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Chris Evans | 05:08 UK time, Wednesday, 9 August 2006

Morning morning. So how are we today ? Well, I hope.

How good was John McEnroe last night ? The guy is a God !

So, here I am again, ready for the day, the computer's on and off we go. I am still in bed though.

When I first wake up, it's usually because I need a wee. I then lie there for several minutes trying to deny this fact whilst also beginning to realise how dry my mouth is, so now I realise I need a drink as well. Gasping for a drink and busting for a pee and still I lie there refusing to admit defeat. I know I'm not going to get back to sleep and I know I'm going to continue to feel uncomfortable, why don't I just succumb and get this ol' bag 'o' bones a - movin'.

When I do finally raise myself up, it's such a blasted relief. I go to the loo first and then I stagger to the fridge, my torseau dragging my legs behind me as they seem to have forgotten that it'sactually their job to do the walking. Once in the kitchen I then put the kettle on, so's it doesn't take as long to boil when I have my official waking up in an hour or two's time. Then it's to the fridge for anything cold, usualy cordial, if not fruit juice or milk.

After this little routine and it's pretty much the same every day, I return to my slumber for my favorite hour's sleep. This final hour is like the bonus ball in the lottery, I've already had six, here's another just for good luck.

(Oh, by the way,when I was a kid I'm sure my mouth never used to feel as dry in the mornings as it does nowadays.)


So, how about the art of waking up once and for all ready to start the day and most importantly, in a good mood. Well the first thing is I think, waking up in a good mood has a lot to do with knowing you've had a decent night's kip. This would mostly come from being dog tired the night before, this would be a s a result of having a really fruitful day during the day. Being really tired, generally means sleeping really well.

The next thing is having the forthcoming day sorted. Preparation is the key, for anything. It doesn't mean you can't change things once you've decided on a schedule but it does mean there's a certain calm about proceedings. Then go through the day in your head and do a mock timing, are there enough hours in today for you to do what you have planned ? If not then something's got to go, what's it going to be ? Make the decision now, it's one more thing off your mind. Is there enough of what you want in today ? Are you going to have time for yourself ? If not, can you make some time for yourself ? If still no, then make sure you make some time for yourself tomorrow, or the day after. Are you adding to the world today or are you taking away ?

One must have time to think in the mornings or even time not to think, to have a quiet few minutes before the world tries to grab a hold of you and make you dance to it's tune, one must be ready for this mugging.

When people wake up late and don't have time for a cup of tea and have to rush out of the house, sweating, panicy, unkempt, already they're one nil down, one step behind the pace, chasing their tail. Why would anyone want to live like that ?


Tthere are things you can actively do to put yourself in a good mood. Watching an old SEINFELD often does the trick for me. Twenty two minutes long, watch it in bed if you like. A piece of toast, a few thought provoking questions and a load of belly laughs even before you've got out of bed and on a week day !

The best idea I ever heard for "good mood getting up," was in a brilliant book about the amazing story of BEN AND GERRY, the ice cream guys. Their story anyway is amazing but here's how to spend your money if you ever hit the rich switch. One of them, and forgive my I can't remember which one, had a slide built from the end of his bed that went through the floor and right into his kitchen. This is how he started his day, every day...with a slide down to breakfast for heaven's sake ! Wow. Oh and it wasn't just any slide, it was a big beautiful, twirling, round sided, stainless steel slide. Genius.

Tonight it's the midweek lotto again, so my advice...buy just the one line and think about what kind of slide you'd like.

Cos we all know there's nothing like a good "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee......!" in the morning.

Lots of love, mange tout, mange tout. x.

P.S. Loved all your post yesterday. I read every one, I promise.

Tomorrow... time for a new car and when someone rings to see if you're ever going to say thank you. xxx.

P.P.S. There's a chap on tonight and he's going to talk about something caled moon gardening, it's how the moon can be used to map out the way you grow your veggies and stuff, I've heard of it before and ANTHONY WORRAL THOMPSON swears by it. TOODLE PIP.


  1. At 07:26 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Larry Hicks wrote:

    Chris... Geeesh. If I could hop out of bed like you do every morning I'd get loads more done each day. Hmmmmm, perhaps the secret is to drink a lot before hitting the ole pillow! Seems to me tho' that I'd be more likely to get up groggy in the middle of the night, knock my big toe on the side of the bed, stumble into the bathroom and make my wife made cuz' I'd miss my little white friend, then crawl back into bed and snog off until I usually get up anyways. Nope!! No weeeeee for meeeeee!!

    Yuk Yuk

    Cheers mate,

    PS. I am in Edmonton, Alberta right now on a biz trip - Halifax, Nova Scotia is home tho' - I love your Drivetime show. Sally makes me feel great not to be PARKed on the UK roadways. A crazy busy day for me takes 18 minutes tops from my front door to the office. We call THAT traffic!!

  2. At 07:35 AM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Morning Christoph,

    I am one of those 'really' annoying people who is awake and firing on all cylinders as soon as their eyes are open..

    Once I'm awake, I'm up and getting on with things. Downstairs, let the dog out, kettle on, go for a pee, check E-mither etc etc..

    I would say that pre boiling the kettle is wasteful, which it is, but I normally need to boil it two or three times before I get my first brew of the day because I get wrapped up in other things...

    Looking forward to another great day!


  3. At 07:39 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Mike wrote:


    You shouldn't pre boil the kettle.

    Firstly you are wasting energy and setting a bad examples.

    Secondly the more you boil water the stronger the mineral content flavours the water.

    It is much better to boil it once preferably with just enough filtered water to make the number of cups required, thus saving energy and water.

    You will then get a nice cup of tea or coffee.

    How sad is it that I know such things.

    Love the show especially the experts your have on. The metabalizem item the other day was brilliant.

    I must admit I was not looking forward to you taking over from Jonny Walker but you have certainly won me over and put your own stamp on the show. I look forward to listening to you on the drive home each night.

    Keep up the good work.


  4. At 07:42 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Callie wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Loving the show and the blog! Just wanted to add that what makes me happy on waking up is knowing I've got the day off today!! I'm going to spend it shopping with my teenage daughter who is off to Switzerland tomorrow.

    I can't decide what sort of slide to buy - a helter skelter would be fab, but what about when I'm hungover? I think it will have to be one of those wavy bouncy castle types with a soft landing!

    See you later!

  5. At 07:56 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Richard Nesbitt wrote:


    Newcomer to your blogs but you have hit the nail twice now. I love the bit about adding to the world or taking away, and starting the day 1-0 down; that's today - arrived early - time in my cave before the world descends and wot, no pass, so I had to wait by the door.

    A slide would be brilliant, no stumbling to the loo and falling over the cat. Might have to invest in some PJs though. Catch you on the flip side tonight.


  6. At 07:58 AM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I could never get started mornings until 10.00 am but I could stay up no problem until 3.00 am. My then wife was the reverse, bed at 9.00 pm up at 6.00 am. Our marriage broke up because of other non related reasons.

    I met and married, 20 years ago, today a beautiful lady called Patricia. She is my entire world. I have thought about her at least once every hour since I met her and she is still so sexy and gorgeous to me even if we are not doing too well at present. Sorry my point is that I need to work to look after this dream partner and early start it is so I now wake up at 05.15 am, straight out of bed, shower, quick breakfast, make her a drink and go to my office to work. Why? Because she has made me happy and want to get as much awake life as I can get so that I can think about her when I can not be with her.

    Does she know this? I doubt it because she thinks I am mental.

    Despite the current difficulty, life with her is good. What you need is love - not from someone but for someone and show it - don't be shy.

    So go to it. Make today's task "Recognise someone you love and TELL them"!

    Keep up the good work young man

    Andrew H

  7. At 08:01 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Mark Occomore wrote:

    Hiya Chris,

    It's good to get up at least an hour before you go off to work, that does give you enough time to have a cuppa. Tea is supposed to be the remedy for the start of the day. If you have to much Tea before bed then you might be weeeeeeeeeing all night and not after you have posted a blog first thing, you should really not hold yourself Chris lol. I always make sure I have a cuppa in the morning for I go off to work and a slice of toast unless like me I will buy a paper then see the chocolate counter. Apparently two much Coffee during the day can make you mood. Thats a theroy I heard a few years ago.

    Well have a nice day and hear you later.


  8. At 08:05 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Jill wrote:

    Think this is the first time I've looked at a blog, let along a shlog! I love the mornings, have already taken son to station, watered plants, done some ironing, made lunch for hubby and had breakfast - and I'm supposed to be on holiday! (I work in a school, lucky me.)

    I really LURVE the show - hadn't really come across you before on the radio and wasn't sure whether I would - but I learn new things every day and it's obvious that everyone works on the show enjoys it. I pick hubby Gary up from work just as Rebecca comes on and get cross if he starts talking in case I miss something! Your experts are really interesting. I also enjoy Fridays when I get to find out what exciting weekends people have planned.

    I predict another Sony award. Keep going.

  9. At 08:23 AM on 09 Aug 2006, The ern wrote:

    Life really is all about attitude isn't it? If you have a positive attitude to life you will generally be a lot happier and I believe positive people are healthier in general than people who are negative. This is where we lag behind other nations who are a lot more optimistic in outlook : maybe its the weather???

    The worst thing in life is to be surrounded by negatitve people. In that situation I think the best answer is to break the link with them if you cant avoid or ignore them. This can be really painful though as it may mean moving jobs or losing friends but I think it works out best in the long run.

  10. At 08:25 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Lee Heyes wrote:

    Mornin' Christoph,

    the key to morning coffee is buying a coffee machine with a timer on it. Load it up the night before, set the time for the morning, hey presto, fresh hot coffee!

