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Chris Evans | 08:01 UK time, Thursday, 21 September 2006

Morning blog babys.

This weather is becoming ridiculous, it makes me want to scream it鈥檚 so good. Another blue sky and another green tea. All my faculties seem to be with me, yes ...system check is affirmative. It seems I鈥檓 ready for another thirsty Thursday on Planet Us.

I had dinner last night with Sue Lawley. I know, can you believe it ? She is a goddess. Unfortunately her husband鈥檚 pretty impressive as well. A very clever man with a wit to match. The dinner itself was a very low key affair, sophisticated but not stuffy, very friendly鈥

The evening was in honour of Sue鈥檚 time on Desert Island Discs. After eighteen years and after coming across 770 castaways, she had finally found dry land.

It was like an Agatha Christie novel. There were eight former castaways present but none of us knew why we were there. Why had we been chosen to represent the other 762 ? The answer it transpired was, that during our time on the island we had all displayed several things in common:-

We had all been candid more than we needed. We had all gotten on well with our illustrious inquisitor. And none of us had included My Way, in our selection of discs. (My Way, is the most selected song on the show).

The evening was swell. The food was tasty and not too fancy, the company was a-m-a-z-i-n-g. And the speeches, well 鈥 they were the most articulate, grammatically perfect, literate, poetic speeches I have ever heard.

When Sue finally said her piece, I couldn鈥檛 believe I was there. I had to pinch myself several times. Listening to her describe the day she got the job, how she鈥檇 then gone about her task for the last two decades and then how she鈥檇 decided it was time for her to set sail once and for all back to port. It was like a master class. It was a master class.

The one thing that came through again and again, was how hard she would prepare for each show. How, when she sat someone down, there was no point in them trying to run away from a line of questioning because she鈥檇 read 鈥渆verything鈥 about them and she knew where she was going and what she wanted and they had no choice but to go with her and it was all going to be ok because she was there to help them say what they wanted to say, even if they didn鈥檛 realise it at the time.

She was like a therapist with a microphone, hankies and all. When I came out of my recording, red eyed and more than a little disorientated, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

The atmosphere in the D.I.D. studio is so intimate one entirely forgets that this is an interview for broadcast. You are offered a cup of tea and a biccie and then led through to the cubicle. As the huge sound proof door thuds shut, the atmosphere is transformed. It鈥檚 deathly silent. There is a table, two microphones, a stopwatch, nothing else. Then Sue sits down, almost in slow motion. She settles herself, takes one last look at her type written intro and then looks up and smiles. It's the smile of a reassuring nurse. She鈥檚 now fixed you straight in the eye. She holds your gaze, it seems like for ever鈥 you are under her spell

鈥淪o, are you ok to go ?鈥

It鈥檚 at this precise moment the outside world ceases to exist, you are now in Sue鈥檚 world, you are on her island and there鈥檚 not another soul in sight.

The next hour and a half, is then like a dream. A dream that you know you enjoyed but you can only vaguely recollect. A dream blurred at the edges.

You know there was a beautiful woman in there somewhere, with the softest of voices and the kindest of eyes, and that for a while it was like you and she were the only two people alive. There was no one else around, there was only her to talk to. Everything else was in the past and she wanted you to tell her about it save she may be the last person you ever meet. Without her ear your story would die.

It was like being really stranded, a moment when all there is, is reflection. A God given moment to take stock of how the hell we all get to where ever it is we are.

You talk to her and the words start to flow, streams of honesty and consciousness and things you've never told your best friend, things you've never admitted to yourself. All the time she looks and she listens and she listens oh so well. Her facial expressions move you on, encouraging you to keep going, "

"Keep going, carry on, you know there's more to this," and there is.

She sees you're done, she smiles that smile again,

"There, that wasn't so bad was it, now have a rest we'll play a record and get yourself ready for the next installment."

This isn't what she actually says but ut's exactly how it feels.

The use of songs as memory pegs for your life is genius. It sounds so simple but it's so clever. How your tastes changed, why they changed, who you were influenced by. The key to picking the eight songs anyone who's been a castaway will tell you, is not to choose your favorite eight but to choose the eight with the best stories, the eight that say most about who you are. And the use of these songs to break up a persons story is such a perfect device.

As each song is played and another tale is seduced out of you, you suddenly realise this adventure is coming to an end and now you don't want to be rescued ! You want to stay there for ever, with this wonderful, wonderful woman, for the rest of your life.

That鈥檚 why Sue Lawley was so brilliant on Mr. Plumley's island. She took his metaphor for exactly what it was and she never let it slip, not for a second. She totally got it. And thanks to her, so did we.

You were not an interviewee, you were a real castaway, like so many of us are from time to time and Sue was there to help get you back home.

Sue, it was a total honour.



  1. At 10:01 AM on 21 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Dear Chris,

    Another excellent blog....glad you enjoyed your evening, and that appearing on the show left such a deep and indelible mark.

    I'd been searching the internet to try and come up with a list of the eight songs that you chose....but have failed. Perhaps you might remind us bloggers what they were....and we'll all draw our own conclusions as to why you really picked them!

    Have a good day, and a great show.

    All the best

    Fountain Man

  2. At 10:07 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Peels wrote:

    So, what were your songs then Chris?

    Morning btw - it's a beaut, yes sirree

  3. At 10:08 AM on 21 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Dear Chris,

    Sorry...I should have searched harder before posting.....found your list of songs.

    1. Sweet Talkin' Woman - ELO.
    2. Rubber Duckie - Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street.
    3. It Must Be Love - Madness.
    4. Here, There and Everywhere - The Beatles.
    5. Stuck in a Moment - U2
    6. Money Song - The Andrews Sisters
    7. Philosopher's Stone - Van Morrison
    8. We are the Champions - Queen

    An eclectic selection....but an entertaining one.

    All the best

    Fountain Man

  4. At 10:10 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Clare wrote:

    Good morning on this gorgeous day in September Chris and fellow bloggers!

