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Chris Evans | 13:17 UK time, Friday, 15 September 2006


Out like a light last night and back to normal this morning, a little shaky perhaps but the events of Wednesday night, now fading away to become another happy memory, where the fun will be remembered whereas the pain of the hangover will be forgotten as if it never existed.

FRIDAY mornings are the best aren鈥檛 they? I just spend the whole time thinking about what I鈥檓 going to do at the weekend and how a second must not be wasted.

Food always features heavily, as does my mum, especially this weekend it being her birthday and all鈥

Seeing my mum get old and knowing about her aches and pains has really made me appreciate my well being. She was a nurse for most of her life, fit, clean living but now she鈥檚 always in so much pain. She鈥檚 great with it but it just doesn鈥檛 seem right, it鈥檚 all a bit unfair.

Stretching, stretching and more stretching that鈥檚 what we all have to do. As you get older your body wants to curl up, like a piece of bacon under a hot grill. We must do everything we can, not to let this happen.

Bruce Forsyth is 78, yet moves like someone thirty years his junior. Bruce stretches for an hour, religiously, every morning. Rod Stewart鈥檚 the same. They eat well and, dare I say it, still have plenty of the more interesting sort of exercise.

Discipline is the key. Rod for example, loves chocolate, I mean loves it. How does he feed his craving鈥.

Every day at three o鈥檆lock he has one square of Cadbury鈥檚 with a cup of tea, just the one square, that鈥檚 chocolate time, that鈥檚 self control.

I remember one time when I played football with him, afterwards in the changing room, we all looked on in mocking disbelief, as he carefully gelled his hair and then applied moisturiser to his face. Now I look back and see how good he still looks, how he鈥檚 hardly changed a day, I think Rod has had the last laugh on all us silly little boys.

Any tips for us anyone ? Come on let鈥檚 stay young together.

Does anyone know about the Canadian army twenty minute yoga routine ? I鈥檝e often heard about it but never come across anyone who actually knows what it is ! Apparently it鈥檚 the nuts.

I love everything too much and like most of us, all the stuff I really like, is bad for me.

I鈥檝e just had four slices of toast, loads of butter (lurpak of course), last night I had a bag of pork scratchings (the worst thing a human being can put in their mouth), I washed this down with three pints of proper beer, full fat.

I鈥檓 definitely having a bacon sandwich in a bit and as many cups of tea as I can fit in between now and the show.

I鈥檒l start the diet on MONDAY.

Maybe not this MONDAY but one MONDAY鈥 soon.

In the meantime, roll on Saturday kitchen, WAITROSE here I come, happy birthday mummy and I hope you all have a fab weekend.


P.S. How good was SHANE WARNE last night ?

He phoned me when I was in the pub later, I nearly fell over with surprise.

Long live Australia鈥

鈥︹.until we thrash them in THE ASHES of course


  1. At 01:26 PM on 15 Sep 2006, cath wrote:

    Hiya Chris - ooooh am I first???????

    Healthy living - cut out caffeine. I drink decaf tea (really don't notice the difference), and of course lots of green tea and chamomile (also all decaf).

    As far as food goes, I always think eating a bit of what you fancy when you fancy it is better than depriving yourself - you only end up really craving it and then stuffing yourself (well I do anyway!). Graze all day, that's my motto. Everything in moderation with a big blow-out every now and then!!

    Hope your mum has a lovely lovely birthday. I'm sure she will if you have anything to do with it.

    Have great weekends everyone!!


  2. At 01:29 PM on 15 Sep 2006, sundance wrote:

    mange tou Christophe,

    good to know even those who have been born great (as opposed to those having had greatness...bah bah bah... suffer the cravings and desires of that which isnt necc. good for us. constantly looking down and wishing i was the 12 1/2 stone weakling i was up til 37. even the golf course only gives limited exercise~sigh~. anyway, nuff of the negatives...tis da weekend and autumn is wrapping its golden coat around us. looking forward to the show. you DO inspire us (but who inspires YOU?)
    Ian, Holly 'hot lips' Samos is now F1 reporter from the pit lane on 5Live.

    Sundance xxx

  3. At 01:31 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Steevie fae Dundee & Glas wrote:

    Chris and other readers :

    Keeping Young ? Smile, laugh, be HAPPY !
    Don't be like me who woke up this
    morning in a BAD mood, without even
    knowing why. It has taken me to lunchtime
    to shake it and I STILL can't explain it.
    I just know I was in a very bad "punch their
    lights out" mood (not that I would of course)
    When you are like that, NOWT goes right.
    You miss the cup when putting hot water
    in to yr tea mug (OUCH!), you pour milk
    in to your Green tea (Oh my, why the HELL
    did I do THAT!) and you push doors that you
    KNOW say "pull" and you hurt your wrist
    and bump your nose off the door. It gives
    the girls on Reception (and waiting visitors
    a laugh) but .......... Better not include
    "missing the urinal" in case anyone's eating (ha ha).

    Friday frivolity (and a 鈥渨ho cares鈥 for
    Christophe鈥檚 spooling misteeks ) :

    Don't think about this, furrow
    your brow if you must but
    just READ !!! .........

    The Power of the Human Mind :

    I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg

    The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid! Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch
    at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a
    wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be
    in the rghit pclae.

    The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.
    Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef,
    but the wrod as a wlohe.

    Amzanig huh? Yaeh, and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.

    The quote from the Blog the other day
    about pigs "getting it" 30 times a day
    reminded me of this silly joke
    (apologies to Australians in
    advance) :

    Australian goes in to bedroom with a sheep
    under his arm and says "Darling, this is
    the pig I have sex with when you have a

    "I think you'll find IDIOT" says the wife,
    "that that is a sheep"

    "And I think YOU''LL find IDIOT", replies
    the husband, "I wasn't talking to you"

    (The old jokes are the best, they
    should write more of them.........)

    Hope the above helps to (even start to) remove any "clouds" any of you may have.......

    (P.S. reference Yoga and "stretching", I adore the BTS "Body Balance" class at the gym. People say to me "that's just stretching". Try it, it aint !!!)

  4. At 01:33 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Jennie wrote:

    hello! well the sun is shining, its friday and i am still full from lunch at Sketch yesterday - it really was quite fabulous. Even the toilets were exciting! - i think the gents was more exciting by all accounts though - firstly no one was sure if it was a urinal or a water feature, but the boys all used it anyway and secondly they were all rather alarmed by the french maid who offered to help!

    good fun if you like a little drama with your food.

    Off to a wedding tomorrow with old friends - scary how everyone is getting married - i'm sure i'm still only twelve. Must find myself a potential husband one of these days.

    Chris - dont mention WAITROSE ours (godalming) will be closed for a week from sunday for the refit - ahhhhh! must remember to stock up.

  5. At 01:34 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    I could do with a bit of the more interesting sort of excercise I am busily searching for a life companion on Plenty Of Fish website because as you know probably from my blog I dont drink so cannot meet the ladies in the conventional way.

    Getting to enjoy catching up on your showbiz antics, I think you should play more Madonna on your show now theres a lady who knows all about keeping in shape. I just cannot believe that Madonna is ten years older than me.

    Anyway last night I was chatting to this lady called Andrea from Rotherham we were getting on fine but how do you bring up the suggestion that perhaps we should meet?

    Anyway keep up the good work Ill be listening again to your show tonight 5-6 pm on my commute home from Garforth near Leeds to Huddersfield... I keep thinking that one day you might mention me?

  6. At 01:35 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Penguin wrote:


    What a fantastic day - sunshine, scudding clouds and a spring in the step.

    Could we have some insight into how to and what to stretch?

    Have a great weekend Chris and Happy Birthday Chris's Mum xx

  7. At 01:35 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Steevie fae Dundee & Glas wrote:

    Forgot on my last post but maybe best
    "separated" anyway.

    Hope not too late for a book recommendation :

    The Five People you meet in Heaven
    by Mitch Albom

    It鈥檚 240 small-ish pages.
    I read it one Sunday afternoon
    from start to finish. As with most
    books, it does take a chapter or two
    to get in to. It is currently
    doing the rounds of my office
    and their spouses.

    Have to confess I got it at a car boot
    sale for 50p. I was daft enough to
    mention it to the trader what a BOOK
    it was and the next copy he got his hands
    on ended up in the 拢1 section.

    There is also a film starring Jon Voight
    but is only available Region-1

    The book made ME think, especially as, despite
    trying to be grateful every day for the gift of life,
    I did happen to be going through a boo-hoo
    "what's it all about" phase (failed relationship
    & associated heartache, hate my job etc etc etc) ..........

    The book has even spawned a book which
    dissects it !!!! "Wisdom from the Five people you meet in Heaven". Haven't tried that one
    yet. Not sure I want to.

    The synopsis is mine(-ish) :

    Eddie has died childless and feels his life has
    been useless and pointless, trapped in the toil
    of his father before him. He then learns that
    heaven is a place where your earthly life is
    explained to you by five people who were in it,
    each of whom changed your path forever;
    they could be loved ones or distant strangers.
    Each appears to Eddie individually one by one
    as they were when they affected his life.
    They each continue the narrative and explain
    their part in his life which also leads to further
    understanding on his part AND of course reveals
    secrets which he was oblivious to which in
    turn, on occasions, turns his understanding of
    past events on its head. As you would imagine,
    the revelations are not always pleasant.
    The ending is pretty humbling.

  8. At 01:37 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Jill wrote:

    Hiya Chris, superbest Blogmeister

    I go for the philosophy which says most things are good in moderation, or at the very least OK. Some are terrific even if over-the-top. Rod S's attitude sounds the business.

    Hey let's enjoy every day as well as the weekend, there's plenty to love, though I agree it's hard not to think of w/e activities as being a bit special. Waitrose here I come too! Our local lets us zap our own stuff, pack as we go, whack in a charge card and walk right out. Perrrrfect. No queues - although I do like talking to other people and examining their shopping if I do get stuck in one somewhere else.

    Indeedee, Shane Warme was/is great, even if he is with the opposition sone of the time.

    Happy weekend everyone! Allow yourselves more than one square of choccie this once xxxxxxxxxxx

  9. At 01:38 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Em M wrote:

    Hi everyone, I, like Cath, have no caffeine and

    feel a million times better since I gave it up. I

    don't really like the way alcohol makes me feel

    the next day but haven't quite given that up yet!

    I have been listening to Paul McKenna's I Can

    Make you Thin CD, and while i'm a long way off

    being thin, my attitiude towards food is a lot

    less obsessive. Have a good one everybody xx

  10. At 01:40 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Maxine wrote:

    Good afternoon Chris.

    Lets think, tips on staying youg. My grandad who is 85 often professes to doing a headstand every morning. I'm not sure this is a tip, more of a incredulous feat!

    My tips
    Drink.......yes please
    Exercise often....by oneself or indeed more fun in pairs!
    Dance, especially when alone (great exercise as often I pretend to be Beyonce!)
    and...although Liz Hurley may not agree. Live life according to Bacchus. As long as you do the bending and stretching bit you should be ok.
    In yesterday's blog I mentioned being a dog, frog and warrior in one yoga session but I shall endeavour to ask my instructor about the Canadian army twenty minute routine.... sounds fun (particularly if the soldiers are still there)

    Looking forward to the show and also to my fish and chips (posh pub style) washed down with a cinzano later on.

    Have a great weekend all, I'm having to study theories of motivation would you believe!!

  11. At 01:40 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:

    I am 44 years old. I stay young because of exercise and because I have a Milkshake and Coffee for Breakfast and Lunch. For Dinner, I have the regular foods but of limited quantity.

  12. At 01:43 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Mags wrote:

    Hi chris

    I just can't wait for tonight's show - FAB Friday! Whoopeeee....

    I have to say I admire Rod for being so disciplined - it is very hard to control cravings for choco - one choco biscuit is just never enough - I know!!!

    Seeing my mum next weekend - she is soooo looking forward to it. Have a great time with your mum this weekend - I know you'll treat like a queen.

    Have a great weekend everyone..


  13. At 01:44 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Susan wrote:

    Hello Chris and fellow bloggers!

    Have only just managed to log on today - busy, busy, busy.

    I think the two most important things to stay young are (physically) water - very very important to drink lots. And (mentally) laughing - in fact, I think that laughter is probably more important than water.

    Last year I took six months off work to walk around the west coast - eleven hundred miles from Newquay up around Wales and Anglesey and finished in Blackpool (up the tower actually!). I was so fit then, but before I went I was in rubbish condition. And I am again now. So I figure that even if we have a little break from exercise, then we can always get straight back into it, slowly at first of course but building to a crescendo!!

    Take care all and Happy Friday, Happy weekend and Happy Birthday Mrs Chris!


  14. At 01:48 PM on 15 Sep 2006, The Pie Man wrote:

    I love all things bad as well , bacon , beer crisps etc, but I have just lost 5 & 1/2 stone and now the weekend is the place to love things , I only drink on a Sat , only eat crisps or pizza on a Sat . you get the picture

    Holly hot lips ?? the years are now flooding back

    Where are the hair bear bunch ?????

    And does John still Know ?????

  15. At 01:48 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Mary wrote:

    Happy Birthday Mrs Evans, I hope your day is
    filled with lots of love and laughter xx

    Wish I had the power to take away your pain especially as you spent most of your life helping to take it away from your patients xx

    Have a great weekend everyone from sunny Scotland......yep......... .It's Friday and the sun
    is shining and I have a nice chilean sauvignon chilling in the fridge for later.........wish it was later :-) ........glass of wine and favourite dj and radio 2.....great start to the weekend

  16. At 01:50 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Nick C wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Does F38 really deserve to have all her posts deleted even the one where she admitted it was a joke.

