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Chris Evans | 22:18 UK time, Wednesday, 16 August 2006

Just hauled my sorry ass in bed. I love coming to bed early and I have to say I am completely knackered.

Not a lazy post in sight by the way, congratulations everyone !

Never trite, nor superfluous.

It's as if you all know



  1. At 10:35 PM on 16 Aug 2006, dizzy wrote:

    Night night Chris...

    Your right about that Swedish bloke....always thought he was a shifty geezer.Think someone should sue his sorry ass for not delivering the promises.


  2. At 10:45 PM on 16 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Just a quick post to say that i think the Drivetime Cookbook is a great idea!!.. and the recipes i have see thus far have been great... and some of them have been tasty too !! (Rubs Tum)

    So with this in ming, i have opened a forum, dedicated to the Drivetime cookbook and it's recipes!

    I really hope the cookbook can be made for charity and i would like to offer my time and energy into making it possible, firstly with the forum.

    If you would like to donate a recipe, just pop along to www.dt-cookbook.co.uk

    Again, i think this is a great idea for charity and i hope you all agree.

    Warmest Regards
    Mark :)

  3. At 10:47 PM on 16 Aug 2006, Greg Holt wrote:

    Christoff Lammy pie
    I'd say goodnight and sweet dreams but having read everyone of your blogs we all know you have them.Superb reading the blogs and the comments cant keep away from laptop always checking for new posts.I write this as i sit at the bottom of the garden with my 2 boys having an all night adventure sleeping in the summer house(seemed a good idea when i suggested it)Heres hoping the airbeds stay up but if they dont will be able to read thursdays blog even earlier
    All the best

  4. At 10:53 PM on 16 Aug 2006, Bill C wrote:

    Wan't expecting to be suprised, but actually found the whole experience of watching England play quite uplifting. At last. Hooray....

  5. At 10:54 PM on 16 Aug 2006, wrote:

    See !!!.. so excited by the england performance, i decided to type 'ming' instead of mind!.. Typical!.. Right, i'm off to the 'land of nod' also.

    Sweet dreams Chris and Fellow Bloggers :)

  6. At 11:03 PM on 16 Aug 2006, Sarah wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Have seen your comments over the last few days about wanting a veggie patch. Well - I can highly recommend it! This year, I took on an allotment for the first time and, although I have a lot of digging still to go, I have to say that I have really enjoyed it! Although I don't always feel like going, I go after work and have spent many hours during the long summer evenings digging, planting, weeding and watering, watering, watering! So far I have had new potatoes, garlic, beetroot, carrots, red onions, white onions, spring onions, mange tout, courgettes (by the dozen!!!), runner beans, brocolli, shallots, swiss chard (what the heck do you do with swiss chard???), squash, potatoes and tomatoes (that smell like tomatoes!). My Brussel Sprouts and Cauliflowers are doing well too. (Is it too late to plant parsnips?) It is so peaceful in the evenings - with the birds (and the bell-ringers practising on a Thursday night) and fantastic sunsets - a real relief from work - its great. And what is even better is all the food that you then get - butternut squash and goats cheese lasagne, ratatouille, home-made gnocchi, etc... Tranquility, satisfaction and good food! Other than that, off for a week walking in Tuscany - more good food and wine I hope.

    Take care

  7. At 11:04 PM on 16 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Thisafternoon you made mention about doing nice things for people. I try to do a minimum of one nice thing for someone every day - and when I do it outwith the car (like letting someone have the right of way, or helping them out a parking space), and someone says "thanks", I say, "don't thank me - you do something nice for someone else". Its rubbing off. - It makes you feel nice for the rest of the day.

    And once you've done it you feel less like being V. nasty to the next imbicile you come across.

    Nighty Night.

  8. At 11:16 PM on 16 Aug 2006, donna gumley wrote:

    Nitey nite Chris

    Will be thinking of you tucked up in bed all cosy. Im on a twelve hour night shift on the ambulance service. Just waiting for the next job to come in!!! It wont be long im sure!! Have got a couple of days off after tonight and am going to try and persuade my partner that it is a good idea to grow potatoes for xmas in a dustbin! I think its a great idea.

    Sleep well, will listen to the show tomorrow.

