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Classless Chisora makes no sense

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Ben Dirs | 17:18 UK time, Friday, 17 February 2012

"Why are all British fighters such idiots?" said a German reporter, having just seen Dereck Chisora slap Vitali Klitschko round the face at the weigh-in for Saturday's fight in Munich. Only he didn't actually say "idiots". He said something much worse.

Having also witnessed the boorish behaviour of David Haye before his fight with Wladimir Klitschko in Hamburg last summer - not to mention his legion of prematurely triumphalist fans - it was a fair question to ask.

The sight and sound of boxing journalists becoming outraged by what they deem the unacceptable behaviour of a fighter will no doubt cause much mirth among punters who view the sport with cynicism. After all, what's a little slap when you've heard Mike Tyson threaten to eat Lennox Lewis' kids?

Yet the righteous indignation was real enough: whether a British fighter, a British journalist or a British fan, we are all guests of Germany and Chisora's actions reflect as poorly on the sport as they do the country he represents.

Vitali Klitschko and Dereck Chisora

Chisora's unsavoury actions went down badly in Munich. Photo: Getty

Taking to the dais with a Union Flag scarf covering his face and wearing black leather gloves, Chisora, who challenges for Klitschko's WBC crown at Munich's Olympiahalle, looked like a man fresh from a spree of cat-burglary.

Not quite in Haye's league - will Britain's former heavyweight world champion ever be allowed to forget wearing t - but still severely lacking in class.

Perhaps the most telling post-Slapgate comment came from Chisora's trainer Don Charles, who, when asked if his charge had been acting abnormally beforehand, replied: "As normal as he has been throughout the week."

For the 28-year-old Chisora is not normal in the normal sense. This is a man who plans to put a double-decker bus inside his house as a playroom for his children. He also collects antique parking meters. So far so cute.

Less cute is the fact he was found guilty of assaulting his girlfriend in 2010, which drew a memorable rebuke from Wladimir (who Chisora was supposed to fight that same year): "Anyone who hits a woman is a loser. I punch back."

Anyone who has had any dealings with Chisora over the years will tell you he is a complicated character: engaging one minute, disinterested the next; motivated one minute, out of sorts the next. And complicated characters have a tendency to do complicated things. Like slap a big, hard man round the face the day before he is due to meet him in the ring. Complicated - and a little bit stupid.

"I think he's blown his only chance and that chance was hope," Haye's trainer Adam Booth told Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Sport. "It was a cheap shot, of course Vitali's embarrassed by it and he will turn that into anger in the fight itself.

"The last thing you want to do is pick a fight with Vitali. There were rumours Vitali would carry him for a few rounds to make the most of advertising revenue but now he'll be thinking, 'never mind business, I'm chinning him'."

Both Klitschko brothers, their representatives, German media and German fight fans can be forgiven for wondering whatever happened to British manners. And while Chisora's behaviour will no doubt add a few quid to his coffers, I doubt very much too many Brits tuning in will want him to win.

If every era gets the heavyweight champions it deserves, then we could do a lot worse than - and pretty formidable fighters, to boot. Classy guys made to look all the classier by the ill-advised actions of one Dereck Chisora.

"You always expect something from Dereck," said Francis Warren, representing his dad Frank's promotional company, "he's a character".

To quote The Wolf from Pulp Fiction: "Just because you are a character doesn't mean that you have character." Vitali, unbeaten in almost a decade and angry as hell itself, will give that theory a most thorough examination on Saturday night.


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  • Comment number 1.

    Well said, 'What an idiot', I haven't got anything to add to that really.

    And you're right I won't be tuning in.

  • Comment number 2.

    I think Chisora has seen the coverage Haye made for him self pre-Klitscho fight and thought "I'll have some of that!". Fair enough... It's all he's going to gain from this fight. Not in the same league as Vitali no matter what the measure is, I'm sure he'll get what's coming to him this weekend, and can't say I'll be sorry for that.

    Where have all the Henry Cooper's of our nation gone?

  • Comment number 3.

    What a 'werkzeug' !

  • Comment number 4.

    Well said.

    RIP Chisora bad mistake when Klitschko has knocked out 40 of his opponents.

  • Comment number 5.

    What a spanner. You're right, British boxers don't seem to have any class any more. Bunch of thugs.

  • Comment number 6.