    I don't think this is fair.

    Nick C.

  17. At 01:51 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Andrew wrote:

    Well I hate to throw a wobbler, but we all don't have a perfect life.
    My weeks of telly watching, has me in admiration for Jamie Oliver, doing the school dinner thing was so so major.
    The kids of this country are getting obese and the crap they were eating was giving them personality disorders.
    Then thinking about this maybe it's just not the kids who are having disorders through their diet as adults we consume much the same crap but we add coffee alcohol and tobacco into the mix, would our general behaviour towards other people be nicer if we were all on decent diets that do not cause major mood swings??
    Anger is like a temporary frontal labotomy, and those mood swings from our diets contribute greatly to that. Could we banish road rage and other outbursts? It's a thought.
    I also think it's kind of ironic that communication devices such as mobile phones blackberrys etc has actually made us more anti social we communicate less with those around us. Face to face communication it seems is becoming a thing of the past.
    These devices reduce us as socially interactive animals.

    From the most hypnotised human in the western hemisphere.

  18. At 01:52 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:


    5 portions of fruit and veg every day, plenty of excercise and be happy are the answers to keeping young. Oh and a little bit of Lurpak rather than marg!

    Plenty of home baked bread as well.
    Friday hugs.

    jenny Bear

    ps Shane was so kewl!

  19. At 01:52 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Mmmmmmmmmwah! oh go on then, one more cos it has to last the whole weekend... Mmmmmmmwah!

    Shane Wane is fab........ I did however think it was Shane Ward, last year's X factor winner that was coming on the show ...... and I thought.... he don't half sound Australian.........then it clicked .... Doh! ... yeah I know ... but I've had a hard week...........

    Yoga... and staying young.... ...... well I do ordinary Athtanga Yoga ( the physical kind) ...... three, sometimes four times a week, for about an hour and a half each time. Also drink loads of water ... don't smoke .... don't drink alcohol..... don't go in the sun for long periods ... you'll age like an old suitcase ... use sunscreen when you go in the sun.. even in the winter....... fish oil ...some every day .. and good food ....oh and lots of making lurve... you'll never get bored with that............... think young ...be young... my friends... do young things ...... play hide 'n' seek every now and again..... climb a few trees ... walk on the beach and skim a few stones .......pretend your car is a space ship.........go to Macdonalds... just to use the loo........ .... eat a bag of proper chips with batter scraps and loads of vinegar ... straight from the bag ... no girlie wooden fork.... ............ get the bus to the cinema on a Saturday.. or. anywhere else instead of driving , then sit on the back seat, and wave at the cars behind...... buy a bag of pick n mix and share them with your friends.......... go for or have a sleep over........... maybe even on a school night....

    Keep smiling and have a nice weekend.....


  20. At 01:57 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Susie Mac wrote:

    Was at the football last night, got soaked through and they lost. Went home and had home made soup and cheese on toast.

    Now it's Friday and the sun is shinning I am managing to perk up.

    My boss just got back from France. He broke his wrist falling off his bike when a wasp went up his shorts. Now I know why those guys wear tight lycra!


  21. At 01:58 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Shane Warne bowled you over on the phone??????. That guy has way too much power. He needs to be, er, well, you know.

    Yes, the weekend looms, and with it the chance to recouperate from the rigours of the week. I don't know about you Chris, but I don't find Friday mornings so attractive. Why not? Because Friday is the day that Mrs McHaggarty, the mother of my doting wife, Dolores, is most likely to make a surprise visit. She has a habit of removing personal items and is not beyond the odd act of conspiracy, duplicity and deception.

    I do agree of course, that we should strive in our younger years to lay down a foundation for a fruitful and not at all fruity old age. I prefer the age-old method of remaining stress-free as much as possible. This generally involves taking the path of least resistance. I have to admit though, that I am beginning to think my rationale for this approach may be flawed.

    Take the other week for example. We were visited by a French student who wanted to learn about parasitology. The student asked if they could stay the night. I was a bit reluctant as I wanted to relax rather than making entertainment. But as it was already late when the student made this request, the alternative was to make a twenty mile trip to the nearest village with suitable accomodation (feather pillows, smoking allowed in the rooms, continental breakfast). To say that the student was being difficult is about right.

    Anyway, I put him up for the night. When I awoke the following morning I found him in the laboratory dissecting a rabbit he had managed to catch (he was nominally interested in parasites of wildlife). He was using my best scalpel in a most clumsy way and had not taken any precautions to prevent the spillage of bunny blood onto the floor. On top of that he was actually smoking . I have to admit I lost my patience at this point and demanded his immediate egress. He left soon after, swearing in french.

    I discovered a few days later that the student was not who he claimed. For a start, he wasn't French, but rather was from Cornwall. He had no prior experience of parasitology, and was banned from keeping pets. When I heard this, I shuddered a little at the thought of how the bunny I found under the scalpel had met its end.

    Lesson learned, I think, that I should never look a fake French person in the eye and automatically believe what they are saying. I think the stress of dealing with the consequences of my attempts to, er, avoid stress probably cost me more life-years than I saved by....well, you get the picture.

    I wish all here a stress-free weekend.

    J McC

  22. At 01:59 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Chris! good to have you home!

    Hi y'all

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaa....the perenial search for lost youth...nanosomes...for instance...are these like the nanogenes featured in the recent episodes of Doctor Who...miniature robots who can heal your DNA or sunnink?

    In the past 18months I've lost quite a bit of weight mainly eating what I want when I want it. This means that I tend to have odd cravings periodically, but usually I do eat what my body asks for. For example, if I fancy a Marsbar, I don't have an apple because this is better for me, less calories, no fat etc, I have the Marsbar. Far better that than have the apple and still fancy the Mars...

    My main discipline is that, no matter how I feel, I ALWAYS have brekkie - Weetabix during the week, usually scramblers and tea at the weekend, thus laying the foundation for a potentially heavy night on the Saturday...

    Chocolate I can take or leave. Takes me about a week to eat a small bar, except the new Dairymilk with orange bits which takes about a day...anyway, that way, our friends (and the boy) know that there is usually a half-eaten bar of something in the fridge they can help themselves to...Ultimate chocolate desperation!

    I'm not showing off. I was EXTREMELY disappointed that ASDA had sold out of their multipacks of pork scratchings and I LOVE unsalted Lurpak or President for cooking, but for the boy and I, Anchor wins the day for toast and sarnies!

    During the meanwhilst will comb the internet for the Canadian Army Yoga Routine.

    huskies r us

  23. At 02:05 PM on 15 Sep 2006, dominos wrote:

    It's tastes just like butter.. no it don't it's margarine. yellow oil that is.
    Even Ozzy Osbourne can't convince me

    Wonder why Lurpak is the best butter in the world.

  24. At 02:09 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Toby Dodwell wrote:

    Hi Chris and all the blog world... >Lovely friday!!!

    I'm quite a healthy person, I try not to drink in the week and then enjoy a pint or 2 on the weekend, I also do alot of cardio in the gym 2/3 times a week and generally you can eat what you like... in moderation!

    It baffels me, the 'experts' keep telling us this is bad for you, that is bad for you, as long as you take excersise regularly and eat in moderation with plenty of water, its all good!

    I am interested in the yoga thing though, never tried it but its supposed to be awesome!

    I think if you have a positive mind then you feel better, I feel that after a heavy night the best possible solution is get up as soon as you wake, get your pumps on and go out for a walk, take a large bottle of water with and just awake yourself at your speed, then shower and clean your teeth asap, there's nothing like after a heavy night and then you cleann your teeth... it makes you feel better instantly!

    This weekend, I'm of to my girlfriends up north, so saturday morning (whilst she is at work) a round of golf with her dad (top bloke) then a quick pint afterwards and then relax and see what the weekend had instore for us! I am off next week as well, so I am planning to visit and see things from the north that I've not seen before! I am taking my camera so it is well documented!

    Hope you are all enjoyng your Friday & have a great weekend!

    Happy birthday Mrs E! Big love x

  25. At 02:09 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Good Afternoon Christoph

    Hope your Mum has a great birthday - give her a big kiss and a hug from all us bloggers!!!!!!!!!!

    Shane Warne was really good - u need to get him back in the future.........

    Steevie @ #7 - I will search out a copy of that book - need to read it....

    My big treat for Sunday afternoon (fingers crossed) curled up on the sofa with a cup of tea and a bar of twirl - and maybe a soppy movie mmmmmmmmm heaven.........

    All request Friday here we come - one of these days I am gonna get my record on

    Have a splendid weekend Chris and fellow bloggers/bloggetts

    Luv Mayhem


  26. At 02:12 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Cat wrote:


    Thank gawd for fridays! This weekend cannot come soon enough and it'll be a nice one catching up with people I haven't seen in many years and some new faces.

    Agree with a little of what you fancy does you good. I mean, if you deprive yourself all the time when you crack it'll be a big blow out and you'll not appreciate whatever it is.

    Hope your mum has a lovely birthday Chris. Got a couple of months to plan for my mum's big day. It'll be extra special as this year she's battled cancer and had a tough time post-op so time to spoil mums I think. Always weird that someone you think of as invincible and take for granted is suddenly threatened and makes you appreciate how special they are.

    Hope every blogger and shlogger has a great weekend.

    Cat x

  27. At 02:16 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Nick C wrote:

    Perhaps you should delete my comments about f38 from yesterday too.

    Petty that what it is.

    Censorship would be another word for it.

  28. At 02:19 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Bill C wrote:

    I know how you feel Chris. About diet and the weekends. problem is, being a clergyman sunday is not exactly a quiet day for me!!!
    I do exercise and try to eat healthily, but heck, what's the point in being totally miserable -a bit chocolate is not going to kill you. In fact, one of my friends used to be an olympic rower and I couldn't believe the amount of rubbish he consumed. There used to be pizza boxes everywhere...

  29. At 02:24 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Bairdy wrote:

    Hi Chris... came across your web site today and it made me smile...

    Good to have a chat eh!..

    My weekend is going to include lots of gloss and emulsion... hopefully on the walls and not too much on me, my hubby and the dogs!

    I'm 46 now and have tried ALL the diet fads that have come out... I've decided that the best way is to be happy with who you are!! I've not weighed myself for months and threw out the scales...and do you know what...am so much happier and my weight has stayed quite stable!!!

    Tried all the gym stuff too...and enjoyed it in my thirties... but there is much more interesting stuff to do with your free time than being stuck indoors on a running machine!!

    Get out and about is the answer... walk walk walk.. best exercise invented! My hubbie and I walked the West Highland Way in April - before the midges- all 95 miles of it and it was hard but wonderful. Would do it all again in a minute!

    Enjoy your weekend and cherish your mum...no one is more special and she is the one person who forgives you most anything!!

    Here's to the weekend...and a wee chilled rose wine waiting in the fridge!


  30. At 02:25 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Dave b wrote:

    artnoon chris and fellow shloggers.. i personnaly feel better since i started eating and living more organically.. dont know wether its phsycological or the lack of poisons floating around my system. I sleep better, get up better and have a general better feeling about my self (too many betters there me thinks). I also bought the river cottage book and started living more off what mother nature can provide me for free..try it is bloomin marvalous. In foraging for your food your out being active thus getting fitter. well tis all for now..have a smashing weekend to one and all


    P.S happy birthday mrs Evans

  31. At 02:27 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Jo wrote:

    Hi Chris -

    I hope your bacon was from a farm shop and not Waitrose - we have the most amazing farm shop near us that has wonderful bacon at very resonable prices, it's really quite thick in comparison to normal bacon and oozes no water when cooking (always in a frying pan, no grilling here). Yoga is definitely a good way of keeping stretchy, the problem is it takes a long time to get the stretchyness you want (a bit like a favourite jumper) but as soon as you stop the regime all your muscles spring back into place quickle and you have to start again from the beginning (a bit like washing aforementioned favourite jumper!) Anyhoo


    :o) Jo

  32. At 02:30 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Cate D wrote:

    Like Em M I am listening to Paul McKenna I can make you thin. I am not thin yet but definitely feel better about food and heading in the right direction.

    Having fun, laughing and lots of moisturiser are my top tips. I am over 40 but people I meet for the first time are always surprised to find that I have passed that milestone.

    Have a good weekend

  33. At 02:31 PM on 15 Sep 2006, david lumb wrote:

    Bloggy friday christop and fellow Bloggers and bloggettes,

    blimey i was fairly fit i ahd a mountain bike but some little numpty nicked so i havn't ridden a bike in years DOH!.

    Brucie amazing the energy the mans got 78yrs old and still looking good. didn't he do well!

    and like you good self sir christop i too had bag of pork scrachings lovely but very bad for you and i too washed them down with a lager or two.

    happy birthday to you mum chris.

    as brucie might say he's doing fine your chris dear!

    love you all xxxx(ahh!)

    keep a blogging

  34. At 02:33 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Tickle in Cork wrote:

    Hurray for the weekend!

    My tip for staying young - a little bit of play time every day - kick a football for 10 mins, build something or scribble away on a notepad. You'll forget all the day to day worries, feel less stressed and a lot happier!

    And with that I'm off to ride the bike in the park before the great show starts at 5.

    Mange tou to you tou.