  9. At 11:18 PM on 16 Aug 2006, julie robinson wrote:

    Loving the food guy, his enthusiasm is very catchy. I am horrified tonight as I found out on the Scottish news that the company who make Highland Toffee might go bust............no more toffee, I don't think I could handle that, can someone give them any business ideas?
    Keep up the good work on the show Chris, I really look forward to it every night!!

  10. At 11:28 PM on 16 Aug 2006, Teresa New wrote:

    By now you should be in the land of nod dreaming more exotic dreams. Heard your instructions of growing potatoes whilst driving to my daughter's to babysit - sounded really simple and very very tasty for Christmas dinner. Might even give it a try. What was the twice roasted bit about? - I missed that.
    all the best - Teresa

  11. At 11:43 PM on 16 Aug 2006, The Debster wrote:

    I'll never grow another swede again.
    Sweet dreams, runner beans.


  12. At 12:06 AM on 17 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Just checked out your much self publicised blog.

    A colleague at work has a great blog - you should check it out or perhaps he should take over your blog?

    check out:

    Love the show - say hello to my girls Zoe and Lucy on tomorrow's show it you get chance as we'll be driving to Dover enroute to France.

  13. At 12:21 AM on 17 Aug 2006, Tom Mac wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Some blog today (probably yesterday by the time i post this due to crap keyboard skills. Simply loads of interest about food and (especially)vegetables. I thought a couple of ladies were going to end up leaping into a cabbage patch together, strangers as well.

    Alot about books as well, though mostly on food too, but it reminded me of something in the papers today, which reminded me of a favourite book of mine.

    I see we've (found) some new planets. Somewhere called Ceres, Charon and something called 2003 UB 313! Apparently planet 2003 etc was discovered last year 2005. Do astronomers work 2 years in arrears or something? Or are they just distractedly mad, in a great sort of way?

    I know Patrick Moore is a legend, can you get him on the show.

    Which brings me to a favourite book of mine, about our planet and the cosmos and stuff, with loads of facts about every thing. I don't know if it's illegal to plaguerise books on blogs?? but i'm not clever enough to remember it, in fact it's just took me nearly an hour to find it in the bloody book, but i hope it's worth it for you and any other reader.

    ''If you imagine the 4,500 million years of Earth's history compressed into a normal earthly day, then life itself begins very early, about 4 a.m., with the rise of the first simple, single-celled organisms, but then advances no further for the next 16 hours. Not until almost eight thirty in the evening, with the day five-sixths over,has the Earth anything to show the universe but a restless skin of microbes. Then, finally, the first sea plants appear, followed twenty minutes later by the first jellyfish and the enigmatic Ediacaran fauna first seen by Reginald Sprigg in Australia. At 9.04 p.m. trilobites swim onto the scene, followed more or less immediately by the shapely creatures of the Burgess Shale. Just before 10 p.m. plants begin to pop up on land. Soon after, with less than two hours left in the day, the first land creatures follow.
    Thanks to ten minutes or so of balmy weather, by 10.24 the Earth is covered in the great carboniferous forests whose residues give us all our coal, and the first winged insects are evident. Dinosaurs plod onto the scene just before 11 p.m. and hold sway for about three-quarters of an hour. At twenty one minutes to midnight they vanish and the age of mammals begins. Humans emerge one minute and seventeen seconds before midnight. The whole of our recorded history, on this scale, would be no more than a few seconds, a single human lifetime barely an instant''.

    You're probably rolling over and moving into another dream, possibly scoring a hat-trick for England.


  14. At 12:44 AM on 17 Aug 2006, Linda wrote:

    Hi chris really enjoyed the show yesterday.
    im busy working on nights
    hope you read this i think your really cool!
    Love Linda xxx

  15. At 01:23 AM on 17 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Fantastic to have you back on form, shows brilliant, you are an excellent natural presenter!


