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Chris Evans | 08:03 UK time, Tuesday, 19 September 2006


Had a two part sleep, broken up by an old man鈥檚 wee in the middle. Don鈥檛 tell the old man !.

Today, the first thing of any import I am going to do is go and buy a load of healthy stuff and stick it in the fridge, from fruit to fish to chicken along with lots of water and some green tea. I鈥檝e been treating myself to too much bacon, crisps and cheese recently. This has caused the first sign of my ever so small but perfectly formed winter-man-breasts sprouting.

Arrived home last night, a little later than usual, it was the first time this year that I walked home in the dark. An entirely different vibe.

I decided to have a night in front of the one eyed-monster; after all I鈥檇 just discovered SPOOKS. I was looking forward to it scaring the hell out of me by convincing me that everything that was happening on it was going to happen in real life any day now but then 鈥

I saw my computer blinking at me and. I decided to check out your posts before settling down for the evening.

And here鈥檚 what I discovered鈥

I think you are slowly, unwittingly, uncovering many of the great aspects of the meaning of life.

Yesterday, I mentioned the MATHS of LIFE. Some of you worried that I was panicking and forgetting to smell the roses. This was not the case. This will never happen. (I have certain checks and balances in the day to safeguard against any losing of the plot.) I was, merely, making an observation.

I think a certain analysis of any situation helps. 鈥淕oing with the flow鈥 does of course work but it helps to choose the right river in the first place.

Also, whenever I discuss a quandary, some readers seem to feel obliged to try and solve it. But you see, I find the questions far more interesting than the answers. There are so many questions to be asked and if you ask enough of them, they will tell you more than any answers. Answers are easy; it鈥檚 the questions that hold the key.

EXAMPLE: How do we stop millions of people in the world starving ?

ANSWER: Why are they starving in the first place ?

The answer is another question.

I feel I need to get thinner for CHRISTMAS, what should I do ?

ANSWER: Why am I eating crap in the first place ?

It鈥檚 like a detective novel, or a game of deduction, there is no future answers just a historical cause. Find the cause, eradicate it and the problem will begin to disappear as it鈥檚 foundations are slowly dismantled.

Anyways, what a lot of you seem to do every day is subconsciously build a wall of information that in somewhere lays a revelation. It may not be the revelation that you think you are discussing but a different one that has been born out of the sum of the parts.

Last night was such a night.

In answer to my lack of time dilemma, several of you suggested that I should multi task, my mistake being that I had compartmentalised all the things I wanted to do in a day, into individual boxes.

Well, guess what ? You鈥檙e right !

But I do this on purpose. I don鈥檛 like to do two or three things at once. It gives me no satisfaction, it鈥檚 like you鈥檝e ticked the boxes but you can鈥檛 remember the experience, like a whistle stop package tour simply confirming that everywhere looks like it does in the brochure, no thank you.

How many of the people who suggested I should multi task would make love whilst reading a book over their lover鈥檚 shoulder? Practically - it can be done. So, in your world, why not ?

Or is that the point, when it comes to practical things, one can multi task but when it comes to feeling things then one can鈥檛. Surely this is where the rule breaks down.

I like to listen to music but I cannot do that whilst reading a book because the music and the words in the book both need to go to the same place inside my head and soul for them to have any effect.

Talk to a neurologist and he or she will tell you that our brain is a single thought receiver. We are physically only capable of receiving one thought at a time. The thought queue is single file only I鈥檓 afraid!

Now, when it comes to having a bath, the listening of music or the reading of a book is enhanced. Because you don鈥檛 have to 鈥渉ave鈥 a bath, once you鈥檝e stepped in it, the bath has you. This is not multi tasking because it is not doing two things at once. You are 鈥渄oing鈥 reading but you are not 鈥渄oing鈥 having a bath.

Could Leonardo have painted the Cisteen Chapel, if he was trying to 鈥渄o鈥 something else at the same time ?

Could Freddie Mercury have written Bohemian Rhapsody whilst 鈥渄oing鈥 the hoovering ?

Have you ever tried to carry on 鈥渄oing鈥 something your 鈥渄oing鈥 when something more passionate has come along ?


To feel anything, one must do exactly that and no more. Then one may be truly moved.

This, is smelling the roses.


Today has a certain magic about it, I鈥檓 off to find my wand


  1. At 08:46 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Good morning and good Lord Chris!

    Up early and being profound! Deeper and deeper...

    I started watching Spooks, but didn't get to watch the end on Sunday, so couldn't get into it. I didn't even realise the cute geeky bloke was hanged - damn shame coz we like him!

    I eat my weetabix while feeding the cats while waiting for the kettle to boil while taking my vitamins out of their respective pots, then iron my workwear, chose my underwear and footwear while the bath runs, take my bath, then while my hair dries I clean my teeth and pull various items of the aforesaid wear upon my person, I then drink my (by now cool enough) tea and take my vitamins whilst glueing my eyelashes together (maybe I'm born with it) so that I can see to drive to work. I've got this down to a fine 35mins which means I can stay in bed just that little bit longer. I think the reason I can do all this is at the same time because it is out of necessity rather than passion or pleasure. If I am going out for the evening (or preparing for an evening in...ahem...) I can take anything up to THREE DAYS! Well, you wanna make sure everything is just right don't you??!!

    The robin is getting bolder. He actually followed me in to the office this morning. The sooner I get boy to build me a bird table the better I feel.

    Chris, I have a wand. You should only use it when you need to. As the day is already magic, your senses will wind the magic around you, so don't look for your wand, say thank you to your angels instead.

    I can see red geraniums against a green field and a blue sky.

    ...and at the risk of everyone running for the sick bucket...I'm taking my moment any minute now to be amazed at what nature can make me feel...

    JOY MORGAN - please see Monday as I found your lyrics for your mum.

    san fairy ann

  2. At 08:47 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Steve Sale wrote:

    You are absolutely right. I multi-task all day at work, I have to to keep afloat. But there are times in the day when something happens, perhaps something really interesting, that makes me stop multi-tasking and concentrate only on that particular subject. And its far more enjoyable immersing yourself in that one thing than 3 or 4 things at once!

    Cheers to you all


  3. At 08:50 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Em 25 wrote:

    morning chris!

    I agree with the magic of today along with stopping and appreciating the simple things like a tight pair of jeans looking just right, the right song on the radio at just the right time, having that conversation that lifts your day, your year, drinking the perfect cup of coffee or the perfect glass of red, a book that grabs your mind and takes you to a whole other place. Speaking to an old friend and realising nothing has changed, speaking to a new friend and realising a whole different side of yourself. Seeing your child mile atyou with his eyes, laughing untill your stomach hurts!

    Today I got up half an hour earlier and took my dog for a long walk, I stopped and looked out and green fields with trees and hills in just the right place, and for that moment you couldnt believe that any bad things existed in this world, money, or lack of, stress and tiredness seemed totally arbitary just for that moment! Its good to get with the bigger picture and leave the mess in your head.

    Tomorrow I think I will do the same!


  4. At 08:52 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Lyman wrote:

    Top o' the mornin'. And a splendid morning it is too!

    The life maths thing is in full effect with me at the moment as I work out whether I will be able to arise an hour early to go to the gym throughout the winter as I have been in the Summer.

    You see in the summer it was easy, pleasurable even. I was out of the door at 6am and it felt like getting a headstart on the world. During winter I fear it will make me feel like I've gone mad.....so I need to work out whether I will go if I switch to going after work.

    I think I will but I'm going to test it out for a week and see how I get on.

    P.S. You were after a book to read, I just finished Dave Egger's A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. Brilliant brilliant brilliant.

    Over and Out.

  5. At 08:57 AM on 19 Sep 2006, bluebell wrote:

    Your title made me start singing Maggie May and now I'm on to Good Day Sunshine.

    Off to get my hair cut, always feel like a million dollars when I come out of the hairdressers. Thanks Kevin at John Carne, you are a genius.


    ps: your comment on the brain being a single thought receiver made me realise why something I think of as devilishly exciting is tricky at the same time

  6. At 09:01 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Lindag wrote:

    Good one Chris - you've really made me think! I definately multi task tooooooooo much - I'm going to stop, and think before doing the ten things at once that I usually do.



  7. At 09:07 AM on 19 Sep 2006, ClairMmm wrote:

    I agree with Steve at #1, I have to multi-task at work and I find it so frustrating. It's completely guaranteed that when I manage to sneak away from having to multi-task and get enjoyment out of whatever it is that I'm doing, a director will toddle along, ask me 15 questions and dump me with 3 tasks that all need to be done now. And so I get frustrated and finish the day feeling as though I've achieved nothing. Arrrgh.

    Last night at home I worked on some coursework towards an exam I am due to take in February. I was dreading doing the work but because I could solely concentrate on the work, I found it exhilarating and interesting and went to bed feeling bright, a little bit wiser than before and happy.

    Have a great day schloggers,

    C x

  8. At 09:17 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Cat wrote:

    Morning Chris and bloggers.

    Interesting observation on life's questions and think that you're right - most of the questions are answered by more questions which lead to you coming to a better conclusion than if you'd tried to answer straight away. The first answer you think of may not always be the best.

    Had a lovely evening not multi-tasking last night - went to the gym to switch off the brain and then cooked listening to some great music, then read a bit before going to meet up with some friends and have a catch up. And it was only monday. Also had a text from the date from the night before who was in hospital (would like to clarify I didn't put him there, he had a minor operation on his back booked before I knew him!!) so that cheered me up too.

    Well, another day, another chance to do something different today...wonder what it will be!

    Have a good one all!

