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Chris Evans | 05:21 UK time, Friday, 11 August 2006

Guten Tag !

Why were we made to learn GERMAN at school, no one ever uses it, everyone knows we all want to speak ITALIAN anyway !

News just in:

WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION HAVE BEEN FOUND ! (They are my golf clubs and they are in the hallway right now. They are renouned for annihilating any one that comes near them)

And other news today:

I woke up with LISA STANSFIELD'S, "BEEN AROUND THE WORLD" in my head, it's still there now. Why don't you sing a bit of it ? And then see how long it takes you to shake it off. Not a bad song by the way.

I wonder how Paul McCartney is this morning ? I wonder what tune's in his head, what if it's one of his own, YELLOW SUBMARINE maybe. TUB OF MARGARINE, I always change it to.

Imagine waking up and being Paul McCartney, that must be weird. He must have been sent from HEAVEN mustn't he ? When someone's blessed with that much talent, they must have a direct line with the The Big Man.

Van Morrison's the one that always gets me. I've met him a few times, the guy is insane ! But what a force, what an extraordinary human being. Another disciple, rubbish at normal but life but then probably never meant to be one of us in the first place.

Aren't, they are our saviours.

They take us with them to the fifth dimension. They present us with a three dimensional piece of material and yet somehow it moves us, soemtimes beyond words, sometimes to tears. This is because in amongst what we initially see or hear, there is something else, a magic, this is the artist themselves, actually in their - the fourth dimension. We then put our selves in there - the fifth dimension. This is when we are taken away with something, a song, a painting, a great book. Freedom. Bliss.

Every day I walk to work through the park. I do this on purpose, for a reason. I do this to get rid of any negative thoughts I may have, or anything that might be on my mind that's of no use to me and anyone who might be going to listen to the radio show. The park is full of fast track fifth dimensional fixes. Stop to check out a bee busying itself at the heart of a flower, see how it makes you feel. Watch some kids laughing uncontrollably, having the best time just playing, the birds swooping down skidding to another successful landing on the water, the sun lighting up the leaves on a tree as if they're electric, who knew green could be so bright ?

Energy, innocence, beauty, love.

Now you know why I'm always so up for it at five past five every night !

Have a fab weekend you crazy cats, lots of love and don't forget, tonight is ALL REQUEST FRIDAY, get thinking of those tunes people.

See you on the radio,

Your faithful servant,

Christophe. x.


  1. At 06:15 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Guten Morgan Christophe,

    Wouldn't it be strange, and slightly unsettling, if someone sat up all night clicking "refresh" on your shlog so they could be the first to comment?

    ...but don't worry, I didn't do that. I'm finishing an all-nighter staring at DNA sequences and report writing, as you do, and recalled that you're a bit of an early bird, so stopped by.

    So do you know what deep mysteries and scarily fundamental patterns I found after staring at DNA sequences all night? Absolutely none! Wayhey!!! BUT, I could have done, and may still yet. That's what it's all about: the eternal optimism of the curious mind! (Or...brainwashing?)

    Anyway, I blame it on my clicking "refresh" on some guy's shlog for the last 40 mins....that, and being forced to learn German as a child. I wanted to learn French, but had to wait several years!

    Jo-king ;-)

    Here's a thought for you: Have you ever learnt something as a kid that you swore blind was true your whole life, but then as an adult, mid-conversation and about to communicate this amazing fact, you realise it's a pile of poo. You realise you've been had, (hopefully) before committing conversational suicide?

    Have a beautiful day man. LOVE the show.

    Dr Jim

  2. At 06:51 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Alison wrote:

    Morning Chris
    Not as early as you but I was too excited to sleep.
    I couldn,t agree more with walking in open spaces to refresh the spirit. I go out with my dog and I love to watch the seasons change and to look out for new changes. I have grown to love grass! Yes I am a self confessed grass bore and I drive my family mad but there are so many colours and beautiful forms.
    Happy grass viewing ( not the best time of year now) And looking forward to all request Friday showw,
    Love Alison

  3. At 06:54 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Amanda wrote:

    I was required to take German Diction in college (I was a vocal performance major for about 15 minutes), so I can speak German quite convincingly...I just have no idea what I am saying!

    I have wondered who or what inspires those who themselves are inspiring. Your example of Paul McCartney is a great one. What is the song that makes him stop in his tracks and close his eyes to drink it in? I think that I would rather not know for I am sure that I would be disappointed. Heaven forbid it be something like John Denver's "Country Road" or anything by NSync.

    On walking in the park: oh how I wish I would do that more often. A friend of mine once pointed out that even hummingbirds sit once in a while. As busy and manic as they are, if you watch carefully, you can see them alight upon a branch or the stem of a flower. I like to think that they do so to collect their thoughts and clear their minds as well.

    Auf Wiedersehen!

  4. At 07:19 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Dubai Dandy wrote:

    Good morning Sir!
    Dropped in by for the usual inspiration. Siting in sunny Dubai 3 hours ahead of you guys with a hangover. Should it not have cleared by now?? It's the weekend here so the rat race has finally slowed down. It's great to finally get some sleep and catch up on the weeks news BUT.....it's just so depressing, listened to Baz Luhrmann's Sunscreen this morning WOW! it's what we should ALL do (including the politicians) and I can't believe how relevant it now is only 6 years after it came out (and I thought it was rubbish). Cheerie bye Chrisy boy, off to email the wife and kids (still on holiday in Aberdeen) and see if they are awake. I'm also off to chase the builders, they are making some mess installing the slide at the end of my bed!! Keep it up, catch on the radio tonight.
    Dubai Dandy.

  5. At 07:44 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Mark Occomore wrote:

    Good Mogin Chris,

    I was taught German and French at School. God knows why as I never use it either, will I ever speak to someone in a different language in the street or ask for our shopping in french. Could try to speak german to the wife and kids, the kids would think I have gone mad. Now where's the dictionary lol..

    Nice food subject on last nights show cheers........

    What an opening song on Thursdays show, havn't heard that in ages, had to turn it up in the car..

    Well week off next, as it's holiday time for us, and away up North seeing family and kids see gran parents, so I will catch you in the car driving around. So no shlog posts for me for a week. Will have some reading when I return..

    Hear you later..


  6. At 07:48 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Morning Chris,
    I'm up early today as a commission came in the other day so I need to be up n out to hit the shops...(I havnt been waiting all night honest!)

    Enough of that - I think its great that you 'get' the fifth dimension. It's not available to everyone is it?Obviously you have something special to be as clever (scmoozy schmooz)as you are, but its refreshing to hear you acknowledge the simple things as important to your existence.

    Personally I find it hard to sit still, but if I do and go into the '5th' - well it is like plugging into a magic portal (like Being John Malchovich).The well from which everything floweth, so to speak!

    Foliage, animals, sky, sea it all gets me there...but my all time favourite mind switcher off is just watching my son sleeping. He looks so peaceful and happy and beautiful...ah I could watch him for hours the little sausage.

    Writing in a morning is good too, esp with the first cuppa coffee...its like a head enema.I'm set now, to go forth and create.

    Missing you already - but see you next week.

    PS (is it really you that reads these posts or an automated Â鶹ԼÅÄ robot reader/person??)

  7. At 08:01 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Kelvin Cunningham wrote:

    Morning Christophe,

    Its really is true that you don't realise what is around you until you are forced to focus on it. I have been working in Basrah Palace for a couple of years now and as the situation has become more intense more protection in the form of high concrete barriers have been put in place. I used to be able to walk along the outer edge of the compound beside the Shat Al Arab and look at the open country and the date palms growing on the island opposite. Despist what people are up to, nature carries on. The birds that occupy the wetlands are still there and fly in flocks in the early morning sun (espectially when a helicopter passes by). There are only rare glimpses of that now, we are surrounded by concrete...perhaps I should get a couple of cans of spray paint?

    Your show starts at 8pm here and I try to get settled after dinner to listen to it in my blast proof pod (top accoustics!), if I cant do that I will try and listen the following day.

    Today is friday (the weekend) and is technically a day off, but there are always things that have to be done to so I take the Ipod into the office and do the bits and have a music fest.

    Do what you do mate and keep loads of people happy.


  8. At 08:18 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Debs wrote:

    Mornin' Kwiss
    I think I'm addicted. The last thing I did before bed last night was schlog your blog and now it's the first thing I'm doing today. (note to self: must get a life!).
    I'm living alone at the moment which I HATE so I'm using your blog as my first communication with another human being for the day and I love it.
    I'm a dreadful listener so reading what someone has to say means I actually hear it and there's a good bit of meat in your morning mind soup that gets my mind chewing and passing nourishment to my thoughts. It's a great start to my day. Thanks.
    I didn't ever take a German lesson but boy did the French pay off! I can keep a man interested in me for hours if he thinks I'm French! I loved learning French from a real French person (the only way) and really wanted to be French so went through a phase at 13/14 speaking with a French accent.
    Well, I was at the fairground on Blackheath with my school pals one summer's day (all girls as girls only had girls as friends in my day) and there were four lads eyeing us up on the waltzers. Well four of us decided to pretend we were French girls but when we got talking to them only I kept it up! We all found it so amusing that I carried on seeing this guy for the next few weeks. He spent ages teaching me English, took me sightseeing (I was 15 and he was 17 and had a car) and even bought me gifts of English things for me to take back to France especially sweets at the end of the summer. I had quite a collection. To this day I still feel so bad and find this so hilarious at the sme time! I never did let on but in his memory he had a wonderful summer with a French girl, holding hands and choosing postcards for her to write home! My name was Fifi La Fenetre! (Fifi The Window!).
    There's another evening's entertainment just recalling some of the conversations we had in very slow broken English.
    Now a hop skip and a jump to my car ( I always do a hop skip and a jump across my veranda to my car. it makes me feel even younger than I am. Just try it.
    Cathch ya laters for fab talk and tunes.

    Debs x

  9. At 08:22 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Buenos Dias Christof.

    Can't do Italian, barely do the French, and am trying to do Spanish which helps when reconciling bank statements issued in Spain.

    Am very excited. Someone from your blog, hit my web.