  16. At 02:02 AM on 17 Aug 2006, John P wrote:

    Morning Chris.
    Food! Something we all need and something that can, in time, kill us if we go way over the top with it (dare I say look at the Americans)!
    I'm no bean pole myself and have had a bit of a dissagreement (rather than a battle) about my weight for years but never really been more that 17stone. That was just a few months ago and since then have put myself on a diet, actually to be more precise the Atkins diet. It has been slated by loads of people but one thing is sure, it works for me! And some! After 2 weeks I lost 12.5 lbs, again people say that it's too much too fast but I always seem to feel much better when I cut out the carbs, I don't like that many vegatables and, my wife says that I am something of a fussy eater and boring about food as well, not that willing to try out different food.
    One thing I do know is that when I commit to being on the diet I am "good" and don't eat anything I shouldn't, but as soon as I come off it, look out cupboards here I come, I just seem to lose control, I can't begin to think why I go nuts immediatly after I've made the decision to come off!
    I've also tried the "juice" diet from Jason Vale but again I don't like that many veggies so almost everything tastes disgusting to me and i don't get through more than a few days and have to forget it or I would starve.
    I would be gratefull if some day you could mention diet in your program just to see what people think about the nemerous diets out there, I know everyone has their particular favourite and Atkins is mine, Oh and I don't treat myself when I've been a good boy either, that to me is really not what it's all about. Atkins is different in that your body has to be in a state of "ketosis" to assist in weight loss and is what is called the "fat burning" stage, and wow do you burn fat!
    Right that's enough for now. Thanks for the prog Chris, I must say that Johnny Walker is a hard act to follow, but you certainly have pulled out all the stops and done it admirably, thanks for the great entertainment.

  17. At 02:40 AM on 17 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Two things I want to tell you about and ask serious advice about.....
    First, I have started a business (see my website) and am worried that once it becomes noticed (it IS a unique and potentially great idea), everyone and his brother is going to start doing it! How do I stay ahead of the game?
    Basically, we make high quality DVDs of wannabees, audio and visual, which they then send to agents etc. Good eh?

    Second, I have a FOX the FOX for you: All the time we hear about programme "ratings", e.g Emmerdale had 7 million viewers last night, Corrie had .... Well you know what I mean! My question to the FOX is this: HOW DO THEY KNOW? HOW CAN THEY POSSIBLY KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE TUNING IN TO ANYTHING?

    And finally....

    I began my carreer as a DJ in 1968 doing mobiles, then moved to the clubs, finally working Corfu and Tenerife etc. This gives me the knowledge to persue my new venture. BUT... My point is that since 1968 I have been known as Pete James!!!Ring any bells?

    I'll put money on some of your listeners recognising my name from the Britannia Bar in Moraitika! Sorry, ego taking over again!

    Night mate, excellent show and getting better daily!

    PS Message to Sarah (Post 6 above) early to mid spring is the best time to sow parsnip seeds, but now is a very good time to prepare the beds with well rotted manure ready for next year!

    Pete (James) Forsyth

  18. At 05:56 AM on 17 Aug 2006, Matt Donaldson wrote:


    my night is drawing to a close, my third night shift in a row keeping Londons lights on. Trust you slept well.

    Just wanted to say that my family and I are loving the show, my gorgeous wife Pippa and I love your enthusiasm and the sunshine you pipe into our lives every afternoon, Thank you.

    We have just got back from a week camoing in Dorset, what a place, Lulworth and Durdle Door must be two of the most stunning places on the planet. Anyway we took a little tranny radio and had Radio 2 on most of the day, my daughters love Womens Minute, they are 9 and 7 and are yelling at the radio the answers to that days topic, brilliant never fails to make me smile seeing the passion and enjoyment they have for life.

    Nearly time for bed, hope I dream too, night night.


  19. At 06:23 AM on 17 Aug 2006, Ian Richards wrote:

    Hi Chris, Not sure if you will read this but here goes. My wifes website was hit by hackers from Turkey they claim to be peace hackers but the wife is ready to start a war. We have managed to get the site back up but not the blog/ They are called Crackers_child.

    Have a look at yourpower2be.com/blogpage.

    I am pretty sure it is not catching as they go in through the server but ask your techie bods to check first. I am sure that your blog in the mighty Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ is safe but in this world you never know.

    Keep up the good work, hope Mr Vanstratten comes back.

    Regards Ian Richards

  20. At 06:39 AM on 17 Aug 2006, Abi wrote:

    Wakey, wakey!

    Where's today's entry, then? Got up early, specially. Please take that as a compliment, rather than as a sign of me being really sad!

    Really addictive this blog lark.

    Happy days.

