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How To Destroy...Rihanna

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Fraser McAlpine | 17:22 UK time, Tuesday, 5 June 2007

How To Destroy Rihanna

NOTE: OK, I'm not going twelve rounds with the Rihanna Street Team like last time with McFly, so let me be VERY, VERY CLEAR. Should you be the owner of an instant-freezing device, and should Rihanna be posing like this next to the swimming pool in your neighbour's garden...PLEASE don't shoot her with it. It would be A BAD THING. This little picture up here is IN NO WAY a suggestion. DOES EVERYONE UNDERSTAND?


  1. At 04:16 PM on 05 Jun 2007, Dodger wrote:

    lol very funny hehe

  2. At 04:49 PM on 05 Jun 2007, Kat wrote:

    OMG Like why would you kill Rihanna?!??! She's like SOOO talented and actually sings her own songs and doesn't use a stunt double for ANY of her videos!!!

    You should totally be like trying to kill like Britney or something because like she's SUCH a faker but Rihanna's totally not.

    Say sorry!

    *I have to say I actually totally love that part of the video, it's pretty awesome. Personally I think a strong gust of wind woulda done better with that Umbrella of hers but nice work man!*

  3. At 06:39 PM on 05 Jun 2007, Darren wrote:

    I cant stand Rihanna. She has no talent, her new album is awful. Beyonce is the queen of RnB and Rihanna will neve take her place.

  4. At 10:20 PM on 05 Jun 2007, wrote:

    go you! and whilst your at it you can freeze beyonce, britney, christina etc. i could go on forever, and lets not just freeze the gals! how about 50 cent, jay z, any reminants of blue, sean paul...you get the picture. i just feel sorry for what your potentially suggesting we inflict on the poor future generations who will, one day, very innocently come acorss these weird frozen statues, choose unknowingly to defrost them and unleash musical hell!

    before anyone says anything i have repsect for all types of music, i understand a good song when i hear one even if i dont like it, but seriously, these are some of the artists my sister plays none stop, do you realise how much 'umbrella' one person can take?! i reached saturation point many a week ago

  5. At 02:19 PM on 06 Jun 2007, wrote:

    hi rhianna i love your new song but i find it hard to dance to make a sond i can dance to thanx i would love to meet you?????

  6. At 04:29 PM on 06 Jun 2007, Tommy wrote:

    Rihann's new album is actually pretty good. Better than her previous one's which I thought was bit crap. But she's got some good tracks on Good Girl Gone Bad. Umbrella is a tune aswell but don't think it deserves to be no1 for 3 weeks running.

  7. At 07:25 PM on 06 Jun 2007, Chapmaninoff wrote:

    Umbrella......please. what a naff title and the lyrics are truly SHOCKING! ella ella WHATEVER. like if you cant find something to rhyme with umbrella just dont sing about it

  8. At 09:08 PM on 06 Jun 2007, Resh wrote:

    yooo rihanna i like u but styll....KNOCKIN McFLY OUT OF #1 for Umbrella..like the 'ella..ella..ella" like w.t.h anywayz people should do sumtinig about that McFly is England;s like "stuff" and im in CANADA and i luv them SOO MUCHH (if a member of McFly is readin this..send me an email:P lol) so yea..al though Umbrella is ight..it dusnt deserver NUMBER 1 and knock Baby's Coming Back to #20!!!

  9. At 12:34 PM on 07 Jun 2007, Kat wrote:

    Lol @ future generations. That and global warming and they'd be inventing time travel just to come back and kick our asses.

  10. At 01:14 PM on 07 Jun 2007, Sarah wrote:

    Whatever......doesnt anyone have lives anymore??

    [You came all the way to this blog to tell us off for hanging around this blog? Well I think that's us told... - Fraser]

  11. At 07:37 PM on 07 Jun 2007, dodger wrote:

    well said!

  12. At 09:50 PM on 07 Jun 2007, wrote:

    haha yeah your right, but could you blame them!? espech bout the global warming thing. you hear about g8 today? theyve agreed to make an agreement in the future..ok, what kind of help is that?! thats not what i call action, thats what i call mr bush not agreeing to anything else! and then he'll decide in a few months after the agreement to make an agreement is signed and that he doesnt want to agree to make an agreement as he did with the kyoto protocol...grr, it would have been so different if al gore had been elected! ahhh, i have an idea, hows about we use this instant freezing device to either freeze bush when he hints at pulling out, or better still freeze the world with it! thatd be a short term answer for global warming alteast! saying that global warming is actually going to plummit the nothern hemisphere into an ice age as all the ice melts an eneters the sea and cuts off the north atlantic drift and so our heat supply.....opps, that turned into a scientific rant....soz but im a tad angry at that and i had to vent it somewhere :S

  13. At 10:53 PM on 07 Jun 2007, sarah wrote:

    leave her alone she is a very talented woman with a wicked personality and you got to admit shes got a very catchful tune out so ;px

  14. At 12:08 AM on 08 Jun 2007, Kat wrote:

    We love the tune, we also love the random affectionate (mostly) mocking.

