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Chris Evans | 08:41 UK time, Thursday, 7 September 2006

So here we are, once again. It is always thus. I stare at my Chinese cabinet, atop it a travelling case that now does anything but travel. Bleary eyed, but today with a ridiculous smile. The cat hath got the cream.

I only wish I could tell you what happened last night


Ok it's now lunch time...

Last night was one of the best ever, a lot happened, like loads. It's too fantastical to recount but if we do ever meet up I promise I will tell you. I certainly cannot broadcast any of the goings on, on the wonderful B.B.C.

It's just about sewing the seeds that's all really. Not the seeds of love but the metaphorical seeds of, positivity, energy, optimism and immagination.

Yesterday i was due to go to the gym at twelve but it was such a lovely day I decided to go for a yomp instead on the beautiful Hampstead Heath. It was a trully stunning day, hot and autumnal. As i was walking through the trees I came upon a clearing, a clearing of thick lush grass bright bright green, bathed in sunlight streaming through the trees. I had no choice but to stop and lie down. I never do this.

I just lay there under the tree staring up through the branches at the sky. It felt amazing, heavenly. As i did so, I began to feel different. Everything became eccenuated. I could see things much more clearly almost inside. The birds chatter became more defined and songful. I asked a question, the question...

I didn't want to get up, ever. I could have stayed there for the rest of my life.

Reluctantly I did get up, at the last possible minute but not before tearing up some grass and rubbing it into my face, trying to get anything, to feel more of whatever it is that makes this world magic.

I just bothered that's all, didn't have to but I did and the day took off from there.

I'd go back again today but there's no need anymore the question has been answered.

I think it's all going to be alright.

Lots of love to you and yours, really x


  1. At 08:54 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Ms Mayhem wrote:


    You cannot lead us up the garden path and then leave us at the gate!!!!!!!!!!!

    Luv Mayhem


  2. At 08:56 AM on 07 Sep 2006, JP wrote:

    Whaw, confused or what!

    Where's the rest of this blog Chris?

  3. At 09:00 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Penguin wrote:


    Don't be such a tease! Tell tell.

  4. At 09:01 AM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    oooo..... hahahahahaha
    Nice one Chris... sow the seeds of impossible imaginations into our brains...

    I'd like some cream please ... not having a good day so far. I'm trying not to let them grind me down, but it's tough going.

  5. At 09:02 AM on 07 Sep 2006, ClairMmm wrote:

    Don't tell me you've sorted the 'wife' bit out from your Monday blog already (well that's my theory anyway)....!

    If that is the case, which one of the blogettes who regularly throw themselves at you did you plump for?!

    Have a great day everyone,

    C x

  6. At 09:03 AM on 07 Sep 2006, kate wrote:

    Some things should always remain private.

    I suspect you are going to have a lovely, lovely day.

    kit kat kate

    ps I hope you are not suffering from amnesia

  7. At 09:09 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Katie wrote:

    See now I wish you could tell us too - oh now this does sound promising - is it the house or the wife??

    I do think you should take your travelling case a'travelling though, then you could both go see all the places you've never seen before. I've just bought the book 'The Unforgettable Places to See Before You Die' and so far I've only had a quick flick through it and I just want to go, go, go!

    Keep on purring


  8. At 09:12 AM on 07 Sep 2006, gaby wrote:


    Ding dong!!!! - enjoy this day after the night before.

    Looking forward to the show.......


  9. At 09:12 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Caroline wrote:

    Glad you have cheered up but it was a depressingly short blog. Maybe the eclipse is helping you?

  10. At 09:15 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Sally H wrote:


    I'm bored at work give us a little hint to keep my mind wondering.

  11. At 09:17 AM on 07 Sep 2006, mackie wrote:

    I hate that .....please tell all!!

    yours an intrigued mackiexx

  12. At 09:22 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Jill wrote:

    Pussy cat Chris

    Cream is yummy, but better when cold, and I bet your night was far from that.... Sounds as if it's a case of mange-tout mange-tout. You deserve it, you're such a lovely bloke.

    Sayings like 'the cat hath got the cream' are great, aren't they? And that is one of the best, it's such a good feeling having a smile on your face and a happy feeling welling up inside. It's sometimes just about appreciating the good things of life, whether it's home-grown potatoes, an evening with a crowd of friends or a cosy one-to-one. Just realising that people love you and you love them, and that there are lots of wonderful things around us, albeit in amongst some stuff that needs sorting.

    Happy Thursday with lip-licking cream to one and all xxx

  13. At 09:35 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Sammie wrote:

    I think someone got snogs (at least) last night...

    hmmm - who is the lucky lady???

    You can tell us what happened last night, there's no need to disclose names...

    Now I am intrigued and will NOT be able to concentrate at work today....

    Cat that has the cream - yes, that's how I felt on Tuesday, after a super Monday....

    Isn't it great having a liaison that you have no intention of sharing with anyone else - wonderful memories that only you and the other party are aware of.... drives your friends (and fellow bloggers) mad!!!

    Keep smiling :-)

    S xx.

  14. At 09:37 AM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Frankly I don't want to know. Best to keep these things to onself. I was once offered money by a 'journalist' to reveal details of my private life. Being the world's first celebrity parasitologist, I initially took this as a positive sign - namely, a change in the media's attitude towards the scientific community. It seemed like I was about to lead a renaissance of the idea that scientists should be feted, revered even, for their contribution to society...

    I could not have been more wrong. I met the 'journalist' in a pub one summer evening. He was nominally interested in my recent scientific work charting the parasitic fauna of grasshoppers in the Scottish lowlands, but after a few beers he suggested that scientists have a particularly good reputation in the bedroom. I told him that I had indeed fitted most of the units myself, but he seemed to want something more. Eventually, after much more beer and some subtle probing on his part, I let it slip that I had once watched a bootleg copy of Fritz the Cat as a student. He left soon after this revelation and I never saw him again.

    What I did see two weeks later were pages of a English language magazine published in Romania where I appeared as the main protagonist in a story about the scandalous private lives of Scottish scientists. No salacious detail was left out. The problem was that none of the details were even remotely accurate. I was apparently capable of night-long marathons under the duvet, as virile as an ox, and wealthier than most of the landed-gentry.

    About five days later I started receiving letters, phone calls, video tapes and offers of marriage from women who had 'fallen in love' with me after reading the article. It took me three months to stem the tide, and only after I launched legal proceedings against the magazine. It turned out that the whole bizarre episode was predicated on a case of mistaken identity. The journalist had picked the wrong subject by chance. He'd arrived at the pub looking for someone who was paying the magazine for a favourite profile in order to find a wife from Eastern Europe. The true mark had been standing next to me at the bar, and the 'journalist' had simply tapped the wrong man on the shoulder.

    My wife was highly suspicious throuought, and even now will steer me away from any woman who looks like they hail from any place further east than Austria.

  15. At 09:44 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    "I only wish I could tell you what happened last night"

    I think you already have.............. you got the Registration Document for the Bug in the post yesterday ... the previous owner's name and address, starring you in the face ....... you look her up in the phone book ... there she is .... you call her........just to say how happy you are with the car.......... she says ... Oh....there's some old service history I found in my files .. would you like to have it ....... yeah that would be great you say........... I'll pop it round she says ...... see you in five minutes...................

    The best night of your life...............

    You get up ....... look on the coffee table .... and there they all were ..... the old service receipts for the bug........ It wasn't a dream after all......... wow!

    Keep smiling


  16. At 09:45 AM on 07 Sep 2006, I have an 'ology wrote:

    Before a cat will condescend
    To treat you as a trusted friend
    Some little token of esteem
    Is needed, like a dish of cream.

    TS Eliot

  17. At 09:53 AM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:


    This is unfair - bloggers tell all!!!!!!!!

    sounds fun cannot wait to hear.

    Mange tout!


  18. At 09:58 AM on 07 Sep 2006, kate wrote:

    Why are the majority assuming its a woman?! Perhaps its a bit of successful negotiation.

    Oh and Dot, I agree lets have a bit of Belle and Sebastian on the show.

    kit kat

  19. At 09:59 AM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    I woke up this morning and though I would challenge the golfing God that is Chris Evans to a game at Liphook ( must have been a bit bleary eyed too )

  20. At 10:02 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Linda Brady wrote:

    'morning dear... innuendo... that's cool... the ridiculous smile says it all... the imagination runs riot... I just couldn't get into the whole flask thing... stay cool... ciao ciao.

  21. At 10:03 AM on 07 Sep 2006, saz wrote:


  22. At 10:08 AM on 07 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    You shameless minx!
    How can you leave us hanging like that? You know we'll all jump to the same conclusion......
    You didn't bag the breakfast show did you? x

  23. At 10:11 AM on 07 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Hi Chris and fellow Blogsters,

    How mysterious you are being today in your blog!