    I don't understand your title at all, but I love the image that you portray!

    Your blog had my eyes opening wider and wider with amazement and I do think I stopped breathing. Not that what you were saying was shocking, but that it was such an experience... almost as though I were closed away with you feeling the emotions that you were experiencing (well not completely of course but in a sense, an essence) whilst tracing through the lines of your life through the history of song with Sue being the catalyst, gently pulling all of this out of you.

    I find that my life is coloured with the anthems of my life. My memory of most of my childhood (particularly teen years) has been all but blown away (perhaps intentionally - a coping strategy) by the fact I was undiagnosed with epilepsy for so long. I was finally diagnosed when I was 19. All I do remember are the songs, maybe not who sung them, certainly not the titles, but the tunes and the words seem to have stuck in my memory. From that I construct a web of my life, clothing, some emotions, some of the faces that litter my past that I can hold on to. The rest... it's like smoke that has slowly dispersed. Perhaps the scent remains of it all, but the actual memories are almost gone.

    The songs kept me going in my little world that I locked myself into as a protection strategy. Now they are something that I look back on almost fondly. I see myself today, the person I am now and realise that my experiences then were only to strengthen the person I am now. The songs are my banner that I carry with pride as they helped me through.

    Your evening with Sue Lawley sounded fantastic. What a lucky guy you are to have been invited.

    Enjoy the pillows in London!

  5. At 10:10 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Jasper wrote:

    What an extraordinary experience it seems to have been.

    Odd, isn't it, that because of the variety of people one knows for a variety of reasons (work, sport, social, childhood, family) not one of those people will necessarily know all about you? I used to think that I should answer the question "How are you?" in full. Now I can't be bothered.

    Anyway, I'm reticent by nature but part of me wants the opportunity to say it exactly as it is without fear of recrimination or of hurting anyone. Not telling it as I wish it was, or even as I remember it, but exactly as it is. I'm slightly scared by the idea of opening up completely though.

  6. At 10:16 AM on 21 Sep 2006, J wrote:

    Sue not only sounds great but looks great. She was my teenage fantasy whilst on Nationwide.

    Anybody else out there old enough to remember?

  7. At 10:23 AM on 21 Sep 2006, kate wrote:

    Uncanny. I sat last night looking a the list of casataways on the internet and their chosen songs, book, luxury. I have to say with real sincerity that when I listened to you on the Island it was like listening to you for the first time, it was real. I was very moved. Liked your choice of music especially Van.

    I shall miss Sue Lawley on Sunday mornings after the Archers and long before Gardeners Question Time but have the continued enjoyment of listening to the DJ every weekday evening.

    Have a good day, I'm off to do a bit of 'hacking back' in the garden

    Kit kate

  8. At 10:26 AM on 21 Sep 2006, wrote:

    o m g

    You have to do this. It is the funniest thing ever. I've almost wee'd myself this morning.

    this will make you smile if nothing else does.

  9. At 10:26 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Jennie wrote:

    now thats more like it! Life is a journey, not a destination, the last few days i began to feel you were all parked in a layby looking at the map. Drive on people - take in the view.

    Especially on a day like today, if you are in london get to Traf sq - they have put big chairs all over the place for random sitting / spectating - who knows why? but i had a lovely half hour there this morning with my coffee watching the world scurry to work. (then got up and did the same myself)

    Last night was stunning too - the stars were so amazing, and i even saw a shooting one - made a wish, will keep you posted.

    Take care shloggers

  10. At 10:29 AM on 21 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Sorry Chris,

    I know I should have commented on your profound Blog, and it was, but I was giggling so much at that web site i couldn't help myself.

    Spread a little happiness,and that's what you, Ms Lawley do always, and I've done today.


  11. At 10:29 AM on 21 Sep 2006, kate wrote:

    ps forgot to say. I LOVE LOADS OF PILLOWS ON MY BED. I drool over the White Company Catologue - pillow section - should I buy myself a new hungarian goose down?
    I'm off to plump them before the hacking back starts!!!

    Kit kate

  12. At 10:29 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi Chris

    in a hushed darkened studio somewhere in London, England

    'Ms Lawley in...5...4...3...2...1...'

    'Good morning Mr Crusoe. Welcome to Desert Island Discs. Would you please give us the name of your first choice please?'

    'Friday on my mind'

    boom boom etc

    I wonder if Ms Lawley knows the effect she can have. It must be like some kind of huge purging session sometimes as people have hunted through their lives and souls for those tracks which mean so much - which you've done too Chris.
    It even seems likely that this may have been a turning point for you. There are all sorts of different ways people 'find themselves' and the shedding of old woundings and perceptions is one of the best, helping you to find newer better ways to be you.
    Is there any way you can let us know the discs you chose please? I'm sure my fellow bloggers would be most interested, particularly if they missed your airing as I did.

    Definitely rambling. Still suffering from after effects of dog incident (see last night) so will stop for now.

    land ahoy

  13. At 10:35 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Nick Spiers wrote:

    Great Night out Chris

    And a great insight into your time in the D I D cocoon. I sometimes feel that it is a shame that normal non celebrities cannot go through an experience such as this themselves.

    At least they can try and imagine it thru your blog.

    Do you feel that you would like to do your own version of D I D in the furture?

  14. At 10:44 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Nick C wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I missed you on DID is there any chance of us getting the cance to listen again to your interview.

    Nick C

  15. At 10:44 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Jennie wrote:


    according to McCrumbles web site he has been arrested!! I assume that means we wont be hearing from him - unless dolores will blog on his behalf.