  35. At 02:36 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Lawgirlleo wrote:

    Happy Birthday tomorrow to Chris' mum!
    Life is too short for deprivation diets, and stress is very ageing, so everything and anything in moderation is the best philosophy to adopt!
    Off to see Avenue Q tomorrow afternoon on Chris' recommendation, I hope it is as good as described! Will let you know via the blog on Monday.
    Have a fabulous weekend Chris and everybody, hopefully the sun will continue to shine.

  36. At 02:37 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Dave wrote:

    Hi Mr Evans,

    Great programme yesterday! Very enjoyable. I am having 5 min break before cracking on with afternoon jobs. Cup of tea and apple danish, what a treat! Actually, that's a good question for your listeners. What is the tastiest danish? (Plus, where's best to buy them from?)

    Jennie - post 4 - is that the WAITROSE in Berkhamsted? I know they're refitting. If so, need to stop off elsewhere when travelling home.



  37. At 02:41 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Chris Goodwin wrote:

    Love the blog Chris, great that you care so much about your Mum, wish mine was still here to care about, she died last year she was my foster Mum. whom I loved with all my heart, what are you buying your Mum for her special day Chris?? Enjoy spending time with her, you won't have her for ever, have a great day, Love Chris xxx

  38. At 02:42 PM on 15 Sep 2006, John Goodwin wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Trying to find the secret you've been on about on the blog - but no luck or is it me being a muppet " Bigger than the Stones comp"
    What Is!!!!

    Best Regards


  39. At 02:48 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Anonymous wrote:

    Happy Friday all!

    I do feel like a bit of a fraud getting a Friday feeling as I only work 2 days a week (although "work" looking after the kids on the other days) - even better I don't get the Sunday night blues either.

    I am not keen to stay young, but rather grow old gracefully.

    I agree with Rod - moisturise, moisturise, moistursie - face AND neck.

    Liked the additon to the blog yesterday Chris - we are all the same.

    As my mum always says - "we all poo on the toilet" - celebrity or not - we all are the same.

    Friends, loved ones and neighbours are the best.

    I have just rang an old friend in America - made us both feel great.

    Everyone try and phone someone you haven't spoken to for ages, this weekend. Life's too short to forget good friendships.

    We are going for dinner with our neighbours and their neighbours tonight (taking the baby monitor - saves on the babysitter!)

    Group hug.

  40. At 02:49 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Kyleigh wrote:

    MWAAAH indeedy everyone!... oh alright, and another...

    Rachel Blue Angel - I love your posts!
    And you've got is SO RIGHT... (apart from the no drinking thing! Can't do that).. but yes - jump in puddles... (splashing up the leg, so what?)... talk to pigeons (once had a nice conversation with one in Christchurch station as I am able to whistle through my tongue when in a tube shape, you know?)... I find drunken piggy backs are just THE BEST thing too...

    What else...? erm... LAUGHING - this is VERY important. Laugh until you cry happy tears. If anyone is getting you down, find something funny about them and roll with it.

    Good conversation... good friends... good hot sex... (lots of it), good food (moderately)... good wine (as much as you want, but know when to and when not to and learn to know when to stop and go to bed!!)... take the time to stop and watch clouds... a spider spinning a web... stroke the cat longer than you should... that washing up can wait...

    Have a GREAT weekend everyone, and Happy Birthday Christophes MUM xxxx

    Kyleigh xxx

  41. At 02:53 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Emma wrote:

    I saw some amazing ladies once on some daytime TV chat show who did these facial exercises where you reach for your top lip with your bottom lit and push your chin forward and then smile, and hold......they looked incredible for their age (supposedly it stops the old jowels (sp?) slipping.......course their jet black (dyed I presume) hair helped the illusion.....I've done it ever since whenever I remember (normally when driving, along with the old bottom clenches)....and of course I look fab too!;-)

  42. At 02:54 PM on 15 Sep 2006, AH wrote:

    Happy Birthday to your mum! Hope hers is a good one and she is not too achy and stuff.

    Hubby said to me last night he wished he could work for you and play cricket with Shane Warne in the corridor!! Awesome!

    Have a good weekend everyone!


  43. At 02:56 PM on 15 Sep 2006, mackie wrote:

    yippee it's friday loking forward to seeing lots of people and doing lots of organizing!

    have a great weekend all


  44. At 02:57 PM on 15 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Happy Friday Chris, bloggers and shloggers!

    Happy birthday to your mom Chris and you are right to look forward to seeing her and celebrate another day/year with her. My mother is 82 years young and starting to fall apart bit by bit :-(

    I agree that Friday is a very good day but it is still only 24 hours long so it has as much to offer as any other day of the week.

    I have learnt the hard way that every day is precious as I was diagnosed with cancer (malignant melanoma) just over 5 years ago. I was clear for four years and getting closer to the magic five year clear then as if by magic it came back. After 10 operations I am still here and fighting it all the way. I call myself the BigUn as I am 6鈥3鈥 and was told to worry if my weight went down unexpectedly so I started eating very well if not to well and have been getting bigger and bigger :-) I still go to the gym 3 times a week but I decided life was too short to dwell on the bad times and I had to live life to the full. I have no regrets just wishes! I just have to live long enough to make my wishes come true :-)

    On the whole I am a happy chap and smile almost constantly as far as I am concerned laughter is the best medicine. Even as the boss at work I set targets for my staff to laugh at least three times a day and we do have a blast!

    As far as I am concerned Rod can keep his everything in moderation view as I just want everything, what is wrong with that?

    Off home soon I am getting there via my moms house as I need to give her a hug and then home to my wife and kids鈥︹︹aybe the pub for an hour or two tonight for a real ale or two鈥︹︹︹et the weekend begin :-)))))

    I am really looking forward to the show tonight!

    Happy weekend everyone.


  45. At 03:01 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Land Locked Pirate wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Life has a fatal flaw - it goes in reverse. Wouldn鈥檛 it be so much better if we where all born at 100 and worked back, then just think how much better it would be. We would never worry about getting older, every day we would wake and feel better than we did the day before. We would never every worry about dying.

    How fantastic would the 40's to 20's be! Then, as we approached childhood we would learn about Santa Claus, learn to enjoy playing with toys and gradually lose our inhabitations becoming less and less judgmental. We would want to talk and play with other people just because they were there. We could talk to someone with out the fear of persecution and we would know our parents in their best years.

    For me, I think that one of the things which helps me to feel young is hanging out with my daughter (5). She sees the world in a refreshing and uncomplicated way and makes me laugh so much. Perhaps happiness is the secret to staying young. You can eat well, exercise lots, drink water until it flows from your ears 鈥 but if you are not happy?

  46. At 03:07 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    No success whatsoever on tinternet for the Canadian (even the ROYAL Canadian) Army Yoga Routine. Shame coz it sounds just right! If anyone does find it, I have just about 20mins spare every couple of days, and it'd probably do just right! Have however spent a good 20mins this am stretching back and upper body with use of door frame...

    Have you really taken off F38 from yesterday? I thought they were great blogs! Hey ho...it wouldn't do if everyone had the same sense of humour I s'pose...

    keep taking the tablets

    Mrs Evans I shall send you some reiki for your birthday. Have an enjoyable time both of you

  47. At 03:12 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Scott wrote:

    The weekend starts here.
    Play clothes okay to be worn for work today.
    POETS day (Piss Off Early tomorrow's Saturday).
    Small evening meal to allow for all the beer thats is inteneded to be drunk room to get in the belly.
    and of course loads of socail intercourse (unless you're Billy Nomates).
    Where have all the jokes gone, seems to be less and less funny jokes going around at present, no where near as much laughter being heard anymore. Is it down to the fact it is just too easy to upset people nowadays, rathe rthan enjoy the humour we object to it if it is againts us.
    Can we start a Good Joke For The Weekend Sir?

    Here is one to start with:

    A woman was having a daytime affair while her husband was at work. One wet
    and lusty day she was in bed with her boyfriend when, to her horror, she
    heard her husband's car pull into the driveway."Oh my God - Hurry! Grab
    your clothes and jump out the window. My husband's home early!"

    "I can't jump out the window ~ It's raining out there!"

    "If my husband catches us in here, he'll kill us both!" she replied. He's
    got a hot temper and a gun, so the rain is the least of your problems!"

    So the boyfriend scoots out of bed, grabs his clothes and jumps out the
    window! As he ran down the street in the pouring rain, he quickly
    discovered he had run right into the middle of the town's annual marathon,
    so he started running along beside the others, about 300 of them. Being
    naked, with his clothes tucked under his arm, he tried to blend in as best
    he could. After a little while a small group of runners who had been
    watching him with some curiosity, jogged closer.

    "Do you always run in the nude?" one asked.

    "Er uh yes!" he replied, gasping in air. "It feels so wonderfully free!"

    Another runner moved a long side. "Do you always run carrying your clothes
    with you under your arm?"

    "Yup" our friend answered breathlessly. "That way I can get dressed right
    at the end of the run and get in my car to go home!

    Then a third runner cast his eyes a little lower and queried, "Do you
    always wear a condom when you run?"

    "Nope.........just when it's raining."

    For me in Scotland, this is our last Bar-b-q weekend, before the winter weather arrives, so a few more beers and a lot of smoke this Sunday.

    Wishing everyone a great one too.

  48. At 03:23 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Anna wrote:


    I am a virgin blogger no more!

    Can I just say how much I love the show? Well, heck, I'm saying it anyway. I'm a radio 2 junkie before my time (just 29), but I love listening to Sarah and Sir Togmeister in the morning and you in the evening. I really love Fridays cos I get to finish work at 4, but its disappointing when I do because then I'm home before you start... Hmmmmm, what a paradox...

    Anyway, I love your energy and how kind you are to people, and I love all the cool things I learn from listening to you and your guests and other listeners. You always seem to bring out the best in people. And the superfood guy? He rocks!

    I have a date with Robbie tomorrow - how exciting is that? I bought 4 tickets, 2 for me and my other half, and 2 for our friends who love him too but couldn't afford to go. We're camping on a little farm nearby so we don't have to worry about the traffic. There are sheep sleeping in the field with us. That's soooo cool for a city girl like me.

    I took some friends of mine out for a meal in the week, (I call them Mr and Mrs Chris because they're both called Chris, and it gets confusing otherwise) and it was Mr Chris' birthday. People think it's funny that I enjoy their company so much because they're pensioners. Well i think the people who think that are funny. But anyway, Mr Chris is real poorly and in lots of pain, but I joked with him and teased and I was just myself, took his mind off his poorly things and helped him enjoy what he thinks will be his last birthday. So have a great weekend with your mum, won't you, just be the person that she loves and I'm sure she'll forget about her poorly things for a little while too.

    Much love,

  49. At 03:27 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Tina wrote:

    Hey Chris

    I have to disagree with the Friday mornings being the best - I love Thursday evenings, knowing that Friday is nearly on your doorstop followed by the most anticipated days of the week - the weekend!

    Going on past experience, you shouldn't REALLY plan a weekend, arrange some casual encounters or "to do's". The most unplanned weekends always end up being the best weekends - am I right?

    I recommend "body pump" and Yoga. I am so lucky that I have a gym opposite my workplace and can pop across in my lunch hour and partake in a little public humiliation !

    It is the best dicipline going - I have my breakfast and then don't pick on chrisps and chocolate before the class because I don't want any of the fit peeps in the class to have their view of the instructor blocked by my lovely, if not peachy, bottom or get a stitch! By the time I get back to work I'm on such an adreneline rush that my hunger has subsided. I promise, it really works - no more munchies for me!

    Also, I make sure I stand at the front - no matter how un co-ordinated I feel or blobby - it makes you work harder!

    Have to agree on the Lurpak thing - blooming gorgeous stuff.

    Off to see the musical "Wicked" tonight so have a fabulous, fun and frolicking weekend!!! xxxx

  50. At 03:31 PM on 15 Sep 2006, F 38 wrote:

    Discipline - yes I need plenty of that!

    Fantasies - no better not!

    Happy birthday to Mrs Evans.

    We all need lots and lots of laughter - until we're crying with it. Who knows what's round the corner.

    Beam me up Scotty!

  51. At 03:40 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Julia wrote:


    Send your mum birthday wishes from all the bloggers. I thank goodness every day that I still have my mum and dad. They too have health niggles, but I really admire their spirit. They are 69 and 70 yet have so much zest for life. They are both NUFC season ticket holders, eat, go to the theatre, cinema, have a great social life, work as exam invigilators at a local college to help pay for their numerous holidays (they are currently in Rhodes) and I just think, good on them and long may it continue.

    I love and admire them so much.
    Lets hope we are as enthusiastic and happy with our lot at the same age.

  52. At 03:42 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Tim Sagar wrote:

    Hey Ginger,

    I think you'll find its the Canadian Airforce Exercise routine, developed for them to carry out fitness excercises in a small barrack room. Friend of my dad's (god bless him) swore by it and did it every day, unfotunatley it couldn't repair his dodgey ticker, but boy he was fit till the end.

    Must admit to using moisturiser myself (47) girlfriend couldn't believe it when she met me, but then she did think I was only thirty!


  53. At 03:48 PM on 15 Sep 2006, gaby wrote:

    Keith #44

    I don't know what to say - want to say the right thing - frightened of inadvertently doing the opposite......but didn't want to say nothing....

    Just want to send all good wishes for a recovery for you.

    My family has been badly hurt by cancer, as I know so many families have


  54. At 03:54 PM on 15 Sep 2006, mackie wrote:

    John #38 see wednesday's (13/9/06) blog

    just about to finish up ....off to meet a friend for a drink (something soft as i'm driving) then calling in to see different frimds and have a curry with them.

    it'll be an early start on monday i think .....to much blog viewing today!!