    Muchos Gracias Senor, Te guiro

  10. At 08:22 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Alison P wrote:

    Morning Chris

    Love your thoughts on nature - so much so that I will be listening to tonights show in a farm cottage in Scotland - no phone, TV, mobile reception......just me, hubby, dog and the foothills of the Cheviots to gaze upon. Pure bliss!! Oh and several thousand sheep but that's all part of the nature. The view from the top of one of those hills is one of the most breathtaking things you can see - makes the drudgery during the week all worth while.

    Will be listening tonight

    Alison P xxx

  11. At 08:24 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Chris: I wake up every morning with a song in my head; sometime it's a great song, sometime not so, but once there it's impossible to shake. The Germans have a word for it, Ohrwurm (or Earworms), and it's the background static to my life...

    Have a great day. :D

  12. At 08:35 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Simon wrote:

    Morning Chris,

    Well this is great. An awesome show to drive home to and now a blog to get a C.E. fix in the morning! What a wonderful thing a Shlog is.

    Can't agree with you about getting into that fith dimension. Why do I drive 67 miles to and from work everyday? Because the area I live in in Sussex (Chichester) is such a wonderful place to be. A lovely city to live in, one of the best beaches in the country only 7 miles away and the wonderful countryside around glorious Goodwood less than 3 miles away. What more could you ask for?...

    A daily dosing of Chris Evan's drive time show!

    Have a great day and looking forward to listening to you again tonight mate!


  13. At 08:36 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Laura Butt wrote:


    Am sitting in a lovely quiet office with my first cup of tea of the day and the sun streaming in - that great time before the madness of the day.

    The chilli's on last night show sounded great - they're so totally addictive - love 'em.

    laurab x

  14. At 08:39 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Jayney Vaughan wrote:

    Good morning Christopher
    Goshamighty i'm late today. Had to grab an extra cuddle of my very own former ginger, bespectacled, funny, 40 something chap. He was taught German at school and liked it! He even talks to himself in German when he thinks no-one is listening. He now looks very much like he should've been Herr Flick in Allo Allo! Isn't it funny how a walk in the park can put a smile on your face, is it the green of the trees or the shimmer of the sunshine on the grass or the cleaness of the air. Having driven in on the M54 then the M6, aaaaagh! I have to imagine that I am driving through a leafy country lane and not being bullied by very large trucks driven by very large, hairy men! I thought the idea of cover versions for tonight is pretty damn fine. If I can't get through tonight, I'm a wishin anda hopin that some other 80's chick or chap will request the best cover of the era, Tainted Love by Soft Cell. As usual, I look forward to turning you on later. Petit pois, petis pois. Jayney

  15. At 08:40 AM on 11 Aug 2006, emma wrote:

    In answer to blogger no. 1's question, of course it's never happened to me but my little (20 something) brother corrected my singing "pat-a-cake" to my baby as I sung "mark it with "B"". Thomas said "it's "mark it with "T" though isn't it?" in all seriousness coz that's what we'd sung to him as a baby.....
    Also a friend at university challenged me once for riding my bike to lectures each day as I wasn't displaying a cycling proficiency badge.....she was serious too.......

  16. At 08:44 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    "...who knew green could be so bright ?"

    beyond beautiful, chris...

    cheers for that.

    - lambie pie -

  17. At 08:45 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Matt wrote:

    Morning Chris

    Just wondering if you or your listeners can add to our work debate regarding who is/was greater:

    Paul McCartney or John Lennon?

    An old debate but a good one!

    By the way, I was told that I wasn't clever enough to learn German so went on to get an A at GCSE French!?!

    Love the show.


  18. At 08:45 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Buongiorno Chris,

    Can't believe you can write your blog so early every morning! Am in total agreement with learning Italian, it is such a cool language, I mean I had to learn Latin at school.....

    I have been trying to learn Italian but I think it would be easier to be immersed in the country for a while. I can dream...

    Lisa x

  19. At 08:46 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Guten Morgen,Buneos dias, good morning
    to you christop!

    well this is an early Blog on the Shlog for me
    i did german at school one year i achieved 61% which i was very proud of but forgtton most of it now.
    in 2003 i did a spanish course and out of 15 to 20 of us two passed and one was myself so i'm using it as much as i can.

    if i had to pick a tune for the show today it would be one of my favourite songs Kind hearted Woman(a robert johnson song) but covered by Eric Clapton.
    a cover version as you suggested yesterday nice idea.

    Sir maca of MacCartney top man oh yes!(in a churchhill styley)

    asta luego

    have a fab day mate!

  20. At 08:48 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Tracey Latto wrote:

    Buongiorno Christophe-Lamby-Pie,
    Two things from your blog....
    I chose to learn Italian 7 years ago when my husband and I decided that we would get married in Italy in 2000. It really is THE most sexy language. Go ahead, expand your mind and learn it......
    Now too music.....Van Morrison is the man. 'Have I told you lately' sends me to another place and time and all matters negative disappear. Also 'I know what I like in your wardrobe' by Genesis.
    I manage to listen to the first hour of your show live, and then catch up on the last hour on the web the following day.
    Keep up the good work.


  21. At 08:57 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Sue wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    I used to watch you occassionally when you did that thing on T.V but only started listening to you on Radio 2 late on. I think that you are amazing! This blog gives such an insight to you. Theres more to you than meets the eye. I will be reading avidly now. I just wonder why you are up so ealry but really if I was a morning person, I would be up then, I realise it is the best time of the day.

    Have a great weekend.

    Postive thoughts and hugs x

  22. At 08:57 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Gordon wrote:

    Wow! A bit deep thinking this morning Chris!!!

    Well, just to lighten the mood:

    A man goes to the zoo.

    When he gets there it's empty apart from a dog.

    It was a Shitzu!

    I can hear the groans - and the see the people reading it over and over cos they don't get it.

  23. At 08:58 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Jamea Allen wrote:

    Why is it I live in beatiful cornwall but want to walk in that park in london too, bless all


  24. At 09:06 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris.

    Don't know if you're aiming your blog at my first comment on your first blog where I asked you for your tips on positive thinking... if you are, then a squillion thanks :-) ... if you're not... then a squllion thanks anyway as you give great tips anyway :-)

    A great blog today.

    Feel free to see some of my artwork at www.alexfenyvesi.co.uk where I like to pop in to the 5th dimension every so often too :-)

    Have a great one and Shlog on!

  25. At 09:14 AM on 11 Aug 2006, David wrote:


    Blog good. Show is drivel. Cant / wont listen to it.

    Radio2 is dumbing down.

    Bring back Stuart Maconnie on Drivetime.


  26. At 09:22 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Emma wrote:

    Hey, Chris!
    I'm 14 an I love your show and "shlog"! Every day there is an argument between me and my brother about whether to liten to you or watch the Simpsons, and I always win! Yay! Isn't that great?!

    Catch ya later,

  27. At 09:28 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    having the first cup of tea of the day, dressing gown on getting ready for a busy day, I'm an artist with an exhibition to organise today, cant help but think you should have a go at painting with those thoughts and actually seeing colours and works of art in the natural form, and reading through some of the other bloggers there are some monet,piacassos and constables just waiting to be unleashed.Must go and sort out a bluebell wood that just needs a bit more light to make the blubells sparkle.

    Looking forward to some great tunes tonight


  28. At 09:29 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Emma wrote:

    Boo to David (comment 25) who wants Stuart Mconie back. you're way better than him! Radio 2 is not dumbing down!

  29. At 09:30 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Emma wrote:

    Boo to David (comment 25) who says your show is drival! I love it! Radio 2 is not dumbing down! You're way better than Stuart Maconie!

  30. At 09:37 AM on 11 Aug 2006, bazmitch wrote:

    You seem to be attracting very much younger listeners to Radio 2. Perhaps you belong on Radio 1?


  31. At 09:38 AM on 11 Aug 2006, joanne w wrote:

    Hiya Chris,

    I could'nt learn Greman at school because i was in the wrong maths class ( whats that about??).

    I love the outdoors and my son who 13 months goes bonkers for trees and flowers. The show is brill and i always end up luaghing and singing along,

    Keep it up.


  32. At 09:41 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Lorien wrote:

    Morning Sunshine

    The only word of German I can remember is "jugendherberger" which is "youth hostel". I'll take that to the grave because it took a full evening's revision to learn how to spell the bloody thing.

    When I need to rid myself of the old negative vibes, I listen to Athlete's "Vehicles and Animals"
    There's a cracking line in it..........

    "There's a moment of escape for everyone of us and a beauty in the times that we create"

    Have a good weekend everyone


  33. At 09:44 AM on 11 Aug 2006, rob the self proclaimed drive time physics student wrote:

    Morning, Chris and all the other Shlogers

    I never seem to wake up with a tune in my head, that may be because before i get time to think i have a big Dog bounding into the room and Sarah Kennedy Blasting out at me. If i was to wake up with a song in my head though i think it would be something iconic like Bob Marley's "no woman no cry" or maybe that is just wishful thinking It could probably just as easily or more likely be something like the tune to Balamory, Which although iv'e never watched it i know the tune, Doesn't every one.

    I was never aloud to learn German at school, French i was allowed to, and i have to say it's been far more use. Though there are many other languages id like to wake up knowing how to speak one day, Manderin how great would that be.

    Luckily living where my family do we don't need to walk through a park to see the wonders of nature, from the kitchen as i make my Toast i have a view of fells and farm fields and small forests, all of which seem to be glinting with the morning dew.

    I'd still like to see more of your show time army contributing to the Blog, Especially Sally She should Stick in a post every day

    Well looking forward to the all request Friday show, Is it going to be a cover version Special ?


  34. At 09:48 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Wendy wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    The people that inspire me are those that are prepared to take a risk to change their lives. There are so many people out there stuck in jobs that they hate, some of them ring your show. It takes guts to give it all up and try something you love, but it has to be done, we only have one life and spending years doing something you hate just for the money is such a waste. I've been made redundant twice and both times it has worked out for the best, but I've had the change forced upon me, I wonder if I would have the guts to do it myself!