    May the firm hand of the law treat you gently J McC


  16. At 10:48 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Paul Graham wrote:

    Remember the weather may be fine in good old London, but here on the west coast of scotland in Ayrshire it is not. However my systems are also all go thanks to the great music and chat on your show.
    Keep up the good work.
    P. ;o)

  17. At 10:55 AM on 21 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Wow man.
    You do spoil us. The company has rubbed off as your eloquence is particularly high today. It's so important to keep good company. I'd love to know who the other seven were......x

    I remember you on D.I.D. I cried and laughed with you as with so many others over the years. Sue Lawley has a wonderful gift of soul and I am touched to hear of your admiration for her. To be one of only eight selected she must think very highly of you too. It's good to know I'm in such good company. x

    As a therapist I know the importance of making a client feel the bond if one is to achieve anything at all by the meeting. I take a long time to prepare and 'cleanse' my working environment to receive people and would like to think it is as intimate and private as you have so eloquently described. My 'tuning in' rate is high so it must be okay but there's always room for improvement. It's never occurred to me to request that clients bring a list of favourite/most memorable music. What an effective tool that could be in opening some doors.
    Thank you for that. x

    Debs x

  18. At 10:57 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Nick C wrote:

    Hi Chris

    The link below is to Chris's DID page


    We can't listen to it again because of rights reasons. However I only want to hear what you said not too bothered about the records so could it be edited.

    Nick C

  19. At 11:00 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Paul wrote:

    Good morning all,

    What another beautiful morning! What's up with this weather!?!?!? Don't get me wrong driving the thirty miles to work was very pleasurable, especially watching the sun come up as I neared the coast, reflecting off the mist covering the fields, and even better it felt like I was the only one on the road, no other cars what a bonus! It felt like one moment in time that only I saw, which is why I'm sharing with you.

    Back to another day at the salt mines, another day another dollar and all that.

    Is it wrong to wish the day away? Well at least until I can go home, point the car West and flick the radio on and relax to Mr E.

    Have a good day all and keep the posts coming. Keeps me going through the day!!!!


  20. At 11:10 AM on 21 Sep 2006, andy (Nico's dad) wrote:

    what would the bloggers top 3 for desert island discs be if ever invited.

    me ?

    Massive Attack - Unfinished Sympathy.

    Johnny Cash - Hurt (obviously)

    and either

    Blondie - Atomic


    Associates - Party Fears Two

    can i have 4 please.

  21. At 11:15 AM on 21 Sep 2006, steve mckenry wrote:

    Morning Chris

    I too cannot get over this weather, as we have spent the last 6 hours being battered by Mr Gordon's Hurricane. But hey its still warm and the sun might come out sometime nextweek. Glad you enjoyed last nite you say the food was good, but being a foodie like yourself what did you eat??

    Looking forward to tonite's show with Mr Winstone

    Have a good day and happy blogging


  22. At 11:16 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Josie wrote:

    Morning Chris & Schloggers

    Island Nic - Happy birthday to you da dee da. Hope you have a wonderful day.

    Big Un - loved your joke for this morning. Made me laugh out loud, much to the consternation of next doors cat.

    Chris - Great blog. Didn't hear your D.I. Disc session, obviously an incredible experience and how wonderful that you were invited to the dinner last night. Glad you enjoyed it so much. Some people are just awe inspiring aren't they? Opening up to someone can be such a cathartic experience. Most of life is punctuated by the mundaneand very generic kind of conversation and is only lifted to a higher level when a big emotional event happens or you meet somebody new with whom you form a deep friendship/relationship. It's such a wonderful feeling even if it can be painful at times.

    Sat in the garden on a beautiful sunny day in the west country. Very red faced, post-gym session, sipping my tea and hugely appreciating the invention of wireless lap tops! Next doors cat is stretched out in front of me, occasionally rolling over to scratch her back properly on the patio. Trust me, if there is such a thing as reincarnation I want to book my next time as a cat. In a good home, with a catflap (so I can come and go as I please), fields close by full of mice, and somebody kind who will let me snuggle on their lap and scratch behind my ear. Perfect. Or should that be purrfect? Sorry, couldn't resist!

    Have a great day everyone, whatever the weather.

    Jo xx

  23. At 11:19 AM on 21 Sep 2006, kate wrote:

    Well I've blogged twice and they're not here! My goodness I don't believe I wrote anything that would be offensive and no naughty words. Oh well here goes again but I really should be in the garden!

    Last night by sheer coincidence I was looking on the web at desert islanders, their songs, books and luxury. Chris I listen every Sunday to D I Discs and yours moved me so much (not from the kitchen sink to the fridge.....inside) It was like listinening to you for the first time, meeting a new person. I enjoyed your choice of songs, love ELO and Van is always just so good.

    I shall miss Sue Lawley after the Archers and long before Gardeners Question Time.....Still it will return soon with a new presenter and there I shall be, pottering in the kitchen learning about peoples lives. In the meantime I am able to listen to the DJ every weekday evening.

    Pillows are wonderful, the more the better. I drool over The White Company Catalogue - pillow section - shall I treat myself to a new hugarian goose down?

    Now I am going into the garden to hack back....where did I put those loppers????

    A good day to all

    Kit kate
    ps I apologise if this appears twice

  24. At 11:26 AM on 21 Sep 2006, wrote:

    I love Rubber Ducky - it makes me cry happy tears. Takes me right back to when my 4 year old and 1 year old sat and watched Sesame St on the couch at 1 pm.

    Party Fears Two - Amazing Song. No Idea what the hell it's all about, but jeepers goes right thru you. Stuck in a Moment brings me out in cold shivers - hairs on end and everything. What about Best of You. Foo Fighters. Excellent Stirring song.

    And Yes, is pouring and wet in Ayrshire, and the storm gates are shut in the marina, but I can see the sun starting to break thru from the South... Roll on the sunny weather this afternoon.

    Hel. XX

  25. At 11:37 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Jo wrote:

    RE Andy @ 16 - My top 3 would have to be - in no particular order,

    Spin Doctors - Little Miss Can't be wrong
    James - Laid
    Pulp - Babies

    All with numerous wonderful attachments to attach to them - I am 90's kind of person, can you tell?

    I think it's so difficult to choose 8 songs, music is so varying for me, depending on my mood - someone once told me to never underestimate the power of music, to do what I never found out but I think I know what they meant. Is anything else so well equipped to match our personalities, moods or emotions - I think not.

