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Hatton's problems are not unique

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Ben Dirs | 10:41 UK time, Wednesday, 15 September 2010

has become such a clichΓ© that the news of will have been met with little more than a disappointed shrug by many. Murder, rape, battery, suicide, larceny - boxing has seen it all many times over down the years, to the extent that Hatton's actions seem small fry in comparison, which is not to make light of his predicament.

Only last May, in the wake of Hatton's , Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio 5 live dedicated an entire show to the lot of the retired fighter, in which British greats Barry McGuigan, Nigel Benn, Ken Buchanan and Frank Bruno told of their difficulty in adapting to life after boxing.

Some demons are shared - with Hatton and each other - and some demons are their own. But the overriding message is clear - that once the spotlight dims and the roar of the crowd fades, boxers often find themselves in a lonely, bewildering and bitter place.

Excerpts from the interviews, conducted by and McGuigan himself, can be found below and can also be heard again on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ 5 live Boxing on Thursday between 2130-2230 BST.

Ricky Hatton is knocked out by Floyd Mayweather in 2007

Hatton was knocked out by Floyd Mayweather in 2007 - but his biggest fight could be outside the ring

- WBA featherweight champion 1985-86

When the final bell tolls for a fighter, that seems to be when all the problems happen and the toughest fight begins.

As a boxer, you become institutionalised. Your day is mapped out, you are told when to get up, how to train and what to eat. And for every Frank Bruno or Nigel Benn, there are a thousand boxers who retire without having made serious money from their careers.

I'll never forget the morning after the day I retired - it was 1 June, 1989. I was 29-years-old, had four kids, no education, no qualifications and no guaranteed future. I had to start all over again and it was a scary time, I can tell you.

Several factors helped me pull through. I had a great family who had always been there for me and real friends. A lot of kids who come into boxing come from broken homes and don't have any family guidance. Lots of fighters are surrounded by hangers-on and have ephemeral friendships that only last as long as their success.

I had also invested my money reasonably wisely and hadn't been taken for a fool by anyone. That's not to say I didn't have dark days, when I was down and doubted myself, but I worked hard and have been able to forge a new life.

The paradox of boxing is you're in an individual sport and yet you're part of a team. But the truth is, when the bell rings, you're on your own. And that's a metaphor for life outside the ring, because when your career's over, you're also on your own.

You have to give more of yourself in boxing than in any other sport - you can die in the ring, you can legally kill somebody. So you'd have to be the most sensible, level-headed guy in the world when it's all over to say "I did my best and got to where I wanted to go, I'll go back to doing a 9-to-5 job and digging holes in the road".

The sense you get from success in the ring, it's like a Class A drug. You walk away from it and it's impossible to let it go - nothing will ever replace what it was like in the ring for the rest of your days.

Nigel Benn v Chris Eubank ll

Benn's two fights against Chris Eubank in the early 1990s made both fighters household names

- WBO middleweight champion 1990; WBC super-middleweight champion 1992-96

I wanted fame, money, women - you name it, I wanted it all. But did I have peace? No, I had more trouble, more heartache, more darkness. My life was in total disarray.

I was trying to fill the darkness with women, going out clubbing, partying - something was missing in my life. I'd made a lot of money - millions - and I had people who wanted to be around me, to sponge off me. I thought they were my friends but I never had any friends. I'd go out and buy champagne and I didn't even drink champagne.

Everyone was around me to see what they could get out of me. My life was like that all through my career. I was just a pawn, to make people money. If it wasn't for my wife and Jesus coming into my life, I'd either be six feet under or in a mental hospital.

The sport of boxing doesn't worry about fighters, it's all about making pound notes. They don't care if I break my arm, there's another Nigel Benn on the way. And they shouldn't care, it was my choice - everything I did was what I wanted to do.

I'd say to fighters like and : "Be careful, you've got to be strong." I was very weak. It's about making sure you have a good foundation, a good family and network of people around you, because you can easily get drawn away from them like I did. But it's a sport that I loved - and that I still love.

- WBA lightweight champion 1970-1972

When I was eight, I started boxing and was only 3st 2lb when I won my first championship in 1953. When I came out of the ring I said: "Right Dad, that's my first title, I'm going to be world champion." He said: "You stick in, son, just leave the women alone, leave the drinking alone and leave the smoking alone." I said: "Dad, I'm only eight." And he said: "I mean when you get older."

People say I went bankrupt but that is the biggest load of rubbish. Ken Buchanan has never been bankrupt in his life. I never reached the gutter, I never even left the pavement. But there are times when I get fed up and I go out and have a 'swallow'.