  55. At 03:55 PM on 15 Sep 2006, The Pie Man wrote:

    KYLEIGH, post number 40

    What a lovely name , I have only ever known one Kyleigh , she worked at Head office in Swindon , she was very helpful , printed and sorted out menus for me , never met or spoke just nice friendly e-mails , I dont work for the company anymore but I think she deserves an e-mail ,, just to say thanks

    Thanks Kyleigh for reminding me of a nice person

    blog on

    Lamie pie x

  56. At 03:57 PM on 15 Sep 2006, barb wrote:

    hi all.....

    going to e-mail mt sister in law in canada and see if she knows anythung about the yoga soldiers....... nice thought.

    blue angel ..your blogs are great, its taken me back to childhood, which is why i think i had kids.....an excuse to be young again

    have a good weekend/

    oh , lets be honest we all know what to do and not to do to be healthy, but what people need to do is find there own balance eveyone is different... no ones perfect...

    im the heaviest ive been in my life, but also the happiest???? i know i need to lose weight im trying more to exercise than anything, i just love food too much, and cooking......but i know i want to be about for my kids in years to come, so im cutting down and walking alot.....but hey im having a mexican tonight, a jar thing but ill walk a coulpe of miles tomorrow to tery and balance it.

    crikey im gibbering now....just be happy, and make memories thats what i think is important!


  57. At 03:59 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Caroline wrote:

    I broke my back in Decembr 2003. Had surgery after trying everything else. Had three vertabrae fused together. Have to keep moving, walking, swimming etc. I was introduced to Iyengar Yoga, fantastic. Made me more flexible and keeps the aches and pains at bay.

    Drink at least a litre and a half of water a day. Cook from scratch every day, lots of fruits and vegtables at least 10 portions a day but at the weekend.........

    Frozen Maltesers, wine, a few beers, and a Chinese take away. Thank God for everything in moderation.

    Happy Birthday to everyone who has a birthday today and this weekend. I'm working this weekend but will keep my chin up. Bonjour!!!

  58. At 04:08 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Phil Williams wrote:

    The secret of looking young?

    Pints and pints of dirty beer; Nips and doubles of lovely Scotch; Smoke as long as your lungs will let you.

    On that diet you will look as gorgeous as I do at 58. Lovely face, figure.... a tragedy!!

    Cheers Chris love the show!


  59. At 04:21 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Good afternoon one and all

    And a very good one, FRIDAY woooooohooooooooo!!!!!!!!

    Not sure of my plans for the weekend, defo a lie-in tomorrow and hopefully a bit of the best sort of exercise.

    The book has arrived (A Life Stripped Bare) so I hope to find a quiet corner to start reading.

    Who mentioned the River Cottage book? I'd forgotten how much I loved the TV series. I was absolutely glued to every series, Hugh's whole take on life was fantastic. So many positive ideas and beliefs.

    Kyleigh #40, YES the washing up CAN wait!

    I haven't got kids, but if/when I have, I think I'd apply the following:

    Come in, but don't expect to find
    All dishes done, all floors ashine.
    Observe the crumbs and toys galore.
    The smudgy prints upon the door.
    The little ones we shelter here
    Don't thrive on a spotless atmosphere.
    They're more inclined to disarray
    And carefree even messy play.
    Their needs are great, their patience small.
    All day I'm at their beck and call.
    It's Mommy come! Mommy see!
    Wiggly worms and red scraped knee.
    Painted pictures, blocks piled high.
    My floors unshined, the days go by.
    Some future day they'll flee this nest,
    And I at last will have a rest!
    Now you tell me which matters more,
    A happy child or a polished floor?

    When I was young my mum was obsessed with mess, or rather us not making any.

    Michael - happy 2nd birthday. Well done to you, you've achieved so much. Your website is thought-provoking, poignant, emotional, amusing, I could go on. Just make sure you do.

    Have a fab weekend everyone

    H xxxxxx

  60. At 04:22 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Good afternoon one and all

    And a very good one, FRIDAY woooooohooooooooo!!!!!!!!

    Not sure of my plans for the weekend, defo a lie-in tomorrow and hopefully a bit of the best sort of exercise.

    The book has arrived (A Life Stripped Bare) so I hope to find a quiet corner to start reading.

    Who mentioned the River Cottage book? I'd forgotten how much I loved the TV series. I was absolutely glued to every series, Hugh's whole take on life was fantastic. So many positive ideas and beliefs.

    Kyleigh #40, YES the washing up CAN wait!

    I haven't got kids, but if/when I have, I think I'd apply the following:

    Come in, but don't expect to find
    All dishes done, all floors ashine.
    Observe the crumbs and toys galore.
    The smudgy prints upon the door.
    The little ones we shelter here
    Don't thrive on a spotless atmosphere.
    They're more inclined to disarray
    And carefree even messy play.
    Their needs are great, their patience small.
    All day I'm at their beck and call.
    It's Mommy come! Mommy see!
    Wiggly worms and red scraped knee.
    Painted pictures, blocks piled high.
    My floors unshined, the days go by.
    Some future day they'll flee this nest,
    And I at last will have a rest!
    Now you tell me which matters more,
    A happy child or a polished floor?

    When I was young my mum was obsessed with mess, or rather us not making any.

    Michael - happy 2nd birthday. Well done to you, you've achieved so much. Your website is thought-provoking, poignant, emotional, amusing, I could go on. Just make sure you do.

    Have a fab weekend everyone

    H xxxxxx

  61. At 04:22 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris and Fellow Bloggers, tips for healthy living and looking good......I guess everything in moderation, find an exercise you enjoy (!), keep up to date and interested in everything, keep an young outlook on life, eat good home cooked food, decent wine, and take time to appreciate when you feel happy. May all sound very predictable but if you follow the Kaiser Chef Rules, you will be fine. ooooh and one more rule, don't go on a diet, the more you diet, the more weight you put on each time.

    Have a Fandabidozi Weekend everyone, weather is looking good here in Bonnie Scotland, sun is out and there is still a warmth to it. Love and Light, Jeannie and Marvin The Dog.

  62. At 04:23 PM on 15 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Gaby #53

    Thanks very much :-)

    I was just trying to emphasise that to some of us every day is important ;-)


  63. At 04:29 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Forgot to say, take care of your Ma and wish her Happy Birthday from us all on here. Make the most of the people close to you, make every moment count you spend with them. I have no parents now and I regret all the times when I didn't make the most of their wonderful company. And I agree with Jenny Bear, eat plenty of home made bread! I have stacks here as I have just started making bread - got a bit over enthusiastic with it this afternoon, fresh bread anyone????? Marvin The Dog's Mum (Jeannie x)

  64. At 04:32 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi and bye bloggeries

    Have been told can skedaddle...ooooh and the boy has just phoned...he's HOME!

    Gonna do a Myra now...mwah xx

    Happy weekend to you all - Those celebrating birthdays or just celebrating, or simply recharging to get through another week towards the next weekend!


  65. At 04:34 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Dave Wright wrote:

    Sometimes the world is such a wonderful place to live. At other times, something happens to remind you that there is cynicism at every corner.

    Me and some musician pals are big big fans of Johnny Cash. We put on a gig at Battersea Arts Centre on Tuesday September 12th to commemorate the great man's life on the third anniversary of his passing.

    It was just a sort of tribute band evening. A bunch of Johnny Cash devotees from around the south east came along to hear the music and everyone had a really good time. We lost money putting the gig on (as we knew we would), but we just wanted to do something to recognise the day.

    Now we've got the 'showbiz' lawyers onto us for our troubles.

    I give up. I really do.

  66. At 04:36 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Kyleigh wrote:

    Lamie pie (#55) - wow I've never met another Kyleigh! Glad to hear my namesake is great and lovely and sends happy smiley kyleigh emails! Must be something about the name!

    I've never worked in a head office... or ever been to Swindon, but if I'm ever in the are I'll keep my eyes peeled for Kyleigh. If you see her, send her down to Wimborne, Dorset so we can have a beer...

    Yay! Just looked at the clock... I've finished! Hurray! Thats the thing about loving your job... you need to force yourself to stop sometimes! (Graphic designer in case anyone was a-wondering... like Toby - what did you get your girlfriend in the end??)

    Meet everyone back here monday, yeah?

    xxxx MWAH xxxx

  67. At 04:37 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    I kno this is my second scribbling of the day - but just had to write and tell Big Un (Keith #44) that from today I will be fighting with you - and I am sure lots of our wonderful blogging crowd will join me in that............


  68. At 04:37 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Me again

    Julia #51, sounds like my mum and dad. They are both 60 and have a FAR better social life than me. Tomorrow they are going on their 4th holiday abroad this year, (both still work), so I phoned and said I'll pop round tonight to say hi, have a good time, bye etc.

    "What time?" said my mother, "We're going to the pub at 7 you know."

    Say no more!

    H xx

  69. At 04:38 PM on 15 Sep 2006, James or Parsnip wrote:

    Good afternoon all

    Haven't posted anything before, but here goes. Having your parents get older is a weird thing. It being a gradual thing you don't notice it until there's some cause to. My dad turns 65 over the weekend, and the idea of that is frightening. He's just been down with me helping me decorate the house, and whilst he#'s still far more capable at that kind of thing than I'll ever be, there are signs of him beginning to slow down.

    I don't want to think about that too hard.

    On the show front, I've been thinking this week that Chris has been on some kind of reminiscing trip. He played the Boo-Radleys one day, and Reef the next, if I recall correctly. And then I look on here and see people are wondering about Holly Samos. Takes me back; it'll be Englebert Humperdinck next. [Please no, for all sorts of reasons].

    Half an hour to go before the Friday request show. Let's hope you lot out there make good choices and the M1 is clear as can be.

  70. At 04:45 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Caro Kingsnorth wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Happy Birthday to your mummy first of all. Mine is 85 and is tougher, wiser and funnier (dammit) than I will ever be. I think it is the generation they were born in or was it what they ate.... leading onto the subject of food.

    I have been through the diet binge thing as a dancer many years ago which messed up my metabolism for years. I am still a big believer in stretching though. The Complete Stretching book is really good although you might do yourself a mischeif it you try some of them without a bit of practice!

    Do I love chocolate? Is the pope Catholic? Best way is just don't buy it. Rod must have an iron will, mine is more like jelly. I.e. soft and wobbly, can I say that?!

    Good luck for the show today, will be listening as usual.

  71. At 04:48 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Cate D wrote:

    Hi All

    I agree that everyday is important we need to find something to be happy about on even the less good days. Maybe Pollyanna was right and we should all play the glad game and find things to be thankful for.

    So today I thing I will be thankful for Chris's Mum without her we wouldn't have Chris and all the good fun he brings to us through the show and the blog. Happy birthday Mrs Evans and best wishes for many more to come.

  72. At 04:51 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Greetings and Salutations from Vancouver, Canada this fair Friday morning,

    Frankly, to those who suggest switching to decaffeinated coffee, I can but suggest that such an idea as well as the very concept is a nonsense. Coffee sans caffeine should be immediately consigned to the annuls of history along with non-alcoholic beer, low-fat cream (low fat anything come to that, especially crisps) oven chips, half-fat cheese and any other food item or group that is supposed to be enjoyed in all it's full fat glory.

    So on we gallop, headlong towards the weekend. Mr. Evans, I offer many happy returns to your mother and entirely concur about appreciating health as the aging process continues to magnify our mortality. It is curious that you should be referring to health, the body and related subjects this morning as last night I attended a preview of a new exhibit soon to open here in Vancouver. Rather than boring you all with the utterly macabre, weirdly fascinating yet curiously compelling details, I will provide the link for those who wish to have a look...

    In closing, I wish you all a fine weekend filled with plenty of whatever it are that delivers contentment. Myself, I am getting delivery of my fabulous new HDTV, having friends round for drinks and food, sipping wine, smoking cigars, playing tennis and doing many a crossword but thankfully, not all at the same time. Blissful indeed.

    In the words of the great Epicurus, whom I think may have been talking about hangovers...

    "No pleasure is a bad thing in itself, but the things which produce certain pleasures entail disturbances many times greater than the pleasures themselves"

    Good day to you.


    Dr T

  73. At 05:18 PM on 15 Sep 2006, PB wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Love the show, love the blog.....

    Just a small point about your endorsement of Lurpak, admit that it is v nice but perhaps you should consider when you pop to Waitrose trying some wonderfull UK butter and supporting our regional producers of some of the finest grub in the world...

    And no I am not a farmer.....Just a foodie who buys British when possible.


    Love to ya Mum.xx


  74. At 05:33 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Katie wrote:

    Hi Chris & fellow bloggers

    Well my Friday morning weren't quite the same as I was delivered a gorgeous present at 7.15am - my 4 year old nephew who was staying with us for this morning before we took him to school at lunchtime while his mummy escaped to work. Boy did I have a chaotic and noisy morning, but it was gorgeous though, I love him to bits and don't get to spend anywhere near as much time with him as I'd really like to.

    Hubby is off out tonight with the same mate that was here on Tuesday, that means that I'll sit in with book & wine and then the 2 drunkards will roll in at about 1 (got to hope for a bit of a lock in) and start chatting as though it's 6 in the evening. Night usually ends with hubby falling asleep while me and 'mate' end up chatting through the night.