    There are certain songs I listen to when I'm feeling down, and others that are in my favourites when I'm in a dancing round the living room with the curtains open kind of mood.

    Just a thought - sometimes when I'm on the way to work I get held up by a farmer moving his cows (should that be mooving?) down the road to a different field. Usually this is a major annoyance (and is slightly scary - they're big things cows!) as it means a delay of around 10 minutes on my journey. Arriving at work later than usual, annoyed and flustetred usually sets me up for a bad day.

    Today I was speaking to someone who was amazed about the whole cow thing, I showed them a picture of the cows on the road taken on my phone. They loved it - it was refreshing to see another persons reaction to the cow situation, they thought it was wonderful to live somewhere where you can actually get held up by cows. Now I shall be grateful for my cow traffic whenever I come upon it and enjoy my cow friends.

    :o) Jo

    Today I have come to realise that countryside feeds the soul (or mine at least)

    If you do one silly thing today, dance in the living room with the curtains open, it's fun!

  26. At 11:43 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Kate 23# Is a hugarian goose down the same as a west country ho down?

    Can't settle this morning. Have just read all before and all yesterdays and the rest of Tuesdays - all superb. Peels - what went on?

    Sorry no. Love it on here and as you've seen, can usually ramble on for some pages, but no, gotta go. Just can't concentrate. do be do be do...

    The sun is out over Brighton & Hove and the wind is blowing my socks off!

    Bright 'n breezy

  27. At 11:49 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Miss Scarlet wrote:

    D.I.D. What did you do to rmember this song? I suppose it's not always a favourite at all, just something that is pictured in your mind.
    One of those for me was Flowers in the Rain/The Move. This was the first ever record played on Radio 1 by Tony Blackburn. I was going to school by car at the time and insisited my mother tuned in.
    Things were to get worse for her when Led Zepplin started booming out of my bedroom with double bass enhancer.

  28. At 11:54 AM on 21 Sep 2006, nicki wrote:

    Hel cRUSE #8 I clicked 鈥榟ere鈥 and it took me a while to notice what I鈥檇 done!!!!!!!!!! V Funny

    It鈥檚 such a nice day am off to feed the ducks 鈥 with out book as I fear this may cause me great pain 鈥 will contemplate my 8 songs.

    Great choice Chris

    By the way quite new to this, just looked at McCrumbles web site 鈥 is it me?

  29. At 11:55 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Clare wrote:

    Oh yes, contented birthday Island Nic hope you have a really lovely day! :)

    Your chosen songs Chris were fandabidozi! I didn't hear you on DID and do wish that there is a way to listen now. However, your eloquence today was really helpful in letting us in on the experience.

    It's true that Dr McC has been arrested! Even Ravel has been sent to A&E! OMG! :-O Sounds horrendous! Hope you get out soon Dr McC! Dolores, take care of yourself!

    To all those without sunbeams today, I send you a scene from Jubilee Campus in Nottingham, the wooden sheds which make up the academic buildings are looking stunning against the blue of the sky (it's a really gorgeous colour here today) and the grass is lush and green. The orange berries on some of the architectural plants outside the window are a blast of bright colour to dazzle the sleepy passers by. The breeze is obviously blowing from the city centre because the passing trains are audible, specially when they hoot their horns. The leaves on the trees are changing into their autumnal shades, most are still green but paling a little before turning yellow, russet, brown etc.

    The ducks and geese on the campus lake are always quite vociferous and, at the moment, have this strange thing of running around with their heads bent down as though they are about to scoop up the poor unsuspecting duck or goose that they are about to chase. The coots are even starting to copy-cat and do the same thing. The moorhens are just petrified though. As soon as I glide by on my bike they run hell for leather to escape from me! The same when I walk by as well! Really nervy little birds they are. The fish are starting to feel the warmth of the air and beginning to do leaps out of the water, causing sparkles of light to be captured on their skin and the water that cascades off them.

    Inside our building today we have traffic lights... there's a conference on for traffic control workers and there really are traffic lights and the works flashing away.

    Take care bloggers, sunbeams from Nottingham to you all!

  30. At 11:56 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Sammie wrote:

    Morning all,

    First day viewing the Blog this week - I've been poorly :-(

    I've missed so much...

    Happiness - if someone has to ask if you're 'happy' - then maybe you're not.... Happiness or satisfaction or whatever you want to call it, should be visible for all to see.... it's evident in the smile you give to strangers, your demeaner when walking down the street and the love in your eyes for your children/partner/pet/car (!)...

    Wishes for 'happiness' to you all


  31. At 11:58 AM on 21 Sep 2006, Alex Fordham wrote:

    my my...

    All it takes for me to have such moments is gin. Honestly, it's more effective than any truth serum or therapy option going. My local bar person has now taken to handing me a hankie with my tonic...

    Not that I spend long periods as a bar lush with mascara dripping down my face after too much of the mothers ruin you understand. But lordy, times can be tough

    Fraudham x

  32. At 12:14 PM on 21 Sep 2006, kate wrote:

    hazel # 26

    West Country ho down a little firmer

    Am lopping, just popped in for a drink. Blimey its a warm day in Cambridge

    kit kate

  33. At 12:18 PM on 21 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Dear Chris, and fellow bloggers

    It is with some regret that I must inform you that my husband, Dr Joseph McCrumble, will not be joining you today for with his usual outpouring of 'humorous' stories and pub-talk 'philosophy'.

    No, he is currently in a small police cell at our local police station being interviewed about 2 incidents that occured in recent months. I am sure he'll be bailed sometime soon, unless it goes very badly, in which case you can go visit him when he gets sent down, if you don't mind the journey.

    He asked me on the phone if I 'wouldn't mind' taking over for a bit.

    I'll think about it.

    yours sincerely

    Dolores McCrumble

    P.S. Chris speaks in such glowing terms about Ms Lawley it makes you wonder, eh?

