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Chris Evans | 10:14 UK time, Thursday, 19 October 2006

Hi Hi Hi. How are we today ?

Here鈥檚 one for you, see if you鈥檝e had the same thing happen鈥

鈥hen you鈥檙e single, genuinely so, is it or is it not, completely acceptable to ask someone out ?


So, I was working with someone recently and she was nice and cool and completely hot and she gave me her number. So I asked her out, now there was also a guy involved in our work thing and he was really cool too, he was a colleague of hers and he did mention several times that he had a girlfriend and blah blah blah.

Anyway yesterday it turns out that his girlfriend was in fact the girl. So he phones me up and tears me off a right strip.

Two things here;

1. She did give me her number.
2. At no point did it become apparent that they were an item.

I promise I would never have asked her out if I鈥檇 known but here鈥檚 the other thing, how does he think he got to go out with her in the first place ? Single guys ask girls out, that鈥檚 what we鈥檙e supposed to do. That鈥檚 the deal.

I never ask someone if they鈥檙e seeing someone before I ask them out. To me that鈥檚 creepy. Ask them out and then they鈥檒l tell you, one way or the other, it鈥檚 as simple as that.

As last night wore on, went for a fantastic taster meal by the way, I became more and more frustrated. So much so that I ended up singing karaoke till gone two o鈥檆lock, hence the tardiness of this blog!

I think the best thing to do, and I鈥檝e been thinking this for a while, is to never make the first move again, for as long as I live, then you can鈥檛 go wrong. Last week I had a very weird situation as well, it鈥檚 just not worth it.

There鈥檚 so much to do in life nowadays, I wonder what Mr. Darcy would have made of it all.

My bed is mine own, I have a few excellent friends, an amazing job, a lovely mum and considering what I鈥檝e done to it, a pretty decent bod ! Ooh er鈥
I met several members of the opposite gender last night, one particularly tall Scot, she was a musician, very nice and also very sexy and I met a foody person, a right laugh and full of beans but she then told me she had a boyfriend though it probably wasn鈥檛 going to last. She said she was making the most of it whilst it was still there but she was certain he was wrong for her and he was going to dump her. What鈥檚 that all about?

We are all mad. Mad mad mad mad mad. That鈥檚 why this world of ours is so fascinating.

Must go, there鈥檚 a knotted ball of string that needs untangling in my top drawer, if you know what I mean.

Loads of love people, you make me want to keep on ticking until there ain鈥檛 no ticking left.


P.S. What鈥檚 the difference between a pamphlet and a leaflet ?


  1. At 10:23 AM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Good Morning Mr. Evans :)

    Humans hey ? They are a funny old lot ! Sorry to hear you got tangled up in someone elses games. Never nice. Especially when you are a completely innocent party.

    You - from what I have been told from those who know you, and from what I have seen / listening to / read - are flippin fantastic and really deserve all of lifes best bits. I really hope you find someone utterly fab to share your wonderful life with and who can share their wonderful life with you....

    I`m in the same boat, I have GREAT friends, a fantastic family, a job that I love and enjoy going to work for, a wonderful dog (Maisy) but not that missing bit. Am I happy ? Yes. Very. I just know there is more to it....

    I hope you are able to find that as you truly deserve it. You`re fab !!

    Have a wonderful day !

    Tracey-Ann x x

    Oh - and what are the crossword answers !!

  2. At 10:23 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Eleanor's Mum wrote:

    Morning Christophle - what a cow!

    It might be a harsh assessment, but by what you've told us, you were well within your rights to ask her out. She should have told you right from the get-go she wasn't availyubble, so don't you dare feel bad.

    I found when I was single (which was a loong, loong time, let me tell you), that every time I went 'looking' ick - sounds so cheap, but oyu know what i mean - I never had a single bit of luck.

    When I wasn't bothered, I'd meet someone. Not that I was surrounded by men, no chance, but it all just seemd a bit more relaxed.

    It's sad to hear you say you'll never make the first move, but let's face it, these days it all feels like such a scrum - get a boy/giurlfriend, get a house, have a car, get a great job... sheesh.

    Have a big maternal hug sweetie - I'm good at them.

    On the food front, was so pleased to hear you're off on a course - but does that mean we'll be Christophle-less? Also, promise to dole out some nice recipes when you get back? Especially ones that are suitable for blending for a hungry squiggly Pig.

    Love to y'all.

    PS, listening to the show and doing this is like a being in a fabby club and it's the first one ever I don't feel like I don't belong it. Thanks chaps. xx

  3. At 10:27 AM on 19 Oct 2006, rob wrote:

    Well Chris, single people are fully entitiled to ask out other people - and if you had known she was ssing someone you wouldn't have said anything - so don't stress about it......

    be true to yourself, your friends and your family and the rest will fit in as and when it is intended ;-)

    And are you any good at karaoke? perhaps you should have your "all reqquests friday" as a karaoke - anyone wanting a request has to sing some part of it (and NO i wont be the first in the queue!)

    have a good thirsty thursday


    (now back home from Heathrow so happy again)

    PS had a lovely hug from my 4yo son this morning - had not seen him since Sunday, he just knelt up in bed and put his arms out wide for a big cuddle - mad me realise just how lucky I am.........

  4. At 10:29 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Joe wrote:

    hey Christophe and bloggers

    Sounds like you had a rough nite last night. As many folks say, you have to have the bad times to appreciate how good the good times really are.

    Its taken you this long to realise that people are mad, lol, I'm beginning to think there isnt a sane person on this planet, and the world is a better place for it, more eccentrics I say, they brighten up our lives.

    As for the man/woman thing, I coudnt agree with you more! The first thing my fiancee did when we met was try to run me over in her car! Luckily we got past the hate at first sight thing, and are getting married in 2008.

    People play games with each other, dont they? thats what its all about. If people were just honest with each other, life would be so much simpler.

    While I remember, heres a few questions I've heard in the past, and would love to know the definitive answer to.

    Do sausages hang up or down when they are hanging in shops?

    Before drawing boards came along, what did people go back to?

    Finally, what I hope is the definitive answer to a question many people ask

    How long is a piece of string
    A. Twice the distance from the middle to one end.

    Hope your day improves Christophe, and hello to all the bloggers out there from a very very wet Sunderland


  5. At 10:32 AM on 19 Oct 2006, sumo wrote:

    hi Chris (and fellow bloggers),

    I'm with you all the way mate. Have been in loads of similar situations myself and just get emotionally confused. I too have decided to go for the 'I'm a great bloke and I'm going to focus on all the beautiful thing in my life' type approach.

    Think the ticking thing is mutual - Chris you help loads of us out in cyber and radio land get through this mad and splendid world with a smile on our face. Thanks

    Shrromms! sumo

  6. At 10:33 AM on 19 Oct 2006, The debster wrote:

    Morning Chris - well you asked the difference between an pamphelet and a leaflet?

    Well a pamphlet is a small girl child called Pam and a Leaflet is a baby leaf.

    Simple. Just like me.

    Happy Thursday .......

    Kissy kissy.

    The Debster xx

  7. At 10:34 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Dissing Dave wrote:

    You did nothing wrong, you asked a simple question, if the answer was yes wahey! If the answer is no then most wimmin I know will tell you look I'm really sorry but I'm involved with someone, or something similar. As you had no indication that she was involved with yer man or anyone else, it was a perfectly valid question. This chap has got his nose a little out of joint because he's treating the girl as his possession. You don't know what you don't know! Me, I would printout the blog and any comments that come back and send it to him with a simple card saying sorry I didn't know!
    Chin up old man, I'd go for the early morning T if I was you!!!

  8. At 10:34 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Bodacia Marchbanks wrote:

    Morning Chris and all,
    Apparently I am a commentator not a blogger so to get all the jokes over with I'll say it first...'GOAL!'
    Fairly new to all this so I have been reading some of the previous and I came across the name Mariella Wolenski, apparently. Now I beleive that I might know her a bit! and I just wanted to say hi to all my fellow bloggers who have been dead nice to her while she has been going through a bit of a tough spot that she really didn't deserve!
    And Chris if you were looking for someone to ask out she would definatly be the one!

    I always believe that anyone that you ask 'What is your favourite animal?' and they say 'Dragon' you can't go far wrong.

    One downside is she doesn't like mushrooms, but you can't have everything.

    So grab the bull by the horns, walk towards the light at the end of the tunnel, and go for broke! Who can know what is out there waiting for us! Never miss an opportunity, who knows what's round the next corner!

    Don't stop asking Chris, cos there is someone for all of us! Oh and she likes peas!

  9. At 10:34 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Lowri wrote:

    Missing the point Chris - us girls (middle aged woman rather) love to be asked out and we play the age old game of stringing you along until danger looms and we back off. - Sorry

  10. At 10:36 AM on 19 Oct 2006, chewie wrote:

    Hey Chris

    It's not your fault, she gave you her number, you weren't to know.

    he's probably p***ed off, and now insecure cause she gave her number out.

    don't blame yourself.


  11. At 10:37 AM on 19 Oct 2006, cath wrote:

    Do you know what Chris, she can't be that nice if she gave you her number and she was actually going out with someone else!!! He should have been having a go at her, not you!!!!

    Don't be put off asking us girlies out - I know I always loved being asked out, still old-fashioned in that respect.

    You're lovely and you will find the right girl for you - probably when you're not looking.

    MWAH and a big squishy hug


  12. At 10:37 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Spoodle Doo wrote:

    Morning Chris!

    Everyone has crap days mate, it doesnt mean we have to give up on the things that went wrong!

    The thing I find a little odd is that there was no indication that these two people were together and that she gave you her number and never indicated that she was attached. Not you fault and not worthy of a tounge lashing either. Not all the ladies in the world are worth the bother admittidly but dont give up on 'em all there are some that are the BEES KNEES!

    I think a pamphlet is trying to be a posh leaflet or maybe a pamphlet is supposed to contain info to help you on your way and a leaflet trys to extract your money from your wallet?

    Keep smiling people ITS THIRSTY THURSDAY :)

  13. At 10:39 AM on 19 Oct 2006, johnny wrote:

    I think a leaflet is one or two pages, possibly folded. And also a pamphlet is usually stapled.

    Keep up the good work on the interesting and thought-provoking blogs.

    Cheers, j

  14. At 10:39 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Gilly wrote:

    Morning Chris and fellow bloggees,

    Of course it's ok to ask someone out- but as a single woman, I don't think I've ever done it! I still always wait/expect the man to do the asking- how neanderthal is that?

    And most of the time, I LOVE my singledom too. Like you, my bed is my own, the one man in my life is my 11-year old son, I'm paying my bills and my mortgage and I'm doing ok.

    And by the way Chris, the foodie lady from last night?....Don't you think that when she said she didn't think her current relationship had much longer to go? she really was letting you know that she may well be available to ask out soon? That's what I think it was all about! We tell you when we are single- and we tell you when we are going to be single!!

    Happy Thursday everyone x

  15. At 10:45 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Gilly Marlow wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Good morning you one and all. What conundrums you set us Chris!
    Speaking as a girl who has spent much too long working in a library, here goes:
    A pamphlet is a short document of several pages that are fastened together, whilst a leaflet is a small sized leaf of paper folded into 2 or more leaves, but not fastened together, and usually distributed freely.

    Hope this helps!!

    Love the blog, love the show, Chris you are a one-off!!


  16. At 10:45 AM on 19 Oct 2006, ChrissieS wrote:

    Morning Chris (and all)

    Well, what a shambles! Obviously the girl who gave you her number is not remotely interested in her boyfriend. Why is she with him? What about the dame you met last night - staying with a guy who she knows is wrong and is about to dump her - must have zero self-esteem.

    What happened is NOT your fault, which of course you know. People who are with a partner and they are looking elsewhere - they are with the wrong partner! I think this girl with the phone number hoped something like this would happen. I take it she's blown her chance?

    Nice theory about never making the first move ever again. However, it won't work. You'll meet someone who makes the first move and it could be she's attached anyway.

    I must confess that I don't have any experience of this. I have been with my husband for 30 years - a child bride! I did have two boyfriends before him but even though I was so young, I knew they were totally wrong for me. T came along and it was a case of "All systems are go, all lights are green"! I know it doesn't always work that way - I have been lucky. (Trust me, though, at times it has been verrrrry difficult!)

    Keep going Chris, you are going to meet someone absolutely fabulous, I know it. I think part of the secret is not showing all your cards too soon - keep a bit of yourself back and then the person you are interested in has to work just a wee bit harder. Certainly, this is how is used to work in 1976!!!


    C xx

  17. At 10:45 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Dickie D wrote:

    "knotted ball of string that needs untangling in my top drawer"
    Lol Chris.

    BTW do we not all agree that the Karaoke thingy is all a bit '80 ish? The only person gaining any sort of pleasure is the singer whilst the rest of us cringe into our pints.

    I reckon a pamphlet consists of more that on piece of paper鈥.but I could be wrong.

  18. At 10:45 AM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Morning Bloggers and you of course Chris!


    Male or female it's acceptable, in fact it's advisable! Please all you single men out there, stop being so backwards in coming forwards for a date.....


  19. At 10:49 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Clare wrote:

    Dear Chris,
    Remember Mr. Darcy got blown out first time too. If you really like a single gal you might have to just ask them again :)
    first blog... am feeling v.nervous!
    C xx

  20. At 10:52 AM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    On the subject of 'singles' politics, i guess it would depend on how long you have worked with the person for. If it was a while then surely you'd just suss these things out!

    A similar thing happened to me, but i knew she was single, i stole her number from the office, and pestered her to go out with me until she just told me to leave her alone, otherwise she'd call the police. So it's not really that similar at all is it. Sorry Chris, I think I'm just the wrong person to ask. Hehe. Take it easy people, me! x

    P.S. Surely a pamphlet is folded into several sections and contains more information. A leaflet would be a single sheet of paper, unfolded, with only one side used, no!? At least thats what my local indian take away told me last week when i was wondering exactly the same thing. Hmmmm, i think not! Do come again my friend!

  21. At 10:52 AM on 19 Oct 2006, melanie c wrote:

    Morning all.

    Oh dear Chris, what a mix up. I think most of us have done the same thing at some point in their lives. I know I certainly have done!!!!!!

    The difference between a leaflet and a pamphlet?? Well, I think a leaflet is a single sheet of paper folded, and a pamphlet could consist of several pages.

    Roll on 5pm......
    Laters Peeps..
    Melanie C

  22. At 10:53 AM on 19 Oct 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Morning Chris,
    Just my kind of soup!
    Being the old fashioned girl that I am I like the whole male/female roles thing but then again I am post 40. My 21 year old does not agree with me at all but that's OK coz I want a man of my age who thinks like me not a 21 year old.
    In my world boys ask girls out. Girls don't ask boys out. Girls wear perfume and jewellery. Boys don't. Men don't iron or wash up and ladies don't put the rubbish out or clean the car.
    I can see the blogger rocks coming at me as I type but there's no room for apology here! I don't like this androgenous society we're heading for. No wonder I have 32 episodes of Hercules on DVD and love men on iron horses in their leather 'armour' oozing testosterone..... xx

    Debs xx

  23. At 10:54 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Annie wrote:


    Has it occured to you that this girl really likes you - perhaps that's why she gave you her phone number ?!!

    (just the opinion of another girl of course)

  24. At 10:57 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Dan Martin wrote:

    Chris Mate i am single and the same thing happens all the time. its worst when you get on well have a drink maybe a dance then they say ohh i better get back to my b/f, whats that all about!!! are you dancing with me to boost your ego or to get him to notice you where does that leave me. now i know what you mean a bout it sounding creepy about asking about a b/f but it depends how you ask example :
    " i take it someone as fantastic as you wont be single"!!!
    you dont sound creep and if they are single you have givern them a complement you cant lose
    Any way i find its the easy way now !!!

    Good Luck with the string !!!!

  25. At 10:57 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Good morning Chris and the blogettes.....

    Yes absolutely, it is acceptable.

    But! She may have given you her number for work reasons. You don鈥檛 say under what circumstance she gave you her number.

    Single guys ask girls out!鈥. When?

    My experience is: single guys are glued to the nightclub wall with a pint of larger just watching the girls dance 鈥. Then when a smootchy comes on, just before chucking out time, they stagger over , spit in your ear and think that鈥檚 impressive enough to spend the night with you鈥︹︹︹.. married/recently divorced guys always ask nicely 鈥 that; is how you can tell鈥︹︹.