    Food is good for us tonight, especially for me as my daughter is doing dinner as I type - we're having fajitas and all things lovely and Mexican and whenever we have that she's a star and always cooks which means that it tastes all the better for me as I've not made it. Knew there had to be an extra joy to having a teenage daughter.

    I've got that Paul McKenna book that other bloggers have re eating yourself thin - never actually played the cd yet which may be why the dieting aint going as good as it could (erm forget the mexican then), my play it over the weekend. I've promised myself that I'm going to be totally fit & healthy by the time I'm 40 so I've got just over two years to kick my own backside into action.

    I have become very good and started using all the moisturising creams/lotions that I've collected and neglected to use. I've been using them for a couple of months now and I really can see/feel a difference and this is before I even get wrinkles - now I've just got to keep it up.

    Stevie #3 - I loved that joke, never heard it before ;) And you're right about the book 5 People You Meet In Heaven, it's an excellent book - very thought inspiring.

    Keith #44 - I don't blame you for giving up the moderation thing - I hope you continue to fight with a smile on your face, I'm sure that there must be health benefits to that. You sound like a really lovely boss, I bet your underlings enjoy working for you.


  75. At 05:34 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Yorkshire Lass wrote:

    Shane was fab. I hate cricket but he was fun. I'd sneaked out of work for a run and ended up giggling on the treadmill (not a great look) and then started fantasizing about sausages.

    I then went and undid the gym work by going out for an Italian and drank a bottle and a half of white wine. Ooops.

    I have lost seven stone though in the last couple of years, and reckon that I have to have a blow out now and again.

    That's my excuse (and then I had to have fish n chips for lunch to cure the hangover) DOH!

    Maybe I should aspire to be more like Rod Stewart. Never thought I'd say that...

    Have a good weekend Chris & all!


  76. At 05:59 PM on 15 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Hello Chris,
    Happy Friday y'all!

    First and foremost......Happy birthday Mrs Evans! Thanks for bringing such a top guy into the world! xxx

    My mum's 78 on Thursday. I'm always thanking her for having me! x
    Staying young.....feeling young....looking young.
    I have a cup of hot lemon water - boil the kettle and pour onto a quarter of a lemon and squeeze it - first and last thing every day unless I'm totally trollied from booze intake so not on Friday nights.
    I have very little responsibility and I worry about nothing unless it's actually happening to me.
    I'm lucky enough to have a built in mechanism to stop me really overindulging on the booze - I throw up. It usually takes two bottles of wine or a few mixed cocktails or too much 'schmoking' to get me there but it stops the stuff going through my system overnight and minimises the hangover which I rarely have much to the irritation of everyone I know.
    For shiny hair I drink real ale. Hair loves hops. I've never drunk enough to make me sick though.
    If I need energy I drink Guinness; sometimes have a pint with a crossword. Having 15 years of part-time bar-wenching under my belt I think the most attractive and interesting men drink Guinness and single malts. The lager suppers are the boys. Did you know that lager was introduced to pubs in the UK as a ladies drink? Speaks volumes doesn't it?
    I also soak my face in a sink full of cold water and 40 ice cubes most mornings. It wakes me up and tightens my skin. A Greta Garbo technique. Not even sure if she looked any good. I just like the wackiness of it.
    Once a week or so I face sauna as I haven't got a real big one yet.
    Sauna - very good for detoxing the insides and circulation. I'm having a sauna put into my garage next Spring with a cold only shower outside. Such a low cost for such a massive health benefit.
    Stretching is a must. Cats never get up without a stretch. As much as I like yoga I prefer Baccardi and twister and although I often bruise the laughter more than makes up for it!
    If you're bored fantasise for a while. Just see what's there. Fantasies are always stimulating. Don't eat or switch a TV on. Make as few plans as possible. You may miss out on something you really want to do and how do you know what you'll feel like doing in amonth's time? Say yes to as much as you possibly can.

    And finally......the one certain way of staying young.....lie about yor age!

    A very young and happy weekend to all!

    Debs xxx

  77. At 06:39 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:

    a little concerened about yesturdays blog. who were those girls sleeping in your bed mr evans. sounds like a good night. happy birthday chris' mum!!

  78. At 06:41 PM on 15 Sep 2006, george wrote:

    Have a great weekend with your mum and yes it is a shame that becoming older does not happen on its own I love walking and have done several long distance walks but have now developed osteo arthritis in both hips and residual pain in my knee but aim to keep on walking.
    Have a good one and love ure mum.

  79. At 06:53 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Joey wrote:

    D'you have to write loads to Blog ?.

    All I want to say is - I LOVE Dr Joseph
    McCrumble !


  80. At 06:57 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Mary wrote:

    To Keith #44

    sending you special thoughts for a speedy recovery xx

  81. At 07:05 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Weekend starts here!!!

  82. At 07:34 PM on 15 Sep 2006, barb wrote:

    keith *44*

    what are your wishes?????

    you never know we might be able to help!!!

    ( and if its 2 women in your bed, you have to speak to chris!!!!!)


  83. At 07:39 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Tabitha wrote:

    Evening all,

    Keith no.44 you definitely believe that laughter is the best medicine and you provide it for all of us.

    Cancer is a pig, as I type, my Dad is dying from oesophageal cancer, so not the happiest weekend, but it's better to look on it as a celebreation of life rather than to be sad for his death.

    Mum is fit and well, so there's a blessing.

    Happy birthday to Mrs Evans - I'll raise my wine glass as I type.

    Missing you already

  84. At 07:40 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hello Chris and all,

    This blog, can of worms, pandora,s box, cornucopia of knowledge, all of the above. Possibly youthful exuberance???

    Everybody please keep it up, you know what I mean!

    P.S. As a plastic scouse Cornishman[long story!] where is Saint Isaac?

  85. At 08:03 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Phil Rooney wrote:

    Chris, you are a legend, my mum is also getting a bit older and each time I see her its obvious those aches and pains are there but being a mum in front of her son she does her best to hide them! And now you have said stretch, i am going to stretch, and get my mum to too!!!! I think i also need to learn some self control as toast and lurpack with tea is like heaven but I know it needs to stop, so if you find out how to let me know via the wonder of your radio show, i'm sure there are a million of us in the same boat! This is the first time I blogged hope you read it, well M&S here i come, being from up north not many waitrose to frequent!!
    Have a good one
    The Roonster
    PS Warne was amazing!!

  86. At 08:06 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:

    To Keith, so sorry, only just caught up with your posts, take care, my thoughts are with you, so much love and light, Jeannie xxxxxxxxxx

  87. At 08:35 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Myra wrote:

    Hi All,

    F38 - Don't worry hun - I got your joke. I do things like that all the time, and never mean any harm - just larking about. Chin up.

    Hope everyone's well and looking forward to the weekend - as I said before I reckon those chaps and chappesses at Grenwich Mean Time take a few hours off the weekend as they seem to go so much quicker than working days. Boooo.

    #60 - Hellbell

    Oh you're post made me cry. I so loved being home with my kiddies - didn't go back to work until my youngest of three was 13 (still felt guilty though). Hubby and I never had much money, but d'you know I think the kiddiwinks loved having our company more than anything.

    House was always clean, food always on the table and lots of love and laughter. Now they're grown up - Matthew my eldest in army and away from home, Kathy my middle daughter is happy with life and spending loads of time with her boyfriend which I think is so sweet, comes home every night a happy girl, and Mannon my youngest (the boss of the household) is just a whirlwind. I miss them all being little and wanting their mum, hiding behind me in shops
    and bringing me slugs and worms to look at.
    Empty nest syndrome here I come. Only thing is that I know, hubby and I have always done our best for them....... blub, blub, blub.

    Hellbell - such a lovely poem - going to copy and print it off and send it to work to a special friend who is going through the same thing.

    D'you know what I used to do when they wouldn't hold my hand to cross the road - I used to say to all of them 'Oh mum's so scared - I'm too scared to cross the road by myself' invariable they would look at me and say 'it's o.k. mum - you hold my hand and I'll take you across' Still makes me smile when I think of it.

    Another thing we used to do at Christmas, when we lived in our old house - had a coal fire and kiddies were worried that Santa's bum would be burnt.

    Well we'd let the fire go out before they went to bed..... got hubby's shoes and put them on the hearth (which was Bethesda Slate and had been polished) got some talc and glitter - scattered it all round the hearth and then removed the shoes. It looked just like Santa's boots had come down the chimney - left footprints in the magic dust and left all the pressies for them. Still see their little faces when they saw the footprints..... BLUB - BLUB.......

    BIG SIGH....... Will now have to wait until they have grandchildren, so I can do it all again. Ahhh.

    We're recently had a small M&S open near us - and although it was always a payday treat to go to our nearest M&S at Llandudno (about 35 miles away) - now it's within a 15 minute drive - and I just love it. All the lovely goodies that I fill my firdge up with, planning to eat it all - but of course it's all got the same use by date on it - so we have to have one HUGE blow out so we don't waste anything - then the blinking fridge is empty again. But my tummy certainly isn't.

    Hey-ho - oh for the body of a 20 year old........30 year old..........40 year old.............but at least I haven't got to the body of a 50 year old yet. Watch this space.

    I still feel about 28 inside it's just the outside bit that lets me down - I'm fine from the chin up but everything south of that is just expanding at a rate of knots...............

    Hazel Love - I'm so glad that the boy is home. Don't you just love them.......

    Got to go now - daughters have just come and decided that they want to watch a dvd where the pc is - so I'll be nagged to smithereens if I don't disappear pretty darn quick.




  88. At 09:35 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris and Schloggers

    Happy birthday Mrs Evans...hope it's been warm and wonderfull for you.

    I'm 2 x 22 + 1 going on 27, but don't deserve to be because I don't go to the gym and drink far too much Chardonnay. So I got to thinking...what keeps me young:

    Keeping my Chakras in good order!!!

    Dancing around the kitchen to Santana, with a glass or three of Chardonnay.

    Washing my face in cold water...never, ever use warm water (debster # 76). Mum taught me that as a teenager.

    Smear vaseline (steady) around your eye lids and eyelashes..keeps the wrinkles at bay and conditionsand thickens the lashes.

    I don't work or socialise with people that I don't respect or like. Don't waste your energy or time, remove yourself and surround yourself with people that enhance your life.

    Being a 'versatile vegan'; mostly substituting meat and dairy with soya and other alternative products. BUT...I love real cheese and the occasional steak or sausages...if they are good quality. Everything in moderation, including moderation!!

    Taking time out to smile and chat with someone older or younger than me...it's so joyfull and inspirational.

    20 min meditation every morning..helps me to get grounded, creative, organised and inspired. The best ideas, answers to questions and solutions to problems come when I create the space, open my mind and switch brain off...thinking without thinking. Then I write my thoughts down in a journal. I find that I'm not stressing during the day or loosing sleep at night

    Put a 'full stop' or even just a 'comma' in my day now and again to notice how I'm feeling, or the beauty and the activity around me

    When I notice that I'm feeling stressed or out of sorts, I change my posture, sit up straighter, go for a walk, breath deeply.

    Conecting with nature, getting out for long walks in lovely surroundings and blowing the cobwebs away.

    Being playful, find the child within, play tricks, go to the park and play on the swings and slide.

    Being true to myself and authentic, knowing what I stand for, then I always feel congruent and centered and not in conflict.
    You use soooo much negative energy when you are in conflict with yourself.

    So in short:

    Check out your Chakras and keep them fettled

    Dance around the kitchen with your Scholes or boots on, make as much noise as possible

    Brave the cold water

    Heavy on the vaseline

    Be moderate and flexible

    Smile at people and feel warm when they smile back,knowing you have made a difference to their day

    Meditate regularly and make a note of whatever 'Plops' into your thoughts

    Stop the world and get off the hamster wheel every now and again...smell the roses

    Remember to breath deeply..from the belly

    Get into nature, trample on the leaves on your lawn in your bear feet

    Unleash your playfulness, go on..be silly

    Stand by what you stand for, if you don't yet know....it's time to explore

    About Parents...I'm soooo lucky to have my Ma and Pa, they're in their mid 60's, retired, and are a wonderful source of support to myself and smy son James. They're off to Sri-Lanka in November for 3 months, another of several visits to support a charity we have set up to help orphaned children of the Tsunami. They have a powerful sense of purpose which keeps them going.

    My partner and LOML, lost his father last new year, and he has committed to spend Friday through til Saturday lunch with his Mum every fortnight. Taking her to the hairdressers, out for lunch, walking on the seafront at Rhos. It's very special time for both of them.

    What can you do jsut for for you, and for your loved ones this weekend?

    Love Debbie xx

  89. At 09:56 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Happy Birthday Chris's mum have a great weekend. And Chris don't worry about the age thing it happens to us all just enjoy the moment. Or take spoon fulls of cod liver oil that's what my mum says and as you know Mum knows best!!

  90. At 11:15 PM on 15 Sep 2006, jeannette wrote:

    hi chris...
    cod liver oil may be great ...but when it comes back to say hello...not good....
    surely there must be another way????????????/

    have a nice day ..mrs evans...i'm sure your boy will treat you proper!!!!!!!!!!!!

  91. At 11:34 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Piglet wrote:

    Howdy Christophe and bloggers

    Loved the Zen of Pooh part as (as youcan guess from my name) Pooh is my best friend! Sadly missed quite a bit of prog as kept falling asleep.

    One square of chocolate a day - how on earth does he do it?!?! No caffeine - that's my tip. And breakfast althoguh am not always so good at that. Oh and getting out for a walk hills, fells and moors where you can get to wild nature and wlka placess where you can go for ages without meeting anyone.