  34. At 12:19 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Katie wrote:

    Good afternoon Chris & All

    Your experience with Sue sounds very honest & emotional - she must be pretty darn good to captivate people like that, I'm happy to know that she had a good send off from the show.

    Thirsty Thursday here involves a night out with two of my best girlie friends, first for an early meal and then on to watch a film and of course mmmpopcornmmm. Looking forward to it very much as there's never a quiet moment when we get together and plenty of laughter and occasional choking.

    Very sad news about Prof J Mc - does Dolores know which police force has taken him and for which offence? Hopefully he'll be given bail!

    Kate #23 - what's so special about Hungarian goose down? Is it the best you can get in pillows? I don't really know much about pillows, just generally buy them in a pack of two off the high street.

    HEL cRUSE #8 - that site is brilliant isn't it. My hubby did on with the heads of our two boys the other day and it was hysterical - though to be honest though the 13 year old really laughed the 16 year old just did the customary grunt of a teenage boy.

    Well that's me outta here, best go do all the things that need doing that I've ignored while I've been on here.

    Have a good afternoon everyone.

    Hear you at 5


  35. At 12:52 PM on 21 Sep 2006, ANDREW THOMAS DAIRY FARMER FROM TUE WOMANS MIN wrote:


  36. At 12:59 PM on 21 Sep 2006, F 38 wrote:

    My thoughts today have to be with Richard Hammond. I am a big Top Gear fan and I hope he recovers. His family and friends must be very concerned.

    Chris - I think you should create a specific blog for everyone to say get well Richard.

  37. At 01:00 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Hamlet wrote:

    Hubris leads to the Nemesis experience.
    Stop trying to convince us, ....exhausting. be a bit more real.
    This is a sincere comment, not an envious moan.
    Well done for everything else.

  38. At 01:05 PM on 21 Sep 2006, wrote:

    The sun is now officially shining in Ayrshire. No more rain, still a bit breezy, but lovely and I'm glad to be alive.

    Andrew Thomas - you don't need tickets for Bill Clinton?? Eh? You've got a 10 month old baby who adores you and is at the BEST age ever for cuddles and fun - and if you do it right, they'll still be cuddling you 15 years on. babies - best thing anyone ever thought of.

  39. At 01:11 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Fountain Man wrote:

    Dear Chris and fellow bloggers,

    Following on from the great Scissor Sisters dance site [Thanks Hel] I thought that you might appreciate the attached.

    It's a hilarious video from a band called OK GO....and shows the most fun you can have with eight running machines.....what a scream! Maybe you should try this at your local gym on your next visit....or then again, maybe not!!

    Be inspired....make your own version.....send it to Chris!!!


    Fountain Man

  40. At 01:28 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Peels wrote:

    Just been sent this link:
    Everyone needs to listen to this song - its a massive ray of sunshine for sunny day

    and deserves a play on the show tonight Chris!

  41. At 01:30 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Jo wrote:

    Andrew dairy man - what a coincidence you arrive after my cow musings earlier (should it be moosings?) perhaps you could answer me this?

    Why do female cows always try to mount each other when coming down the road, are they panicking that they are getting squashed in the crowd and need some fresh air, or are they simply wanting to stand up a bit higher to get a better view?

    Also, do there hooves not hurt the cow they are mounting?

    Puzzled Jo

  42. At 01:53 PM on 21 Sep 2006, clare wrote:

    it's my first time visiting the blog. I have been dying to have a look but not had chance. I listen every evening on my way home from work and am always intreged by the hints given about the blog. So here I am blogging in my lunch hour!!!
    It is really hot in my office here in Oldham so the good weather has finally reach oop north. Hoping it lasts for the weekend as off to a wedding on Saturday. My husband is the best man and I just want the speech out of the way.I know that might sound awful but I have heard it everyday more than once for the last 3 weeks!! I have been patient but I know the thing off by heart and think I will struggle to act spontaneous to his quips and jokes. Will have to do my best.
    Chris can you clarify something for me? Or anyone else for that matter. Why do dj's say the date as an americanism?? twenty one September two thousand six.
    Where are all the st's, of's and and's.

    Sorry to sound grumpy but need it to be thirsty Thursday night and get out of here
    Will blog again

  43. At 02:08 PM on 21 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    My Eight Songs I would choose would be
    The Chicken Song by Spitting Image
    Time Stood Still By Madonna
    Oh Father By Madonna
    Dont Look Back In Anger By Oasis
    Video Killed The Radio Star By Buggles
    Watch Out For Goofy by Walt Disney Prod
    Jump By Madonna
    Take My Breath Away By Berlin

    I keep hoping that one day you might mention me on your show

  44. At 02:13 PM on 21 Sep 2006, wrote:

    I love the OK GO dance. there was another one before the treadmills, and some wee lads at our local school re-created it for an "M-Factor" (Like the X Factor, but at Marr, the name of the school), There's copies of it flying around on Bebo.

    They were soooo good at it, it makes you want to get up and dance.

    I'm off for a boogie round the office.

    Hel (DWNB)

  45. At 02:19 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Well now. What a day.

    Here's hoping that Dr McCrumble is soon freed from any charges he may be facing. I'm sure that the Norfolk Constabulary (as apparently they are involoved) will come to see the error of their ways and let him go home.

    I've just looked at 麻豆约拍 News24 for news on Richard Hammond. It says that he is 'stable'. Thank you to the angels for keeping him here for his family and friends.

    What is the point of making programmes like Top Gear etc if you don't get the chance to do really good stuff? I'm damn sure that Donald Campbell would have given everything to have had all the opportunities that all the show's presenters, from Tiff to the Stig, have had, and not have to have spent every living day trying to perfect the Bluebird.

    Life is for living and if you're given gifts you accept them with open arms and take them as far as you can, which is what it seems, Richard was doing. Good for him.

    Love and thoughs to him, his family and friends.

