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Chris Evans | 09:11 UK time, Wednesday, 11 October 2006

Last night was the BOYS ONCE A MONTH CLUB. The clue is of course in the title.

We have badges, there are three of us we鈥檙e very happy together. However disaster almost struck the club this week鈥

鈥y two friends and I very much look forward to the ONCE A MONTH. The two lads concerned are blinding company and we never fail to have a great time. This month it was set for last night, that is Tuesday night.

So I鈥檓 in a pub on Monday and at around half nine my phone goes, it was Gareth one member of THE ONCE A MONTHERS.

鈥淗ello Chris Gareth here, just wondered if you were out and about and fancied a pint.鈥

I said that I was already out, he told me he was few minutes away with another mate of ours who also happened to be the other member of T.O.A.M.鈥檚, and that they鈥檇 be along for a drink shortly.

Well I went in to panic, the ONCE A MONTHERS were meeting the night before the club night.

Moments later my two chums had arrived but before I鈥檇 let them buy a drink there was I said an important matter pending that had to be addressed. We had to clarify that this slipshod arrival for a casual drink wasn鈥檛 going to transmogrify into a slapdash pale imitation of a half hearted ONCE A MONTH CLUB.

They calmed me down and reassured me that it was all going to be alright and that although they appreciated my concern, we would all just have a couple of drinks and make our way home, now if you bare in mind this was the same night we later ran into Motley Crew, Rufus and Orlando, you can see it took a sterling effort to protect the honour of the ONCE A MONTH.

Well behave we did to the extent of being able to meet at 7.15 last night with full on ONCE A MONTH GUSTO. Once again we had a blast and this time my assistant had made us GUEST BADGES for along the way.

We were in one bar when a couple of ladies stopped me as I was on the way back from having a wee.

鈥淗ave you been speed dating ?鈥 one of them asked.

鈥淲hy鈥檚 that?鈥 I replied.

鈥淏ecause of the badge, they wear badges like that at speed dating鈥 er apparently.鈥

I convinced her that her suspicions were way off the mark but then went on to discuss that we all speed date anyway. Speed dating is just fast track statements and questions that get rid of all the bull and get the conversation flying . I prefer that type of chat anyway. Within a few minutes our two new aquaintences had pulled up their chairs and claimed a guest badge each, they were thrilled.

One of them Tina, then spent the rest of the night telling me how her friend and my friend should get together, they鈥檇 be perfect for each other. Again she was mistaken. My friend has very fixed and old fashioned ideas about women, I think, actually I think he may be gay. He鈥檚 a whizz with the girls, very very funny and quick and clever, they love him, yet he never seems to end up with one. That and he claimed to have a long term girlfriend but she lived in CANADA, none of us has ever seen her.

It鈥檚 lovely to meet girls, have a great night and then end up at home with the boys and a bag of chips. No one got hurt, there鈥檚 no one to look after and no morning after pill required.




Andy and the other guy, love the fact you try to guess the post interview songs, I already know tonight's ha ha, just decided on them. Good luck my friend but I fear you are going to be disappointed.

Sorry about the moderators McC., I have no idea what their policies are.

Bloody famished, off to the butchers, I think I'm having a week willed Wednesday brought on by a nice but naughty Tuesday. x

12.01 pm

KAREN what's the name of the book ?


  1. At 09:22 AM on 11 Oct 2006, Sarah wrote:

    Now that's innocence.


  2. At 09:24 AM on 11 Oct 2006, ClareBear wrote:

    This Canadian girlfriend....Is her name Alberta & does she live in Vancouver?

  3. At 09:37 AM on 11 Oct 2006, Sarah wrote:

    ..and does Tina work as a receptionist in a sort of tv company?

  4. At 09:37 AM on 11 Oct 2006, Nicki wrote:

    Good morning Chris,

    How very refreshing to read of your antics last night. It's great that a bunch of guys can meet up with a bunch of girls have a few drinks and a laugh with none of the pressure of trying to 'pull' if you know what I mean.

    I personally can't stand 'nights out with the girls' and far more enjoy mixed company, which is probably why my circle of chums is very much mixed, guys, girls, straight, gay they're all in there.

    Anyway, best actually do some work now I'm here, they never suspect that I'm blogging, as long as they hear the keyboard in action, but I'm bound to get caught at some stage.

    Can't go without saying yipee!! it's Wednesday half way there, my georgeous man and I always have a curry on Weds to celebrate the weekend being just round the corner.

    Have a great day one and all x

  5. At 09:37 AM on 11 Oct 2006, ClairMmm wrote:

    Morning Mr E and fellow Schloggers,

    Oooh - breaking with tradition amongst friends, scary. That's like revisiting somewhere you used to go years ago and expecting it to be the same, with the same craic, the same crowd, wishing you were the same age and had the same figure as you did all those years ago. A recipe for disaster. Pleased, however, that last night was not a disaster.

    Speed dating - in my many dating exploits, this is not one that I've tried; I don't think I have the dangly wotsits to try it!

    Have a great day everyone,

    C x

  6. At 09:44 AM on 11 Oct 2006, gilly wrote:

    Good morning everyone,
    Been reading all the blogs and replies for a couple of weeks now and have decided to take the plunge myself....
    Sounds like a good night was had by all Chris- and no casualties along the way. (except the chips!)
    I had the girlie night to end all girlie nights- went with my best mate to The Vagina Monologues in Manchester- blimey!!! Spent most of the show with my mouth open- (such language!) but had a bit of a cry and a lot of a laugh. Excellent show. Can recommend it. And no casulaties here either.

  7. At 09:59 AM on 11 Oct 2006, wrote:

    A bag of chips eh? What happened to healthy eating?

    Clubs are great - so are guests!

    up early twice in a row!


  8. At 10:19 AM on 11 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hey Chris... Your blog earlier in the week about finding something you love. I love my job, and I know I'm really lucky in doing so. I have friends who HAVE to go to work. I always think I've got a well paid hobby.

    I also love (but really, not quite as passionatly) trying to guess what relevant song you're going to play after each interview. I was sat in a traffic jam on the M42 trying to get back up to Hull (not the most stupid town in the country - by the way) on Monday, when you were discussing wine. I was expecting UB40's "Red Red Wine" but was not altogether disappointed with "message in a bottle"

    Thanks for the shows... you sound like you're really enjoying yourself !

  9. At 10:25 AM on 11 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Good morning all

    McCrumble here, still incognito. Nothing new on my blog for a few days as I've been busy editing the book of the blog (which I guess I'm not allowed to mention in detail otherwise this post will be trodden on mercilessly by the moderators of this blog).