I've been to these people and those people and Alcoholics Anonymous but I couldn't take to it. People say I drink this and I do that, and I think: "I'm not as bad as that." But it has played a big part in my life, this drink. It has been a big problem for me for a while.

The fighter's hardest fight is once he's retired, definitely. You sit down and you get time to reflect upon things you've done in the boxing ring and you think to yourself: "I was worth a lot more than that, how did I let them take that off me, how did I fight for that amount of money?"

You think about all the things you could have done to stop it. I just wanted to be a boxer, I just wanted to be the world champion. The money, I wasn't interested in, that was a bonus to me - I was just interested in putting Edinburgh and Scotland on the map.

- WBC heavyweight champion 1995-96

From the time I started boxing when I was eight I was dreaming of becoming the heavyweight champion of the world. I had a lot of opportunities - I fought , got beat; , got beat; , got beat. Then, at 33, I got my last attempt against . Achieving my dream after all those years was the most beautiful experience - but it only lasted about five minutes.

[my trainer] said to me: "When you've finished with boxing, it's going to be one of the most difficult things." I didn't quite understand what he meant until I retired.

No-one's going to support you if you don't support yourself - you can look for help here and there but it's a very wicked world where everybody looks out for themselves. You have got to look in the mirror when you make mistakes and say: "Hands up, it's my fault."

When you break up with someone you love, when you've put all your body and soul into your wife and your kids and then you hear they want you out of the house, it all comes on top of you. I just couldn't handle it. How do you handle it?

You look at some people and they let themselves go but it's important, whatever you do in life, to maintain that fitness - it's like a massage for the brain and keeps you focused. I stopped training for a year and they sectioned me. Once you stop something, the tension builds up, you get a bit aggressive.

There are opportunities to make a lot of money [in boxing] but you need to be like a squirrel and put some under the floorboards. And after you've finished boxing, don't just end up down the pub, keep your mind occupied and your body in shape. That's the best advice I could give.


  • Comment number 1.

    I was never sure why this was a story Ben to be honest. Is anyone surprised? Or even bothered? As you said this isn't unique to boxers, sportsmen, rich people or opportunists. If I have spare cash, I indulge a bit.

  • Comment number 2.

    Then of course there is Hatton's idol Duran and the state he got himself in at times.

  • Comment number 3.

    To be honest i don't think that the new age of boxing superstars will have as many issues as hatton and calzaghe etc. their old school fighters with old school pitfalls.

  • Comment number 4.

    I was surprised, in as much as it had happened to Hatton. He never seemed to get that caught up in it as much as other former boxers did. He had a life outside of the ring that seemed to make him happy. That's not to say he wasn't passionate about it, but with his promoting career already made I thought he would make the transition easily.

    It just goes to show that they can't replace the buzz they get from inside the ropes. I really hope this doesn't cause him to pursue an ill-fated return to fighting once he's out of rehab.

  • Comment number 5.

    I dont feel sorry for Hatton by any stretch of the imagination as he has enough money to last him a long long time, but it is still a shame when someone can slip from such a huge height to a very low place. It isnt something that just happens to boxers but I do think it puts peoples sporting lives and their lives after sport into perspective. Still an interesting article which was a good read especially having comments from people who've been in a similar situation to Hatton.

  • Comment number 6.

    It was pretty obvious that Hatton was going to have problems given his lifestyle whilst boxing. However he seems a likeable character and we all wish him well - as we do Bruno, Benn, Buchannon, Best, Higgins, Smith, Curry, etc, etc, etc.

  • Comment number 7.

    I think you could see that Hatton would go down this road. He is a drinker and more than that, a drinker with money and no focus now that he's basically hung his gloves up. With all the money in the sport, maybe some people could get together and set up a centre for distressed boxers like Tony Adams did when he finished football. Perhaps Ricky should make that his next priority.

  • Comment number 8.

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  • Comment number 9.

    Obviously Hatton isn't the first nor probably the last former professional boxer to go down this route, however I think in his case how he went out has had a huge affect on him. To have shown up on the biggest stage and gotten absolutely pulverised like that must've done huge damage to his pride and state-of-mind. He certainly seemed haunted knowing that the last impression many people had of him as a big time fighter was him being laid flat out completely unconscious.

  • Comment number 10.