    Cat x

  9. At 09:29 AM on 19 Sep 2006, nicki wrote:

    I have been meaning to check out your blog since you mentioned you were going to start writing it but lack of spare time etc. etc. But hooray I鈥檓 off work till Monday so as I鈥檓 supposed to be recuperating (minor opp last week) I have no excuse but to do nothing. I spent 3 days last week trying to get the radio to play through he PC, I have officially given up on this as it is easier to put the radio on loud in the front room 鈥 which is at the back of the house 鈥 and leave all the doors open!!!!! I have become champion with Internet shopping, all groceries are now in neat lists in my favourite items ready for selection, I have no odd socks and my washing basket has never been emptier. Tea has been on the table each night since last Wednesday when I started to feel normal again, the house is like a new pin and I have not raised my voice to the kids in nearly 2 weeks. This has given me some dare I say it 鈥榮pare time鈥 in the evening so I settled down with hubby last night to watch a film, have you ever watched a film that isn鈥檛 what you think it will be? Million Dollar Baby 鈥 wow I spent the last half of the film straining to watch through tears and tissues, then I couldn鈥檛 sleep I kept thing about the film so I woke up this morning pooped, now I鈥檓 writing this and think I may cry again!!!!

  10. At 09:31 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Jill wrote:

    Hi Christophe and Hi to Em25 and all the other shloggers.

    Great food for thought, and maybe thoughts for food too. It's great to be reminded of the best moments. They lighten and also strengthen you at the same time and help us to be more aware of the next time, don't they? Encourage us to FEEL positive and therefore BE positive and ACT positive, thus helping the world to go round.
    Maybe that's the magic wand, not to make more goodies for ourselves but to wave the good thoughts round to other people too....

    I find multi-tasking, as you say, is fine for the practical thingummies of life. I brush my teeth while sitting on the loo! Then there's more time for the things that need our whole attention!

    Love and hugs and smiles and all other magic things. Agree with you about children and laughter being the stuff of life. I learn so much from them!


  11. At 09:39 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Josie wrote:

    Morning Chris and fellow bloggers

    A very profound start to the morning! I agree re the multi-tasking. Certain things can fit into this category nicely - many don't.

    In Wales for the weekend - long walk Saturday to sit on the top of cliffs in the sunshine and watch seal pups. Amazing.
    Huge fan of picnics (not just in the summer either) so most weekends include at least one. Nothing complicated - tomatoes, cheese, grapes, water etc. Bliss to sit in a beautiful place and know you don't have to move for hours.
    Weekend hugely enhanced by going to Newquay on West coast of Wales on Sunday and sitting on the sea wall as dolphins played in the sea in front of us. Nearly fell off the wall in excitement. One of life's perfect moments.

    #3 Em 25 - everytime I go for a walk I feel I'm missing something as everyone else (it seems) out walking has a happy 4 legged friend with them! Glad you dog gives you the chance to have such a lovely start to the day.

    Chris - hope your Mum's treatment is having the desired effect. Such a wonderful present to give her. I know how horrendous it is to watch people you care deeply for suffer in pain. Not always possible to solve the problem - would have been marvellous to have been able to.

    Help everyone - currently job hunting but the last place I worked full time (left in Feb to go freelance) have approached me out of the blue to go back in an interim post (different role from previous job) and help them out for 3 months or so. Would solve money issues short term, and a great place to work but not sure that it's a good idea. What do you think? I would be able to carry on getting other freelance work whilst there. Ho hum.

    Have a good day everyone.


  12. At 09:42 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Jo wrote:

    Morning Chris - Beware the dangers of filling your fridge with healthy stuff, unless you know you will actually eat it. Nothing makes you feel worse than resolving to eat more healthy, then opening the fridge a week letter to find vegetable goo at the bottom of the fridge draw. It would be enough to make you sit back with a good bar of chocolate to ponder why you hadn't eaten it.

    Over the last year or so we have changed our shopping habits to start using a supermarket less. We get our veggies from a farm shop down the road and our meat from a farm shop up the road - it couldn't be simpler - Yes it's a little more expensive but who cares, we've found that we eat less of the good stuff anyway as the quality is so much better.

    In terms of Maths of Life, I spent Saturday using up left overs by making apple pie, bacon and onion quiche, a loaf of bread (In a machine - it didn't rise very well, I wonder why?) and some chicken stock from the carcasses the farm shop butcher gave to me after he had jointed my bird (a much more economical way to buy chicken if you're going to get some) all at the same time, how's that for multi tasking! On Sunday I went to church for the first time in a while - it always leaves you feeling much more relaxed I find. Took the dogs for a walk did some shopping and bought a jigsaw which has now taken me away from the television for 2 nights, a complete change in my lifestyle for a couple of days and I feel so much better - mmm those roses smell wonderful!

    I can feel the magic in the air today also - The first real crisp autum morning is upon us - sitting on the M6 for 30 minutes to travel 3 miles is slightly more bearable on days like this - use your wand sparingly Chris, it should only be bought out in emergencies!

    Toodle pip

    :o) Jo

  13. At 09:46 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Jo wrote:

    Forgot to mention - Slugs really freak me out, When I took the dogs out for their old man's wee before bed there were hundreds of them oozing slime over the garden - there were some snails too but they were in the side garden keeping themselves to themselves, the slugs were having a free for all!

    Keep smiling and remember to make somebody else smile today :o) Jo

  14. At 09:49 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Orrie42 wrote:

    Morning Chris and Bloggers!

    Love the point about the questions and answers - soooo very true and isn't this how we learn, and more importantly keep on learning?

    Point taken about multi tasking, although wasn't it Angelo who painted the Cisteen Chapel? Okay I'll stop getting picky........

    Off to make coffee, answer the phone and sort the "Things To Do Today" tasks.

    Wishing you Terrific Tuesday!

    love n licks

  15. At 09:51 AM on 19 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    I've enjoyed reading your blog. Yes, you hit the nail on the head, asking questions is one of the best ways of getting to the real issue.

    It's something that's taken me a long time to discover. Part of it is like you say because we are so used to providing answers, that we never really ask further questions.

    Have fun re-stocking your fridge!


  16. At 10:00 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Purpleimp wrote:

    Hello Chris and all other lovely foke,

    I've been luck enough to be able to read the past few blogs whilst in work. You all seem Genuinely lovely people.
    This is new for me typing on here and I鈥檓 not sure of etiquette and how much I can rant.
    I read your lives and comments on valuing life to treasure each day and it makes me very sad as I feel I am wasting mine.
    I'm paid to sit in an office with nothing to do, I try and stay in touch with friends, but they seem to have infinitely more interesting things to do. I鈥檓 not trying to sound miserable. But that is how this day finds me.
    My doctor in all his wisdom seems to think I should pick myself up and dust off and get on with things. All easier said. I know he鈥檚 right, I need a new job and I need to get out there and do stuff but the lack of motivation is well drowning!
    Sad old me!

    The roses thankfully smell wonderful. I get to loll about read my many books and watch as the day unfolds. With the lack of work to do I鈥檝e even taken up kitting again. (I only know the one stitch, but there鈥檚 a blanket in the square some where)

    Chris you didn鈥檛 mention if you enjoyed last nights episode of spooks. My fella is hooked on it and I鈥檝e now become a huge fan. Does scare me though. Makes my little world not feel so safe.

    Ok so I鈥檓 ranting, and theres bound to be a happier blog after mine. So to all a good day and nicest thoughts to you :)

    I just thought I鈥檇 say hi and join your lovely site

  17. At 10:16 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Anna wrote:

    I鈥檝e just read your thoughts this morning and you are so right, there is so much more satisfaction in achieving one thing at a time, although in my job this theory doesn鈥檛 work, if I don鈥檛 multi-task I鈥檝e had it. However, I feel the need to share with you what happened last week, it was a bizarre way to end the week.

    On Thursday evening as I was driving into town I saw the most glorious rainbow in the sky it was one of those that you could see both ends and it seemed to follow me throughout the whole journey, it was the most amazing thing I鈥檝e seen. I guess you could say I had an epiphany, I made some life decisions and promises to myself, I felt so calm & content for the rest of the night.
    Then the very next day on my way to work, whilst still musing over the rainbow, a person in front of me had a car accident, the calm was gone, as I leapt from my car grabbing my mobile. Fortunately, the injuries weren鈥檛 too bad and help arrived shortly. What a way to remind you that when you鈥檙e driving, the smallest error, lack of concentration or unforeseen event can change everything so quickly. To finish off, the next day I鈥檓 in Milton Keynes, watching Robbie Williams sing his heart out. What a bizarre few days.

    We each feel we can try to solve other people鈥檚 quandaries, life issues etc., but since we never know how anyone else truly feels about things, it can never be done. We need to concentrate on ourselves (not in a selfish or self centred way) but how we make others feel, smile to people, show them respect.
    Enough of my ramblings, lets hope for a much less complicated week. Enjoy the day one and all!

  18. At 10:19 AM on 19 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Morning all,

    Great blog again Chris you certainly seem to have a very hood grip on life at the moment. Your ramblings are profound and thought provoking鈥︹..thanks!

    I do understand what you mean about trying to solve every problem we are faced with. Sometimes we have to realise we can not fix things everything for everyone. Last night in my home for instance I was faced with some difficult decisions. At about 10:30 the doorbell rang out. On the other side of the door was one of my daughters friends (age 15) hysterical :-( She had a huge (and I mean big) fight with her mum. This girl is lovely and spends a lot of time with my daughter but has a hard time of it as two years ago her father committed suicide but it is only now that she is blaming her mum even though the parents were separated and had been for years. By the time she calmed down it was getting late and our daughter asked if her friend could stay the night so we contacted the mother who was beside herself and just sobbing down the phone, my wife being a love went to comfort her and sat talking to her until 2 this morning drinking tea as we find alcohol is not a good thing to be added when emotions are high. I sent the two girls to bed and sat waiting for my wife to return. It is hard to listen to a young lady cry herself to sleep upstairs :-( and not be able to help. By the time (2am) when my wife arrived home we sat and talked about the way the evening panned out and finally went to bed at 3 am. Neither of us could sleep and we had to be up again at 6. Breakfast was a very quiet affair which is not normally the case in our house as we find ourselves dancing around the kitchen listening to the radio (daddy dancing of course) I think it was a mixture of exhaustion and sadness. Still both girls went off to school and I am sat in work pondering over the evening.

