their stock in trade. There was a brief "thank you" from the less rude one, but just a stony face from the face pulling one, and that was it!!

    I wanted to give it away rather than sell it at a car boot sale, thought it would be good for a charity raising funds for cancer could benefit, and I know for a fact some of the stuff was quite valuable, but it is only "things" after all. But their attitude quite put a damper on my day.

    Sorry to rant, but if it had been younger people, older people would say, "typical of the younger generation today etc". Then to cap it all, I watched an older woman in the supermarket fingering all the freshly baked rolls and putting some back, totally ignoring the clearly labelled tongs for the purpose!

    Well, I shall continue being courteous, polite and cheerful, even though sometimes I feel I am battling against all odds with some people. Again, apologies for ranting, but I have got it off my chest I guess. Love and Light, Still Smiling, Kaiser Chef! aka Jeannie xxxxxxxxx

  20. At 11:13 AM on 03 Oct 2006, Ben FitzP wrote:

    I've played golf this morning. Nine holes. Lovely morning in Northern Ireland. Sun shining, birds singing. Can't seem to hit my fairway woods at the moment. Struggling.......

    Member of Monty Python?
    John Cleese. Genius.

    Ex President?
    Bill Clinton. He was cool if a little naughty!

    Anyone in History?
    That's a tough one. Einstein would be boring I think, Elvis is too obvious and I don't care too much for burgers! Somebody like Neil Armstrong would be amazing. What an experience (if in fact it was true!)

    You're right David Cameron hasn't got it. Nor has Gordon Brown. David Miliband is the chap.

    Greg Rusedski strikes me as a thoroughly nice bloke. I think I'd play golf with him.

    Hope you're big idea is the return of TFI. Loved it. Some of the old clips on Youtube are amazing aren't they? Gaby Roslin's a babe.

  21. At 11:31 AM on 03 Oct 2006, SImon wrote:


    Just a quickie as I'm about to head of to Spain for a few days golfing with my pals - are you jealous Chris :-).

    Anyway, can someone flag up


    a bit more publically. Save it as a your homepage, click on it daily and they donate cups of food to the starving millions. Costs you nothing and you have to turn your web browser on anyway!!! Great.

    Please do it.

    Cheery by!!

  22. At 12:07 PM on 03 Oct 2006, F 38 wrote:


    Monthy Python - I would have to go with John Cleese - he is so funny. And only being 5"1.5' I would love to be tall.

    Ex pres. - Ruth Dreifuss, I just Switzerland is a beautiful country. But I would have to change the hair and glasses.

    History - Charlotte Bronte, I'm loving Jane Eyre and I would love to write a classic.

    Now - if I were the first President of UK I would change the working and school hours during the winter. I would make us all start at 1.00pm. Then we could all enjoy the daylight hours, and go walking, cycling, dog walking, play golf etc etc. Kids could play out in the parks etc. Quality time during the week as well as weekends.

  23. At 12:15 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Erasmus Pipebagger wrote:

    Hi Chris & bloggers....

    Walt Disney - wouldn't have thought he'd be anti-Semitic....he was a Freemason (which is why Mickey Mouse wears white gloves in case it appears in a pub quiz!) and without giving it chapter and verse, Freemasonry and Old Testament stuff are well linked.

    Right about Cameron and Palin......good calls there

  24. At 12:21 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Eleanor's mum wrote:

    Wow - tough blog today, what with all the questions...

    As for which Python I'd be, it would have to be Graham Chapman, then I'd be the cutest of the lot.

    Which American Prez? Probably JFK, despite getting assassinated, he seemed to be the only leader with his head screwed on the right way.

    Anyone in history? Eleanor of Aquitaine. My daughter's named after her, and she was a strong, feisty female in an age where women were suposed to be demure and quiet. She also gave birth to three men who became kings, so it says a lot about her parenting skills.

    You'd rock Christophe as a Countdown host - though can't see you in a stripy jacket and tie for some reason...

    I'd love a famous neighbour - but then I'd lose my cool and would be sneakign noseying looks into their kitchens of a dark evening... not good for the ego.

    When will The Big Idea be launched? Am so curious now, it's starting to itch.

  25. At 12:49 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Ian Braintree wrote:

    The RX7 was a Mazda - not a Toyota!!!!

  26. At 12:49 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Chris Pocock wrote:

    Hi all - you are witnessing a momentous occasion as I am now, as I write, losing my blgging virginity.