    Iunno what to say about global warming without going off on philosophical rants to be honest. We should be doing more about it right now for sure because we don't know enough to know that we'd be as well not doing anything. But while they're deciding what to do... Scotland gets summers.

  15. At 09:39 AM on 09 Jun 2007, uwesu wrote:

    [In response to Darren's comment]

    c,mon u fool,hw can u say she has no talent,ur just hater n ur opinion doesnt matter bcoz no matta wat u say,,shes makin money n continues 2b on top unlike u,wel if ur so talented that u can know who is not talented well record a demo n send 2 various labels and we will see if ul be signed even hidden beach records wont sign u up..so shut up..i hate any1 who goes against her

  16. At 12:33 PM on 09 Jun 2007, marki wrote:

    rihanna is the biggest recordin artist around at the moment and she is nuthin less than perfection, it seems funny that the people who "dislike" her r the people who would rather hav sumthin like the teletubbies at number 1 or tony blair for that matter, get a grip n dont comment

  17. At 12:36 PM on 09 Jun 2007, marki wrote:

    i think its funny that ur comparin rihanna to a band "n a erm not so good one at that" mcfly, i dont think the world wide record sales wud compare either hmmmmm...... strange

  18. At 02:19 PM on 09 Jun 2007, Susan Flowers wrote:

    her songs are also great to start off with, but then they get overplayed n after awhile the sound of her voice jus makes u cringe. gah. remember pon de replay n unfaithful? if onli i could forget...

    seriously i say freeze the girl!!!

  19. At 08:36 PM on 09 Jun 2007, Rachel wrote:

    Haha this is quite funny. I can't believe loads of people over-reacted with the McFly one. I bet they were immature teenies that fancied Danny or something...I USED to be a big McFly fan, and I would've found that quite funny. But anyway, I think if Rihanna was standing next to my neighbours swimming pool with an umbrella and i happened to have an instant freezing device, i'd freeze her for 10 seconds then put her back to normal to see what she'd say. She'd probably knock me into the pool using her umbrella....hee hee >;) Okay soz im rambling....bye everybody! P.S Fraser ur well funny and I have a random nickname for you....it is....Jake. Yay! Like it?

    [that IS random! Jake's a nice name though. OK, then I shall call you Gravy, - Fraser]

  20. At 01:43 PM on 10 Jun 2007, wrote:

    YAAY I have a random nickname.....actually, how about Fraymond for your random nickname? It kinda suits you better....and I already have a random nickname. It's Princess Bob. So from now on, you're Fraymond and I'm Princess Bob-Gravy. Done! I shall be coming up with random nicknames for loads of people, so watch this space....=]! But I haven't yet come across Rihanna holding an umbrella and standing by a swimming pool...and my instant freezer hasn't arrived yet, so I'm a bit sad...... =[. Bye Fraymond, have a good day! And thanks for saying my album caption cover thingies were good......=]

    [Hey, is that like in that show 'Everybody Loves Fraymond'? That would be 'MAZIN'. Princess Bob-Gravy's a better nickname though. Look out, it's the PBG! - Fraser]

  21. At 09:08 PM on 10 Jun 2007, wrote:

    haha they are both so random :P so are you going to have your comment name as PBG now rachel? and is fraser going to write fraymond at the end of his replies?? well i think you both should :) can i have a random nickname please? pretty please?? *looks hopeful*

    [*tries really hard not to write Rik Waller*...OK, how about Pawn Hoover? or Mittens McGee? - Fraymond]

  22. At 10:19 PM on 10 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Mittens McGee...now that is random! as is Pawn Hoover but i dont like it as much....Fraymond, if u had dared writted that name which i shall not write ud be smiling on the other side of your cyber face!

  23. At 01:06 AM on 11 Jun 2007, Kat wrote:

    I'm lost in the Rachels again... thinking PBG is a very very good idea!!

    So Fraser is now Fraymond McAlpence. We like this game :P If we double-triple dared you would you introduce yourself as that in an interview?! :P

    Lol @ Rik Waller.. nast-ay! Mittens McGee, eh? All that makes me think of is Anchorman..