    I just wonder why certain people bother to post comments on these boards, given they're apparent lack of sympathy/understanding about the issues.
    I boxed, at both an amateur and professional level - I wasnt anywhere near as successful as the boxers that this article is about but I still totally understand everything they've said. Its a long hard road from the ring and the gym.....in your mind you fully believe that you're still capable, still able to undertake the work, the sweat and all that pain. But you're not- you're not fast enough, sharp enough, fit enough and definately not young enough. That's what happens when you're whole defination of being is based on physical prowess. Some boxers adjust, some get past it and move onto better things- but I've yet to meet anyone that stops missing it all.

    Great article.

  • Comment number 11.

    You can offer all the advice in the world about what to do when you hang the gloves up, but in my experience, a person is more than likely going to think they know better. How many times have people mentioned Hatton's lifestyle in the past few years, and warned that this kind of thing could happen? Some people are determined to whatever they want to do. There really is no talking to some people. They know it all.

    Thats why I dont feel sorry for Ricky. He's had tons of chances to look at himself and sort himself out.

    The one's I feel sorry for are the ones that get themselves in a state when they've got nobody around them who trully cares, only people who sponge. People like Hatton or Calzaghe have never been in that position, they come from caring families (obviously so in Hatton's case), and so it's not like they did'nt have people around them telling them what was happening to them. It's the ones who have to go through that and dont have that caring family behind them, those are the ones that deserve pity and help.

  • Comment number 12.

    Great boxer, terrible pro.

  • Comment number 13.

    The moment Pacquiao bent Ricky over, and took him like an absolute dog in the ring, you could tell something inside the man had died. It wasn't just the physical gunishment that he had taken, it was the mental anguish. Consider that Hatton is quite a simple man really. He isn't bright, but he's likeable and with the right people around him he would have made it out of this horrible world OK. But he took one hell of a beating, this would have impaired him for a while - the physical damage to the brain is not to be underestimated. He has natural weaknesses too, which we used to laugh about when he had an 0-0 record, but when he takes that first defeat to Floyd, we start asking questions. He was never going to beat the best boxer in the world in Pacquiao, and the way he was truly humiliated by someone who is clearly switched on, professional and humble must have been like a nightmare to take. That one defeat, subsequent retirement and post-career dejection could have turned anyone to chemicals. We're not surprised, but it could have been avoided. What were his family doing in all of this? I'm not blaming them, I don't even know the situation, but they had to be there for him. The sentiment of this article is totally right. From the words of Nigel Benn, you need friends, not spongers. Did Hatton have the real friends and support network he needed? If he did, they didn't do a very good job. I don't blame him for what has happened to him, the only thing he needs to reflect on and can regret is his physical shape inbetween fights during his career. As for the rehab, who knows how that'll turn out, maybe more people will come out and give him the support he needs, and by god, he needs it.

  • Comment number 14.

    Hatton = Gazza, probably too many hangers on and no loyalty.

  • Comment number 15.


    From the way his dad has been talking in the press, his family have been trying to get him into counselling and he didn't admit he had a problem until Sunday. Unless a person tries to commit suicide or is deemed to be a danger to themselves and others, there's nothing you can really do until the person admits they have a problem.

  • Comment number 16.

    It's a sad cautionary tale, and like you said Ben, none of it is new. When i saw the front page of the paper I remember feeling sad that such a witty, sharp and likeable fella had gone down this road then had the public humiliation to top it off. There are some excellent comments above too - i will add that, unlike football, rugby or cricket, there is less mateship, less war stories shared by a common unit or team. Also, there is no 'scene'. A retired Enlgand cricketer is commentating on Sky and hanging around the old boys club within weeks of retirement, out of the game and into a cosy, reflective world full of banter and familiarity. For boxing, though there are fights to cover and experts to summon, i am not sure there is so much of a 'scene' or season, it seems much more sporadic, much more easy to get lost.

  • Comment number 17.

    I was always a fan of Ricky Hatton. I enjoyed watching him fight and I was impressed by his down to earth image whenever interviewed. It is understandable that to replace the buzz gained in the ring is impossible. Here you had a successful, outwardly happy man at the peak of his powers one minute and with nothing except memories the next. Boxing as a sport would do well to spend some of the millions generated by their sport to educate and support fighters for the inevitable moment when their career ends. In this day and age the boxers' welfare physically is well covered, their mental wellbeing it would seem not!

  • Comment number 18.

    Not a surprise with Hatton to be honest he's always enjoyed a beer and with no training there is no stop gap in the drinking;hopefully he gets himself sorted he's got a good family around him. Frank Warren delivered a low blow in the papers with what he was saying....not needed.