    Reading it you would appear to have had a dream night with good company and only just enough sleep to recharge the batteries………wonderful!

    I can fully understand why you would not like to share your evening with us as some things in life must remain secret and can only be shared with β€œbest friends” I think we all have things like this in our lives and should treasure them! The rest of us must respect your wishes. That is Ok as we will fill in the gaps anyway ;-)

    I am pleased you are smiling this morning and feeling goooooooooooooood!!


  24. At 10:16 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Orrie42 wrote:

    Now what would be the fun in having it spelt out for us?

    Let you imaginations do all the work!!!!

    Enjoy that feeling Chris and long may it last xxx

    "The world is full of people looking for spectacular happiness while they snub contentment" ~ Doug Larson.

  25. At 10:18 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Jay wrote:

    Morning my bleary eyed friend, sounds like you didn't need to use your travel bag where you went last night!!!!!!!!
    Wheres the furthest you've dared travel without your travelling case and for how long?????
    I managed Spain for five days!!!! Was a relief to get home in the end!!!!!
    Travel light is the way to go!!!!!

    Have a good rest of day ya sly fox ;-)

  26. At 10:29 AM on 07 Sep 2006, jane wrote:

    I think christophe could be leading us all up the garden path, if its a bit of ding dong he`s been up to then in my experience he should be far from bleary eyed, more bright eyed and bushy tailed!!

  27. At 10:35 AM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Oh, was it to much drink?

  28. At 10:41 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Proff Plum wrote:

    Could it be the travel suitcase fell off the Chinese cabinet narrowly missing a antigue clock. Spilling it contents onto the floor to reveal something you have been searching for for ages. A much loved pair of flip flops.

  29. At 10:50 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Toby Dodwell wrote:

    Nice work fella...

    Hope the smile lasts!

    Anymore up-lifting, inspiring blog for today?

  30. At 10:57 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    Morning all,

    come on guys, lets think about this. Chris tells us in his title "there they all were". He has found his old travelling case. I reckon he has taken it down and opened it up to find something that he had long thought lost or maybe even forgotten. A bit like finding a tenner in last winters coat pocket.

    maybe he has found a stack of love letters, or photos from his youth, something to make his memories come flooding back and happy times remembered - who knows, apart from Chris himself.

    Maybe it was a romantic encounter, if so who had he locked in his case? But not necessarily so. many things can bring a ridiculous smile to your face and brighten up your week.

    Whatever it was Chris, keep smiling.

    Love and squeezes,

    MW, a!

  31. At 11:03 AM on 07 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    I'm sitting here grinning away with colleagues asking what I've been up to and it's all down to you! I am so excited for you your RESULT - whatever it is - that I'm feeling like I hath got the cream too! x

  32. At 11:10 AM on 07 Sep 2006, I have an 'ology wrote:

    And there they all were...........

    I agree

    - those who needed stimulation have gone.........more intersted in a flask...

    and those with a crush - will not be smiling!

    what an appropriate title!

  33. At 11:38 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi Chris, glad you're feeling chipper!

    I woke up this morning to the cheerful sound of my boyfriend's mobile phone alarm which goes off AT LEAST 1 and 1/2 hours before I need to be awake...He has chosen one which makes a pleasant Japanese bamboo clonking dinging donging sound. Once I had woken up to this four times I kicked him out of bed. I should be used to it - but I'm not.

    Coupled with a cold shower because the pressure isn't right in the boiler I was just glad none of the cats had brought in any livestock to either set free or dispose of.

    ...and Chris, as long as you always get the young lady's name...and you remember it...you'll wake up plenty of mornings having had the cream.

    It is always thus.


  34. At 11:47 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Jules wrote:

    I'm just glad you got cream and not that decaf half fat skinny rubbish - enjoy !!

    Let your travelling case tell it's memories and allow them the freedom to remind you of good things past. After all you didn't forget your toothbrush :o)

  35. At 11:50 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Clare wrote:

    WAHEY Chris! Whatever happened last night it was a good one! Enjoy that post last night, bleary-eyed time and just smile, smile, smile! :)

    Joseph McCrumble (first of all what a fantastic surname, makes me think of apple crumble - yum, yum!) your blog made me nearly explode as I attempted to stop laughing out loud in the office! What a mistake to have made with you. Loved your comments about fitting the bedroom units! I keep reading your blog and still grinning. Thanks!

    Have a great day basking in the shared luxury of Chris's cat with cream feeling!


  36. At 11:56 AM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Oh dear Chris, you sound all blogged out!! It had to happen sometime I guess. Hopefully you will be feeling better soon. Looking forward to you getting back on super blog form. You were away last week were you not? So your travelling case is not as idle as you make it out to be is it puss cat??

    Take care my dear.

    Jane xx

  37. At 11:58 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Hellbell wrote:

    Proff Plum, I like the way you're thinking. Maybe it wasn't flip flops, but a long lost tartan flask??!!! "and there they ALL were", maybe it was a whole tartan picnic set??

    Christophe you certainly sound much perkier, which is lovely

    H xx

  38. At 12:15 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Carol shelley wrote:

    Last evenings programme was for me.
    First you played Izzy's version of "Somewhere over the Rainbow" which my daughter danced to, two years ago at her wedding in Hawaii, surrounded by bubbles. What a memory! Then you talked around ESP, her initials.
    What was that all about?

  39. At 12:17 PM on 07 Sep 2006, david lumb wrote:

    Afternoon christop fellow bloggers

    well a brief one today ooh err missues!

    i reckon everyone he's got a woman and he's teasing us with his cheshire cat smile and the one thats just nabbed the milk!

    i'll be tuning in later on this thristy thursday
    i must get a cold drink a bit parched!

    bloggind off the SHLOG


  40. At 12:20 PM on 07 Sep 2006, jane wrote:

    enough of the cryptic comments already!

  41. At 12:27 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Mark Occomore wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Short blog today, what you lost for words. You like to leave us hanging. Please do tell us all we can keep it to ourselves, and no one else is going to read.


  42. At 12:35 PM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    ha ha - You Got It!!!! So you did.

    My Nephew Also got it! He got into the Police Cadets after 4 interviews and a Medical (cough Cough).

    Well Done Everyone on their Getting It!

    Must be my turn next!

    Hel. DWNB

  43. At 12:35 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Richard wrote:

    Christopher darling,

    Everyone knows there will be either:

    a) a 'kind' friend/contact to offer said news or
    b) a photographer keen to shine..

    Surely it's not 'foxy'.....?!

    Glad you're having a great morn by the way ;-)

  44. At 12:36 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Jimmy Mackay wrote:

    Oh come on Christoph Lammy Pie,

    You can't start your Blog that way and then just leave us in the lurch.

    Do tell us more


  45. At 12:39 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Rosalinda wrote:

    How tantalising

  46. At 12:42 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Amanda wrote:

    Oh, what a cryptic web we weave....Let Chris have his mystery. We all have that right.

    Interestingly, my cat does not care for cream! He loves the "juice" that comes out of a tin of tuna.


  47. At 12:46 PM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Evans you scoundrel. I hope there will be more titbits about your night of doom on your show later, and the lady in question will have her reputation unscathed.

  48. At 01:13 PM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    I am going to put more cliff hangers like that in my blog

  49. At 01:24 PM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:


  50. At 01:25 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Jennie wrote:

    Well I hope the smile stays fixed - some things will still make you smile years later. I try to think of one of those things everyday.

    Tried the Mulberry last night (serious adventure away from the white horse!) It was GREAT. so my compliments to chef and staff - even my mother was impressed!

  51. At 02:05 PM on 07 Sep 2006, mackie wrote:

    oh no......as if i don't spend enough time smurfing the net and reading this blog i have just discovered that i can also read personal blogs as well......oh no when will i ever get anywork done now???


  52. At 02:13 PM on 07 Sep 2006, kate wrote:

    simple things eh Chris. Don't forget to buy a butter dish and when the Autumn days finally come......teacakes with lashings of the yellow stuff

    kit kat

  53. At 02:14 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Dot wrote:

    Oh no just wrote a big blog and pressed the wrong button and have lost it!

    Well Chris - was it a man/ woman/house/flask - who knows and will you ever tell us! Our emotional rollercoaster that is your life keeps us all begging for more! Rachel (Blue Angel) did this a few weeks ago but told all when we asked and had me greetin into my weetabix for days! So, yes we are happy for you whatever it may be - but you are a tease!

    Glad you got the cream - I would like mine in a chocolate eclair please but that is another lust (cakes that is)!

    Amanda at #46, my cats like the tuna juice too!

    Thank you Clare for your Italian web help - we start the project this eve so will try it and see how things go!