    Now I understand I can not make it right for this girl but I want to do more (if you understand) I am pleased that when she needed help she came to our door and felt safe so maybe I have done enough. I am sad that the person who dealt this blow to her is no longer here to see what he has done.

    Still my life is good so no need for me to go around with my face on upside down :-))



    I fired my masseuse today. She just rubbed me the wrong way.

    A three-legged dog walks into a saloon in the Old West. He sidles up to the bar and announces: "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw."

    What did the fish say way he swam into a wall?


  19. At 10:35 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Jude wrote:

    It seems everyone is busy busy all the time work/play ,life in gerenal. My favourite time is when I get in from work - make a cuppa and just have about 15 - 30 mins of quite time- no radio/tv/talking anything - it's great. You can use the time to plan ahead/think what you have do next or just for reflecting - try it.Can't wait for tea time thinking about it!!
    Chris - a book to put on your 'must read' list - Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon - absolutelty enthralling from the first few lines to the last. Enjoy.....

    :-) Jude x

  20. At 10:36 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Em M wrote:

    I used to get up late and mornings were a mad

    rush with lots of multi-tasking, now I get up

    earlier and I have time to sit down to eat my

    breakfast and watch Friends, which always gets

    me off to a good start.

    My problem is that my days are very bitty and I

    don't have enough time to really get into

    anything. But I'm very lucky I only work two

    hours a day so I have lots of time for me

    things (reading, writing stories, walking,

    Sudoku, watching films), as well as looking

    after my lovely kids and hubby.

    Too many people pack their lives so full of

    activities they have no time for rose-smelling.

    I'm happy I'm not one of them.

  21. At 10:37 AM on 19 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Good morning all

    I think I sense some confusion here, so please allow me to intervene for a moment and offer a modicum of clarification, courtesy of McCrumble Arbitration Services Ltd.

    Whether we like it or not, we are all constantly multitasking. We could not possibly make it through the day unless we managed to take part in multiple activities simultaneously. At this moment, for example, I am writing this entry whilst digesting my bacon buttie.

    Let's examine the word 'task' in some detail. By definition, a task is something we actively undertake with an objective attached. To take Chris's example of 'having a bath' - the task is to get clean. The means of getting clean is to have a bath. The reason why Chris thinks the bath is having 'him' is because the task of getting clean requires little active movement or thought (by human standards)

    So what really happens is this:

    We are designed mentally and physically to undertake tasks. Our mental and physical characteristics place limits on the tasks we can successfully achieve. If we take a group of tasks, we organise our time to acheive the objectives attached to those tasks. Given that the means of acheiving those tasks may vary, it is sometimes possible to acheive the objectives attached to multiple-tasks simultaneously. To go back to the bathing example, the tasks of getting clean and improving the sum of the bather's knowledge are entirely compatible becuase they have non-overlapping means of achievement.

    Sometimes it is culturally impractical or unacceptable to try and achieve the objectives of multiple-tasks simultaneously. We make a conscious decision to focus on one objective in isolation.

    As to the question of 'doing' something when something more passionate arises, I can only give the following example.

    About 3 weeks ago I was alone in the laboratory. My wife had returned from shopping in town. Unbeknownst to me, she had visited the lingerie store. I was engaged in a particularly delicate dissection of a rare grasshopper when she suddenly appeared at the door wearing her new dressing gown.

    Her signals were as clear as the water in an oxygen-starved mountain pool. Passion was guaranteed, but...well I don't know if you've ever tried to dissect a live grasshopper but they can be awkward little sods if you don't keep them still. Truth be told, I couldn't stop what I was doing to do something more passionate. I did consider multi-tasking for a moment, but quickly discounted the idea when I realised that I couldn't hold a grasshopper and....

    ...better stop there.

    J McC

  22. At 10:56 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Sam wrote:

    Spooks. I'm always frightened that terrorists will learn something from watching it; biological warfare tricks and crashing planes over London. Couldn't sleep for hours afterwards.

    What's great about the show is that the writers aren't frightened of killing off the main characters: see Claire Goose, Keeley Hawes etc etc. Spooks and Shameless, the only two decent things on the box.

  23. At 10:58 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Dan Martin wrote:

    it really is this simple, well as far as i see it

    Life is for living

    How you define that is up to the individually to do, anything else is just wasting it. but if you are happy with your life then live it. If not dont maon, dont blame some one else change it or dont moan

    PS "life begines" on ITV is good mondat night telle
    i love it and some time there is nudity in it what more could you want!!!

  24. At 11:08 AM on 19 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Hi everyone,
    Just read the rest yesterdays blogs. Far less than usual. I bet there'll be more today. I tend to read what Chris has to say and answer straight away as if he's speaking to me so that I don't lose the thread. Then I read the rest of the previous days' blogs annd whatever has already gone on today.
    Today's was a corker in my opinion. Right on form. x

    Apologies Chris: I've cheekily blagged this blog (as you all seem to be of above average intelligence) to see if anybody has read this David Icke book called The Biggest Secret.
    James or Parsnip @ 29 - thanks for your comment yesterday. Have you read the book? It sounds a bit Dr Who? but it's written as fact. Two really good and intelligent friends of mine (who do not know eachother) have got hooked on the book and talk about little else. I can't have an opinion until I read the book for myself and they are both urging me to. I've known both of these guys for more than 15 years. I am intrigued by their enthusiasm but want a broader range of opinions. None of my many other friends have ever heard of it hence my appeal to my fellow bloggers. x

    Katie @ 26 (yesterday) - Thanks for your lovely comment. The love goes on.....I really do feel like I'm in love which I haven't been for a long time but I did get a big dose of love over the weekend. My boat is well and truly afloat. Only meditation and gorgeous men have made me feel this way before! Long may it cointinue. x

    Ian @ 9 - Thanks to you too. I actually love money. I'm just retarded in the money management dept. I see life mostly through a child's eyes so cannot be trusted with the stuff. Thank goodness I don't have a gun! 11 store cards and 拢11000 debt in the late 80's was the wake up call I needed. Luckily only 拢1000 to pay off on the two little plastic beauties I murdered last week. It could have been a lot worse so I did pat myself on the back. x

    Sandrella @ 59 - Good luck with the work! I hope the angels do their bit. Do let us know...x

    Hazel Love - Hello again! Absent Reiki. How wonderful. x

    Ciao for now,

    Debs x

    P.S. How's your mum today, Chris?

  25. At 11:08 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Kyleigh wrote:

    Good morning Chrispohe and beautiful bloggsters!

    TheBigUn (#18) - you were that young girls saviour, gord bless ya guv'ner! You definately SHOULD feel very honoured that she chose your door, and as you said, felt that your home was the best place to go in her time of need.

    I too had a terrible time during early teenage years (my mum left, taking my sister, left with my brother, dad went bankrupt, hardly saw him, tried to commit suicide, kicked us out, brother and I out on our own aged 17, paid my own way through college, few years later brother had a psychosis...etc etc... EVERYTHING OK NOW THOUGH - YIPPSIES!)

    ANYWAY... before rambling my point was... during these times I had plenty of wonderful friends who had amazing supportive parents who would take me in for nights at a time, feed me lovely meals when I could hardly pay my bills let alone buy food!...

    I'm not on a downer.. I LOVE LIFE now and have done for years, definately take time to smell the roses AND talk to pigeons, but YOU BIGUN are AMAZING and you should feel so warm and glowy and lovely inside. And for your wife to go over to the friends mum to comfort her is beautiful. You are good people.

    I have 2 daughters (10 and 7) and I would do exactly the same thing - or at least HOPE I would. Its tricky to know what is interfering and what is genuinely being open and helpful, you know?

    Anyway everyone, wow - you guys just get better and better... keep it a-comin'!

    Kyleigh xxx

  26. At 11:23 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Steve Sale wrote:

    You are absolutely right. I multi-task all day at work, I have to to keep afloat. But there are times in the day when something happens, perhaps something really interesting, that makes me stop multi-tasking and concentrate only on that particular subject. And its far more enjoyable immersing yourself in that one thing than 3 or 4 things at once!

    Cheers to you all


  27. At 11:23 AM on 19 Sep 2006, becks wrote:

    1stly Thanks you Chris and Bloggers for a wonderfully relaxing evening last night!

    I was inspired by you're comments on yesterdays blog and I think I want to share!

    I have a half hr walk home from work every night on a lovely route, it follows a stream through the town but is well lit and paved and also well used and safe. On my way home I listen to Chris through my headphones.

    I got home and the 1st thing I did after dumping my bag and shoes and coat was change to my jeans and go hunting round the garden for slugs. I did this bear foot remembering what Chris said a while ago about walking in the grass with no shoes. I was interested to see if i had fast slugs or slow slugs. What I mainly found was some REALLY big spiders..... No I mean proper Boris's! That was quite enough of that!

    My husband was out for the night watching The Cult in Bristol with a friend so I though what could I do, there just wasnt enough time to pack it all in! So I made one of his fav teas and packed him off.

    I baked a cake with Chris on the radio, I usually miss the last hf hr cos hubbie wants the sports channel on! while that was in the oven I had my fav tea watching one of my fav progs on TV, and then took the BIGGEST bubblebath while chatting to my friend on the phone!

    I then decided to check out the slugs again, I think they where all asleep when I got home, only to find Ferdinand the frog dancing the fandango on the grass, I watched him for a good 20mins it was fab!

    Then I tucked myself up in bed with the book which is taking me far to lang to read and waited for hubbie to get home so he could tell me all about the gig!

    A fantastic evening, I've learnt only to multi task fun stuff you can share or really can do together. I'd never read and cook, tried it once .... burnt everything!

    2ndly are you sure Freddie didn't write Bo Rap while hoovering, I can see him prancing round like he did in the video for I want to break free!