  • Comment number 19.

    Is anyone surpised with Hatton?

    Even during his career he would let himself go between fights, drinking, eating tons of bad food and not exercising...then, when it was time to train and get back into shape for a fight he would be very disciplned and shed all the weight.

    Of course, now he has no discipline to his life as he is not fighting.

  • Comment number 20.

    Ex-fighters also have to deal with the consequences of repeated concussions and lasting neurological damage that can result in depression, impulse control problems and cognitive deficits.

  • Comment number 21.

    I didn't see Rocky turn to drugs when fighting ended him and he went bankrupt. Even the death of his wife couldn't stop him. He went away, started from scratch and made an honest living through his Italian restaurant. Some of the ex-pros could learn from that example.

  • Comment number 22.

    I always questioned Hatton's life-style in terms of his weight ballooning up between fights (loved the Guiness) and his ability to get down to the required weight for a title fight. This must have been harmful.
    The most famous name, which has not been mentioned, must be that of Joe Louis who was World Heavyweight Champion for 13 years and defended the title something like 25 times and yet ended up broke and owing the taxman millions of dollars. Mind you he often gave away his entire 'purse' from various fights to charitable organizations but the United States Government despicably still charged him tax on the money!
    Ironically his greatest foe in the ring, the German Max Schmelling, who was fortunate to be given the francise for Coca Cola in Germany and became a millionaire, helped out poor Joe with gifts of thousands of dollars on several occasions.

  • Comment number 23.

    It shows a complete lack of understanding of what Ricky has gone through to quote 3-4 ex-boxers. This has got very little to do with boxing---boxing is just a mere example in many walks of life.

    This is a global occurence that relates to many, many people in life---

    its called moving from being a BIG fish in a small pond to being a small fish in a BIG pond.
    It hits, Tony Blair, senior executives, actors, people moving countries, even retirees---the only difference is that sportspeople are in the limelight, more so than most.
    What RH needs now is a lack of press, lack of attention and help making the right decisions on a day-to-day basis.
    Rehab is going to be no different from boxing--according to Barry M--RH will be told what to do on an hourly basis in rehab--he will be broken down and not make any decisions at all whilst he is there--he will need the support that is provided when he leaves to ensure that he can take responsibility for his actions, be aware of ying and yang(consequences) and realise that as a member of trhe human race---that he is perfectly imperfect.

    RH good luck and i wish u well

  • Comment number 24.

    "From the way his dad has been talking in the press, his family have been trying to get him into counselling and he didn't admit he had a problem until Sunday. Unless a person tries to commit suicide or is deemed to be a danger to themselves and others, there's nothing you can really do until the person admits they have a problem."

    He only admitted it because he got busted, if that footage hadn't been delivered to NOTW, he would still be deluding himself, that's the tragedy of it.

    I don't know anything about the woman who stitched him up, but it's possible that she saved his life.

    Not that he(or his apologists would look at it that way)

    Just another pseudo-hero found wanting, one of many people who love the fame, money and prestige, but can't hack REAL LIFE, no sympathy here.

  • Comment number 25.

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  • Comment number 26.

    some very apocalyptic statements (not just here) on RH, so he likes a beer and a few lines...like millions of adults in britain ! yes if thats all he does for the next 3 years or so it could become a serious problem, but saying its a tragedy now is a bit over the top. pure hysteria from the gutter press.

  • Comment number 27.

    not implying the bbc is gutter press !

  • Comment number 28.

    what i like to know is pro boxers train sleep train sleep then retire 30ish
    now when you do this for a long time you will want to do other things we always want to do things we cannot but why the hell can they not get trained in how to live life after boxing ? its all in the head we know but they can train them to be a fighting machines but nothing after boxing,WHY?

  • Comment number 29.

    Very good points Graeme Edgar LOL @ no21 Gavelaa

  • Comment number 30.

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  • Comment number 31.

    No, Hatton's case isn't new. That's the sad thing. Across pretty much all professional sport, there are examples of people that have struggled to adapt to their new life after sport. A lot of it comes down to feelings of loss - soemtimes of the buzz of competing, the social scene, self worth, identity...
    Here's a good article - more academic - looking into life after sport , and another which is more practically written about

  • Comment number 32.