    Things I would like to do:

    move to the country and be self sufiicient
    start a bee farm, making honey and honey related products
    do a theology degree
    have a baby(getting kind of urgent at my age..in my 30s)

    But enjoying my current job as well, so hopefull will have time to do them all at some point!

    see ya...and hear you later


  35. At 09:52 AM on 11 Aug 2006, jamie the plumber wrote:

    Hola Chris

    A mi me ensenaban "valenciano" cuando yo vivia en espana. !

    They taught me "valencian" dialect when I lived in Spain....it's been invaluable in my live here in Leicester

  36. At 09:57 AM on 11 Aug 2006, kath wrote:

    Mornin Chuck and all out there.

    Good blog chris, very inspired.

    just wonderin, what was/is the point of the 25th shlog on here. If you think radio 2 is dumbing down then why don't you go listen to radio snore. Drivetime is now a really fun and entertaining show and a great way to deal with sitting in traffic moving nowhere very fast. I suppose your entitled to your opinion but just don't see the point in posting a comment like that.

    Ho hum cheery thoughts. Got my first day artic lorry training today so thoroughly scared and feeling quite sick, wish me luck.

    Keep up the great work Chris, glad to see your making the most of being given a chance. Long may your good fortune and show continue.


  37. At 10:07 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Martin wrote:

    Evans love your show not missing the Walker now
    How do you get to fux the fox!? Her voice wow

  38. At 10:13 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Catherine wrote:

    Salut Christophe,

    The key to positive thinking in life comes down to one very simple thing and that is to love yourself...............................

    It's not as easy to do as it is to write but for me is the essential key to being able to see the beauty and talent around you without feeling angry, bitter, jealous or negative. Then amazing things like nature, laughter, love, the sea, walks in the park, people who are in/take you to the fifth dimention become possible to enjoy and participate in.

    It has taken me a really tough life journey in the last five years to reach that conclusion but I have and enjoy every second of my life.

    Looking forward to tonights show (love all request Friday) can't read your blog for the next week or so as I'm off on holiday with my two beautiful girls. See you when I get back - I'll listen if I can while I'm away.

    A bientot

    x x x x

  39. At 10:24 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Ahoj, Christoph lamby-pie!

    Jak se máte?

    Walks in the park - v nice if a little manicured. Same as golf really, except when you've just stuffed yet another drive into the undergrowth, d'oh!

    I like finding an uninhabited place on a clear night, of which there are plenty here in Spain, sitting back and just looking upwards in peace and quiet. That settles me right down.

    Languages are great. When I was at school there was French, German and Latin. Now I look at what's available at some schools: Spanish, Dutch (?), Japanese, Russian, Italian, any others?
    I'm dabbling in Czech and Norwegian at the mo, just to pass the time and I like fiddly little accents over the letters.

    REALLY looking forward to all-request Friday. Never heard a bad song on it.

    Měj se!

  40. At 10:24 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Terry wrote:

    Re 25.

    'Bring back Stuart Maconnie' are you sure???

    He was about as funny /original/interesting as Muesli

    Chris Evans is always fresh and current.

    On you go, you Ginger Genius

    Mange Tout, Petit Pois

  41. At 10:33 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Carrie Mathews wrote:

    Quite the philosopher.....

  42. At 10:39 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    i can't have Sarah Kennedy booming out at me. She drives me to distraction. Chris Moyles on the other hand, forces me straight out of bed, marching round to the far side, grab the radio and chuck it as far as I can. But Hey... I'm up.Then it's over to Terry.....

  43. At 10:43 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Linda wrote:

    Waking up to find myself humming some song really would annoy me especially when I was still doing it by mid afternoon then I found how to cure it - play the song. Simple really. Once I've heard it my mind seems to say OK move on. These days I look forward to visits from my subconscious DJ because he/she/it suggests long forgotten tracks that I used to love. But of course it only works if you have that song in your CD collection!
    Love the show and listen every day. Keep up the good work. xxx

  44. At 10:43 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Alex Wood wrote:

    Every day I wake up is beautiful day. I appreciate every one more and more with the passing years.
    My problem is waking up!
    How can Chris make such profound observations so early in the day?
    I take my hat off to him.

    Talking of hats, I wish he'd loose the one in the programme web pages!

  45. At 10:53 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Nico wrote:

    is this your first blog reply from a dog, pray tell !!

    well, parks are good, and i get my energy all released by going thru the parks in ayrshire of a weekend or summers' night, but there is one major problem with parks, i'm a 1 year old Yorkie with very small, bandy legs.

    it doesnt matter its been the best summer i can remember :-), but my feet get wet, and i know that no matter how good the park is, there is a great big bath waiting for me on my return, my feet don't even touch the floor as i get carried up the stairs for a cocktail or lukewarm water and apple flavoured shampoo, so parks have their downsides.

    now beaches !!!!!!

    that's a walk

  46. At 10:54 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Ritchie wrote:


    Love the show.

    Songs in heads ?

    Just about managed to get 'Mental as anything' - 'Live it up' out of my head from the last time it was around and now you've been playing it again - and its back in my head - I jump out of bed singing it (complete with doing the actions that went with it at the time) every morning !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Excellent, entertaining show, keep it up.

  47. At 10:56 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Joanne Hepburn - Hall wrote:

    Morning Chris!
    Can I just say what a wonderful summery of the power of music and why so many of us mere mortals use it as the emotional backbone of our frantic lives!!!

    Keep on rocking,Baby!!!

    Jo x

  48. At 11:09 AM on 11 Aug 2006, marcus wrote:

    well the german was great for the footy this year..6 lads 10 days and school german it seemed to get better as the Bier flowed..lol..
    Macaroni (sic) was great sitting in for Jonny and still is on Saturday afternoons if David cares to join him then fair enough...but can he leave the old negative thoughts to himself we like you don't nuff said...going to leave you for a couple of weeks of sunshine and endeavour to play the Plato game with strangers...should be fun...thought of the day ....talk to a stranger...
    be well all


  49. At 11:30 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Susan wrote:

    Hey Chris!

    Taking a walk around the country lanes in the evening works just as well as a walk before work - in fact, it's a great time to reflect on your achievements of the day and deal with what's touched you and moved you to laughter, tears, anger, etc.

    The only problem I find is having to deal with all the midges around at the moment!

    Take care, have a lovely weekend

  50. At 11:32 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Had in my mind on waking whether you'd posted your shlog yet! I suppose my excuse is it's a good way of feeling in touch with the UK.

    We moved to Sweden in June for a change of lifestyle- slow down, get fitter, appreciate the things in life that it is so easy to overlook. And it's worked! It is so beatiful here (not that the UK isn't), but it is so quiet here and the pace for us at least is slower. Only made the decision in December on my first visit to the country. Decided to combine our interests of crafts and motor bikes, (an unusual combination) and offer them as a holiday destination. We're loving it.

    One downside is learning the Swedish language, which we are struggling with. Fortunately Swedish people in general speak excellent English, and they're so friendly. They all learn English in school and then many of their television shows and films are in English with Swedish sub-titles. Still we will continue with our Swedish, we also need to understand the bills they send us!

    Well off to make some homemade bread to go with the jam I've made.

    Lynne x

  51. At 11:34 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    topic 25 you are very wrong it's not dumming down it's as i've said before a freshing show with a presenter who says what hes thinks and puts out a great vibe for those traveling home from work.

    abit jonathan ross esque maybe

    hasta luego(not asta as i put before Doh!)

    keep on Blogging on the Shlogger
    fellow bloggers!

  52. At 11:35 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    OK, this is not really related, but I have to ask the question. What on EARTH are you doing up so early in the morning when your show doesn't start until 5pm! all your postings, with exception to the first one, are between 5am and 6am! Do you EVER get any sleep??

    Have a fab weekend - and get some sleep!


  53. At 11:35 AM on 11 Aug 2006, sarah wrote:

    The colours of green send me into a spin!
    So many depths. WHen the first leaves arrive I can barely keep my car on the road for staring at the greens. Think its a deeply spiritual colour(s)
    As i look out of my office window I have a sheep field which has a wood to the back and side. The trees are starting to change into their autumnal coats but the Oaks are hanging on in there despite the drought and retain their deep purplish green. The sheep in the field, I have grown to love as I saw some of them being born and have watched them daily turn into the teenage sheep they are today. They have charector and humour...not at all the dumb animals I thought they once were. No more roast lamb for me! They go to market soon. I can't bare the thought. YOur early morning thoughts let me know I am not alone in mine and that turning 40 was a big deal but a positive one.

  54. At 11:43 AM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Mmmmmmwah! What does a kiss sound like in German?

    Just a quick one today- snowed under here at work - so what I want to do; is update on last night's drive home... I was just leaving the carpark here at work when you read out my post-it, from yesterday's blog. I was so excited about going down the road to the village (only). I'd had fond thoughts all day of the perfect village (The Carlsberg Village- a lovely green, with a game of Cricket going on, a nice pub, basking in the evening sun, old ladies selling pots of jam from trestle tables and lots of happy people). All of that and I was going to see it for the first time, on my home! How cool is that! Well: the village was called Minterne Pava ( Only) - it's in Dorset. So I turned off the main road, onto a fairly shabby looking tarmac track. The road was very twisty, after about 400 yards there was a few farm type buildings and some stone cottages- maybe five of them in a row, then;........ nothing........ I carried on along the track ... what could be at the end?.... Eventually..... I came to a five-bar gate across the track , which by now was just dried mud and gravel- stopped the car - got out .. the most fantastic view.. across fields ( with horses) over towards the Cerne Abbas Giant ... I couldn't see him (the Giant) but I know he's is just down the road from there. I thought .. ok text the show and let them know I've arrived .... no signal !!! Doh!... So back into the car then ... hmmm could I turn around ... nope! So I had to reverse about 200 yards back down towards the farm before I could .... still eager to send in a text .. I got back out onto the main road towards home, then stopped about half a mile away at Cerne Abbas, in the car-park with a view of the Giant ( he seemed ever so please to see me). Punched in my text - job done.... ..... said hello and waved to some people who must have thought I was someone else, then carried on home.