    Anyways, nice to hear that Chris is having fun being single. Myself I'm happily married for many years, and have thus never come across the concept of speed dating at a personal level. I am not completely out of the loop, however, as my faithful receptionist at the Institute has tried various ways to find herself a man, and she is always ready to inform me of her latest endeavours.

    Sadly, the outcome is always the same. Tears before bedtime. I'm at a loss how to help her acheive her aim. Could she do something about her personal appearance perhaps? The only known photograph of her is here...

    Any suggestions gratefully received, I'm sure


    J McC

  10. At 10:27 AM on 11 Oct 2006, Essbee wrote:

    confidence, intellegence mixed with life experiences, and wit will always keep the conversational flames burning - this is a perfect recipe for always having a "great night" with no "extras" to put a strain on the moment.

  11. At 10:40 AM on 11 Oct 2006, andy from Ayrshire wrote:

    i think ive invented a game without actually planning to do so. during your interview last night with the guy discussing youtube i tried to work out what the song would be afterwards.

    i then realised ive actually been subconciously doing this for weeks.

    last night was the 2nd time ive got it, it was easy, only video killed the radio star would suffice for this subject matter ;-).

    the other one i got right was "message in a bottle".

    the beauty of the game is there is no forward planning, you have only from the start of the interview and its ongoing clues to work out the possible choices and then go with your instincts.

    i'm on a roll. tonight at 5.25...... i'm after the hat trick :-)

  12. At 10:57 AM on 11 Oct 2006, Linda wrote:

    Once a month...oh right...sorry was on the wrong track...ahemmm
    Have just been reading all blogs for the last two days, the quality is damn fine and it makes be proud to be a part of it. So, another hump day... I am feeling a tad under par today as last night I was a very sick bunny not from mass joyous partying or anything. Must be fighting off a bug, will double up on the vit C today.

    Its good to have the non threatening fun only nights, no guilt, you can rest a bit and don't have to check with people next day that you behaved yourself. Mind you I do think you should be a bit more generous with your OAM pal. I remember my cousin asked me once If i was gay. I said no because thats what ya do. However I did privately ponder the question for a while. I was just biding my time waiting for mr right. decided some while later that any man could be mr right if I altered my perception. To a degree this can work. But mother nature is a clever old bird. Pairings that begin with the fixed stare, the quickened heartbeat and the wobbly knees definately keep the magic in a relationship going for quite a while. In fact you work harder to keep said pairing alive. (In the whole of my 52 years have only had 5 of these, but only had the courage to pick up on 1 of them and that is still going 8 years on, trouble and all). NoNoNo I am not going to be serious today.

    Gilly (6) thanks for review of Vagina Monologues, am going to see it on 24th Oct. Looking forward to a good laugh! Jenny (7) whats wrong with chips, as long as they are not horrible dry stick oven things....yuk.

    Gotta go spanish homework calls...Incidentally I have a job now that I love to bits, its only part time at the local college, basic office stuff but i love the environment. Don't earn much tho,

    lol X

  13. At 11:10 AM on 11 Oct 2006, Jennie wrote:

    We have a once a month club which comprises a BBQ attended by "Jennie & company"
    We are planning to open a river cottage meets country house hotel / venue for people to come and enjoy at the weekend. Every month we work on the plan. Currently we plan to have guests picking, gathering and foraging for the food before my chef friend cooks it to perfection.

    Sadly I suspect we are some way off our dream due to lack of funds (to buy the aforementioned country house) but perhaps if I pitch it right to my landlord (The National trust) they may be up for it. Meanwhile we meet monthly and dream!

    Have a good day shloggers.

    PS: nice to hear from you McCrumble.

  14. At 11:13 AM on 11 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Chris just found your blog for the first time after hearing you on the radio on 2 like the blog why do they call you the ginger winger from warrington your not a winger at all quite cool, well i think so and bearing in mind my age thats good, keep up the good work on 2 great that you are back on the air so to speak, got any old ferraris to give away ? regards to all Roger D Barrow.......Radio Ham

  15. At 11:28 AM on 11 Oct 2006, Ben FitzP wrote:

    Hello all,

    I like those nights too. That's how me and my wife got together. I would go out with the guys in Uni and occasionally meet up with a lovely group of Irish lasses. Great fun, great laugh no funny motives etc. Me and this girl just hit it off, same sense of humour, similar interests. Funny thing is I felt guilty when i asked her out without all our friends about. Sort of betraying the rest of the group!! How daft is that?

    I always think nights out that are unexpected and are unplanned are the best. You go for a jar after work and end up staying out till ten, again with a bag of chips in hand, slightly worried about your headache in the morning that follows. But there's something a great chilled out night with your mates. You can't beat it.

    Does anybody else think this week is flying by?


    PS. Christopher, heard you mention it the other night. Withnail and I is the best film ever isn't it?

    Man, I fancy a pint!

  16. At 11:33 AM on 11 Oct 2006, Chrispy wrote:

    Mornin' all! Please note that I'm getting better - it's before noon. Hurrah!

    Now the mist is clearing - you were talking last night about what we were all members of, now I understand th significance.

    I'm a member of one club because my grandchildren, who live with us, are members of clubs - They're in the Beavers and Cubs respectively - so I'm the scout group treasurer and my wife is a helper with both groups.

    And because of this and the fact that our grand-daughter is a Baton Twirler I'm also a member of the parents taxi driving club where my comings and goings are guided by those of others. I expect this will be something that others can identify with!

    We used to have a kit-kat club when i was an instructor at our training centre. The rules were simple - no sweeties till you leave work and then take it in turns to buy all the other members a kit-kat. The guy who ran the sweetshop at White City station used to look forward to seeing us come up the road.

    Incidentally - the lady with the ukelele was great. No disrespect but not in a professional sort of way but because she just did it and obviously had great fun too. I bet she put a smille on a lot of faces. She certainly put one on mine.

    No-one on the sofa last night - you're slipping!

    Have a happy day

  17. At 11:34 AM on 11 Oct 2006, prof plum wrote:

    Arrh yes Chris the SO FAR SO GOOD monthly society.

    Dr Mc Crumble your secretary is a very attractive lady. I am sure she does not need speed dating. But maybe a little makeover perhaps.

  18. At 11:43 AM on 11 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris and all bloggers
    Never done this before so bear with me as I will probably get the whole blog, shlog etiquette thing etc totally wrong, but I just had to write鈥...