    Be happy Chris - enjoy it and have fun!

    I am gonna end each blog now with the following:

    Please play Belle and Sebastians 'boy with the arab strap' or the bees 'a minha menina' or both make my day! - you know you want to and it will be worth the effort - I for one will dance like no one is watchin!

    Love Dot

  54. At 02:29 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Susan wrote:

    Hey Chris and fellow bloggers!

    It's so nice to read a blog which makes me smile and not have to think too much! Some of the more angsty ones over the past couple of weeks have had me in a quandary for hours. But this is refreshing and light and dizzy and I've got a big smile on my face now.

    I don't know what the hell you've done and, frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn! Just enjoy .....!

    Happy Thursday everyone

  55. At 02:44 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Jennie wrote:

    slightly belated suggestion on the wife thing.. Friend of mine had a party and demanded every guest bring at least one appropriate single woman with them. He dated 4 of the guests (not all at the same time) before randomly marrying a woman he met on a bus - but it was a good idea!

    I am planning a similar party except i need eligible single men, obviously. Any suggestions as to where i might find some would be gratefully received

  56. At 02:46 PM on 07 Sep 2006, I have an 'ology wrote:

    I was driving home from work last night (listening to your show of course) and funny enough - I didn't want to get home. I was looking around at the countrside and thinking that I wanted to just park up and go for a long walk. My question is a heavy one - which I have decided to park for now. I'm glad yours has been answered.

    I had arranged to meet some friends so I decided to be early - just to sit on my own. Why can't a female just sit in a pub on her own without being hassled? But it was bliss - sitting by the window watching the world go by. I'm such a big daydreamer. Everyone should make time to daydream - and just let the mind wander.

  57. At 02:47 PM on 07 Sep 2006, George wrote:

    It will always be alright in the end.

    4 years ago, alone and with Gloria’s words β€œFirst I was afraid I was petrified” trickling like ice through my vanes, I was afraid to look forward.

    So little time has passed, but after playing a major part in adding 2 to the human race, all I hear now is Mr Armstrong’s β€œWhat a wonderful world” and yes I’m always look forward.

    What a wonderful world.

  58. At 02:54 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Paul Barraclough wrote:

    I thought they'd made LSD illegal Chris!!!!!!!

  59. At 02:57 PM on 07 Sep 2006, The Debster wrote:

    Oh Chris! I am so delighted for you that I too am brimming with happiness! Shall we dance?! x

    I love to lie on the grass and gaze up through trees coz the trees 'know'. I have been using one particular tree in Greenwich Park for this very purpose for most of my life. The image is timeless (until you see an aeroplane at least). You're so right; there is magic out there. Lots of it. We never doubted this when we were younger and wiser. No shortage of positivity, energy, optimism and imagination then was there? It's just remembering how and where to tap into it. Once you do it's with you forever and everything really is alright. Bon voyage. x

    Lots and lots of true love to you too amigo. Really.

    Debs xx

    P.S. Remember Catweazle? I am trying to remember some of his special words such as 'tellingbone' for telephone and electrickery for 'electricity' for a friends birthday card. Can anybody help me out?

  60. At 03:10 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Katie wrote:

    Oh I do so like part 2 of the blog and it did make me smile.

    I'm glad you had such a gorgeous day and night, whatever it was must me oh so good and if it's making you smile then that's good enough.

    I went and sat up on a beacon hill last week (though sat in the car in the car park as it was very windy) watching people fly their kites and running round. It was gorgeous to watch, just so uplifting - I then went home and passed on good vibes to everyone.

    Chris it will all be alright.

    Hear you at 5


  61. At 03:12 PM on 07 Sep 2006, cath wrote:

    oooh oooh oooooooooooh how exciting!! Hurrah to being all smiley!

    Things seem to be moving very quickly in some direction or other - just wish I knew which direction and what things!!!!!

    Go Christophe!!


  62. At 03:16 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Tabitha wrote:


    It's all beginning to sound a bit Noel Edmonds-y.
    You asked a question to the Cosmos and it was answered.

    Will you start putting symbols on your hands next?

    Glad to read you are so happy and sorted.

    Lots of love to you and yours aswell.

  63. At 03:17 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Lawgirlleo wrote:

    Oh Chris, which question has been answered?
    And by whom?
    What's with the cliff-hangers?
    Reading your cryptic blogs is almost as bad for my nerves as being an avid viewer of 24!
    Whatever it is that is going to be alright, makes me glad that you are feeling so positive because that positivity spills into your show and brightens my 36 mile drive home from work.

  64. At 03:19 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Dot wrote:

    catweazle gave me the willies - eeeeuch scary!

    love Dot

  65. At 03:21 PM on 07 Sep 2006, JO wrote:

    I know what I want to say but I sound too bloody stuck up!! I hope you find happy and contentment and it sounds like you're on you way, as though you've just 'got it'. I'm still looking and I hope one day it will arrive with me and I shall spend the rest of my days smiling just because I'm alive rather than looking for more and wanting more.

    You're an inspiration to change an attitude towards life. Just look for a nice wife not one that just looks nice, dont ruin my fantasy of who you are ;-)


  66. At 03:23 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Felicia Foster wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Just had to say how great it was to hear the inimitable Frank Sinatra on Gobsmackers last night.

    You know you were talking about who you would like to be friends with and get inside their heads? Well mine would have to Mr S ... imagine a late night drink with him in a bar - just imagine the conversation.

    A little bit like it would be with you!!!

    Now, you were sowing seeds last night ... the mind boggles! Go boy!


  67. At 03:35 PM on 07 Sep 2006, valerie smith wrote:

    Grass rubbings.

    This is exactly what we all need these days, when we're all stressed out with the trivia and rubbish that is modern day life. Grass rubbings and the sun on the up-turned apple cheeks.

    Only a couple of weeks ago I had the same experience on a warm sunny morning on the beach just outside Galway, on the spectacularly beautiful west coast of Ireland. Feeling irritated and hard done-by for reasons too trivial to mention, I was driving down the coast in a hurry to get back into town, I suddenly had a powerful urge to stop and explore. And thank God or the Universe or whatever, that I did.

    What I found was a tiny bay, complete with rock pools and a breathtaking view of the Atlantic, interrupted only by the Arran islands. Sitting on the sand, with only the sound of the sea and the occasional birdsong, I realised what a truly charmed life I have and how magical life truly is. I was completely in heaven for that time. What I thought was about 5 minutes was actually a full hour, mesmerised by the ocean and in particular one tiny crab in a rock pool who looked as if she might be me in a future incarnation.

    I hope she is. And I hope she finds her way back to Galway in her Merc with her This Season's Must-Have Wellies and designer sunglasses, feeling hard done-by because she has a hectic schedule and can't find the right flight for her daughter and herself to go on yet another shopping trip to New York.

    She'll need to get over herself and count her blessings. They are many.

  68. At 03:41 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Ben wrote:

    As you once did a show at Driffield perhaps you would join us at the sunny metropolis of Wetwang and discuss the recent events over a few pints of John Smiths!!

  69. At 03:50 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Clare wrote:

    gosh Chris, your part 2 to your blog made my neck tingle. It was all to do with the question. Haven't the faintest idea what it was and it's yours to know but it just made me tingle. Thanks for that.

    Gorgeous sunny day here in Nottingham, ducks on the campus lake are quacking wonderfully and I cycle through this vision on my way home, gently ticking along tree lined roads to get home and listening to the birds sing. These moments are precious and can really alter your whole mood.

    Oh fantastic, someone I really care about so much has just sent me two emails! :) I'm blushing pink with excitement to see what he's said! Could be nothing much, just the fact he takes time to write makes my day so happy!

    Love you all and hope the happiness continues to infect us all - particularly you Chris!

  70. At 04:03 PM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    After that entry to the Blog I was almost waiting for the Eastenders drum beat (the one you get at the end of each dreary episode, where people stand aghast at what they have just seen/ heard etc etc!!) Come on Chris tell all I can't wait for the next episode........ Oh what a tease you are!!!!

  71. At 04:11 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Cat wrote:


    Well this is a happy blog today isn't it?! This Cat unfortunately hasn't got the cream today, more like cheap milk substitute as the office is hit with relationship break-ups and general tiredness-related misery!

    Glad you retained the mystery Chris, nothing better than keeping people guessing!! Here's hoping the goodness continues!

    Cat x

  72. At 04:39 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Littlest Hobo wrote:

    Greetings and Salutations one and all,

    As the great Alfred Lord Tennyson once intoned:

    "The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions"

    Mr Evans, I am elated, gladdened, gratified and joyous about your mysterious pleasures and feel that your carefully crafted caginess is splendidly sufficient.