    Stretching sounds good. I used to as the chiropodist told me to since my aclaf mussles were shorter than they are supposed to be. Was not very decicated to it though. I didn't really see the problem with short calves. I mean how often do you need to touch your toes without bending your knees anyway?

    # 3 I have a powerpoint presentation on that reading thing with some other amazing mind things. Absolutely fascinating. All in German though

    And while we're on the subject can anyone explain to me the addition of random French words. I don't really get it. And does anyone know what SWs are on Sarah kennedy's show. Always get up to her but have no idea what that means.

    Stevie # 7 that book sounds great

    Good joke #47

    Blimey this blogging thing takes a long time - takes ages to read all the great comments. WOnder if the kids I teach will mind that I plan their lessons in a hurry cos spend so much time reading this?

    Christoph I agreee with #73 - you should be buying British

    Looking forward to the weekend. off to Colchester for a friends birthday. have never been to that part of England. It;s good to experience something new. Might even try to go to the seaside.

    Have a great weekend one and all

    Piglet (aka Catherine) xx

  92. At 12:13 AM on 16 Sep 2006, Paul Powner wrote:

    Were you at the ManU Celtic match on Wednesday night? I was with a group of Celtic fans being entertained from 5pm till I cant remember. Hospitality included a hotel room which was very civilised

    Must say I don't like private boxes...much prefer being out with my mates in my own ground

    I have the Canadian Army exercise book (not yoga)...hard work but the good thing is that it is stepped for age and level of fitness

    Water is a good antidote for most things including alcohol

    Agree with the smile comments and you must have taken that on board....you laugh with your audience every day which is why the show is so good


  93. At 12:39 AM on 16 Sep 2006, Linda40 wrote:

    Hi Chrissy babe

    I am a new blogger, first post yesterday. I was so impressed with the whole thing I told by best buddy Lisa about it this morning.

    I have just been out to Covent Garden to see my old friend Jules, who wa my IP student 6 years ago. I havent seen her for about 18 monhs and we had the best catching up night, over a meal in Zizzi's and then in a fab basement winebar not far away.

    My best buddy Lisa, picked me up at the station. I am a little freed by the vine as some would say, and so as she dropped me off, she said " now hunny you go in and get a good nights sleep but don't forget to write to Chrissy first and tell him about your night"

    You see even over brekkie, the blogging has caught her imagination.

    You know Chris, I work at Heathrow for the airline that was once the world favourite and frankly stillhas a pretty high place in the list, so I don't travel into town often. Having read your musings for the first time yesterday I was able to see the beauty and the fun all around me - thank you for that and for a fun show, which I listened to on my moby as I travelled.

    You are right. There is so much love and fun to be had, it makes me panic that I don't have time for it all.

    Off to bed now to make sure I don't miss a minute of the weekend. Sit ups first of course.... to tone the precious muscles.

    Love Love love and more love

  94. At 12:50 AM on 16 Sep 2006, Jill wrote:

    Great stuff... Takes longer and longer to read all the blogs, but well worth it and inspiring to see how all Chris's ideas are developed, and generate new ones.

    Debbie #88 - love the way you explain the Zen of Debbie and will aspire to it too, as it helped me to understand what helps me to stretch both mind and body and feel goood and energetic

    CANADAIAN AIRFORCE EXERCISES! I have the book (somewhere!) Used to do them every day ...when I was younger.... Time to find the book and start again! the principle is that you exercise 20 mins every day. There are 10 different exercises which between them work out each part of the body. The first week you do each of them just a few times (5?) in the 20 minutes, the next week you do each of them more often, and so it builds up so that by week 16 or whatever you're doing each exercise 20 times, still within the 20 minute time slot. Faster and faster, fitter and fitter. That's the idea. Will find the book and tell more tomorrow.

    Nitey nite for now! Will pray that all the Big 'Uns wishes come true. Like the rest of you, I really enjoy your blogs Keith, and Rachel's, and f38, and the Debsters, and Myra's, and Dr J McC's and so on and on, and everyone's.... love ya all

  95. At 08:28 AM on 16 Sep 2006, Susie wrote:

    ....II'm so bad with technology...was mid blog and hit return twice by mistake...so not sure if I've posted partially completed blog...

    anyway Chris-baby was on about things keeping you young: good eating (organic where poss, and go easy on fat content and additives), good sleep, realising you've still got what it takes when nice young men do a treble-take on you (well that works for us girls)...being content with your lot, but always striving to better yourself as a person....lots of water to help flush out all those toxins, lots of fresh air, moderate exercise....lots of fun and smiles, animals in your life and most importantly, your family and friends around you. Mum's are especially valuable - HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS'S MUM!

    Being a good person too helps you feel centred and balanced....oh and being true to yourself, and doing the things that make you feel good. that all helps keep you young.

    Forget all the material stuff too - don't be greedy in life. We're taking too much from the planet, and envy is not a good thing. all that material stuff doesn't matter when you don't have your health and happiness.

    Oh and being loved helps. And for those who don't have that one love (yet!) the search for it can be a huge amount of fun!! And surely THAT can keep you young!

    Don't you ever wonder how the wind would look if it was coloured? I do.

    enjoy your weekend,

    Susie xx

  96. At 08:43 AM on 16 Sep 2006, wrote:

    hmm could that be the Tibetan Rejuvination Rites? They take about 15 minutes once you're up to the 21 reps. They are great and you feel really energised after doing them. They stretch you in all directions! Looked around online and found this description of them -

  97. At 11:49 AM on 16 Sep 2006, ANDY wrote:



  98. At 12:19 PM on 16 Sep 2006, Jude the Obscure wrote:

    Know what you mean about Mummies. Mine became an octagenarian(?) this year and she still looks not a day over 65. She has her health probs. but is a stoic and never complains. I am hoping her lack of aging is in the genes - at least people tell me I look v.young for my age- which does your ego good if nothing else.It also has to be a state of mind, Chris.cos if you start acting your age(whatever than means) you will become it!! My other half looks good for his age too - so we are growing young disgracefully together!! He's 54 and is most comfort able in either trendy shorts and flip flops(weather permitting) or combat trousers and trendy tops.Off now to spend the afternoon at the haridressers - these roots need keeping up to!! cos of course blonds do have more fun - fact!Have a great weekend all you bloggers. One question to leave you with - what is B L O G and acronym for? Have I missed the obvious - please tell...........

  99. At 01:15 PM on 16 Sep 2006, Jennie wrote:

    just a quickie Chris (no not that sort)

    Can I have the apple Shane Warne bowled at you? you did say you would give it away on the blog - unless you have eaten it!?

    hope Mummy evans had a happy birthday,

    have a good weekend fellow bloggers


  100. At 01:49 PM on 16 Sep 2006, Em M wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    Hope Chris's mum has a lovely birthday and her

    little boy makes a fuss of her. I have read that

    book 5 people you meet in heaven, and I

    thought it was a bit twee. I don't like those

    books where you can see what's going to

    happen a mile off, and the aim of the writer is

    to make you cry. But give it a go; it's really

    short and you may love it. I agree with whoever

    liked The Kite Runner, I thought that was a

    fantastic book.

    Had a great night out last night, went for a curry

    with a lovely group of friends, out again tonight

    for my baby sister's 30th. Have fun xx

  101. At 02:31 PM on 16 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hey Chris!

    Friday nights for me are a bit "different" as I present an online radio show called "Now THAT'S Weird" where I interview people about everything form ghosts and UFO's to crop circles and parallel dimensions, but because it airs from 9 p.m. - midnight and then I have to get it onto a server for syndicate stations, I rarely get to bed until around 3 a.m.!! So saturday mornings no longer exist for me, I rise aorund lunchtime lol!

    I have my first book coming out on October 31st - THE DEAD ARE TALKING and am doing a big launch in Glastonbury - so perhaps you'd invite me onto your show to talk about it?

    Ross Hemsworth
    From TV's Ghost Detectives

  102. At 03:23 PM on 16 Sep 2006, Linda wrote:

    Well, its Saturday and 2.15pm and I am swamped with so many emotional thoughts and feelings....what a rollarcoaster read. Keith 44, tomorrow my candle will be for you (don't freak, private meditation thing), love and hugs to you and yours.

    Pork scratchings are the devils tool, hope they were the real thing tho chris, not those puffy jobs. The best ones come from Tipton or woverhampton, north of Birmingham anyway.

    I derive an enormous amount of pleasure from food consumption so taste is important to me. I have gone into smaller meals, I try and do 20g of protein, 57g carbs and 7g of fat at every meal. (3 a day). I have a very varied diet. I don't do anything processed. I don't buy much frozen stuff either. I Love my food. Lurpak, yes but the light one and sparingly. Chocolate yes but like Brucie a bit every day. Actualy I am heavily into coffee mocha's at the minute so not much extra choc. I swapped from cows milk to soy milk years ago....probably why i had an easy menopause (oops, too much info). I do have decaf coffee most of the time, but not in jars, i have the ground stuff so can have a good flavour. I cannot give up alcohol completely. I have weeks when I don't drink but then I do. VARIETY sweethearts and in small amounts.....don't be bored luvvies. I am a bit cuddly but what the hell. M&S do a superb cherry pie with the extra thicck cream, they do a half fat one it tastes good. I have a cherry pie now and again. Obviously I cheat but I can maintain my weight ok, even cheating. I might have a month or so with no cheating and I will lose 2 or 3 kilos, then I cheat a bit which makes me feel naughty but good....if you know what I mean. I may or may not get thinner will have to see how I want to go.

    Well, I have to ruin this ramble by going and doing some work. Am doing a bar for a freind tonignt so must rest a bit as well this arvo. (not drinking, serving). I wish you all a lovely weekend, treat yourselves, eat something naughty, just a little bit...then practice self control...not hard...trust me.

    Be happy....XXXX

    PS happy happy birthday Mrs Evans.

  103. At 06:09 PM on 16 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris and the burgeoning blog community,

    I've been reading the blog entries for a few days now.....it has a real community feel, and you must be delighted that so many people feel sufficiently motivated that they write a post.

    Without wishing to sound sycophantic Chris...you really don't need to worry about ageing...you look younger now than you did five years ago....must be all that clean living!!

    Ok..back to the gardening...can't keep procrastinating by reading the blog entries.

    Have a good weekend everyone

    Fountain Man

  104. At 06:31 PM on 16 Sep 2006, cefa wrote:

    you're the best you've ever been!

  105. At 06:37 PM on 16 Sep 2006, Clare wrote:

    Hi All

    Well, the week I've just had has seemed like 2 weeks shoved together without a weekend! No time to look at the blog since Monday morning and even then no time to write :( Now it's the weekend and I've spent time luxuriating over everyone's words, specially on Friday's blog.

    First of all, I hope your mum's had a lovely birthday Chris. She's one special lady!

    Keith, you sound a wonderfully incredible man. Keep on smiling and keep the faith in yourself. Also keep ensuring your staff have a laugh each day, they'll love you so much for it! And you're wonderful for doing it, believe me!

    Dr McCrumble, you just get better and better! You somehow find a way to make laughter out of utterly freaky things going on! Keep seeing the funny side of life. If there's one guy who needs to it's you! Meant most kindly by the way! The pseudo French guy sounded really 'special'! On the verge of bunny boiler too!

    Everyone... you're all fantastic!

    Tips for staying younger? Pretty much like everyone else's. I do the cold water thing with my face now (didn't know Greta did that, she's soooo distantly related to me it's a big family joke but it's there... somewhere on my dad's side), moisturise, eat well. But mainly... laugh! Supposedly I had 'laughter lines' around my eyes in my early twenties (colleague kindly pointed them out to me saying "oooh you've got crows feet, well I call them laughter lines!" considered bopping her on the nose but thought that at least I'd got them through laughing!) and I've not stopped laughing despite the potential increase in lines! Mainly as I supposedly look max 26 when I'm 36! not much difference but it's flipping fab when you're told that by someone you work with who thinks you're the same age she is! Each day my friends at work and I have an unofficial laugh session, even the big boss Scottie Dog comes down and has a laugh with us! That's great! We often belly laugh our way out of the office and go home with big grins on our faces. It's the best way to be! Smiling at strangers is also nice, specially if they look really down! Saying hello to people you see on the way to and from work. Maybe not practical in London cause you'd be saying it every 2 seconds or something! But it just makes the world seem a friendlier and happier place to be in!

    Like Rachel Blue Angel, doing childish things. Played Sly Fox the other weekend with my sister and her 2 year old George and our friend who's now in Ireland Helen and her daughters Megan and Ellecia! It was just fabulous! Didn't get around to "what's the time Mr Wolf" because huuuuuuuuge raindrops came down on us and so we just went inside laughing and shaking the water off us.

    FLIRTING is also a great way to feel young and lively as well! ;)

    Right then, off to do some housey things before I think about grabbing something to eat.

    Have a lovely rest of the weekend, hope that next week is a great one for all of us and that I'm not being requested to turn elastic or become something like the atom! Why did the Business School build TWO buildings and expect me to work in both?!?!?! jeepers!

    Lots of love
    xxxxxxxxx kissing is also good for the lips and keeps them supple! and that's all Rachel's fault that I'm flirting like fury and thinking kissy thoughts now! ;) Thanks Rachel! Your inspirational advice has made my life sooooo much better! :) See ya!