    I have been listening to Monday and Tuesday shows this morning via the Internet in the workshop, so apologise for being a bit behind.

    I just wanted to say, well done and three cheers Chris for taking Duncan Banatine to task about his jet, I was dumb struck when he said he wasn鈥檛 sure about climate change etc, what鈥檚 wrong with the man?? Obviously all that Ice Cream addled his brain

    Anyway hats of to you for you for saying something.

    Do you by any chance read the Ecologist, as I often think you must? They did a piece about that super foraging chap last month really interesting and then you had him on your show so it made me wonder. We have just bought the book that he says inspired him to start, and it鈥檚 great, so that鈥檚 something else new this week. Blogging and Foraging, I think should do another new 鈥榠ng鈥 before the week is out.

    Also the Ukulele lady 鈥 BRILLIANT 鈥 she should have a weekly spot, I just had to write in to say she鈥檚 just great loved it, loved it, loved it.

    Your show is Excellent we listen to every one, although often a bit behind as it鈥檚 in the evening or very early the next day, but none the less it鈥檚 super duper.


  19. At 11:51 AM on 11 Oct 2006, ChrissieS wrote:


    As always you come up with something that makes me want to answer! I love a really good night out. I have a couple of girl friends but they are much younger than me and I always end up giving them too much advice, of course I think I know everything! My favourite night out is going out with the people I work with (mostly men) and talking about football, telly/movies, and any other rubbish that comes up. My idea of hell would be with a group of women talking about soft furnishings!

    I know this makes me sound a hundred and ten, but honestly if I ever woke up after a night out and needed the morning after pill, I'd really need a quiet word with myself. Controversial, I know!

    C xx

  20. At 12:07 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Sally wrote:

    Is there a'can't remember the day' club??

    Just realised i've put a post on yesterdays blog!!

    Nights out, yep, looking forward to a girlie night on sat, wetting the babe's head (not my baby, a friends), catching up with old friends, meeting new.
    Yep good idea can't wait.


  21. At 12:09 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Sammie wrote:

    Good morning all!

    The midweek dip is here, but keep going everyone, the weekend will soon be here (2 sleeps until magic happens!!). What do you know - about to have a weekend of passion and a blasted cold sore has sprung up overnight - very fed up now!!

    Once a Month Club - I am a member of one of those, however, things are about to change - I don't want to go out and get blasted once a month and end up in a dodgy night club.... I want a pleasant evening spent drinking and eating in good company... am I getting old, or is it simply that THAT particular wildness is out of my system now??? Going to have to use my powers of persuasion to get the other members to agree...

    Ho humm, back to the slavery...

    Have a wonderful Wednesday all


  22. At 12:19 PM on 11 Oct 2006, wrote:

    good afternoon chris!
    wow i have a club like your once a month club. my friends and i meet every couple of weeks for a coffee at the forum in norwich. theres always myself nina and nic and ofcourse little jonjon (nina's lovely baby boy!) and then other people come along some weeks. It's nice to have a giggle with a large caramel latte!
    just went on sean's sight (comment number 8)so far looks good.
    well better go. tai chi and then a rest is called for!
    alex x

  23. At 12:20 PM on 11 Oct 2006, IanG wrote:

    Hi all

    Just wanted to follow up on the blog from yesterday about finding something you like doing.

    Well, I started a new job at the start of September thinking that it would be all great and fantastic - but it wasn't. The work itself is great, but the office isn't. Firstly they sat me in the middle of the room, where everyone could see my every move - it felt really open and exposed. Secondly my daily commute went from a nice 20 mins to an awful 1 hour which was doing my head in.

    But, after 3 weeks of the drive to and from work I happened to press the wrong (right?) button on the radio and found the show - what a relief that was. Chris, I don't think you realise what a difference you and the gang have made to my drive home. I know look forward to it (if you could just be on in the mornings from 07:30 - 08:30 as well please).

    And then today I've had to move desks so no one can see over my shoulder, hence I can enjoy the blog as well.

    Oh, and it's now officially Wed PM, so I'm going downhill into the weekend too .


  24. At 12:36 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Eleanor's Mum wrote:

    Short one - why TOAMC?

    Happiness is a night with no pressure - and no hangover in the am.

    Love love love the radio show, but we listen patchily - thanks to playing with Squiggly Pig. Keep it up Christophe - you make our evenings go with a smile.

    I don't guess the songs though, just listen and hope you'll play a Then Jerico track before I shuffle off the mortal coil.

    love to you, your and all,


  25. At 12:38 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Helen wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    First time blogging for me today.

    I just HAD to write because Chris, you and me have grown up together (I'm 41). I've been right there with you through all the highs and (occasional) lows of your career and life and I have to tell you (although I'm sure you already know) that you are ONE TOP BLOKE!!

    I listen every day on the way home from work and I read your Blog very single day. It's almost a ritual. It cheers me up and gives me a lovely warm feeling and I hate being disturbed in the middle of it!

    You are one of those guys who just make people feel good and I wish, I sooooo wish we were mates (won't go further than that as am happily married!).


    Helen xx

  26. At 12:45 PM on 11 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris et al!

    Myself and my three closest girlfriends used to get together every Tuesday for food and chat and the occasional glass of wine and watch Lost.

    Now it has finished and in the next couple of weeks we are all moving in different directions.

    Hang onto your club - there is nothing better than a night with wonderful friends.


  27. At 12:51 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Tracey wrote:

    I think your Once A Month Club is a really good idea. However I felt I had to write to say that a lot of people tend to stop these nights out when they get married which I think is a real shame. My Husband has a similar club but it is entitled "The Jolly Boys Outing"(stolen from Only Fools & Horses) which involves a day out playing golf, eating & drinking.

    So anyone out there who objects to their partner going out on these get together ought to be ashamed of themselves.

    Great show Chris


  28. At 12:52 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Freyasdad wrote:

    Hi Chris & schloggers.

    My first time at this but I couldn't resist. After 5 years of being a dad, I need to get back into the Being Irresponsible Adults club again, and going out to get drunk!

    Thanks for the idea :-)

    Now then Mr Evans, why don't you get Dr McCrumble on as a guest on Drivetime? He could prove his innocence (I believe you Doc), and Andy from Ayrshire could guess the next track. Ooooo I need to get back to TV production.