    What a complete fool. a pathetic action of a pathetic man made worse by the fact he was wearing a Union Flag at the time (albeit even that was in a weird gangster style). Speaking as an embarrassed Englishman, I hope he gets what he deserves tomorrow, a good spanking!!

  • Comment number 7.

    I think that Chisora is one underdog that British people will not be rooting for tomorrow night.

  • Comment number 8.

    He has simply left himself open to being mocked afterwards for landing more hits during the press conference than he manages during the fight itself.

    And was he really having a hissy fit the other day because the organisers refused to let him enter the ring to the Only Fools And Horses theme? Theres a way to draw publicity in a positive way, and then theres making yourself look like an utter wally.

  • Comment number 9.

    Chisora is a product of the society we have created in this country. It appears that our hero's are the thugs depicted in various Gangster films, Gypsy Documentary's and Reality Programmes - No Class just loud mouthed moron's. I grew up in the East End where hard men said little and proved themselves when they needed to - Chisora is a mug and Klitschko will do him..

  • Comment number 10.

    Chisora has sealed his fate even tho anyone who knows about the sport will know theoutcome even before he decided to end his own life by slapping Vitali !!
    The German journalist was quite right in what he said about the likes of Haye and Chisora but please do not tar Martin Murray or Matthew Macklin with the same brush as they have both gone over to Germany to Fight Felix Sturm ( mainly because Sturm knows he would not get a decision anywhere else ) and conducted themselves with both respect for the Champion and respect for the country they are in, yes Chisora is a clown and if he can't beat Tyson " one dimentional I'm scared of David Pryce " Fury then sorry Del Boy stick to being a car salesman !

  • Comment number 11.

    I never know with these things whether they are premeditated and planned by both parties. These stare downs for the media create these 'flashpoints' and if the media and promoters really cared they wouldn't do them.
    End of the day, the 'slap' got reported in the US, so it worked in generating interest and column inches in a fight that had little interest outside Germany and UK.

  • Comment number 12.

    Small point Ben, but 'disinterested' should really only be used as a synonym for 'unbiased', and not in the sense of being 'uninterested'. Otherwise, a sound blog, especially your point that as a guest of Germany, Chisora's conduct besmirches not just his own character but that of the British people.

  • Comment number 13.

    I should add I stopped watching boxing press conferences years ago. Let's face it, the media only go in the hope that something like this happens. What would Ben Dirs have written if this hadn't happened? "Chisora behaves nice" doesn't get the headlines does it?

  • Comment number 14.

    I used to work for a German company and they are very serious and focused about what they do and all this does is show Germany what they already think and that is the British lack class ! which after this poor showing they antitled to that opinion !

  • Comment number 15.

    Haye and Chisora's lack class makes modern Londoners look bad. You wouldn't see this type of behaviour from Froch or Khan.

  • Comment number 16.

    Does no one else think this was a tactical move on Chisora's part? The guy is now probably going to face a klitscko at close quarters rather than at the end of that huge jab, (in which case he would have been jabbed to death and in the latter half of the fight taken out with the over hand right). Now chisora has an opportunity to be in range and let his hands go.
    Even Haye said he wanted to rile up Wladimer so he might come in gung ho against him alas...
    I still think this fight will be over in 1, someone call an ambulance for chisora please!

  • Comment number 17.

    Didn't Blair promise us a "Classless Britain"? Seems to me that was about the only pledge he fulfilled.
    We should, as many other nations do, have a flag law to stop people besmirching our flag in such ways.

  • Comment number 18.

    I, for one, will be cheering on Vitali all the way. Chisora's just a Chav who happens to be ok at boxing. If he wasn't a professional boxer he'd have an ASBO.

  • Comment number 19.

    I'm a Brit, but I desperately want to tune in tomorrow to see Vitali beta the crap out of him. Chisora gives his sport and his country a really bad name. As the German journalist says, why are British boxers such idiots?

  • Comment number 20.

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  • Comment number 21.

    oooo...chisora is gonna get a real slap tomorrow night!

  • Comment number 22.

    and what's really sad is that the pre-match niggle, which has always been part of boxing, just seems so utterly desperate recently, with the examples ben gives being cases in point. maybe it's because haye and chisora recognise they're not big box-office that they resort to such ridiculous, cringeworthy stunts. I just hope it doesn't all descend into some WWE type affair...