    Love the shlog!

  11. At 08:36 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Lee Heyes wrote:

    You're all right about the positivity. If you're playing golf, and you have to hit the ball over water and you think "please don't go in the water" the ONLY place the ball will go is in the water. Think "middle of the green, no problem" and it'll fly across the water nicely.

  12. At 08:38 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Dennan wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Just started listening to your show this week. Fantastic work, I love it. I've started switching off the TV to listen to you.

  13. At 08:39 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Ginny wrote:

    Up at 5.30 and walking the dogs sounds mad but it so good to get me unravelled first thing (except when its raining and its not so good as all I get is wet).
    When we can get up in the morning - whatever time - life is what we make it and we have the potential to make it good every day.
    Thanks Chris
    Hope you have a good day.

  14. At 08:44 AM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Morning Chris, morning everyone! Hope you are all ok.

    It made me smile this morning, I think the first thing everyone does in the morning is get up and have the first wee of the day - then some panic and start rushing - especially if they are late!

    I've been in the office an hour now trying to get a few things knocked off before the usual mayhem and ramblings start! But it is good to try and get up an hour before your day starts to try and get things organised in your own head alone. Your correct in what you say about having to have time for yourself - otherwise you just run round and round in circles and get yourself down - which nobody wants. It's always better if you can have a positive outlook on everything.

    If I need to put myself in a good mood I pop on an episode of Open All Hours; to me Ronnie Barker was a god; and it always make's me laugh; everything seems so innocent in it....what it must feel like to contribute so much to the world and give people so much joy. Similar to yourself Chris, people look forward to driving home with you at the end of their day to help them unwind and get themselves thinking about the night ahead.

    Well better go now, good luck to everyone tonight on the Lotto.

    Keep up the good work Chris.


  15. At 08:46 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Karen from Stoke-on-Trent wrote:

    Morning Chris, what a brilliant BLOG you are doing every day. I must admit, I am not the best morning person, but when I come into work and boot up the old computer, after reading your BLOG I feel 20 times better. You are a credit to the radio, and it's great to have you back. You put a different angle onto the show, and have great guests. You are definately giving Jonathan Ross a run for his money!! Keep up the great work.
    Have a great day, Karen.

  16. At 08:47 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Mick Connor wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I get up at 0445 Mon-Fri and am awake and ready to leave the house for my commute to London from Bristol at 0500. I listen to you on my way home, Great show.

    The way some records link in with the previous article or guest makes it seem like someone actually plans the show. spooky!!!

    Keep it up.



  17. At 08:50 AM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:


    On the 'pee' note you missed out the step just before you wake up which is when you start to dream of getting up and going to the toilet. Nothing more frustrating than that, ,interupts that great lucid dream stage.

    I do think you're right about the way in which you wake up setting the mood for the whole day so if you do ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed, nothing like going back to bed again to solve the problem, paricularly if you are not alone!

    Going back to your first blog and following on from something you mentioned the other week, I have a similar problem with Houmous. I am convinced there is something addictive in it, can you get one of your food experts to check it out.
    If you really want a treat, toast some pine nuts, put some houmous in a big bowl, drizzle with the best virgin olive oil you can get your hands on, sprinkle some paprika and finish off with the pine nuts. Cut some pitta bread into thin strips and enter houmous heaven!

    Keep up the good work.



  18. At 08:53 AM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    hey chris.

    just a quickie... you're damn right about SEINFELD - the greatest sitcom ever written... (followed closely by CURB YOUR ENTHUSIAM)

    anyway, cheers for the laughs...

    by the way, remember the Driffield Roadshow?

    ta ta... from chris

  19. At 08:55 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Jayney Vaughan wrote:

    Morning Christopher,
    Logged on to the blog for the firstest time ever this morning as I was in work at 7am. As a fellow "turned 40 in 2006" type, I thought I'd turn over a new leaf and get with the groove on the old PC nonsense. Can't quite give up the silk slut fags although i am on the low fat variety! The pinot grigio is banned until I step through my door on a Friday at about 7pm and the empties get hidden under the papers and mags in the early hours of Monday morning, I have I might add stopped draining the bottles for breakfast! Can't believe how long you've been with me young man, but I was reminded when I happened to turn onto the tv programme elequently narrated by Mr Fry on the Light Entertainment showbiz type thing.

    When I do eventually have the casherooney to have my slide, it'll be a bit of a Wallace & Gromit type that will incorporate a jet pack launch and heli pad, I don't think that would be to chaise longe do you? Any hoo I really do have to do a bit of work now but thanks for getting the MAC on last night, you're right, he is a God and tres sexy, what is it about older men? Give me greying temples and a bit of je ne sais quoi any time. Looking forward to turning you on later! Until then, i've run out of mange tout so petit pois, petis pois. Jayney

  20. At 08:57 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Darryl wrote:

    Hi Chris.
    Great blog.
    I sell cider for a living so woke up this morning with a real spring in my step; thanks for all the free PR yesterday.
    We love the show.

  21. At 09:09 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Peter wrote:


    There is nothing that gets me in a good mood the way Seinfeld does. I have recently aqcuired the whole lot and try to watch one or two a day alhtough I have occasionally had a Seinfeld binge and been watching them until 2 in the morning.

    Good show btw. Never really bothered with Radio2 until one night the dial slipped and I heard your dulcet tones. I'm hooked ever since......


  22. At 09:25 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Anna wrote:

    Morning Chris,
    I was one of those people this morning, running out of the house late, panicking to get to work, knowing I’m going to be late, driving too fast, getting stressed and what’s the point, did I benefit from not getting up on time? No, so that’s it no more, it’s time to change. So thank you Chris. By the way you are remarkably eloquent & thoughtful for 5am!
    I am thoroughly enjoying the show, it’s such a great mix of interesting guests & great music, and it’s great to listen to you on air again.
    Anna xxx

  23. At 09:25 AM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Morning Chris, another early rise.

    I prefer to jump out of bed and just lay in the bath for 15 minutes, thinking about the day ahead, then carry out the rest of the necessary tasks in the bathroom and down to the kitchen for glass of juice, 5 minutes of sky sports news and in the car for a 2 hour drive to the office, more time to reflect on the coming day and the tasks ahead.

    Morning to me is the best time in the day, especially a lovely summers morning, sun is up, birds are out world seems a wonderful place.

    Have a good one Chris

    Mange Tout.


  24. At 09:27 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Danny Boyle wrote:

    Hey Chris,
    Love the blog - I read it in the office in Belfast every morning but I'm going for a knee operation tomorrow and will be off work for 2 weeks so I'll have to catch up at home.
    Make sure to tell us about your automobile considerations - I'm nuts about cars and I know you have quite a good notion of the difference between quality and orinariness when it comes to wheels.
    (by the way, my claim to fame is that I was your tea-boy in 1995 for a wee and you were good enough to take me to TFI on the Friday - Stephen Fry and Sheryl Crow were on that night. I never got the chance to thank you personally for the kindness and consideration which you and the radio team showed me that week - it was one of the most enjoyable experiences I have ever had. Thank you.)

  25. At 09:27 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Virginia wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Just wanted to say that your doing a great job really enjoy the show and it's good to have you back on the radio.

    Second time I've read your Blog yesterday and today, your right about trying to make time for yourself during the day even if it just 5 mins it dose wanders for you.

    Take care


  26. At 09:28 AM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Good morning Christoph lamby-pie!

    Good heavens! Two days on the bounce knocking around in the small hours. At least this morning you had your own bed.

    I'm definitely more of an owl than a lark, which means that I'm usually still up and about well past two am. This at least means that I finally got to watch Dangerous Liaisons on telly last night. Wonderful!
    Moreover there was an interesting thunderstorm out here in Spain which captivated my attention for a while. Nature's great. A worthwhile substitution for a complete lack of Seinfeld. I'll have to see if I can get hold of some DVDs of that.

    Enjoying the show. You've kept the tradition of great music while stamping your personality on the slot.

    Kind regards

  27. At 09:33 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Janis wrote:

    When I heard you were going to replace Johnnie Walker I thought is this man suitable for this slot on Radio 2........surely not..........

    How wrong have I been ! It's like the good old days of yourself and Gaby Roslin on the Big Breakfast. Well done !

    Perhaps the only thing to beat good Radio is a good book.........Harry Potter ? Nobble Hospital of the Aegean by Paul Judges - lovely stuff.....

  28. At 09:34 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Lorien wrote:

    Wise words!!

    A perfect start to the day, is to wake up and find the two cats purring away on the bed and my husband's arms around me. It doesn't get much better than that!

    Take Care


  29. At 09:34 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Greenflash wrote:

    What ho, no mention of looking for additional and unexpected ear/nose hair growth as you peruse the ravages of time in the mirror...you must be alone amongst 40'somethings...why does this never happen where you want it !

    How about putting a note book and pen on the bedside table then when you invariably wake in the m.o.t.n. with the great idea scribbling it down and sharing it with the nation next day...mine are so bizzare next day but make so much sense at the time...

    show top notch ...

  30. At 09:40 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Andrew wrote:

    Yesterday I posted a comment that was a little critical of you and your musings. Blimey, it was not put up on the board! In order to stand a chance today. Fab, great, keep up the good work............................ My wife likes your show by the way.