    Have a great weekend and

    Keep smiling

    Rachel x

    Oh!!! PS.... .. I'm way too shy to ring the show for all-request Friday ..... I know ......... what am I like..... so..... any chance of ... playing Cuba by the Gibson Brothers ...... ....

  55. At 11:48 AM on 11 Aug 2006, Chris wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    My first time on a 'Blog', so here goes; I always find that sitting near a stream or a babbling brook always clears my mind of any stress. Some people say that the sound of running water makes them want to rush to the toilet. I don't find that it has this effect and can highly recommend it if you have a stressful job (the stream, not running to the toilet).

    I am in the process of learning some aspects of Japanese as I study a martial art. It's a very interesting language and there are, in some cases, no literal translations.

    Song in my head - 'Sunny Afternoon' by the Kinks as it was the last thing that Terry Wogan was playing when I got out of the car this morning.

    Great show - how about a song for All Request Friday? Since You've Been Gone by Rainbow? A good song to drive to, I find.

    Keep up the good work.

    Domo arigato gozaimashta! (Thankyou very much!)

  56. At 12:02 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Clarendon Keith wrote:

    Chris, Hi,

    You and your Radio 2 'drive-home' team are truly wonderful, great fun and great to listen to, during the drive home. Now there's a surprise!

    The blog's a superb idea and I've found myself now typing in a posting, when I've never done anything like this in my entire life!

    I'm a young at heart 52, switched-on and ofay with today's modern technology and I've now just started listening to Radio 2. Which, must be an age thing!

    Anyhow, this evening during your All Request Show (and I did like your idea about doing cover songs), I'll be driving home from Fareham in Hampshire where I've been working my socks off on a new fixed-term contract job. Driving back to Epsom in my motor, called the 'Big Friendly Giant', as the first part of the index number is BG and my daughter, Karen, thought that it was a cool idea to name it accordingly!

    So, good luck and regards to you all and all of the Radio 2 listeners. Have a great weekend.

    Clarendon Keith (alias)
    Keith Partridge, who loves his wife, Jan, DEARLY!

  57. At 12:06 PM on 11 Aug 2006, suz wrote:

    hey Chris
    Am loving your blog-I am approaching the big 4-0 next month and enjoy your musings. FYI-you can't be Britain's least sexy man...trust me! Funny, driven guys are the SEXIEST!!

  58. At 12:06 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Rebecca Collard wrote:

    Hello Chris

    I'm also in a contemplative mood, this being my 37th birthday an' all.. Not a biggie, but one year closer to the next 'biggie', and anyway I alseays find that birthdays occasion a bit of relection on my part. You know, '10 years ago I was...', etc. etc. This birthday promises to be raher more sedate than my last 'biggie' (30th), on which by 6.00 p.m I'd already managed to knock out my front tooth, pass out at another dining group's table in a 'posh' wine bar /bistro in Leicster Square, and put in an offer on our first flat (which was accepted the same day - by which time both myself and hubbie were completely not 'in compus mentus', to th point where someone had to remind us the next morning). Yep, lack of available childcare means that tonight will be much more civilised - tho' maybe that's not a bad thing... which brings me to the real point of my email - any chance of a request for the 'old' birthday bird tonight, to the tune of 'Gimme Shelter'? Not your typical birthday tune perhaps, but played really, really loud it's a bloody marvel.

    love the show

  59. At 12:13 PM on 11 Aug 2006, annt wrote:

    I am sitting here waiting for lunch time so I can finish my book 'The Hand Of Justice by Susanna Gregory- Excellent!!

    Our book club is on Trainspotting and Im too squemish!! I keep telling myself its only a book! and it cant hurt me!!

    I really enjoy the way you run the programme and the guests are very interesting - I re-run you and radio 7 each evening as I paint or make cards.

    Thanks for the fun

  60. At 12:13 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Alexandra wrote:

    Guter Tag jeder

    Unfortunately the tune I woke up with in my head this morning was the theme tune to 'Big Cook, Little Cook' of CBeebies fame (little daughter's an avid fan), but got to be one of the most annoying tunes. Incidentally, the Germans have a word for a tune that repeats around your head all day. Its literal translation is ‘ear-worm’ something I’ve always felt to be very apt.

    This weekend we are hoping to visit a farm near Iver in Buckinghamshire that has made 5 mazes out of it maize fields, ranging in difficulty from an under 5 year olds maze right through to a labyrinth. I am sure that there will be at least one disagreement between the so called grown ups about which way to go, but it’s our way to get close to nature and have some family fun.

    Last thought, and a very personal one, I don’t even rate Stuart Maconnie as high as muesli, (Comments 25 & 40) far too much variety in one bowl; more like own brand bran flakes; all the same colour, taste and the end result is full of …….. (I’ll leave that to your imaginations).

    Can’t wait until 5pm to leave work and listen to everybody’s great choices of music on the drive home tonight.

    Take care and hope everyone has a great weekend

    Auf Wiedersehen

  61. At 12:14 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Light and Dark!
    are you talking about cover versions. love and/or hate some good some bad, Aerosmith and RunDMC
    Like the cover much more. Sleepwalking Maria Lawson think I like this cover better as well
    Carwash no contest got to be the cover.
    Joe Cocker vs the Beatles, with little help from my friends, Got to be the cover. Comeon folks
    give us more ideas.

  62. At 12:18 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Tonight my wife and i are nipping down to the beach at around 10;30pm. As it was a full moon the other evening, we want to see the moonlight over the sea... and hopefully it's a choppy sea... rough sea... moonlight... sheer 5th dimension.

    Shlog on Chris!

  63. At 12:18 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    forgot to say this. If you are not doing covers tonight how about some David Lindley from El-Rayo-X Mercury Blues or some George Thorogood from The Hard Stuff, any track from this one

  64. At 12:21 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Picked up Sam last night from his Nans' house and he was very quiet, not in the least bit chatty, he'd been to the museum in Maidstone and was tired.

    I asked him if he wanted to drive the car home, he told me in his best admonishing voice that he was too young, he didn't know how to and the policemen would lock him up. I decided that he was probably right and didn't push him.

    When I was at school we were taught French but as I grew up in East Yorkshire with a broad accent, I had a diificult enough time trying to get people to understand me when I spoke English!!!

    Sam can say his name, "family" and "biscuit" in sign language! - how cool is that?

    Well that's me for today, have a good show


  65. At 12:31 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris
    This is the first time I've read your blog. I shook off the Lisa Stansfield song after one chorus - don't know the words well enough, but irritatingly I now I have TUB OF MARGARINE in my head!! I'm off to spend the weekend by Loch Ness, looking forward to listening to the show as I drive North. Cheers

  66. At 12:33 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Andy wrote:

    Hey Chris

    what are you on to be so up in the morning. it takes me till about 11.00 to wake up properly. I start work at 7.30 so it's not too good.
    Anyway managed to blag it for years.
    Find i get to the fifth dimension with a bit of something slightly illegal. makes time slow down and colours and sounds are enhanced. Love to chill out and just watch the world go by, it's amazing what you notice when you have nothing else to think about.

    ta ta for now
    will tune in later to best show on the radio

  67. At 12:36 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:


    Enjoyed today’s ramblings – I especially enjoyed the VW story from yesterday. In order to avoid typo’s and spelling errors, why don’t you type up your Blog as a word document; you can spell check it as you go, then copy and paste it into Blog format. Just a thought! Have yourself an awesome weekend. Love, Jane x

  68. At 12:38 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:


    Enjoyed today’s ramblings – I especially enjoyed the VW story from yesterday. In order to avoid typo’s and spelling errors, why don’t you type up your Blog as a word document; you can spell check it as you go, then copy and paste it into Blog format. Just a thought! Have yourself an awesome weekend. Love, Jane x

  69. At 12:38 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Jim Robinson wrote:

    Hello Chris,

    I like your mental musings. I realised I need to find a good park to go walking in soon. Hopefully in the dew with bare feet. what time is the best time for dew? Morning I guess. Is the dew in the evening the same as the dew in the morning? Or is it new dew? Oh no! now I've got a flash-back of treading in dog do with bare feet when I was a kid. My mental image of the park is now all wrong. Can you please play Amy Winehouse's version of Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow this evening. This will ease my now troubled mind.

    Cheers muchly, Jim

  70. At 12:40 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Dave Bennett wrote:

    You're so right about stepping back and seeing the wood for the trees. We all need "me time" I despise having to work all week and then only get 2 days off that fly by. Finances dictate that this will carry on for a few more years but, like yourself, I think seeing the light is an age thing. You have to hit forty, I'm 43, and suddenly it all becomes clear and you want things to slow down and be enjoyed not flying by before you can blink!

    Ten years ago Chris I loved the way you came across, the drinking and partying etc the superb Radio 1 show, I often was late for work etc coz I could not move til an item had finished and TFI has NEVER been bettered in its genre. Now you've evolved, like me, and it's a pleasure to hear you on the Radio 2 show, not adapting, but just being you!! keep doing what you're doing and those ratings, not that I think you're motivated by them, will shoot up.

    My life has been bizarre at times, relationships especially, but after 2 failed marriages, 2 beautiful kids and loads of hassle and heartache but now I am madly n love , engaged and life is great. But I'm knackered! So got to exercise, eat well, loads of water and keep getting into 34 waist trousers. Love what you're doing and how you're doing it

    Keep doing it you're the man

    Love Benno

  71. At 12:41 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Derek wrote:

    Hi Chris

    The schlog sparked a memory from way back of an eccentric maths teacher who knew one word of German from his travels, and always found it hilarious: "Krankenhausenfreifahrt" (presumably a dedicated ambulance lane?). Must have heard it from him dozens of times, always followed by his wacky chuckle, during the couple of years he taught me to A level.

    Interesting to see if this strikes a similar chord with any other shloggies, who also remember the same teacher...


  72. At 12:43 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Jenney Hudson wrote:

    Hi Chris!

    Excellent show, the people you have on your show are really interesting..I often drive home listening to You & Foxy and sit giggling away!!