    Whatever has filled you with such unbridled happiness, enjoy, treasure and relive at your leisure.

    Incidentally, for all you folks back in Blighty who listen to Mr. Evans on your drive home or amidst early evening shenanigans, here in Vancouver, Canada, he keeps me entertained bright and early as in his erstwhile radio incarnations.

    Splendid job. Good day to you

    Dr T

  73. At 04:39 PM on 07 Sep 2006, richard Ashton wrote:

    It's always alright if you think right. Like the best part of waking up is that you've woken up again. If you wake up as many times as you go to sleep then you're still in the game! Believe me, I've been there.
    Richard, Aged 61 and 3/4

  74. At 04:42 PM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Clare #35

    Thanks for stopping by the blog. I just tell it like it is. When I look back I manage a wry smile sometimes. If you have looked at recent entries you'll no doubt have seen that things are even more difficult than usual. I predict hard times ahead....

  75. At 04:48 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Angie wrote:

    Definately no cream for me today! Just sitting at the forever boring computer screen. If anyone can NFS mount a filesystem on AIX please let me know!!! I am so happy the blog is going strong it helps the never ending boredom !

    Anwyay whatever Chris is up to let us all hope that it works out well.

    Keep well bloggers and get into the outside it is beautiful out there.

  76. At 04:53 PM on 07 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Part two of your Blog..........what can I say you have done it again my friend :-) You left us all this morning wanting more....................and then you deliver!

    I can honestly say that if you had left me guessing for a year I would not have given you that conclusion ;-)

    I have a similar place in my life (my quiet place) where I walk my dogs and rarely see anyone. I often sit on the side of the hill watching the traffic in the distance and thinking what they could be rushing off to when the sun is shining and that they are rushing past my wonderful place without even noticing that either I or it is there. I often lie back and watch the clouds and see if any of them make any unusual shapes of things or animals! When I look back at the road it is never at the same cars so I can think the same things over and over again. I never tire of my place and may have to rush home this evening and go there again as I my not get there until the weekend and now I can not wait.

    Great blog again!


  77. At 05:07 PM on 07 Sep 2006, gaby wrote:


    We could have guessed you would have played that song as your first on tonight's show!!

    Enjoy your smiles...


  78. At 05:08 PM on 07 Sep 2006, wrote:

    hi all,

    What is the first track?

    Lurrrrrrrve is in the air!!!!!!!!



  79. At 05:15 PM on 07 Sep 2006, ju wrote:

    oh no what does it all mean chris?
    don't be naughty tell us what happened -
    please please please!

    i am going to find out!!!!

    whatever it is can i have some, what is the answer chris? where is the feeling?

    answers on a postcard to ju
    somewhere in wales

    lots love to my honey chris (you are my honey and everyone's!)

  80. At 05:19 PM on 07 Sep 2006, elen's mum wrote:

    Hi Chris

    just wondering if you managed to read the book "this book will change your life"
    I had it our from our local Library and took it to Cornwall with me.

    I really enjoyed it, didn't understand it but thought it was great. Havent yet figured out why it could save me life . . . . . . . . . . . .

  81. At 05:20 PM on 07 Sep 2006, ju wrote:

    chris i did write a message but was told to wait then it went somewhere not sure where - so can;t be bothered sending a full one so in short

    i love you sweetie!

  82. At 05:43 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Bev D wrote:

    Hiya Chris,

    What a dark horse you are!

    With reference to yesterday's blog which I missed at the time...I still have old stuff I have kept for ages like your mum. Until a couple of weeks ago I was still using the same colander I bought when we got married 28 years ago!! Unfortunately the handle broke off and I now have a new one...but I have still kept my old one. I was gutted at the time.

    Love the show and your blogs, keep up the good work.

    Bev D x

  83. At 06:34 PM on 07 Sep 2006, jane wrote:

    Oh lordy, she must be some amazing womaan, have you heard what chris is playing tonight, every track about love, that certainly is no coincidence!!
    Go chris, you are really making me smile!!

  84. At 06:47 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Dot wrote:

    Heh heh! Chris Evans is loved up!

    la la la la la
    la la la la la
    la la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    doo n doo n doo

    you are well soppy this evening! ongratulations!

    back to work now! ah the life of the self employed!

    love Dot

  85. At 07:03 PM on 07 Sep 2006, mary l burt wrote:

    Just love the show & tonight for the first time listened for the last 45 mins !!!!

    What a great idea for 'THE CHRISTMAS PARTY' !!*!*! Would love to go........... keep working on it ....
    all the best, Mary

  86. At 07:06 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Thanks-For-It's-Nearly-Friday wrote:

    .........having just read this evening's paper, now I understand your post :-)))

    Keep smiling :-) x

  87. At 07:13 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Jo wrote:

    It's really strange that you should have had such mindblowing experience yesterday....I had the same feeling.... ok it could be due to the fact that the last two children went back to school.. :) ..but it was more than that...and strange (after such a beautiful summer with so many beautiful days) that yesterday stood out... everything seemed very clear and defined..just looking at the sunlight streaming through the trees and dappling the ground, I had a feeling of wellbeing, contentment and it made me smile like I was at one with everything around me. I snuck a peek at the swallows who are now nearly finished raising their second brood this summer in the garden, I thought they may have been too late but they are nearly ready to go.. such a fantastic distance and hopefully they'll be back next year. That's how I guage the beginning and end of summer, by their arrival and departure . Maybe we have an inbuilt clock that lets us know when summer is nearly over.. IAnyhoo... I hope your peace continues :)

  88. At 07:16 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Jill wrote:

    Happy that you shared more, Chris, and know what you mean... We have a mega-high and mega-huge-girthed ash tree next to our house in Winnie-the-Pooh land and I like - when I make the time - to sit on its roots and just BE... No thinking or doing. It's like having my battery charged up and everything seems to be explained. Life, the universe and everything.... God, Buddha, Allah, all one. Sanctuary. Maybe you'd say my hill. One time I felt like all the cells in my body and mind were being popped open like stars - it was great. No drugs, simply life in its mysterious amazing-ness!! That makes me feel so-o good. Alive in fact... Important to keep thinking about it, and appreciating everything around.

    Campanology was mentioned on your lovely show this evening! At the 6-o-clock spot I rushed out to get in the washing and was thinking about Part 2 of your blog and about our bell-ringing practice tonight and that I would ring the bells for YOU, to rejoice in your joyfullness. In I came with the washing basket and you were saying 'Campanology' and the peals started on air. How funny-nice that is.

    Love to all as ever xx

  89. At 07:17 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Linda wrote:

    '.....positivity, energy, optimism and immagination'.....goodness me, sounds like the beginning of a new era! You made me reach for my 'feelgood book' and I found a quote for you by C G Jung:

    'who looks outside dreams; who looks inside wakes' kinda goes with the theme on the show last night.

    keep smiling, hope your joy runs deep. (keep your secrets, they'll warm your heart as a memory when you get old).

    lotsalove bloggers x

  90. At 07:18 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Jill wrote:

    P.S. The title of your Blog makes sense now - thanks!

  91. At 07:19 PM on 07 Sep 2006, mandelifeboats wrote:

    Christopher! Wow, wow, wow. Have been reading the blog for a while but felt too shy to comment. But the music today made me smile for you so much. In case you fellow bloggers didn't pick up the gist, here's the play list.....

    Don't htink there's any doubt what's making Chris smile.

    Fantastic show, great blogs.

    rTitle: Love Is In The Air
    Title: The One I Love
    Title: Easy
    Title: Everlasting Love
    Title: I Call It Love
    Title: Crazy Little Thing Called Love
    Title: It's Not That Easy
    Title: It Must Be Love
    Title: When Love Comes To Town
    Title: Baby I Love You
    Title: The Things We Do For Love
    Artist: 10cc
    Title: The Look Of Love
    Title: Loving You
    Artist: Minnie Riperton
    Album: Shades Of Soul (Various Artists)
    Title: Can't Give You Anything (But My Love)
    Title: Lovers

  92. At 07:42 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Catherine wrote:

    What a fantastic epiphany moment.

    I love times like that - yes Chris everything is going to be ok

    C xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  93. At 08:34 PM on 07 Sep 2006, STEPHEN WHITTAM wrote:


  94. At 09:14 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Susie wrote:

    Oh Chris Baby!!!

    There really is something in the air isn't there....there's the biggest old, silverest shiny moony thing hanging in the sky tonight and its having an effect. Making me the most restless Sagittarian that ever trod the late summer earth and picked the ripe, succulent berries. All I want to do is be out there, physically and metaphorically.

    I'm all over the place at the moment, not knowing which way to turn, and all I know is that big old moon's got something to do with it. That and the planets in general. They have a pull that you feel inside and its hard to ignore it. Its affecting my body, and my head is everywhere but where it ought to be. And its not love, which is a shame, but hey maybe some day he'll come my way.