  • Comment number 23.

    I think "del boy" is not all there frankly. My impression from everything I've read and seen of him is he is slightly unhinged. His facial bandana and slap on Vitali's face today just reaffirmed that in my view. He hasn't even got the proverbial 'punchers chance' tomorrow night. He has angered Vitali and is going to be taught a lesson in respect now.

  • Comment number 24.

    Why are all British fighters idiots? Why do a few Germans make such sweeping generalisations? A little perspective please.

  • Comment number 25.

    Chisora with that face mask on looks like he'd be more at home on the streets of London rioting instead of a weigh in for a world title bout. Modern Britain perfectly incapsulated in an instant.

  • Comment number 26.

    Am I right in saying that Chisora has a 2 year suspended sentence for assault? If so, I hope he gets arrested and locked up if/when he gets back to the UK. He's a disgrace to his sport and to his country.

  • Comment number 27.

    It's sad that the British fight fans on this blog are united against a British fighter but Chisora's behaviour has given us no other option. Klitschko conducted himself with the class of a champion while Chisora behaved as if he was being evicted from the Big Brother house. National embarrassment. I'll be surprised if Klitschko doesn't nail him inside two rounds.

  • Comment number 28.

    what a 1st class prat, no class!

    Is he getting public relations advice from Kenny Dalglish and Luis Suarez!!! ha ha

  • Comment number 29.

    Only girls slap people. Klitschko will take him apart.

  • Comment number 30.

    "Why are all British fighters such idiots?" said a German reporter, having just seen Dereck Chisora slap Vitali Klitschko round the face at the weigh-in for Saturday's fight in Munich. Only he didn't actually say "idiots". He said something much worse.

    Having also witnessed the boorish behaviour of David Haye before his fight with Wladimir Klitschko in Hamburg last summer - not to mention his legion of prematurely triumphalist fans - it was a fair question to ask.


    Notice you've not included the everlasting whinges of bad-loser Amir Khan, although I would suspect that your German colleague was including him when he said "Why are ALL British fighters such idiots?"

  • Comment number 31.

    This fight is a joke how has even earned it? 2 defeats in last 2 and unimpressive before that. Not helped by Boxnation possibly the most stupid idea Frank Warren has ever had. You pay for sky then pay another tenner to watch mediocre fights and obscure coverage of his own fighters thus lowering there potentual income. Bound to fail within 18 months and he will lose fighters because of it.

  • Comment number 32.

    Haye - no class. Chisora - no class. Khan - sore loser.

    Though it's a bit unfair to tar all British boxers with the same brush, another display like this from a Brit makes Carl Froch's attitude after his loss to Ward retrospectively even more refreshing. He was disappointed but gracious, admitting he had lost to the better man. No whinging, no excuses and no lack of class.

  • Comment number 33.

    Go Klitschko! Teach that uncouth ruffian some manners.

  • Comment number 34.

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  • Comment number 35.

    Delboy...you are a plonker!

  • Comment number 36.

    Is he not just another in a long line of sportsmen who think they can behave as they like. Standards of decency apply to other people not them and when a problem arises, call the agent and give him a wad of money to make it go away.
    Hopefully Klitschko will teach him some manners.

  • Comment number 37.

    How the blazes did this guy get a fight with a Klitsch, not once but twice?! To call him a journeyman is an offence to journeymen. Not sure if he'll get dropped early doors, though. Much more fun to beat him to a bloody pulp over 6 or 7 rounds, I would think?

  • Comment number 38.

    Hopefully people are finally seeing what we're missing now that Hatton and Calzaghe have retired. Two of the all-time great boxers (well, one all-time great in Calzaghe and one very tenacious boxer whose only two losses were to living legends in Hatton) have received absolutely unwarranted criticism based on the same petty complaints that we Brits seem to enjoy dishing out on our most respected and talented sportsmen for no reason other than puerile jealousy. And who are we left with? A sore loser with a glass jaw in Khan, a useless lead weight in Harrison, a man who's all talk and very little action in Haye, and a man who seems to have talent but also appears to be a complete imbecile in Chisora.

    Thank goodness for Carl Froch, he may lose a few but it takes a lot to beat him and he always gives his opponents their dues. Without him, British boxing would be a laughing stock on the world stage.

  • Comment number 39.