    Anyway, like your idea about the walk thorugh the park seeing diffrent people, flowers & the way it makes you feel. I am currently reading a book by Paul McKenna 'How to change your life in 7 days'...I am in currently in limbo land and need to know which path to take on my career..at 30 years old you'd think I'd know..so like you walk through the park, I do a bit of self talk in a morning from this book to try & be in the right mood for when I arrive at work...just so I'm in the 'right frame of mind whilst working'..I know bizarre, but have to say his book is the best £6.97 I ever spent. I haven't digested the whole book but at least if you can get a little out of it at a time you're on the right track!!!

    So my question to you Radio 2 listeners is? Do I give up my 9-5 job and attempt to work as a make up artist in the industry and live on 6p beans for year or stay in a job that pays and I am secure in??? Dilemma!

    Hope you all have a lovely weekend guys x

    Chin chin xx

  73. At 12:44 PM on 11 Aug 2006, gavin wrote:

    hello readers.
    I always look forward to the shlog. It is very inspiring. I'm having great day at work. Just rescued a computer network, was ace. Think I impressed the right people.
    I love the day. Gonna be tuning in onmy way home chris, just after half five(couldn't give me a shout could you?)

    Todays tip! Life is full of challenges with tranquil bits in between. Never let it get on top of you, keep your eye on the light. It just took me years to get to that light. So long as you keep moving forward, you will get there. I PROMISE.

    love to all x x x

  74. At 12:48 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Good day to you Chris,

    Have been fan of yours on and off for a long time - like that you do your own thing and don't indulge in celeb crappy tv etc... I like your show - very informative, good music, amusing in places and just good listening!

    I saw some bees in my garden last weekend and decided to photograph them. Amazing things! I am lucky enough to have a fancy pants digital slr with a rather groovy macro lens so I can take some very close up shots and these little bee guys are incredible!

    I cannot walk through parks in the morning as I have to commute to London every day :( but I live by the sea in Westlciff (Southend) and love going for a run some evenings when I get home, and unwind by watching the sun setting, and the sea just doing its thing... gives you time to forget about worries of mortgages, pensions, getting old (not 40 yet but 4 years to go!) and other stuff - and it makes you realise what you have you should appreciate more - not material things but things like your health.

    Your blog is very good reading so keep up the good work!



  75. At 12:51 PM on 11 Aug 2006, AND wrote:

    CHECK OUT oldpigbarn.blogspot.com BEST BLOG IN THE UK TODAY

  76. At 12:55 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Rebecca Collard (Becky) wrote:

    Hello Chris

    I'm also in a contemplative mood, this being my 37th birthday an' all..not a 'biggie', but nearer the next one than the last, if you get my meaning. So am not in a hugely celebratory mood, especially as this is also just another working day - I tell you, you really start to feel your age whrn you buy your own birthday cake!!
    That said, my last 'biggie' birthday (30th) was a wild one; so legless by 6.00 p.m that i had to be bundled home in a taxi in disgrace, and shoved in a cold shower by my mum to sober up for the big evening party my lovely hubbie had arranged. This taxi ride was preceeded by: me knocking out my front tooth, then 'sharing' my lunch with the next dining table in a 'posh' bistro in Leicester Square, topped by managing to put in a offer on our first flat for a sum we had no hope of affording (it was accepted the same day, by which point both hubbie & I were in no fit state to remember offering said sum - we had to be reminded of our new 'homeowner' status the next morning by hysterical mates). All this said, it may be no bad thing that tonight will be a much more sedate affair, given a lack of childcare: I'm thinking a good takeway, bottles of wine, chocolate sauce....
    Which brings me to my request - any chance of playing this old birthday bird a song tonight? My track of choice is 'Gimme Shelter' (orignal Stones version) - not your typical birthday tune I know, but played really, really loud it's a bloody marvel.

    ta v. much! Love the show

    p.s Spare a thought for poor old Mac at the mo - he can't be having much fun, no matter how talented and how many millions are in the bank..plus I have it on good authority that his 'track of inspiration' is in fact 'Agadoo' (try getting THAT out of your head!) Just kidding Mazzer, you're still fab.

  77. At 01:03 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Sugar Kane wrote:

    On my crap Windows 95 pc @ work, upgrade is apparently on it's way - yeah, yeah!!

    Anyway, speaking of people who take you to another dimension (creatively, anyway).

    Hubby introduced me to a guitarist called Joe Satriani, a few of you may have heard of him - the guy is an absolute genius and to see him live always blows my mind.

    Have a good show Chris, can't wait till 5.05pm.

    Piu tardi!!

  78. At 01:06 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Tim Connolly wrote:

    Afternoon Christoff.

    Tunes in your head!. This morning I woke with the tune to 'the dirty germans crossed the line parlez vous' I have no idea where it came from but can I get rid of it!!!?

    Still looking forward to a great weekend! top of the table clash on the cricket field tomorrow for takeley, a few beers with friends in the evening, then a cycle around Rutland water with the family on Sunday.

    I can definatley relate to the life curve and the gravitational effect on the body especially at 44.

    Looking forward to the show on my drive home. Would love to hear Oh laurie by the ellesse twins, great tune.

    Have a great weekend dont eat too many pakets of pork scratchings they are not good for you.


  79. At 01:15 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    To Jenney on whether or not to quit her job and follow her dream - can you not do what I have done this year, which is: see about some sort of temporary contract? I am about to become a professional musician once again but recognise that I have bills to pay, therefore I asked if I could cease employment as a permanent member of staff and go on a temp contract which enables me to gig when I need to and work in the office when I'm not gigging until there is enough work to leave my day job. So far, it works a treat! Always follow your dreams or you'll either a) regret it, or, b) forever wonder 'what if'.

    Does that help?

    I feel sure that Mr Evans would agree!!(?)

    All the best,

  80. At 01:17 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Jezzah wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Just done me lunchtime walk, and found a tenner sat there all on its own in the middle of the path, with not a soul around.

    5 months ago i went into bar in Lancaster and saw a tenner on the floor near the bar, i picked it up and asked the lady who was stood next to it if she had dropped it, she checked her purse and said yes and thanked me, her partner even offered to buy me a drink, but i declined. So at the next bar i went to pull out the tenner i new i had in my pocket, you've guessed it! it was the one that i picked up and gave the "honest" lady in the previous bar.

    Could it be the same tenner?

    Great show


  81. At 01:20 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Di Jenner wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Just taking time out from work. I like early mornings but I drive to work and the journey isn't scenic. I listen to drivetime at some point every day so am getting used to the format. The most popular time is between 6 - 6.30 driving from the gym to home. I was sorry to have missed a sighting of you on The Wirral! Especially as my friend was in the 'Bolly' tent (marquee!) There was a picture of you this week in the local paper asking 'who spotted who' during the tournament there is still great speculation about George Clooney. Looking; forward to tonight.
    Take care

  82. At 01:21 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Janet wrote:

    The song that always sticks with me is `How much is that doggie in the window'... and thanks to your inspiring blog entry, I'll be singing it for weeks ;-)

    And I needed to learn German at school, on account of me being in Germany at the time while my dad served with the Forces. I came back to the UK years ahead of the other students in the German class, which made the first few years a doddle! I still have a special fondness for the language and the country. They certainly had recycling sorted (pardon the pun), with penalties for putting any glass or paper etc. in your general bin and providing loads of recylcing places. This country is shamefully bad at that!

    Your show has really grown on me recently - your spot for the kids who have achieved something new that day does wonders for my end-of-the-working-day mood - thanks!

  83. At 01:22 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Deane Banning wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Love your show. Have been known to sit on the drive and listen on instead of going into the house and seeing my Darling Grumpy Old Man(DGOM).

    We are off to Germany for the very first time very soon. Hoping that the smattering of German learned in school 50 years ago may come in useful "Guten Tage Gnadige Frau". Will that get me a meal? an omelette perhaps?

    Love Dee

  84. At 01:22 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Ems wrote:

    Guten Tag chicky dees

    I can't believe how dedicated everyone is blogging (or is that shlogging!!) so early in the morning - I'm afraid when you early birds were letting us know your thoughts, I was swimming 100 lengths in the pool!

    Have taken your advise Christophe, I love food and never want to be told I can't have the things I love, therefore, have spent the last two months swimming LOADS and it is working.....!!!

    Thanks to everyone for all your positive vibes, its so hard at times to keep happy and it is so great when people are nice to each other and respect each other - getting tooo deep now - TFI Friday or what!!!!!

    Have a great weekend, love the show Chris for it's depth and content, plus it is great anyway!!


  85. At 01:25 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Fiona wrote:

    Chris, you're an inspiration. The only person I know with as much enthusiasm, curiousity, passion and excitement for life is my three year old son, but he doesn't have your gift for sharing it with others. I bet you've talked incessantly since the day you were born!! Don't stop. Love the show.

  86. At 01:31 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Zara wrote:

    Hi Chris and everyone,
    I think it's great that you're so interested in so many different things.
    Looking at life around you and finding out about people's lives - all that fascinating minutiae - is more broadening than all this "learn to love yourself" stuff. For a start, it's not very gripping for everyone around you if your specialist subject is "moi, moi, moi!" Love yourself by all means, but don't make it your life's mission!

  87. At 01:34 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Alex S (Kilmarnock) wrote:

    Hi Chris

    What an inspiring blog today!

    Was getting a bit depressed sitting in my Office interviewing pupils who are due back at School next week and didn't do very well in their exams. After reading your blog I looked out the window and paid attention to the beautiful day and cast my eyes over the hills just outside the School. Then phoned my beautiful fiancee who told me she has special plans for my birthday on Monday (37 - another reason to be depressed!).
    Feel much better now, and narked with myself for appreciating what a lucky man I am!

    Have a great day Chris and another cracking show!
    (I woke up with "There's a guy down the chip shop swears he's Elvis" in my head - weird!)


  88. At 01:44 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Thanks SO much for the great show. Your energy and humour makes me smile. laugh out loud, survive my long drive home and sets me up for a fab evening. You're clocking up some marvellous karma my friend!

    love & very best wishes

    claire, dorset

  89. At 01:58 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Virginia wrote:

    Good Afternoon Chris

    Sounds as if you have got off to a good start today. Just fininshed my lunch and thought I would look at the blog didn't get a chance yesterday (sorry).