  31. At 09:48 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Karen wrote:

    Hi Chris

    What can I say I'm already addicted to the blog and dare I say it the shlog! Never really took to JW anyway - keep it up! Karen

  32. At 09:58 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Jill Hart wrote:

    Christoph lamby pie, my recipe for waking up and starting a new day greeeeat is to make sure I eat okay the day before as well as having at least one hours exercise every day be it horse riding, swimming, running or riding my beloved bike. Just an hour and this includes my 'me time' as well.

    That helps to get a good nights kip but the thing that really puts me in a good mood for the day is to walk my very precious german shepherd dog called Sadie for half to an hour every morning.

    Having your day planned also helps.

    Enough about me, love the show, love what you do and think. Will always be a fan.


  33. At 09:59 AM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    I used to set the alarm for 6 am and then wake up every 10 minutes untill 7, untill I REALLY REALLY had too. My hubby claimed that it made me grumpy because I had a disturbed last hour sleep. Fair point (he as well I suppose). So, now the alarm goes a 6.50 I watch the TV for 5 minutes, then jump out of bed, under the shower, sing a song, take my nutta boxerdog out for a firm 15 min.walk, take a coffee and I must say, I am far more cheerful and energetic in the morning. Love the Ben&Jerry idea, but then slide in the bath, get washed&dryed, then a door opens in the bad and you slide down to the kitchen for coffee and breakie. Chris, last I would like to say, I drive every day from NTB to Sprucefield in Northern Ireland (about 80miles over mainly country roads) and if it wasn't for the craic on R2 I couldn't have done it. (Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Ulster is so depressing), I often laugh my head of in the car despite the fact I'm stuck behind people that manage to do 40mi/per hr on a 60mi/per hr road (WHY WHY?), tractors (that seem to be size of war tanks these days) and Lorry's that refuse to move over to the slow lane (so you get a chance to take over). Chris, thanks.

  34. At 10:17 AM on 09 Aug 2006, rob the self proclaimed drive time physics student wrote:

    As im a student no need to get up too early in this holiday season, Though i do need to revise for an exam a week today, but anyway.

    At the moment my waking habit tends to be, Wake at 7.15, go let Pippa the golden retriever out, and then i pop back into bed listening the Show time slot on Sarah Kennedy, followed by terry's show, depending on what i have planned for the day i will get up during terry's show, or if not much on at 9:30 i then go up grab a shower, grab some breakfast and feed the dog if i haven’t done so first thing.

    I always feel refreshed, this may be because i have had a rather late sleep in compared to most people though.

    But during term time if i have a rowing outing ill be up at about 5:30 on the river at about 6:00 and there’s nothing better to wake you up than rowing through the mist in a mornin and seeing the sun rise as your being shouted at by a bossy little woman at the front of the boat.

    Wish all a good day, 6 hours 45 mins till the show



  35. At 10:37 AM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Morning Chris-e-poos,
    Crikey the old shlog is catching on - I detect a certain reticense in your tone when you mention your shlog on the radio ..but its great really.Look at all your posts darling!

    On the pee subject my 3yr old boy had a spring in his step today because we celebrated his first night of sleeping without a nappy on his 'special sheet'. He got lots of praise bless him.

    Thanks to him there's no lying in bed in our house anymore - and unfortunately I'm definitely not the morning type, so he gets grumpy head Mum before 9am after which I become adjusted to the new day.(having ingested 20cups of espresso).

    Have a fabulous day Chris, and I'll look forward to checking in with you tomorrow.


  36. At 10:37 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Geoff Hancock wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Don't agree with the guy who complained about the peurile nature of your show - light relief, interest and great music. I'll give you peurile; I was away on business and joined some mates in a different hotel for a few bevvies. At the end of the evening I had to walk back to my hotel when I suddenly got the urge to hide in the bushes and press the pelican crossing button every time I heard a car coming (12.30am) - it's amazing how people obey red lights when there's no one around. Did this about 5 times - laughed about as i staggered back to my hotel. Peurile? yes - a laugh? certainly

  37. At 10:44 AM on 09 Aug 2006, john wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Firstly I just wanted to say I have a bit of a problem with your show, in that, when it comes on I stop what ever I'm doing and have to listen to the show and can't really get anything else done while its on because it distracts me from your great show.

    Your comment about the slide out of bed reminded me of an article I read in a magazine 20 odd years ago about the guy who first started up Unilever. Apparently he was very eccentric and used to sleep outside on this huge bed all year round. It didn't matter if it was feezing or snowing. He had something that looked like a cross between a lean too and a carport on the side of his mansion with his huge bed under it. I'd like to find out more about that, maybe I should ask the Fox....

    Have a great day.

  38. At 10:49 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Julie Morrison wrote:


    On the subject of light bulbs last night, there was in fact an ever lasting light bulb invented some time ago, not surprising but what is surprising is that Thorn EMI bought the patent so that nobody could ever make them and Jo Public would have to keep buying light bulbs and putting money in the pockets of the manufacturers. Bit of a rip off don't you think?...

    Julie Morrison, Glasgow

  39. At 11:05 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Andrew wrote:

    Wow Chris, I thought it was just me who woke up in the night with the mouth feeling like a desert along with needing a "wee" moment. It get's worse though...sometimes I have to travel for 3 hours or more ealy in the morning to go to work where I know I will need several more "wee" moments during the journey!

    Before I get up in the morning, I try to think of 10 good reasons why I should leave the comfort of the bed...the one that makes me move is the need to earn money to buy stuff I need to live. Cool eh?

  40. At 11:10 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Sarah wrote:

    Hey Chris,

    Like the slide idea if you win the lottery...

    I once stayed with a guy who lived in Miami, think he was a hob nob in RC cola or something.. (I digress), and his kid had a slide in his room (a twisty plastic one) that took the kid from his bed to the pool!!

    Now that's one way from being sleepy to awake in one "weeeeeee....."! No need for the morning tea or coffee for that one.

    Please give my regards to Sally Traffic, she is a godsend. Another digression...Does she really sing? Why don't we have a singing Sally spot on the show on request Friday's so we can request she sings something?

    Just a random thought.

    Oh well back to work.

    Scarysarie x

  41. At 11:20 AM on 09 Aug 2006, Cat wrote:

    Morning all.

    Positivity is always good to start the day - totally believe that - and so is a nice cup of tea to go with it! The sad thing is that throughout life I've found it's always a lot easier and more exciting to get up early and chipper on weekends or holidays than when you have the prospect of going into work! Having one of those days when everything is against me (hence only replying now as the computers were down, and after the bus broke down on the way in to work) but your blog has made me think about the nice things I've got to look forward to today and put a smile on my face. Ta muchly!


  42. At 11:43 AM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Start the new day with a smile

  43. At 12:01 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Tina wrote:

    Chris, ditto my morning colleague! I too hate the feeling of waking up and finding my bladder belting the hell out of me and trying hard to fight it off by curling even tighter up into the large marshmallow that is my duvet until, alas, the pee wins (only just though as I cat stretch and open my mouth to let out a large yawn followed by 2 camels!)

    I have decided on the "jamie and the magic torch" slide - minus the big hairy dog following me!

    Thanks for a brilliant drive home show, its a breath of fresh air everyday after another "work to live - don't live to work" day in the office!

  44. At 12:05 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Diana wrote:


    Since moving back to the States kicking and screaming all the way, I've quite missed seeing/hearing you. Radio 2 on computer is a Godsend! Noon till 2 every afternoon, headphones plugged in my ears, I definitely enjoy your show. I love your good mood waking up tips. Telly at 4:30 am a bit too much for me though. As I'm at work hours before anyone else (the big gas price rise has my husband and I carpooling...he drops me on his way to his job miles further away) I have a good cup of tea and some nice quiet time to myself. It's a wonder what a day can begin like if you are alone at your place of work for a while first thing! If I plan it just right, I can get a little wake up walk in before we pile in the car for our 40 minute drive. God bless you and your sense of humour. You keep the homesickness a bit at bay.

  45. At 12:46 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Jodie wrote:

    First time i have read your blog and I loved it - read then Ben & Gerry story to the office and it gave us all a chuckle.
    I was woken by my 15 month old son climbing all over me this morning - my husband had brought him into our bed when he woke at 5:12 am. I pretended to still be asleep but he was having none of it - I was very p****d off! However, when I finally succumbed and open my eyes I was met with a cheeky grin and clapping hand - oh mornings are not so bad after all!!
    I'll be listening in at 5 - good luck for today's show!

  46. At 12:53 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Sean wrote:

    Chris, good morning. Nice effort a long blog. Ahhh you are as old as i am. Im afraid the only way to a cracking nights sleep is early to bed and no alcohol at all. The problem is when you do this you feel so good the next day you feel you can stay up forever and it all goes wrong again.

    I know you hate all this self improvement stuff but youve got to act like a child again, healthy life, good sleep and lots of fun packed into the middle.

    And, although i love a good beer when earnt and wine i still cant help drinking too much and one night wasted knackers me for the week.

    Oh and your torseau is a french body of water your fine english body is a torso.

    Glad your Radio show has a positive happy air to it. Sean

  47. At 01:04 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Alison P wrote:

    Hi Chris

    A bit worried about the time you write this blog - surely you are wide awake by the time you've finished!

    Would love to get my husband to subscribe to your morning attitude. He gets up 10 minutes before he goes to work, drives 6 minutes to work and is stressed and tired all the time. I on the other hand have a blissful 25 minutes of Terry in the morning and you in the evening to chill out after work and I am so much less stressed!

    Very tempted by the slide.....