    The guy sounds like a moron but Ali used to say some dodgy things to wind up an opponent and he's hailed a genius for it. Let's have less of the "we get the fighters this country deserves" nonsense. He's a man. He is responsoble for his own actions. If he gets his totties: hilarious. If he wins: genius.

  • Comment number 40.

    He definitely lacks class, but it has made what I think is a pretty dull match up a bit more interesting, I'll definitely watch it, even if it is to see Chisora put in his place!!!
    Also, what is all the Brit-bashing for, all seems a bit much, especially the The_soul_patch_of_david_villa comment, not impressed mate, a lot of generalisations there!

  • Comment number 41.

    Well The Muppets are top of the ratings !

  • Comment number 42.

    Dread to think what the next British generation is going to be like. Society is an utter shambles at the minute.

  • Comment number 43.

    Typical of Germans to make such sweeping generalisations like that. Why do all Germans do that?

  • Comment number 44.

    What an embarrassment. Hope Klitschko snots hims AOTS for that

  • Comment number 45.

    Let's face it, the truth about Chisora is this. He's a big man when it comes to thumping women, and if he wasn't a boxer, he'd be stealing handbags off grannies.

    Thge man is a disgrace to humanity!

  • Comment number 46.

    Chisora is just following the Haye method of self-promotion-as Haye finally admitted on a Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Hardtalk interview- 'it doesn't matter if you love me or hate me, I just want to provoke a reaction so i get your 15 quid PPV money'

    Sadly as post 13 notes, the media are in on this cabal. It keeps the whole thing running- media get an easy story, more PPV sold. Punters are sold yet another mismatch. Another dud fight where the underdog is just looking to limit the punishment.

    This cosy relationship is killing boxing quiet simply-crying wolf once to often.

  • Comment number 47.

    That, I'm afraid is the hardest punch Chisora will get to land
    Let me see, after Haye/Harrison and Klitschcho/Haye do I want to spend another Β£14.99 watching this non fight

    Err no. Ahhh remember the days of Lewis, Benn , Eubanks, Hamed :(

  • Comment number 48.

    Not a fan of the Klitschcho's but I hope Chisora is made to look like the prat he is in the ring. No place is sport for the sort of behaviour he has exhibited

  • Comment number 49.

    Re 43. Well, we Germans like to be tidy and we do tend to spend alot of our time sweeping, thus the "sweeping comments" possibly. Must try harder. Perhaps we should say "why are all, or rather the ones we know, British heavyweights prats ?"

  • Comment number 50.

    A publicity stunt to gain interest or a thuggish and idiot move by Chisora?

    One thing is for sure, Vitali took it very well and will be seeking all out revenge in the ring. Vitsali is ruthless and will go for the knockout. I can see Chisora being stopped inside 2/3 rounds and thats being generous if his preperation is anything thing like the Fury fight, how he got this fight is beyond me after the Fury fight, he should of been fined for his performance and preparation, he was flat out on his feet after the 2nd round! Vitali will destroy him.

  • Comment number 51.

    Chisora is going to get monstered. It is going to be brutal.

  • Comment number 52.

    oh dear. Del Boy gets his revenge by not being able to walk to the ring to the tune of ` only fools and horses ` by slapping Vitali. Not he greatest unsettling tactic. I feel he would of been better by playing his theme tune. Lets hope Vitali loses concentration and Del Boy lands a hay maker ( that The Hay Maker couldn`t land on his brother ).

  • Comment number 53.

    If you are Klitschko, do you
    a) get angry and deal with Chisora in as short a time as possible
    b) stay calm, pick him off and make his agony long drawn-out
    c) something else

  • Comment number 54.

    I think fair play to Chisora, better than just being a nobody who gets whupped,might as well do something interesting.

    20 years ago no one wouldve cared, everyone is too soft nowadays.

  • Comment number 55.

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  • Comment number 56.

    43. At 22:00 17th Feb 2012, stevieeng34 wrote:
    Typical of Germans to make such sweeping generalisations like that. Why do all Germans do that?
    Please tell me this is a clever attempt at irony, and not the most shameful display of double standards! I don't think my national pride could take it (after Chisora's classless act) if another Brit was that stupid! On the other hand, if you were being clever and knew what you were writing, I apologise and salute you for your ironic sense of humour!