  28. At 11:32 AM on 19 Sep 2006, cath wrote:

    Morning all.

    Nicki #9 - Million Dollar Baby - what a fantastic film. Another film for a really great cry is Life is Beautiful - my favourite film of all time. Every time I watch it I almost feel my heart break - well worth watching (in the original gorgeous Italian with subtitles, don't whatever you do, dub it!)

    Chris - tis better to have too much to do and too many great things to fill your life with than not enough. That way there is always something to look forward to!!

    I've got a job interview in the morning for something COMPLETELY different to anything I've ever done before - wish me luck everyone!!


  29. At 11:36 AM on 19 Sep 2006, mini girl wrote:

    "hear hear!"
    or meybe even, "here here!"

    I'm currently undergoing a whole change of llife philosophy that means stopping to not rush through life whilst being or doing things but simply being! Where did we start thinking that wasn't enough and we needed to add more?! Therefore I am a ...(fill blank, e.g. daughter, sister, youth worker, etc) but that is not who I am, I am simply mini girl and that's all I need to 'BE'! No one else can be that aither so what a perfect part to dedicate my efforts to! Thanks for the thoughts x
    Lots of warm and fuzzies
    Mini girl x

  30. At 11:49 AM on 19 Sep 2006, James or Parsnip wrote:

    Call me a pedant but it was M. Buonarotti (that's Michelangelo) who did the Sistene Chapel ceiling.

    As to Freddie Mercury writing Bohemian Rhapsody, I'm almost certain that he DID do that whilst hoovering. Just look at the I Want To Break Free video.

    Still, I know what you mean. I can have music as wallpaper, or I can have it as something in the foreground that I'm concentrating on. The trouble is as life gets busier and busier, most music I hear now is in the car and so I am doing something else as well. Driving is a relatively automated process; after a while it just becomes instinctive and so it's better than if I were trying to, say, fill in my tax return, but all the same.

  31. At 11:53 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Daniel Floyd wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    Hope you are all well.

    Your so right Chris, I cannot read and listen to music either - I find it impossible. The music demands your attention, as does the book; after 40 minutes or so when the CD has stopped I find that I haven't got a clue what I've read, so I go back and read it again!

    Speaking of music I woke up this morning with Goodnight from Melissa Etheridge's album Skin playing through my mind - seemed inappropriate to wake up to Goodnight don't you think?!

    Also the vibe is certainly changing - dark nights change everything; but it's still romantic when you go home; have the wind and rain howling and blowing down the chimney; and your sitting all nice and warm with the fire on with a glass of wine whilst reading or listening to music or watching the TV.

    Well better crack on, problems to sort and I'm leaving work early today to go to the doctors to sort out the injections needed for Kerala, India in November.... seven weeks and counting.

    Be good everyone, and do something today which makes you smile.


  32. At 11:56 AM on 19 Sep 2006, Val B wrote:

    Hi Chris. Well, I am a compartmentaliser (!) too. Once, (or maybe twice then) when I couldn't see the wood for the trees, all my boxes sprung open, flinging everything into the air; I was juggling all the balls yet they were falling all around me. A very unpleasant experience. I had to do something about it or I would go under myself. I began by just "being", and that was hard in itself, but by just "being" I could focus on what needed to be compartmentalised. I got through it, with a struggle. I rescued myself. (Does this make sense?) Like one of your blogs once before, take time to just "be", to watch someone being themselves, on their hill.
    ttfn Val B.

  33. At 11:57 AM on 19 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Bon d铆a, Christoph and the Shlog Squad!

    Jo @ #12 - Right! I tried exactly that once with predictable results and I'm as lardy as ever.

    Big 'Un @ #18 - Good on yer!

    Debster @ #24 - No, I love money too. I was thinking about the 'Sex in the City' episode about toxic lovers. You love them to your ultimate heartbreak because they're so bad for you.

    Becks @ #27 - I have tried to make just toast more than once then getting distracted by the telly. Not good as sometimes it was the last of the bread.

    You're right about the multi tasking thing, Chris. Why cram so much of what one enjoys into such a small time? Get the boring chores over and done with - heck, even multi-task them - so that you can linger and savour the good stuff. Even if it is scaring oneself stupid watching 'Spooks'. I haven't seen it since the female agent got her face stuck into a deep fat frier. Ugh! Charming. I had nightmares for weeks after that one.
    Isn't it strange that two things that seem similar can affect us in completely different ways. I mean battle scenes from, say, Gladiator with all the blood - no bother at all. Then there's spooky stuff like The Sixth Sense compared to Blair Witch. Sixth Sense - no problem, but I watched Blair Witch and the next day I had to drive through Savernake Forest with very wintery tree skeletons. That was pretty wiggy, let me tell you!


  34. At 12:00 PM on 19 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Cath @ #28

    May all the benevolent winds gently blow on you endeavours. You go girl!

  35. At 12:04 PM on 19 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Morning Chris,

    Another hugely entertaining blog....very thought provoking.

    I see that you have Bjorn Ulvaeus on the show today.....must admit to never being a huge Abba fan, but always thought Bjorn's lyrics for "The Winner Takes it All" were some of his best.....certainly the most emotionally resonant.

    It's alleged that he wrote the lyric whilst totally blathered in the space of about half an hour....Truth or Urban Myth would be my question for him.

    Have a good show

    Fountain Man

  36. At 12:11 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Lorraine wrote:

    Chris, you must learn to multi-task. I can do my maths homework, sort out two children - aged 8 and 7, so quite demanding - and STILL enjoy your dulcet tones while all this is going on. (Still haven't got enough hours in the day, mind!)

    Love the show; love the blog - keep it up!

    Loadsa luv

  37. At 12:18 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi Chris and the blogettes,


    There is a strange kind of magic about today, it feels like we鈥檙e on the edge of something good.

    Yeah.. ok, I take your point on the multi-tasking thing. For me though multi-tasking the mundane, is all about making time for the important things. What I was getting at was something entirely different but 鈥. hmmmm .. perhaps another day.

    Can you make time?
    Don鈥檛 you have enough of it already?
    What would you do with it if you could?
    Imagine the day is 30 hours long, what would you do for, 6 more hours each day?

    Time: you can stretch it, squeeze it, pull it, bend it, ignore it, watch it, run your life by it, live by it and die by it but you can never,鈥︹. time it.

    Would I read a book while making love?

    Blimey!! Is that possible? Do other people do that? I wanna know what that book is? That鈥檚 gotta be some book!!
    Who would write that book?
    Would it be a book for two?

    My one last tip on time鈥.. ditch the watch and let your body clock ring your lunch bell.

    Keep smiling


  38. At 12:31 PM on 19 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris a question to ask everyone on your show which always perplexes me about maths, why has minus four got no square root?

  39. At 12:34 PM on 19 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi all,

    Men and women are different - women can easily multi task, satisfactorily, whereas men have different brains!

    Be careful all the healthy stuff isnt still there at the end of the week. Remember last week.

    How is the house hunting going?/


  40. At 12:40 PM on 19 Sep 2006, nicki wrote:

    Cath #28 good luck tomorrow will keep my fingers crossed for you, it鈥檚 so good to have a complete change now and then, 8 years ago as a single parent with 3 kids I needed a change in direction, gave up my job 鈥 part time term time, in a field I had worked in for over 10 years 鈥 went back to college to study Biology my mum had a hissy fit when I told her, but it was just what I needed I passed my pre degree year with flying colours, enjoyed every single moment and would do it again in a heartbeat!
    After having all this free time and reading about all the multi tasking am now wondering how I鈥檓 going to fit it all in when I go back to work next week L Perhaps I should practice my delegation skills on the kids!!!!!!!!

  41. At 12:42 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Kev wrote:

    Hey Chris love the show.

    As a driving instrucror I see good examples of Multi-Tasking in some people but not in others, it has been said that women do it better than men do (TOSH!!!) We simply have the ability or do not, in my experiance it`s not something that you can learn.

    I think multi-tasking is a good thing, the problem comes when you try and do too much in the time that you have. That leads to STRESS which is no good to anyone. We should all just slow down take time and chill.

    All the bsst


  42. At 12:43 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Cate D wrote:

    Hi Bloggers

    great blog from Chris today made me stop and think about my multitasking - do I need to do it or is it a habit? Can I give it up or am i addicted to multitasking? Would life be better if I took time to focus on one thing at a time? Will I be able to keep up with everything I need to do if I single task? Time to find out as I spend the afternoon doing one thing at a time.

    Looking forward to a couple of hours listening to Chris from the comfort of a chair. Bliss!

    Cate D

  43. At 12:48 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Tom S wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Couldn't help but notice that you asked if leonardo could have painted the Sistine chapel whilst doing something else? He didn't paint the sistene chapel, or if he did then Michelangelo painted over it. Perhaps you have come up with the revelation that you were talking about?

    Incidentally, try classical music with your book, no words to disturb the text but something in the background to take away the silence!

    Keep smiling everyone, and make love not war, whilst reading a book if you have the urge!

  44. At 12:56 PM on 19 Sep 2006, J wrote:

    Yesterday I advised how exercising for 3 years can extend your life by 3 years. This was supposed to reflect how a routine of exercise & healthy living can extend your life. However whilst driving to the gym and hearing Chris advise on the show I only need to consider this hourly (i.e 1 hr of exercise = 1 extra hr of life) I decided to give the gym a miss, and catch up at the end of the week.

    Instead I went to my local and managed to do allot of multi tasking. I managed to consume beer, read the local newspaper cover to cover, and joined by friends managed to put the world to rights.

    This multitasking obviously saved me significant time, but still took some 2 陆 hours. The result being the wife is like a broken TV, vision but no sound. But hey at least things were quiet to watch Spooks.

  45. At 12:59 PM on 19 Sep 2006, becks wrote:

    ref Micheal @ 38

    I just did the square root of -4 on my calc (cos I'm like that), it came up as 2! are you telling me porkies or do I need a new calc??????