    I can't concentrate and I just find I can't seem to find my way just now. oh scary, scary, exciting life that is buzzing away like a demented bumble bee....

    Believe me, I'm not on anything, but energy and moon-juice just now. Glad its good for you...keep it going...planets are being good to you just now. As for me...I will find my way out of it all in due course...just got to keep the eyes on the horizon.

    its all about just 'being' isn't it?

    Susie x

  95. At 09:24 PM on 07 Sep 2006, ThoseShoes wrote:

    Chris, I love reading your journey! Keep up the good work! xx

  96. At 09:26 PM on 07 Sep 2006, tony wrote:

    a day for us to dream about.life is good. we just need to stop and smell the roses[grass]. It's all there and life is worth living. It just takes someone toremind us some times the simple things are best. I hope all is going to be alright. sending you postive thoughts
    best regards tony

  97. At 09:43 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Tabitha wrote:

    Me thinks there was still a bit of cream on the corner of Chris' lips this evening!

    Great music - made me jump around the room with my little ones.

    I know it's all going to be alright Chris.

    Keep looking for the rainbows.

    Good Night

  98. At 10:08 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Angie wrote:

    Chris, you big tease. If you've found the secret of life we all want to know!!

    Can't believe it's Friday tom already, manic week, but if the weather holds up we might even cram another golf lesson in.

    I can just picture the cheeky grin on your face, long may it last and have a good show tom!!


  99. At 10:34 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Katie wrote:

    What have I missed in the evening paper (No 86 Thanks-For-It's-Nearly-Friday) - oh I do hate not knowing what everyone else might know :)

    Just had a great night with 2 close friends, there was chat and laughter a plenty which almost caused a choking at one point!

    Sweet dreams 1 & all


  100. At 10:57 PM on 07 Sep 2006, morwenna wrote:


    Darling - What? What! What what! What?! Tell me! Don't talk in code darling,

    Well, if you insist on keeping it to yourself, wonderful darling - I shall not mention it again...What? What! What what! I'm a woman for God's sake - you can't leave me with a bladdy cryptic message!!!!!! WHAT!?!?!

    But if that's the way you want it, fine - I just hope you put down a coat or a blanket before you lay down - I've heard there's quite a bit of 'yomping' on Hampstead Heath, so God only knows what you could have been lying on!

    And what with the weather changing, darling - think of your piles dear! You're not getting any younger, you know.

    Adore you


  101. At 10:58 PM on 07 Sep 2006, s.t wrote:

    Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs
    About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green,
    The night about the dingle starry,
    Time let me hail and climb
    Golden in the haydays of his eyes,
    And honoured among waggons I was prince of the apple towns
    And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves
    Trail with daisies and barley,
    Down the rivers of the windfall light.

    And as I was green and carefree, famous among the barns...

    All the sun long it was running, it was lovely, the hay
    Fields high as the house....

    And then to awake, and the farm, like a wanderer white,
    With the dew ...

    My wishes raced through the house high hay
    And nothing I cared at my sky blue trades...

    Nothing I cared in the lamb white days....

    Extracts from Fern Hill, Dylan Thomas, Collected Poems 1934-1953

  102. At 11:07 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Living Life 2 The Full wrote:


    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Reading this tonight has helped to evaporate the "stress" of the day!

    Has not been the easiest of weeks, however... life is always worse for someone else!

    I have my friends, I have my family, I have my wonderful, wonderful (if sometimes mischevious) young son AND the sun has been shining.

    Whatever it has that has made you sooooo happy - long may it continue!

    To everyone who has posted today - your messages, notes, observations have equal status with the meisters, in making my day better!

    It's good to know you all! Keep a good thought!

    LL2TF xx

  103. At 11:31 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Shirley wrote:

    Hey, just read your 'blog' for the first time and have trawled thru about 3 weeks worth, I stayed at the Celtic Manor this time last year for the EU heads of State mini summit as part of the police operation. Can't tell you too much as would have to kill you etc. ...anyway, rooms were nice, although didn't spend much time in it, and restaurant was good although couldn't drink due to nature of work, top meal not the same unless washed down with good wine!! Your blog is interesting,... sounds like you got lucky last night ...but - eccenuated?? that's not a word I've heard used before, what's the question? - bit deep for me mate. Any road up, nice talking and bring back TFI Friday.
    Paintstripper x

  104. At 12:08 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Myra wrote:

    Hi Christopher

    Aahh. Ain't love (or something) grand.

    D'you know, I think that it must be either love or a mid-life mortality moment. You know, one of those times that you realise what a brilliant world we live in and what a wonder nature is!!!

    I had one of these moments earlier this summer when I'd gone on my hols to Corfu - I just felt when I stood and looked and the azure sea that I had just arrived in heaven. Bliss.

    Another thing apart from love that sets me off are little babies. I'm a very clucky woman, who is definitely suffering partial empty nest syndrome as my children are growing and going.

    But d'you know - I watch them with their respective girlfriends and boyfriends, and think that they're experiencing what my lovely hubby and I experienced - the wonder of being newly in love. Ahhhh. Becoming all poetic now.

    I said to my hubby last night after we'd gone to bed 'why can't you lie on the other side of the bed, so I can see you when I'm asleep' then realised what I'd said and started hooting with laughter. Kids thought that we were up to no good and shouted at us - but that just a Myraism - just one of the menopausal comments that comes when you open facial orifice before engaging brain cell.

    I can at times string a sentence together i.e. when I get in the car, belt up and say to myself -'oh good, I can listen to Chris now'. Then I start the car and wonder why Chris sounds like 'Il Divo'

    You've guessed it, hubby used the car, and I can never set radio on the right channel - I stop the car, get honked at from behind, perspire as I panic about not finding him, and then............ ahhhhh - his dulcet tones wash over me like Corfiot sea water. Bliss.

    Just hope that there were no doggie do-do's in the grass when you rubbed it on your face Chrissie.

    Going to slumber beside my beloved now. Day off tomorrow hurrah........

    I just love this - but it's so addictive. Said I wasn't going to post tonight, but as I walked past the p.c. it whispered 'don't leave me lonely - come and blog'. SO I BLINKING DID AGAIN.

    Love to all bloggers especially Christopher......xxx

    Joke - what d'you call a man with a paper bag on his head? Russell. geddit......hee.hee.
    Nighty night

  105. At 08:57 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Hellbell wrote:

    So where are you this morning Christoph? Sewing your seeds of positivity again?????!!!!! I say!

    H xxx

  106. At 08:57 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Jill wrote:

    s.t. #101, thanks for introducing me to the Dylan Thomas poem - how rich it is in meaning, and I'm glad you were lured by the PC, Myra #104, I loved your post and expect all others who saw it thought the same. Chris's positive thinking attracts a lovely bunch of shloggers! xxx

  107. At 09:03 AM on 08 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Well, I never!

    I was a Blog Virgin and I have to say, I enjoyed it. In fact I am going to have to do it again... and maybe even again and again.

    Whats more Im inspired and will have to go and find a tree to lie under before night fall. I cant help but wonder (please dont take this the wrong way) if you are for real, Chriss. I didn't think I liked you and shed a tear when Johny left, but decided to listen in to your first show anyway. It was good and you were good too. What I really like is that you seem to be genuinely interested in people, all sorts of people. You ooze a warmth that seems infectious, it seems to draw people in and make them warm too. I really hope that you are for real, because its so nice to think there are truely nice people out there.

    Have a warm and oozy day Chriss!

    Deni x

  108. At 09:23 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Dot wrote:

    where is everyone this morning? am I the first to log on for the 8th?

    song in my head this morning - the opening song to beauty and the beast

    'ooh isn't this amazing, it's my favourite part because you seeeeeeee........here's where she meets prince charming, but she won't discover that it's him till chapter 3.......'

    must be all that love in the air stuff last night or the fact that 12 year old started and got us all going with it this morning.

    Friday today - I need some cream in the form of a chocolate eclair or a fresh cream apple turnover,mmm can't decide........

    love Dot

    PS I can't stand the new Elton John single - he gives me the willies just like catweazle!

  109. At 09:27 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Sammie wrote:

    Morning all

    Missed the update yesterday (actually worked very hard yesterday afternoon) and then missed the last 90 mins of the show getting stressed about people coming to view my home... it feels so judgemental....

    I remember when I 'got it' - nearly 5 years ago - my ex (not at the time) and I were in the process of buying this house and we were incredibly stressed with it all - nothing was straightforward! I remember setting off for work, having had a huuuge row and feeling all twisted and torn inside and then...

    Then I saw a man helping to put his severely disabled daughter in a school minibus and the love on his face as he said goodbye brought tears to my eyes and still does!