    I鈥檓 so glad I鈥檓 beyond all that now鈥︹

    Ok crossword clue鈥 this is easy:

    Dot鈥檚 rival follows nativity star almost completely to display of top entertainment says leading article. (3,5,5,4)

    A Pamphlet is a small book of several pages; a leaflet is usually a single sheet

    Keep smiling


  26. At 10:58 AM on 19 Oct 2006, silver-fox wrote:

    Great blog.

  27. At 10:58 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Chris Whitton wrote:

    Mate......Don't get me started on all that do you ask them, don't you ask them situ,!!
    If they are interested in you then they are usualy " in a relationship, but it's not going anywhere"...! & you of course then run the risk of getting a punch on the nose for your entirely innocent enquiry.!! & of course if they don't fancy you then it's a curt rebuffale, & you then get branded a sex pest..!
    I'm not sure , but i think Leaflets are single sheet, & a pamphlet is multi paged!!!
    So comes the supplementry question..... is the word pamphlet some sort of plural of leaflet.?????? Catch ya at 5..... Fussy.

  28. At 10:59 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Bumble wrote:

    Relationships - what its all about? thats what I feel at the moment, and yet tomorrow or maybe a couple of days time I'll know why I'm in a committed, erratic, emotional relationship. I'm a cynic when it comes to marriage - how can two people stay together forever and be happy? Then I see a friend of mine and I think yes it can, but its a rarity. I envy people who are married, happy and looking forward to the future after coming out of an empty marriage. I constantly question why I married, I'm told I seemed to be in love at one time, but I dont remember, all I remember is thinking it wasnt right even on my wedding day, but I thought I was wanting too much and my husband to be was a lovey man what more could I want? My marriage was empty of rows and nastiness, well from his side anyway, I was bitter, empty and hated myself for not being happy, content and in love with my husband and allowing my baby not to have a normaly happy family life - now I'm in an emotional roller coaster with someone I do have a spark with, who does row, who does stand up to me and its tiring and hard work. Would I go back to my previous life? No, but can I carry on? I'm not sure. Do I want to be alone? Sometimes.................relationships - what is it all about?

    Ooo I'm feeling tired and emotional!!

  29. At 11:01 AM on 19 Oct 2006, grizabella wrote:

    Long time listener and reader, first time blogger. Re the asking out. You only ask that question when you feel confident that it may reciprocated, and if you read it wrong, no big deal the person will let you know. It鈥檚 how people form relationships and friendships after all!

    I recently went out with a pal of mine, she鈥檚 a great person but has never been able to be on her own, if she doesn鈥檛 have a boyfriend she thinks her world has ended. I on the other hand am the opposite, I have been single for 16 years and I love it. I suppose you could say that we are the yin / yang of dating, not sure which of us is the shady or which is the sunny. We got talking to these two very nice guys and after a while the conversation turned to boyfriends/girlfriends. I was asked how long I had been single and before I could answer my friend said 鈥16 years, can you believe it鈥 I then had a lot of questions fired and me and ended up defending myself鈥 how weird is that? I like being single and I鈥檓 not going to apologise for that!

    So, I agree, sometimes you think it鈥檚 just not worth it and then you鈥檒l meet someone and you realise that of course it鈥檚 worth it and the cycle goes on!

  30. At 11:02 AM on 19 Oct 2006, emma wrote:

    Well, depending on her reponse when you asked her out I think her boyfriend should have been flattered/excited by the fact that other people find his partner attractive. However, if she said "yes" then perhaps that would be countered with a slight sense of insecurity....
    Either way it's a darned brave thing to ask a person out - never done it myself and never likely to, so you must of course not let this incident put you off, just in case we ever meet! Cheerio x

  31. At 11:02 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Imhski wrote:


    Love to offer you advice as to the intracacies of the fairer sex but can't due to proven record of incompetence.

    I would like to make a suggestion:

    How about posting your update when you roll in off the streets into your humble abode at some ungodly hour in the morning. The effect of this would be to:

    1 - Prevent endless checking of your website for the early bloggists to see when your daily words of wisdom are actually going to be posted.
    2 - Provide a more realistic account of your most recent adventures in the smoke as your beer goggles will allow you to write anything - you could also invite the sofa tenant to add his/her thoughts as well.

    Just a thought.


  32. At 11:02 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Mary wrote:

    Good Morning Chris,

    Why do others have to make our life so complicated and why did they guy have converstaions without naming his girlfriend???
    Says a lot about their relationship if she is nameless to him! It would make sense when two people are likely to be involved in the same work situation to be open about the relationship to avoid any misunderstandings! If they are not
    going to be open about it then they have no right to go tearing strips of people who are not aware of their set up!

    Don't go changing how you are Chris, they were in the wrong. I hope when the next opportunity presents itself you will have forgotten these events.

    Sounds like you had a fun night in the end but I would like to know............was someone on the sofa? :-)

    Take care
    Love Mary xx

    ps. Thanks for the "getting it done" feature on last nights show.........I did defrost the
    freezer :-)

  33. At 11:05 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Helen wrote:

    good evening from Australia. I do enjoy hearing what you are up to, I think you sound far to busy to actually fit in a woman but don't let that stop you. It sounds to me like she was a bit of a bad one anyway so i think you had a pretty lucky escape actually.

    P.S. weather beautiful over here if you are interested.

  34. At 11:07 AM on 19 Oct 2006, steve potts wrote:

    Bonjourno Christofferson,
    Bonjourno Bloggers,

    Hey Chris you have to keep the faith,though I do understand exactly where you are coming from.

    Like you I am single, and still have the singe marks to prove it.
    but we have to keep going back for more punishment, the future of the species depends on it.
    Also I am a singl dad my son has been with me since he was 6, he is 19 now and doing fine, has a good heart which is the main thing I feel.
    We are out on the town together tonight for a spot of Karaoke.

    Are hot pants making a comeback?, last week a large proportion of young ladies were sporting them.
    A welcome 70s retro return,talking retro the fox confirmed something last night RE mars bars getting smaller, 2 bites now and they are gone,
    whats that all about.

    Also the price is the same,looks like the fox will have to give these guys a grilling.
    I remenber when a mars bar usued to last me half an hour,though I was only 4 at the time.

    Whatever happened to the Aztec bar? I usued to like those.Now this has got me thinking, are there less now in a bag of salted peanuts, you know you would buy a bag and hand them around, (because you don,t know why you bought them in the first place) and the bag always returned with some left in.

    Liked your star man guest, he painted a pretty picture, mental note to oneself must look up more at night.

    Cooked sons fav tea last night, belly draught and potatoe and swede mash, you know the swede makes a great gravy,
    Went to ask him how it was after 2 mins and it had dissapeared.

    Come on our team


  35. At 11:07 AM on 19 Oct 2006, sarah wrote:

    Mr Darcy asked twice and proved his love by good deeds.
    As for not ever making the first move again....dont be daft, you the one saying you should take risks! So you get burned once in a while, how long does that last ? Play the right games and do good deeds and your Lizzie Bennet will be waiting round a corner

  36. At 11:28 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Penguin wrote:

    Morning Chris and bloggettes

    Last things first, a pamphlet had more pages than a leaflet - well I think so anyway.

    ah - dating that dreadful state of affairs when you sort of go shoe shopping and see which one fits the best. yuck. Don't do it, don't ask anyone out - just wait for things to organically develop. This is probably why I'm single! and of an age where I know what I want and set my standards pretty high. Hey I've done the compromise thing and it's crap - I compromised, he didn't. Oh dear, danger of descending into bitterness that I don't feel. I enjoy being single - though not eating out on my own.



  37. At 11:34 AM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Good morning.

    I just wanted to say thank you for making last night do it night. I sent a long overdue email to an old friend, sorted out my membership with a local leisure centre and caught up with some blogs that I haven't been reading as much. I felt great when I went to bed.

    The issue with the girl....she is the one in the wrong. She should not have given you her number if she was not available. Her boyfriend should not have confronted you about it. He needs to be talking to her to find out what is wrong.

    You are right though - it is a crazy world we live in.

    It is funny though, I was single for quite a while and in the end came to the conclusion that I was happy on my own and stopped looking at every new person as a possible mate and just looked for friendship and the happiness that comes along with it.

    In doing so I realised that love had been staring me in the face (well in the corridor at work) all along.

    Things have a funny way of turning out.

    Have a great day.


  38. At 11:37 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Toby Dodwell wrote:


    Tricky fella, very tricky!

    If she gave you her number, she gave you the green light to go for it... You obviously seeing the green light called her to further the journey...

    Understandable your collegue was annoyed butr should'nt have vented it in your direction being the innocent party in this situation... She is to blame for your frustration and the singing of the Karaoke (out of tune but full of pitch!, presumably)

    Head down, soldier on!

  39. At 11:40 AM on 19 Oct 2006, IANG wrote:

    Hello fellow bloggie chums

    Relationships - they're a nightmare aren't they!

    Take my son (14 next month) who has recently got to the point where he's started being more interested in girls. He had his eye on one girl who was a friend and after a couple of weeks of mum and dad saying "just ask her out, it'll be ok" he did. And was rejected!

    I've never seen him look so crushed. Poor lad - we told him it was all down to experience and that these things happen. He's now vowed never to ask someone out again, although I'm sure he'll change his mind.

    As I'm sure you will too Chris.

    Take care one and all.

  40. At 11:50 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Megglet wrote:

    Oh Christoph!

    At the risk of saying all the sensible things that the fellow bloggers have already said (or are we commentators now? Oh I don't know...!) it DEFINITELY wasn't your fault. The bint wasn't honest with you; call me old fashioned but I'd always assume that receiving a phone number from a person gives the general indication that they'd like to see them you again...and not for a platonic chin-wag or swapping of Scrabble tips.

    And boys - speaking as a single girl who is thinking it might be nice to start sharing the groovy bits of life again with a significant 'other' - PLEASE don't stop asking girls out! I know we can be a funny bunch sometimes, but we only do it to keep you on your toes (mostly) so put on your best smile, steer clear of the cheesy lines and unecessary staring, and just ask!

    It seems there are a few of us like you, Mr E, who have lots of our boxes 'ticked'. We've got the whole job thing working for us; we've got fab chums; most of our saggy bits are still holding up against gravity; we can get to the top of the stairs without wheezing; we're down with the whole spiritual 'thang' and we're well on the way to being 'complete'.

    Now I'm the first to agree that another person shouldn't make you complete; that's something you need to be by yourself. But what is nice is when you find someone else who is complete...and your circles overlap...and the bit where the two of you cross over is all the groovy stuff you get out of a relationship. But ultimately you're still two separate circles...and still will be when (if) you go in different directions.

    I love having the bed to myself; I love going with my urges and not having to tell anyone where I'm going; I love being able to sit in a coffee shop for hours and just read....but I also love 'spooning' before you have to face the world outside the duvet; I love being able to have a hug and share some wine after a tough day; I love having someone to watch for shooting stars with...

    ....oooh I've gone all soppy...

    ...so all I'm saying Mr E, is although the whole searching thing can be a bit of a pain in the derrier, when you find someone who can kiss it better it'll all be worth it!

    Mange tout; mange tout.

    Meg x

  41. At 11:52 AM on 19 Oct 2006, highland joolsie wrote:

    First time blogger & I'm first - wow!!! Chris - people are just weird - spend too much of their time playing mindgames with people's feelings.

    I always wonder what the world would be like if we all just told the damn truth - at least you would know where you stand. Certain men in power wouldn't have to go looking for ficticious weapons of mass destruction so they could take over another country's oil reserves!!

    Hmmmm not usually as vociferous as this - been reading your blog since it started & always clicked the orf button with a smile on my face.

    Did you know that if you google search for useless information a link to the highlands of scotland appears - methinks I should move!!

    Have a great day bloggers (+ contributors!)


  42. At 11:55 AM on 19 Oct 2006, Mike wrote:

    Not sure if I agree with people re leaflet/pamphlet:

    I would say that a leaflet would consist of many pages (Hence the word "leaf", books contain leaves surely?)

    Pamphlet is 1 sheet folded.

    Now, when does a leaflet (my version!) turn into a BOOKLET!?

    And if we'ree going for it, when does a pamphlet (again, my version!) turn into a FLYER? Just 1 sheet unfolded? A simple page-fold changes the meaning!

  43. At 11:56 AM on 19 Oct 2006, cath wrote:

    Hello again everyone.

    Meant to say Chris, do you know that more people now meet their partners through internet dating than just face to face?? I met mine online - deffo the best risk I ever took. If nothing else, you get to go on loads of dates and meet interesting people - and if you're lucky, the spark is there and bingo, never look back!!! We've been together 3 1/2 years now and are happier than ever.

    Just a thought :-)

    Loving all this blogging today (and every day).


  44. At 12:00 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Tickle in Cork wrote:

    Well Chris - unless you start mind-reading, I don't think you did anything wrong.

    This guy can't go around not telling you who his girlfriend is and then complain if you ask her out! And if he's that protective of the whole thing, I can't imagine the whole thing lasting. Anyways, like you said, why didn't she say she had a boyfriend? You'd think they were ashamed of each other?!?!?!?!

    Do what you do - be happy you did it and the rest should follow.

    We're heading back to London this weekend - looking forward to it. The Cork life is nice and calm, but there's always something appealing about the big city. Wish I could have the best of both worlds - but we all wish something like that in our lives!

    So we should be happy for what we've got, enjoy it while it lasts and be proud of doing it.

    The difference between a pamphlet and a leaflet? Only the spelling!

  45. At 12:02 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:


    Quel suprise!

    Thanks for playing the Gobsmackers btw.

    And you nearly got my band's name right !

  46. At 12:02 PM on 19 Oct 2006, richard hazeldine wrote:

    Think difference between a pamphlet/leaflet one you can open like a greetings card) the other you cannot (printed as a one shot page).

    As far as relationships go, I was 22 before I even thought about the opposite sex. Not that I wasn't looking found that the more I looked the less I found, stopped looking and like buses all the offers turned up at once!!! ;)

    Be listening to you tonight, keep up the sterling work fella!!

  47. At 12:03 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Donna wrote:

    I think the guy made a right blinkin fool of himself! The shame...to start with why was he mad at you, she gave you the number and fair enough she may just wanted to 'hang out' but why not make that clear when you asked her out... she is obviously being a little bit of a minx and winding said boyfriend up...

    Anyway l would certainly say that in the event of having a partner/spouse/bfriend or g/friend it is your responsibility to let people know if there is going to be any going out situation occuring...unless of course everyone knows that it is just on the basis of friendship..in which case why wouldn't u mention it...

  48. At 12:05 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Sophie wrote:

    A pamphlet is an unbound booklet (that is, without a hard cover or binding). It may consist of a single sheet of paper that is printed on both sides and folded in half, in thirds, or in fourths (called a leaflet), or it may consist of a few pages that are folded in half and stapled at the crease to make a simple book.



  49. At 12:05 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hello Eleanor's Mum #2!

    Totally know what you mean about feeling like this is the first 'club' you belong in and feel comfy with!!

    This makes my grey, dismal working day better and it keeps changing as more people put replies on here!! See Hughie? (#84 from yesterday!!) i have found a little bit of day to enjoy! :-D

    Chris worry not, there is someone lovely out there for you! You remind me of my chappy (the one thats always covered in cement, and compo, and soot!!) he is a very happy go lucky person which i envy very much cos i think about things too deeply and then get depressed - makes for good song writing tho!! You perhaps are more philosophical but you seem to be at a good place in your life at the mo, i wouldnt worry about finding a girlie, one day (probably sooner than you think!) a girl will just fall out of a tree into your arms and that'll be it - lurve!!!!

    Wow, considering i was down in the depths of depression and misery yesterday i am quite happy now. Am i a nutter???!!

    Love moi!


  50. At 12:06 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Simon wrote:

    Dear Chris,
    enjoying your blog and show . Iam new to whole internet thing ,but each day learning more and more. Keep blogging!!!!!!!!!!!!

    All the best Simon

  51. At 12:10 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Catherine wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Sounds like lots of games being played by lots of people.

    Did you really make the first move anyway?
    I think giving out a phone number is a move!
    (although only you and she know the context it was given in)
    You did nothing wrong and I suspect the guy who tore you off a strip is likely to come and apologise very soon and thank you for helping him see the light. He will also need you as a pillar of support, as you are the one guy who will understand what this lady has just put him through. Kind of a shared experience.
    Life sure is wierd hey!

    The lady with the boyfriend - could just be testing the waters seeing if it's time to jump in/out.

    See games, games, games!