    With you mentioning songs that stick in your head and talking about Van Morrison I know have "Brown Eyed Girl" in my head and I have a smile on my face....thank you.

    Back to work now but only 3hrs and 3mins till the weekend, have a great one.


  90. At 02:01 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Cameron wrote:

    Buon giorno Christophe!

    I learnt German at school, was only average at it, but now speak German fluently at work. then again, I'm a bit of a linguistic-annorak as I also speak Dutch and Swedish and some French (voulez-vous mange tout, poubelle) and I have the delight of sitting between 2 Italians.

    Italian is one of the most romantic languages when sung, but when 2 Italians are chatting it sometimes sounds like a screaming match. And the Spaniards in my office don't seem to breath when they speak.

    Back to work now.. a stasera regazza mio.

    Ciao bello!

    Cameron (a Scot in the Medway)

  91. At 02:02 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Tom Ward wrote:

    Things just get weirder and weirder. Let me explain. On my way into work today I saw a guy driving his car with fog lights on although it was not foggy which I thought was weird. I also saw another guy driving his car wearing sunglasses although it was not sunny which I also thought was weird. However, the best ever was about 5 minutes from my office I saw....you've guessed it - a guy with fog lights on in the car AND sunglasses on. Why on earth would you?

    Tom Ward, Coatbridge

  92. At 02:04 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Cath wrote:

    Dear Chris

    I have been reading your blog everday and I must say I think you are close to being in touch with the big man as well as paul. I also listen to the show which is the best drive time show I have heard for a long time as I always used to switch radio 2 off when Steve had finished but now I don't move that dial.

    I hope you keep up with the blogg.

    Listening later, Cath.

  93. At 02:28 PM on 11 Aug 2006, lynn waight wrote:

    hi Chris, love the show, particularly Fridays when drivetime needs to be special for everyone. don't know how you manage to be so enthusiastic all the time, but it IS infectious, well done. i had one of those times today when you realise the real words of a line in a song - to which you've been singing gobledegook for forty years. that song by thunderclap newman which has just been covered by a contemporary female singer ? the line is call out the guns and ammo because the revolution's here. for years i've sang call out the augamemo (whatever i thought that was).
    can't phone cos i;m in the car everyday - but would LOVE to hear Hollywood Nights by Bob Sieger. thanks chris. lynn waight from cornwall.

  94. At 02:41 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Funcle Ben wrote:

    Liked your ramblings about the park thang, very inspiring...

    Watching a spider make its web is also a good way to get things in perspective if you're struggling with life's modern trials, helps you get back to basics and realise that we're not the only creature on the planet...

    Saw a grasshopper (not caradine) caught in a web t'other day, better than BB...

    Take it easy...


  95. At 03:30 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Diane wrote:

    So true. :-) I took German at school, and apart from on a few trips to Germany, haven't used it since. Yes, I DO want to learn Italian. Funny.

    Hope you take many more enjoyable walks in the park. I say "Good Morning" to the bees on my myrtle bush as I pass by. It always makes me smile!

    Loving your show, Chris. It's like having a little box full of friends in my kitchen.

    Cheers Matey!

  96. At 03:59 PM on 11 Aug 2006, HB wrote:

    Strangely enough I couldn't learn German at school, I always wanted to learn german and they only had French and Spanish teachers. What's really odd is they make us learn languages which we never use. I think it's almost impossible to learn a language unless you actually use it properly, and not asking a quasi-euorpean english born teacher where the swimming pool is, just so you could use the word pisine and get the rest of the class sniggering. ha ha ha, still makes me smile thou!

    Keep up the good walks. I think nature is very humbling I spend alot of time walking, due to a 1 year old border collie. What you see all around you with nature is resilliance. Most of the stuff I see out and about has been here alot longer than me and will be here way way after I've passed through. I wish we could get people to see that we are part of an ecosystem and not standing outside looking in at a large resource for the human race. Perhaps you could do a 2 minute ecoSlot, a tip a day on how to make a difference, alot of the destruction we cause to the planet as individuals is through ignorance rather than malice. A tip a day, for example, There's loads of organisations, give the web address of the National Trust or Woodland trust and 2 minutes on what they do to preserve our environment, or why people should keep to paths.

    Hummm this blog thing gets you thinking hey.

  97. At 04:12 PM on 11 Aug 2006, JC wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Love the blog…

    There should be a great 5th dimension opportunity on Friday and Saturday night which is peak activity for shooting stars. Get out a deck-chair, relax and watch the show!

    Have a great weekend all….


  98. At 04:13 PM on 11 Aug 2006, John Firth wrote:

    At my School the "academic kids" were given a chance to study german. I was so bad at it I was told to write "something" each lesson for about 3 weeks. I chose german composers whose surnames ranged from A to C as my parents only bought 3 volumes of the Caxtons Encylopedia. With your curiosity for all things were you not interested in taking up Science at school? It tends to get a bad press by the media. Its ok today to say you how ignorant of science you are but is frowned upon if you dont watch soaps or football. Looking forward to the show tonight.

  99. At 04:29 PM on 11 Aug 2006, John wrote:

    Talking of covers; someone posted re Maria Lawson - every time it comes on Radio 2 you see people over a certain age in their cars singing "One month ago today, I was happy as a lark - now I go to a movie, maybe to the park..........."!
    It's very sad but when you're old enough to remember The Chi-Lites you should be treated with some respect. The original was cheesy but this is surely NOT a good cover!
    Why not play the original to remind us all and, for once, make your middle-aged listeners stop feeling foolish!?

  100. At 04:44 PM on 11 Aug 2006, anne wrote:

    Hi Adonis (see Monday!)...

    We had to choose between German & French @ school (light years ago!!!) & I chose the latter, luvved it & then the teacher left after 2 years - pooh! Just revisited it again this year - funny how it all comes back, even after ALL this time!

    You got the beetle - now go get the gal - wot's the latest with Lucy????? Mange tout, mange tout!!!

    Have a gRRRReat weekend all.......

    Keep up the shlog Chris....LOL & wotsits...


    PS.....and 1 for fox the Fox - if the watershed starts @ 9:00pm - when does it end..???

  101. At 04:53 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Richard Hunt wrote:

    7 days until I move in with my partner, 28 days until the baby is due (if on time!) 5 minutes until the show starts! Is anyone else waiting for anything special and life changing?


    ps. can't get Lost Weekend by LLoyd Cole out of my head!

  102. At 05:07 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Kay wrote:

    I was up really really early today…….

    And what an ordeal that was !! Today I spent all the morning and part of the afternoon in the Eye Clinic. Instead of just having my left eye lasered as was planned I’ve had to have both done .

    ‘’We need to do invasive surgery on your eyes Kay , the Retinopathy is progressing much too fast''

    .. So now I have to go every week for a few weeks for Laser Eye Surgery. The pain is excruciating when its just the one eye but both at one visit !!! ''OUCH'' . After doing the right eye , 800 Laser Shots the surgeon told the nurse I deserved a cup of coffee. I said put a bottle of Bacardi in it too '' please '' !!! 'Paul (the surgeon) laughed quite loudly so did Debbie the nurse ,so did I but deep down that’s all I wanted was to go home and lay down , it takes so much out of you ! But I had to go outside for 30 minutes to 'rest' after the first eye, with my cup of coffee , ~ Bacardi free ~ ready for the 2nd eye.. Even more pain , 1000 shots this time sometimes unbearable …But hopefully all this is going to be worth it .. fingers crossed . If it doesn’t work the prospect doesn’t bear thinking about ...

    So like Chris has said, when you’re out and about take everything in , each blade of grass, each feather fallen from a bird, each ray of sunshine ..each petal on a flower, each ripple on the water. everything….. all are very precious.. We don’t know what we have until its taken away.

    Missed you while you were semi retired Chris… :o) you’re a breath of fresh air .
    Oh and by the way call Lucy Chris…… Maybe the V Dub is missing her .
    What a wonderful world would be a beautiful song to play Chris

    Bye for now love Kay ~x~

  103. At 05:08 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Kay wrote:

    I was up really really early today…….

    And what an ordeal that was !! Today I spent all the morning and part of the afternoon in the Eye Clinic. Instead of just having my left eye lasered as was planned I’ve had to have both done .

    ‘’We need to do invasive surgery on your eyes Kay , the Retinopathy is progressing much too fast''

    .. So now I have to go every week for a few weeks for Laser Eye Surgery. The pain is excruciating when its just the one eye but both at one visit !!! ''OUCH'' . After doing the right eye , 800 Laser Shots the surgeon told the nurse I deserved a cup of coffee. I said put a bottle of Bacardi in it too '' please '' !!! 'Paul (the surgeon) laughed quite loudly so did Debbie the nurse ,so did I but deep down that’s all I wanted was to go home and lay down , it takes so much out of you ! But I had to go outside for 30 minutes to 'rest' after the first eye, with my cup of coffee , ~ Bacardi free ~ ready for the 2nd eye.. Even more pain , 1000 shots this time sometimes unbearable …But hopefully all this is going to be worth it .. fingers crossed . If it doesn’t work the prospect doesn’t bear thinking about ...

    So like Chris has said, when you’re out and about take everything in , each blade of grass, each feather fallen from a bird, each ray of sunshine ..each petal on a flower, each ripple on the water. everything….. all are very precious.. We don’t know what we have until its taken away.

    Missed you while you were semi retired Chris… :o) you’re a breath of fresh air .
    Oh and by the way call Lucy Chris…… Maybe the V Dub is missing her .
    What a wonderful world would be a beautiful song to play Chris

    Bye for now love Kay ~x~

  104. At 05:36 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Jules wrote:

    Hi Chris and Team

    Re: Little Britain In NYC

    An advertising friend of mine is working on a campaign to be shown on US TV promoting an area of New York they are hoping to be known as Little Britain, like a little Italy or a China Town. The area is West Village in lower Manhattan.

    What do you think of this?

    Should it be Little England? My chum tried to persuade his clients that it should be but the Americans didn't want to be un-PC. Snore! What's wrong with a Little Scotland and a little Wales? no need for a little Ireland considering most of the US could be called Little Ireland, indeed, most of the world!

    Would it be fun? What could be open there as representative of us Brits in Little Britain in New York?