    At that moment, I thought "that's what's important - not some damn house and whether or not the solicitor gets the searches completed today or next week" - it all just clicked for me - I thanked my lucky stars for healthy, happy children and realised that I was blessed....

    From that moment on, I knew everything would be OK - it is all about faith you see, whatever your faith may be - for me, I know that the sun will come up tomorrow, no matter how awful the day has been, the sun WILL come up tomorrow...

    That's not to say that I don't have questions - I have no idea where to live for example - I don't have family in the town I live in - I don't like where my family live and my job means that I could just about live anywhere. I'm not worried though, as I know it will all work out in the end.

    Have a great day all (it's FRIDAY!!!) and remember that however stressful or awful things get today, the sun will come up tomorrow.

    S xx.

  110. At 09:28 AM on 08 Sep 2006, barb wrote:

    well chris is in luuuuurrvvvvvv then, well done mate you deserve it , well actually everyone deserves to be i love and loved even if its only by your mum, oh chris assuming its a she, has she met your mother???? big step there if she has.

    did think it was sally traffic after the roses you sent but think that was a bit of a red herring.... do we know the women that you dedicated thurs drive time to....well all those love song , do we hear wedding bells......can we come and be on the bloggers table, and we can all take our lap top and wear a yellow flower!!!!!!!

    how silly

    well im off camping later when ive pick up the kiddies, off to ashurst in the new forrest, should be good. 5 families going and lots of wine and string packed, ( string for the kids to make things from all the trees and wood)

    #emma who said about the book "perfume" we have taken you up on it and ill let you know what i think...if anyone else wants to join in it " perfume by patrick suskind" bit of a thriller, wont change your life or save it but looks like its worth a read....

    anyone got any other favourites they want to share???

    im off catch you guys again on monday

    happy campers


  111. At 09:39 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Gaby wrote:

    Chris and fellow bloggers

    ...and there they all were not...

    I wonder where everyone is this morning......

    Thank you for great blogs yesterday....



  112. At 10:04 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Chrissie B wrote:

    Hi Chris & bloggers all

    A few months ago I didn't know what a blog was - now I can't wait to log in every morning to see what you have all been up to. Life has been kickingly painful around me these past months or so and a little light relief and whimsical rambling is just what the doc ordered.

    By the way, going back to ages ago and 'the hill' In my office on the wall is a little poem calle 'My Little Hill' - it goes like this:

    Every heart should sometimes go where all is quiet and still. Life's road is not so weary if you have a little hill'. My boss saw it carved on a headstone in Ireland and copied it out for the office wall.

    I have too many questions right now - but I too think it will be alright.

    Keep happy.


  113. At 10:25 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi Chris
    So 99% of us thought yesterday was down to some meaningful dealings with the opposite sex...ah well, we did exactly what you said on the tin.
    Anyway...Found out last Wednesday that possibly wasn't gonna have job on Monday, unless took vacant post on a different contract. Said would make decision once had seen the place I'd be working, and met the people I'd be working with. Was picked up on Thursday morning, and before even heard about the job, decided to take it.
    It's in the middle of nowhere at the junction of two major roads near Brighton. There are trees, birds, hedgerows, hills, rabbits, dragonflies etc etc.
    On my first day a robin hopped in (so am going to get a bird table so that can look after him & others during winter) and ended up saving wayward grasshopper with an envelope although cup and paper would have been a lot easier.
    The guys I'm working with are pretty cool too, but I'm saying a big THANK YOU to nature for looking after me in my hour of panic.
    I think I'm going to like it here.
    I think it's going to be alright too.

    Happy Friday

  114. At 10:40 AM on 08 Sep 2006, sue Good (The Goodster) wrote:

    What a big teast you really are Chris. Just like when we met before at TFI!!!

    Love the Blogs, keep them coming and if you ever want to meet up, would love to do it all again!!


  115. At 10:42 AM on 08 Sep 2006, cath wrote:

    Hey All -

    MandieLifeboats (91) - I noticed the same thing - even texted Chris during the show (am I getting too sad now?) to tell him it was a bit obvious!!!

    Anyway, thank goodness it's Friday. Looking forward to this morning's (or afternoon's, depending on what our leader is up to!!!) blog and finding out perhaps a tiny bit more about what's going on!!


  116. At 10:50 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Ritchie wrote:

    Were all the songs on the show last night love / love related songs ?

    Was this just co-incidence ?

    You know the songs have links to the current relavent subjects !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  117. At 11:02 AM on 08 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Morning Chris .. and the blogettes


    What a show last night ...............

    I'm not sure if it was the show or the cheese sandwich I had just before going to bed but, I had the weirdest dream I've had for a long while...

    It was all in colour and has really etched itself into my memory , almost like it actually happened......... so ... I was driving along a footpath in one of those children's Kettcars things ( a cute little red pedal car- ....always wanted one .. never had one) my husband was walking along side... Oh yes it was me now not as a child.
    Anyway we were going past a churchyard and two small children ran out of the churchyard gate. I had to do an emergency stop, otherwise I would have run into them. A moment later, the children's parents came out and started to shout at me, for driving such a small car on the footpath. It turned out that my husband knew the mother of the children from way back at university, so, he offered to help carry the children across the road : which he did.... but instead of picking the children up, he got into their push chair, put the two children on his knee and asked the mother to push them all across the road; half way across the road , the pushchair collapsed, the children came back to their dad, who was talking to me by now ; my husband and the mother ... were really "getting it on" in the middle of the road, so I said to the dad, it looks like it's you and me. He got into my little pedal car , picked up his two children, sat them on his knee and off we went, leaving my husband and his wife to get on with things, where we were going, I had no idea, until we came to place I recognised as my home town. Then; in front of us there had been a car accident; a car had driven off the road and crashed into a church doorway, so, I said to the guy in my car. Oh my dad used to be a builder, maybe we can fix the church door, he agreed, so we stopped and got out to help. The church door was hanging off; it was a really big solid looking door, the hinges were broken. We looked at the hinges and I said, oh these are coffee cup hinges- I remember my dad talking about those, we just need a couple of plastic coffee cups to make a repair. We set off in search of two coffee cups, at first we couldn't find a vending machine anywhere, so we asked a few people and got directions to a place with a vending machine, bought two cups of coffee and some squash for the children. We had the drinks, saved the cups, then went back to the church and repaired the door. My husband appeared: he didn't recognise me at all; it turned out, he was the vicar of the church and was jolly pleased that we'd fixed the door .............. and then thankfully....... I woke up.

    If anyone has any clue what the dream means I'd like to know...............

    Have a nice weekend folks..... and

    Keep smiling


  118. At 11:22 AM on 08 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Sounds like you had some sort of spiritual experience there looking up at the trees.

  119. At 11:35 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Col wrote:

    First time blogger on this site.

    Can't see what all the fuss is with Chris's love life. The man will give up the secret come time (if indeed there is one) but on the other hand it could also be a wind up to get the keyboards tapping and the noses twitching. Major success if it is....

    Must admit though, Dot has raised a very good point about Elton John (not going for the obvious willies reference) and his latest offering. Some people should know when to call it a day instead of releasing brain numbing efforts on an unsuspecting public like he does so often. Even the most loyal EJ fans have to agree....

    Well, back to the grind I suppose....


  120. At 11:44 AM on 08 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:


    I think you have some stuff going round in your head that you are worried about sharing as you are frightened of the outcome. I also think that it is something you feel you have no control over, or that your opinion won't be valued.
    (You are trying to go about life as usual at the moment, but sometimes this thought creeps into your head, and others are probably asking you what is wrong?)
    You are keeping it to yourself, and from there placing a protective bubble around you to try to hide, but if your husband supports and loves you, it's probably something he can help with. The answer to the problem will turn out to be either staring you in the face or stupidly easy, and you'll wonder why you got yourself into such a tiz worrying.
    You need to share, otherwise this is going to eat away at you, but as long as you can involve someone else, you will come out the other end better off for having done so.

    I'm no gypsy, but this is what I got from reading your blog. I know that to others it may sound really ambiguous, but it's there in all good faith.

    Rachel, if this is any help, then I'm glad.


  121. At 11:46 AM on 08 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Really Chris... you can't keep us hanging on like this..

    I take it by the late hour, you've had another FANTASTIC experience. Who is she / he / they?

    We're all tuning in to get our daily dose of you pre-show and you aint there....... Try writing it before you go to sleep.

  122. At 12:06 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Alison P wrote:

    Blue Angel #117

    I suggest swapping the cheese sandwich for a lettuce one tonight!