  106. At 09:37 PM on 16 Sep 2006, Linda Brady wrote:

    Hello darling people... & dear Chirs Evans for introducing me to blogging... Saturday night... copious (I love that word as well), amounts of wine... I start with red & move onto white... I'd be hammered if I started on white... & as yer know I'm a toker & smoker... but I eat loads of veggies... love red meat... raw as possible... but do the cereal to counter balance it!... am going to get into green tea... I'm told it'll be good for me... prunes & all those lovely things etc... did Yoga for years... still stretch... stretching is just such a good feeling... love dancing even if it's alone in the kitchen... I'm into a phase in my life when I'm just looking after myself... & not anyone else... well men really... & it's cool... bit daunting but nothing I can't handle... I'm not namby pamby... but the older I get the more I learn... I don't regret anything... well maybe a few things but all in all life is cool & has to be lived... mistakes & all... & at the end of the day sex & snogging & keeping the juices flowing is crucial... it kinda lubricates the inner body...my darling dad used to tell me that getting old meant just a few more aches & pains & that's the way I want to look it... stay cool... & happy birthday Chris's mummy... my sons call me mummy in private... bless'em... ciao ciao.X.

  107. At 09:38 PM on 16 Sep 2006, sam wrote:

    Hi chris,
    Mums are great arn't they, i spend quite a bit of time with mine and love her so much.
    As for the food, i dont think its what you eat but the quantity, since i started driving HGV i have little time for food, so i have a bag of crisps here a sandwich there, even some fruit. I also walk more and have lost a stone, so eat what you like just less of it!
    hope you had a great weekend.
    hugz sam

  108. At 09:45 PM on 16 Sep 2006, Susie wrote:

    Clare (#105) - you gave me food for thought...and as I'm spending a Saturday night in on my own..v dull....I've got myself on one of those online dating thingies! Needing some kisses I think...so lets see what it brings!

    Its a bit nerve racking to have to write one of those profiles of yourself. I think to myself...what on earth do I say about myself? What would someone looking for someone want to know about me? What would I need to know about someone else to help me make a decision? Its harder than you might think trying to give an honest a picture of yourself as you can. There's no point in fibbing now is there? You'd just get found out!

    Any of you other bloggers/schloggers/blowers (cross between blogg and show, of course) used one of those things, and anyone had any luck???? Its a heck of alot of fun, but a bit scary all the same.

    Went to the beach today. Picked apples, made damned good apple pie.

    Chrissie-pie: hope the gowf at Wentworth went well...not that I follow it myself.

    wish me luck with the dating thing!

    xxx Susie

  109. At 10:14 PM on 16 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Joey #79, Jill #94, Clare #105

    Thanks very much for your very, very kind comments. Sometimes we are tested to our limits of endurance and patience, and it is only by deploying black-humour that we can find a solution without, er, crumbling. I hope that by sharing my (often) unsettling experiences I will find some relief from the rigours of everyday life.

    J McC

    (This comment was brought to you by 'McCrumble On the Couch' Ltd - counselling for the modern blogger.)

  110. At 10:49 PM on 16 Sep 2006, Clare wrote:

    Oh Susie #108 good for you! I really hope that you get some good and positive feedback. I have to admit that I toyed with match.com for a while but I don't do spending on the web (I know, how do I live in this day and age!?), and like you Susie it was a case of "how do I describe myself to a total stranger?" Sounds like you're a good cook for one thing and you like keeping fit (going for walks = keeping fit!).

    I've recently 'met' a guy who actually rang me at work to advertise a job to our students! We talked about the advertising and then spent half an hour chatting about what he was doing in his life and what I do in mine. That then started a spate of emails that came flooding through. During that time we've described ourselves. I was going to err on the side of caution but then thought "what the hell?" and just gave him the real me. He wasn't put off and we get on really well... online and when talking on the phone. The next thing is to meet... gulp! That might be in October or November when he's next in the UK. That's most likely no help to you whatsoever Susie, but just to say, go for it! And really hope it goes well for you!

    Dr McC on the couch... you've done it again! it's those little one liners that you put in! I have to laugh quietly. I live at home with my parents who are 71 and they've gone to bed... I'm sat here thinking of how you're doing counselling to the Christophe blogging world from your laptop on the sofa.

    Do you not think that Chris is doing one great big therapy session for us all with this blog? He starts it off with some amazing thoughts (or perhaps ones about bodily functions - thanks for that Chris, there was I waxing lyrical about how wonderfully thought provoking you are on the bog -oops Freundian slip there!- bLog and what do you do? you write about farting! ;) ) and we all share things about our lives, whether it be our love of flasks, potatos and how to grow them, best books to read or tips on keeping the inner child in us satisfied.

    It's a really fantastic blog this is. The only problem is it's so addictive!! Work gets in the way!

    Right, I'm babbling so it's really time I headed for bed!

    Sleep well!
    lots of love

  111. At 10:54 PM on 16 Sep 2006, ray wrote:

    susie(#108) went on meetic in 2003 and met someone i was in nottingham she was in Hove now been married for two years. Go for it you never know .anyway best of luck

  112. At 11:58 PM on 16 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Christophe & all,

    Another great blog thank you.

    I'm with Rod Stewart and the one chunk of chocolate per day. Sadly the next one is for 16th April 2026 :-) Oh well can't be good at everything!

    Have a great weekend.

  113. At 12:01 AM on 17 Sep 2006, begs wrote:

    just read the blog while whatching the sissor sisters on C4 live. How cool would it have been to have a flat over looking the square. I will swap my house in Purley for a two bed flat that over looks traf square..... please call and lets do the deal.

    Waitrose vs M&S? both good for food shopping however who is best?
    M&S for the party if you are feeling lazy, waitrose if you want to cook, however if you get up early get on the train to Borough and buy what you need, all is happy and with out being like the 0liver its the best way to do it. ( i do like the tasters Waitrose dish out during the AM)

    Thinking about AM already. Toasted Egg and cheese sandwiches for breaky uuummmmmm not sure if I should go for red or brown sauce yet. Think I will wait and make the dicision in the am

    Good nigjht


  114. At 10:44 AM on 17 Sep 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Morning everyone鈥︹.

    What a fantastic day鈥.


    Happy Birthday Ma Evans鈥.. hope you have a good one!鈥.

    Just time for a quickie today鈥︹ taking a break from decorating鈥︹... Yeah鈥.. still going鈥. A few more days yet, I think鈥︹︹ it鈥檚 a fine balancing act between painting the landing ceiling and preparing Sunday dinner this morning鈥︹

    Thanks for your kind thoughts Kyleigh and Clare鈥..xx

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend, even if鈥︹..you鈥檝e got a head like thunder after last night鈥檚 thrash, your Yorkshire puddings don鈥檛 rise and your gravy turns out like brown runny water鈥︹

    Keep smiling鈥︹. It鈥檚 not the end of the world鈥︹


  115. At 12:28 PM on 17 Sep 2006, saran wrote:

    my 7 year old son had a mud bath in the garden last night, how about that for something to keep you young, he was covered from head to toe and had the best time!

    i'm new to this blogging business, I like it!

  116. At 01:48 PM on 17 Sep 2006, Babypink wrote:

    Your Friday mornings are like my saturday mornings, lay in bed plan the day, do Ikeep to it? Nah not in your lifetime, well time wise, but what I intend to do I actually do. My weekend, ah well, get up feed said cat who plagues me to death in bed until I get up. Get myself sorted with a bacon butty or go to the local cafe which does the best full breakfast for 拢4 you gotta go Chris. Becan, eggs, beans, sausage, thick toast or fried bread, huge mug of tea its brilliant. Make way to the stables, muck out my field only two barrows of poo today not bad at all I call it indirect fitness regieme. Back home, cuppa, bit of chocolate out to shops, wine, food odd clothing or two out with mates on the evening or visit my buddy in next village, swear we only have a glass of wine, still supping the vino at 3am - cheers Chris xxx

  117. At 02:37 PM on 17 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hello Everyone! Just wanted to add to Clare 105, the bit where you talk about flirting keeping you young Clare....I was out last night for a lovely evening with my fandabidozi Hubby, and caught the eye of a fandabidozi young man, who looked young enough to be my son. It was a great feeling to be flirted with! Does wonders! Having said that, I am still hopelessly devoted to the present Mr Kaiser Chef. He is the best boy ever! Flirt On Female and Male Bloggers, it keeps the rocking world going round! Mucho luv x KC (Jeannie) and Marvin The Dog xxxxx (and Fandabidozi Hubby!) xxxx Mwah!

  118. At 03:02 PM on 17 Sep 2006, Beth wrote:

    I had my first sobber night out in years last night - went to a wedding in portmerion north wales ( not drinking coz im pregnant ) and very surprisingly had a most excellent time - I always thought that we need to drink so that we dont realise that all our friends are arseholes - so happily i have proved myself wrong - although i am still very much looking forward to a large bucket of stella on the 11 dec

    nice blogg

    Beth x

  119. At 03:02 PM on 17 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Thanks for bringing me back down to earth!
    Have just been to lay flowers for my son who died aged 16, feeling very sorry for myself......
    Just messing on PC and decided to check out your blog, which is long overdue !

    Brought me straight back to the here and now hahaha

    Happy birthday to your Mum,
    Be happy Chris, and never plan too far ahead...
    Sharon xxxxx

  120. At 05:03 PM on 17 Sep 2006, Chrissie Adams wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Just started reading your blog, I have been hearing you talk about it but been moving house then changed provider so I have been off air for some time, anyway its good to read, Love your show listen everynight on my way home from work at 5 and carry on at home whilst cooking tea and such like, so glad your back, i used to love you on Radio 1. love lurpak butter thats all i've ever eaten since being a child, we didn't have much but we always had lurpak.I could show you a few stretches that will straighten you out !!!

  121. At 05:05 PM on 17 Sep 2006, Bev D wrote:

    Hiya Chris and fellow bloggers... I have just been made an offer (nothing illegal, seedy or dangerous by the way - in fact from my daughter so it is more likely a bribe than an offer!) anyway it made me think ' never look a gift horse in the mouth" ...which made me think again 'What the hell does that really mean?' Any ideas where that expression comes from you clever lot?

    Bev x

  122. At 05:25 PM on 17 Sep 2006, Bev D wrote:

    By the way congrats to Michael (No.5 ) well done to you.. hope u got your mention on radio..was unable to listen :(.........ermmmmmmmmmm keeping young and fit..eat carrotts so u can see in the dark and don't open brown envelopes that come through the post.. give you stress coz they are usually billls

  123. At 05:54 PM on 17 Sep 2006, Clare wrote:

    Kaiser Chef (#117) thanks for the comment. Flirting is amazing for everyone's morale!

    Years ago when I was seeing an Italian guy I was with him walking along in a piazza in Sicily. I was feeling a wee bit sorry for myself, it was my last night in Sicily with him and 2 days before I'd been running into the sea with him (holding hands all the romance you could imagine, wind gently blowing hair and laughing etc) and I misjudged my footing and landed really badly. Ankle swelled up like a balloon and I couldn't walk well for the rest of the holiday. But that last night I was damn well going to look a million dollars no matter what the pain! I wore a pair of strappy sandals, tight jeans, a silk halter neck top and walked alongside the guy I was with. I never noticed until he (incredibly proudly) drew my attention to it, that every car and person (particularly male) passing was staring at me and having a good (nice) look! I started to look around and it was true. Men were gawping. I was worried in case I'd got my knickers on outside my jeans or something but the guy I was with said that they were just looking and enjoying the view. He was in heaven because I was with him. So Mr KC will have been silently chuffed to little bits that you were being eyed up by a younger man! You were certainly and quite rightly chuffed as well! Flirting certainly does help to keep us all younger! :)

    By the way, love the word fandabidozi! When I worked with international students at the UofNottm we used to do a thing where we'd teach students a word that wasn't regularly used in the English language in an attempt to 'reinvigorate' the language! Fandabidozi was one that we used one summer to great success! Brings back great memories! Thanks... keep the word alive!

    No idea where looking a gift horse in the mouth comes from Bev D but I look foward to finding out along with you! Right off to have Sunday lazy tea of poached egg, beans on toast and lashings of Lurpak! YUM YUM! :)


  124. At 06:40 PM on 17 Sep 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hiya again, bloggers鈥

    Bev D鈥 .. Gift Horse. This is my take on it anyway鈥︹... when buying a horse, it鈥檚 a good idea, and common practice, to have a look at the horse鈥檚 teeth, which gives a fairly good indication of the horse鈥檚 age and general condition, health wise鈥.but if someone was to give you a horse for free, it would be a little mean, to have a look at its mouth before you accepted it.鈥. Hence the saying...

    鈥︹ another horse saying is 鈥 a bit long in the tooth鈥濃eaning 鈥渙ld鈥.. horses teeth grow throughout their lives, so are a good indication of their age.