    There! It's gone!

    And I don't feel any different. Never mind - now so far as golf is concerned I could never understand the attraction - sorry all you golfers - I'd rather spend the day trying to catch fish - not the sort youput back but the ones you bring home for tea. Loverly.

    Which president - Bill C - he had his cake, ate it and still came out on top (is that a mixed metaphor?)

    Which python - Palin is a strong candidate for sure, but I'd go for terry Gilliam - that guy has true creativity through and through.

    A character from history - I was tempted by Churchill but couldn't face those periods of depression. Peter Ustinov for me such an interesting guy, and I've never heard anybody say a bad word about him.

    My nomination for countdown host is Stephen Fry - he could give them all a run for their money.

    And David Cameron - another politician - all much the same so far as I can see. They just tell different lies about the same things. Don't trust any of 'em abnd you won't go far wrong.

    And finally, a little something to make us all really cheerful - it's mess than 10 weeks to Christmas!

  27. At 12:55 PM on 03 Oct 2006, joanie wrote:

    fantastic blog as always, refreshing, stimulating, intriguing and so much more! I have been a blog lurker for ages but had to post cos you can't lurk forever someont always finds you!!!

    Ex-Pres - don't have a preference but I wouldn't mind being an ex-first lady, it would have to be Hilary!! Monica wouldn't get her internship though.

    Person from History either Shakespeare or Joyce to have such talent flow into such words!!

    As for politics whoever delivers on their promise for the environment gets my vote. We need to give back to the planet now to preserve it for future generations - please someone explain sustainable development to a politician!! Maybe they need to take a lesson from Walt!!

  28. At 01:01 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Amanda wrote:

    Hello bloggers!

    Who would I be....
    President: Hands-down...Bill Clinton. Not only will history be kind to him as a world leader, but he has risen to Hero-like status in contrast to the bloke who replaced him in office.

    Monty Python: Why were there no female players? what were they implying? If I could, I would go back and be the female cast player.

    Anyone in history: I have two responses here.

    J.K. Rowling, she seems to be making history.

    Beatrix Potter. She seemed to have lived such an idyllic life. Note that I am basing that assumption on her writings alone. Please don't burst my bubble and tell me was an opiate addict and embroiled in some sex scandel. (However, that may not cause me to change my answer...in fact it might seal the deal.)

    Have a wonderful Tuesday.

  29. At 01:02 PM on 03 Oct 2006, dolphin wrote:

    Why didn't you say you were coming down to Bognor at the weekend, you could have popped in for lunch!

  30. At 01:08 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Anna_Key wrote:

    All politicians leave me cold.

    I'm not a Monty Python fan, they were too hyped up in my opinion and regarded through rose tinted glasses among people of a certain age.

    President - Theodore Roosevelt.....imagine having the teddy bear named after you!

    Person in history - Leonardo da Vinci....renaissance painter, architect, engineer, mathematician and philosopher. He had every base covered.

    Greg, when he's winning he's British but when he's losing he's Canadian, Rusedski ;-)...seems like a lovely man and his wife is very beautiful.

  31. At 01:19 PM on 03 Oct 2006, melanie c wrote:

    Afternoon All.
    Dont talk to me about golf!!! I'm a golf widow. I have tried to get into the game, but its just tooooo boring. However, Ian Poulter does give the game a bit of an interest!!!!!!
    Who would I like to be? Mmmm, well, I have enough trouble being me. I think if I was famous, life would just get too complicated!!!!
    5 most valuable recipes? How about Spag Bol - everbody's favourite!!!!!
    Any weight loss would have to be subconcious Chris, after eating a massive fry up!!!!
    Laters Peeps
    Melanie C

  32. At 01:40 PM on 03 Oct 2006, janis wrote:

    Broken hearts

    not sure but is that not what got the man in black himself, Johnny Cash after the death of June ??

  33. At 01:42 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Rebecca Jacques wrote:

    Hi Chris and co,
    *let it rain, let it rain!* blimey hasn't it been wet! feel like a kid again jumping in all the puddle, that should be some sort of sport you know it's far to enjoyable to be a childish pass time!

    Recepies thats are top secret, i reckon coca cola will be in the top five undoubtably and probably mcdonalds burger sauces or something like that. i'd love to know whats in and how to make proper chinease food cos lets be honest it never turns out as good as the takeaway does it!?