    So don't stop asking, the decent ones will thank you and, like you say, state if they already have a boyfriend/husband. The most important thing is to be true to yourself!

    This is the kind of advice I used to give to one of my best friends when he was being consistently messed around

    - he's my hubby now ;-)

    Take Care

    P.S. Does T give great advice????

  52. At 12:11 PM on 19 Oct 2006, sean hartley wrote:

    Christophe Lamby pie

    Humans are certainly funny fish!!

    Sorry to hear about your date mishap, all a bit weird really, why would she give you her number, why do women act like players, then moan & gripe when blokes do it. I am assuming she gave you her number for a reason.

    I think you should just be yourself, and not try and get a date, from my own experiences that girl turns up when you least expect.

    I have been in a relationship for nearly two years now, and my partner has moved into my flat, which on the whole is great. But I am not the tidiest person on the planet, and most days get moaned at for the flat being in a mess. At which point I normally play the "mortgage card" which usually works!!

    Sometimes I think it is nice to be single, and be able to do things & come and go as you wish, but it is also great to have that special person in your life to share your life with.

    I love Kate to bits, even though I am a grumpy old man!!! 31 to her 22 years. But how do you tell a loved one that you need space? don't take this the wrong way, I am only talking one night a week on a Friday, I can stay in and just chill, or have a couple of mates round, nothing sinister. No matter how many times I have brought this up I still don't get "MY" time, surely this is a good excuse for Kate to do her girly things with her friends.

    Am I selfish?, I would welcome any ideas or your comments.

    I think what I am trying to say is, there are pluses & minuses to being in & out of a relationship and its all about getting the balance right.

    Chris think you saying you are not going to ask someone out again is a defeatist attitude, I guess it is difficult for you to find that girl, as you have added pressures of being a celeb, money, kiss & tells etc, but I would just say don't give up, and that person to share your life with is just around the corner.

    P.s what is the latest with the internet show? keep us all posted mate.

  53. At 12:12 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Teresa wrote:

    Chrisophe - you are right - she is wrong.
    Just keep doing what you know is right - when others don't have your standards that is their problem. Trouble is it does affect you - but pick yourself up it will all come right, as you have so much good in you and going for you.
    What a proud mum you must have - she has done a very good job!

  54. At 12:16 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Good afternoon

    Joseph here, just sipping on a cup of tea made by Ravel. He sleeps on the sofa each night, as there are no other people around here to crash after a long night out. I'm not sure whether to be envious or grateful that I am somewhere much further down the celebrity ladder than Chris. On the one hand, I have a much more restricted social life (even when I am not in hiding), but on the other hand I not generally subject to the attention of gold-digging women who will pretend to be single in the hope of getting my attention.

    That's not to say I am completely out of range of people with low levels of integrity but high levels of self interest. The very fact that I am permitted to use the word 'celebrity' in my day-to-day life does occasionally act as bait for attention seekers. Take the following story as an example....

    Last year I was preparing for a trip to Africa. I go there occasionally to collect parasites from people who are infected, and to consult with my colleagues. On this one occasion, I was in the proces of packing when I received an email from a lady living in London saying that she was a great admirer of my work, and that she would like to visit the Institute and discuss whether she could possibly spend some time conducting voluntary work. I was of course flattered by this approach, not least because we were a little short-staffed due to staff holidays. I invited her up to Scotland, and even offered to pay her fare seeing as how she wanted to work for free.

    She turned up one morning in the pouring rain, but had such a sweet smile despite the weather that I immediately felt some degree of affection. My wife was out of town visiting her mother, so I was left to entertain the young lady myself. I showed her round the labs, and found her something to do - namely cleaning and sorting gut-worms that I had removed from some deer the week before.

    All went well until the third night when I was awoken by the sound of foxes mating outside my bedroom window. Unable to go back to sleep, even after had, er, come and gone, I went to the kitchen for a cup of tea. I saw light coming from Lab number 1, and went to investigate. There, I found the young lady, dressed only in a t-shirt and knickers, reading my lab-book and taking photographs of the pages. She was as surprised to see me as I was to see her bare legs and shapely posterior, and could offer no reason for her actions. After 2 hours of grilling, she finally confessed that she had been sent by her mother, a laundrette owner from Inverness who, after hearing something on the radio about my work, thought I treated celebrities for their parasites (rather than living the life of a celebrity-parasitologist). She wanted her daughter to find evidence of my activities, and names of my clients, that she could pass on to the papers for a price. Needless to say, the daughter left without any useful information.

    So have I ever treated any celebrities for their parasitic infections? Not saying, although I will just mention that some time ago one of our Royal Princes did contract the worm infection known as schistosomiasis (aka Bilharzia) whilst on a trip to East Africa. He doesn't have the worms anymore....


    J McC

  55. At 12:17 PM on 19 Oct 2006, sarah j wrote:

    Mr E
    Dislocated my shoulder on monday in the gym....so exercise is bad for you ????
    Anyway , about to catch a bus for the first time in years ...will think about a leaflet and pamphlet scenario -
    men and women ...who knows what we should and shouldnt do ...but its funny ! lets see who i meet on the bus eh !!

  56. At 12:18 PM on 19 Oct 2006, marco wrote:

    You are too impulsive chris - making a move without real background on that person is dodgy, she could turn out to be your worst nightmare. Impulse is good for your work but not in relationships! Oh someone stop me now please i amstarting to sound like a counsellor!
    Blog enders in the sky yippee aye ay yippee aye oh!

  57. At 12:23 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    multiple pages.

    a bit like our lives.

  58. At 12:28 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Martin Powell wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    The difference between a Pamphlet and a Leaflet is that a Leaflet is usually a single sheet of paper, anda pamphlet has more than one!!

    I think!!



  59. At 12:29 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Just Emma 39 wrote:

    Chris dont you dare change the way you are because other people dont know their a*s from their elbow. Of course that lady said yes to going out with you, your an intelligent, funny guy with a hell of a lot about you and ok she didnt tell you about the bloke she was seeing but blimey are we not at an age where unless their is a ring on your finger or your in a committed relationship your single anyway and if she is content to be in a relationship with so much possesion and jealousy silly for her.

    Ask yourself another question was he jealous of her or of the fact it was you who had asked her out.

    I went for 2 years with completely no sex, an old boyfriend years ago said to me about doing this and how good it had been for him and you know what it was the best thing i ever did. This summer i saw someone for a couple of months - nightmare but it also made me realise how much i love my space and also how willing i am to wait to meet the right person (and boy has it got to be right) and that there is also no rush. I am loving discovering myself, my abilities and appreciating things around me its just wonderfu and meeting some of the most genuine lovely people i have ever metl. Just for once in my life i actually like myself no love myself - why are we so scared to say that? I'm great intelligent, funny and sexy, but christ its taken a long time to be able to say that. As humans we love to criticise often being our own worse critics we shouldnt. We also think we should be perfect - no one is, so accept and even laugh at your imperfections.

    I was trying to make my mum understand this this morning. We were talking about italian women as i have italian (Scilian hee hee mafia stuff eh) blood and how one of my young doctors at work had been saying how italian women being the most beautiful women in the world. My mum kicked in with yes until they start to lose it when they reach 35 and become fat etc. I said to her y do you have to compare fat with beautiful some of the most beautiful women i have ever met havent been the average size 12 and in fact many women i know who are very skinny have completely lost their looks on their face. Its so dam superficial - different era i suppose. It just makes me sad that people cant see what others see!

    As for Mr Darcy he is just a romantic idol who women love to idealise about but im sure he wasnt perfect in real life, probably snores, picks his toes and gets man flu. However im a complete romantic so i will still probably dream of being swept off my feet one day, but you know what its nice to dream about that even if in real life it doesnt happen - cos im still happy just being me!

    Pamplet = a small book usually with a paper cover and a leaflet = a printed sheet usually folded to produce 4 pages.

    Have a good one folks Em XXX

  60. At 12:29 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    It would appear I am being set up! I would hope there is more to me than liking peas though! And as for mushrooms, its not the taste, its the texture.

    Seems to me that some people like to keep their options open, no matter what their circumstances are, and I think that those that do care are becoming a minority. I have often been chatted up and when I've made it clear that I was already in a relationship I get the response of 'oh, but he doesn't need to know' or the favourite line of 'doesn't bother me. does it bother you?'. oh such charmers!

    last night though I got to experience the other side. In a bar after Rocky Horror (I had got changed so it wasn't the outfit that prompted this request) a chap came over all smiles and pleasant enough. He asked if I was single, to which I replied the affirmative, he asked if my mate was single, and again the answer was yes. He then told me that he and his brother were looking for 2 fit girls for the night. I replied that I'm sure they were, but they really should look somewhere else. I don't know whether they were successful or not. Good luck to them.

    Its not the world thats changing, it is the human mind - always wanting more and giving less.
    Be careful out there!

    MW, a!

  61. At 12:37 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Bodacia Marchbanks wrote:

    Oh I forgot to mention that Mariella Wolenski, apparently is fab looking and really good at not knowing how to play cripple mr onion! she does remember the rules of s**thead though and she can whoop you at risk!

  62. At 12:37 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Ladybird wrote:

    So, two things on the fascinating world of dating:

    1) It really shouldn't be this difficult - you meet someone, you get on, you play minimal games (some games are fun though....) and you get to know each other - there should be lots of brilliant times before any nonsense ?

    2) Chris, you're obviously a top bloke but your life is pretty different to most people's and that could be a head-turner / make people a bit mad around you. That's no good, you need someone who isn't like that and is themself with you. Goes without saying they also need to be hot, funny, intelligent, engaging, interested, sporty, yada yada yada.

    Love the fact I can try and be wise when it comes to other people's relationships when my own are generally, er, interesting!!!


  63. At 12:38 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Steve Elliott wrote:

    Difference between a pamphlet and a leflet: pamphlet is one piece of paper foled and the leflet is one piece of paper unfolded.

    Well ........ it could be!

  64. At 12:41 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Good afternoon, bloggers, commentators, lurkers and schloggers und mein host!
    Well what a blog!
    I was v. fortunate to find my soul mate at a very young age. She supports me when I'm down, can make me laugh at any point, challenges me mentally and provides me with the drive I sometimes lack. and from conversations we have had I do the same for her.
    I've just come through a really rough patch at work and have had to move jobs due to a clash of personalities, but this is thirsty thursday and nobody wants that depressing story, anyway she was the one thing that kept me going to work and facing the demons and the person who I could talk to during the whole period who could understand how I feel. I owe her a huge debt of gratitude and have said so, her response well you have done it for me on a couple of occassions so we're even now, lets forget about it and get on with life!
    To my darling wife of nearly 15 years, thanks. I love you!
    Chris stay in the game, it is so worth it when you meet the ONE!
    Peace and love to you all. Fasten your seat belts it's gonna be a bumpy ride!!

  65. At 12:43 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Amanda wrote:

    Oh the weirdness continues! I once dated a guy who seemed normal...but then it happened: I was at a market and some fellow cornered me and raved about my auburn hair. He was fascinated with how my hair matched my "lovely auburn eyes!" Then proceeded to ask me for rmy number. I said no, that I was in a relationship. His response: "Oh? Is your relationship traditional?"....after extricating myself from that very awkward moment, I told my then boyfriend who then proceeded to become angry with me! He thought that another man asking me out was a comment on my own character. As though I had something to do with it!!!!

    Needless to say, it didn't last much longer.

  66. At 12:44 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Lindaloo wrote:

    Mornin' all

    Know what you mean Chirs, last time I asked someone out (long time ago) we had a nice time, then I found out I was the back up girl -- he married the other one... B@**D.

    I guess I've got to a place where I have good friends, good job I like and a nice place to live. If it happens it happens, if not, then so be it.. I'll still be happy

    That said -- it would be nice to have someone bring me a cuppa in bed sometimes !!!

    Have a good one all

    Linda xx

  67. At 12:45 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Chrispy wrote:

    Lunchtime again - here we go!

    The other couple in your little menage a trois (your actual french) have obviously got issues to sort out.

    You are the innocent third party here and should put in a claim PDQ.

    I note that your bed is your own and am pleased to hear it - but you can't say that about your sofa as it seems that it is occupied by others most of the time.

    I don't understand the need for a cooking course - get Mum to teach you how to make stew (your favourite), and I can give guidance on Egg and Chips (mine) - there! Job done!

    GHow about a few favourite lines from films and TV programmes.

    Mine would be:

    Film = three sherman tanks can give you an edge (Donald Sutherland as mad dog in Kelly's heroes)

    TV = I'm playing all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order (Morecambe and Wise)

    Radio = it might only be a smear to you, mate, but it's life or death to some poor wretch! (Hancock's Half Hour)

    Keep smiling


  68. At 12:45 PM on 19 Oct 2006, joanie wrote:

    hi all
    great blog as always. Chris I wouldn't let someone else dictate to something you can't do. Think of all the people, opportunities that you may miss out on because of one relationship that lacks communication!! Think of all the lurvly ladies who will be denied the pleasure of your charms. Just report the couple to the Karma police and let them deal with them!! I lurve thursday, especially today because it brings me one day closer to breaking up for a weeks holiday!! i feel red wine coming to visit yipee.

  69. At 12:46 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Christiaan wrote:

    As usual in these situations, the guys reaction says more about him than it does about what you did. Why did he get so upset that you asked his girlfriend out? Is he so insecure in the realtionship that he thinks his girlfriend is just waiting for the next invite to get the hell out of there? If so, he should be questioning whether the realtionship os going anywhere anyway and if not, get out!

    I agree with you in that single guys have the right to ask girls out. Life's too short to pussyfoot around and wait to be asked. If you like someone and you think the feeling may be mutual, go for it.

    On the pamphlet/leaflet thing, is a pamphlet multiple pages, whereas a leaflet is only one page?

  70. At 12:46 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Eleanor's Mum wrote:

    Dr McCrumble - you're barking and I love ya.

  71. At 12:48 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Andrew wrote:

    PAmphlet / Leaflet.
    One's done by a girl (Pam) and one by a boy (Lee)?

  72. At 12:48 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Linda wrote:

    oh dear, christophe I fear the truth is somewhere between Lowri (9) and Gilly (14). Speaking for myself tho I think Gilly is where most of us girlies sit. In our defense, all i can say is that when i was very green and innocent I was swooped upon and swept off the feet by a married man, I lived with him for a few months before i found out he had a wife. How dumn did that make me feel! Talk about bad. Not easily recovered from. For a while after that I became a bit of a nun. Soooooo chris, it ain't just girlies doin the fast and loose!

    Chin up matey, relationships are a minefield but keep ticking, thats the thing to do, remember, you are never alone....unless you want to be. Personaly I don't believe there is only one person who is meant for you. I think life gives you many chances. Don't forget we all grow and change. All relationships not just man/woman/sex types give you the opportunity to be the best or the worst you can be. The choice is ours.

    Ahh...the sun is now shining in jolly worcester and I am off to indulge in a soy decaf coffee mocha and a mint kitkat. Beaut! and we are hurtlling towards friday, yeehaaa,

    Toodle pip this thirsty thursday bloggers. X.

  73. At 12:50 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Angela wrote:

    Wierd isn't it that you can know exactly what to do to be happy and sometimes you just can't put it into action. Thanks for the lead on Deepak Chopra, I've made a committment to keep trying!

  74. At 12:50 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Beth wrote:

    Hellooo everyone,

    My feeling is it's a shame we can't be true to ourselves. I'm sure we've all been in the kind of situation that the "couples" Chris refers to are in. We kid ourselves that the bad things in a relationship are worth ignoring, as the good things make up for it. That's fine as long as the bad things are limited to leaving the seat up and the good things are "real", but when it's the other way round it's time to call it a day.

    Both the couples you mention, Chris, are making excuses to themselves about their relationship to justify not taking action, while at the same time taking the cowardly route of putting feelers out to see whether there's anything better out there. What they don't see (or don't care about) is that at the same time they're messing about with other people's lives.

    Megglet says it all. When things are good, they're VERY good. It can just take a while to get there...


  75. At 12:52 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Kato wrote:

    hi chris

    we seem to live in a really mixed up world, where people are happy to play games with others, regardless of whether people get hurt or not. you were the innocent party, you went with your instinct and in this intance you were the one who got burned, thro no fault of your own. don't let it put you off! as a single (nearly) 40 something i am happy with what i have, my two girls, my mortgage, my job and my friends.

    the weather is lovely out there and days like today make everything seem so much better.

    soooo can't do crosswords!

  76. At 12:52 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:


    It's my first time here, so be kind!