    Keep smiling


  125. At 08:02 PM on 17 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Happy Sunday everyone,

    I have to say thanks to quite a few of you for your thoughts sentiments and kind words during this blog. I blogged #44 without expecting the response I have got form so many of you. You are all so kind. :-)

    Gaby #53 Thanks again :-) x

    Ms Mayhem #67 Thanks for your kind words and thoughts :-) x

    Katie #74 The only thing that moderates it鈥檚 self nowadays is alcohol as I can not recover like I used to (It may just be age thought) a few years ago so now I go for quality drink and not quantity. As for my underlings I have no retention problems or staff sickness at all :-) In fact I usually have to send them home as they turn up even when they should not (I am the same though). We do all work hard but enjoy every day at work. I think you should wake up in the morning and look forward to going into work. x

    Mary #80 Thanks. x

    Barb #82 A few years ago you are right I would be having to speak to Chris :-) The truth is though I have been very, very happily married for twenty years and have never cheated on my (Thinking about it does not count) and I am proud of my loyalty and her commitment to me鈥he is special you know :-) We have only argued 3 times in 20 years (our kids think we are weird)

    My wishes though I can share with you. When I was diagnosed all I could think about was that I may not be here to give my two girls away when they get married. Now my youngest is only 15 and I have told her that I do not want here to get married until she is 30 that way I have something to look forward to for a long time! x

    Tabitha # 83 You are right I do like a laugh鈥.The late hreat Tomy Cooper has me in tears :-))))

    I thought about your Dad several times this weekend and my thought are with you, your family at this time. x

    Jeannie #86 Thanks x

    Clare # 105 See my answer to Katie above re my staff. :-) What I can say though is I had a call about 2 months ago to take another job with more money, more staff and better hours but I love where I am and who I work with so turned it down鈥︹..money is not everything and who needs a holiday anyway? :-(

    If I have missed anyone who sent me a message I am sorry and for those thinking it and not posting it thanks :-)

    I do live my life with a smile on my face and drink from my cup knowing that it is half full. I have travelled the world and already done more thin gs than most people I know. I have no regrets life is too short.

    Keep smiling every one :-)))))) you know you want to!



    A man died and went to heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.

    He asked, "What are all those clocks?"

    St. Peter answered, "Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock will move."

    "Oh," said the man, "whose clock is that?"

    "That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie."

    "Incredible," said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"

    St. Peter responded, "That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life."

    "Where's Tony Blair's clock?" asked the man. "Blair's clock is in Jesus' office.

    He's using it as a ceiling fan. :-)

  126. At 08:04 PM on 17 Sep 2006, wrote:

    123 message - Clare.....lovin your tales of flirtyness! sorry cant do the hash thingy beyond me after some really good vino tonight! Your post made me laugh! What an excellent and may I say the word again.....fandabidozi memory for you and a lovely tale for us Chris Bloggers.!

    love and light KC ;0) The Kaiser Chef aka Jeannie x
    ps my motto now is "Flirting is Fun, Frivilous and Free, So get to It Cool Dudes, it is all going to be FANDABIDOZIIIIIIII.........!"(ooops sorry Marvin The Dog writes the poetry here, hence it is sooooooooooo bad!) Perhaps another motto should be....never let your Dog think he can write poetry......

  127. At 08:16 PM on 17 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Fandabidozi.....if you check on Marvin The Dog's Blog, he has written a rhyme (well he is a dog and he can't really do "poetry") about this much under used word. I think we should make it a drive time theme to say this word at least once a day at some very important and momentous time.........!

    Such as "Fandabidozi Show Chris!"......

    KC [;0)

  128. At 09:47 PM on 17 Sep 2006, Mary wrote:

    Dear fellow bloggers

    This blog is a god send, I look forward to your postings, so many of you are an inspiration.

    Keith - you are an amazing person xx thank you for making me smile :-)

    Rachael (blue angel), Clare, Kaiserchef, Bev D,
    and the infamous Joseph McCrumble :-) thank you all for the informative and amusing blogs xx

    Tabitha #38 - my thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time xx

    Sharon #119 my heart goes out to you.

    Michael #5 well done x

    Take care all
    nite nite
    Mary xx

  129. At 01:50 AM on 18 Sep 2006, Weezie wrote:

    Good Morning fellow bloggers!

    Yes it is 1.30am on Monday morning. I got home from work bout 2 hours ago and after sorting myself out, sat down to read the blog -its so addictive!

    Firstly Happy Birthdays Chris's Mum! Hope you've had a fab weekend!

    Big huge special hugs to Keith (the BigUn!). You have made me laugh out loud on several occasions since I have started on this blog. How amazing that your outlook on life is so refreshing, makes me feel humble. Keep on laughing and making us laugh - PLEASE!!!

    Been meaning to congratulate Michael - Happy 2nd Birthday to you! Keep on keeping on....

    Rachel (blue angel) - loved your list to keep us young (except the drinking bit!!!)
    Dr McCrumble - again - love it!

    Laughter is deffinately the key to keeping you young. On Saturday, I went to see Mamma Mia on Broadway! It is absolutely fab! Laughed, laughed again, sang out loud and danced in the aisle! Dont care if the Americans thought I was mad! They were right!! They danced - eventually! All together now - WATERLOO........!!

    Anyway, reason I am up at this stupid hour is that I'm going to see my Mum and Dad today - 6.15am flt to Spain and dont want to sleep in!!!

    Have a great week, everyone! Will miss you all but am looking forward to having a week off!!

    Big hugs Weezie xxxx

  130. At 08:41 AM on 18 Sep 2006, gaby wrote:

    Good morning fellow bloggers and a very Happy Monday to you,

    I want to echo the sentiments of others in thanking you all for your inspirational and positive postings - a joy to read..... and, we have a laugh too : )



    ps is it ok to occasionally still have fleeting thoughts about that pig!!!!???!!! : )

  131. At 08:57 AM on 18 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Happy Monday lovely people

    You've all been SO busy blogging all weekend! Can't believe how much there is to read so am going to take my time to catch up...

    Hope the birthday celebrations went well Chris! I'm going on holiday with my mum a week Wednesday. Off to Menorca for a week. She pays for the holiday and I pay for the gin. It's a tradition we have every 18 months or so. Not sure who gets the better deal...

    I got my PC back at home on Friday and my boy has spent a lot of time trying to re-install it over the weekend - don't know how he got on really as have suffered with a nasty 'one-eyed' headache most of the two days. Hopefully once we're back online properly I can catch up gradually instead of all in one lump on a Monday morn!

    Took my friend to the local hospital (ALARMING amount of sporting injuries!) yesterday afternoon as she may have broken her nose. She actually hadn't, but still looks like she has!

    Right. Time to knuckle down and get all this reading done. I've actually just seen BIG'UN KEITH 125# about Jesus' ceiling fan so I'm already smiling!

    OOH!!!! The robin has just hopped through the door and cheeped...it's gonna be a good week.

    je t'adore


    ps Thanks Myra. This is the last week he'll be working away for a little while. I try not to miss him - rather try to look forward to seeing him again but sometimes it just don't work!

  132. At 10:26 AM on 18 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Especially JILL #94 and Christophe himself!

    Here 'tis...

    The 5BX Plan for Physical Fitness - easier to find on the net when it's the right thing you're looking for!

    I'm going to have to wait as I can't print anything out and am still suffering from headache which is definitely aggrovated by movement...but good luck to anyone that is going to start it!

    hup hup

  133. At 11:47 AM on 18 Sep 2006, wrote:

    HELP DESPERATELY NEEDED - unusual request.
    I am trying to find the title and artiste of a piece of music for my mom's funeral. My dad has sang it to her many times and wants it played at her funeral which is 27th Sept. Can anyone help?:"we've been married 40 years and it don't seem a day to long. There isn't a lady living in the land who I'd swap for my dear old Duch!" We believe it is a cockney song from the 40's.
    Any help/advice gratefully received. Joy X

  134. At 11:58 AM on 18 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:


    Words by: A.C.Ingle
    Music by: Albert Chevalier
    I've got a pal, a regular out an' outer.
    She's a dear old gal, an' I'll tell you all about 'er;
    It's forty years since fust we met,
    Her hair was then as black as jet.
    It's whiter now, but she don't fret
    Not my old gal.

    We've been together now for forty years
    An' it don't seem a day too much.
    There ain't a lady living in the land
    As I'd swap for me dear old Dutch.
    No, there ain't a lady living in the land
    As I'd swap for me dear old Dutch.

    I hope this helps! What a lovely tribute. I hope it all goes well for you.

    with love
    hazel x

  135. At 12:52 PM on 18 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Happy Monday to all the fellow bloggers,

    Mary # 120 I do not feel amazing at all, just normal. You are welcome to the smiles I think you will find smiling and laughing is infectious so keep it up :-))

    Weezie # 129. I accept your hug with open arms 鈥︹o to speak, in a virtual way of course! I will try to keep you laughing but remember as I tell my kids I may have big feet and a red nose but I am not a clown :-))))

    Gaby #130. LOL, all I can say is move on from the pig鈥︹othing could ever live up to that!! ;-)

    I am looking forward to Chris and his Monday blog鈥.it can not be long now?


  136. At 01:05 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Debby wrote:

    Was stuck in traffic on Thursday, but luckily had you to keep me company, thought shane warne was great, he sounds like hes a fun guy..... loved the bowling of the apple at the end. Ever sat in traffic absolutely howling at the radio....

    ps. love the show...

  137. At 01:31 PM on 18 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Good morning Chris and fellow bloggers,

    Just been catching up on the entertaining chains of communication between you all. Thought I'd add my bit.

    "Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth". I've always thought it was a strange expression, and remember a latin master at school telling me that it was a reference to the wooden horse of Troy. I've since found out that he was wrong.... [about this and many other things it seems]. The reference is, of course, to the bad manners that would be displayed by someone who receives a gift if he immediately examines it for defects. So if you're given a horse, just say thank you, rather than checking it's teeth to work out it's age.

    Have a happy day...and hoping no-one checks out your teeth for signs of your age!!

    Fountain Man

  138. At 01:41 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Gaby wrote:


    All over the weekend we have been ablogging
    Keeping up momentum
    For another week of shlogging.

    With furrowed brow and smiles aplenty,
    We've made sure this page isn't empty.

    Now we need some inspiration
    From the blogmeister of the radio station.

    Please let us know what you are thinking
    So we may comment, no feelings sinking.

    Our blog pages we keep renewing
    Happy to peruse the blogs that were ensuing

    But, let's here from you boss
    Sooner than later
    As we need our muse, food for thought, for us you cater.


    ps with many apologies to poets and lovers of our great language everywhere

  139. At 02:29 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Sal Acious wrote:

    Christophe laminey pie where are you this Monday?

    Its 2.30 and you haven't bloged-on yet - people might be worried.

    Had a wonderful daytrip ina light aircraft to visit y old ma and pa in Colchester - they too have loads of aches and pains but the way we look at it we have to give them as many enjoyable days and hour as we can before they are too rickety to enjoy things like a flight over Clacton on Sea on a Sunday after a lovely pub lunch.
    Most of their ailments cannot be cured and they have lived blameless lives aleit they grew up in the smoke in the 30's when steam trains and coal fires still polluted London. They are so health conscious they have now given up eating crisps!!

    As I had the lovely pub lunch yesterday when we got home all I ate was a tub of olives and a couple of g&ts - does that count as healthy living?

    As I am off to my Spanish lessons this evening I won't sign off 'mange tout' but
    hasta la vista baby


  140. At 02:51 PM on 18 Sep 2006, wrote:


  141. At 04:13 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Antony Johnson wrote:


    You need to cut down on the tea, fella. Someone once told me tea has more caffeine in than coffee (per cup) - no wonder you're hyper all the time! Caffeine hinders keeping your weight down too. Chill out and have a minty green tea instead, with some icecubes in it when it's hot. Lovely! Still gives you that 'ahhhhh' feeling.

    I might be talking a right load of old cack - maybe your excellent super-food bloke could back me up / reveal the pap content in my comments?

    Tra, bye. Antony.

  142. At 04:54 PM on 18 Sep 2006, Caroline Fisher wrote:

    Hi Chris. I am a recent convert to Radio 2. I think this is definately an age thing. I am in shock, Radio 1 was always my station and suddenly i cant bear to listen to Chris Moyles anymore. But yet it was so great 2 years ago - its an age thing yeah yeah. More importantly you have changed beyond recognition!!! Chris what happened - you are so considerate, passionate you savour every moment of your life - its sooooooo amazing. You never used to be like that did you?? I want to know what was the the one single thing that happened to you to make you change and become this new person. Radio 2 rocks!

  143. At 06:32 PM on 19 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    chris i like my food and eat lots vagtables and meat tunia and salad beetroot and lots mash to hello is me stephen and i eat lots of frait too and cornflakes and i go running every day as well please would you play we are the champins

  144. At 05:47 PM on 25 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    dear chris i love your show very much and i love it when you chill me out

  145. At 03:29 PM on 06 Oct 2006, Penny Alborough wrote:

    Hi Chris - thanks for a fab show!

    I must ask you about something that has been bugging me.
    I have a digital radio in the bedroom. My husband has an analogue (or proper)radio in the bathroom. At 8 o'clock am, the pips in the bedroom are like little-sir-echo, appearing a few seconds after the pips in the bathroom.

    If the analogue radio eventually goes the way of
    拢-s-d, the adverb, good manners, imperial
    measurements etc etc, the whole country will be a few seconds slower than it was in the good old days.

    What's your take on this please?
    Many thanks
    Kind regards

  146. At 08:04 PM on 10 Jan 2007, Dennis Campbell wrote:

    Chris its my birthday today ( 10 January) and Im 60 years young and as a birthday treat flew to Dublin for an Irish lunch with a few pints of the black stuff and back again. I look 10 years younger than I am. And like Rod Stewart who shares the same birthday as me, jel my hair moisturise my face enjoy dark chocolate and red wine. Thats the only thing we have in common I cant sing, dont own a mansion or have beautiful blonde girl friends but I like Rod support a great scottish team, his team - Celtic and mine - Hibernian and both of us are Scottish - havent we got a lot in common?

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