    Love the comments

    Alison xx

  123. At 12:07 PM on 08 Sep 2006, I have an 'ology wrote:

    So here we are, once again. It is always us. I stare at my desk, atop it a computer screen that now does anything but work. Bleary eyed (too much wine last night!) with an interested smile. The cat may hath the cream.

    I can tell some of what happened last night.

    For me I went to a new business launch and ended up being a dragon! The only thing is how much and what %.

    That is my question.

    Maybe I should lie under a tree - with a pencil skirt on and high heels - maybe not!

  124. At 12:16 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Simon wrote:


    If I was the radio 2 controller I'd be seriously worried now - he's in lurve, his travel case is "untravelled" and he hasn't done his blog again!!!! What did that contract say again????

    What's Dermot up to at tea time these days???

  125. At 12:24 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Wow!!! Hazel...#120.....Thank you.

    that's so spooky........... non of my friends/family know, that I got married 3 months ago .... I don't know how to tell them..... it's getting harder all the time......... Yeah I know lots of folk will say........ just tell them.... or what's it got to do with them anyway............. I wish it was that easy........

    Keep smiling :)


  126. At 12:30 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Hellbell wrote:

    Still no sign then, blimey.

    Just reading Chris's spiritual experience with the trees again, I SOOOOO agree. I have a tree issue though, at the end of our garden are 2 Ash trees. Now we only moved in 6 weeks ago, and hubby wants to chop them down. I stand under them quite often, looking up through the branches and watching the fat wood pigeons that live in them. I really will be heartbroken if he gets his way, but maybe if I explain the blog and Chris's trees, he might finally understand?

    H xx

    Blue Angel - what sort of cheese was it???!!!

    Dot - yep spot on - he's as predictable as can be. The first time I heard it, I knew exactly what the next lyrics were going to be, building it high and strong yawn yawn. Thought I was having deja vu at first.


  127. At 12:55 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Mariella Wolenski, apparently! wrote:

    I used to dream all the time of alien invasion, UFOs, space ship battles and the like. For years I would pick up any Dreamers Dictinnary I could find and flick through to try and find the meaning. I never could find it.

    2 weeks ago I chanced upon an new dreamers dictionary in a garden centre, and as usual tried to unravel the mysteries of my subconscious.

    there in front of me was my explanation under the heading of ALIENS.....apparently I have been abducted, experimented upon and been impregnated by another species not from this world. This has come as a bit of a shock.

    Hang on, who is that at my door? Couple of men in black suits. Hmm, methinks I perhaps shouldn't have said anything.

    Love and squeezes,

    MW, a!

  128. At 12:57 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Col wrote:

    Maybe the Ginge Meister has managed to get hold of a tartan flask and has gone off yomping somewhere and time has got away from him.

    Maybe he never "crossed the bridge" and has faded "awaaaaaaaaayyy"


  129. At 01:18 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:


    You've got your own reasons for not telling them and that's all 'anyone else' needs to know.

    There is someone you trust enough to tell, who won't judge you, but will be able to help you break the news - it may even be your dad (if he's still with us), if not, you'll know in your heart who. Trust your first answer! ...and if your friends are friends, they'll not judge either and will respect your decision to keep it secret for this time. You know that!

    Don't hurt yourself hon. For want of a better saying 'Today's news is tomorrows fish and chip wrapper' - your tomorrow might take a while coming because people may be shocked and hurt, and they may take some time to get over the news.

    It's all good though.

    Have a great weekend

  130. At 01:43 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Col Mustard wrote:

    Good Lord
    The Chris Evans Blog is absent for a day and the blog board turns into something out of Dr Ruth show.
    Someone who gets married and tells nobody for three months! how bizzare.

  131. At 01:45 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Susie Mac wrote:

    Hello Everyone

    Having a great Friday afternoon in the office - my colleague and I are singing along at the top of our voices to 'The Best Country Songs Ever' - cheesy I know but great fun (just as well there is no-one else in, cos I'm supposed to be in charge! boss is on hols) and the sun is splitting the sky - got a good feeling about the weekend....

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  132. At 01:46 PM on 08 Sep 2006, kate wrote:

    Col and Dot, with you on Elton John......very boring and predictable. My favorite was the Tumbleweed Connection, classic album.

    I don't think Catweazle said tellingbone, that was surely Worzle Gummage. Was Witchie Poo in Catweazle?

    Perhaps Chris your having a day off the blog.....thats ok, the rest of us will keep going

    Dot are you going to request Belle and Sebastian today or shall I?

  133. At 01:55 PM on 08 Sep 2006, steve wrote:

    Ok When you leving the bbc then chris???

    Sounds like someone got there fingers in lots of pies (metorthoically )

  134. At 01:58 PM on 08 Sep 2006, TheBigUn wrote:

    Wow!! #129 Rachel (Blue Angel)

    That is spooky…….what a tangled web you weave!

    Maybe you could send all of your family a text and ask them to listen to the show having already agreed for Chris to announce it on air? I’m not 100% sure but I think this may be right up his street ;-)


  135. At 02:07 PM on 08 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Hey Mandelifeboats.

    I thought my face was going to burst smiling at his choice of records. I sat in the drive in the car listening on, once I got home just to confirm my suspicions.

    Don't know about Worzel - he terrified me. Like the word Lazybeam from the Rugrats tho. Try singing Frankie Goes to Hollywood,... and change Lazerbeam for Lazybeam. Whole new song.

    Come On Christooph Make us Smile Even more.


  136. At 02:08 PM on 08 Sep 2006, gaby wrote:

    Chris and bloggers

    No 131 - Kate - your witchie poo question for some reason reminded me of H R Puff n Stuff (showing my age now!!)....which, in turn reminded me of the lovely Jack Wild, which, in turn reminded me of his role as the artful dodger, which reminded me of the questioning that I recently underwent with my bank manager and the role that I (emphatic) played......!!!

    Keep on blogging....


  137. At 02:20 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Dot wrote:

    WOW rachel - you lead some life!!!! There was me, walking my doggie (work is bustin my head) and mooching along the old railway line with the broom swishing and popping around me and I thought that was surreal - stood fro ages examining broom to see if i could see a seed head go 'POP' but all I saw were lots of interesting beasties, fab colours and a majestic big ladybird! Then I came home and read your blog......weird dreams and the family drama I don't think i could live with it!

    Thanks you supportive bloggers for the EJ thing _ I often wonder if it is just me but I just don't get him! (or his wig)! eeeeeuuuch!

    And kate here we go ;


    Think I will try the all request Friday - if I can get through - managed to get through on the Saturday show once and Mel Brooks read out a 'that's a result' for our 12 yr old who'd passed a maths test and youngest daughter who had been awarded 'BEST SHEEP' in her local drama Christmas show! Talent - we got shedloads of it!

    Have a gd weekend guys - we got birthday party for 10 year old 2morrow! 12 girlies- help!

    Love Dot

    PS still have not had that cream cake and it's FRIDAY!!!!!!!

  138. At 02:21 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Nick C wrote:

    This will only work Chris to pull in more listeners if its updated regularly and at the same time every day. Since you holiday its been neither of these things. When you satrted this I for one was really happy that you were back but I'm afraid the old flackynees is creeping back. How long before you only want to work 4 days in stead of 5 every week?


  139. At 02:21 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Col wrote:

    BigUn #133

    Well spotted, the conditions for use (fragment below) does give him the right:

    "Where you are invited to submit any contribution to bbc.co.uk (including any text, photographs, graphics, video or audio) you agree, by submitting your contribution, to grant the ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, sub-licenseable right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, play, make available to the public"

    Blue Angel, get on the phone to everyone this could be the solution to your dilema. Or not...

    On the other hand, he may err on the side of discretion..


  140. At 02:25 PM on 08 Sep 2006, feisty wrote:

    35 and never blogged before!! (That's me) Just read the post by Joseph McCrumble (#14) and just had to write, that was so funny!! Is he for real?
    My 4 year old has started school and I feel like I've gone deaf cos there's no noise! So I've been idly playing on the computer and found Chris's blog. Sounds like he's on to a good thing, whatever it is, and I'd quite like some of it too.
    Wonder where he is today? (Can probably guess though)
    Maybe we'll find out in todays show, come on Chris tell us what's going on!!

  141. At 02:28 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Jude wrote:

    I just love reading your daily blog and am getting withdrawl symptoms today so where are you????? Hope your toes and tingly fingers are OK and that it was just a passing phase and nothing else.
    Love your show too- I get in my car each night at 5pm and listen all the way home - not bothered when i hit traffic either cos that means I get to hear you longer!

  142. At 02:33 PM on 08 Sep 2006, I have an 'ology wrote:

    U wind up merchants!

    Maybe Chris got married Wed night and is carefully thinking about how to tell everyone!

  143. At 02:43 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Susan wrote:

    Hey Chris and fellow bloggers!