    The headline "Hatton's problems are not unique" is the main point. ANYONE (sport is a great example because of the natural aging of the body) who has achieved greatness in their particular field will have difficulty in adjusting once their powers diminish. It probably helps if you have a money crutch that you can lean on but it won't assist in providing the solution for the psychological adjustment that needs to be made. All of a sudden you are on your own when before you had folks around you. You had a reason to get up in the morning. Your day was planned out around your sport. Now what ?
    There needs to be a re-focus. A new objective. A way in which the competitive streak that exists in all sports people can be channelled.

    It's hard though.

  • Comment number 33.

    @ Hfuhruhurr

    Well put.

  • Comment number 34.

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  • Comment number 35.

    Someone mentioned gutter press, its not just the "gutter" press who need to take some responsibility - what about Sky Sports as an example, how much money did they make from the PPV of Hatton's fights ?

    And this is where I'm missing something, he (as has been pointed out) is a likeable guy, a man of the people type so why no media career - is this Sky making money then turning their back, or Hatton's advisors not working for him ?

    He could have still retained some form of adulation working on the TV, and retained some of the "buzz"

    Maybe someone more knowledgable than me could indicate the role is father played in all of this, when he took over Ricky's interests ?

    And now I'm I the only one questioning is physical and mental state when he lost his two "super" fights ?

  • Comment number 36.

    Its a sad, but common problem. Not just amongst boxers but as they are high profile and some (like the examples listed) have plenty of money, they are more likely to end up in these situations. Many of us face career changes at some stage in our lives, but we dont have millions in the bank that give us the security to spend all day on the razz with bunch of hangers on, we have to face the fact we need to get out and keep busy, because who else will do it for us? the bloke working behind the counter of the local branch of Dixons when he loses his job will be in the same boat, no one else will help him out.

    What annoys me most is the News papers, usually that rag the NOTW, lets not pretend they did this to help him, they do it to sell papers and they dont care the damage they do to peoples lives. If they wanted to help they wouldnt splash it. People must realise buying these papers encourages more of these stories, and frankly who cares? RH was a very fine boxer, and came across a decent bloke to me, but how many people are snorting coke right now? do we care for them all equally? if a banker snorts a line, is it the end of the world? should he make a public statement and go to rehab and have his life scrutinised by the media and public at large? why treat RH differently just because he earned his money a different way? did RH tell the world he was whiter than white? and that we should follow his example?

  • Comment number 37.

    Guy with lots of money loads of fame, relative success, whom drinks too much does a few lines on a friday night one too many times..

    Not quite sure what the fuss is all about...

    There are thousands of people whom work very hard all week and then indulge in things they will one day grow out of, but none of them are in a "dark place"

    This stinks of Crocodile tears because he's been collared..
    I wonder if any of the staff at TNOTW have ever indulged themselves??


  • Comment number 38.

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  • Comment number 39.

    My comment was removed yet it told the truth.

    This just proves the tightly media/government controlled world we live.

    Ill keep it simple and legal.

    My main point is that when stories like this happen or are discovered, everyone reacts with shock horror, how could this happen? But in reality these people are just like that and we all like to think we know them but all we know is the image that they portray like with Tiger Woods, Rooney etc.

    I think people are waking up now and realising it's all about image from politicians to bankers to journalists to sport stars.

    Everyone has flaws, the key is to keep them hidden.

    My other main point is that Hatton thinks going to rehab will salvage his image but he fails to see that rehab can make you worse by instituonalising you where they take money and convince you you have a lifelong disease.

    This has been proven not to work, like Gazza, Amy Winehouse etc. It just treats you like a child and makes you think if you mess up again, back to rehab.

    The only way you change is if you genuinely want to change within yourself and take full responsibilty for doing so.

    Rehab just exacerbates or prolongs any problem.

  • Comment number 40.

    Some digusting comments on here about ricky hatton, its not as simple as you think im not a boxer but people have to understand that these sports stars not just boxers have to put with being rolemodels 24/7 and the perfect fighters for a showcase but look at the likes of mike tyson, prince naseem who have won titles and been stars in the boxing world but yet have suffered in their aftermath of retirement of the game

    In the boxing world if you are shown up as a weak boxer with personal problems then of course you dont want to show it, as you know boxers have the fakest egos in the world. Once they are in the ring its for the world to see how good they are, and that they are unstoppable.

    My dream for me was alwayz to become a proffesional boxer when i see these guys with the cash and fame i say i wanted to be like them but its not all as it seems. Once you reached that fame status people are going to go out of their way to backstab you and make profits out of your name.

  • Comment number 41.

    I have always been a fan of Ricky. he has always shown himself as humble, family orientated, one of the lads who just wants to be happy & loved, and also a damn fine fighter.

    we all suspected during his career that once he retired from boxing he would end up boozing too much, putting his health at risk, but also that he would miss the total adulation he had had whilst fighting, as you could see he relished his role of people's champion.