  29. At 12:57 PM on 11 Oct 2006, mandy wrote:

    hi all, not good with the fancey bits when it comes to typing!!! just about manage the shift key but hey why should that stop me??....great blogs as usual.mcrumble surely your sec should just stop looking?chris couldnt believe my eyes to see 3 perfectly formed mushrooms in my very own garden i was thrilled and wanted to let you know i thort youd be thrilled too!!! Am i sad????great ukelele moments yesterday what a lovelly lady...lots of smiles..happy weds all mxx

  30. At 01:16 PM on 11 Oct 2006, MrsP wrote:

    First time blogger here.

    I think you, Chris, and others that have "clubs" are so lucky you don't know.

    I moved to the UK almost 8 years ago now and have never found TRUE friends like the ones I left behind. It seems the older you get, the harder it is to make a real connection - without stupid judgments, insecurities, etc getting in the way of just enjoying each other's company. Or maybe I just meet twits who I don't personally find interesting?!

    Chris, love your show - you're a ray of sunshine - keep up the good work. UKELULE WOMAN ROCKS!

  31. At 01:24 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Trish Breckell wrote:

    Chris, this is getting spooky! Shortly after 5pm yesterday I hopped in the car to return home after a day's baby-sitting my 3 year-old grandson. I said my goodbyes & told the little one I was going to listen to Uncle Chris on the way home.
    Before I'd let the hand-brake off what did you say but " tell Uncle Chris about it"
    Then you said that your friend, Kent, does the cleaning-up to Abba......so do I!
    I love your show, Chris-I look forward to it all day. This-evening, however I can only listen to a small part of it whilst driving to work......wait for it...........at a vasectomy clinic!
    Keep up the good work Trish

  32. At 01:27 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Kathryn wrote:

    Hello Christophe et al

    I'm a member of a club too except we meet every Wednesday at random places, usually involving pubs but as we mostly have to drive there then it's a cheap round of soft drinks. Tonight they are having a DVD night in, and I'm not going because I'm staying in to put up a curtain pole and hang my new curtains. I'm not sure that's more exciting but I might crack open a nice bottle of red afterwards.

    Just wandered back into work carrying 3 babygro's for my best friends sisters new baby girl. Obviously all the guys at work are baffled and wondering what on earth I got up to on my week off. Meanwhile I'm walking around sucking my stomach in so they twig its not me that's preggers - chance would be a fine thing! :-)

    Anyway, it's raining big rain in Nottingham today, but it's Wednesday and officially half way through the week - marvellous,

    Kathryn x

  33. At 01:40 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Losing my blogging cherry right here, right now, yeah baby yeah!

    Great show Chris, but you knew that already!

    Reading about the OAMC took me back to my young free and single days when a group of us from work would go out and hit a bar in London about 5 o'clock and then walk and eventually stagger from bar to bar until about two in the morning when we would sleep whereever we ended up! Fell asleep under a transit van in Stoke one night, and got a very rude awakening when the engine started and I realised my pillow was A) my coat and B) the rear wheel of the van!!

    A very rude awakening!! Chips mate, surely a kebab to top off a great night out???

  34. At 01:50 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Chris n bloggers all

    I am going to join the 'guessing the song after the interview' gang....Chris, you have laid down the gauntlet for tonight!!!! : )

    Good to have you back Dr J McC.....


  35. At 01:55 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Katie wrote:

    We have had big rain in london too today (Kathryn #31) It's very wet rain too!

    I have yet to experience dry rain or rain of the cat and dog variety.....

    Just been for a nice lunch (with wine) now I am pretending to be sensible at my desk and hide the hot red flush that I appear to have on my chest due to the booze! Oh how I could have sat there all afternoon and had one of those days where you are sloshed by 5pm and put the world to rights all in one arvo. Anyway on with my work (or at least making it look like that while I am reading these).


  36. At 02:10 PM on 11 Oct 2006, ken wrote:

    Hello there everyone .
    Beer and then chips, sounds like the best club ever. how long has it been going ? i look forward to reading and taking part of this blog and with everyone else taking part i feel that im part of a sort of club. Interview songs, good game, well im gona try and guess tonights so ill blog back when i see who the guests are. bye for now.

  37. At 02:20 PM on 11 Oct 2006, ken wrote:

    Hello again all . Inteview songs well i think that one of todays may be ..in the kitchen at partys by .. i think jonah lewie. wrong spelling sorry .

  38. At 03:03 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Miss G wrote:

    I regilously log on to the read the blog each day, it's the great start to the day that I need! So have decided after weeks and weeks of being a passenger on the blog to jump on board and contribute!

    The show is great btw, you do a sterling job with the team and my husband-to-be and I love listening whilst making dinner! (I think he secretly loves the Fox!!)

    Keep up the good work, we get married in 10 days and are off on honeymoon for 3 weeks... I will certainly miss the show and blogs!

    Thanks for making my days that bit brighter Lambypie.

    Miss G x x

  39. At 03:17 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Katie wrote:

    Good afternoon Chris & All

    See now I can completely understand your concern about having your OAMClubbers meeting a night early - I have the same concerns myself over things like that, I'd have been worrying that either tonight would have knocked tomorrow night off altogether or just not made it feel as special - anyways I'm glad that it doesn't/didn't work like that and that you had a great time. Do your mates read your blog? Just that you may have just let the world and it's oyster know one of them maybe gay when he hasn't actually opened the door himself.

    It's very good to have Dr J Mc' back - least we know he's still alive and kicking and that he's not been banged up in one of these police cells they're opening up.

    Have a great afternoon everyone .....

    Hear you at 5 Chris


  40. At 03:40 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Scuba smurfette wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Aren't club's brilliant? I was listening to you yesterday on my way to our book club - Legally Binding. We meet once a month in a pub or restaurant for wine and books, but mostly wine and loose talk. I also belong to a sub aqua club which also meets in a pub (after the diving related bits at the swimming pool).

    The best thing about clubs though is you get to organise other things like club outings, which is really just an excuse to do other interesting things hitched on the spurious idea that it's because you're in a club rather than it's a blooming good idea for those that need to get a pass from home for more nights out. The other good thing about clubs is that you get club groupies - we have dive groupies who come along on trips just for the beer and boat rides.

    Never done club badges though - not sure about that one. Never done speed dating either - the pressure to be witty and sparkling in 5 mins is just a bit too much. We girlies are a devious lot as most men well know, are you sure Tina wasn't pedalling the whole 'my mate fancies your mate' bit because she (Tina) really fancied you?