    I hope that he broke the record too! Lets face it, if he has, he'll be a hero. How ironic.

    from a sheltered caravan

  46. At 02:27 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Rosalinda wrote:

    Hey everyone,

    I'm sorry if some of you haven't got lovely weather but here it's gorgeous. Strange though, leaves falling from the trees and 80 degrees heat? But who cares it's great.

    Fountain Man - thanks for that, it 's hysterical.


  47. At 02:27 PM on 21 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hello Chris and Fellow Blog Addicts!

    Just wanted to say your Blog today Chris made fascinating reading for me. I heard your Desert Island discs programme with Sue Lawley a while back. Although i had read about you in the press - I had never listened to your previous radio shows (my kids had!). So it was with great surprise that I really enjoyed your time on the programme, it certainly made me sit up and listen. It made you more three dimensional than the impression I had before listening to Desert Island Discs!

    I would also like to add my hopes for Richard Hammond's recovery from his terrible accident, and our thoughts are with him and all his family and friends, I was so shocked hearing the bad news last evening. He is a lovely, lovely man and an excellent presenter, I have always been very fond of him.

    Certainly put my bad morning into perspective here, having the loft insulated this morning and one of the water tanks in the roof sprang a leak. Poor man doing the insulation had to spend 15 mins doing an impression of the Boy with His Finger in the Dyke to stop the flood of water into my youngest son's bedroom. Local plumber fitted a valve to stop leak (or monsoon)and we are having to have a new tank fitted. Now we have no hot water, awaiting plumbers, and no shower working either. Ho Hum! But still smiling, in the scale of life, my water tanks are but a small puddle in the universe.

    Bon Chance Everyone. A water soaked Kaiser Chef. Ahoy Landlubbers etc etc etc....... x Jeannie ;0)

  48. At 02:30 PM on 21 Sep 2006, wrote:

    oooh meant to say, Hope the Good Dr J is freed from custody soon, Poor Dolores......!

  49. At 02:48 PM on 21 Sep 2006, wrote:

    When I heard the awful news about the Hamster, I instantly thought back to him on your show..... and what fun he sounded. Exactly like he does on Top Gear and Brainiac.

    My thoughts are with his family right now and willing him the strength to pull thru.

    Everyone - send your good thoughts.... the power of positive thought can't do any harm.

    Take Care Everyone!


  50. At 02:49 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Josie wrote:

    To Fountain Man and Hel Cruze - thanks for the web links. Both made me laugh lots. The treadmill is brilliant - what co-ordination. I have enough trouble getting on and off the bloomin' things!

    Josie x

  51. At 02:51 PM on 21 Sep 2006, nicki wrote:

    Fountain Man 鈥 how coooooooool is that? Probably get my membership stopped and be banned foreva!

    Didn鈥檛 complete my list but must have something from Tonic for the Troops as purchasing said item (1st album) was a defining moment for me being the eldest with no musical role model, having to listen to Lena horn and Perry Como 鈥 mum and dad must have wondered where they went wrong!!!, don鈥檛 fancy the pants of Sir Bob any more but have a huge amount of respect for him.


  52. At 03:11 PM on 21 Sep 2006, david lumb wrote:

    afternoon chris bloggers who the devil are we all this fine day a very warm day.

    so chris you met up with sue lawley blimey the woman with the poshed voice in radio and tv maybe although rebecca"don't tell'm you name" pike foxy has a really posh sounding voice yes no?

    my way a great TUUNNE!! by the master Frank Sinatra.

    ray winstone fine actor and one the show great chris

    and finally i hope richard hammond recovers soon as he's a top tv presenter

  53. At 03:22 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Louise Williams wrote:

    hi Chris

    What a fantastic opportunity you had to spend 90 minutes quietly being coaxed to really think about the reasons behind songs that mean the most to you. I struggle to find 5 minutes sometimes! Music is an escape to another world - a desert island!

    I often play the DID game with my husband! We choose songs we'd be happy to listen to forever if we had to.

    On the subject of green tea, my husband bought me a fab teapot to make herbal tea. It's glass with a metal plunger section in the middle - you put your leaves in there, pour on the water and let is stand. Once you've pushed the plunger down, the tea won't get any stronger. It's brill! I made some with pineapple sage the other day and it was lush!

    Highly recommended!


  54. At 03:23 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    Peels #40

    Ahhh, the memories. Jambo Bwana was number one in Kenya when I was there 4 or 5 years ago. The hotel had made up a dance routine to it and I can still remember it to this day.

    What a fantastic holiday - not only did I get to spend time with the animals, observing them and getting caught up in their world, but I made friends with the guys that were on my safari bus. I don't mean the sort where you get on well on holiday then send a christmas card for a few years, but the sort that when they heard about my life being turned upside down dropped everything and went out of their way for me. The sort of friend that phones you every now and again rather than every day, but they always call when you need them, like a sixth sense. The sort of friends that were planning a romantic week away together but invited me along in my hour of need, and the sort of friend that will not pass judgement nor take sides but will offer a friendly ear and sound advise but will not complain if that advise is not taken.

    Jambo Bwana - that has got to be one of my DID's!

    Thanks again Peels.

  55. At 03:29 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Geraldine Brown wrote:

    Hi Chris, as a newcomer to personal broadband via the promoter of Big Brother, i enjoyed reading the blog that i have heard so much about, Tell me, how to you get time in your very busy day to write so much, so perfectly, no errors or spelling mistakes - come clean, you have a person to type it for you don't you? Can i also say that i wasn't looking forward to you taking over from the best music man that ever trod this earth but i am always happy to give the youngsters a chance and you have grown on me, there is a side to you that i find very engaging and the music you play isn't bad either. Well done you. x

  56. At 03:36 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Susie Mac wrote:

    Really busy at work but can't help a sneaky peak at the blogs. Although some of you are obviously barking!
    Sun's out in Edinburgh now and I've got the day off tomorrow - going to climb a mountain.