    An Indian take away?
    A Chinese Take-away?
    A take away pizza joint?
    A kebab shop?
    An english country pub with a Thai rerstaurant?

    Therefore What should it really be called?


    PS. I'm decorating my mums house this weekend. Any chance of Atomic by Blondie?

  105. At 05:44 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    I was born in Germany, have a German mother, studied it for 4 years at degree level, lived there for a year during my course and have a job where I have to speak and write German all day - and I'm still rubbish at it.

    I did French and Latin at school and was rubbish at those too .. don't think I have a flair for languages!

    I think we should all have to master English grammar and spelling before we try anything else .. something which clearly isn't happening these days!

    cheers, Nina
    Chorlton, Manchester

  106. At 05:51 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    afternoon Chris & Foxy I am sitting in my shop doing a blog, having a blog, or blogging, or whatever you call it. I didn't feel anything what happens now, please tell me!

  107. At 05:57 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    did I do something wrong I thought I blogged but what I wrote disappeared have I been de-blogged?

  108. At 06:03 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Yer Glesga accent's no bad, big man.

  109. At 06:05 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Rich wrote:

    Chris, is the fact that serendipity is the favourite word of half the UK population just coincidence?

  110. At 06:17 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    hi chris now reading your blog. you're right its so dark outside and i'm freezing cold!! but refusing to put the heating on in august!!
    go to my blog on
    go on its great

  111. At 06:17 PM on 11 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Chris listen to the track I have sent you on an e-mail its called My Weekend excellent track says it all its by a band from west london uxbridge fantastic guitarists check them out www.onebitterpill.com
    The song could be your theme tune for the friday show.

  112. At 08:29 PM on 11 Aug 2006, alison eves wrote:

    'This is when we are taken away with something, a song, a painting, a great book. Freedom. Bliss.'

    Couldn't agree more. Just read 'The Zahir' bu Paul Coelho. Made me cry and think about love and how we so often get it all wrong. Give it a go - you might be diasappointed by the ending, but lots of food for thought before you get there.

  113. At 09:54 PM on 11 Aug 2006, tony wrote:

    evening chris, et all.
    nice to read your thoughts on life, I used to have a song in my head everyday, same song every day, except sundays I no longer have this song in my head 'cos I now own an ipod, (does macca own an ipod?) I think the person who invented the ipod when he dies should go to heaven, no questions, straight through the gates, your in mate.
    I will explain about my song, I am a delivery postman, up at the crack of dawn 04.00am in work by about 04.45, middle of the night for most. I hear alot of different songs on the radio in the morning, but as you well know the songs you hear for 'real' don't very often stick, it's the one song that your hear half a line of that someone else sings or a phrase that reminds you of it. It's normally the bad songs, 'Combine Harvester, Fernando, Chicken Tikka etc you know what I mean, any way I digress slighty, as I have explained, I post, I go about my morning sorting up the letters for my walk (not round) getting prepared , having the odd coffee/chocomento, a few fags (i got to pack that up) a little chat now and then with my work mates and then finally I'm ready to deliver, of I go to my car and fill it with my red sacks, and drive up to Chadwell Heath this takes about 15 mins, I listen to Terry in the morning, he's quite good at that Jockeying game you know, (he should get a knighthood) any way there I am and suddenly I arrive at my first point of delivery number 39, Mrs Jude..........................................................

    sorry it took so long
    have a good weekend

  114. At 10:43 PM on 11 Aug 2006, kerry wrote:

    hi chris im weird , everytime i dream about planes something happens, i need your psyhic, i will never get on a plane without being pissed or a general aneasthestic!!!!!!!!!!!!! and its spoiling my family life, anyone feel the SAME!!!!!!!!!!

  115. At 10:48 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Janice Shields wrote:

    Go running 2 or 3 nights a week around the local park and listen to your show, usually at about 5.30, most of the time I see only dogs and their walkers. Liae you I am now more than 40 and find thin skin, bouncy greyish hair when the dye wears off!
    I note that you walk, do you ever run and do you plan to do any marathons or 10k runs? I think you should!
    It's a greata way ro get rid of the 'curry 'calories!

  116. At 10:50 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Janice Shields wrote:

    me again re WMD in halls, I to see these on a regular basis, only trouble is the only thing they are destroying is mu hubb's back!!
    Will not give in to the pain!!!!!!!!!!!!

  117. At 11:33 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Sharon Smith wrote:

    Hi Christophe,

    I am sure Paul McCartney will have his own favourite, inspirational song/s unique to his own experiences of life so far; somehow I can't imagine Tammy Wynette figures largely; sorry my glib sense of humour keeps creeping in.

    Seriously, all of us being unique and a product of everything that has gone before in our lives, I feel it must be slightly different for each and every one of us. We can all enjoy those simple pleasures so easily taken for granted and all the rest is icing on the cake.

    Van the man, a different tune altogether. I feel he expresses his emotional self whilst singing and playing and probably only then; just a theory.

    After all that I must lie down in a darkened room for a while - yeah its bedtime! Have a rocking, popping, showstopping weekend or whatever music inspires you at the time.

  118. At 11:59 PM on 11 Aug 2006, Mark wrote:

    Hi Chris + Team
    Great to have a thought provoking show whilst driving home from work..helps me unwind. Love the ladies on your show too and the sport of course!. How about getting Penny Smith to do a slot - she would fit in well!
    Didnt think I would listen to Radio 2 until I was at least 50 (currently 37!). Well done keep up the good work.
    I dont think you can be serious about wanting to be Paul Macca at present?
    Still life goes on and so do we!

  119. At 08:40 AM on 12 Aug 2006, wrote:

    What do you do at the weekends, Christophe??

    I am fairly hooked on your blogs already - you have a wonderfully refreshing outlook on life which sooooo many people lack.

    If more people thought as positively as you and me, everyone would be a ton happier.

    What made you up and leave the north?? With me it was everyone saying "I wish I could do / go / be..." - I just got on and DID / WENT TO / WAS it. There might be a few things I'd do again but better but I wouldn't change my life for anything.

    Oh no - 50 next year!!!


  120. At 11:12 AM on 12 Aug 2006, Gordon wrote:

    So already it's turned into a part-time blog! What about weekends Evans???

    Remember Blogs aren't just for weekdays!!

  121. At 03:23 PM on 12 Aug 2006, Chris Black wrote:

    Hi Chris,like the blog.

    Thought drivetime would never be the same after Mr Walker's departure but it's better than ever.I've got a 50 mile commute home on the same patch of motorway every day, but your show makes me actually enjoy it.Imagine my horror when I finish late and have to listen to that country nonsense!



  122. At 03:48 PM on 12 Aug 2006, Teresa wrote:

    Wow Chris I'm really impressed with your utter admiration and appreciation for the simple beautiful things in life. I feel that way too most of the time. There is nothing more 5th dimensional for me than sitting in my garden on a sunny day watching my wonderful fish swim around their pond. Sometimes I get so lost in it I can almost feel i'm in there with them!

    Love T. xx

  123. At 03:50 PM on 12 Aug 2006, wrote:

    I enjoyed this blog.

  124. At 03:58 PM on 12 Aug 2006, kevin wiseman wrote:

    Hi Chris.
    Got to say enjoyed the music last night driving home, is it my imagination or is the song quality better when the public pick the tunes.

  125. At 04:53 PM on 12 Aug 2006, Nathalie wrote:

    Hello Chris

    Just thought i would catch up on your blogs as they always cheer me up and am feeling incredibly guilty I walked into the lounge and thought it sounded too quiet, initially thought its because all the children and husband are out then i suddenly remembered I unplugged the filter on the fish tank yesterday. I thought it was making a strange noise so i unplugged it and went into the kitchen to get some kitchen roll to put it on while I investigated further. Went into the kitchen and all thoughts of fish and filter left me until today. Poor fish look very unhappy have cleaned tank and filter as penance and hope the fish will forgive me, hopefully there short term memory will aid this. Anyway reading your blog has cheered me thank you for them and long may they continue.


  126. At 07:06 PM on 12 Aug 2006, Chris Knall wrote:

    Probably the only reason that this blog is full of so many messages of support (or should that be sycophancy) is that if you don't listen to the show (as 150,000 have chosen not to) you won't know about it!! And if you post anything 'horrible' about Chris here it won't appear anyway.

    Tried again to listen to the show, just can't do it.

    Drop the fanfare for the kids - too patronising

    Drop the asking celebrities questions to earn them time thingy - pointless. Don't give them a platform and take it away again.

    Drop the Name Ten Things - cringeworthy

    In fact just stop trying so hard to impress us. It sounds far too false. A lot of older Radio2 listeners have been disenfranchised by this Radio1 style of show. Perhaps you should have been offered your job back there and we could have had Stuart Maconie instead as he had been successfully roadtested for this show and was extremely popular with the established Radio2 audience.

    Not impressed.

  127. At 09:30 PM on 12 Aug 2006, wrote:


    Was going to phone for Oblivious by Aztec Camera, but I've promised my husband and the kids that I won't phone and drive at the same time, but I'm always desperate to get home of a Friday night, so I can't stop and phone before I leave. Maybe you could consider this and play me Oblivious any night of the week. Although to be honest the music you play just sets me up whatever it is. tail wagging like mad!

  128. At 12:08 AM on 13 Aug 2006, wrote:

    Thought I too would post my thoughts here as & when they come to mind. Cheaper than counselling or therapy & probably more useful.

    I noticed Chris Knall’s comments (12/08/06 @ 07:06). Not quite sure what he is on about though? 150k listeners have deserted the show? How many of these have left because of Chris & how many would have left anyway? Also, how many listeners has Chris managed to retain/regain?

    I don’t mind the show, in fact, if it wasn’t for Chris Evans’ show, I would probably listen to a CD on the way home from work.

    Friday nights tracks are pure class too, so he must have an half decent audience.

    So, back to my thoughts…… Chris Knall, do us all a favour, listen to the show but please, please don’t request a track on Friday afternoons…..

    Over & out till next time.

  129. At 11:41 AM on 13 Aug 2006, Ms Mayhem wrote:

    Hello Christophe!!