  41. At 04:02 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Dugsy C wrote:

    Christophe Lamby Pie,

    Blagging, bligging, blinkin blogging.... whatever it's called I'm doing it for the first time. How do you get to 38 years old without noticing? You realise your age is beginning to catch up with you when this sort of thing is nerve racking as you're not sure what the etiquette is! However, I heard your programme when you were starting your own blinkin' blog and you seem to have got into it so here we go....... Withnail and I is what started me off; surely the greatest film ever and the one that my hubby and I will watch at least once every couple of months with cries of "is it time to watch Withnail again, I think it is!" so this could be our own little sofa club which others could join in with....just imagine on a designated "Withnail Day" your listeners sit down on their very own comfy sofa, crack open a favourite beverage, poise their fingers over a tasty savoury or sweet snack and.... "wham" A Whiter Shade of Pale assaults your senses and you are swept into the surreal world of "camberwell carrots" and "going on holiday by mistake". I understand there is a drinking game associated with the film where you match the characters drink for drink, however, I've never tried this, particularly as I think I would probably die of alcohol poisoning before the cries of "scrubbers" from Richard E Grant and lighter fluid has never been my drink of choice!! Hang on a minute this blog thing has got easier as I've gone on and I think I may come back again but back to work for now....!!!!

    Keep on enjoying yourself Chris; the ordinary things in life like friends, family and laughing are more important than anything else xx

  42. At 04:11 PM on 11 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Good afternoon all

    To remain true to the modern idea of blogging, and after Parsnips comments last week, I am going to do my best to be interactive. So here goes.....

    Chris - Thanks for the feedback. Perhaps the rules could be posted in the sidebar to avoid any further misunderstandings...

    Freysadad - Thanks for the suggestion. I would be happy to 'appear' on the radio (again), but I'm afraid to say that national radio doesn't have much call for jet-setting parasitologists to tell tales of gruesome bugs that do bad things to the human body. It can be quite entertaining, but also carries a high 'queasiness' factor. I once made fifteen people faint when I showed a well known picture of what happens when you administer a de-worming drug to a patient with a couple of dozen worms.

    Gaby - Yes, it is good to be back. I've missed the place (sniff)

    Katie - I am both alive and currently well. Though I have developed a nasty cough. I think this might be due to an excess of cheap wine. The only shop within walking distance of my hideaway sells nothing but 'Wine for Pasta'

    Prof Plum - do do want a date with Denise, by any chance? She might be up for it.

    Mandy - Denise will never stop looking. She reads the astrologers words every day with something approaching reverence. Every two weeks she is destined to find a new love, apparently.

    J McC

    (This comment was brought to you by McCrumble BlogIt Ltd - erudite commentary for the discerning blogger)

  43. At 04:18 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Penguin wrote:

    Afternoon Chris and bloggettes

    Biblical rain here in the northlands. Where I used to work, we went into town for a 'thrash' about every 6 weeks or so. As I didn't live there it was always someones turn to provide me with a bed for the night, which someone did willingly. Having said that, I have got spectacularly lost on occasions. Once I jumped into someone's taxi, informed him I was sharing it and asked the driver to drop me off at the wrong address. I took me about an hour of wandering to realise I was nowhere near the required house. So in a strange town, in a strange suburb, no idea in which direction is the centre what do you do. You stand at traffic lights of course and flag down a passing car - which happened to have a dashing Italian man who took me straight to the right house. This did become a sort of urban legend at my place of work and I was usually fitted with a label a bit like Paddington bear on subsequent 'trashes'. On another occasion ... no that can wait for another post.

    Gilly (6) who was doing the VM - I'm going to see them end of Nov.

    Chris, ukelele lady great and a fab start to the show yesterday - You're not my stepping stone, by the monkees. I loved Mickie Dolenz!



  44. At 04:21 PM on 11 Oct 2006, cath wrote:

    No 30 (Mrs P) - just wanted to say that some of the best friends I have, I met in a similar forum to this blog. We started talking to one another every day as 'virtual' chums on a particular website, moved on to e-mail so we could just talk to each other, have all met up in various groupings (there are 5 of us), know the ins and outs of each others lives in glorious technicolour detail, and share all our ups and downs. We all live miles from one another but we talk on e-mail every single day. I think sites like this bring out the best in (most) people because you can totally honest.

    I hope you find some lovely friends soon.

    Hello everyone else :-)

  45. At 04:22 PM on 11 Oct 2006, John Goodwin wrote:

    Dear Chris, Just a line about last weekend, I know you like golf etc. I made my way up to St Andrews last Friday so I would be there to walk round on saturday to watch the stars at the Dunhill links Cup. Sat morning got up early to watch the players and stars practice, and then it happend!!! David Howell was short of a caddie (long story) anyway I ended up as caddie for David Howell for 18 fantastic holes. By the way his partner was Huge Grant, what a day out for a thick Yorkshire man.

    All the best. John Goodwin (Gooders)

  46. At 04:28 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Good morning from Vancouver, Canada and good evening to all back in Blighty,

    It rather sounds like Mr Evans has a similar position as myself when it comes to regularly arranged gatherings. This is most refreshing as I considered that only I had such curious concerns. Every first Friday of the month a few of us convene at the home of one of the gathered few, drink fine wine, Oban single malt, smoke our (legal) pipes and eat all kinds of cheese, dips, breads and other piquant epicurean delights whilst talking, laughing and generally wallowing in some fine company.

    Last Thursday, the eve of the monthly festivities, we happened to be in a similar position as Chris and his chums when all five of us happened to converge on our local hostelry without having arranged it. Now I love unplanned, spur of the moment happenings with the best of them. On this occasion however, I was adamant that we were not going to exchange the stories, news, philosophical nuggets for discussion and other verbiage that was the usual domain of the 'First Friday'. As it happened, three of the five had dinner plans elsewhere, so after a couple of tasty pints came the timely dispersion and my sweet relief. We all know how spontaneous and unscripted evenings have a habit of becoming legends in their own right but on this occasion, order was soon restored.

    Incidentally, hot on the heels of my Stephen Fry novels tip, for another cracking read, try a fine book by Mark Haddon, 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time' Just finished it, superb read.

    Take care and regards to you all from Canada.

    Good Day.