    I believe that a pamphlet usually only contains information on a single subject. A leaflet can be multi threaded... oh and a leaflet is usually given for free, I think it's possible to charge for a pamphlet too!

    That solved, when does a boat become a ship, and why was Britannia a Royal yacht and not a Royal ship?



  77. At 12:52 PM on 19 Oct 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Number 6 - reveal yourself! I am The TRUE Debster and you are but a fake! Spookily enough my immediate thoughts re pamph and leaf 'lets' were the same but I would never have submitted it to a blog as it's far too silly and there it is IN MY NOM DE PLUME! Besides there was a much meatier subject to write about........real unadulterated men!
    I suppose mimickry is a form of flattery so I'll have that much. Thanks! xx

    For any followers of mine out there who need to know how to tell which one is moi the real Debster always signs off 'Debs' and not 'The Debster' and I use an upper case 'D' in my title, being old fashioned. xx

    Happy Thursday one and all and beware the fakirs! Your one and only Debster......I mean Debs xxx

    P.S. I like the 'kissy kissy' bit though. I might nick that.

    P.P.S. If you happen to be one of minxy friends at number 6 I shall find out who you are as only two people know of my alias.....be warned.

  78. At 12:54 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Claire wrote:

    Oh Chris, Chris, Chris,

    You were not out of order at all. (Neither was the irate boyfriend, really). No matter how sexy and cool she was, she must have had some kind of issue going on in her head, and that is something YOU can do nothing about, my friend.

    I have a boyfriend and I would NEVER give out my number to someone who I thought wanted it in order to later on ask me out. It's deceitful. I would politely get out of it. Drop my 'taken' status into conversation. It is not fair on the poor person who has plucked up the courage to ask you in the first place.

    Maybe she thrives on attention, may be she is unhappy where she is. Maybe it's happened before which is why her fella was so cross. Either way though,it is nothing YOU can control. And if you can't control it, you really can't waste too much time worrying about it. And you mustn't let it stop you.

    Why am I telling you this?! I sound like some awful agony Aunt! I guess because, if I hadn't plucked up the courage to ask my bloke to the pub, I wouldn't be living with him now. I'm really happy with him, and the thought that it all hinged on whether I had enough courage to ask him for a pint or not is very scary (and rather weird.) Opportunities slither by us all the time; you just have to reach out and grab one....

    By the way, you are completely right; we are all mad as hatters.



  79. At 12:54 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Full marks for having the bottle to keep on asking people out - don't stop.

    Perhaps this person gave you her number to further her career? Just to see what might happen ie an ego boost? To keep her bloke in line by making him jealous?

    No idea matey.

    That's why I'm single. Relationships are exhausting and messy.

    Perhaps in the future I might meet a nice chap and feel differently, but when you've been burned before, you get wary.

    These days some people in relationships seem to always have their eyes on the main chance, if someone more attractive/eligible/rich comes along, then they can cast aside their current 'squeeze' quite easily and off they go to pastures new.

    All very depressing. Hey ho. Keep on enjoying your single life while you have it - footloose and fancy free. That's what I'm trying to do anyhow. :o)

    Jan x

  80. At 12:59 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Robb of the East Cliff wrote:

    Chris mate, youre a bloke being a bloke, its the only way to go,

    Be yourself, its no good deciding to change what you are now

    By the way, dont babes just walk up and chat to Celebs like yourself ? Dont burst the bubble !

    Want to meet ladies ? go dancing, never fails !

    See the Sea as often as you can, its just great

    Be Happy People


  81. At 01:00 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Just Emma 39 wrote:

    Ps. Did my first Indian Head massage last night it was really good and nearly sent client off to sleep - yippee . i love this aromatherapy stuff. x

  82. At 01:12 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Nikie wrote:

    Hi Chris

    To answer your question.

    A leaflet has only 1 page or A4/A3 folded either single or doublesided. A pamphlet as more than 1 page.

    Hope this makes sense.

    Enjoy the rest of the day

  83. At 01:23 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Angie wrote:

    Afternoon Chris,
    Sorry to hear about your weird evening but ther are 'plenty more fish in the sea' as my old Mum used to say, although nobody seems to want a relationship with a fish so never understand why people say that!
    But hey life is toooo short to cry over spilt milk, oops there goes another one .
    Better stop and have some lunch obvioulsly having some kind of adage attack....

  84. At 01:31 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Jennie (from the blog) wrote:

    she is naughty - advertising for a better offer. Very bad form if you ask me. I dont envy you trying to find someone. You must get plenty of groupies and random girls interested because of the celebrity thing. euch!

    Us normal mortals struggle enough to find the right fella (or girl in your case) without the added complications.

    Terry had a good comment on his show: Girls are like apples, the best ones are at the top of the tree - most men will gather the ones lower down, worried they might fall if they reach for the good ones at the top. Apples at the top begin to wonder if there is something wrong with them - but all they need is a man brave enough to reach!

    Good luck my fellow singletons (including your Mr E) Can't listen this evening - am out enjoying thirsty thursday.

    Love Jen

  85. At 01:32 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Katie OZ wrote:

    Hi All,

    Just logged in and surprised to see how many blogs at this time in the day then I looked at the subject..... goes to show we have all been there before and HOORAH for friends so we can laugh about these situations afterwards.

    Onwards and upwards eh!

    Chin up


  86. At 01:40 PM on 19 Oct 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Hello again,
    Just read the days' blogs so far. I'm just about keeping up. Apologies for missing the point of your blog in my previous blog. xx
    Modern world and confused messages. If I give a guy my telephone number completey outside of business reasons I am asking him to call me socially aren't I? How else could that be construed? If I have a boyfriend I'm out of order for passing my telephone number to a guy who has no idea I have a boyfriend even if I've assumed he must know as he works with him. I take it that a personal number passed to a member of the opposite sex for anything other than business is treacherous when in a relationship or at least it was the last time I had a relationship which seems like a previous lifetime now!
    Surely we need rules in relationships don't we? - at least in the beginning until we've worked out where we stand with eachother and what we can get away with. The five fanatsy allowances are always helpful I find but may not work in your celeb environment. Basically permission is automatically granted to you from your partner for you to indulge in your fantasy lady /ladies should you actually meet her/them. No questions asked. Back when I was married it was only one fantasy person but my friends assure me that it is now 5. That'll be 5 times Hercules for me!
    Getting back to your situation, my ex husband was so secure with me (just as he should have been) that whenever he saw another man make a move on me (which happened often because I would be in the audience at his numerous gigs while he was playing guitar on stage) he was not at all possessive but chuffed to bits that another guy fancied HIS girl. He knew damn well that I wasn't going anywhere. A man/woman you can trust will fill you will confidence and security within your relationship. I guess the guy you mention doesn't feel that secure with his girl or why would he have a pop at you? T****R.
    If you were persisitent even once you were aware that they were a couple then fair enough he should sort you out.
    Surely anyone that knows you now can be assured of your integrity? I'd trust you with my man if he was a woman if I had one! xx

    Oooooh I'm feeling right sanctimonious now so I'm off to see who else needs a bit of moral enhancement.

    x x Debs x x

    P.S. What's your karaoke number? Can you do it on the radio? Pleeeaase? You could have a karaoke phone in one Friday - it would be a scream! x

  87. At 01:40 PM on 19 Oct 2006, JF wrote:

    This is a great blog. I dream of blogging this well! And the responses are just as inciteful and interesting.
    Keep up the good work y'all - you make my day.

  88. At 01:43 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Ellouise wrote:

    Dear Chrissy

    Take care of you and stand still, the perfect women will find you. (In my romantic heart I'd love to see you and B back together, but hey, I know nothing).


  89. At 01:45 PM on 19 Oct 2006, 84 wrote:

    what was he doing phoning you! tell him to get lost. his problem is with her not you.

  90. At 01:45 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Philip McNeill wrote:

    Is a pamphlet just several leaflets attached together?

  91. At 01:46 PM on 19 Oct 2006, F 38 wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I have an idea - I think it's brilliant. I've typed it out twice and gone to post it and then it says "page cannot be displayed". How frustrating. Third time lucky - I hope.

    Anyway - my idea.

    You should get single ladies to create a leaflet (ie one page) and a pamphlet (ie more detail on several pages). They could e'mail them to you via radio 2.

    You could read them out on your new internet tv show. Publish your favourites, worst, funniest, cheesiest etc on the web - without names, contacts, faces on photos etc.

    Let us bloggers hear your thoughts.

    You might find true love, if not you would have laughed, cringed, been stimulated etc.

    What do you think?

  92. At 01:47 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    oh chris!
    don't give up. love is such a pain! being a girl i always want men to ask me out when i have been brave and asked men out they always so no!!! argh!!!!!!!!
    and that is wrong that she made you think she was single. don't be down. just think tonight you'll be out with the gang having a bevvie or 3! take care all
    missy xx

  93. At 01:49 PM on 19 Oct 2006, David S wrote:

    That sounds like a bummer of a situation, Chris.

    Here's one for you, though - was the lady even aware that she was the girlfriend of this bloke?? Maybe he thought she was because they had gone out for a drink after work once. Maybe, to her, they were just friends.

    It has happened.

    I for one don't regard it as essential to be in a relationship. I have my own house, a fun job, a busy hobby, great family and lots of very good friends and no special lady. Truth be known, I don't really have time for one.

    I don't even have time to water the pot plants!

    Speaking of which, does anyone know how to stop pot plants from dying? I follow all the care instructions on the labels and they just die on me.

    Personally, I'm not fussed about whether they do wither and fade away but they were presents and I wouldn't want to offend the people who gave them to me.

    Maybe the plants KNOW that I don't really care...

    David S

  94. At 01:53 PM on 19 Oct 2006, The BigUN wrote:

    Afternoon bloggers and schloggers,

    Chris I think I know what you are looking for as I found it 20 years ago and am still as happy today as I was then. I think this is worth remembering when looking for love (whatever that is?).

    Giving someone all your love is never an assurance that they'll love you back! Don't expect love in return; just wait for it to grow in their heart but if it doesn't, be content it grew in yours. It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone, an hour to like someone, and a day to love someone, but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

    Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one that makes your heart smile.

    May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy.

    Always put yourself in others' shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way

    A very happy thirsty Thursday everyone :-)


    Just a quickie!

    Did you hear about the blind circumciser?

    He got the sack.

    Smile :-)))

  95. At 01:58 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Gareth Saynor wrote:

    Hi Chris ,

    why do some women make it so difficult.
    Flirt like hell , you respond and find out they are married with 11 kids.
    I am not against flirting whilst in relationship but you have to be fair to those who are on recieving end.

    Is it still possible for guys and girls to be friends without one of them wanting something else.

    Anyway , happy to be single.

    Live life


  96. At 02:04 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Travelling Andy wrote:


    Think your experience tells you more about them than it does about you. Thats all i have to say about that.

    What i want to know is why officialdom would want to encourage us to knowingly break the law.

    Let me explain. Last night on a long and very tedious drive from Exeter to Cheshire, the talking signs above the motorway encouraged me to break road traffic laws.

    'Travel time to M6, 16 minutes'

    So, bored i timed it, 16 minutes exactly, at an average speed of 75 mph. I feel ashamed i put myself and other road users at risk, but at the suggestion of the highways agency.

    What's that all about?

    That's my cherry popped, blog soon.


  97. At 02:06 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Em 25 wrote:

    Hey Chris!

    Well i have only ever asked one guy out in my life. I am single, and like you very happy, butthere was one guy that actually stood out to me so much I couldnt resist asking, so I put my self on the line.

    This guy is very well known, but atthe end of the day just human! Anyway the end of the story is no reply! No reply is worse than a negative I find, it leaves you with that annoying irrational bit of hope!

    So from now one I shall enjoy my life and wait to be asked!


  98. At 02:09 PM on 19 Oct 2006, V wrote:

    Bonjour Christophe!

    Well what a time you had last night! Don't give up.

    It's nice when a guy come's up and ask's you out it gives you a confidence boost and I'm sure its the same when its round the other way.

    What gets my goat is when your with your boyfriend and one other mates tries it on with you and won't take no for an answer....what's that all about

    Well roll on 5pm, don't give up the right women is out there.



  99. At 02:09 PM on 19 Oct 2006, rob wrote:

    why is it that work is more important than life???

    I have been trying to get hold of a customer in Turkey to get some information but have found out today that his mother is seriously ill, however my customers company are telling me I should phone him to find out someone else to talk to.... I have now politely refused - if they want to interrupt him at this time then they have that right - I am one firmly in belief of a healthy work-life balance ........

    anyway enough of that - any plans for the weekend yet? not sure up here - hopefully spending time with my family, relaxing, inbibing a small amount of falling-over water... and cheering on the Baggies to a great win over Wolves (but only on the radio)

  100. At 02:11 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I always thought that to give someone your phone number means you want the other person to contact you. The lady obviously had an agenda, perhaps she should try enlightening the guy she is currently stringing along rather than making you feel awful.

    Shooting from the hip here, I think a leaflet can be lots of sheets of paper, often stapled together, but a pamphlet is one sheet of paper and folded!

    I made one of my little appearances on the local 麻豆约拍 radio station this morning and the subjects up for discussion varied from have you made your will, if not why not?, to how were you proposed to? The first subject no problem - got one - the second one and oh I must have sounded like a real saddo 'cos when asked about my being proposed to I had to admit that it was something I had never experienced. I walked into that studio upbeat and left feeling a failure and a divvy!! Oh well, off to the dentists now just to make my day complete.

    Keep blogging everyone and Chris you keep on asking girls out - you'll meet the right one soon I'm sure, not sure about me meeting Mr Right though!!

    Jane xx

  101. At 02:13 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Looby wrote:

    Hello Chrisssyfer )and fellow bloggers)

    Well, they say 'all good things come to those who wait' and also, 'what goes around comes around'. The girl should have made it clear that she was attached in the first instance and, should have also given you a reason as to why she was giving you her number in the first place. She is in the wrong, she gave you a signal that implied 'I'm available, ring me'. Anyhow, any bets that her 'other half' doesn't trust her as much now and, hopefully will treat her with caution. You should sit back and wait for 'the real thing' to happen to you. But for now, I think you should sit back, get a cat and learn the art of curry making.

    Have a great day, I'll catch up with you later!!
    Looby xx

  102. At 02:15 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Ian wrote:

    Howdy All

    Pamphlet - "An unbound printed work, usually with a paper cover" or "A short essay or treatise, usually on a current topic, published without a binding."

    Leaflet - "One of the segments of a compound leaf" or "A small leaf or leaflike part" or "A printed, usually folded handbill or flier intended for free distribution."

    These are dictionary definitions - not mine :)

    The never ending girl question is always a teaser. I thought the insights from Lyndyloo #18 and Gilly #14 were interesting and confirms my limited experience.

    It is an odd phrase "going out". A colleague defines "going out" as something very serious as far as a relationship is concerned whereas I had always thought it was just as it says - going out for an evening/day or whatever. Surely Dating is more serious?


  103. At 02:18 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Joannie (Toronto) wrote:

    Dearest Chris,
    Awwwwwww....how awful. What's up with all of that??? Number one, the 'lady' in question should not have given you her number. Her relationship with this guy is obviously not a good one or she would not be giving out her number!!! But that is not your problem, some cutie gives you her number and how are you supposed to know what is going on. I have trouble figuring all of this relationship stuff out. I am divorced and have had many dates but still looking for Mr. Right - does that exist I wonder??? Obviously many say it does. I have friends with guys who are obviously not Mr. Right either but they cannot stand to be alone so will 'settle' - me I won't settle. I figure if he is out there, the wizards will work their magic :-) Don't give up - you are such a great guy. I like being alone sometimes, but also think there is something more. This is another one of those philosophical questions
    A pamphlet is more like a book with a cover and a leaflet is more like a flyer, like one page????
    Anyway, going for a cuppa :-)
    Have a great thirsty Thursday people :-)
    Joannie xxx
    9 more sleeps till my visit over there, chips and mushy peas, choccy biccies, hmmmmmmmm :-)

  104. At 02:19 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Anna wrote:

    some people are just never satisfied. Mind you, i think lots of women would find it hard not to give you their number Christophe.
    Some of us have better morals than others!

    And karaoke may be an 80's thing, but there were lots of great things from the 80's......... i think........ like, Five star, Dirty Dancing, T'pau and batwings. Well, maybe not batwings..... or Five Star, but you get my drift! Maybe.