  • Comment number 57.

    please tune in to watch this match because it would be really good to see the beating Dereck is going to get

  • Comment number 58.

    To be honest, Chisora might not be the best boxer in the world, but hey! at least hes not scared to fight the best, you can sure as hell bet he wont run around the ring for 36 minutes! This current heavyweight division needs all the excitement it can get right now. Good luck Del Boy, bring it home son!

  • Comment number 59.

    Shameful behaviour from Chisora. He had publicly stated how he did not like David Haye, for his actions in the build up to his fight with Wladmir with the t-shirt, the over arrogance he showed, and then the excuse he had for losing. Yet what Chiosra did today makes everything that David Haye did pale in comparison. What David Haye did was nothing to what Chisora did today. It was shameful, disrespectful and idiotic. I am now backing a Vitali first round knockout tomorrow night. Vitali is wound up by what happened, and instead of unleashing it on Chiosra today, he is quite rightfully saving it for tomorrow night.

  • Comment number 60.

    Call me cynical but this is just another cheap promotional ploy to get publicity for a fight that is garnering little genuine interest. All this reaction and blogging is no doubt being met by a little gleeful hand-rubbing by the promoters and is nothing more than a short-hand version of WWE. At the end of the day, Vitali will have to be blind drunk and tied up to lose to Chisora and the world knows it - hence this pantomime.

  • Comment number 61.

    After David Haye and this, the US will consider our heavyweight boxers and sportsmanship in the same light as our dental industry

  • Comment number 62.

    I'd of thought you'd of grown bored of being a boxing apologist by now Ben.

    Have you considered watching a sport that is less stupid? You whine and yet you keep going back for more. Boxing is a sport that is clearly intent on killing itself and I suggest you consider focussing your talents in a different direction.

  • Comment number 63.

    chisora pulled this stunt because he knows 99 times out of 100 he will lose this fight. Its a conmans way of gettin people to talk about him, so rather than be another number on vitalis record he will be known as the guy that slapped him at the weigh in. If he does pull of the win then his name will be massive to most boxing fans around the world, if he gets knocked out he will look like a complete numb-nuts

  • Comment number 64.

    Dereck Chisora: doomed himself by slapping a 6 foot 7 Ukrainian - what a plonker!

  • Comment number 65.

    the idiot deserves to get whooped by Klitschko.
    It's possible he has gotten punched in the head too often to do something zoo stupid

  • Comment number 66.

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  • Comment number 67.

    While I find it disgraceful, I do recognise that this is boxing. If Chisora didn't do this, we wouldn't be talking about him - it's as simple as. Dirs & Costello wouldn't have much to write/comment about...

    Btw, there's no difference in my eyes between Chisora and Haye. Both mugs generating interest in a fight they clearly have no hope of winning, actually the only difference is that Haye managed to convince his fans that he was capable of winning.. but really he wasn't

  • Comment number 68.

    Its upsetting that he is representing Britain, another blow to this countries image.

    Anyways the first and last finger he'll land on Klitschko!

  • Comment number 69.

    The slap was disrespectful, but it does indicate that at least Chisora is unafraid and going to have a go - unlike Haye against Wladimir.
    If he goes out on his shield then you can't say he didn't ask for it, but at least we will see a fight.

  • Comment number 70.

    We had Haye who trash talked his way to a fight by promising to hospitalise Wladmir Klitschko only to use his sore foot as an excuse for his poor show

    Now we have Del Boy who decided after not being allowed to use his Only Fools and Horses music to slap one in Vitali's face. I thought these things only happen in America where they hype up for the over top billing in Las Vegas!

    British boxers have always been dignified in preparing to let their boxing to do their talking but this was sheer stupidity against a man who has one of the most formidable records in the ring - never knocked out !

    the way Chisora dressed up looking like a thug is something associated more with fanatics and extremists not what British fans like to see

    Chisora I think will get knocked out before 8 rounds after making Vitali mad

  • Comment number 71.

    Still want chisora to win, would like to know why he slapped him. maybe vitali deserved a slap, either way he shouldnt have done it. But there are in a classless sport anyway, what can we expect from them! Not much these days.

    On another note i am not convinced that chisora hasnt been bunged a couple hundred grand to do this- boxing is dieing to other types of fighting, it needs these incidents to make the press

  • Comment number 72.