    Dr T

  47. At 04:37 PM on 11 Oct 2006, parker wrote:

    Hi Chris

    As a loyal listener i think that if you had no interest in Tina have passed her on to me, as things are getting a bit sad in sunny sheffield at the moment. Was she by any chance a dentist as i've got terriable toothache and still a hour to go before i can finish work

  48. At 04:50 PM on 11 Oct 2006, DugsyC wrote:

    Back again already!!!! I forgot to mention our most recent club was a bunch of mates (boys and girls) who all met up to watch a different James Bond film once a fortnight and we all had to dress up and eat based on the theme of the film i.e:- Live and Let Die, safari suits and jumpsuits whilst eating cheese and pineapple on sticks out of a foil hegehog; From Russia with love, furry hats and borchst (spelling!!). Goldfinger was best when we ate fishfingers and one of us (no names, no packdrill) sat through the film in nothing more than a snorkel, goggles, flippers and trunks although the making of spacesuits for Moonraker was something to behold......................... I will be reserrecting this soon methinks; we're talking about dressing up for Daniel Craig's outing so to the drawing board for Casino Royale costumes and what to eat after the event.......?
    Dugsy xx

  49. At 04:52 PM on 11 Oct 2006, James or Parsnip wrote:

    Paying complete disregard to the comments above, and to my call last week for greater interactivity (sorry Dr McC) can I just say how pleasantly surprised I am by the new Amy Winehouse single. I had written her off as having more mouth than talent, but she's made a good record there. Not sure about all the lyrics, mainly as my deafness is increasing with age so I can't make them all out, but a round of applause for her.

    I read somewhere that her new LP is going to sound quite Stax-y, which if you read my contributions yesterday you'll know I reckon is a damned fine thing.

    Plus the Magic Numbers record is great, as was their last one too (though i only heard it once when Johnnie Walker played it when pretending to be Sir Tel, I downloaded it and have it burned onto the current CD in my car - it still sounds excellent).

    And why did I never know girls like Scarlet Johansson when I was single...?

  50. At 05:14 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Jennie wrote:


    can you recommend a good country pub around your weekend retreat - I am bored of the white horse, have tried the mulberry - great by the way but it is our try a new pub night. any suggestions gratefully recieved!

    Love Jennie (from the block)

  51. At 05:31 PM on 11 Oct 2006, prof plum wrote:

    Thanks Crumble But not actually into women.
    Must be lots of suiters out there though iIam sure.

  52. At 05:34 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Katie wrote:

    Blog no 2.

    Dear Dr J Mc' please don't ever ever go on national radio and discuss the parasites - it makes me quite ill just typing the word and you definitely couldn't go on with Chris as people would be put of their food completely - me thinks they may even close the 麻豆约拍 down it could be that catastrophic. Now if you want to go on to plead your innocence then I could happily live with that, we could all arrange to come down and do a march holding banners for you.

    Jill (#6) - thanks for the excellent and very timely review of the Vagina Monologues, I'm going to see them on Saturday at Preston.

    J or P #48 - got to agree with you that the Magic Numbers are excellent, it was Sir Tel (or was it George Clooney???) that got me into them after he played them.

    After reading posts on the deluge that was todays rain I've got to add my bit - we had the most amazing storm here in Lancashire, the lightning was amazing and went on for hours and I don't think I've ever heard thunder like it .... was brilliant!

    I've never seen Withnail & I - just done a google and it looks like one to watch so I'll send off for that one.

    Right, off now to throw myself around the kitchen before things that shouldn't be burnt get burnt.

    Keep smiling Chris & all


  53. At 05:42 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Megglet wrote:

    Hello gang,

    On the subject of Chris' text-in topic today (the last risk you took) if you want to meet THE KING of taking risks you should read or watch anything by a guy called Benedict Allen.

    I went to see his presentation at the Cheltenham Literature Festival yesterday afternoon (oooh - get me!) and left completely inspired.

    He lives his life with the notion of owing it to your dreams to follow them and blimey - does he ever?! He is the ultimate modern day explorer, immersing himself in the life of native people before setting off on extraordinary adventures using the skills they have taught him.

    Take a look at his website (www.benedictallen.com) and if he's speaking at a venue near you GO SEE HIM!

    Even though I know that I'll never nip off to Siberia with nothing but a team of 'icedogs', or wander across the Namib desert with just a couple of camels for company, he reminded me that the importance of NEVER allowing your fear to stand in the way of your dreams is just as important for us as it is for him.

    On an entirely shallow level, girlies, he's also a bit of a dish!

    Chris - get him on the show. I feel sure the two of you would get on like a house on fire (plus according to the Ennneagram thingy I did at the weekend you're both a number 7 personality type...although I think you may be a little bit more high functioning one than him...!).

    Happy hump day all.

    Meg x x x

    P.S. Parsnip - I'm loving Amy Winehouse too...and am equally surprised.

  54. At 05:42 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Ian wrote:

    Hi All

    Once a month club sounds good :) I do something along the same lines but annually. My three brothers and 1 save up all year round and go away for a weekend on our own. Sadly, we have a "crest" to be worn on a blazer, ties and a polo top - all branded. We also have rules that have to be followed or forfeits get paid (drink usually!)

    We take turns in organising it and there is an annual competition for a trophy :)

    Puerile...maybe but hey ho a weekend away, just us four and it is impossible to insult a brother permanently. They usually forgive in time for the next year.

  55. At 05:43 PM on 11 Oct 2006, wrote:


    I would love to join you for a few drinks, one night. After all, from tomorrow (Thursday 12th), I'll be joining the presenters / production ranks of 麻豆约拍 Radio One, working on the Unsigned bands, OneMusic and such...

    Do get in touch with me! my contacts are on my website: www.dsoundz.co.uk

    The music series I am bringing to the 麻豆约拍 is called Straight Outa Bristol, it's been popular on the iTunes Store, and now 麻豆约拍 Radio One are interested in it.. and me :) what a break.

    Series Producer / Presenter

  56. At 05:58 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Chris.... and bloggers,

    very good choice of post-interview song - I didn't guess correctly - did any of you fellow bloggers get it right, i wonder?

    Dugsy C - #41 -great idea ...the Withnail Day - what a film - loved your quotes : )

    Today, I bought Moab is My Washpot by Stephen Fry - following a fellow blogger's recommendation yesterday - so sorry, have forgotten which blogger : )

    Keith (BigUn)......I hope today was as ok as these appointments can be and I hope you know how much we are all with you and your family for friday.


    ps do UEFA (or whoever it is ) not realise how important it is that 'big' games should not synchronise with our favourite radio show..........timing is everything!! : )

  57. At 06:04 PM on 11 Oct 2006, DugsyC wrote:

    Good luck Sam but I'm afraid I'm a Radio 2 kind of girl (I never thought I'd write that down).....must go Chris is playing Prince ooooohhh xx

  58. At 06:22 PM on 11 Oct 2006, DugsyC wrote:

    Gaby (56) we should start a petition to get Chris to honour Withnail Day!!!!