  105. At 02:21 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Col wrote:

    Hi all,

    I think the fact that humans are not meant to be monogamous creates the problems when trying to find someone of the opposite sex.
    No matter the situation that people find themselves in (married, engaged etc) it doesn't stop the flirting gene kicking in if there is interest/attraction there. It's knowing where to stop that the problems occur.

    I think over the years, we have had to suppress the go out and spread the seed urges in order to separate us humans from the animals So really ginger one, you were doing what comes naturally to us so keep on you'll hit the mark at some point.


  106. At 02:31 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Just Emma 39 wrote:

    Quote of the day:

    "Love like you have never been hurt". I love that one its so true its so easy to take baggage with you into another relationship and really we should just let it go.

  107. At 02:32 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Norman Burt (Lord Norm) wrote:

    Just reading your Wensleydale BOLG and the cryptic clues. Still struggling with the second but will push on. It reminded me of a clue which allegedly appeared in a broad sheet crossword some years ago. Not sure it really did but it makes a nice story. Clue is: Listen carefully, sexual deviation (5,2,4,4)

    Don't look at the answer yet. Give it a go first.
    Answer is, prick up your ears. As I said, i doubt it was in a newspaper but it's a good and cryptic clue.

    Love the show just wish you'd play a bit of Yes or Roger Waters.
    Cheers. Norman

  108. At 02:33 PM on 19 Oct 2006, rob wrote:

    flirting is something I have to admit to doing - I flirt at work, i flirt when out with friends - but it is all light-hearted....

    my wife does the same - she admits to flirting at work as it (usually) gets things done faster.... most people use attraction/flirting/chemistry at somepoint I am sure.......

  109. At 02:40 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Tina wrote:

    good afternoon Chris and all.
    seems to me the problem lies with the girl and her boyfriend....
    keep asking and have fun!

    leaflets are one sheet of paper folded and pamphlets are two or more sheets loose or stapled!!!

    looking forward to 5pm, I wasn't sure what to expect when you started on 'Drivetime' but I've enjoyed every minute, thankyou Chris and team

  110. At 02:46 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Simon wrote:


    Horrible story Chris! Been there, done it, got the T shirt. Too many people in the world want it all. This lady you asked out sounds like one of them. She sounds like a grade A attention seeker and you have had the misfortune to provide her with the drug to which she is addicted. Her boyfriend sounds as though his alarm bell has finally gone off. She'll be single soon enough!

    Thirsty Thursday is here though. Think of all the posssibilities out there!

  111. At 02:52 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Gloryboy wrote:

    always listen to you whilst driving but got today off and thought i'd look up your blog. cool!!

    surely a pamphlet is a small pamph and a leaflet is a small leaf?!?!

  112. At 02:56 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Looby wrote:

    In response to Anna's statement about some great things coming out of the 80's....I have to agree .....'Real' goth music for one of them! ;o))

  113. At 03:00 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Eleanor's Mum wrote:

    Can I be the only person to object to the karaoke friday idea? Not becuase I object to the music, but it's hard enough to get a dedication played as it is,

    I'm loooooonging for a Then Jerico track, but it never happens, even though I try and try.

    Ooo, apologies if that sounds all whiny - it's not meant to.

    Is it me, or is everyone really on form today?

  114. At 03:05 PM on 19 Oct 2006, MWK wrote:

    Sorry Folks need to vent some anger!

    Bloody Customer's - who needs them?
    Well I do actually to keep me in a job but that's besides the point! :-)
    We bend over backwards for our Customers and this one in particular is the most ungrateful, obnoxious, arrogant and patronising I have ever come across. Being nice doesn't cost anything, saying Thank you doesn't hurt. Why do people find it so difficult? It's all take take take.....oh they make me so angry!
    Unfortunately our Company isn't in a position to pick and choose who we deal with, so I have to bite my tongue and remain professional at all times.
    Thanks to our "Bloggers Club" I have done just that :-) So a BIG thank you to my fellow bloggers for being here and allowing me to vent my anger. xx

    I feel better now.

    Happy thirsty Thursday everyone xx

    I have a nice Chillean Sauvignon chilling in the fridge for later.........wish it was later :-)

    Take Care
    Love Mary xx

  115. At 03:13 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Megglet wrote:

    Hello again lovelies,

    How much do you LOVE the fact that we can all be here, on one hand giving insights, personal experienes, and really profound thoughts on love, life and everything in between....

    ...then on the other hand there's a serious debate on the differences of printed literature?!

    It's got to be the best 'gang' in the world!

    Meg x

    P.S Should I be worried by the fact that I'm having a late-lunch alcoholic beverage...that's a glass of dry sherry...and, perhaps more concerning, is that I'm actually enjoying it? Am I turning into my Grandmother?! x

  116. At 03:30 PM on 19 Oct 2006, rob wrote:

    so my Karaoke Friday idea has one against and none for - hmmm good voting....... There you go Chris - for the texts tonight - a vote to see if you could have "All Requests Karaoke Friday"......

    hmmm now then - do I do a Jimmy Sommerville impression for the general public?????

    you have GOT to be joking ;-)

  117. At 03:34 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    A pamphlet is a very thin boo in paper covers giving information about something.

    A leaflet is a piece of paper with info or advertising printed on it.

    See - simple!!!!!

    Love the show, by the way!

    Love cheryl

  118. At 03:43 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi all,

    Ok I'll give you the answer since you're all obviosly stuck :)

    Dot鈥檚 rival follows nativity star almost completely to display of top entertainment says leading article. (3,5,5,4)

    Answer . The Chris Evans Show

    see easy...

    Keep smiling :)


  119. At 03:45 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Jane Rollinson wrote:

    No, no, no, no. You must never give up making the first move. I rather obviously chatted up a handsome carpenter 6 years ago by plying him with fruit pastilles (limited edition ice-cream flavour), struck lucky (wayhay) and we now have a beautiful 2 year old son. I was a "committed" singleton at the time, thought I was happy, as was he. Keep on keeping on, you never know....

  120. At 03:46 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Essbee wrote:

    Hey Christoph

    .....please let me guess on the Karaoke numbers you were belting out.....

    You could laugh about it with "Mr Bad Guy" or you could cry about it with "Love's Unkind" or lay the blame at her door with "call me" or fight it out with the possessive bloke with - what was the Paul McC/Michael J song - .."she's mine, no she's mine...". oh and what about his purpleness - "DO You want him or do you want me - cos I want YOU!!.." - heehee....

    But I would hope indeed that you wouldn't let me down and you'd go for "Just A Gigolo" - DLR....oh please play that on the show tonight...go on go on go on....!!!

    heehee - p.s. they have the issues Chris - not you.

    Love & Laughter from Shirl....x.

  121. At 03:47 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Sal Acious wrote:

    Chill out!

    If you just 'ask some one out' you are not proposing marriage!

    I don't see the problem - you might have been attracted to the girl but not felt compatible after a meal out or if you both felt it should go further then if the girl decided to go ahead then surely she was not close to the other guy anyway!

    As one of your late 40's blogger with a lot of notches on the bedhead I say "Don't get hung up on the relationship stuff" Not everyone is worried about monogamy anyway - plenty of my boyfriends are/were not and I don't see why women need to be either if everything is done discretely!

    Leaflets & Pamphlets - yep I agree; think of a 'leaf out of a book' as being a single page to remember this one.

    SUMO is a great motto when thiings don't work (Shut Up Move On) there is usually a reason for disappointments I find.


  122. At 03:48 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Susan wrote:

    Hey Chris and fellow bloggers!

    Christopher, you really must not give up doing something on the strength of this (very wanton, I have to say) woman who has stirred up you and her bloke and gives us girls a bad name. Where would we all be if we gave up at the first hurdle?!!

    Talking of karaoke, I'm very excited as I've found out about singing lessons which start in the New Year - I'm going to sign up for them this afternoon. I've also found out about a local dog rescue centre and I am now a dog walking volunteer - hurrah!

    Won't be around tomorrow - off to Blackpool tomorrow and the 麻豆约拍 website shows the weather to be glorious up there apparently. Still going to pack my wellies and waterproofs though!

    Take care all, have a lovely Thursday, a great Friday (in my absence tomorrow), a fab weekend and see you all next week.


  123. At 03:48 PM on 19 Oct 2006, rob wrote:

    Mary (#114)

    tell me about it.... whats annoying me is that the customer wants something NOW, but they can't spare the people on their side to provide the input I need to give them what they want!!!!


    trying to think if I have something for thirsty thursday chilling for when i get home - god I hope so today

  124. At 04:01 PM on 19 Oct 2006, F 38 wrote:

    Definately thirsty thursday today.

    I have gone through 5 50cl bottles of water today, and about to get another!

    All in preperation for the wine later, whilst I catch up on the American Apprentice - there's nothing else on - for me - after Extra's that is.

    I really enjoyed The Last Samurai last night. I was moved. I found the history side of it really interesting. Nothing really changes.

    Will an American get captured by Al Qaeda and end up being on their side?

  125. At 04:06 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Bren wrote:

    I think that a leaflet is brief and informative and a pamplet is more like a booklet.
    I had the idea that maybe pamplet was French for leaflet and looked it up in my French dictionary but it said "satirical or scurrilous pamplet; not an informative leaflet". So there you go!

    Maybe quiche is just French for flan....

    Surely Chris you cannot still be reading all these blog entries - there are not enough hours in your day!

    If you do happen to read this can you tell us the answer to the 2nd crossword clue from yesterday please?????

  126. At 04:08 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Jackie wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Fear not Chris, you are not alone. I am genuinely single and the only blokes who approach me are always already attached and wanting a bit on the side or are incapable of having a conversation about anything other than their previous girlfriend!!!! I like you have opted never to presume that someone is single just because they give you the come on to me or give me their number, or that they are interested in me either. I wish I was a teenager again although dating seemed complicated then it wasn't!!!! Good luck in the dating game.

    Oh, spotted this game and wondered if you had seen it before???

    Lots of Love

    Jackiexxx (aged 30 but mentally aged 12)

  127. At 04:12 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Debbie wrote:

    Hiya Chris

    Why do some people play games and lie- completely beyond me!
    I met someone earlier this year- we had a great couple of months and he made me feel really special. Trouble was, every other day he was telling another woman how special she was! B~@~':#d!!
    I dumped him and then went and told her all about me and his game playing. That happened mid July and I was gutted. I remember at the time you had written a blog in response to a friend of yours getting dumped.

    That did me the world of good. Hope you are finding all these posts a help. Nobody deserves to be messed about and it's awful when we get caught up in someone elses games. Onwards and upwards. I'm loving being single- love to sleep diagonally in my big bed! I've not given up on meeting someone but until then life is fun!

    Was talking to friends about the ridiculous story about the guy getting fined for mixing up his recycling. Noone else could remember the rag and bone man who came up our back street on a horse and cart. We would beg our mums for anything- old socks, back of old radio etc! and hand them over for a balloon! Things were so much more exciting then!! Anyone else remember? I'm only 40!! Maybe it was just a northern thing.
    Take care- Debbie x

  128. At 04:14 PM on 19 Oct 2006, MIMI wrote:

    Pamphlets are for people who know ph makes an "f" sound. Leaflets are for those who don't.

    Loving the music, keeps me sane on the 70 mile drive home each evening. Will have a think about a fabby tune for tomorrow's drive home .. hey, it's the weekend!!

  129. At 04:18 PM on 19 Oct 2006, mickster wrote:

    Good Chris and blogsters,

    You could have stopped him in tracks by telling him if he was any good (as a boyfriend and what not) she wouldn't be looking elsewhere. However, you'd always question her loyalty knowing what you do now.
    Now I think a pamphlet is between a leaflet and booklet, sort of middle ground if you will. Gives you a little more than a leaflet but still leaves wondering if only it had been a booklet.

    Have a good day now


    PS. How come cottage pie and sheperd pie are called pies when clearly they're not, I should know cos I ate all the pies.

  130. At 04:26 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Susan Orty-Boyden wrote:

    Mr Evans,


    There is a cross-purpose anomaly with classifying the type of publication against the nature of its content.

    A 'manual' is taken to consist of instructions or procedures, although some leaflets/booklets are also instuctional, but are listed as pamplets.

    A book on the other hand is taken to be a work that is not a manual but, for example, historical in nature; again, some items classed as pamplets may also be considered as books.

    I think that clears it up - don't you?

  131. At 04:37 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Ginger wrote:

    Awww Chris what a rotten (that word makes me laugh!!) to happen - she's in the wrong not you and her boyfriend should be having words with her.

    Anyway - I need your help with todays discussion in the office - the great jacket potato debate. If you part cook a jacket spud in in the microwave and then finish it off in the oven what would your timings be? Trust me this is important!!

    As for the pamphlet/leaflet dicussion, totally confused but where do flyer's fit in oh and a brochure?

    Have fun a keep smiling.


  132. At 04:43 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Chris, guys n gals

    How normal I feel having (at last) read all the post from the contributers : ).........

    relationships ..........aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....so many of us have been once bitten (actually much much more than once, but, for the sake of the cliche, let's stick to once....!!) twice shy.....twice really, really fed up more like : ) !!!!

    never mind - important to stay positive and focus on other stuff : )

    you guys (turn of phrase to include girls : )) are so great - such a good feeling on these pages - a friday-like-frenzy of postings today!! - hardly surprising as it is au suject de relationships etc !!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - oh no, I've started again......

    loving your work


  133. At 04:45 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Chris wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Being single myself, I can totally understand what you mean. Like many have replied on the blog today, you're not to blame... and if anything, it just puts you off making the move in future!

    But it shouldn't. We have to psyche ourselves up again, because you never know who you will meet on our travels through life... and when we will meet them! Life's unpredictable like that, and that's why I love it.

    Whats the difference between a pamphlet and a leaflet ?
    I'd led to believe that a leaflet only has a few pages, where as a pamphlet is normally larger in pages and size?

    Take care,
    Chris B

  134. At 04:47 PM on 19 Oct 2006, David wrote:

    Hi Chris

    To answer your question, a pamphlet is a complete publication of generally less than 80 pages stitched or stapled together and usually having a paper cover.

    A leaflet, on the other hand, is a baby leaf.

    Problem sorted!


  135. At 04:57 PM on 19 Oct 2006, F 38 wrote:

    Mimi # 128

    That was funny.

    Is that why pamphlets are also more than one page long!!

    Oh no I'm being discriminatory!

  136. At 05:00 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Ben FitzP wrote:

    Oh Hi Chris,


    Get in there you beauty. Weekend nearly here. Right off home now to listen to the show in the car and then while I'm making tea.


    Meatloaf rocks!!


  137. At 05:01 PM on 19 Oct 2006, mwk wrote:

    Thanks Rob (#123)

    Thankfully I work with a great bunch of people and our other Customers are fine, just takes one to spoil though.

    Hope you do having something chilling. If I could pass you some of mine I would :-)

    I'm now going to miss the start of the show boo hoo :-( I will listen to the bit I missed at home.

    Keith - loved your blog today xx thanks for todays joke - you never fail to make me smile xx

    Take care
    Love Mary xx

  138. At 05:06 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Chris asked "What鈥檚 the difference between a pamphlet and a leaflet?" - well Chris, I think a pamphlet has way too much info in it to read, and a leaflet has 'pointer' info on, and is a throw-away.

    You are in the same boat as me mate! - do guys get any straight answers from women, to see if they are seeing someone or not?

    Anyway catch up with you soon, when Chris G from UMTV gets back from filming in Oz, as I have a meeting with him.. well, he's asked to meet with me!

    Oh, and the segments on musicians and the music industry for 麻豆约拍 Radio 1, will be online (as the Unsigned Podcast) from the 10th November! - but would love my segmants to be played on your weekly show??!

    Have a rockin' weekend.

    SAM D
    (Straight Outa Bristol... chck this out on iTunes!)

  139. At 05:10 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Lawgirlleo wrote:

    Hi Chris and Blogbabes,
    Have just read the blog and the comments, supposed to be working but this is addictive and part of the show!
    At the risk of sounding like a 'smug married' (Bridget Jones reference), I am so glad that I don't have to worry about the politics of singledom anymore, it doesn't sound like it has got any easier than it was in 1977 when I was last out there!
    Chris, don't worry about it, you are not the one in the wrong here, and anyway, it's hard to blame the young lady, how could she resist the Evans charm and charisma! The boyfriend sounds a p**t anyway, what's with not mentioning his girlfriend's name?
    As for the difference between a leaflet and a pamphlet... guys life is too short to waste on such matters it's thirsty Thursday!
    Have a good one x

  140. At 05:17 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Kathryn wrote:

    Bonjour Christophe and fellow bloggers

    That's just mean, as a girl you shouldn't give your number to a boy unless you expect him to use it. And I reckon that the bloke was probably jealous - lets face it, despite the fact that I'm guessing most of us on this blog haven't met you we all blog most days and hang on your every word - written and verbal - we think you're fab.