  57. At 03:43 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Teresa wrote:

    I enjoyed that blog Christophe - thankyou
    Tess x

  58. At 03:56 PM on 21 Sep 2006, wrote:

    just read the fountain man's post. i love the rubber duckie song chris!!!! a BRILLIANT choice!!!
    I have no idea what i would choose. i think Spirit in the sky by doctor and the medics as thats one of the first songs i can remember!!
    glad you had a wonderful night!

  59. At 04:00 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Peels wrote:

    Mariella at #54 - you're welcome!!
    I had the best holiday EVER earlier this year in Kenya - went with my boyf (yes, the one who is currently fibbing to me - see earlier posts!) and we went to the coast at malindi and then into Tsavo for a photo safari - stayed at a tented camp next to a pool of hippos which made the most hilarious noises and STANK. And that is where said boyf popped le question - needless to say, I said yes, and we are planning the wedding - I love him regardless of fibs, naughty male.

    So, glad Jambo Bwana brought back your Kenyan memories - what a cool song, I wonder if its available on itunes?

  60. At 04:15 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Oz wrote:

    oh the pillows of North London
    Oh such a glorious day
    oh how i dream of fluffing those pillows
    on this another glorious day!

  61. At 04:21 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Glory be. It's been a bit heavy going in the Shlog Slot today d'you think?

    Dunno what I'd do really if I got asked to go on DID. Not everso likely to happen, but still...

    Eight meaningful songs. Been thinking all day and can't come up with eight actually meaningful. Can come up with eight, but then I don't think they changed my life at all, or were particularly significant. Who knows? They may have been...

    Crazy Horses - The Osmonds.
    My first real grown-up with money rather than a record token...I bought this but it kept jumping so I ended up with Crocodile Rock by Mr Elton John.

    School's Out - Alice Cooper
    Leaping round the playground with Gillian Packer whilst all the Donny Osmond and David Cassidy fans looked on in disgust. Kind of set my musical direction in granite according to my 'TURN THAT RACKET DOWN' mum.

    Tiesto - Barbers Adagio for Strings (William Orbit)
    This piece of music always got forwarded to the fast bit for me (however much I protested) by a friend who is sadly no longer on this earth. It brought all us strangers together at his funeral, and I can't hear it without tears and remembering the good.

    The Clash - White Man (in Hammersmith Palais)
    Because this is the first single I played on my own very first record player in my bedroom.

    Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit
    I worked in a record shop for a few years and the manageress was a bit of a hippy. She helped broaden my musical preferences, but I just couldn't stretch to Janis Ian... Ironic that it's all about 'drugs' and is being used by a chemist to advertise their skincare range.

    The Committments - Tenderness
    I know there have been a trillion versions of this song but I just love the way this breaks. It takes me back to a very tender time.

    Darude - Sandstorm
    The night of my epiphany

    The original version of So Much Love to Give
    Everyone we know calls this our record. It goes on and on and on, and I'm hoping that me and the boy do too....aaaaaaah

    I have no idea if anyone is interested in my choices or reasons, and I wonder how different my choices may be tomorrow or another day. It is hard to weed, but once it's done, you need to do it again!

    Mix on Macduff

    In reserve, REM - Everybody hurts
    For my Gran'ma and Bean
    and in classical reserve...Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No.5 (Brief Encounters) for reasons too numerous.

  62. At 04:41 PM on 21 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris, this is a brilliant site, I have had my site for the past 4 months or so but hardly anyone puts any comments on it probably because I am always talking rubbish and I dont have a show on Radio 2

  63. At 04:57 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Brian Wake wrote:

    First time on a "Blog" - must be something to do with being in "50 World" as my kids call it!

    Went to Cala D'Or last week - saw "Ginger" (it is yours, isn't it..?) Next time you're out there - go and have one of Marc's cocktails at Fowlers - on the other side of the Marina, and try some of the stuffed mussels at Restaurant Proas - FANTASTICO!

    If you read this out - please make it between 6 and 7, when I'm on the way home in the car!

    Give our best to Richard Hammond if you go to see him - he has a lot of friends out here.

    Hasta La Vista, Baby!


  64. At 05:56 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Lisa wrote:

    I never ever write a comment on her, but I read every day! Today, i felt like i had to comment, as i have had a enlightening kinda day!!
    I started last week at college as a mature student doing performing arts, ( I am the oldest at 27, everyone else is 16-18) During a Drama impro class, we had to put a piece together on social issues. We chose body image, and then after some prompting from our teacher, we "performed" a piece on how we felt in a dance class. It transpired that every single on of us had issues, and hated how we looked. When we performed this to the class, we all started crying.

    It was extremly enlightening and i would recommend it to anyone!!!!

    Love as always
    Lisa x

  65. At 06:01 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Lisa wrote:

    WOW....Another comment!!
    Just read your list of DID songs from another comment, and see on of them was Here There and Everywhere...
    Thats the song we learnt today in Singing and I LOVED IT!!!
    Today Chris, we are linked in many ways!! lol


  66. At 06:49 PM on 21 Sep 2006, mjg wrote:

    Fellow Bloggers,

    Good to read and catch up with everyone and the privelege of sneaking a peak of what everyone is upto and thinking!

    In response to the comments re the stephen fry doc on bipolar, I myself have got on with it for the last 5 years and i would like to reassure those in the same boat that it can be managed, and to Em25 and others, you are not alone and there will always be people around to share it with. I was heartened by the various comments and the bravery of some to share, thank you, it inspired me to write and respond!!

    A big prayer to Richard Hammond for recovery and one for his family, that they will know peace.

    Big up to Chris, good show and keep it going.


  67. At 06:59 PM on 21 Sep 2006, karen wrote:


    Just finished listening to your show which
    has set me up for evening. Going to pub
    with friend and getting something to eat not
    sure what yet. Hope you don't get parking


  68. At 07:38 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Linda Brady wrote:

    Hello... forgive me if I'm wrong... but I don't think you mentioned Richard Hammond today... what's that all about...