    Alison xx

  48. At 01:12 PM on 09 Aug 2006, david wrote:

    good day chris

    this is my first ever response to a Blog no way way!

    it's a good choice radio2 made after johnnie walker left drivetime a fresh fun and informative show

    i must have a bowl of cereal to bring me round then i must use have a good wash and a pee.

    once done i check my email usually little in there but still checked it anyway.

    i did get a lotto ticket but for saturday (DOH!)
    maybe i might be lucky.

    i'm not working so i find things to do and look for jobs as well
    fabulous show(SLOG) chris

  49. At 01:20 PM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Good afternoon Chris,

    Nice to know that you're reading all the blogs on this (if I may say) top-drawer SHLOG!

    I woke up in a great mood this morning as the first thing I thought of was that I'd won a plasma screen TV at the Leicester City match last night (had a little sad moment when I remembered the score) and that soon I'd be able to watch all my favourite things on screen in HD!

    Normally I wake up to the sound of my two labradors Roobear & Booboo mooching around downstairs making as many paw padding noises as they can on the hall floor to co-erce me into getting out of bed, coming downstairs and letting them out into the garden.

    BTW I love the show, love the Blog and you are now officially my favourite drive-time dj EVER!!!

    That's all for now,

  50. At 01:23 PM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:


    Waking up with a dry mouth is often a symptom of eating too late at night - establish a time, a couple of hours before you go to bed, after which you aren't going to eat. Drinking alcohol in any significant quantity is going to dehydrate you, though.

    Eating late and drinking will both tend to make you lose sleep, and want to go to the loo in the middle of the night.

    Very much enjoying the blog, and very much agreeing with the majority of posters and listeners who are glad to have you back! I see one or two of the mean-spirited, negative fools who dominate the R2 messageboard have made it into the comments here - ignore them. The listeners obviously do.

  51. At 01:24 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Rachel ( Blue Angel) wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    things are good at this end thanks....

    being a morning person - I can never understand when folk have problems getting up, I'm like a coiled spring in the mornings, wake naturally about 5am, ready for anything ( yes of course that too- best time in-fact) Pop the radio on - down to the kitchen for one of those healthy yoghurt things, take the fresh-baked bread out of the bread maker and put it onto the cooling rack ...... yummy ( if you haven't got one ... 90 squid... go get one (Panasonic ones are best) and try it...... they have a timer thing too, so you can do it all before you go to bed and have warm bread for breakfast.) My other half ,(Chris ) just lays in bed in a state of comatose until about 7am, by which time, I've had my morning jog, showered, dressed, made the packed lunches leaving about half an hour to chill out by playing my piano before we head out for the day......we work 50 miles apart but we live right in the middle of the two places, so it's just a 40 minute drive for both of us. ...... ... of course by 10 at night I'm dead on my feet.

    I know what you mean about being 40 (ish) though ( day one) ... the thing I've noticed, is falling over, hurts more........ it does! It really really hurts now, takes longer to get up again and that stretch to win the killer point in squash, just isn't worth the pain that comes after peeling myself from the wall. Maybe it's time to give it all up.

    Lottery! I don't play the lottery at home - the odds are so rubbish and I'm not that interested in winning mega-bucks anyway. I am though, in the lottery syndicate with my team at work..not because I want to win any money but more as an insurance policy, so that I won't be the only one left here, if the syndicate does win big and everyone leaves.......that would be awful.

    New car? .... do you fancy an almost mint-condition, 16 year old, global-warming, gas-guzzling, gut-wrenching, classic Japanese import in Ferrari Red?

    Keep smiling

    Rachel x

  52. At 01:35 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Andy wrote:


    try waking up to your 4 year old son stubbing his toe on the way back from his wee at 5.00am in the morning, ...... the toe which he had caught and ripped off the toenail the day before........ (tears in your eyes yet mate?).... I didn't need to bother getting up to the loo that morning.


  53. At 01:37 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Julie wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Oh what a joy to read your comments today. I can concur with each and every one of them. And yes, that dry mouth syndrome is down to being 40+ I'm afraid!!

    It was so refreshing to read your comments about not asking people 'what they do' I am so fed up of people saying 'and what do you do' rather than trying to find out 'who I am' as though what you do for a living is the only thing worth talking about.

    John McEnroe was fantastic on your show last night he gets better with age! So there is hope for me yet!

    By the way 'your little place' in Portugal doesnt happen to be free the last two weeks in August does it?!!! It is our 20th wedding anniversary on the 16th of this month, we were meant to organise a lovely family holiday abroad but left it too late and have now screwed up completely - we can't afford what holidays are left and dont want what we can afford!! Less than a week to go and NOTHING arranged argh!!!!!! Oh well thats life with two boys (aged 6 and 10) who take up all your 'thinking and planning' time and you have nothing left for yourself as you are far too tired to do anything once they are in bed. However the good news is I NEVER have trouble sleeping as I am far too exhausted.

    PRIVATE NOTE: Listening to your shows and reading your comments have brought me back into the land of the living again, I have been suffering from stress for the past month or so and was completely falling apart - not coping with the kids/work/home etc. so it has taken a lot for me to say what I have said, especially since the holiday not happening pushed me over the edge! Life is too short to worry but sometimes you can't see that. Your shows lighten my day - keep up the good work. xx

    LOL - Jules

  54. At 01:42 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Tom collins wrote:


    I think you're a great bloke but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we have you on the breakfast show instead? As I really feel you could wake us all up in the mornings.

    I dunno, but I think you'd be excellent there, yawn!! See, I still haven't woken up and it's 10:30....a.m, that is!

  55. At 01:43 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Josephine wrote:

    Ah, Chrissy, I love your grasp of French and merely wish that everyone could have such an innate ability at all things linguistic. On my way home last week you had me barking with laughter at the windscreen with your 'chaise longue, chaise longue' seductive murmurings. Luckily it was not at a crucial moment as I find manical laughter/weeping does not altogether help my driving. Anyway, it brightened my afternoon considerably. Alors, mon petit chou fleur, thanks for the entertainment.

    Plat du jour Rodders, plat du jour….

  56. At 01:46 PM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris.

    I've been tuning in for a few weeks now and it's a brill show. I admire you geezer, you bounce back when things are seemingly down for you, don't come across as a 'look out world i've arrived' type, and you're not scared to put your views across and stand by your views.

    I've long thought Mcenroe is a great guy, in fact he's one of the three sports people I'd set my mind on seeing 'live'. Bobby Moore was my all time hero being a West Ham lad, Jack Nicklaus as I play a bit of golf myself, and McEnroe simply becuase he's what he is - talented, forthright and bags of bottle. I'm planning to go to the RAH end of the year to watch him.

    I read his book too, thought same as you, the best I've read in it's class.

    Listen, don't let the old windbags at the beep get to you, keep on turning out the stuff.

    All the best to you mate,

    Russ M

  57. At 02:10 PM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Morning - Well I said yesterday I was a lateriser!

    Being a paraplegic has its advatages, one of which is not having to wee - wont go into details but it is easier.

    It would be a "proper" blog if you re plied to at least some comments?

    The interaction between commentators is part of the fun!

    hey ho.


  58. At 02:14 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Donk wrote:


    You just need coffee. Lots of it.


  59. At 02:16 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Joanne Murray wrote:


    I used to wake up to your breakfast show every morning which helped me start the day on a happy footing.

    Now you help me forget about what should be a stressful drive home from work, and help me chill. When I am not rushing about the house, my husband seems to be in a better mood also. Strange that.

    Thank you for helping us both relax and enjoy the evening ahead.

  60. At 02:19 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Spartacus wrote:

    Hey there Chris. What was your morning routine when you were married to Alison or Billie? ;-)

  61. At 02:20 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Stepho wrote:

    I too LOVE the old Seinfelds. What's your favourite then?
    Your show isn't drive time for me over here it's more like 'should really be cracking on with the morning by now'...... Love it anyway- today we're putting off shopping until you have finished.....

  62. At 02:21 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Toby Dodwell wrote:

    You can't keep natural talent down... You've proved that too everyone! King of the castle and your a dirty rascal is your call!

    Thinking about waking up in the morning is a terrible thought before I'm even asleep the night before!

    I need to wake up earlier and try your extra time experiment, I feel it could benfit me hugely!

    I dont get a chance to listen to your show as my design studio doesn't allow musoc, talking or generally being your own person... I know I know, time for a change, can't live in a cave all your life!

    I'm fully onboard with your podcasts though!

    Keep up everyting Chris. Your a legend and a gent!


  63. At 02:25 PM on 09 Aug 2006, maryjaneinspain wrote:

    It's never been the same waking up in the morning without you on the radio :(

    Right, I'm off for my siesta and I shall awake to you in 2 1/2 hours.

    Happy early Festivus,

    Flexible in Spain

  64. At 02:28 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Charlie wrote:

    Hi Chris you sexy beast.

    My morning usually start with being woken by the sun, which shines brightly into my bedroom. I then put on the glasses and have a little read, usually something trashy and girly that I was reading before going to sleep the night before. If it's a raunchy one, I might stay in bed a little while longer than usual...

    It's then shower time and afterwards I read my emails, often wearing little more than a towel on my head, a great enjoyment of mine as I work from home and always think of how shocked my colleagues would be if they knew. Thank heavens I have no live webcam.

    If my daughter hasn't got out of bed by this point, I wake her. If she's been lovely the day before, then I wake her with a loud, bright 'Morning darling' to get her going. If she's not been terribly lovely the day before, I climb into her bed and give her a little stroke on the cheek, a sort of 'lets start today better than we ended it yesterday'.

    By this time, the dog is usually awake, although not always guaranteed, the lazy greyhound that he is. I take him for a walk and whether it's raining, windy or gorgeously sunny, I feel a hundred times better and wide awake when I get back home and start working.