    I gave the erstwhile boy with a porsche next door my number - he has used it once - to ring me and ask if I want my bins putting out because I'd forgotten.

    I said yes, but really I wanted to scream that actually I'd much prefer him to come home with me, mess up my duvet and make me tea in the mornings. Still, it might happen, it might not but I have to live next door to him so I can't do anything to desperate acting.......

    Friday karaoke sounds like a brilliant idea - apparently there was a whole queue of us on the A52 last Friday singing along to the cheese-tastic David Essex.

    Fun packed evening today, got to clear the spare room, girls are staying over on Saturday night - we're off out on the pull in Derby. Best hide any single men between 28 and 38! I'm worried I'm beginning to sound like a woman obsessed but my sister is 5 years younger than me and married with 3 kids, not sure what or who I've been messing around at......

    Can't wait for 5.30 when I can get in the car and put the radio on,
    Kathryn x

  141. At 05:19 PM on 19 Oct 2006, hawehawehaw wrote:

    me thinks a leaflet is just a single page and a pamphlet is like a wee mini book.also am i in the wrong here, im single asked a girl out whom i thought was same she said yes we had a good time and a few days later got a 4d to the head by her fella of who i new nothing about.

  142. At 05:30 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    You = Never say never!

  143. At 05:31 PM on 19 Oct 2006, The_Bard wrote:

    How about ye Chris!

    Well, this is the first time I have ever contributed to a 'blog, but I had to do it as your wee sphiel was outstanding. I continue to do the wrong thing, when trying to do the right, with regard to the opposite sex and I can only come to the conculsion that - it's still as much fun and nerve racking as that first kiss in Primary 7.

    Precarious age of 32, wondering if 22 is too young and/or 48 is too old. Discuss.

    Keep on trucking Chris! Yer a top lad, even if I will never meet you and this all sounds a wee bit too 'friendly' for my or anyone elses sake. 'Weirdo' - who shouted that.

    By the way, I had an outstanding idea for a music based quiz, but cannae really see a way of divulging it to the right people. Anyone out there got any info?

    Lets keep flirting and asking out! It's fun and complimentary!


  144. At 05:36 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Olly`s Mum wrote:

    Come on Chris! Where`s your fighting spirit gone???

    All you did was ask a question- she lied! Her problem, not yours!!!

    Stick with the programme!!!!!

    You only have to look at the blog to see how many people trust you with things and treat you as a friend- you must be a great guy, just unlucky THIS time......DON`T PLAY GAMES!!!. Just be YOU.

  145. At 05:47 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Kat wrote:

    hhhmmm - as I new reader, I thought that I had better scroll down to read some of the comments before posting a comment myself. Very entertaining and full of love for Mr Evans I think!! (and rightly so!)

    As a (very) single almost thirty year-old, I haven't ever asked anyone out and couldn't - fear of rejection, laughter etc and I don't know any women that do.

    As the only single person that I know (is it me or does everyone get married at 28/29 nowadays?) you can be grateful for all the lovely things in your life (particularly sleeping in the middle of the bed), but it still hurts like hell when rejected by another person or humiliated (as in Chris's case) in front of others. V.brave of you to tell everyone Chris - although it will be her that is most embarrassed!!

    Agree that most people don't find their soul-mate whilst out looking and especially if desperate - the most popular line to me of 'one will come along when you are not looking - they are probably just around the corner' doesn't hold much comfort, especially when you get a crick in your neck for constantly trying to sneak a peek around said corner!

    bye for now

    Kat x x x

  146. At 05:54 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Afternoon CLP

    Don't give up asking the girls out - some of us are genuinely single!

    As she gave you her number then the focus should be on her - she can't be as nice as she makes out and not worth your attention.



  147. At 06:07 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Ben wrote:

    I would say that a pamphlet is more akin to a booklet but with less pages, whereas a leaflet would be just a single sheet of paper, possibly folded into sections.
    And as for the other, well, if everything was that simple life would be VERY DULL!!

  148. At 06:12 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    C'mon Chris - tell us who was at the karioke with you last night and what they sang!

    9 day wonder - like Lady Jane Gray, who was queen for 9 days before being beheaded.


  149. At 06:19 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Tracey wrote:

    Good evening

    Don't let other peoples issues get you down. People play games, for a variety of reasons. Don't give up asking people out, its fun and keeps life moving.

    The cool guy at work maybe should of took the issues up with her rather than have a go at you.

    A pamphlet is folded and contains educational information. A leaflet is not folded and can say anything.

    Much Love Tracey xxx

  150. At 06:28 PM on 19 Oct 2006, jimmy wrote:

    hello chris. this is the first time ive blogged. i want to know what was the answer to the cross word puzzle? i want to know.


  151. At 06:53 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Anna wrote:

    131 Ginger.

    I must take you to task over the spud scenario.

    There is absolutely no acceptable time to put a spud in the microwave. It completely ruins the taste, and skin. You should put the spud in the oven the moment you switch it on then leave for up to 2 hours. That way, perfect soft fluffy potato and crispy crispy shell.

    The perfect jacket spud - anything else is a poor imitation.


  152. At 06:54 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Andy B wrote:

    That comment regasrding making the first move, in my line of work, civil engineering or is it creating mountains of paperwork for others to look at (not constructing anymore) before you can actually excavate or construct anything.

    Anyway back to the reason i blogged on, we use the phone to order plant, materials etc. from suppliers and i would say you never see the person on the other end in 99% of cases ever.

    Going back into the annals of my mind i remember dealing with a company for the use of "pumps" to remove water from excavations (holes to lesser mortals) etc. for many years and we always dealt with a "young lady" at the suppliers. She was the most pleasant person you could wish to deal with, helpful and polite at all times even if it was wanted yesterday ( which can be the case!!!).

    After years of talking to her we needed something quick for a site near the companies yard, and a colleague who knew where the yard was went to collect the eqiupment, wanting to meet this ravishing creature off the phone (or so we thought),

    He came back traumatised as she was a lovely phone person but not the most beatiful in the flesh.

    What i'm trying to get at is you don't need to make the first move as sometimes your imagination is better than spoiling the relationship, so numbers and asking someone out is not the best policy, maybe meeting off the cuff is better as you probably get a better feeling than getting to know someone as a friend or colleague first,

    Anyway better go and enjoy the rest of my evening this thirsty thursday and have another cup of tea.............ta ta for now!!!!

  153. At 06:57 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Di wrote:

    I don't blog...I used to diary...and I know what you mean. I mean, I'm here, snuffly, blanket round my shoulders, and deeply reflective (subduing sneeze).
    Came home from work (new job, too, because of this lergy).

    Definitely single, and in my fifties. Last relationship with a guy 17 years younger than me - he insisted age didn't matter, and mostly it didn't. It was the bit about having kids - I mean the choice - that finished it for him. But it was deep and very intense. Maybe cause we were both studying - me Social Anthropology, and him something design and ecology oriented. And Cambridge is a small place.

    Two divorces behind me. Ouch. So thought a lot when second husband died in really difficult circumstances. I miss him more since he died that when he and were divorced. Maybe that's cause I went off to australia, New Zealand and Asia before coming back to do my anthropology studies.

    Life is amazing. Open your mind, explore the horizons. I dance. On Friday nights in Cambridge we've been developing a weekly dance slot - but not this week.

    After dance (5 Rhythms) it feels so amazing that I'm aware that some people have to drink, do drugs or whatever to get into that wonderful space. Networks of connections weave through the room, and intimacy beyond words - without words - is a treasure.

    But this is about you stuff, too. Okay. I didn't like your telly stuff in the past. Then when you returned to the air waves on Saturday afternoon I loved your style! It's great - and an enormous improvement on how you used to be.

    When I heard you were doing Drive Time (and this a particularly nostalgic slot for me because I used to drive from where I was living in the week to be with my ex at the weekend before we divorced) I kind of wondered..AND I THINK IT'S BRILLIANT.

    A great show. Really love it.

    And the women? The first move, yes, that's a really tricky one, especially if you are a bit sensitive. Some of my most brilliant relationships have had a long slow build up initiated by me. Getting older makes it trickier, although I feel brilliant, and after all, fifties well the same kind of era as Meryl Streep, Lulu and loads of other fine women.

    So, celebrate your singledom, and enjoy your friends. You'll find something just wends it's way to you when you least expect it!

    Take care.

    And I'd love any Nick Cave for tomorrow night.
    And Meatloaf must have been fantastic.


  154. At 07:01 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Can anyone help? I have a pumpkin but cannot find the link on the website to those lovely recipes they were talking about this evening.

    And I'm hungry!


  155. At 07:11 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Richard N wrote:

    Not a comment on the blog but really enjoyed the programme especailly the food slot.
    Thie icing on the pumpkin had to be hearing XTC they don't get enough airplay.

  156. At 07:23 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Chris Kingsley wrote:

    And they that golf is a cruel mistress!!! Nevermind the disappointment. Women - can't live with them, can't live with them!!

    Keep up the great show - if get a chance say help to my kids Lawrie and Isabel. Every time your name is mentioned Isabel (3yrs) says that the radio is talking to me!!!

    How about this for a first time event for a child - I bet Lawrie (6) that he couldn't make a 25 foot putt on Sunday in 2. Lagged to about a foot and then took the money. Shame the missus wouldn't let me call him Tiger!!!

  157. At 07:37 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Julia wrote:

    Hi Chris!

    Please please please don't say you'll never make the first move again! If none of us singletons ever make the first move ever again then we're all doomed to remain single for the rest of eternity.

    I haven't made the first move for about two years now and I've remained single ever since . . . . so take heed not to end up like me! :-(

    She was definitely in the wrong and his reaction . . . well to me that suggests that he felt threatened by your obviously superior animal attraction. So maybe you should take it as a compliment.

    Love ya!


    PS: Before I posted this comment I was a Blog virgin so I guess you could say you got lucky with one single lady today! ;-)

  158. At 08:02 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Harvey Appleby wrote:

    Hi Chris

    My name is Harvey and Im a girl! but... more excitingly I just published my first novel, a science fiction thriller and I work in IT - a girl geek whatever next!

    I listen on the way home every day, loving the show. So as a swap wanna read my book? Its called Psyvolution (check it out on Amazon) If you're really good I'll post you your very own copy.


  159. At 08:03 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Angie wrote:

    You can never trust anyone who butters both sides of their bread - too much aggrevation, not worth the hassle, the high blood pressure or the sleepless nights (alright maybe they are worth the sleepless nights!!).

    Mr Darcy would probably gone into emotion suppression overdrive - sooo bad!!

    You know that when it's good it's definitely worth it, and that the good ones more than make up for the not so good ones. And the fantastic ones, that come along once if you're lucky, are worth walking over hot coals blindfolded for.

    Get a superking size bed - loads of room!!

  160. At 08:19 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Frances wrote:

    When's Martin Amis going on your show?

  161. At 08:43 PM on 19 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Chris, been thinking a lot about that stew. What meat is it? Does it have dumplings? What about barley? Did anyone else see Mrs Beeton? It was so good but so very sad. But then if she hadn't married Mr Beeton then she would never have written the original cook book!
    Can't wait for tomorrow, Friday -yeah! we will listen to the show on the way to our place in Norfolk.
    And Chris, move on from the lovely lady at work, too much trouble for you Peaches.
    Read you tomorrow.

  162. At 08:50 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Alex wrote:

    Hi Chris

    The boy done good, in the same situation I would have done the same thing

    would have not taken the ticking off from the BF would of told him to do one.

    Why is it a secret anyway whos ashamed of who there, she missed her chance, her loss


  163. At 08:54 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Jason wrote:

    She might have just been being friendly in a non intimate way. BF sounds a nut case though. Worry not mate.


    P.S My two year old son gets soooooo excited when you come on the wireless. He even sings to yours and the Radio 2 jingle. Not sure I'm teaching him bad habits though.

    P.P.S Loved the music and banter tonight. Can't wait for tomorrow.

    P.P.P.S Nite, Nite.

  164. At 09:12 PM on 19 Oct 2006, MWK wrote:

    Hi Kelly-Marie #154

    I did answer you re the recipe link but for some reason they haven't posted it! :-(

    Mary xx

  165. At 09:15 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Even All

    Have been off radar for a few days due to this wonderfuel virus goin around, but have been reading the previous blogs and they have really cheered me up!!!!

    Dr J McC - You made me laugh so hard I nearly coughed myself unconcious......you must put a health warning on your posts!!!!!!!!

    Big Un - Luv u loads.....

    Christoph - Saw you Monday nite at RAH - Meatloaf was great - a good evening...

    Re todays blog, having been single for a while I have found that if I meet anyone that I really would like to ask out - by the time I have got the courage up its too late, the moments passed and my bottles gone.......and after my last encounter with a chap who more or less told me that I would do till someone better came along, I really don't want to get burned again.......as #1 Tracey-Ann wrote we humans are funny things, but Christoph faint heart never won fair maiden - there is someone out there for you, as I hope there is for me - we must not give up hope.......

    Keep smiling everyone - Big Hug Friday tomorrow - Yippeeeeeee



  166. At 09:32 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Clarice wrote:

    You know what, Chris? Stuff them both! She didn't tell you she was involved, and you did the right thing. If you like someone, go for it!

  167. At 09:51 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Piglet wrote:

    Hello one and all

    Single guys ask girls out? Do they realy? Maybe I am living in the wrong part of the country. No-one ever asks me out. Am not unhappy in singleton status, only occasionally. Like today when having a send off for two colleagues who are getting married on Saturday. Then I find myself wondering if anyone will want to marry me.

    HOwver, I have become used to not sharing bed, pleasing myself what I do. So at other times wonder if I coudl make the adjustments to have someone in my life.

    Yet I am an old-fashioned romantic at heart and truly believe it is the guys job to ask the girl. And I'm only 27!!

    Am starting to waffle a bit now, so will go and read the comments.

    Love to one and all

    Piglet xx

  168. At 10:15 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Fountain Man wrote:

    Dear Chris,

    Wow....162....is that some sort of a record...I've not been counting!!

    Just thought I'd post an entry to bump up the 5% ratio and keep Johnnie happy at having another statistic to fathom out.....boys and numbers...what's that all about?

    I have a theory that blog entries on relationships prompt just as many entries from guys as girls....I guess we're all just fumbling about in the dark.

    Take care Christophe, and hope you enjoyed thirsty thursday!

    All the best


  169. At 10:29 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Wendy Pan wrote:


    Well, I crashed my car listening to your breakfast show on radio 1 years ago. You made me laugh with your creative "off on a tangent" twheres he off to now, thinking! Simply genious.

    It wasn't your fault about the car crash by the way. I could not recall the details of the crash until weeks later but I could remember your show! Funny how the brain protects us from bad things!

    Anyway, I am digressing, ....when I heard that you were back, on radio 2, I just couldn't beleive it. I listen every night to your show when driving home. I texted in (a first) last Friday but it wasn't read out. It was great fun though listening to everyone else!

    I sometimes wonder where you get your ideas from. Every show has something interesting in it, I'm addicted! I supose the interaction with "us" is what makes it great. I never can quite beleive that people actually text, blog and ring! I don't think I have the courage to ring in ...but you never know!

    In fact, I can't quite beleive that I am blogging (a virgin bloger as well) as I didn't plan to do this. I was just looking for the pumpkin recipies link! After reading previous blog entries, I thought...what the heck...do something .... new!

    I'm definitely one who dips out of my comfort zone quite often!!! Why I feel the need to do this...I definitely have thrill issues! I am digressing again.....hmmmm.

    Re the girl thing - it's just a blip! Keeping asking them out, you never know!

    A leaflet is normally one page, whereas a pamphlet has more than one page! So I am reliably told.

    Why can't we solve the traffic issues we all face every morning and evening? This is a real concern for me as I am considering taking the train instead of the car. But I can't seem to ditch the car as I would not be able to hear show.

    Have a nice sleep.

    Na nite

    Peter Pan's Mrs

    PS is there a spell checker? I need one as I am one of those dizzy lex ics!