    I think fear drove Chisora's actions, and he'll get pushed all over the ring tomorrow before ending up on his back. Sad to see this is the state of British heavyweight boxing nowadays, all talk and little trousers. Whatever you can say about the Klitschko brothers, they are actually classy guys, and that's what wins you fans.

  • Comment number 73.

    "Why are all British fighters such idiots?" said a German reporter

    1. Why does Gerrmany not have any top class fighters of its own to support?

    2. Does this reporter want 12 rounds with Carl Froch/ Darren Barker/ Matt Macklin/ John Murray/ Ricky "the Rickster" Burns/ David Price/ Nat Cleverly/ Kell Brook/ George Groves and ask them if their idiots?

    3. I know of few other gerrman fighters beyond sven 'dont fight outside yer living room and let your mum be judge'ottke or felix 'nought but controversial decisions' sturm. Arthur Abraham is not german and gets beaten up on outings against anyone better than a pub banger (sausages too.)

    4. Having just watched Lewis v Klitscko(check the time of post re spelling) again it is clear that an overweight Lewis, whilst not out working the younger man, was hitting with the cleaner shots (hence stoppage). Thus Dr Ironfist has lost two, unavenged, fights against the best he can expect to face.

    5. Come on Del Boy, slap him about the ring (unlikely but that makes it all the more exciting.

  • Comment number 74.

    I agree with 'mystiroakey' the press has too much influence on all sports these days a prime example the england captaincy and the john terry saga. however getting back to chisora he's an absolute muppet however like many people have said on here im pretty sure most people, when they know that going to get absolutely walloped, would think 'what the hell ill get remembered for this' cos lets face it chisora is nothing great and has no chance of winning. personally i think he's an embarassment and how he even got a fight against a fighter like vitali is beyond me.

  • Comment number 75.

    Chisora has shamed us with his actions I hope that he is knocked flat on his back with
    A knockout punch by the end of any round that vitali chooses

  • Comment number 76.

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  • Comment number 77.

    Chisora's underhand tactics have definitely heated things up! All this umbrage at a slap. It's boxing! And we're talking about a man who physically and mentally dominates all his opponents, is a control freak who gains every concession; so kudos Chisora for not reading from their script. If anything he's upped his chances, because Vitali will come to the ring a lot less comfortable than he's used to. Chisora has excellent head movement, as good as I've seen at heavyweight for a long time, and in shape he has a good engine. Will a heavy-handed Klitschko fired up but missing more than normal have the stamina to resist the pressure that so few have been able to put him under? I hope Chisora will make us find out.

  • Comment number 78.

    Nobody knows Chisora. He slaps Vitali and gets his 15 minutes of fame. He'll be lucky to last 15 minutes on Saturday night. He thinks he'll KO Vitali in the 8th? Dream on Dereck, you'll be sneaking out the back door with your silly catburglar outfit on way before then.

    Fighters like Vitali and Wladimir deserve respect. They've been there, won everything there is to win, and still behave like true gentlemen. Here's to us Brits being embarrassed on a world stage by yet another classless muppet!

  • Comment number 79.

    What a spanner. You're right, British boxers don't seem to have any class any more. Bunch of thugs.

    agree with you he dosent have anything on joe calzaghe best british boxer its going to take alot to over come him we love joe!!!!!

  • Comment number 80.

    I think we often like to use the term a complicated character when we really mean douchbag.

  • Comment number 81.

    ...........I doubt very much too many Brits tuning in will want him to win.

    Eh? so you really reckon that British punters who have paid the money will want the British fighter to lose? So why would they pay?

    And what has class got to do with a fight Mr Dirs? I wanna see these corn-fed mules kill each other, not act like Roger Moore.

    I agree Chisora is a fool, but he does have a chance - purely cos the opposition is average. both Klitschkos punch like girls, Wladimr is huge and he could not even finish a half lame cruiser-weight in Haye, he didn't eeven come close, the Klitschkos have size but little else.

    If they had class, they would have fought each other, How come the Klitschkos can BOTH hold world belts and not once have to fight each other? It really should not be allowed.

    Venus & Serena have faced each other many times.

    I saw two brothers fight once in a car park in Port Talbot, now that WAS a fight. claret everywhere.

  • Comment number 82.

    Telford90@73....you make a couple of excellent points.

    Of course the blog writer with his room temperature IQ will not respond.