  69. At 09:06 PM on 21 Sep 2006, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Evenin Christoph and fellow bloggers

    Bit late reading the blog, been a busy day - have thought about the DID songs and here are my eight;

    Where the streets have no name - U2
    Angel - Jimi Hendrix
    Stuck in the middle - Stealers Wheel
    Labelled with love - Squeeze
    One - U2
    Sweet child of mine - Guns n Roses
    Don't stop me now - Queen
    Secret garden - Bruce Springsteen

    Prof J McCrumble - Heres to an early release, miss you dreadfully

    Finally - Prayers and thoughts for Richard Hammond and his family, I hope someone is watching over you and we all wish you well again very soon...

    Friday tomorrow - yippee - lets hope for another sunny day

    Luv to all



  70. At 10:37 PM on 21 Sep 2006, P.Mac wrote:


    You know, I used to drive to my company back in 95 down in Cambden when you were on Radio 1 at 7am. Now im driving back home at 6pm along the same stretch of road, but in the other direction and you make the same reference to "bowling from the pavillion!"
    You made the same reference the other night and it bought back so many memories - you know that was ten yaers ago. I Know some guys who are prettier than thier girlfriends none of us bowl from the pavillion.
    I know a guy who was bowling from the pavillion and the nursery end at the same time

    Cheers chris, more pavillion humour please

  71. At 10:55 PM on 21 Sep 2006, penguin wrote:

    If you post more than ten lines - get your own blog. I don't want to hear about your husband's farts. Respond to Chris's comments or make you own on another site - this is becoming boring.

  72. At 12:43 AM on 22 Sep 2006, Anna wrote:

    Ok... in less than 10 lines... I think Christophe is incredibly eloquent and bloomin' gorgeous......
    How is your mum today Chris? I know how scarey it is to watch your own mum getting older.... You are right we have to stay healthy.
    As for happiness... don't worry... you and Ms P will get there. ;-)

  73. At 12:58 AM on 22 Sep 2006, Anna wrote:

    It is five to one in the morning and I should be asleep. Have just re-read not for namby pambys.... made me laugh. Would love to be telling you all about the excitement of my night..... but there is none... just wish I could go to sleep. Any hints guys... I can't sleep. I lie awake thinking 'I should be asleep'.. and it just doesn't happen.
    This blog is brill... is it keeping me awake????

  74. At 08:22 AM on 22 Sep 2006, gaby wrote:

    Good morning and a Happy Friday to one and all,

    Anna #72

    From one insomniac to another - I, too, have trouble sleeping - but I do find that if I go to bed early and read and then try to go to sleep it works much better than if I go to bed late. My hypothesis is that as soon as I start to think 'i must go to sleep', something switches in my brain and it is impossible to sleep - somehow our bodies sense our striving to go to sleep and it just doesn't happen. If I go to bed at that earlier time, there is no pressure to fall asleep as it isn't late in the first place. : )

    Am not pretending to know it all.....if only!!!!

    Dormez bien : )


    ps I have just re-read my posting and it is so boring - sorry - I'll put it down to sleep deprivation : )

  75. At 08:24 AM on 22 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Penguin 71#
    This is a community thread. The clues here are the words 'community thread' Everybody responds to each other not just Chris' remarks. He starts it and we carry on.
    It is your choice to read the comments and your choice to write your own.
    We respect your opinion but if you think the blog is boring we are sure there is somewhere else more worthy of your attentions.
    Thank you for your time

  76. At 08:26 AM on 22 Sep 2006, gaby wrote:

    sorry - my posting was for Anna #73 not #72.......

    note to self.....get more sleep!!!

    pigs might fly!!! : ) : )


  77. At 08:38 AM on 23 Sep 2006, david lumb wrote:

    christop did my post for the triometry and logarithms get deleted i can't seem to find it?
    very odd if you did get it i hope it was of some use


  78. At 02:38 PM on 23 Sep 2006, andy wrote:

    hey chris, just been walking along the prom in blackpool with my wife and kids..and we were sat on the pier thinkin of the time we last came to blackpool and it was a couple of years ago when if memory serves me right you did the honour of switchin on the lights...and we remember what a great atmosphere there was...anyway we are back in the hotel now and its taken me nearly an hour to get online with my laptop but I managed it...so its just a thanks for that night and more thanks for your drivetime show....we love it...we keep asking our little girl kelsey what she has done for the first time today so she can try to get on your show...as yet no sucess but we,ll keep on tryin..good luck!! andy, lesley & the kids!! p.s i know this has no reference to your blog..but i heard you mention that you were jealous of a person who contacted your show the other day explaining he was eating chips on the prom in blackpool...we had 5 donuts for a quid!!! and ice cream!! happy days!

  79. At 10:06 PM on 23 Sep 2006, mwk wrote:

    Hello folks,

    I haven鈥檛 blogged for a few days although I have
    been reading your daily postings, and you wouldn鈥檛 believe how apt they were鈥..

    Aling parents, depression, suicide, insomnia. So many of you are an inspiration, thank you xx

    Is it true about Prof McC?

    I haven鈥檛 seen anything from the Keith (TheBigUn) recently, are you ok?

    This blog has been my saving grace鈥︹

    Chris, I love everything about you but I do have one complaint, 2hrs is not enough!! :-) I waited all day for Friday鈥檚 all request show and it was over in a flash :-(

    I wish all our bloggers a great weekend xx

    Take care
    Mary xx

    ps. Andy - sounds like your having a fab time in blackpool......I can taste the doughnuts..:-)

  80. At 10:12 PM on 23 Sep 2006, mwk wrote:

    pps. Community thread........well said Hazel Love

  81. At 07:07 PM on 28 Sep 2006, Ely wrote:

    Fab blog - first time I've been on and it was absorbing! However, is that how you spell biccie???

  82. At 01:37 PM on 02 Oct 2006, graham wrote:


  83. At 05:22 PM on 24 May 2007, Viv Gray wrote:

    The answer to the Genesis quiz Ithink is Harold the Barrel but I can't phone in cos you haven't given out the number and I can't find it on the website Aaaaargh!!!!

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