    If anyone could present countdown for me it would have to be Stephen Fry, i could watch him all day :o) he's just like a fountain of knowledge or maybe him and Alan Davis could do it together! maybe a double act would be good for the show, certainly different!

    Anyway must scdaddle theres a big net out there to surf! Have a great Tuesday!

    Toodle Pip x x

  34. At 01:43 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Kyleigh wrote:

    Mornin' all! oh... afternoon all!

    EVERYONES going for Palin...!
    Well, you know I would - but dont forget the hilarious Eric Idle. He was always my favourite when I was a kid. and he was in the Rutles! The pre-fab four were wicked...


    In the 80s all my mates were watching The A Team and The Fall Guy and we were CANING my dads videos of Monty PyTHONS flying CIR-cusssss (as well as the Young Ones, Blackadder et al) Aww...

    As for President - I think Bill Clinton, for his naughty twinkle in his eyes

    Person from history... hmmmmmm.... tricky... Andy Warhol perhaps? Audrey Hepburn... John Lennon... I am very happy being myself though, I think I would prefer the question to have been:

    Who would be invited your fantasy dinner party?
    I often think about this one - from recent history I would definately have Simon Pegg, Jessica Stevenson, Ray LaMontagne, Johnathon Ross, Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall, Eddie Izzard, Bill Hicks, Alison Steadman, Judie Dench... I could go on... FUN though isnt it!

    Speaking of Hugh, we're going to River Cottage HQ this sunday - unfortunately Hugh wont be there, but we do get a cup of lovely homemade suop after a tour of the farm. Hope theres pigs...

    Happy Tuesday People!
    Its BEAUTIFUL down here in Bournemouth - the sun is shining down on all these conservatives that have been blocking up the wessex way into town and making me late for work...

    xxx mwah xxx

    PS. My lovely gay friend tells me the gay clubs in Bournemouth are currently fuller than usual...hmmmm... thats odd...

  35. At 01:43 PM on 03 Oct 2006, weezie wrote:

    Hia everyone!

    Monty python - John Cleese because then i'd have been involved with co-writing Fawlty Towers and being in it! Laugh!!

    Former President - PRESIDENT BARTLETT!!!!

    Person in history - yeah Gads. Probably P G Wodehouse - because his books are amazing, funny and still the best read now!

    I am noticing a writers theme in my choices. Didn't realise that!

    As for David Cameron, I'm still not sure of him yet either, but its always like that when someone new is on the scene. We all "trusted" Tone when he came to power and look where thats got us. We distrust all politicians now, most people dont even vote! Think we have to wait and see a bit - not just bout DC but GB too.

    Off to work again now, Montreal this time! Back in time for All request Friday!

    Have a good week everyone! Big huge hugs

    Weezie xx

  36. At 01:50 PM on 03 Oct 2006, F 38 wrote:

    p.s. I love that word "knob". I laughed out loud.

    I want a humanist funeral and then my ashes stored in a bottle of Louis Jadot.

  37. At 02:01 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Penguin wrote:

    Chaps and Chappesses

    Late today as I had meetings all morning. Weather glorious up here in the Northlands - too nice to be stuck inside. Just been out to lunch with a colleague and we sat outside - and its October!

    Who would I want to be - well ex pres - Clinton - full of charm and intelligence.

    Historical figure - Bess of Hardwick

    Python - Terry Gilliam - creative and comic.



  38. At 02:09 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Anonymous wrote:

    Afternoon all!

    I dont think my first post made it through the Weasels... I've deleted the naughty PS... and hope this works:

    EVERYONES going for Palin...!
    Well, you know I would - but dont forget the hilarious Eric Idle. He was always my favourite when I was a kid. and he was in the Rutles! The pre-fab four were wicked...


    In the 80s all my mates were watching The A Team and The Fall Guy and we were CANING my dads videos of Monty PyTHONS flying CIR-cusssss (as well as the Young Ones, Blackadder et al) Aww...

    As for President - I think Bill Clinton, for his naughty twinkle in his eyes

    Person from history... hmmmmmm.... tricky... Andy Warhol perhaps? Audrey Hepburn... John Lennon... I am very happy being myself though, I think I would prefer the question to have been:

    Who would be invited your fantasy dinner party?
    I often think about this one - from recent history I would definately have Simon Pegg, Jessica Stevenson, Ray LaMontagne, Johnathon Ross, Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall, Eddie Izzard, Bill Hicks, Alison Steadman, Judie Dench... I could go on... FUN though isnt it!