    He claims that this was said by 'a german reporter', but in truth if Mr Dirs uses this comment in his piece, without naming the reporter, he is in effect presenting it as his own words.

    How 'classy' is it of the Germans to pretend these two Ukranians are their own blue eyed boys, Mr Dirs?

    This blog is one of the most pathetic and sanctimonious pieces of journalism, I've seen in a while on this site.

    What was your point in bringing up Chisora's minor assault conviction, Mr Dirs?

    I doubt you or Vitali would have had the cajones to goad Mike Tyson about his violent convictions.

    Of course Vitali never had the guts to face anyone like Tyson.

  • Comment number 83.

    Dereck made it very difficult for himself with this slap im quite sure he'll pay it back in a bad way tomorrow night . i just wanna ask why the british boxers do not behave themselves ? and on top all those bad behaviours they get beaten WELL BEATEN and all the fans get some stupid excuses like broken toe and mystery man ... what a shame ???

  • Comment number 84.

    It's good to see that most Brits agree Chavvy Disora and Classless Haye are both a disgrace to boxing. They would do well to conduct themselves more like Lennox Lewis, who had class inside and outside te ring.

  • Comment number 85.

    Ben Dirs you and others have missed out an angle to this incident.

    English related football has been in a maelstrom over purported race related incidents. We have the John Terry incident (with Anton Ferdinand) which ultimately led to the English manager losing his job, we have had the Luis Suarez incident(s) (with Patrice Evra) and we have had the Manchester City - Porto incident (Porto crowd with Mario Balloteli). In these incidents huge media attention has been invested in discussing the issues of "white people" acting in a rascist manner towards "black people".

    Here we have had cases of "black people" (Dereck Chisora and David Haye) acting aggressively and some say despicably towards "white people" (the Klitschko's) in public ("pre-fight" behaviour). Yet not one word on possible rascist causes from the media. Is football being unfairly treated or is Boxing being treated too leniently?

  • Comment number 86.

    if i were Vitali right now, i would want to embarrass Chisora, whilst that could be done with a first/second round knock out, i think Vitali will take his time and dismantle him piece by piece, so id bet on the fight to go long on purpose, and i'll be cheering on every second of it. I was rooting for Haye against Wladimir although some of his actions were questionable, Chisora's crosses the line for me, lost all respect for him, as a person, its made worse by having the great Britain scarf around his face

  • Comment number 87.

    @ 85, solid point and i personally agree, however "black people" are a minority around the world compared to white, which although a touchy subject is probably why the racism angle hasn't been used here by the media.

  • Comment number 88.

    I think chisora knows he is about to be humilliated in the fight today,the problem is,why did he make it worse for himself.Now his carrier will definately be ended today if he is a confused man,klitchko will beet him back to reality.

  • Comment number 89.

    Interesting to note that when a black man slaps a white man, that's dismissed as boorish behaviour. A white man slapping a black man, however, is racism, and will lead to thw white man being banned and/or going to prison. Funny old world, eh?

  • Comment number 90.

    I'd can't help agree with DoubleDragBack@39. Muhammad Ali offended numerous people and was deemed a disgrace by reporters in his early days with his disrespectful comments. OK, now Del Boy is no Ali in waiting despite his wearing of his embroided clothing at every opportunity but it has created talking points in what would have been a low-profile fight. However you look at this childish stunt, Frank Warren won't be dis-pleased-it's good promotion for the fight and at least he didn't kiss Dr Iron Fist like he did Carl Baker earlier in his career!

    The scenario does remind me of Cassius Clay (as he was then known)-Sonny Liston when Ali behaved like a demented rottweiler in order to get under Liston's skin and Liston later said Clay's pre-fight antics unnerved him as he never knew what he would do next. Both are 7-1 underdogs and are a little unhinged. Unfortunately, Del Boy doesn't possess the pedigree of a young Clay and has no Olympic Gold medal to boot but it now makes for unmissable viewing even if it terminates early. Klitschko by KO in 4

  • Comment number 91.

    Lets look at it another way. Its generated a bit of interest in a fairly dull fight. The journalists have something to write about now and get on their hypocritical high horse. They seem to forget that these two guys are about to bash each other in. Its for journalists that they have the stare down anyway. It was also Vitali that stuck his head on Chisoras. The Klits are boring world champs, there is no interest in boxing among the wider world through them. Its a joke that Chisora is getting a world title shot after losing to Tyson Fury. Barrera has punched/slapped a few opponents at the weigh in does anyone call him classless?