  46. At 01:00 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Jo wrote:

    Michael @ 38 - A negative number can never have a square root, if you think about it a sqare number is always positive, even if you do -4 squared you still end up with positive 16. that's because a negative x a negative always ends up as a positive (don't ask me why it just does) therefore you can't have a square root of a negative number as no squared numbers are negative, does that make sense?

    I think in cmore complicated maths you can but that it is called an imaginary number, don't quote me on that though

    Am slightly confuzzled myself now :o) Jo

  47. At 01:21 PM on 19 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Kyleigh #25 You do not know how heartening you post was to me. Thank you for your kind remarks about what we did for the girl and her mum. I have sent a text to my daughter at school and they are both doing fine鈥︹︹︹.so it is just me that worries too much :-(

    She knows she is always welcome in our home and that we will not take sides.

    Having read your post on your childhood I can only hope that this girl stays on track and has a full and happy life with a partner who will understand her. You give me hope she will :-)


  48. At 01:32 PM on 19 Sep 2006, The ern wrote:

    Oh Chris.

    If you dont believe in multi tasking you should carry out a liitle experiment. Tonight, or any night, ask your listeners what they are doing while listening to you. Apart from the obvious (cooking and driving) you will get some wonderful responses.

    PS you may even find some people making love while listening to your show.

  49. At 01:41 PM on 19 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Good Morning Chris and Fellow Readers of Chris' Blog!

    Interesting points you write about in your post today, very thought provoking. Also agree, every question does provoke another question. I do not believe in multi tasking, my outlook on life is very simple. Enjoy every single moment, don't live for the weekend only, each day has its own joy.

    It was pouring with rain this morning when we woke, but Mr Kaiser Chef still went out on his mountain bike for a 4 mile cycle, came back full of the joys of Autumn. Rain had cleared while he was out and it was an excellent mid September morning. I took Marvin The Dog for a walk a bit later, he ran helter skelter through the damp woods, joy at being alive in every fibre of his being. Sniffing every piece of foliage, running through the pine woods, in total Dog Heaven. Just watching him enjoy life, makes me enjoy and appreciate mine.

    Dogs don't multi task, they too, live for the moment. Love and light everyone, Jeannie aka Kaiser Chef ;0)

  50. At 01:41 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Debby wrote:

    Chris, I am actually doing 2 things at once (as most women can.....) I am blogging and eating my lunch....

    Does that count?

  51. At 01:44 PM on 19 Sep 2006, bill C wrote:

    Hey Christof,

    Yet again a fascinating post. I liked the thought that actually sometimes people don't want an answer. For me it robs me of working things out for myself (apart from the times when I can't, in which case I really do need help!!) so, with that in mind...

    Why are you trying to do so much?

    Also, is fulness of life defined by what we do, or who we do it with, or by being rather than doing, or is that a cop out? More than that, for those people who say we need to do less and be more- what happens if part of our sense of being come sout of loving doing?

    I feel a very early mid life crisis coming on.....

  52. At 02:03 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Kyleigh wrote:

    BigUn (#47) - she sounds like she'll be fine. Education is the key, I had such a great time at college/uni that it never even crossed my mind to stop and get a job until I was all grown up.

    I dont talk to my dad anymore - I have no idea why. I think it has something to do with my wicked stepmum. We love him and miss him, but he's not the dad we remember you know? Thats is the ONLY area of my life now that is not happy.

    I got engaged to the love of my life a couple of weeks ago and are planning to marry next year. Do I tell my dad? I have already asked my stepdad to give me away and he is thrilled.

    What I'd like is for my dad to just be there, just for the ceremony (sans stepwitch) then go. If I just saw him there, I'd know he still loved me.

    Christ! listen to me! what brought that on? Sorry folks... normal programming will resume shortly...

    I guess the engagement has brought it to the forefront.

    As you were everyone

    Kyleigh xx

  53. At 02:05 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Afternoon Christoph and the wonderful blogging family we are building!!!!!!!!

    Multitasking.............I think we all do it these days without realising somehow, I get to the point where I adopt the "one job at a time" attitude and "slowly slowly chatchy monkey", hoping that I can bring it all together when it counts.

    Life for me at the minute feels a bit like a hamster on a wheel, furiously running and still staying in the same place, I can understand that things will only change if I change them - the problem is knowing where to start!!!!

    #18 Big Un...you are becoming an inspiration to me - dealing with so much and with so much care - that is truly rare in us human beings these days - don't ever change, - You are great, that does not seem the correct word to use but is hearfelt.

    #31 Dan - Enjoy India, it is a wonderful place, it is definately one of those places you will fall in love with or not want to go back again, I hope you find it inspirational - I hoping to go back next year (ref above to my knowing where to start on changing your life)

    #37 Rachel (Blue Angel) Time...It certainly does march on and we can never stop it or change it............I wear a watch during the day at work, but for me the first thing I do when I get home is to take the watch off - I cannot leave it on to run my evening, and just by doing that simple act I feel so much better, my evening is then my own to do what I want when I want.....hope that makes sense.

    Luv to All


  54. At 02:09 PM on 19 Sep 2006, cath wrote:

    Purpleimp #16 - not sure why you don't feel able to leave your job right now, but if you really can't, how about using the time you're there to learn something new?? I had a very boring job, went to college to do a part=time therapy course (one weekend a month) and did all my homework at work :-) - passed with flying colours!

    I bet everyone hasn't got more exciting/interesting things to do than you have - it's just how you perceive them. Walking the dog, reading a great book, watching TV with your man, listening to some great music - all great things to do - nothing earth shattering, but then life doesn't have to be wildly exciting to be wonderful. (((Big hugs to you))), I hope you feel more positive soon.


  55. At 02:11 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Jennie wrote:

    No wonder it took Michelangelo 7 years if Leonardo kept interfering.

    Anyway it seems to me we are all spending too much time questioning the whats, whys and wherefores and rather than getting all deep and meaningful about it I suggest it may be easier to just BE GOOD (to yourself as well as those around you), BE HAPPY (and get on with making that happen - if you don鈥檛 like something, change it). Most importantly SMILE (oh - and enjoy McCrumbles blog entries) Life is too short for such navel gazing.

    And since no one seems to know or care 鈥 can I have that APPLE???


  56. At 02:13 PM on 19 Sep 2006, jenny hall wrote:

    Do you know, once again you are absolutely right. And there are certain things in life that are worth doing, which might not seem particularly romantic, passionate of exiting. They just need one hundred percent of your time and an investment of concentrated effort to mean so much more. Making a Risotto for example. It's a meal, it has a defined set of ingredients and tools to achieve the end result; but a Risotto made with care, attention and a bit of 'you' is absolutely more fulfilling??!!

  57. At 02:17 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Col Mustard wrote:

    Thats interesting it's not the answer it's the question.

    like it takes two people 2hrs 50 mins
    But what was the question?

  58. At 02:34 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Katie wrote:

    Good afternoon Chris & all

    A very observant blog there Chris, especially for early morning - hope you found your wand.

    Re the whole time thing, I had a very emotional moment the other day that I'd never had before - I said on Friday that I had my nephew for the morning before taking him to primary school, well when I took him to school my two eldest kids (daughter 17 and son 16) came with me as they were both off college for the day. When we got to the school and I'd parked up they said that they wanted to take him in, now they both went to this school when they were at primary (as did I - not a very far travelled family!) and after they'd dropped him off they both came walking down the steps from the school laughing and chattering away and all of a sudden I saw them as they'd been when they were about 9 and 10 doing the same thing and suddenly saw all the years that had gone by - yes you can guess what happened next .... I started sobbing with all these big fat tears rolling down my face and they laughed at me when they got in the car - they really didn't get my 'moment', but I did and I'm so glad I had it.

    Cath #28 - sending you all the luck in the world for your interview, really hope it all goes well for you.

    Dr J McCrumble '21 - so what won? Dolores or the Grasshopper? You really are going to have to set up a private company that goes around and cleans peoples monitors and keyboards if you're going to make people laugh so much you know :D

    Nicki #9 - going to rent Million Dollar Baby from your recommendation - I always feel better after a good cry at a film.

    Keith #18 - Thankfully the world has got people like you and your family in it, so that people have somewhere to go when needed and there is a willing ear and shoulder to cry on. Believe me the world would be a much worse place if it weren't for people such as you as you can only imagine the worst of what might have happened if the young girl hadn't felt safe and secure enough to come to your house but had stayed out on the streets instead - thank you.

    Right that's me out of here, I'm off to throw myself around Asda in the hope that I might find huge inspiration on what I want to cook tonight.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Hear you at 5


  59. At 02:44 PM on 19 Sep 2006, david lumb wrote:

    good day one and all
    a good BLOG to all

    well the man boobies you are saucy!

    and spooks great show.

    can't think of much this time DOH!

    catch us laters

  60. At 03:08 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Jeanette wrote:

    Ahoy there, Cap'n Chris & the multi-taskin' bloggin' buccaneers!

    Just to let ye all know today be International Talk Like A Pirate Day (www.yarr.org.uk) so don't be lily-livered landlubbers - give everyone a bit of the yo-ho-ho to show you're hale & hearty!

    And remember - ye'll only have avast behind if ye drink too much grog...

    Cheers, mateys! Yaaaaaaaarr!

    Long Jeanette Silver

  61. At 03:09 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Nick C wrote:

    The bit that really made me laugh today was this from Tom S fantastic.

    Couldn't help but notice that you asked if leonardo could have painted the Sistine chapel whilst doing something else? He didn't paint the sistene chapel, or if he did then Michelangelo painted over it. Perhaps you have come up with the revelation that you were talking about?