    Speaking of Hugh, we're going to River Cottage HQ this sunday - unfortunately Hugh wont be there, but we do get a cup of lovely homemade suop after a tour of the farm. Hope theres pigs...

    Happy Tuesday People!
    Its BEAUTIFUL down here in Bournemouth - the sun is shining down on all these conservatives that have been blocking up the wessex way into town and making me late for work...

    xxx mwah xxx

  39. At 02:21 PM on 03 Oct 2006, James or Parsnip wrote:

    #12 Hi Mariella

    Sorry - my being dim. Subtlety is generally wasted on me.

    My ex used to deal with Boris occasionally in his early Spectator days, and the impression she gave me was that he was razor sharp. Which is a bit of a shame really; it's like Antoice de Caunes being able to speak perfect accent-less English and his comedy-Frenchman thing being an act. But then again, Boris is good value, and I'd happily see him do Countdown. My idea of Clive Anderson having been completely ignored.

    As for Parsnip, or Onion, part of me is disappointed that my ingenuity is far less original than I had hoped, whereas the rest of me rejoices that there is a small but flourishing sect of Root Vegetable Cats (RVCs) out there. Look may that continue...


    And I'd missed the thing about former Presidents. That'll teach me to skim read. How about Lorenzo di Medici. Get to live in Renaissance Florence and meet Raphael, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Brunelleschi, etc. One of them isn't even a Ninja Turtle. Oh, and there's Machiavelli kicking around as well. And when did Dante die??

  40. At 02:25 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Catherine wrote:

    Afternoon It s freezing in my house - does anyone know how to turn the heating on as my husband is refusing?! Its a man/woman thing I know. Its our 9th wedding anniversary tomorrow. Happy Anniversary Tony. Watched a fab film last night one of the Shakespears Untold stories The Taming of the Shrew with Rufus Sewell. He s fab and would be good on Countdown - although I didn t know Des was leaving since I only watch it on maybe one of my 25 days holiday per year (yesterday!). Woman on there not very good - my words were easily longer than hers! Just watched Loose Women for the first time - you were mentioned quite a few times! Tried to watch last nights J R Film 0f 86 (as I still call it!) re Devil called Prada but couldn t get media player to work so ended up here instead.
    Recipe - popcorn salty not sweet - who thought of that?
    Enjoy the rest of the day - will try and hear you 2 nite but not driving home from work 2day.

  41. At 02:27 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Kyleigh #37

    lol re your ps - it WAS accepted after all.....

    am liking your taste in dinner party guests (if you'll pardon the pun).....Hugh F W and Eddie Izzard - two of my faves - with Palin, of course ;)


  42. At 02:28 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Kathryn wrote:

    Hello Christoph

    Oh it's a lovely week - I'm off work and painting my bedroom - the excitment is nearly too much to handle. Some girls go for drastic haircuts when they split with a bloke, I decorate, it's bizarre.

    However it's also been revelatory - I never normally get to hear the start of your show and discovered last night that you dedicate it at 5pm, and it's the same dedication at 6pm. How nice.

    Also trying out contact lenses whilst not painting. Am hoping that it's going to take less than 30 mins to put them in when I've got the hang of poking myself in the eye.

    The cycle train idea was inspired btw, would almost make commuting from Derby to Nottingham fun.........

    Have a lovely afternoon, I'm off to build a wardrobe,

    Kathryn x

  43. At 02:32 PM on 03 Oct 2006, wrote:

    This blog was interesting.

  44. At 02:36 PM on 03 Oct 2006, larry wrote:

    thats a MAZDA rx7,chris.
    Luv ya

  45. At 02:42 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Tink wrote:

    I've never blogged before, is that a word 'blogged' Oh well figured there was no nicer a place to do it for the 1st time than right here with you lovely people.
    Glad you had a good golf Chris, do you want it to be twelve holes so you can spend more time in the club, methinks?!
    Who would I be, I think the Queen Mum, she did everything in style and I quite like the idea of that!
    Not sure if there are rules on length of blogs but wouldn't want anyone to get bored reading mine so I'll be off. Have a good day y'all I know I'm trying to even with a poorly sore throat!

    S x

  46. At 03:24 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    James or Parsnip

    Sorry, me again. You say about individuality regarding the RVC's. I know exactly what you mean.