    Keep it up Chris, it's just brilliant to have you around for all this shlogging.

    Lots of love from Charlie

  65. At 02:37 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Jan S wrote:


    I'm deffo NOT a morning person and your early routine is similar to mine....... Tried to innovate on the Ben and JErry wake up by sliding down all the banisters in my 3 storey house, but some beggar put newel posts in every so often.........

    Loved the piece with big Mac yesterday - have long been an admirer of the man. Got thinking after reading Russ M's post about the people he would put himself out to see (Mac, Nicklaus and Bobby Moore (?))

    Got me thinking: If you were hosting a dinner party, who would you love to have round? Who would be your Top Four people? For the sprightly conversation (certainly not the politics!!!!) we would have John McEnroe, Boris Johnson, Paul Merton - perhaps Ken Livingston or Andrew Flintoff as well as your good self of course!! Ooh can't choose!! Need a couple of women to balance it a bit, but still working on that one - probably someone a bit feisty? How about Sally Traffic? Hmm, needs some work this one........

    Off to ponder.........

  66. At 02:48 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Cameron wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Loved your expert on day-dreaming the other day and you mentioned day-dreaming on the way to work and missing your turn off. I often seem to drift off in a day-dream on my daily commute either to or more than likely from work, but today was the very first time I missed my exit. How bizarre!!! Luckily it was 6.30am and the detour only took me 5mins longer and I had Sarah Kennedy to keep me company as usual.

    You, Johnny, Rebecca and Sally are my home-time companions. Usually only catch the last hour of your brilliant show but caught most of it yesterday as I was stuck in horrendous traffic (a knock on from that tragic accident on the M25 no doubt).

    See you this evening matey, say hi to the gang for me.

    Cameron (a Scot in the Medway)

  67. At 02:49 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Mick Thompson wrote:

    Other signs of aging apart from early morning thirst.

    Last night I was training with some youngsters who were 50 years younger than me ( I am 66). We were doing runs up a hill in the countryside around Scarborough.
    Sign 1. I was always last.
    Sign 2. The coach told the group to run up the hill as far as the stone on top. I said to the 15 year old next to me, 'Keith Richards' is standing up there, to which she replied, yes you guessed, 'Who is Keith Richards' !

    Mick Thompson aged 66 3/4.

  68. At 02:54 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Susan wrote:

    Hey Chris! I decided a few weeks ago - on the
    lead up to my big four-oh - that i had been wasting too much time, sleeping too long in the mornings and generally finally getting up with headaches. And that, as this momentous birthday was approaching, I should live life to the full. With this in mind, I now get up every morning at six o'clock - even at weekends - and go and sit in my garden with a cup of tea, tend my roses, read a book, etc, etc, and it's had a miraculous effect! I feel more "at one" with the earth generally and am really much more optimistic about life in general and the state of my own little world! Perhaps it's something that all thirty somethings feel but are too scared to verbalise?

    Take care Chris, love the show, makes me chuckle big style.


  69. At 02:59 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Brona wrote:

    Like many others haven't been inspired to reply to a blog before...

    For good moods, Its A Wonderful Life, Dark Chocolate and a sleeping pussy cat to stroke! Or a bit of Ben Fold Five 'Underground'.

    Loving your work!

  70. At 03:19 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Charlotte in Zurich wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Loving the Blogs and loooooove the show too. It cheers up evening dinner preparation. We listen every evening; and then put you on replay at the weekend. ;-)

    Bit too much information on your water works for my liking, but funny nonetheless. ;-)

    I know it's always very early in the mornings when you write your blogs, but could you please check your spelling ;-)

    Charlotte in Switzerland

  71. At 03:29 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Dawn wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Love your show, I also have to admit I wasn't pleased when I heard Johnny Walker was no longer doing the show, but now you have won me over in no time and it is great to listen to you, this is the first of your blogs I have read!!! lol!!

    Alll the best, Dawn

  72. At 03:40 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Jo wrote:

    Hi Chris.
    Am enjoying your daily blogs this week!
    Am a new listener to your show. At 32 years old you are turning me into a radio 2 convert, something I used to think would never happen!
    Your show is fantastic, look forward to tuning in every day.
    Keep up the good work,
    love Jo xx

  73. At 03:45 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Brona wrote:

    Like many others haven't been inspired to reply to a blog before...

    For good moods, Its A Wonderful Life, Dark Chocolate and a sleeping pussy cat to stroke! Or a bit of Ben Folds Five 'Underground'.

    Loving your work!

  74. At 04:03 PM on 09 Aug 2006, George wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    I too am enjoying both the shlog and the show. But this latest entry has re-kindled a question that's been bugging me for ages.
    I like to have a long lie whenever possible, which is not very often. But my parents and mother-in-law, whom are all retired, get up at 6 every morning. Why I ask them. And their answer is that they couldn't sleep any longer, no matter what time they go to bed at. Does this mean that as I get older, I too will no longer be able to have long a lie, and if so why?


  75. At 04:14 PM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Know what Christoph.

    Your enthusiasm for life is infectious.....

    listening to you makes me feel great! I nearly cry with happiness going home in the car.


  76. At 04:20 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Paul wrote:

    Love the show and the blogs cooool.

    Drinking lots of water before bed always helps you wake but you still have to overcome the urge to stay in bed. Sleeping with the curtains slightly open is always good as the sunrise wakes me up.

    As a last result I suppose you could try Red Bull on you cereal instead of milk.


  77. At 04:22 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Emma 25 wrote:

    well this is the first time I have read your blog and I have to say I am impressed! I always enjoy your show as I drive home of an evening, but it was nice to be in the randomness of your head for a few minutes on an otherwise dull wednesday afternoon.

    Tomorrow morning instead of getting up racing round the house getting my little boy ready, pulling a mismatched outfit on and jetting of to my soul destroying job I am going to rise that 30 minutes earlier, drink my coffee in quiet while listening to nina simone!!!

  78. At 04:27 PM on 09 Aug 2006, emma 25 wrote:

    Hey realised I already posted a message, but trying to wind up my day went through your previous entries! Britain least sexy guy?? I was just saying to me friend on saturday while stuck in traffic, i thought you would be great to date!!!

  79. At 04:35 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Di O'Connor wrote:

    The dog walks me at 6am every morning which knocks the cobwebs off. Live by the sea in Scotland so I can't be fussy about the weather. Don't have to worry about needing a wee or drink as routinely I sleep walk and my husband tells me I always have a wee and a drink of water.

    Really like the show you have a great team behind you who gel extremely well, not to mention the intersting guests and topics. It's good to hear that you still have a naivety about you which is extremely charming. Sorry but I don't like the music much, you play a few crackers but Pet Shop Boys - PLEASE!!!!! The play list can't be your choice you have always had great taste. Still I won't be switching off, I'm hooked as always with you.

  80. At 04:38 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Stu wrote:

    Is it a shlog or a shog?

    I only ask because my wife (when she was a teenager) made a tea cosy. It's supposed to be a dog, but it looks like a sheep and we call it a shog. Not that I've seen it for years (Don't drink Tea). But the thought of you doing a shog did make me smile and brighten my day!

    I think your blog should be a little more personal, lets find out a little more about the real Chris Evans. I'm glad your back on Air, really missed you when you left Virgin

  81. At 04:57 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Frances Hamilton wrote:

    I got accused the other day of cantering down the stairs at 6am waving my arms around and greeting my friends cousin with a huge smile and hello. I think the sight of my bounding down the stairs in t shirt and knickers was enough to make him crash through the front door and run like hell! However he brought it up that evening and we all laughed our heads off!!!!! So a happy entry into the world each day at whatever hour can only set you up for more good than bad things I reckon.

    As for the moon, I used to have an old Welsh 'git' called Howard who helped on my allotment. He swore by the phases of the moon but you plant either on the wax or the wane - must listen to find out as I forget which it is and he died this January and I miss him like mad.

    Great fun show and whacky musings! Thanks

  82. At 05:21 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Karen Young wrote:

    Hi Chris, I'm glad I'm not the only one who wakes up needing a pee and a drink and tries to ignore it for a while, always in vane, of course far worse after a drink or two the night before, I've thought about setting up one of those camel packs that hikers use next to my bed, whith the tube right near my pillow, then you can drink without lifting your head, probably end up with a wet pillow though which would be a very bad thing indeed.

    Having said all that, I wake up everyday without the alarm at about 6.30 and generally bounce out of bed and most mornings make it to the gym, a great way to start the day, gives you time to think, and gives you loads of energy for the whole day.

  83. At 05:28 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Y Hawkins wrote:

    Hi Chris, if I was cool (like my kids think they are) I would say you are "gangster legend". That means great show great blog !

  84. At 05:47 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Andrew wrote:

    The message about your show and blog being peurile seems to have been taken off. Surely your not that sensitive. Fridays off anyone!

  85. At 05:49 PM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Listened to the programme this evening while playing on my MySpace. Found the chap about Moon Gardening quite interesting. I did however know a bit about this. As i was once a wine advisor and there is a wine, Comte Cathare, by Bertie Eden (the great nephew-ish of Antony eden). Here they use the BIODYNAMIC system which takes into account the position of the sun, moon and planets before planting, harvesting, cultivating or pruning.
    Most people who drink Comte Cathare wine (check out oddbins) love it. I think its nice and worth comparing with something similar from the same region and vintage.
    Mark Boden

  86. At 05:55 PM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris.

    The blog is good.

    Good to get an insight into the life of a "celeb"!

    I chuckled about your self-defiance and "not giving in" to the desire to get up ang go for a wee. I thought it was just me that did that!