    Nick C

  62. At 03:10 PM on 19 Sep 2006, nicki wrote:

    Well will wonders never cease? I have been multitasking all day, keeping up with you guys and I have to say how very entertaining it has been, perusing some internet shopping sites putting together my list of yet to purchase Christmas pressies and - a proud moment 鈥 I have indeed cracked the internet radio so am now listening to Steve Wright!!!! How good am I J

  63. At 03:12 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    My o my o my o my

    Hasn't a lot gone on today. Yesterday disappeared so fast that when it was a quarter to five, it felt like about 10.30...now we are all talking about time it feels like it has taken a REEEEEEEEEALLY LONG TIME to get to now!

    DEBBY 50#
    We have a saying in darkest East Sussex...while all women can multi-task, men find it difficult to walk and breathe at the same time...and the irony is, all the men we know are living proof. Actually having said that, boy can get a smashing roast dinner together and I can't.

    BIG'UN 18#
    I didn't have anyone I could run to, or even anyone I knew I could turn to. I was bullied at school because I didn't speak the same way as everyone (I'm more 'Queens' English and they were all families re-homed from London to a new town) and they called me posh and a swot. Consequently I have not had an easy (?) time since, and have only just begun realising that the baggage is still there in some way, shape or form still to be dealt with. If I'd had someone like you and Mrs B at the time, who could have helped me through, and lets face it, teenage years are fraught enough without bullying etc. I think I'd have done a lot better than I ended up doing. By not taking sides and just by being there this girl knows that she isn't alone, and as she matures she'll realise that suicide isn't anyones fault but the deliberate action of that individual.

    A couple of years ago my dad hanged himself. He left a note which was quite inconclusive. I haven't blamed anyone, and it only saddens me that he/people reach that last stage where nothing can be done.

    Having said that, as I've said before, you have to have been where you've been to get where you are today. I know I am loved and supported which is why I will always try to give of myself if someone is hurting, but ultimately there is nothing you can do to change someones mind or live their life for them. This poor girl and her mum just need to know that they are both loved and supported and that you'll be there when and if you can. They both need healing and with your family it sounds as if the process is starting. By asking for 'outside' help, they are admitting that they have a problem and this itself is part of the healing process.

    Stopping now.

    Gracious me, I started writing this at 14.45 and now it says 15.10. Have been sitting in time bubble.

    My heart goes out to anyone suffering in silence. There should be enough love in the world that you don't have to....it's whether people have enough time to be giving of that love.

    precious time

  64. At 03:14 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    PS Hi Debster!


  65. At 03:22 PM on 19 Sep 2006, wrote:

    good afternoon chris! i know exactly how i feel about multi tasking. I just can't do it!! Whilst on my exercise bike i try to read whilst having the tv on but it can't be done.And I can NEVER speak to someone on the phone whilst getting on with someone!! I have to write on a postit what I'm gonna do for the day and cross it off when it's done. Try it Chris you get things done much quicker!
    Abig hi to all the bloggers! Lol alex xx

  66. At 03:35 PM on 19 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    What a wise old sage you are Christophe. I couldn't agree with you more. I remember the first lecture for the newly enrolled students at the College of Homoeopathy given by the principal to hone our study skills. The lecturer opened with "All that exists is that to which you give your attention".
    He went on to ask us to try to give our attention to more than one thing. It is impossible and seemingly obvious but many of us (particularly ladies) do think we are capable of 'doing' many things at once although we are really just being an automaton 'doing' one thing and the rest is just happening alongside. Although the doing may be effected the experience is not logged and so we forget.....X

    My son (a film buff) is always reminding me that I cannot possibly watch a film and iron which I always do. It's also insulting to the creator(s) of the film, he says. Last night we watched Sexy Beast and it's the third time my son has put it on for me. The two previous occasions I ironed, took a three minute phone call, quickly fed the cat, ran a bath etc.......I would have said that I had seen the film before but last night I just sat with a drink and a shared box of maltesers and really did see the film. I could have told you what happened in the film before but I wouldn't have had the experience that I had last night. What a film. That Ray Winstone.....phwooaaarrr! Do they make them like that anymore? Not round my way they don't. The script, the plot, the music......most of this went over my head before and when anybody asked me about the film I'd say it wasn't bad.......well acted.....and as my son would point out I couldn't remember a single scene in detail. I dread to think how many other films I haven't 'seen'. x

    Bon Mardi a (mange) tout.

    xxx Debs xxx

    P. S. Originally written at 8.45am with a lovely funny passage in French for Chris. Tried to post 3 times then realised maybe the 'ed' needed a translator so have reluctantly removed it. x

  67. At 03:38 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Pickle wrote:

    because a negative times a negative is always a positive, so I reckon that no negative number has a square root

  68. At 03:53 PM on 19 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Attn Katie #58

    Who won...?

    If by that you mean who got my attention then the answer is the grasshopper. After dismissing Dolores I pinned it down and finished my dissection (as a good scientist should). Have to admit I bodged the procedure a bit as I couldn't focus my concentration quite as sharply as usual, and for some reason my hands kept shaking. Rather embarassingly (for a biologist with several years experience), I managed to remove not just the grasshoppers internal organs but its hind legs aswell.

    Dolores knows me well enough to realise that during working hours I should never be interrupted with seductive suggestions. She was being deliberately teasing. It was her fault the grasshopper suffered. After finishing the dissection I looked down at the splayed-out, lifeless form of of my specimen and in a rare moment of empathy thought it deserved more dignity in death. So I tried to stick the legs back on. When I finally emerged from the laboratory two hours later, Dolores was waiting patiently in the boudoir, sans dressing gown.

    J McC

  69. At 04:14 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Andy D wrote:

    The answer to life and all meaning is not 42, but it's the number 7. All things to do you our lives are controlled by the number 7. We grow into different mindstates every 7 years. Gone on, plot your major events, life chioces, (No the real life choices you have made, not the mickey mouse ones!), most will be 7 years apart, or the start of things happening will be traced back. You may not of pysically changed something, but you would have planted that thought and started the ball rolling.
    Most things are 7 years apart

  70. At 04:15 PM on 19 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Purpleimp #16. Just thought I would say hi back :-)

    Do not worry to much about the etiquette and how much you can rant this is the place to do it :-) I think you will find someone on here who is willing to help you on just about any subject. Give it a try :-)

    Do you know I think you are a wonderful person and that you posting on here for the first time may just change your life 鈥︹︹f you let it!


  71. At 04:23 PM on 19 Sep 2006, david lukins wrote:

    having read your blog i think the lights on but there is nobody home.

  72. At 04:26 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Peels wrote:

    I would like to pose a totally unrelated question to the matters currently under discussion in this blogfest, but you all seem like such sensible people and I need advice!

    I know that my boyfriend is lying to me about how much a purchase from a friend that he is about to make will cost. We have a joint account and the money will come of out this - when I have asked him how much it will be, he hasnt told me the whole story just how much the monthly installments will be but not about an upfront payment. I know there will be an upfront payment as I found an email from him to his friend telling the friend not to mention the upfront payment to me. This has really annoyed me and now I dont know how or whether to broach the subject with boyf.

    And, yes, I realise that I shouldn't snoop on his emails.

    Any advice appreciated!!

  73. At 04:43 PM on 19 Sep 2006, becks wrote:

    One of my friends, and I truely do mean friend sent me a website to take a look at a couple of months back. It's called post secret. Everyday people send in postcards, and on the postcard they write a secret (hence the name I guess!) Anyway it should be something nobody else knows there are no names involved they are sent in anonamously (sorry bad speller!) and it's brilliant, some are silly some are a bit rude and some want to make you weep.
    The reasion I want to share this with you is because after reading about the every day lives of the bloggers and the people they touch it's good to know there are others who understand what you are going through!

  74. At 04:57 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Island Nic wrote:

    Hi fellow Blogsters and Blogettes,

    I have two points, firstly it is a scientific fact (read it somewhere) that men can only do one thing at a time due to they way their brains work and that women can (and have to) multi-task due to their make up (brain wise as opposed to their lipstick you understand).

    Second, I agree you have to stop and take stock now and agian. We moved to the Isle of Lewis a few months ago and I have to say I was dreading it. Hubbie is a policeman and I worked as a nurse and had to give up work and because the post he was given is at the very top of the Island (look at you maps everyone we are near the lighthouse) there's no way I can work and look after my two children (aged 5 and 10 months). I was very much a Tesco's-everyday-and-up-to-the-shops-every-other-day kind of gal but shopping is now an hour and 1/2 round trip and the cost of diesel means it's a once a fortnight expedition now. I don't miss much except my family.

    What I do have is beaches on my doorstep that would rival any carribean holiday destination, freshair (mixed with manure!!), the ability to grow our own fruit and veg (if the rabbits don't get it or the wind blows it away) and the most breathtaking views of the countryside from every window in the house.

    I walk with the children regularly and they are so happy and I look around and realise how lucky we are to live in here and am only sad that after 5 years we will be moved on again.

    I wrote the other day about how boring we were as a family and yes I still have to do the chores and stuff but I love it - I love being boring, I love being a Mum, I love my husband and I love living here - you should all come (just not all at once as the local couldn't cope with it).

    Oh, and I LOVE ABBA and am so looking forward to the show. Please play as many tunes as you can. I'll be dancing round the kitchen whilst cooking my concoction that will be called dinner.

    Chris you make my day.

    Nicola XX

  75. At 04:58 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Hellen Bach wrote:

    But how do you stay calm, focussed and smelling the roses when people criticise you. How do you manage to switch that emotion off?

    Or do you not switch it off, do you embrase and learn from it, or just go and have a beer and curry and forget it?

  76. At 05:11 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Jennie wrote:

    #71, Peels - sack him.

    or wait til the money leaves the account and ask him to replace it, unless you will benefit from said purchase in some way?

  77. At 05:18 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    Peels #72

    As Chris has suggested start answering your question with questions.