  170. At 10:43 PM on 19 Oct 2006, Parnott wrote:

    Hey Mr Evans.
    Kept heard you talking about blogging but had no concept of what it was. Reading yours and eveyone elses words of wisdom is most excellent. Listen to your show every day driving home from work and most looking forward to "all requestfriday" tomorrow. I have made one appearance on it months ago, when I requested Vanilla Ice which wou rejected, but the great British public fought my corner and you eventually relented I believe. I promise to request a proper song in the future. Keep up the excellent work. Regards Craig Arnott!

  171. At 11:17 PM on 19 Oct 2006, prof plum wrote:

    Dating.. all in the game I suppose.

    I would from experience, give one word of caution. Never give your phone number out in a dark club if you have had one too many drinks and one too many dances. You could end up the next day with a date from the ugly tree.

    Karajoky. We do that alot down our local, one guy is a dead ringer for Meatloaf.

    Best wishes to one and all

    Off to a conference on Board games for the next few days. Iv'e just done this new airport check yourself in on line milarky. I had to ask myself the security questions.. weird.

  172. At 11:19 PM on 19 Oct 2006, sensor wrote:

    hi o great one
    please b careful of what u write[type] have just had a quick skim through this lot,would't want to be responsible for ww3 .
    p.s. want the right answer to a question,just ask elvis.
    p.p.s the doc's barking mad. avoid at all cost . nite

  173. At 11:22 PM on 19 Oct 2006, santa wrote:

    hi its santa here

  174. At 11:44 PM on 19 Oct 2006, paul nye wrote:

    Chris lambykins?
    Sat here at 11:30 and I know I should be in bed but was so intrigued by this blog thing that I had to have a look. Now I find myself tapping away with I few thoughts in my head so here goes.
    Why now that I am 40ish does it disapper from me so desperatly?
    Not enough of the stuff to do the things I used to take for granted in the past. My thoughts are: -
    1) kids - they seem to have loads of friends which is great but why do they have to have some many birthdays?
    2) kids clubs - there are so many these days that it's hard to keep up with where they are going not to mention the second job you need to pay for them!
    3) work - love it some days hate it some days but it seems the norm to work up to 10 hours a day and then drive home.

    Why is there not a lot of it about?
    I know it's old fashioned to say in my younger days etc etc etc but it is important.
    I am so respectful to my peers and elders but the youth of today (I am getting old I know?) they seem to be lacking a fair bit of it.
    To coin a phrase I think I've heard a few times "is it me?"

    Chris love the show, thought you would be good but this is excellent, a real icon for the time and place. As you have proved previously you generate new and unique ideas. Thanks to you and the gang for however long it lasts. Don't cock things up this time mate we need something to keep us funky.

    Just as a closing note I have just re-discovered dub, reggae etc first experienced from my days in Moss Side. So coooooooooool.
    Play some funky music white boy!
    P. (White Boy from the side)

  175. At 12:04 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Graham Jordan wrote:


    In my slightly inebriated, post pub pre bed state I felt I wanted to share an issue that has been vexing & perplexing me for a while now. Why oh why oh why 麻豆约拍 do they advertise HD TVs on terrestrial television? If you haven't got an HD TV already, you can't see the quality picture on the TV they're trying to advertise, and if the quality of the picture on the telly they're trying to advertise looks good on your telly, that means the telly you've got is OK anyway! I mean, what's the point of that??

    Could be an interesting topic of conversation on the prog - expensive wastes of time!!

    Night Mr Ginga! x

  176. At 12:11 AM on 20 Oct 2006, prof plum wrote:

    Oh I really should not pack the Cleudo in my hand luggage dagger and all.

    Forgot to mention the guy down the local doing Meatloaf on Karajoky during the day is a truck driver and loves his CB radio. If you are driving his handle is Meatball.

    Mc Crumble keep posting,

    Good evening.

  177. At 12:29 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Cameron Sutherland wrote:

    I dont think you should feel responsible for the awkward situation,she could have let you know she was other wise spoken for,Im sure that you could have any women you wanted the difficult thing is not choosing the right one but knowing when the right one comes along,if a lady makes you feel special inside then you go for it and I dont think that you should worry about making first moves and all that all that sort of thing just comes along in its own way...Life changes take time I have had experience of that just as you have...it only gets better as time goes on and time is what you have plenty of....good luck and your show is brilliant a refreshing end to the working day.....all the best Cam

  178. At 03:07 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Col wrote:

    Everyone seems to have missed the point today.
    The biggest problem is the over analysing of situations. The more people analyse, the more they detract from the situation and therefore, render the whole act of courting (old term I know) into a mathematical equation.

    Why are people more interested in the "what are they hiding" scenario's instead of what is in front of them. As one of the earlier bloggers stated, you know within the first moments whether you like/connect with a person. First instincts are the way forward and should be trusted more often.

    Granted, there are some real sh*ts out there (female and male) but they are detectable in a very short space of time. Get the "Bullsh*tometer on the go" and don't be blinded by the gab.

    People on the whole are good but like everything else, there are also bad..

    Last of my ramblings for today..


    PS: Em25, How are things holing up?

  179. At 05:26 AM on 20 Oct 2006, feste wrote:

    Hello all.

    Well it seems you guys have this one pretty much covered but it it stupid o'clock and i am wide awake do i'm going to add my tuppenceworth anyway.

    Chrstoph lamby pie. Don't sweat it, you did nothing wrong and stuff happens. Let it go but don't let go a woman you find attractive for want of making the first move.

    People do weird things and sure enough, in your place i'd feel bad for a while and thats ok as long as you recognise that really is the worst of it. Nobody died and the only injury was to the guys precious ego which should ring alarm bells for the lady in question if she knows whats good for her lol.

    I know its a huge cliche, but don't sweat the small stuff....and it's all small stuff.

    THE REAL DEBSTER TAKE NOTE! No rocks comin your way from me, you know what you like, like what you know and it hurts nobody, you go girl! I know your view of life may not suit the PC and trendy generation but it's not such a bad view of life....and one thats easy for us guys to understand LOL.

    uhh i think that was everything i wanted to say...damn being awake when you expect to be asleep makes thinking tricky....

    Ohh yeah, i'm with the majority on the pamphley leaflet thing...pamphlet is a small book, leaflet is a single folded sheet.

    OK i'm off to see if i can grab a last half hour of precious sleep....

    Much love

    Feste xx

  180. At 07:57 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Hubby's working from home today so I probably wont get to read blog til tomorrow, but I just wanted to give you my take on what happened to you re asking that girlie out etc.

    I think the main cause for the mix-up is that you are in the public eye, and, although she is probably very happy with her boyfriend, she was just really flattered to be asked for her number by THE Chris Evans. I bet she feels a right twit now, but i can see why her boyfriend was cross. I'm sure he was more cross with her but it made him feel better to have a go at you.

    So what I'm saying is, don't be too hard on them; although you are a down-to-earth guy, you are very well-known, and you only have to watch Extras to see how much that changes people! Talking of which, Robert de Niro???!!!
    Ricky Gervais must feel like he needs to pinch himself sometimes - what a life he has these days!

    So, better love luck next time Chris, happy Friday fellow bloggers.

    Em xx

  181. At 08:06 AM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Morning Chris & Bloggers,

    I have a confession to make.... I can't actually remember coming home last night. I have woken up fully clothed (without shoes so does that count?) in my bed. After just stumbling down the stairs to find the back door open and my dogs looking at me in disgust I discovered a half eaten kebab. Now I remember the lodger mentioning (while we were out) that he was determined to have a kebab on the way home but I don't remember the journey.

    Let me explain.... one of my best mates came back from holiday on Wednesday night only to go into work yesterday and be told that she doesn't have a job any more. She's a top girl, had a good job with a handsome salary and all the trimmings (car, healthcare etc) and works very hard so as far as I'm concerned didn't deserve the sort of treatment she got. So when I got the call to say she was on her way home I told her to detour, meet me at Borders bookshop for a coffee and then proceeded to explain that we were going to go home, get changed (out of corporate clothing into jeans) eat and then go out and have far to many glasses of wine... I guess we must have done that very thing.

    Another confession... I've come back to bed with a cup of tea, still in my clothes from last night, and have written this blog under the duvet with a headache.... and it's not even the weekend yet! This doesn't make me a bad person does it?


  182. At 08:10 AM on 20 Oct 2006, John wrote:

    Morning Chris,
    I know you feel you have the best job in the world.
    I am beginning to feel mine is getting better, i only work with ladies, and they obviously forget about me being there, very difficult to concentrate on spreadsheets when all i can here about is breasts bottoms etc, and as for the plunging neck lines!!!!
    You put a smile on my face on the way home,but so do the ladies i work with, so thank you to you all.


  183. At 09:48 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Ruthie wrote:

    well Christophe, to be honest can you blame her? You should rest easy that you are obviously much better than her current bf else she wouldnt be wanting to see you.

    And personally i agree. lol, tho hubby doesnt see it but he understands that ive always liked you and tho not quite the most devoted listener/viewer (Big breakfast was on too early for me!!) i made a stand and stopped listening to radio 1 when you werent on any more. and now listen whenever i can to your show.

    Maybe the oldies prefered the guy before you, but you must have brought a younger audience to radio 2 which surely is a good thing??!!

    ok rambling now - sorry.

    basically you're a great guy from what ive seen heard, and well i think you're incredably good looking hence why oi think she'd want to ditch present bf and try her luck with you, failing that i suppose you are very well known and rich........ some people (not all of us tho) are like that unfortunatly.

    not sure if ive made my point or just gone round in circles now.

    Ruth xx

  184. At 09:55 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Ola Cristo e buenos dias mi amigas e mi amigos!


    I suppose 10 to 10 isn't really that late, but I didn't sleep well last night and it's like I've been up since yesterday...should be about 2pm by now......

    OLLY'S MUM 144# I so agree - no more to be said.

    See you all later I spec. Referesh on MacDuff

  185. At 10:02 AM on 20 Oct 2006, rob wrote:

    just listening to last nights show - love the "BOT" confusion with Sally Traffic ;-)

  186. At 10:41 AM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Thanks Mary for trying - but I have found this link this morning anyway. Seems I was just too keen looking while the show was on last night!

  187. At 10:44 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Cristina wrote:

    Morning Chris,

    If you are single, absoutely yes!

    Nothing ventured... nothing gained! doesn't it not take two to tango?

    Have a good day.

    Cris x

  188. At 11:00 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Zut Alors! A touch tardy this a.m. Mr Evans.

    I assume an excellent Thirsty Thursday had by all? and no doubt another sofa loafer overnight?

    Am about to hit the road to Norfolk, so will catch you on the flip side this evening!

    Au revoir mon ami!


  189. At 11:49 AM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Yeah - I think this bloke needs to question why he's so pissed off.

    I mean - HE needs to question it, to me it's downright obvious why he's had a strop and I will tell you why:

    1. You asked his girlfriend out (perfectly legitimately given the situation you've described)

    2. His girlfriend gave you her number

    3. If she's as hot as you say, he probably worries every day about hanging onto her

    and finally
    4. You mentioned that they in no way made it clear - or even inferred it - that they were together, so are things as peachy as he would like?

    The last point is purley speculative, and I must admit a little contrived in that they were probably being professional - I work with my boyfriend and it's a pain in the ass to keep it professional but we have to.

    Anyway - meandering slowly to the point here: you weren't wrong to ask her out, and it seems from what you've written that she didn't actually tell you herself that blokey was her beau.

    Hmm, curious. Don't stop making moves though, it make the world move

    Heather x

  190. At 11:59 AM on 20 Oct 2006, Sue wrote:

    Hi Chris, I've been reading your blog since it started and I've been addicted to your show since the first week when you sounded so nervous. I didn't expect to like you or your show. How wrong could I be? Your show is the best and you sound like such a great person. 2 hours is not long enough. I smile or laugh all the way through your shows.

    Don't you dare stop asking nice women out. You just got unlucky there. She may have given it more thought than she should have done in the circumstances, which could account for 'fogetting' to tell you about her boyfriend.

    You will meet someone when you least expect it. My husband Dave thought I was a dreadful snob when he first met me (I'm not but I was really shy and hid behind a mask). I famously said "Oh, hello" stuck my nose in the air and walked off when introduced to him. I didn't think about him at all. But, you guessed it, he is the love of my life.

    As to your philosophy on life, its so right. Smile and listen and be different. Don't conform, that's so boring. Dave gave me a great back-handed compliment last week. I was messing about outside in my barn painting something when someone rang for me. He said I wasn't in and the caller asked when I'd be back. My husband said "I've no idea. She's a law unto herself." I think that's great and so does he.

    Keep up the good work. If you are passing through Northamptonshire anytime we'll cook you up some good food. I like to forage, but don't have the nerve for mushrooms as so many of the poisonous ones look like safe ones in my books.


  191. At 12:05 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Wendy Pan wrote:

    Afternoon everyone!

    Where are you Chris? A bit late today aren't we?

    Well, Lynda (no. 181), I think you did a fab thing last night. You are not a bad person. Hope the headache has worn off now! What is your friend going to do?

    I've had my tooth out this morning. The dentist told me not to be frighted (what ever gave him the idea I was scarred.....)!

    Ta ra for now

    Peter Pan's Mrs

  192. At 12:08 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    hi Chris
    Duncan here....loved your blog.....was reading a thought for the day...... last week ,,,made me chuckle.....it said ....I tell you how much I like that guy.....if he was on fire ..I would dial 998....ha ha ...snigger...love the show ,,,i,ll end up getting 3 points on my licence ..with the great driving music on a friday.....going so fast.....well take care Chris..

  193. At 12:27 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Willie McCosh wrote:

    Pamphlet,s have a fold, IE; Like a booklet.

  194. At 12:32 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Nicola wrote:

    Hello Chris

    Don't be put off asking women out just because they are not honest...some of us are :)

    You just have to work on trust and hope that they are as honest as you otherwise we'd all be bitter and cynical.

    I always wonder if I should ask guys out or wait for them to make the first move.....what would you suggest?

    Love the show by the way.

    Nicola x

  195. At 12:55 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Jill wrote:

    #150 Jimmy - you'll find the X-word answers if you read the other bloggers' comments and it;s worth the read I promise!

    #178 Col - how lucid you are at 3.07am - a man after my own heart. I think and work best at dead of night, except for the odd occasions (in more ways than one) when I nod off in mid-writing and find my finger has rested for lines on the zzzz key! Did you go to bed late or get up early??

    #140 Kathryn - good luck with Porsche man. At least he kept yout phone number. Perhaps he's once bitten twice shy, the way Chris felt when he wrote the blog :)

    Jill xx

  196. At 01:04 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Mr E, you still not up yet? or just not up 'n' bloggin'...?

    I'm STILL up from yesterday (not in a good or fun way - the pub next door decided to have the lock-in in their back garden so it was loud and very light and no, I was too tired from training to go and ask to be let in...six of one eh?)

    Oh dearie me.

    I've just finished a book. A bit difficult for me to get in to. The Big Blind by Louise Wener. The author was born and raised in Ilford, but the book is written in a very 'American' style. Can't really explain what I mean, but if you read it you may understand.

    ANYWAY, once I did start reading it properly, I enjoyed it HUGELY. I always am a bit suspicious of critics that say a book 'made me laugh out loud' or somesuch, as I tend not to (laugh out loud that is), and I didn't this time either. If you play poker you'll like this book - dunno if you would if you don't play...

    So, I've finished my book and now need a new Blog to read. That is my only point. Enjoy the book.


    PS the only book that has ever 'made me laugh out loud' - Good Omens by Neil Gaman and Terry Pratchett - again and again even though I know the jokes is a'comin! Bit like Life of Brian I s'pose.

  197. At 01:14 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Carole Howells wrote:

    Am I only person who watches Loose Women, listens to Christophe lambie Pie n thinks Chris n Carol make a real cool pair??? Am a big old softie, so was kinda hopin the girl on the sofa might be her.
    luv Cazza

  198. At 01:18 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    O Brother, where art thou?

    Tsk tsk Chris

    Late night blues, me thinks.

    You'll be needing a session or two at the gym this weekend.

    See you there.

  199. At 01:18 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Lisalee wrote:

    Hi there - gosh Chris your blog is late today - what happened last night? I think that all the ladies must have read your blog yesterday and they were all handing you their phone numbers! Who slept on your sofa/bed last night?

    Don't go out with just anyone though will you? If you visualise the perfect person they usually come along. Try to imagine their personal qualities rather than physical! I decided to be more fussy about personal qualities before I met my soulmate and I visualised him lots before he turned up two years later.