    Best wishes.

  87. At 06:05 PM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Glad to see I'm not the only one who has trouble getting up in the morning!

    I agree with your comments about waking up to a good mood.
    I gave up my job a short while ago, & I'm now setting up my own business. Work life is so much better, even though it's hard work and I'm running short of money!! I still wake up every morning in a great mood. I'd recommend it to anyone fed up of the 'daily grind'.
    And.....my commute takes all of 30 seconds...all the way to my study!

    By the way, love the show. Great job :)


  88. At 06:09 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Ann Thompson wrote:

    I am sitting here making cards,eating a very HOT pizza made by my great daughter. I did wonder how anyone could follow Johny an you have brilliantly,
    the staff sound happy. I get up in pain each am so it means relief!!Love the guests and Friday requests are great.
    Enjoy yourself

  89. At 06:17 PM on 09 Aug 2006, libby wrote:

    Hi Chris

    love the show love you! you have really won me over I used to think you were full of yourself but your not are you? your just a really nice bloke.
    I get up at 5 am evrey day I start work at 6 I give myself just enough time to have a cup of tea I have to be awake to miss all the animals that insist on running in front of the car I swear they are playing chcken.
    take care love Libby

  90. At 06:25 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Chris Glendinning wrote:


    Interesting piece about identity theft. Did you know that loads of people, probably over 1000 every week get their identity stolen when they get the number plates stolen from their car.

    The growth of this problem is massive & really causes people all sorts of problems when it happens - Obviously, when someone nicks your number plates they aren't doing it for fun, they are going to committ some crime or other and it's with YOUR identity.

    Wasn't the moon gardening guy cool!!


  91. At 06:28 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Chris Glendinning wrote:


    Interesting piece about identity theft. Did you know that loads of people, probably over 1000 every week get their identity stolen when they get the number plates stolen from their car.

    The growth of this problem is massive & really causes people all sorts of problems when it happens - Obviously, when someone nicks your number plates they aren't doing it for fun, they are going to committ some crime or other and it's with YOUR identity.

    Wasn't the moon gardening guy cool!!


  92. At 06:37 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Jay wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Not sure about the moon gardening but hey, what do I know! All I do know is I dislike gardening as it triggers my hayfever. I'm thinking of paying someone to do it for me. May be it's just laziness.

    If I need cheering up in the morning, or anytime and I can't wait for your show (!), I watch the greatest comedy duo of all time, Laurel and Hardy. They are so funny. I have The Collection (21 DVDs) box set.

    As for the morning dry mouth, it's not you. My mouth gets more ghastly the older I get too.

    Great show as ever (listening now).

    Ciao Chris


  93. At 06:44 PM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    I too exercise so that I may eat/drink what I like, and get so irritated when people call me "lucky" - It sounds too churlish and sanctimoneous to point out that it requires self discipline not "luck".
    The only lucky bit is that I really do enjoy running over mountain trails - even when it is hard work. (eg. after a night on the pop)
    On a different note - do you know what became of Holly? and Johnny (Wheels of Steel)? I expect you're fed up with being asked that - but I often wonder as you were all such great pals all those years ago.
    Planning a book of the best of the blogs? "The world according to Chris Evans" You just never know!
    Cheers, Christine x

  94. At 06:59 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Timbo wrote:

    Hi Chris, glad to hear you could join me, I used to work weekends and I always looked forward to listening on Saturday afternoon, now I've changed shifts and I work weekdays, I'm really pleased to hear that you chose to come with me, love to listen to your program, can't understand why people try to compare you with others, you are you, end of story! Listening to you every evening.

    P.S Betty boop is my wife and she really does resemble her!!! am I lucky or what?

  95. At 07:02 PM on 09 Aug 2006, rob the self proclaimed drive time physics student wrote:

    Wow what a great show, How could sally think we dont love her, ofcourse we do.

    Shes consoling, friendly helping all those stranded road users and even though I don’t drive she’s almost like a second mum, I think her son is similar age to me (19)

    Id like to see the rest of the Drive time Army writing posts on here.

    Moon gardening what an interesting concept. and i just been outside to see if we can convert anything into an outdoor bed room


  96. At 07:03 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Lynn wrote:

    I really love your show Chris, I dithered about listening to you when you first started but you have left a BIG mark on my memory to tune in every night to make my tedious journey home from work every day! I even sit in the car when I get home to make sure I don't miss anything.

    Fancy doing the morning show as well as Wogan is just silly, and i am afraid that i am forced to listed to a certain Mr Fox as I would fall asleep at the wheel!!!

    Keep up the good work hun - love the blog xx

  97. At 07:14 PM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Ah, the pre-wee morning agony, I suffer from the same thing.

    You alternate the side you lie on trying to relieve the agony - but as you allude to, you eventually give in to the inevitable trip and morning's first stare down the big porcelain telephone.

    But tell me, why is it that sometimes when you've stood there for what seems like an age and at the end believe there can't possibly be any more wee, you want to go again ten minutes later - do we have some sort of reserve bladder tank?

    My cordial of choice is Vimto and after the first glass I always feel I'm going to drink about a gallon, but another half glass somehow always manages to quench my thirst. It's a bit like wine - one bottle is not enough - but one bottle and two glasses is enough to mellow.

    One other thing I don't understand though is, if I go out on a heavy drinking session - and I'm talking ten or so pints - why do I never wake up with a 'wee agony'? Have I nipped to the loo in the middle of the night and forgotten about it?

    And why is it that as we get older we need less sleep? If I wake up with Jimmy Riddle pain at 4:00am, then how can I possibly get up and feel wide-awake?

    BTW - love the blog - love the show - love the world

  98. At 07:28 PM on 09 Aug 2006, chris gormley wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Just wanted to say thatnks for the great show. I believe in getting up early and taking it easy for a little while before heading out into the world. A cup of peppermint tea usually gives me a bit of zip., then a walk around the park with the dog puts a spring in my step. I really appreciate your oositive attitude there is far too much negativitly in the world at the moment we must fight it at every turn ! I'm heading to Cornwall next week and intend to consume plenty of good food and drink and play and listen to some great music in ordre to make the world a happier place. I think we should all tyr our best in this respect and I feel you are definitley doing your bit for world happiness,
    Chris G

  99. At 07:35 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Kate wrote:

    Am enjoying listening Chris & team- thankU!

    Moon gardening- very interesting but missed the bit about having your hair cut at a certain time because it lasts longer? Have I got that right & when was it?

    As for mornings my bladder thinks I'm 80 (am accutally 28) and wakes me up frequently! Need a slide to the loo not the kitchen.

    Keep up the good work!


  100. At 08:09 PM on 09 Aug 2006, sooz wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Was listening to your business slot on the radio tonight about checking credit ratings to prevent identity theft etc. Thought it was a good idea so went on-line to find out more. Within minutes of typing in some details I was telephoned by a guy trying to sort out all my "money problems". This has really got me worried now - have I inadvertently given away informtion that will enable someone to streal my identity? Maybe someone on the show can advise?!

  101. At 08:09 PM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris - This is fab ! Have you heard of FISH! princpals ? You should look them up. Start the day by choosing your attitude. It's yours, so you have a right to choose which one you want to have - happy, grumpy, helpful, obstanate .... you get the idea. Next, make someones day. No matter how small a gesture, just do it. You'll feel great. There are other principals .. 6 in all I think, but I'm getting boring now. I'll leave you to find the others.

    Great to hear you back on the radio. You were away to long !! Keep your pecker up.

  102. At 08:11 PM on 09 Aug 2006, sooz wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Was listening to your business slot on the radio tonight about checking credit ratings to prevent identity theft etc. Thought it was a good idea so went on-line to find out more. Within minutes of typing in some details I was telephoned by a guy trying to sort out all my "money problems". This has really got me worried now - have I inadvertently given away informtion that will enable someone to streal my identity? Maybe someone on the show can advise?!

  103. At 08:23 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Gill Morris wrote:

    Okay, so you've got me hooked on this 'moon gardening' - but can't find any information on your blog.

    Probably a blond/senior moment, but can you point me in the right direction, please.

    Has anyone written any books on the subject? If so, do you know title/author.


  104. At 08:23 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Karen Slingsby wrote:

    hi Chris,

    Great Blog and great show by the way!

    Im 40 now like you and cannot belive how much alike we 40 year olds think.
    I hear your show driving home from Airedale Hospital where I work as a ward sister.

    You make me laugh out loud...(which is a good thing) and your up beat friendly voice is so cheerful that you cannot help but feel uplifted.....Soooo good that you are back on the radio...love the bits of the show when you reminise about being a kid....do you know sometimes I still cant believe that Im a growm up...then I look at my kids...and think wow how did that happen!


    Karen Slingsby x

  105. At 08:24 PM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Love the slide idea, what a way to start the day!

    Tomorrow, I promise I will get up the first time the alarm goes off and not start the day 1 - nil down.

    In fact, I will set the alarm half an hour earlier!

    Love your BLOG

    Cheers.........Anna XXX

  106. At 08:28 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Karen Slingsby wrote:

    hi Chris,

    Great Blog and great show by the way!

    Im 40 now like you and cannot belive how much alike we 40 year olds think.
    I hear your show driving home from Airedale Hospital where I work as a ward sister.

    You make me laugh out loud...(which is a good thing) and your up beat friendly voice is so cheerful that you cannot help but feel uplifted.....Soooo good that you are back on the radio...love the bits of the show when you reminise about being a kid....do you know sometimes I still cant believe that Im a growm up...then I look at my kids...and think wow how did that happen!