    What is the item?
    What will it bring to your relationship?
    Do you want it as much as he does?
    Does the actual cost matter if it is something you both want / need?
    Is your financial situation able to cope?
    Is it costing more than it is really worth physically and emotionally?
    Why would your partner not want you to know?
    Is he scared of your reaction?
    Do you discuss money matters openly and calmly all the time?

    hopefully these questions will aid you in coming up with how to deal with the situation.

    please though, don't get bogged down by the money thing. If your partner makes you happy and you trust him then continue with that trust.

    As for snooping through emails, I have done that myself and got burned. Found out that my hubby was having several affairs which started after only 6 months of marriage. Would I prefer not to know? Sometimes I think maybe i would, and other times I'm glad that I know. But then, it made us talk to each other, in between the shouting. Maybe that is what you need to do.

  78. At 05:18 PM on 19 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Ms Mayhem # 53. Thanks! x

    Katie # 58. I do think everyone should do their bit and we would all live in a happier place. I am tired now but that is nothing a good night sleep won鈥檛 sort out. x

    Hazel Love # 63. I am sorry you were bullied 鈥渇a tawkin propa like鈥 kids can be so cruel and adults can be no better at times. And about your dad, very sad :-(

    I do agree there are times when we all need someone to talk to and I do not know why but I seem to get a lot of them. I think I have many of my dear late father鈥檚 fault as he was 40 years a social worker and I am the youngest of 6 kids so I had a very level grounding and came from a loving home. I am very laid back (almost horizontal at times) and I do not care what the problem is I work on the principle that there will be someone worse off somewhere so we have nothing to worry about :-) And for every negative thing that happens something positive will come out of it :-)

    Our house is a magnet for kids and all weekend we always have kids sleeping over. I think most of them talk to us about things that they would never talk to their parents about. I have three kids myself and our relationship with them and their friends is excellent.

    We would never turn anyone away from our door ;-)

    Much love to everyone.



    As I was typing this response Chris just told my Masseuse joke on air! LOL

  79. At 05:26 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Katie wrote:

    Oooh - thanks Chris for mentioning TheBigUn on the show .... was great to hear his name and the joke of course!

    Dr J Mc - thanks for continuing the saga, I always feel better when I know all there is to know! Poor Dolores though, fancy being rejected in favour of a grasshopper, if I'd have been you I'd have put the grasshopper in a nice little container and quickly ran off to the boudoir with Dolores and then come back to the grasshopper (much) later ... and hopefully sans shaking hands - the grasshopper might have preferred it that way.


  80. At 05:43 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Mark wrote:

    Did Leonardo paint the Cisteen Chapel? I thought it was Michaelangelo. It was definitely a Ninja Turtle wot did it....
    ... And isn't it Sistine?

  81. At 06:04 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Josie wrote:

    Hi one and all. Am I committing the ultimate sin of blogging when the show is on? Am listening as well. In fact, have taken a while to write first sentence cos kept stopping to listen properly!

    #28 Cath. I LOVE the film Life is Beautiful but hardly ever come across anyone else who has seen it. Keep lending it to friends so they can share the experience. Yet to see Million Dollar Baby. Good luck for the job interview tomorrow - will send you posiive thoughts. I was due for one as well at 9.30 but cancelled as a company I worked for before have asked me back for 3 months. Path of least resistance but it's not the same job (totally different dept and more money - hooray).

    #52 Kyleigh. Congrats on the engagement. I hope you don't mind my saying but think you should try to establish some contact with your Dad. Mine left when I was a baby and there was very sporadic contact (although had a great Stepmum) as I grew up. Thankfully we were able to establish a good relationship in the last 4/5 years but some of my siblings weren't. My Dad died in April and all 7 of his children were with him when he went - but those who have struggled with it most have been those who hadn't been able to sort out their relationship with him beforehand. Too many unanswered questions and unexpressed emotions. Left them very confused. Good luck with it all.

    Have a good evening everyone!

  82. At 06:05 PM on 19 Sep 2006, ellen alchin wrote:

    Its always good to stop and think. Let me tell you its not always easy. have discovered the most peacful time is sitting in a bath surrounded by bubbles and drinking a glass of wine. Give it a go, i won't tell anyone. xxx

  83. At 06:06 PM on 19 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Great Blog

  84. At 06:11 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Debbie Deering wrote:

    Have just discovered the blog. Chris Evans you write so well. I loved your turn of phrase; you write as you speak and its like hearing your voice on a page. V.v. good! But of course you are a genius, your listeners know that!

    You have taken over the drivetime slot from that wonderful man Johnny Walker and made it more positive and fun - something I didn't think was possible. I am glad to hear you each evening - you never fail to make me smile :)

  85. At 06:12 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    So Leonardo painted the sistene chapel! was this before or after The Aviator? Talk about multitasking!

  86. At 06:28 PM on 19 Sep 2006, wrote:

    The phrase 'Multi-Task' sends shivers down my spine. Another modern phrase cooked up to make people feel guilty for not achieving enough in one day. 'More haste, less speed' is a much nicer phrase. Why should we 'multi-task' when it no doubt leads to enforced errors.

    Time is precious, and patience is a virtue. So perhaps a new phrase such as 'Focused-Action' or similar should be used, I'm sure some marketing execs would love that one...

    All the best.... and I have to say your's is the best show on radio.....along with Stuart Maconie...

  87. At 06:36 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Col Mustard wrote:

    I just love the docs series on here. Dr J Mc Crumble, Delores and one deceased grass hopper.

  88. At 06:50 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Kyleigh wrote:

    Chris and fellow shlogsters,

    How good was that Innocent Smoothie guy?

    On the side of their packaging I love to read the small print. There was one I had that said:

    Ingredients may separate in transit*

    *but daddy still loves mummy

    Awwwwwwwwwww x 1000000000

    Kyleigh xx

  89. At 07:28 PM on 19 Sep 2006, LESLEYANN wrote:

    Hello Chris,
    love the show, do you know i thought know one could replace Jonhny Walker, but you did. Had to let you know this has have just got the internet back. Again love the show.

    P.S i now know what a 'blog' is thanks, its a great read

  90. At 07:44 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Bev D wrote:

    Hell Chris and fellow bloggers..

    I felt the magic too today Chris, day off, wonderful..didn't do much multi tasking..crikey I find it hard enough doing one thing at a time! What a wonderful pressie for your mum I hope it works for her.

    Great show as usual, Bjorn sounded a nice guy.

    O..thanks to everyone who explained the 'gift horse in the mouth' thing for me... I must stop quoting these things to my 'kids' (19 & 17)..don't know what I am talking about half the time but they sound good! lol

    Wow have a 'spare' 15 mins so gonna read a few more blogs and see what the rest have u have been up to.
    Bev D x

  91. At 07:48 PM on 19 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Great thoughts Chris.

    Hadn't really got the certain magic feeling about today, until reading through all the blogs!....
    What more do I need to say?

    Looking forward to tomorrows.

    Lynne x

  92. At 08:02 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Bev D wrote:

    Oh noooooooo.. what a difference a little letter makes! just saw my own blog and I meant "hello" not 'hell'! ...did the same to my mate the other day and said 'take car' instead of 'take care'..I really wasn't encouraging her to steal!!

    Boy...multi-task you must be joking!

    Oh talking of jokes..i liked this one:

    Bill and Ben are sitting in the bath and Ben goes
    Flop-a-lol-dop...Bill goes "If that smells I'm gonna smack you!" tee hee

    Bev D x

  93. At 08:05 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Mark Occomore wrote:

    God Chris Spooks was fantastic. I wonder if you watched Afterlife on Saturday ( ITV 1) if not recorded it. It was fantastic, must watch it again this week..

    Freddie could of written the music whilst watching the cleaner hoover for him lol lol...........

    Best regards


  94. At 08:12 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Linda wrote:

    Hi Chris and bloggers,

    Chris, you should just be realistic about all the healthy stuff in the fridge,y'know, don't create the high expectation/failure/massive guilt syndrome!....walking in the dark can smell nice especially if there are trees about and the air is cold, also, not bad if walking past food shops,,,aromas of spices, pizzas etc although these may make you more hungry and set up desires for said stuff instead of that fishy salad...hmmm.

    Questions and answers eh...the eternal why? I heard that somewhere once but never understood what it meant. Suppose thats it.

    Bigun...Kyleigh...lots of love to you both, we can all help out when others come to us in strife, ya never know when it might be your turn to be on the other end and need help. I think life gives us all the opportunity to play an angel for someone sometime.

    Purpleimp (16) I think you should begin some research about a job that would give you a good feeling inside, something yuo wouldn't mind doing every day, then set about finding said job. If you have to retrain for it then do it. Dosn't matter if it will take a few years to get there, thats the fun bit, you'll come across all sorts of folks and make all kinds of new connections. One wise blogger remarked earlier on in the life of blogging that 'Happiness is a way of travel and not a destination'. (A least I think it was a blogger).

    Cath (28), Good luck for tomorrow.
    Hazel Love (63) I think blogging and time bubbles are synonimous.

    Have a great tuesday evening everyone...tomorrow is hump day, my my don't time fly, Luvvies x

  95. At 08:23 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Teresa wrote:

    you're a clever ol' soul Christophe. Full of sense and able to pass it on - like a teacher.. a very good, sensible teacher. Thanks

  96. At 08:30 PM on 19 Sep 2006, julie wrote:

    good evening chris - (the sexiest man on the planet)

    i had my dinner, cleaned the house very quickly and off i got into my little ford ka. Off to my friend Eleri's house to use her computer.
    there is no way i could go a day without reading your blog and sending a message from me (even though they make no
    when you said this eve on your show that you didn't think it was a good idea for us bloggers to meet and have a party for various reasons then i thought oh - that means we may never meet and there are really nice people who sound fantastic fun - Dot,Rachel Em etc etc
    although it would be nice to meet people it would be even better to meet you but it doesn't mean you would have to come if there was a get together! anyway don;t think the other bloggers are keen!!

    hey ho - liked the show with ABBA man- i am a massive fan of theirs.

    i am really tired now - my flow has gone not that there was a flow (it must have been broken up by the car journey!)

    wish you were here - wish i was there
    going home to do my ironing -
    oh just remembered on sat eve when i was really drunk - i was saying how much i fancied you and i wanted your children -as you do!
    then this fella said that you had had the SNIP - is this true?
    hope you have not had snip - that means will have to find another!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    for christmas please can i have a computer so i can blog to my hearts content!!!!!!!!!!
    have a good sleep - love julie xxxxxxxxxxxx

  97. At 08:34 PM on 19 Sep 2006, julie wrote:

    p.s get your wand out for the girls!!!!!!!!