    Anyway I hope you have a fab weekend - if it is as good as last week's it will be brilliant won't it?!...


  200. At 01:20 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Looby wrote:

    Ok, So!!!!!...........WHERE ON EARTH IS TODAYS BLOG!!? Chris, where on earth are you? I've been hopping on and off here all morning in hope that you had posted something else so myself and fellow bloggers could get our teeth into it, but no, no Chrissfyfer today!

    Please come back, all is forgiven

    Looby ;o) x

  201. At 01:32 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Simon wrote:


    Aha, another late one for the Evans-meister! Do we suspect a little blow out following his being blown out the previous day. Has "Thirsty Thursday" taken it's toll? Or, worse still, has the boyfriend of the subject of the blowing out, having realised that his jacket is on a shakey nail, decided to take the subject of his girlfriend's mischief aka Mr Evans, to task again but this time in more physical terms?

    I trust all is well and that it's just a "Thirsty Thursday" hangover?

  202. At 01:35 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Joanna wrote:

    First time blogging and although i really just wanted to see what all the fuss is about i felt compelled to write about yestedays blog.
    My husband was 38 when he met me (i was 23) and had never been married or lived with anyone and although people thought that was strange (and i have to admit he is a tad strange!) he was waiting for the right person. I am sure he didn't think he would have to wait that long but after a slightly false start (which was obviously his fault) we were married within 14 months and have just had our second wedding anniversary.
    So don't fear! you may have your foot stood on by a younger lady and find yourself on bended knee just a couple months later!
    As for the girl dishing out her phone number- i think she was probably flattered and perhaps is not happy with her bf but i sympathise girls these days are too complicated- it shouldn't be that hard
    Love the show and seen you in a whole new light

  203. At 01:50 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Lisa Jayne wrote:

    Hi there Chris

    Never mind about the laydeez! I think your colleague should have 'bollocked' his girlfriend instead of you - she was the one who handed over her number...........!

    I would say both a leaflet and a pamphlet were produced to give information to the reader, but a leaflet is a single sheet, where a pamphlet could be made up of either 4, 8 or 12 pages etc.

    Hope this helps with your leaflet/pamphlet dilemma,

    Lis xx

  204. At 01:51 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris
    really enjoyed your interview/chat with Meatloaf last night absolutely love your show and your blog.
    When are you going to post some piccys?

  205. At 01:55 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Just Emma 39 wrote:


    Afternoon all, well QT was reasonable last night but This Week was brill and amusing as per usual.

    I am not religious in anyway however i do agree that people often need to have a belief. My belief is education this veil subject being a great issue to relate education too. If people were educated about other cultures and starting within the family this would progress into society.

    This was echoed through the programme. Michael portillo was charming as usual and watch out next week cos Mr Vine is on - yippee!

    Well great weekend planned of decluttering and then out drinking on sat night hee hee cannot wait. Tescos 3 dvd's for 拢18 so will be eyeing up pride and prejudice although its the new darcy and again he will never be a patch on Colin Firth, Pirates of the Carribean and Schindlers list - what a mix!

    Have a great weekend all.

    Em XXX

  206. At 01:56 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Stella Downey wrote:

    ALOAH to youah tooah Chris ... how can one reply to your blog about dating - I've been single for the past 10 years after 20 years married, I'm fun, atractive, own home teeth etc, but dating has been a pain in the butt!

    WHY do so many people want to either play games with you or indeed mind games ... what happened to simply doing things together and enjoying each others company?

    luv' Stella

    PS - your program really lifts me up after a crappy day in the office .. although I do get strange looks from passers by when in mid laugh - long may you stay on Drive Time x

  207. At 01:58 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Good afternoon everyone.

    Mine name is Hazel and I'm a blogaholic.

    Only on this one I might add - lots of kindred spirits out there!

    Carol 197# I think Carol is great. I have no time for half the others on that programme. She is the only one who can actually back her opinions up and seems to be the only one with anything halfway reasonable to say! The rest appear to be limp milksops who just go along on the popular train...I don't get to see it sept when I'm poorly, but I do think you may be heading in quite a good direction with your idea.....

    Simon 201# I LOVE the jacket on a rusty nail analogy. I think I shall use it. If I may?

    Russian Sleep Champion 2006 - Ima Nodinov


  208. At 02:00 PM on 20 Oct 2006, James or Parsnip wrote:

    Have moved house and started a new job this week so haven't had a chance to blog. I know you've all been worried, so please rest assured.

    Women are the most inantely contrary, difficult, unpredictable creatures I have ever had the pleasure to meet. And I'm sure women will say much the same about us. Wouldn't have it any other way; it's part of the fun/trauma and despair.

    Of course it's a "yes" to asking that girl out. Single people have to ask people out, or they never get anywhere. How long are you prepared to wait in silent hope?

    I wonder though how many of us have got close to someone whose relationship you thought was in trouble in the hope of its imploding and being ready to step into the breach...

  209. At 02:02 PM on 20 Oct 2006, feste wrote:

    Hmmm mayhap a ploy to get the most responses to a single blog? LOL

    Hope to hear from you soon mate

    Much love

    Feste xx

  210. At 02:05 PM on 20 Oct 2006, mwk wrote:

    Chris please blog.......... :-)

    I can't get into the rythm of work today because I keep checking to see if you have posted today's blog.

    Have a great weekend everyone. xx

    Looking forward to tonights show.

    Take care
    Love Mary xx

  211. At 02:18 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Christoff Lamby - Always go with the gut feeling. 9/10, you will not regret it. I met my wife in a swish, Southampton bar only to find out that she was engaged! The chemistry was so strong that I called the taxi company that took her away from me that night and persuded the operator to get a message through to her taxi and left my number. I knew that if she had felt the same way, she would at least text me and then BINGO. We have been married now for 4 years, have two amazing boys and another on the way. How different my life would have been had I not gone with my gut feeling, Chrissy Boy x

  212. At 02:25 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Sorry Simon, I meant shakey!

    I'm a little tired I have to say. Just sitting here listening to birds, traffic etc glad the sun has come out after all the horrendous rainstorms this morning. I hope everyone got everywhere safely!

    How CRAZY the blog is gonna be once Chris puts his post on and everyone goes mad to reply. That is if we haven't all gone home by then...

    As I said, I've finished my book. I haven't got very much work to do this afternoon. I've washed up and cleaned all round the office. I have no-one to talk to and no texting credit. I think I shall go outside and watch the birdies rather than listen to them. I think I may also dead-head the geraniums.


  213. At 02:30 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Just Emma 39 wrote:

    Ps. neighbour came round last night so had to tape Extras. Havent read blog as i dont want to know what happened. But will make sure i catch up before i watch Mr Ross tonight as im sure he wont be able to help talking about it tonight - his acting debut.

    Have a good one xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  214. At 02:30 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Clare wrote:

    i think a leaflet is one sheet and a pamphlet probably requires a staple..

  215. At 02:38 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Afternoon All

    Is it just me having withdrawl symptoms !?!?!

    If I don`t get a chance to pop back on - I hope you all have truly wonderful weekends :)

    Much Love to all,

    Tracey-Ann x x

  216. At 02:51 PM on 20 Oct 2006, F 38 wrote:

    Take yesterdays title and reverse it

    There's "AHOLA" in the bloga.

    Oh well it's Friday!

  217. At 02:51 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Looby wrote:

    Have a great weekend everybody, I'm off home. If you find that Chris person, let me know ;o) Looking forward to Drive Time.

    Looby x

  218. At 02:52 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Rain wrote:

    thats as may be Chris, but have you heard this??? I promise you it will cheer you up and make you laugh!!!

  219. At 02:53 PM on 20 Oct 2006, anna wrote:

    is this what it is like to go cold turkey?? I cant think about anything straight cos i keep checking in for todays blog.

    Hello. My name is Anna and I am a blogaholic.

  220. At 02:54 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Max Brown wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Happy Friday!!!!
    I think this girl who gave you her number is keeping her options open! Looking for a better offer - so to speak! What message does this give to the guy?

    Don't give up making the first move. I think the girl likes the guy to make the first move... I know I do!

    Regarding your question on the leaflet. I think the difference is a leaflet is one page. The pamphlet is a booklet.

  221. At 02:57 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Sid wrote:

    Most of us commentors are probably lacking that extra, and definitely problematic, dimension you have in the girlfriend/boyfriend, asking out scenario - fame. Reckon it can get in the way of honesty. Requires extra wizrding skills. On this one I don't envy you. Have a fab weekend.


  222. At 02:58 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Catherine wrote:


    OY, OY, OY.....

    Aaah me thinks perhaps...

    Hope you are ok Chris,

    WE are all waiting with baited breath
    (wide eyed and BLOGLESS!)

    sorry, just back from doc's signed off for another week aaaagh.
    Number in phone ready for all request Friday -
    redial, redial, redial....
    Gary Moore - The Loner - pleeeeaaaaaassse.
    Take care, will keep checking,

  223. At 03:01 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Damien Kavanagh wrote:

    Eh up Christof Lamby Pie

    As a community worker we have to do leaflet drops all the flamin time and therefore I can tell you that a leaflet is just one sheet of paper and a pamphlet is folded in a book styleee...as for the other stuff, 18 months ago after two shockingly awful dates I vowed never to ask anyone out ever again so, when in feb this year I met my lovely Georgina a mutual friend arranged for us to go out and bob's my mums brother...we are very happy together still.

  224. At 03:54 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Sid wrote:

    Most of us commentors are probably lacking that extra, and definitely problematic, dimension you have in the girlfriend/boyfriend, asking out scenario - fame. Reckon it can get in the way of honesty. Requires extra wizrding skills. On this one I don't envy you. Have a fab weekend.


  225. At 06:25 PM on 20 Oct 2006, Jilly wrote:

    Hey Chris

    Re: your dating dilemma

    What did you do wrong?

    Are you supposed to be a bl**dy mindreader?

    And what was she doing giving you her phone number anyway? Bet she didn't tell her bloke that ... and how did he find out anyway, she must have told him?

    Sounds like she has the problem not you. Don't give up sweetpea - I know its hard to trust people sometimes when they treat you like cr*p, but if you meet someone and you think you would like to get to know them better, ask 'em out - if they are decent person they will tell you very gently and politely that they are unavailable. If they don't ... do you really wanna be with that person anyway?

    Think a pamphlet has a fold in it at least, maybe more than two pages whereas a leaflet is just the one sheet. What does 'pamphlet' mean I wonder - sounds like it could be or French origin; perhaps its Gallic for small booklet. Uh oh, now I'm wondering whats the difference between a pamphlet and a booklet ......

    Your jingle "Never Outfox the Fox" - can't get it out of my head! Also have a fox that visits my back garden regularly - whenever I see him I have to sing the song!

    All the very best Chris - you are one of life's nice guys and I really, really look forward to Drivetime; have just moved into a new place after many years of being with someone and you make me smile and laugh and give me things to think about during this strange dislocated time!

    Jilly x :=)

  226. At 06:25 PM on 20 Oct 2006, wrote:

    I listened to you for the first time yesterday, and just came to the blog because you said you were going to name names, can't really recall in what context though - I obviously just have a purient interest in gossip!

    I reckon that girl was just not so into that guy; we don't give out our number unless we want you to call. Perhaps her bf is just ticked off because he knows that and wants to hang on to her. She could have been trying to make the poor man jealous, which means you are so much better off without her, or maybe she was flattered by your attention, being a funny cute guy.

    People play the stupidest games sometimes, and any which way you look at it, it wasn't your fault. The show is brilliant BTW and it won't be the last time I listen! Thanks. X

  227. At 12:45 AM on 21 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Awww, man .... why can't people just be honest? What a bummer you had to go through that - she wasn't the lass for you if she can't be honest and upfront ... I'd love to be a fly on the wall as she explains to her boyfriend just exactly what she thought she was doing giving you her number!

    Dost thou wear thy heart on thy sleeve, Mr Evans? Try not to let it put you off, honey. I firmly believe that there is the right person out there for all of us ... it's just some of us have to make a few mistakes along the way before we find that right one. (I was in my early thirties before it happened to me and now we have a gorgeous wee miracle girl!)

    Go with the Scots, hon .... we're a great bunch up here! As for the foody with a boyfirend .... RUN AWAY .... RUN AWAY!!!!!!

    'My bed is mine own, I have a few excellent friends, an amazing job, a lovely mum and considering what I鈥檝e done to it, a pretty decent bod' .... it's always good to give thanks for our blessings!

    Loadsa love and hugs from the bonny Highlands! xxx

  228. At 10:36 AM on 23 Oct 2006, Loubie Lou wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I tend to be of the opinion that if something is meant to be then it will be and it will be noticeable by the ease and coincidences with which it happens, that sudden 鈥渃lick鈥 that happens once you meet somebody that you connect with and everything else slots into place around you.

    Some schools of thought think that what you believe about yourself is invariably drawn back towards you in the form of the people and events in your day to day life....much like a play that you have scripted yourself with characters that you have chosen for their relevant qualities, therefore what is the universe trying to say to you...... what does this situation tell you about your core belief鈥檚 deep down with regard鈥檚 to the situation at hand?.

    Or maybe it's just an unfortunate instance where the communication channels got mixed up.

    Either way, It's a tough call to make regarding asking somebody out and takes a lot of courage. So don't give up and keep on being courageous, you have a lot to offer and the lady in question doesn鈥檛 know how much she has missed out on! But then again she has her path to travel and so do you.

    Loubie x

  229. At 01:48 PM on 23 Oct 2006, JJ wrote:

    As Christmas is a coming I thought it the right time to make the pudding and the cake. Off I trundled to my friendly supermarket and tomorrow is the big 'cook in' day.

    Around lunchtime tomorrow all you bloggers need to make a wish as I stir the ingredients. It was a tradition with all the family there for the ritual stir but sadly my girls are away from home now so its down to you lot.

    Do we have a date.......


  230. At 02:32 PM on 23 Oct 2006, Ali wrote:


    Don't be put off by this experience, as it seems to say more about the state of their relationship than it says about you. Considering she obviously suffers from short term memory loss it's pretty amazing she managed to give you her telephone number in the first place.....!!! I would say you had a lucky escape.

    The foodie girl was just giving you the tip off that she is about to join the singledom club and wants you to call her, but as you have now vowed never to make the first move the poor girl won't be dating you.

    Oh it's all a game.....!!!!


    Don't give up....

  231. At 01:02 PM on 25 Oct 2006, Trisha Rudd wrote:

    Well Chris, welcome to the world of women. Attached men are always asking women out and forgetting to mention they have an other half. Its particularly irritating for single women of a certain age who are, lets face it not desperate but hopeful when some git gets your hopes up and wham! In an ideal world no-one should be asking people out if they are in a relationship. If they want out of the relationship they should get out of it - easy isn't it??? You were right and they were both, actually, wrong. She shouldn't have given you her number and he should have told her off not you. The innocent bystander always gets it!!!
    By the way I think a leaflet it one or two sided but on one piece of paper and a pamphlet has more. have a good day!!

  232. At 05:02 AM on 26 Oct 2006, wrote:

    hi chris im on my hols at the moment cruising the caribean on a disney cruise its great, its got a adults only section no other cruise i have been on has one. So i reckon if u love cruising or going on your first cruise go disney. Wouldnt that be funny all adults on a disney cruise all piled around tha adult section smoking cigars and drinking the lovely coffee from cafe cove. This would of been my best ever hols if i hadnt been spewing and having the shits for the last 36 hours, there is a bug going around north america so they say, if its out there ile get it, but ive got another week left and will be in the hard rock hotel at orlando if u need a update, ha ha. What i really pinged u for is to say i really like your show \its fresh and freindly and the music great only steve wrights show is as good, anyway did u get your phone back hope so.good health and keep up the good stuff ok.

  233. At 01:14 PM on 26 Oct 2006, Trisha wrote:

    Did you know that there are only 24 hours in a day?? So, question - do you really read all the responses to your musings??? I started reading these responses and gave up - not because I'm not interested but because I ran out of lunch break!!
    Do you think that when people have a great idea they don't always look ahead to how big it might get? I never have great ideas so it's not something I've had to contemplate but, just in case, by some miracle I have an original thought, I would like to know your thoughts.

  234. At 01:19 PM on 27 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Had my first colonic yesturday ouch hurt more than tattoos..
    supposed to go and have three but cant see me going back too much violation...fun though i makes me not to want to ingest any bad food for a bit i'm clean for the first time scince birth...hehe funny

  235. At 04:30 PM on 27 Nov 2006, wrote:


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