    Karen Slingsby x

  107. At 08:30 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Amanda wrote:

    Dear Chris,
    Your blog is wonderful and hit the nail on the head this morning. I am NOT a morning person by nature, but have had to adapt. I have two dogs who (I swear this must be true) can HEAR the moment my eyes open in the morning. As soon as I blink I hear the "thump, thump, thump" of their tales and that is just the beginning. If I do not immediately hop out of bed and look as though I am progressing to the kitchen to feed them, they begin to bark and howl and jump all over me. Unfortunately, they don't know when it is weekend and thus I never get to sleep in!

    Love your show!

  108. At 08:41 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Helen Sanders wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I wasn't sure how you were going to do taking over from Johnnie Walker BUT you are a comic genius with such talent for broadcasting, it is scarey.

    BUT more to the point, your blog is fantastic. It really feels like you care about life and want to live it not just particpate every now and then - and that also comes across during your show.

    Thank you for your welcome return to radio and also to the fact that you're a nice and genuine kind of guy. I am an avid fan and hate to miss your show, and now I am hooked on your blog too.

    Thanks Chris.


  109. At 08:50 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Georgina wrote:

    Hey Chris, I really love the show.
    My chiropractor has a little saying about how to face that early morning grumpiness - you need a Gratitude Attitude not Stinkin' Thinkin'! The idea is to wake up and remember all the things you should be grateful for like family and friends or perhaps that you even have a job to moan about getting up for which will put you in a good mood rather than getting bogged down in the humdrum that is a morning routine: get up, wee (sadly not the slidey version) throw on clothes so you can stumble outside for a nicotine fix without getting arrested for scaring postmen, small children and so forth...hmm ok perhaps that is just me...nevermind I'll just have to keep buying the lottery tickets.

  110. At 09:16 PM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    good morning, chris. nothing interesting to add to your blog - just wanted to ask for a tiny little favour - please lend me the money to get one of those Ben &/or Jerry bedroom-to-kitchen slides! dx

  111. At 09:19 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Stewpot wrote:

    After the Third Alarm Clock has gone off I rise & go through the Motions as the lovley Sarah Kennedy's Voice wakens Me into Life.

    Get in the Car for my 47 Mile Journey to Work & start to Play Games. See if the People & Cars I see Every Morning are either ahead of Me or behind Me.

    Feel somewhat Sad at the amount of Roadkill on the Roads, I'm sure a lot of it is done on Purpose?

    Like Me My Car is waking up to so I'm in no rush to get to Work so I have a long bit of Straight Road for a Few Miles so pootle along & see how much Traffic I can keep backed up behind Me before joining a Dual Carridgeway & counting the Traffic that overtakes Me, keeping a Chart of the Wekkly count in My little Green Book in My Office Draw!!!

    Give a wave to a Person I see evry Morning standing in a Bus Stop & if waiting at the Roundabout throw Her a Sweetie & have a quick Chat.

    & All of this with My Sunglasses on even if it's bad Weather!!

    Sarah briefs Me on the Newspapers of the Day & I Sing along to a Show Tune & Lyn Bowles tells Me what Roads to avoid, shame I have to go to Luton..........Where the Roadworks from Hell are for a few Years Yet Grrrrrrr.

    One thing that really annoys Me on the Radio.........Presenters playing Sound Effects in the Gaps of Come Up & See Me by Steve Harley & The Cockney Rebel, My fave Song ever which as everyone who knows Me know thats the Song being played at My Multi Coloured Funeral as I'm being led out to rest.

    If Your Reading this Chris play My Song on Friday's Shlog as I don't have Hands Free while I Drive Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ & don't You dare Interupt it neither You Hear Me Boy!!!!!!!

  112. At 09:19 PM on 09 Aug 2006, lynda nicholson wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I was up at 5am this morning to speak to my daughter who was flying from Edinburgh to Belgrade to meet a friend for a weeks holiday, so I was happy to go back to bed for another couple of hours.

    I love the show, did not think anyone could take over from Johnny but you have charmed everyone. Love all the guests and especially love Fridays, and women's minute.

    Love Lynda xx

  113. At 09:30 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Issy wrote:

    I can't believe that you were 'off air' for so long. I have a 68 mile journey home from work every night and your show keeps me company on the way home - interrupted only by the apparently neccesary (couldn't wait until the morning!)phone call (obviously not everyone knows youre back!!) I love the slot for kids on what have you done today for the first time. The little lad from Moray ( pronounce mawray!) was brilliant. Think he had you flumoxed!(anither guid scots word!!) When are you going to have a mens half hour as they might need that amount of time to get 10 things right!!!! Only kidding

    Keep up the good work

    Love Issy xxxxxxxx

  114. At 09:32 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Andrew Hayward wrote:

    Chris me old mate,

    We find a 17 month old baby crying with a full nappie gets us up and running each morning, would you like to swap??.......please

    Andrew & Angie from Northwich Cheshire

    Ps. Loving the show give us a mention

  115. At 09:33 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Anonymous wrote:

    hi chris

  116. At 09:37 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Sugar Kane wrote:

    The slide idea's a great one, even i could tear myself away from my pillow early for that in the morning!!

    We went on a tour round the Ben and Jerry factory a couple of years ago and they give away loads of substandard ice-cream to the staff, pallets of the stuff everyday - apparently one of the emplyees gave away a freezer full of ice-cream in exchange for a car!!

    And, next to the field of grazing cows, they've got an ice-cream graveyard (for all the discontinued flavours - useless info, sorry) but, i hope the guy with the slide doesn't end up there if he goes sleepwalking through the night!!

    Lovin' the show Chris, tonight i put Radio 2 on my favourites on Sky so i can listen to the rest of your show when i get through the door!

  117. At 09:39 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Garry wrote:

    I really like the show Chris and think you have managed to pull off a miracle in taking over from Johnny so that he can do all the breakfast shows (don't tell Terry), this blog was a little less than inspiring though, but the first one was really funny and I thought, "oooh this is going to be good"

    Hope you noticed the modern management technique of building you up, before delivering the bad news and then finishing on a positive note :-)

    The golden hour is the best, this is what I call it when you wake up early and realise you don't have to get up for an hour or so and can just snuggle down for more much needed kip.

    I am known as mr grumpy by my family, this is especially so for the mornings as I just can't talk to or interact with anyone. When my brother in-law satayed with us and was up in the morning at the same time as me it just ruined the whole of my day.

    Off to the listen again page now, as I only have the chance to hear your show on a Friday when commuting back to Wales from Derby



  118. At 09:55 PM on 09 Aug 2006, June wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Just to say, love the show. I only usually hear you on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on my way home from the gym. Sounds good doesn't it... but the gym I go to is called Gymophobics - sort of gives it away doesn't it!! The gym is for ladies only (sorry if that seems sexist but couldn't bear to go with all those male posers!) and the workout is over in 30 minutes. It's a great place - no pressure! Anyway, enough of that, could you ask a Fox the Fox question? If all the gym memberships that were paid in the UK were added up, how many fish and chip suppers could they buy?

  119. At 09:55 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Tree wrote:

    I've got a horrible feeling that Radio 2 is going to get trendy with Chris around. Do you reckon he's being groomed to take over from Sir Tel?!?!

  120. At 09:55 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Samantha wrote:

    I've never read a blog before - you're my first!!

    Loved it - it's so personal. Anyway. must admit it's a rare occasion for me to be up at five am.. so hats off to you..and I like you're tip about boiling the kettle (sorry environmental man who said it was baaaad) ...surely it's a good thing to get your tea quicker??

    As for putting me in a good mood for the day - helps if it's sunny or alternatively very very cold - snowing even. .

    But right now I have a serious problem on my mind. What to name my new dog. Ok.. not serious perhaps but perplexing none the less. She's a girl dawg, and I'm stuck..my previosu dogs names - Maya, Rodin and we have a Sarge at the moment.

    It's not easy - so if you are stuck of things to do when you wake up at 5am tomorrow perhaps you could come up with some names for me!

    or you could go for a wee, get a glass of milk switch the kettle on then sleep for a bit longer. Up to you.



  121. At 10:08 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Mitch wrote:


  122. At 10:12 PM on 09 Aug 2006, shelly cook wrote:

    Hi chris
    Late again as normal for me!
    Posted yesterday but thought i would just ask why in gods name would you get up at some godforsaken hour like 5? i only do that when im off to a dog show and then under protest!!!
    wanted to say that i think its fab what you have done with the show and this blog thing is great! better than jhonny, although he was good!
    You always make me laugh and then nothing goes wrong in quite the same way. A philosophy for life. just smile and things are far better than you think! What you say makes sense and even if my-mother-in-law doesnt get your sense of humour i think its great.

  123. At 10:13 PM on 09 Aug 2006, pietro wrote:

    You really are one lucky man.Your life reminds me of my youth and i'm only bloody 40!!!!!
    I wake up with the same worries as the day before,money,the two kids(the last 2 are nice worries if you know what i mean)
    To be honest i look forward to sleep,the worries outway the pleasures at present,that split second just when you wake is nice,as all is forgotton.then reality kicks in.I'm sure you've been there.
    Well i bet thats really uplifted you.
    I'm down but not out and it's done me a bit of good rambling to someone i don't know.
    Have a good one.

  124. At 10:14 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Juney S wrote:

    Hi Chris - great to hear you back on radio again - you make the UK a better place - ahhh. I tune in each night - driving home through the beautiful Cotswolds - you and 'the family' ease the painful task of getting stuck behind all those foreigners we are lucky to have visiting this year (?!) and the 107 year old farmers who insist on coming out at rush hour to transport an aging pig in an equally aging trailer.