    I've only ever boxed at amatuer level, so i have obviously never felt the same kind of adulation from within the ring, but as a professional musician i have had a major buzz from being on stage, and people singing back at me, applauding, screaming/shouting etc, and now that i'm no longer performing live, i know how badly i miss that. the scale between this and RH is gigantic, so i can only imagine the scale in feeling to be as wide also.

    I don't have a lot of sympathy for most people who self destruct of their own free will, but in cases like this, (see also Frank Bruno) there are major phycological factors that are too easily discounted by critics/press/people in glass houses.

    I wish him all the best, and i look forward to seeing the Hitman back in the spotlight in the not too distant future when one of his fighters is lifting a belt, or he's working alongside Barry M for sky etc.

  • Comment number 42.

    So a newspaper cynically exposes Hatton in his private life doing cocaine, sending Ricky into mock-therapy and his Dad into tears and a week later the same newspaper offers Ricky a chance to give his side and get some redemption. And Ricky accepts the offer. Its the Devil working with his pawn.

  • Comment number 43.

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  • Comment number 44.

    What has happened to these boxers can happen to anyone - it is all about your life's purpose. As a boxer, you are focussed on what needs to be done - the early morning runs, the training, the sparring, the conditioning and the the scarifices you make to get and stay at the top.

    Once it's over then if you do not have a plan for your next step in life and a new purpose and direction for your life then you can go down the wrong road.

    Plan for what you want in your life, plan for the next step and look for and work for a new purpose in your life.

    I wish Ricky all the best and a full recovery.

  • Comment number 45.

    My 12 year old, who box's, said when he saw the pictures what is he doing? What an idiot! Such a shame as everyone loves Ricky. I wish him all the best and hope he gets past this mistake.

  • Comment number 46.

    i don't think its an issue, he's retired at 31, he's a multi millionaire, he's had a few lines. big wow. he probably spent his entire youth in the gym, now he's trying something else. i think the issue here is what is the world coming to when a so called friend secretly films you and sends the footage to the news of the world. i think its time this was illegal, if you want to film somebody doing something dodgy then send the tape to the police and let them handle it. i hope this pathetic woman emma bowe never finds another friend.

  • Comment number 47.

    i don't think its an issue, he's retired at 31, he's a multi millionaire, he's had a few lines. big wow. he probably spent his entire youth in the gym, now he's trying something else. i think the issue here is what is the world coming to when a so called friend secretly films you and sends the footage to the news of the world.
    We can debate the morals and the legalities of it all day, but I think by her actions, this woman has probably saved Ricy's life.

  • Comment number 48.

    I very much doubt she has saved his life. he's probably got more chance of death by guinness. obviously cocaine isn't the healthiest habit but its not a guaranteed death. i hardly know anyone of my generation who hasn't had it and i don't know anyone who is dead. its just normal these days.

  • Comment number 49.

    "i hardly know anyone of my generation who hasn't had it and i don't know anyone who is dead. its just normal these days."

    I dont know anyone who drank 1 pint and died. But I know a couple of people who couldnt stop drinking and died from kidney failure.

    I dont know anyone who took heroine once and died. But I know roughly 3 people I used to go to school with who died because they could'nt stop doing it.

    I dont know anyone who died from once sniffing butane gas from a canister. But I know one schoolfriend who died a very lonely death in an alleyway doing it because they did it once and couldnt stop doing it.

    But guess what, its okay folks, cos everybody is doing it.

    So that makes it alright!

  • Comment number 50.

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  • Comment number 51.

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  • Comment number 52.

    I think there is more scrutiny these days than there was even ten years ago. Kiss and tell style espionage tactics are nothing new but these days it's a lot easier to stich people up with the advent of pocket video cameras and the like. The temptations are all too apparent and though many observers will acknowledge that the documented behaviour is irresponsible an equal number will sympathise with the view that it's a bit-of-fun that got out of control.
    The media always hears the rumours and they've probably had stories on Hatton for some time but presumably lacked evidence. Unfortunately vulnerable sports men are all too often naive of their position in the media spot light and some perhaps arrogantly, even consider themselves untouchable?
    Boxers are effectively modern day Gladiators and the pantomime aspect means that a sizable ego is one of the fundamental attributes of the sport. Unfortunately on the evidence offered by the tabloids I feel certain ego's have reached dellusional proportion.



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