  98. At 08:35 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Sarah wrote:

    Good Lord so many comments and so little time to read them all.
    Today was horrible, very sad. I have to resign from a job I love due to the fact one person in the company is making mine and every other colleagues unbearable. He is a bully and unfotunatley my immediate boss has resigned due to him and on principle I have to as well. How can one person ruin it for so many people? We all love what we do, all get on great as a team and have the best interest of our company at heart. I'm sorry to moan....hit the bottle early tonight....i know i know it wont help.

    Off to watch Stephen Fry ( always on my my Dinner Party wish list) finish the bottle and worry about the other stuff tomorrow

  99. At 08:46 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Myra wrote:

    Hi All

    Wrote a blog and then I think I deleted it by mistake Doh.....

    Will wait and see, just incase it comes up.

    Love to all especially Big'Un and Hazel Love.

    Big Hugs.

    One slightly peeved Myra....xxxxx

  100. At 08:48 PM on 19 Sep 2006, julie wrote:

    p.p.s SLUG STORY:
    just reading over the messages - saw the one about slugs..

    last night a slug/snail think was slugging it's way across my kitchen blind - how yucky was that - i had to get someone else to get rid of the slug trail - how vile!
    i hate them - missed the start of the slug talk on the show yesterday - would like to know where the hell they come from as when i go to put the rubbish in the bin at night there will be no slug on floor - i turn around and there it is the slug!

    i remember once someone leaving a plastic bag outside their front door which i went to pick up (there was something in it at the time) and put it on my lap in the car - next minute i felt this wet stuff all over my hands - oh yes it was the dreaded slug /s all over the bag and i had felt them - i was driving at the time and slammed my breaks on jamp out of the car - screamed all over the place -
    talking about cars - it can be very dangerous if you are driving when a wasp comes in

    last summer i was trying to park my car one morning before going to work and a wasp came in through my window to try and get rid of the wasp i thought it would be a good idea to step out of the car and hoot my horn to get rid of it- that didn;t work so i turned the engine on -but it was in gear .. the car went forward with me outside of it into another car dragging me at the side of it ..broke my shoes, ripped my skirt, had scratches all over my legs - blood everywhere -into some fellas new car which was at the time on the dock (fortunately there was a big piece of wood stopping it going into the harbour!

    good night
    love julie xx

  101. At 08:50 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Myra wrote:



    BIG HUGS..





  102. At 09:17 PM on 19 Sep 2006, kate wrote:

    Good one the DJ. I wondered yesterday what your Mum would think of you blog, you have kind of answered my question.

    Thanks to the good Dr for yet another interesting and amusing blog(s) think you will end up with your own tv show.

    Didn't listen to the show tonight as was on science homework (Biology with the boy wonder and general with golden girl), latin translation (quite interesting, want to learn more) and spellings. Still reading Narnia at bedtime and now have one eye on Panorama football transfers. It was always going to be corrupt.

    You have definite fans Monsier Evans. Best that us bloggers don't meet, it is unlikely that we can be the new TOGS at this stage, maybe in a couple of years when things have settled down.

    Sleep well all
    kit kat

  103. At 09:38 PM on 19 Sep 2006, saran wrote:

    i've already found my magic wand already...i'm gonna be the good fairy in panto in January, i get to wear lots of pink and glittery things. makes life a bit more pink and sparkly !!!

  104. At 10:06 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Carolyn wrote:

    Hi, Chris
    Think the brain cells are suffering from overload of 'crap' food.

    The Sistine chapel was painted by Michelangelo not Leonardo di Vinci. Was there in July and was indoctrinated by our guide. Beautiful place but full of noisy tourists, which spoilt it. Supposed to be a quiet spot.

    Can recommend Rome!!!

    By the way, Michelangelo wasn't a very pleasant character ...

    As for multi-tasking, don't worry about doing it. Enjoy life one thing at a time!


  105. At 10:37 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Clare wrote:

    Keith aka the Big Un, you are such a wonderful, wonderful man! Gosh, I just want to give you a super sized hug to say thanks for you being so fabulous! For any teenager to know that she (or he) can come to your door at those hours and feel that they are secure - not just with you and your wonderful wife, but also with your daughter who is a credit to you and your wife... well I'm just delighted that folk like you still exist! :) Thank you!

    Dr McCrumble... can you PLEASE put a warning for me next time?! Every one of your blogs has made me laugh so hard I've all but had to run to the loo to prevent leakages! Dolores is one hell of a lady! Please, give her a hug from me and tell her that I think that she's brilliant! The grasshopper... poor thing! But hey, still being able to make your hands shake... good sign there Mrs McC! ;)

    Chris, you look fine, man boobs or not! ;) Actually I can't see you but I bet you still look fine! Enjoy the fine foods in your fridge. I'm sprouting seeds into little shoots which are meant to be super healthy. So far, I've spilt some of them on the floor and the rest are going a bit wild! but hey... healthy food is fun! ;)

    Had a bitch of a day at work today, the rankings for Business Schools are driving me nuts! I had all the stats (total maths buffoon so this took me ages also no database so it's done on word and excel docs) sorted by 10am as the boss requested. Came back from her 10am meeting only to tell me that the dates for the grads being examined had changed from the ones I'd originally done, to the ones I'd been told we were doing back to the ones I had originally done! You could see steam coming out of my ears! Then I atom-like split myself to remove and hide all the books arriving for the students in the other bus school building's resource room so that they wouldn't be stolen by this year's lot of students and not the new cohort of students coming in!

    BUT... my moment of sheer joy came courtesy of my wonderful, fabulous colleague who shall remain nameless for fear of shaming her (altho she doesn't read this blog, have asked her to make sure!) let's just call her Tabby though. Tabby sits in her corner of the office and often looks perplexed at life. She asks me questions which I've now termed "Friday questions" because they normally hit me at 4.45pm on a Friday afternoon when my brain's gone into meltdown and they are real humdinger life questions. However, today's wasn't so much a question... but a comment to the world and I quote Tabby here "There was once a time when I really thought that there really was a place called Timbuktoo" well, I just looked at her perplexed before saying "but... there IS a place called Timbuktoo!" bless Tabby, we absolutely belly laughed about this and I wobbled the way home on my bike giggling and with a huge grin on my face! She's a wonderful person and just so precious like that. She's also one to adore just stopping to smell the roses, hates multi-tasking and wants to do things one at a time! :)

    Btw, I love the jokes Keith! I wish I could remember the punchlines so I could tell them at work... only I'm so daft with things like that... took me three years to work out the joke about what you call a deer that couldn't see... my punchline was "I don't know!" the REAL punchline is, of course, "No idea" as in no eyed deer! ha ha! the continuation being "what do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?" "Still no idea!" when I got this joke (three years later on the way back from Chester with my sister&dad) I laughed so much I fell off the car seat and my dad nearly crashed the car he was laughing at me so much! I guess you had to be there!

    Much love to you all!

  106. At 11:07 PM on 19 Sep 2006, f 38 wrote:

    Yeah - whatever

    I have been away on business for the last couple of days.

    Driving home tonight and listening to the show - cool!

    I tried to be cool once or twice! Only last year at a posh party someone asked - "hold ups, suspenders or tights"

    So I tried to be a modern 38 year old and said hold ups. But I'm more of a comfort and tights person.

    But - I never say no to new things. I had worn suspenders and tights in the past, but never hold ups.

    So I bought some and wore them with a skirt suit - got petrol that morning, went to pay - with one hold up round my ankle! A big queue behind me! I ran to the car - took them off to then go and buy some tights to put on!

    I've tried them twice since - but to the same embarassment. Do I have one leg skinnier than the other?!

    Thank god for evenings and weekends when I can wear jeans or tracksuit etc.


  107. At 11:32 PM on 19 Sep 2006, carol wrote:

    Hi Chris , you do talk a lot of sense; but I would disagree with you re music and reading .You CAN read while music is playing although you CAN'T listen to Music while reading . I find if I have some music in the background it actually aids concentration. When I think about it I realise I have music on all day in some form or other .Right now its Classic FM .
    Today I was in manic mode and started painting the kitchen ; then the new man in my life phoned; and by the time we'd finished chatting,it was dusk and I had to abandon the project . Heavy rain here today but in between showers Me and Merlin had a good walk down by the sea; He tells me there were lots of good smells . NOW he's eating his "pigs ear" with gusto.I meanwhile am sipping a rather nice Whisky.


  108. At 11:03 AM on 20 Sep 2006, James or Parsnip wrote:

    It's nice to see everyone else reading my comments about the Sistine Chapel ceiling before posting themselves. Unheralded in the Wilderness, I am.

    I prefer the Raphael rooms next door myself, but last time I went they were all covered in sheeting in the process of being restored.

    For Sarah #98: I am really sorry to hear that. If it is any consolation, my wife did the opposite: she stuck it out and tried to take on the bullies. It drove her to a total nervous breakdown, and she lost her job as a result. The payout you get is nowhere near compensation for the trauma - it's been horrible watching her go through it all. Plus she's now effectively blacklisted in our local area for having complained about what has gone on. I know there is a legal system which does provide a route for someone, but when everyone is too frightened to do anything it does not work. It doesn't provide the assistance needed, and I speak as a lawyer.

    So walking away may be extremely hard - I am sure it is - but sometimes life is too short to jeopardise your sanity.

    Good luck with what comes next.

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