    I love this blog thingy.....this is the first time I have blogged, sometimes I think I am a bit behind the times with things like this - I still have a film camera (everyone around me has digital) but people tell me my photos are wonderful so until my trusty SLR gives up the ghost I will keep using it, and there is something exciting about waiting for the photos to be developed.....don't u think??

    Anyway I have digressed... I want to learn Italian there is something so sexy bout it, and as for Van Morrison, everytime I listen to The Healing Game I go to the fifth dimension and way beyond...

    Christophe, I luv u and luv the show - it really sets me up on my drive home and I pray that on one of these Fridays my tune will be played - so I will keep phoning

    Warm days, chilled champagne, strawberries and a beautiful sunset and taking the time to be able to enjoy them....perfect!


    Mayhem xx

  130. At 01:07 PM on 13 Aug 2006, P Bostwick wrote:

    I disagree with the point made by Chris Knall (126) - I think at 52 years old I would be classed as one of the older listeners and you do not turn me off Chris!

    I find the show uplifting when driving home from work and cooking/pottering about the kitchen - you make me laugh and make me forget the daily grind at work plus you do not employ crudeness as Jonathan Ross would do. You are fun!

    PS could I borrow £50,000 please??

  131. At 06:41 PM on 13 Aug 2006, Stewpot wrote:

    After Hours of faffing about I've finally got the Car Radio Working. However I replaced all the Fuses & still nothing. Pressed a lot of Relay Switches & nothing so in desperation I disconnected the Battery & Bingoooooo.

    Won't have to listen to the Engine as I worry about the noises that I don't think Sounds right.

    Bring on the dulcit tones of Queen Sarah in the Morning & Jester Chris on the Journey Â鶹ԼÅÄward bound once again!!!!

    Is it just Me or has Clive Anderson not quite worked out how to introduce the next Song????????

  132. At 06:48 PM on 13 Aug 2006, Lesley wrote:

    Just thought I would mention that because I work shifts I do not get the chance to listen to Chris' shows so have listened to all this weeks' shows today. I enjoyed each one. Managed to do so as it rained most of the weekend so chilled out this way. Keep up the good work Chris.

  133. At 09:59 PM on 13 Aug 2006, Susie wrote:

    Hey Christophe....

    I'm a blog-virgin so this is my first chance to check out what comes out of your head first thing in the morning. I do a similar brain dump onto paper first thing and its amazing what comes out - a lot of rubbish, but some truly inspired thinking too. I surprise myself sometimes at how literary or poetic it sounds. It gets all the worries and problems out of the head and often throws up solutions or decisions I didn't know were possible.

    Good to have you back by the way - enjoying the show immensely. You get me back home after work, and help me jettison all the work related stuff that I don't need running round my head in the evenings. Love all the health/mind/psychology bits you're doing too - keep feeding my hungry mind please!

    New week, new possibilities - yippee! Think I'm falling in love as well...

    Nite nite


  134. At 12:46 AM on 14 Aug 2006, Orrie wrote:

    Hello Chris!

    Well I have to say I now have chronic indegestion from eating my own words and opinions!

    In all honesty I was dreading the time that Jonnie would no longer be accompanying me home - and horror of horrors Chris Evans was taking over!

    Well, I have listened to your show and followed your blog and I am delighted to have been so wrong!

    Yes, I really do think that and No, I am not saying it because I think I should or because I think it's what you want to hear!

    Something I NEVER thought I would say to anyone - "Chris Evans is great! You HAVE to listen to his show!"

    Keep it up :P

    Being a dog owner I have the pleasure of taking in the beauty and therapy that our local inner city park has to offer and can only agree with all that you so "arty fartily" say!

    A truely great way to start any day!

  135. At 04:54 AM on 14 Aug 2006, Karen Bryant wrote:

    Hi Chris!

    Love the blog and your thoughts on the day.

    My husband did German at school and still uses it to this day by telling the dog to sit in German!

    Still remember you from LBC days - vaguely recall a greenhouse and hoovers being invoved? Is that right? Maybe I'm going completely mad!!
    It's the working nights thing I'm sure!

    Keep up the great job.

    Have a brilliant day today. Catch you when I get up.


  136. At 10:53 AM on 14 Aug 2006, Me Julie wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Bit late catching up on your blog from Friday, actually that’s fine as I know you are going to be late starting today.

    The first thing I do every morning is wake up to, my sunrise alarm it starts bringing stimulated sunlight into the room and hour and a half prior to waking up, and it gradually gets brighter, bringing you into the day naturally, its stimulating and relaxing as it provides the vit d needed. Have you heard of them tried them? They are a sad light in principle, I have had one since last winter (miss and need the sunlight) they are fantastic, and a great way so start the waking up process, it completes the process with bird song! Highly recommend… then its off to walk my dog, and it amazing, the river side walks are all you say they are, sometimes I run with her and you see a different pace. Give time to get in touch with your own mind, which I believe is very import, I teach Pilates, which goes with my thinking and to that end I really enjoy all your mind body psychology. It keeps us positive!

    Its all good!

    Me Julie


  137. At 12:14 PM on 14 Aug 2006, Dot wrote:

    afternoon, just had a five minute muse to switch off from work for 5 minutes (it does my head in - work - even worse I am self emplyed and I have to do it!)

    I'm listening to Fridays show as I missed it from 5.30ish and Clive Anderson drives me up the wall - the listen again thing is a great idea - now I don't have to listen to Clive Anderson!

    Money by Pink Floyd has just come on - thought you'd like to know that ithe clanky bits at the beginning made my dog, Gus, bark - not a good thing as he is a little bit grumpy having cut himself (again) on a Buckfast bottle (cue £120.00 vets bills - he had to be anaesthitised (!) again. Please Chris shout at the monks who make it to put it in plastic bottles and the neds who drink it to dispose of the bottles carefully! Honestly!

    Great show - you make me laugh so much (loved the Superman bit with the locker boy last week)!

    Must go have to work to get paid to pay the builder for the new office - will send a photo when it is done!

    lOVE dOT

  138. At 02:06 PM on 14 Aug 2006, wrote:

    I learned german at nightschool when I was in my forties and had a great time. Now I have a job with a german company and regular trips to the Rhineland! the beer and the food is great but no R2

  139. At 10:28 PM on 15 Aug 2006, Lisa wrote:

    Hi, it may be a bit late to post a comment to this message, but I'm catching up. The stuff you wrote about song-writers struck a chord. One night last week a song just hit me deep down in the emotions, a song I'd heard a hundred or more times before but just at that moment found me I guess when I was feeling vulnerable. It was Robbie's Something Beautiful - one of those songs where you know the words and sing along, but it's not until certain events in your life match the song that it really hits home . . . Well, I recently separated from my husband and am feeling kind of lonely and bang there was Robbie singing about just exactly how I was feeling. It's amazing how much music can affect you. This year I've kind of rediscovered music and it's become a major part of my life again - probably not been like this since I was a teenager (I'm 36 now!). I just love listening to new stuff, rediscovering old and being moved by it, I carry my ipod around everywhere I go and love talking music with anyone who'll listen.
    Sorry to babble on but I've found your blog quite inspirational Chris and like to put fingers to keyboard when the mood takes me, it's well written, interesting and thought provoking and I keep coming back to read more. Listen to the show on the way home from work most days. Thanks.

  140. At 11:53 AM on 17 Aug 2006, sarah McLeod wrote:

    Good afternoon I am no longer a UK resident, I live in Manila. Very happily for the past 7 years..Until recently I had forgotten about the Â鶹ԼÅÄ.. Until my updated and fabby new computer at work was installed and I can now listen to the Beeb on my headphones.. Imagine my suprise when I saw that Chris Evans is now on Radio 2... Have I aged so much in the past few years and missed so much, how could this be.. !

    I am slowly catching up watching snippets on the video screen of Eastenders and the like.. Very odd amongst my Asian collegues to hear a lovely English voice.. Thanks you.. Although I listen to you a day late, it is a pleasure..Sarah x

  141. At 08:26 PM on 17 Aug 2006, katie wrote:

    I'm fascinated by your blog, (I've just had a look for the first time). Where are you when you do it ? How come its so early ? Do you sometimes not want to do it (maybe sometimes you don't do it and I haven't noticed) Do you ever re-read it and get embarrassed ?

    Anyway, I really like your show. And I think the name 10 things bit is excellent (unlike Mr 126). I wish the moaners would shut-up.

    By the way isn't Thursday night great. And isn't it strange that if you have a Friday off work you don't get the same feeling on a Wednesday night. And also wouldn't it be so much better if we had bank holiday Fridays not Mondays ?!

  142. At 10:32 PM on 17 Aug 2006, Lynne Topham wrote:

    seeing stones Sunday @ Twickenham with David, 17 and Iona 16 I will try not to embarass them

  143. At 03:08 PM on 01 Oct 2006, Claire Webb wrote:


    I'm actually after finding out about a song - not sure if I'm in the right place but I did a search on the Radio 2 website and it took me to this page.

    When I hear a song I like on the radio, I write it down in my diary and when I get enough free time, I download it (trying to do this now). But... one of my notes just says "Oh, Laurie". Can't remember what it went like or even if it was played on the Chris Evans show but my search took me to a message on this page posted by Tim Connolly on 11th Aug where it's mentioned (says it's by the Ellesse Twins).

    Anyway... I can't find it anywhere in the web. Anyone know what it is?

    Hope someone can help!

    Thanks x

  144. At 03:52 PM on 17 Oct 2006, kimberley wrote:

    i need a web site for sats but i can not find 1 can u help me please?

  145. At 07:35 PM on 28 Sep 2007, gary h chapman wrote:

    please take chris evans off radio two and put on nearly anyone else! Chris belongs somewhere I suppose, certainly not radio 2 or the Â鶹ԼÅÄ in my opinion. I hae to switch to Â鶹ԼÅÄ Radio Kent at 5.00pm when evans comes on. Chris does not fit into my listening patterns, with his "useless chat".

  146. At 12:02 PM on 13 Mar 2008, Bill Muir wrote:

    Chris, How about The Sensational Alex Harvey Band's version of Delilah this Friday?

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