    Anyway, to get to the point - i am offering a suggestion for your show! The other night i heard you recalling things we did as kids which we no longer do, by the way my Sister and i used to stick fruit pastilles to the radiator to make them softer! Well, to get to the point, something that has always intrigued me is the question about what is the first item people put out in their house when they move. I firmly believe we all do this. My Sister is moving this Friday so i am intrigued to see what her chosen item will be! BTW mine is a moon gazing hare - my Husband's is to get the telly plugged in even before the furniture is through the door!!!!

    Keep up the good work!

  125. At 10:24 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Mark Harris wrote:

    Another excellent show today! I'll have to listen again as for the last hour I was clearing up the decorating parafernalia before my dinner; fish fingers with cauliflower and cheese sauce.

    I love being on holiday as no commuting to work which is a 72 mile round trip. Who travels the furthest each day by car, rail, bicycle, foot, etc? So I enjoy being up reading the newspaper and deciding whether to play golf. Once back at work, no chance until the weekend!

    So I'm off for an early night as I'm due to tee off at 6.05am tomorrow. Suppose you'll be just getting up then? What time do you get to work? Do you rehearse? Terry Wogan has been dismissing this routine to his preparations. I have to 'rehearse' for my job otherwise I won't know how to best do my job. If I just left it to chance then I'm bound to be thrown by a sudden change or just simply not knowing where I'm leading them.

    Enjoy your morning and make sure everything is planned meticulously, as I'll be listening.

    Take care, Mark

  126. At 10:52 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Hal wrote:

    Hi Chris

    I think waking up in a good mood depends on what you have to wake up for, and who you are waking up with.

    Waking up with my partner when he stays is wonderful. I love my job so waking up for work is good too. [most of the time]

    My cat is always pleased to see me, no matter what.

    My teenage kids [who don't wake up] are normally pleased to see me. [by the afternoon anyway]

    weekends are great cos although you wake up, you can take coffee back to bed.

    life is worth getting up for, hard work sometimes but anything worthwhile takes work. you get out of it what you put in.

    Love the show Chris....thank you.


  127. At 11:03 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Bev Cardwell wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Another great blog!

    I think when the mornings are dark (as they are here), you really don't want to get out of bed but when the sun's shinning (as it has been in the UK), then you can't wait to get out into the sunshine!

    My mouth always feels like I've been drinking for England the night before in a morning!

    Some great tips though, will have to give them a try!


    PS I forgot to say

    Great Guests!


    you really do host a fab show! ;o)

  128. At 11:05 PM on 09 Aug 2006, dawn provenzano wrote:

    Hello!! I read your comment about a v. dry mouth in the morning - I'm concerned you might be a bit dehydrated? Try drinking a lot more during the day and avoid drinks for an hour or two before bed to combat the desperate for a pee feeling at 5.30 a.m (that's far too early to be waking up!).
    Dawn from Chippenham.

  129. At 11:33 PM on 09 Aug 2006, stephanie wrote:

    Hi Chris
    I love your programme and try not to miss it - but sometimes I only catch parts of it like this afternoon - I missed the moon gardeners bit - so will listen on my computer when I have finished this.

    I get up early in the morning like you - 5.00am not because I need to go to the loo but because I must walk my two hunting dogs on the fells for an hour in the North Pennines before having a shower and a fruit breakfast before leaving for a 50 miles trip into work. Summer is great as it is light and I can see the splendid views but I also enjoy winter when the snow or rain is blowing horizontally and the cheeks tingle. The dogs are happy too and enjoy chasing birds, rabbits and even deer whether it is dark or light.

    I am also a late night person (as witnessed by the time of this comment). I note that others have talked about their busy day, mine was busy too - I worked from home today and wrote reviews on two articles, one for an American journal and one for a UK journal and finished reading a book I must review too - writing my review is tomorrow's job.
    Next week it will be hectic in the University as it is A level result time so no chance to work from home then.
    All the best Stephanie

  130. At 11:36 PM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    What amazes me is that you are able to blog so eloquently and in such profusion at such an early hour in the day. I try to, but it is all a bit dribs and drabs...

    Happy shlogging.


  131. At 11:39 PM on 09 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Loving the show, you've had me won over since the Saturday show.

    Have to say today your comment about Paul and Heather was the best piece of advice I've ever heard.
    Let's face it, you've been there done it and got a whole warehouse full of the T-shirts.

    The Blog is great, an opportunity to share your musings with the nation, on my Blog I call them Ponderables, not a patch on yours of course.

    Keep up the good work

  132. At 11:40 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Huw Evans wrote:

    Chris - I don't listen to your programme because your banality drives me up the wall, you were funny once when you had things like Jaques Custard and "Wind up your wife" on GLR (music radio for adults - not now). Who's changed? You or me?

  133. At 11:42 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Ian White wrote:

    I wake up every morning at 5.45 winter ,summer ,rain or shine. it drives my wife up the wall, i bought her a t shirt recently that reads " I don't do mornings".

    How we are still together after 30years i don't know.
    I seem to be a morning person unlike the rest of my family, I enjoy the sun rising the birds in the trees behind our house.
    To me the best part of the day to be savoured.
    The Chris's show on the drive home rounds off my work day perfectly

  134. At 11:50 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Ian Adamson wrote:

    hi Chris, enjoyed the blog, I might even get up early tomorrow.That tennis boy mac is a real legend. The tunes and banter are brilliant.
    will need to go can't stand the smell coming from my baffies!
    keep up the good work


  135. At 11:52 PM on 09 Aug 2006, Niki M wrote:

    As a fellow 1966 baby (I turned 40 in April too), I can sympathise with the exponentially increasing amount of effort it takes to haul out of bed in the morning. It takes me a good half hour of listening to the radio (earphones so as not to wake the husband up) before shuffling, with aching back bent, into the bathroom for a shower to wake up properly. Never mind your dry mouth - what about dry eyes? I virtually have to peel my eyelids away from my eyeballs in the morning.

    Used to listen to you years ago when you had your Saturday morning show on LBC (remember when you used to get people to shout out from their cars on air - was it 'Billy' they had to yell?)

    It's great to have you to listen to on the way home from work - especially when I've got a two hour trip back from Cardiff.


  136. At 03:28 AM on 10 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Liking the idea of the ice-cream graveyard (messgae 116) - think that one could run.

    It would give 'Night of The Living Dead' a whole new look.....

    A schlog is a great way to get the listener inside the show - the breakfast & drive-home show all in-one-package delivered to wherever you are at the time. This is interactivity. It's begun.

  137. At 10:44 AM on 10 Aug 2006, James E wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Nice to see that your blog is as inane and pointless as your show.

    When you were younger you used to be cruel, offensive and self-obsessed. Listening to your show occassionally and now viewing your blog one can see that you have matured and are now only self-obsessed.

    Keep up the work


  138. At 03:29 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Angie wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Absolutely love the show it really cheers me up as I'm preparing the evening meal in the kitchen.

    Have enjoyed reading your blog, you make me smile.


  139. At 07:05 PM on 10 Aug 2006, Pat Frost wrote:

    you said you were going home to soak in the bath and listen to Ronnie Wood, you also read in the bath. Try listening to an Audio CD kills two birds with 1 stone, and you can't drop the book in the bath!!!. Harry potter read by Stepen Fry is a good choice. Just borrowed latest one from my daughter 22hours of listening - if I start now should be done by your show starts tomorrow !!

  140. At 02:32 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Funcle Ben wrote:

    Just to let you know, really enjoyed your getting up in the morning tips, I'm always late and I think your thoughts might work for me to get on with the day on a positive note. Thanks, and take it easy..


  141. At 08:25 AM on 16 Aug 2006, Julia Temple wrote:

    Morning Chris

    Couldn't agree more about the book shops. There is nothing more exciting that buying a big pile of books, taking them home, piling them up and anticipating that feeling as you open the first page, the smooth freshness of the page, the smell and the feeling that you are going to learn something new! There is very little that can beat that.

    I like this part of the day, before the madness starts.

    Hope you have a great day and look forward to hearing you tonight on my drive home when the madness will be over for another day.


  142. At 09:33 AM on 16 Aug 2006, Andy Crow wrote:


    Its odd that you have Wild West Hero by ELO on your mind cos I cant get out of my head "I Cant Get It Out Of My Head" by ELO....



  143. At 07:18 PM on 04 Oct 2006, Mick Chisnall wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Just though I'd drop you a line to say how good the show is. I've caught snippets of it before but I managed to listen to whole show last night on the long drive back from Henley on Thames to Stockport. I always thought of you as a bit of a prat before, but I now think that not only are you a good presenter but you're not a bad bloke as well.
    Keep up the good work and I promise I'll try to listen more in the future.

  144. At 10:06 PM on 15 Nov 2006, Andy wrote:

    Fab blog mate! Gotta agree with the getting-up-thing. I did a course wih Tony Robbins (heard of him?). He taught me how to wake-up feeling on top of the world. But guess what?! The price is too high - you've gotta be a veggie; or better still, eat and drink nothing; or at least nowt that is bad for you!

    I must, however, disagree with you on the Ben and Jerrys thing. I worked with them and during the time that they became more like their nemesis - Hagen Das! They fired (or rather pushed-out) a very good friend of mine, here in the UK, and in a very nasty way - just in as nasty a way as they claimed that their corporate enemies would do. By the way, Mr Ice Cream's slide (I can't remember which one, either) was straight! Honest!

    Sorry to reply to a late blog.

    Mange tout!


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