    I recommend you read "Withnails" the autobiography of Richard E Grant, it's great. I've read a few of Stephen Fry's books and they're all fantastic, as is QI on the box if you watch it?

    Got to go now, home to the kiddiwinkles for cuddles....

    Dugs xx

  59. At 06:38 PM on 11 Oct 2006, wrote:

    The bloke who says he's a girlfriend in Canada you've never seen, sound like the kind of guy who all the girls adore; but yet treat like a brother - nice for all the girls, shame for the poor nice bloke!!

  60. At 06:41 PM on 11 Oct 2006, feste wrote:

    Hi, first time on the blog for me but i have had fun reading the blogs and comments.

    I hope the guy with the girlfriend in Canada stays with it. The long range romance stuff is hard work but it can be worth it. I threw caution to the wind and did just that and i have to say it worked out well for me....even if it hadn't i would have had a great experience finding out.

    Do something really silly once a day.

    Much love


  61. At 06:58 PM on 11 Oct 2006, wrote:

    do you still have your moggy we have 2 a traveller and a saloon yocan keep you modern cars moggys are ace

  62. At 07:16 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Frances wrote:

    Everything about you is about dating

  63. At 07:29 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    You can't beat a good book...

    When you bought 'Moab is my Washpot' you made a grand choice, Gaby (Blog #56). I love a good book recommendation myself and am rather glad you chose to purchase what you are sure to find is a most splendid read. As you will discover, it truly is a book which divulges the inner feelings and true background of the inimitable Mr Fry. I know the word is often overused, misused and applied with ill deserved confidence but I truly consider Stephen Fry to be a comedic and literary genius.

    In turn, do you have any reading recommendations for me, Gaby or any of the other wonderful contributors to this fine forum?

    Enjoy Moab is My Washpot. Even the way in which he decided on the title is suitably obscure and amusing.

    Good day

    Dr T

  64. At 07:47 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Sarah wrote:

    Been away so long i hardly knew this place. First visit back to the blog for a fortnight ( why is it called that?) Been working 19 days on the trot and been missing the show as driving back too late. ( Have caught up with Archers tho) Good to be back now and back to normal. Loved the ukulele lady last night.
    Me and my girls get together once a month for dinner and wine and good catch up. Problems shared and solved all in one night. Off to the new Michael Caines nosh house in Canterbury tomorrow night to offload all the stress of the last two weeks. A public thank you to my chums who keep me sane.

  65. At 08:41 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Susie wrote:

    Hey Christophe,

    Once a monthers eh? Interesting turn of phrase. That has an entirely different meaning in my book. Anyhoo....

    So you think speed dating is the thing do you ...not so sure.

    I'm trying the online dating thingy just now, and its very very weird...its like browsing through this menu, but its a menu of men. It doesn't feel too natural and its taking a bit of time to get used to. By the way ladies, for any of you out there who want a fella with a bit of cash, thats where to find them, but then we're not all driven by the material things in life. Wouldn't do if we were all the same.

    Anyone out there had much luck with online dating? I've a few notes of interest I'm following up on, but its a strange old business. Alot of folks out there looking for the right one, their 'allocation'. I continue to look, but I guess if I'm honest I'm encouraged by what I see and hear...

    Would love to hear about anyone else's experiences....

    Better day at work today so that was encouraging. Oh, and what about that rain! Wild and exciting - loved it!!!

    Ciao for now babe,

    Susie xx

  66. At 08:53 PM on 11 Oct 2006, ken wrote:

    Allmost got the Gordon Ramsay interview song 37 just forgot about the rat

  67. At 08:54 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Gaby wrote:

    guys n gals

    DugsyC #58....after the debacle that was the England game, there was only one thing for it.......Withnail!! - playing on DVD as I type....

    Dr T #63....am looking forward to Moab...thank you for the recommendation....: ) Ah, a return-recommendation....well, I am a little eccentric when it comes to literary appreciation!! : ) I have a few books 'on the go' at a time - at present am reading Alan Bennett 'Untold Stories', Andrew Marr 'My Trade', Piers Morgan 'The Insider' (I have always wanted to be a journalist!!) , Tony Parsons 'Stories We Could Tell' - I pick up whichever one I feel in the mood for!! ....I have just realised I am reciting my book list rather than actually recommending, as requested!!.....I think that one of the most compelling books I have read was Brian Keenan's account of his incarceration in Beirut.....'An Evil Cradling'. It was one of the most beautifully written books I have read - it was a long time ago that I read it. I tend to go for the 'well written' rather than the 'good storyline'....so, I like Louis de Bernieres et al......that is not to say that Louis DB doesn't 'do' good storylines!!

    I am going to try to think of a more light-hearted recommendation....will report back....

    Have a good evening one and all


  68. At 09:00 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Guy wrote:

    So interesting as ever and always so positive and varied, thats what makes it all so interesting. I've even started e-mailing a friend in the style of a blog. Also have to report my week at work, think i will call it a blog aswell.

    Once a month club, what a good idea, if i suggested that to my lot i'm sure they'd think i'd gone strange!!god knows why, but then most people aren't very open minded at times are they.

    Well keep playin them classic 80's tunes....hows about some China Crisis!!??

  69. At 09:03 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Piglet wrote:

    Well hello there one and all

    Christophe, thanks for answering my question on the redio. Was absolutely astounded. Good job I had got home. Migh thav edriven off the road in shock otherwise. have never had my name on radio before. Am also very impressed that you do actually read all the posts too.

    I think McCrumble would make a good guest. Love a bit of gore.

    I myself am a member of an exclusive club. It's simply known as the Convent and consists of two sisters and a mother hen. Basically it's just a chance for three friends to meet up, leave adulthood behind and go a bit crazy now and again. Fab.