  21. At 07:08 AM on 17 Aug 2006, Simon wrote:

    Y'day was my b'day and I thought a new year should see a new me. Up with the lark and Chris's positive approach. What better way to start than with a bit of inspiration from Christophe? Where are you mon brave?

  22. At 10:27 AM on 17 Aug 2006, Gail Greenfield wrote:

    Chris, Love the show, and the blog, just thought I would let you know that when I am spending any time at all with my 3 horses, 4 cats and 2 dogs I am on my hill, they are so relaxing and such levellers. Keep up the good work.


  23. At 10:59 AM on 17 Aug 2006, wrote:


    Short and sweet today!


  24. At 01:14 PM on 17 Aug 2006, Steve wrote:

    Hi, I especially enjoyed your chat with the food guy over the past 2 days, his, and your, enthusiam was incredible, and his knowledge and style infectious ! I didn't catch his name, and has he written any books on it ? Great show, Ta

  25. At 03:01 PM on 17 Aug 2006, BC wrote:

    Hi Chris

    great Shlog! It makes my day driving home listening to your show, and passing the long offive mornings on the Blog

    Sorry, but I've managed to get a bit behind on the blogs this week. I noticed a little problem. Not a bigE, but I thought I ought to draw your attention to it.

    When I clicked on the calander to view your tuesday entry, could only see you second posting of the day.

    Fear not, I managed to get to "hemingway he was a bit of a boy" from the recent entries list so I'm now right up to speed on things.

    I just thought you'd like to know about this "feature" of the blog.

    Thanks again Chris for a fantastic shlog. Keep up the good work,


  26. At 03:34 PM on 17 Aug 2006, NG wrote:

    I think the title of this post is baloney. Last night England, with the pressure off, in front of a home crowd, managed to turn over an extremely poor Greek side. Lest we forget, Sven's first game in charge was also a friendly, and also at home - and resulted in a 3-0 win against Spain. Sven turned around a qualifying campaign that was going down the swannee thanks to Kevin Keegan. England qualified for the knockout rounds of three consecutive major tournaments - something they have not done under any previous manager in recent memory.

  27. At 04:34 PM on 17 Aug 2006, Alan Russell wrote:

    What a common sauna you went to, the one in my gym does not have a bucket, ladle or brazier, it is all contained behind a box and is automatic, so there no idiots throwing smelly essences onto it or the complete bucket load, no having to go out to the shower to fill the bucket up and no aguments about the temperature, so every morning I am so up the top of my hill I don't want to come down!!

  28. At 05:54 PM on 17 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris
    I suppose this applies to turnips (swede) as well !!
    All you new tattie growers remember not to use chemicals when looking after your produce there are plenty of GREEN alternatives to control slugs etc NEMATODES are the thing to use on slugs.
    This ethos (GREEN) applies to rats and mice as well, in fact most pests can be controlled with out the use damaging pesticides and insecticides.
    I have been controlling bed bugs and cat fleas today, some job eh BUT they can also be controlled without strong chemicals.
    By the way I think you have grown into the show and have a great team, fantastic adult entertainment

  29. At 05:56 PM on 17 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris
    I suppose this applies to turnips (swede) as well !!
    All you new tattie growers remember not to use chemicals when looking after your produce there are plenty of GREEN alternatives to control slugs etc NEMATODES are the thing to use on slugs.
    This ethos (GREEN) applies to rats and mice as well, in fact most pests can be controlled with out the use damaging pesticides and insecticides.
    I have been controlling bed bugs and cat fleas today, some job eh BUT they can also be controlled without strong chemicals.
    By the way I think you have grown into the show and have a great team, fantastic adult entertainment

  30. At 12:18 PM on 24 Aug 2006, Angie wrote:

    Well thank goodness your still there. It all goes very dull when you are not.

    I really enjoyed the golf last year so I am really looking forward to watching it this year. Good luck to the UK team. Who is on the team?? I am thinking of having a dinner party soon so perhaps the truffle eggs would be a good idea. Obviousley need to try them first!

    I hope all fellow bloggers have a great bank holiday weekend. Loads of food, wine, craft fairs(??) and TV.


  31. At 03:52 PM on 04 Sep 2006, Mandy Wootten wrote:

    I am looking forward to driving home tonight, you have been sorely missed. Completely tuned out the first week, last week was not sooooo bad, but looking forward to this evening.


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