  • Comment number 92.

    If Klitschko goes in for a quick win then Chisora won't last 3 rounds. However I have a feeling Klitschko may hold off a little & punish Chisora for his behaviour. Which ever way Chisiora will lose & would not have got a shot if he were anything other than British. He isn't in the top half dozen heavyweights in my honest opinion. And his out of the ring antics show that, like David Haye, he has no real clas as a human being or sportsman. I'd like to be proud of our boxers but both of these 2 drag the name of British boxing down.

  • Comment number 93.

    3 points:-
    1) I don't think there is any chance that Vitali will lose his composure in the ring - he's a smart guy and there'll be no competitive advantage gained by Chisora (complete idiot btw).
    2) I won't be surprised if he attempts to get himself disqualified by doing something similarly stupid before they start the fight when they both enter the ring - it'll be one way for him to avoid being badly beaten and knocked out.
    3) Where is the British Board of Boxing Control in all of this - he holds a fighters license - are they not going to be intervening to deal with him in some way? Personally I think they should withdraw his license immediately and stop him from taking part in this fight. I love boxing but I've no interest in seeing this or hearing the result. I hope Vitali knocks him about for as many rounds as possible - we don't need people like Chrisora in boxing.

  • Comment number 94.

    I do not buy the view that the actions of the classless Chisora reflect badly on Britain.

    The actions of an individual are not the actions of a group, but that is not to deny that there is a boorish general trend amongst British men and women, especially the underclass, who are increasingly a group of obnoxious horrible people with all the wrong attitudes you would want to see in any human being of whatever country.

    But Chisora is not fighting for the UK but rather himself. His actions reflect badly only on him.

    We did not associate the cheating through drug use by Alberto Contador of Spain as reflecting badly on Spain so why attribute Chisora's actions to some vague attribute of Britishness?

    Only if you consider your primary sense of self-identity as to be British, which is nothing more than an accident of birth, putting that above the sense of your own character as an individual as the primary (and only important matter) would you tend to beat yourself up over the actions of another human being who just happened to be born in the same borders as you.

    Nation-based guilt has to stop.

    We get enough codswallop from the self-loathing comments about Britain by Will Hutton and do not need this malaise to pass over into the field of sport.

    The actions of an individual are the actions of the individual. That is all. End of story.

  • Comment number 95.

    Chisora slapped him because his hair isn't long enough to pull.

    Come on Vitali! Britain is right behind you.

    Chisora doesn't deserve the oxygen of publicity.

    1 round.

  • Comment number 96.

    he was a mouthy little oik before he became a boxer, he is a mouthy big oik now (in muscular stature i mean , but then he was fat as a kid so maybe he has always been a big oik?) i will tune in and i will laugh as yet another mouthy , obnoxious YOUNG brit makes a fool of themselves and our country. this is a shame but he provides a potent truth to the theory we handed kids the power therefore they turn out like this im younger than him and i hate him he has a ''swagger'' and a mood i generally detest the slap has earned him hayes fate just by another Klitschko brother.

  • Comment number 97.

    He'l be mincemenat within 6 rounds....this guys rubbish.
    The Klithckos are class and only the Greatest (Lennox Lewis) was capable of beating them.
    One thing will stop them age and age only.

  • Comment number 98.

    although personally not sold as britain v germany it is indeed seen that way, he represents part of our country, youth!, in much the same way you or i do when on holday we represent our respective nations, county and age groups, his actions will foretell all the world that blighty has lost its tea drinking prudent class.

  • Comment number 99.

    *apologies, ukrania v england, hosted in germany my bad

  • Comment number 100.

    I won't be bothering to tune in to this one. Chisora is at best an average fighter and he will be systematically destroyed by Vitali. It's a shame that both he and his brother are now unable to find any credible opponents. Haye was not in their class, Chisora isn't in Haye's class and we go down a list of sorry excuses for heavyweight fighters.

    There may be some hope in David Price and Tyson Fury being able to make the grade but they are both some way off that and need time to reach the level. Unfortunately both the Klitschkos may have already hung up thier gloves by then unable to find a worthy match up.


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