    Bye for now


  70. At 09:17 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Jilly Beanz wrote:

    Hello All

    Just looking

    Just reading

    Just liking

    Just laughing

    but not just passing......see you soon! xx

  71. At 09:23 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Helen Melon wrote:

    Man, I want to be you for the night Chris.
    I wonder who you would like to be for one night? There's a subject..........
    I could really do with a night out on the p**s! I was saying yesterday how much I love being with my family, and don't get me wrong, I do love it, but sometimes you know, I miss the freedom of having no responsibilities except to yourself, and being selfish. What I need is a long overdue night off where work is not involved. (singing is work, and also a social too) As I don't drink when working until afterwards, and only if not driving, which I always am, I am really hankering after a good session!
    My time will come, and when it does I will make good use.
    Did that have anything to do with anything?
    Oh well, good to get it off my chest.
    x x x x

  72. At 09:26 PM on 11 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris and folks,

    I've been away from the blog for a couple of weeks, and really missed it. Work and travel stuff. Chris's angst about his OAMC reminded me of the importance of regular release and connections with friends just for the sake of 'being'.

    Before setting up my own business I worked for a major finacial services company and had a little club called the BCLC (Business Critical Lunch Club). Whenever any of the club members were feeling overwhelmed or in need of support, we'd put a BCLC in the diaries for the whole afternoon, take ourselves off to the local wine bar ,where, if you ordered 2 glasses of Kumala you got the rest of the bottle free!! Several bottles later we were re-motivated, re-energised, incoherent and had put the world to rights, ready to face the next challenge!!

    It was a very exclusive club, and we gave it priority over any other meetings. It helped us to get though the treacle of corporate life.

    I now have visions of a flurry of BCLC meeting invitations going into your diaries :>)

    Debbie XX

  73. At 09:53 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Hamlet wrote:

    What a full life Chris.
    Do you ever have a day doing nothing?

    Do you find time to see your daughter?

  74. At 10:03 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Oh how the wheels of the literary blog club turn,

    Andrew Marr, there is no finer gesticulator in the world of journalism. 'My Trade'. Marvelous. I always require a piece of non-fiction literature to accompany my current novel. Thank you for your recommendation Gaby (Blog#67) I await your 'more light hearted' suggestion with breath that can only be described as 'baited' I shall be sure to pop into a reputable bookstore on my way into the Vancouver night and purchase the aforementioned book.

    I may have to stop at my local for a preprandial libation or two first. Beer, books, blogs, buddies, crisps, crosswords and cricket, you really do have to love life don't you?

    Incidentally, I would refer to your taste as 'eclectic' rather than eccentric.

    Good day to you all and good evening.

    Dr T

  75. At 10:12 PM on 11 Oct 2006, ASHY wrote:


  76. At 10:19 PM on 11 Oct 2006, david lumb wrote:

    evening all not feeling to good infact i don't feel like living anymore

    glad you had a good night chris sorry to bring the Blog down

    goodnight all


  77. At 11:12 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    Littlest Hobo - right there with you on the recommendation for The Curious Incident. Excellent book and I read it at work in 2 days. The joys of being your own boss!

    Also highly recommend The Time Travellers Wife, by Niffennegger. Can't remember the 1st name, might have been Alice. I normally read terry pratchett and ben elton, but heard about this one a year or so ago on richard and judy's book club and was intrigued. Also a Japanese writer whose name I definitely can't remember let alone spell, but so beautifully written that it whisks you away to another world. Not really much help on that one, sorry.

    On a completely different subject, does anyone else on the blog play CNPS? Consecutive Number Plate Spotting that is. I am currently on 37, looking for 38, and hopefully should be finished with 999 in about 4 years time. If any of you drive a 38 plate and happen to be around northants tomorrow, please blog and tell me where. Been stuck on 37 for 5 days now!

    MW, a!

  78. At 11:21 PM on 11 Oct 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    #76 - david lumb.

    oh mate (hope you don't mind me calling you that)

    I'm not gonna sit here and tell you to cheer up, and that everything will be alright - because what do I know? I'm not gonna tell you that there are people worse off than you. All of these things that people are programmed to say to others when they are feeling down do not help in the slightest, though when thought about later makes you realise that people do care.

    If you want to offload, and have somebody read and reply patiently due to the 10 min gap with the moderation thing then I have no plans of going to bed any time soon.

    maybe having a stranger listen to you will help, maybe not.

    If not, then I hope you can rest easy tonight and wake tomorrow to face the world and battle your demons.

    If you do I'll check back in ten mins or so.

    MW, a!

  79. At 12:07 AM on 12 Oct 2006, Jill wrote:

    David Lumb - you are a much-needed blogger. You've a big crowd of supporters here.

    MW a! You are the keystone, the one who always comes to the rescue. That's lovely.

    #53 Megglet. Hope you enjoyed the Enneagram weekend. Don't know how you could analyse Chris as a 7 - think everyone has to answer the questions for themsleves... Good, though, isn't it? :-) What number are you?

    Good night all - or now it should be Good morning all... xxx

  80. At 12:21 AM on 12 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I've been meaning to write for awhile - but figured I should now you've asked me a direct question... but i'm not sure which book you are talking about ;o)

    Love Karen.

  81. At 12:59 AM on 12 Oct 2006, Katie wrote:


    I hope you're feeling a little better now - even better I hope you're fast asleep with a peaceful mind. If you are feeling like this it may be a good idea to speak to someone, in the first instance speak to your doctor and they will hopefully link you into some counselling if you believe this would help. In the short term there are always the Samaritans 08457 90 90 90, I've just checked their site out and you can email them if you find that easier, however, they can only get back to you then within 24 hours. There are people out there to help you David, you just have to let someone know that you need a bit of support at the moment.


  82. At 06:48 AM on 12 Oct 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Gaby #56 (yesterday) all good thanks :-) I was away from my computer all day so I have spent the first part of my day catching up on reading the blog.

    It is very good :-)

    I missed it am I sad or what?


  83. At 08:20 AM on 12 Oct 2006, david lumb wrote:

    thankyou all for your very kind support i'm fine honestly i think just a mad moment.

    i don't know what came over me had a goodnight sleep and ready for the day ahead! and the rest of my life of course!

    they were lovely things to say and i appreciate it.

    i'll be blogging later when chris does he's next one today.

    cheers all


  84. At 11:14 AM on 13 Oct 2006, SapphireSoGood wrote:

    Now Chris, don't be nicking my TOG handle! Can't blog a TOG's name without due cause and attention . What would the Togmeister have to say about that eh? XX

  85. At 11:02 AM on 17 Oct 2006, Trevor Browse wrote:

    Sir - During the period 1950-1960 there was a monologue/song that included the lines:
    'I am getting old'
    'The hills are getting steeper'
    'The roads seem to be getting longer every day'. It was fun to listen to.
    It was related by a male artist with a similar drawling voice akin to Tex Ritter. I cannot find the full name or artist. Please can you help ............ TrevorB
    (persomal home computer

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