    After having Onion for a short while I took her to the vets to get her done. Obviously I had to register her and thought nothing of it. About 3 months later I was sat watcihng telly when a new advert came on for a certain type of cat food. A handsome tabby was looking out of the window, and the narrator was telling a story. His final line was directed at the cat and went something along the lines of "some things are worth waiting for, aren't they ONION" I was absolutely gutted!

    I have also had Basil and Parsley, even though I had never seen The Herbs, and my first 2 rabbits were called Willow and Clover - which my brother pointed out were brand names of butter. I resisted getting a guinea pig just to call it I Can't Believe Its Not....


    MW, a!

  47. At 03:29 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Martin James wrote:

    Who would I like to be, from all of history? That鈥檚 a hard one, so perhaps Bill Clinton - perhaps the most personable president ever. But then I鈥檇 loved to have thought of E=MC2 and have the passion for thinking as a pure pursuit. Perhaps that鈥檚 what鈥檚 missing in my life; a pursuit, a passion, a purpose, but then that鈥檚 a long story. Run out of sugar, so added a bit of marmalade to sweeten my mug of tea. Pity life can鈥檛 be sweetened just with marmalade - how kewl would that be鈥

  48. At 03:38 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Kyleigh wrote:

    Gaby #41 - cool, you can come along too x... but hands off Palin - I have first dibbs on him! ;)

    Kathry #42 - My mate Ali also decorates after a break up - she hadnt noticed until I gently pointed it out to her the other day (yes, bless her, its decorating time again for her too Kathryn) She thought it was funny, and thought how it must be a cleansing thing and out with the old IN WITH THE NEW! HURRAY! Its really exciting decorating though - enjoy and chin up and stay cool like the FONZ x

    Kyleigh x

  49. At 03:48 PM on 03 Oct 2006, melanie c wrote:

    I try to read this blog quietly at work, so nobody notices. But I have just been busted while reading Mariella Wolenski apparently and James and Parsnip's posts about the RVC's!!!!!!
    How funny!!!!!!!!

  50. At 04:18 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Turkey Machine wrote:

    Chris Evans 33-1 to host Countdown? Who the hell makes up these odds????! He's got more chance of being the "celebrity" guest on there during one of his holidays. I use the word "celebrity" advisedly, because some people go on there that I've never ever heard of! Then again, I am only 18............

    I found out today that I'm the only one in my uni halls flat to have a TV, and it's a B+W job too! But do the 麻豆约拍 show Spooks online?

    By the way: Congratulations and good blessings to the Fox!

  51. At 04:22 PM on 03 Oct 2006, grumble wrote:

    Surely Les Dennis has got to be the next countdown presenter

  52. At 04:47 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Nicky wrote:

    Oooh, I like questions like that.

    Monthy Python - Terry Jones purely and simply because of the immortal "he's not the Messiah" line; gets me every time.

    President - not sure about this one, but preferably one that didn't get shot!

    Person from History - Bess of Hardwick. A woman 400 years ahead of her time who lived a fascinating life.

    Hope you enjoyed the golf - beats being stuck in front of a PC all day. Looking forward to the show tonight - it makes driving home worth while.


  53. At 05:15 PM on 03 Oct 2006, James or Parsnip wrote:

    #52 - Bess of Hardwick: good call.

    Mariella - delighted to hear that your sense to wry-ness (I shrink from calling it humour) is as worryingly baffling as mine. But I can't compete on the names front. The previous cats were Wibble (Blackadder reference) and F.W. de Cat: a bizarre pastiche on the former South African president, not that I had any time for him (de Klerk) but when I came up with the name I couldn't not use it.

    And for Kyleigh - I love The Rutles. Anything to do with Neil Innes and the Bonzo Dog Band is just fine and dandy by me. Maybe I should change my "Terry Jones" into an "Eric Idle". Hmm.

    Les Dennis?? Uh? I wouldn't have thought so.

  54. At 05:17 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Terry the Ginge wrote:

    Hello Chrissy Boy

    In the past your have always said that three is the magic number!!!!

    Are you sure you can't be persuaded for Countdown, 33-1 sounds good to me.

    Fantastic show, listen every evening.

    Sorry this is short but this is my first ever blog and I'm trying to dodge the boss!!!!!

  55. At 05:31 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Terry the Ginge wrote:

    Hello Chrissy Boy

    In the past your have always said that three is the magic number!!!!

    Are you sure you can't be persuaded for Countdown, 33-1 sounds good to me.