  24. At 06:26 PM on 12 Jun 2007, wrote:

    YAY! hI EVERYONE ITS ME! I'm gonna think of some nicknames for people...who wants one? How about Kerri can be.....hmmm.....my current nickname theme is strange sherbert flavours so you can be ipod sherbert! or you can have a different one if you like.....I need to think of a strange nickname theme, my last one was random male names, which is where Bob and Fraymond came from. So, does anyone else want a nickname or does anyone else have a name theme?

  25. At 07:04 PM on 12 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Hiiya again! Juz gotta say, both of the random nickname comments were by me...the jake and fraymond one....just wanted to let you know to avoid confusion, i've only just been putting my piczo website address on here. Bye everybody!

  26. At 12:05 PM on 13 Jun 2007, Kat wrote:

    nickname mee!! :P

    [Jeff Spaniel? The Worminator? Electric Tortoise? How random do you want? - Fraymond]

  27. At 12:54 PM on 13 Jun 2007, Kat wrote:

    Electric Tortoise rocks! Then I could be E.T. =D


    [Then it shall be so! - Fraser]

  28. At 01:27 PM on 13 Jun 2007, Laura wrote:

    [In response to Resh's comment]

    rihanna deserves to be numba 1 u goon!!!!!! a lot betta then mcfly ther rubbish n sound like howling dogs!!!!

  29. At 02:04 PM on 13 Jun 2007, Kat wrote:

    Haha, Fraser's a goon!

    Who loves The Goonies?!

  30. At 03:34 PM on 13 Jun 2007, Kat wrote:

    ohh you weren't talking to him, boring!

  31. At 07:00 PM on 13 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Okay Kat you can be Custard! Or.....cake. cos everybody likes cake. How about custard cake? Even though I hate custard. But mustard is worse. Eurgh, I hate the lumpy custard they do at school. And my niece said she had sausage and custard for school dinners the other day which sounds a bit.....dodgy :S. And everybody wish me luck cos 2morrow i have D.T and I hate D.T and it absolutely sucks! Bye everyone!

    [Good luck PBG! (Psst! Everyone! What's DT?) - Fraser]

  32. At 09:55 PM on 13 Jun 2007, wrote:

    design technology silly :P ..and yes, good luck! is it a gcse? all my as exams are over and im back at sixth form now grr

  33. At 08:34 PM on 14 Jun 2007, wrote:

    Haha thanks for the good luck....no, I just hate D.T and I got my end of unit test results back, so I was worried. And we had a parental review day or whatever so I was worried about that. My geography teacher said my homework was disappointing (GRRR!) But overall I'm making great progress :) So thanks everybody...BYE FRAYMOND!

  34. At 09:42 AM on 27 Jun 2007, linzi wrote:

    why would yo want to destroy rhianna answer me tht queestion its just wrong... she brilliant x

    [I don't WANT to. This is just an idea of what to do if you should ever HAVE to. Destroying Rihanna would be dreadful. Don't do it (unless it's an emergency)! - Fraser]

  35. At 11:46 AM on 27 Jun 2007, jayde wrote:

    i hate rhinna with a fire of passion LOL
    especialy that umbrella song i mean anyone can come up with something like that

    just not my kinna music anyways LOL

    : )) x

  36. At 08:34 PM on 27 Jun 2007, ~Rachel~ wrote:

    Aww...how did I miss all those nickname comments? I was thinking now the other Rachel is PBG, I could get rid of my twiddly bits and just be Rachel again...but now that seems really boring - and there could be other Rachels that start commenting, and then I'd have to reinstate them!

    Soooo...can I have a random nickname please?


  37. At 10:14 AM on 02 Jul 2007, Leanne wrote:

    Im sick of this Rihanna bashing! She's brilliant. I must admit that the picture is very funny but still. Leave the girl alone! So her voice is different to the likes of Beyonce, Ciara, Amerie etc. What do you expect? She's from Barbados. Its bound to be different!

  38. At 01:58 AM on 24 Jul 2007, wrote:

    I hate rihanna she's such and ameteur and she is a total hipocrit..... She loves Beyonce ( id die for Beyonce) but that dosnt meen she can coppy her she copiies Beyonce on everything she has a HUGE 4head ( five finger forhead) and has the voice of a dieing hyeena and her song Umbrella is ANNOYING and i wanna kill her so help me GOD!!!!!!!!!!

    [Glad to be able to help you get all of that out of your system. Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Public Service Rule! - Fraser]

  39. At 09:13 PM on 31 Jul 2007, Beckii wrote:

    I hate Rihanna XD
    She sucks!
    Laterz dudes

  40. At 11:36 AM on 04 Dec 2007, wrote:

    shes mint

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