    Does anyone else think that we're being too hard on Chris? I just think that it's his blog and he can write it when (or if) he wants to. I for one don't think he should bow to the pressure that some people are putting on this site.

    I love his meanderings and they certainly make me think about stuff I wouldn't otherwise. But I don't see it as a necessity every day to find out what the poor guy is up to!

    It's his life and he has a right to it.

    Right, little rant over. Sorry about that!

    Have a lovely weekend all - Happy Friday!

    Take care

  144. At 02:48 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Sammie wrote:

    Rachel (Blue Angel)...

    Really intrigued about your secret hubby!!! Is a secret one better than a real one? Would love to know why, how, etc., but that's just cos I'm a nosy old bag - in the meantime, I shall imagine the circumstamces...

    Trust your instincts - they're yours and come from you - you know what's best for you.

    Good luck xx.

    P.S. Do other Bloggers kids sing "ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ radio Poo!"?

  145. At 03:08 PM on 08 Sep 2006, ju wrote:

    to the dream man!

    just reading the message you sent yesterday - i have the picture of you lying in the grass and looking up and it seems very nice.still trying to work it out..

    you keep playing Lammar's new song 'it's not that easy' i think you play that for a reason - i think you are thinking of someone and that is why you like the song!
    all the songs you play seem to be songs that exress your feelings. like i know how you feel!!!!!

    you are too addictive chris and if i can't be bothered to think of everyday stuff it is nice to dream of you!!!

    have a nice weekend
    love jux

  146. At 03:08 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Col Mustard wrote:


    I cant read anymore of the women societies messgaes on here with their hugs and kisses.... and yes you are perfectly normal getting married and not telling anyone and having dreams assicioated with what a sex therapist would interpret very easily... Can't you all join a knitting club or something.

  147. At 03:22 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Jennie wrote:

    anyone else concerned that His lordship may be dead? (or so preoccupied with his love overdosing that he has forgotten us!)

    perhaps the mystic blog approver could let us know?

  148. At 03:24 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hi Dot, 130

    I've just this minute finished a smashing piece of home-made chocolate marble cake. One of my colleagues kindly purchased it for me from a local deli...how kind! Am now popping outside to finish my cup of tea and smoke a post-cake cig.

    Friday philosophy - there HAS to be cake! Enjoy your sumptuous cream extravaganza when you get to it.

    EJ lost it for me after Crocodile Rock (the Osmonds after Crazy Horses...). As David Bowie once sang, 'You're not alone...!'

    Popping broom - had a similar experience recently at the edge of a field...however when I stopped to examine the popper(s), the popping stopped too. Decided it was probably grasshoppers leaping out of my way!

    Happy weekend

  149. At 03:29 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Alison P wrote:

    Col Mustard #144

    Stop being a grumpy old man. It is natural for women to be more sharing, and if Chris isn't going to provide us with a daily topic then we have to provide one ourselves. Not our fault that it's not something you want to contribute to.

    Blue Angel - I think you're very brave getting married in secret - and it was obviously something that you and your new hubby felt you should do therefore don't worry about people's reactions - what is right for you is the right course of action.

    Can't wait for 5pm when it's request time and I can go home and have a very large drink cos it's been one of those weeks where people think I need company in my office - AND I DON'T!!

    Alison xxx

  150. At 03:30 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Susie Mac wrote:

    Message to Nick (137) and Col M. (145)

    CHILL OUT it's Friday ......


  151. At 03:32 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Kathryn wrote:

    Ooooh how very intruiging

    Good for you Christophe, don't tell us what's happening, keep holding it to yourself for a bit longer and just enjoy it.

    Of course everything will come good in the end, it's just difficult sometimes to hold onto that hope but you seem to be managing it well.

    Looking forward to 5pm!

    Kathryn x

  152. At 03:33 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Jill wrote:

    It seems a bit odd that so many people are still puzzled about Chris's blog. Best thing is to go on hoping to experience the same great feeling. Nothing to do with wine women or song I'm sure.

    No need to worry, I feel, or think it's relevant that Chris hasn't blogged yet today. I think I'm busy but I'm very sure he has a much busier schedule than I do.

    What he says will be worth waiting for. He was brave to tell all yesterday and the reaction on the blog is the proof - some of us have been amazed and insist this must be love, an affair or whatever, and maybe had a good laugh at his expense. Others seem to have had similar experiences. You can understand why he decided it was not for saying on the beeb, because so many people think you are a nutter if you say anything in any way spiritual.

    Good on you, Chris, I admire your honesty. Hope you're still smiling. Enjoying the sunshine inside as well as outside.

    Happy weekend to one and all.

  153. At 03:45 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Leese wrote:

    First timer to this but after reading the blog about your fantastic evening (and the fact everyone thinks there is a female involved) I just had to say lucky lucky lady !!

    Am going to Majorca for a week tomorrow so will miss out hearing first hand what happened to you but no doubt I will catch up when I get back.

    Wishing one and all a good weekend, especially you Chris ;-)


  154. At 03:51 PM on 08 Sep 2006, saz wrote:

    To Col Mustard on #145

    Sorry .....Cant go join knitting club as suggested. Too busy being mother, working 10 hours a day to earn money to pay all bills, doing all the shopping ironing cooking cleaning, taxi services, home work help, dealing with teenagers, changing oil in car, mowing the lawn, walking dogs, making pack lunches, talking to friends and being an understanding shoulder to cry on when needed etc etc etc.
    Oh heck...whats the matter with me..will run you up a chunky hand made scarf, matching mittens and pom pom hat before i go to work tomorrow. Is lime green your colour?


  155. At 03:53 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Rachel (Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi all,

    I'm so sorry if my little dream-blog has annoyed anyone , I had bloggers-block this morning , so I thought ... I'll blog my dream.......how cool is that!.........(not very) it's no biggy really......just wondered what it might mean........is all.

    Hey, Col Mustard, what size are you? Maybe we can knit you a jumper and some matching mittens.....

    It was that soft cheese by the way... you know the sort..... "well it is my birthday".. stuff, as they used to say in the advert.

    It's not my birthday!

    Sammie.... having a husband is fab...it's being a secret wife, that is difficult at times.......

    Keep smiling :)


  156. At 04:08 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Col wrote:

    Hi All

    After reading a cross section of the blogs, I sort of get the feeling that a few of the posters are starting to promote the Ginge one onto a saintly level.

    Sure he is quite amusing in his postings and being the showman that he is, can easily direct the people whatever way he wants. The proof is in the reading.
    He gives you a few snippets one day and lets you run with it (almost like a science experiment). The reason I say this is because he set the whole thing up days in advance (go check).

    There's nothing wrong in all of this hero (for lack of a better word) worshipping but for Gods sake keep it real. Keep it fun.

    In the words of Monty Python "He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy"

    I'm sure Ginge would agree..


  157. At 04:08 PM on 08 Sep 2006, cath wrote:

    Hi again all. Just thought I'd check if today's blog was here yet (4pm) and it's not, boo hoo. Still, I like chatting to you lot anyway! I too am intrigued by secret wedding. Now if I could just convince my bloke that was the way forward ...

    Chris, hoping you are on your happy cloud, but will be down in time for All Requst Friday!!

    Have great weekends all!!


  158. At 04:12 PM on 08 Sep 2006, Cat wrote:

    Well, it seems that everyone's having a busy day - Chris, wherever you are, hope the day is as full of happiness as yesterday and looking forward to the show tonight.

    I just hope the luck rubs off on us all and the bloggers can have a great weekend. Has been a very long week here and anything that involves being away from a computer and desk will feel wonderful!

    As for the cheese before bed issue - does anyone know why you get more bizarre dreams than normal cos of this? And why some cheeses are worse than others?!

    Something to ponder over the weekend perhaps...

    Have a good one and enjoy the requests.


  159. At 04:17 PM on 08 Sep 2006, david lumb wrote:


    blimey charlie after yestersdays teaser nowt today DOH!

    com'n chris man get u's computer out and get a blogging..

    oh well back later

    be tunning in @ 5pm

  160. At 06:52 PM on 08 Sep 2006, stephen whittam wrote:

    radio two is the best becouse chris evans do very good on the radio

  161. At 01:03 AM on 09 Sep 2006, Lizzie wrote:

    Occam's razor. The scientific principal that in explaining a thing no more assumptions should be made than are necessary!! But it's always fun to speculate. Good luck x

  162. At 05:54 PM on 13 Sep 2006, russell wrote:

    that grass you rubbed onto your face....my dog wee'd on that....taste good??

  163. At 06:58 PM on 15 Sep 2006, wrote:

    Ascension Island ,Utopia, but, [tut, tut, there,s alway,s one of those isn,t there?] Solution! Take what you think you need. Heaven!

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