    Fantastic show, listen every evening.

    Sorry this is short but this is my first ever blog and I'm trying to dodge the boss!!!!!

  56. At 06:55 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Linda wrote:

    Hiya Chris and Bloggers,

    Countdown....what the heck is that...don't think i ever saw one episode. don't know what i've been doing with my time.

    Monty python, I would like to be the big foot that stomps on everything and makes rude noises, always liked that best in every program. I know this isn't a person but i can't be Michael Palin, (he's a boy y'know).

    Favourite pres...dunno, favourite Historical person....Queen Elizabeth 1st. Agatha Christie had quite an interesting time of it tho, so in the normal mortal stakes maybe i'd be Agatha.

    Definately mass peskiness in the air, yesterday I had the day from hell, today a lot better, good day.

    Have a great evening all. x

    PS:Chris, just read the article in Hello mag 22/8/06...Ms P and CE, (scored the mag as a freebie). Ms P, what can i say, warmed the cockles of my heart, good luck to the both of you, however it pans out.

  57. At 07:19 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Piglet wrote:

    Hello all,

    Hmm, some good questions to ponder. Not sure about Monty Pyhthon - dont' think I have ever watched one all the way through. Although do like Fawlty Towers and A fish called wanda.

    President - v difficult. Myabe mandela

    Anyone from history. There are so many I'm not sure who I would choose. COuld be interesting to be Jane Austin. Or better still Elizabeht Bennet as then get to marry Mr Darcy.

    I secretly think I would be very good at that. Someone at work told me they were going to remember my name (Catherine) because I look like a tudor. Now I know that Austin was not of the tudor era but still.

    Ok, must do some work

    Piglet xx

  58. At 07:19 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Piglet wrote:

    Hello all,

    Hmm, some good questions to ponder. Not sure about Monty Pyhthon - dont' think I have ever watched one all the way through. Although do like Fawlty Towers and A fish called wanda.

    President - v difficult. Myabe mandela

    Anyone from history. There are so many I'm not sure who I would choose. COuld be interesting to be Jane Austin. Or better still Elizabeht Bennet as then get to marry Mr Darcy.

    I secretly think I would be very good at that. Someone at work told me they were going to remember my name (Catherine) because I look like a tudor. Now I know that Austin was not of the tudor era but still.

    Ok, must do some work. But before I go. Sent my brother some the Big Un's joke about mushy bees and this is what he sent back to me.

    Patel was bragging to his boss one day,"You know,
    I know everyone there is to know. Just name someone, anyone, and I know

    "Tired of his boasting, his boss called his bluff, "OK, Patel how about
    Tom Cruise?" "Sure, yes, Tom and I are old friends, and I can prove it."

    So Patel and his boss fly out to Hollywood and knock on Tom Cruise's
    door,and sure enough, Tom Cruise shouts, "Patel! Great to see you! You and
    your friend come right in and join me for lunch!" Although impressed, Patel's
    boss is still sceptical.

    After they leave Cruise's house, he tells Patel that he thinks Patel's
    knowing Cruise was just lucky. "No, no, just name anyone else," Patel
    says."President Clinton," his boss quickly retorts.

    "Yes," Patel says, "I know him, let's fly out to Washington." And off
    they go. At the White House, Clinton spots Patel on the tour and motions him
    and his boss over, say ing, "Patel , what a surprise, I was just on my way to
    a meeting, but you and your friend come on in and let's have a cup of
    coffee first and catch up."

    Well, the boss is much shaken by now, but still not totally convinced.

    After they leave the White House grounds, he expresses his doubts to
    Patel who again implores him to name anyone else.

    "The Pope," his boss replies. "Sure!" says Patel "My folks are from
    Poland, and I've known the Pope a long time."

    So off they fly to Rome. Patel and his boss are assembled with the
    masses in Vatican Square when Patel says," This will never work. I can't catch the
    Pope's eye among all these people. Tell you what, I know all the guards so
    let me just go upstairs and I'll come out on the balcony with the Pope.
    And he disappears into the crowd headed toward the Vatican.

    Sure enough, half an hour later Patel emerges with the Pope on the

    But by the time Patel return s, he finds that his boss has had a heart
    attack and is surrounded by paramedics.

    Working his way to his boss' side, Patel asks him, what happened?

    "His boss looks up and says, I was doing fine until you and the Pope
    came out on the balcony and the man next to me said, "Who's that on the
    balcony with Patel?"

    Piglet xx

  59. At 07:38 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Steve Woodward wrote:


    Heard a very negative comment a couple of days ago regarding politicians - that they are all liars. I tend to agreed, but I don't know if they are in a position to do anything other than lie.

    I did want to ask you if you could get your own house in order and ensure that celebrities don't lie. Do you think this is a fair or achievable task?

  60. At 08:43 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Linda Brady wrote:

    Hello dear & people...older people!.. how old is that... I don't do daytime TV... or haven't done since Sesame Street when I would watch with my sons... so can't comment on the Countdown thing... who would I be...wow! so many to choose from... but at the end of the day... mistakes & all I like being me... just common all/or garden (not sure if that's the right saying) but I'm sure it's what my dad used to say... anyway I'm just regular person... I've got lots of gorgeous memories... Frank Sinatra saying get those broads over here... my ex husband waking me up at 3 in the morning telling me to make a pasta because Tony Bennet was in the livingroom playing backgammon...oh! Lordie I just got up made the pasta & went back to bed... I'm 61 now... love charity shops... use the tongs to pick up my croissants in Tesco... check out dinodezorzi.com my eldest son... he's an artist... all in all age is a bummer...but I'm cool & living life & in this day & age it's not easy... life is too short... you just have to live every second & stay cool... ciao ciao.

  61. At 09:05 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Debbie Lake wrote:

    damn good call on David Cameron. Saw him on GMTV this am (listening to Terry at the same time - still keep the faith with the old boy) and he is exactly like something from Harry Enfield but with a lot more camembert.

    Can't answer the US president one but if I had been Monica i would have.

    Person in history, someone has already taken Audrey Hepburn. Maybe Doris Day, but I don't think she is history yet. Fab women in history met sticky ends, like Anne Boleyn or Mary Q of S (and I don't mean Question of Sport).

    Anyway, only logged on to post you some Gobsmackers. Thought of one I have to hear on my drive home and then spent ages trying to match up the other. In the end have only come up with a tenuous link.

    Fab show. Didn't think I was going to like you after Jonnie, but I (and please don't tell him) even like you better!! And have regularly found myself singing "Outfox the Fo-ox" out of the car window on the M25. Is there any hope for me.

  62. At 09:14 PM on 03 Oct 2006, Linda40 wrote:


    I have to admit I've not had time to read all the posts but had to pop on here quickly and comment re Walt. I think he is an excellent choice Chris and I can see your attraction to his ideas knowing what I do about you. He was an extrordinary man who had visions and ideas far before their time. There are a lot of dodgy things said about his beliefs , none of which I am here to proove or disprove. All I know is he not only had the ideas he built so many of them. The monorail at Disneyland California was deemed impossible so he just went right on and built it. He wasn't building those parks or making fabulous groundbreaking animations just for art or entertainment, he was doing them to show they would workhoping to chgange the world. There is an essay called the Lessons of the Parks which shows the fabulous enviromental, community and social ideas he was displaying.
    People always want to find dark secrets and the bad side of enourmously successful and opinionated people. Why don't we just appreciate their brilliance? Well done Chris - get on with the Big Idea and pay homage to all great inventors!
    Having said all that I would be Michael Palin - no doubt
    Presidents - not sure I know enough American history to pick one, though I do know that old Walt had enourmouse respect for Abe Lincoln - which is why the old Abe Lincoln address in animatronics is in Disneyland.
    Anyone in history hmmmmmm need to think about that........

    Off to new york on Thursday to celebrate my 40th birthday with my closest friends...can't wait.

    Love love love

  63. At 09:27 PM on 03 Oct 2006, barb wrote:

    hi guys barb here, havent been about lately, hubby isnt speaking to me and ive given up trying to find out why, well not really i need to know but he doesnt want to tell me.......i did get drunk at a friends on saturday night he was peed off but everyone elso says he was over reacting...... my memory isnt the best after alot of wine, so i dont know what to do - hes in the living room now , and i was filling in an application for a job on the net and i went in to see him, and he just ignored me , didnt even ask how it went!!!

    and chris you say its women you cant understand........

    tell me what next please......

    cubs going good, got an interview next week, also got 2 hrs a week helping at the schol library volentry of course..... my boys are happy to see me help at the school , what can you do??

    i would like to have been "maggie" i know she wasnt a president ..........but imagine if she was.....no nanny state!!! or bush for that

    i also have to go with john cleese....

    *51* i also have to agree with you les dennis for countdown or a familar face, ken bruce........what are the odds on him??

    chris -- sussed out my risotto now so that week in dec im fine for al of you over for dinner, and ill even invite some of the bloggers, but they"d have to wear a very fancy mask like they do in , is it venice?? geography not my area.....

    right im off for a g& t well bitter lemon as a mixer , but g&t always looks better.

    sorry for going on but i needed an exit point

    thanks for listening


  64. At 09:34 PM on 03 Oct 2006, barb wrote:

    LINDA 40

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR THURS, HAVE A GREAT TIME IN NEW YORK...................................

    go up the empire state building v good, dont bother with climbing all the stairs to go up to the statue of liberty, v- dissapointing.go up the lift that enough..... dont plan to do much at the weekend it gets mad with tourists, so do what you really want to do soon, and try and avoid the weekend madness.

    Macy"s is cool, you kinda have to go there even if its only to see what you cant afford to buy, a bit like Harrods really.......

    Tell all the american"s you"ve met the Queen , they treat you like royalty .......silly but fun really their faces................hey you only get one life have fun



  65. At 02:38 AM on 04 Oct 2006, Caz wrote:

    Evening, well morning, well whatever

    Just seen some old clips of you chris doing TFI on the TV they tried to ban. Very odd experience being as I was only at primary school back in the day. It struck me just how you look in many ways much younger yet wiser now than then. Maybe i'm just rambling. Think I should maybe go to bed.

    Night to all

  66. At 09:26 AM on 04 Oct 2006, Ann wrote:

    Hi Christophe,

    I'm a 'blog virgin' so bear with me. Been thinking about the Countdown problem - how about Nicholas Parsons ? Much as I will miss the delectable Des, I think Nick would be perfect for the job - he is witty and charming, and I think he would get on really well with Carol. Love listening to you - mostly until 6.30 p.m. at which time hubby is home and chat chat. At the moment though he is in France visiting friends, so I'm home alone with our lovely dog Tia - black and tan 'bitsa' variety, quite large and really good company.

    Lots of love Chris

  67. At 09:29 AM on 04 Oct 2006, Linda wrote:

    Traaaalallallla, happy hump day C and B's, Up with the lark this morning, walked doggies made sandwiches for him, and a take out of stuff for number 2 dog who is going to work with him today. Extra treats for number 1 dog so she dosn't feel left out. Qucik shower quicker blog, hairdressers, books for Spanish tomorrow night and to work by 1.15. Dinner early with my mate Wendy then and then and then,,,,,,,arghhhhhhh I am going to see Wishbone Ash live.....hope they do Persephone. I am sooooo excited.

    have a great day you lovely people x

    ps Happy birthday to you Linda40 on thursday, lucky thing, have never been to New York, its on my list to do some time...make notes and give us your impressions.

  68. At 06:49 PM on 04 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris, how random

    hope you don't get tooo wet through the weather ain't been bad for us.

    I'm going to be up early in the morning (5th October) as my and the lads in the band have to travel to Croydon, the ashcroft theatre at fairfield halls. Hope it goes ok, never get nervous on stage i just worry about how things will sell.

    You ever get the same worries? you should come a long and say hi - tell then chris is here at the box office and come back for a drink with us.

    i think i would have to be eric idol, with john cleese sarcasism, lol... funny though innit mate.

    You enjoy ya game of golf mate?

    be in touch tomorrow before i leave for croydon, I'm quite new to this blogging stuff, seems fun though :)

    Warren (also from warrington - woolston high - i knew miss mcginley)

  69. At 10:22 PM on 04 Oct 2006, Michelle Walsh wrote:

    Chris and listens, or should that be viewers as you'll be reading this, its a little confusing then again does it matter, Wow that was hard. I must be one of the last 30 somethings to cotton on to BLOG's, what does that make me? Sad or just to busy living the dream?

    New countdown presentor, well there is only one contendor.. Ronnie Corbet. Obviously they would need to get a higher chair. Where Richard brought us his jackets and tie's Ronnie would give us his jumpers.

    Excellent chat with Bruce today, you should make it a regular feature.

    ta ta Mx

  70. At 10:35 PM on 09 Oct 2007, wrote:


    Red wine, Stella Artois not sure which one I would vote first. Good food, good company both complement each other can't choose. What's your opinion.

    Bernie Batters (I reckon I could be a Beano Character)

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