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Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Wales Football Correspondent Rob Phillips has been following the Welsh team at Euro 2016 and, when he gets a chance, he’s been writing updates for his followers and friends on Facebook. We've put together a second set of edited highlights from Rob’s week at the Wales base in Dinard, Brittany, and on the road following the team. Will there be a part three?

Thursday 23/6/16 - two days before Northern Ireland

Well what an eventful first trip on the French railways! Arrived in Rennes to wait for train to Paris and suddenly an official looking gentleman wearing a cap - without any great fuss - started to cordon off part of the platform with rolls of tape.

Didn’t think too much of it, because the cafe continued to serve as normal and a few yards away there was a pianist in full flow. Yes, a bloke on the piano, later joined by a woman who started to sing! I have to say, this is not something I have ever seen at Ebbw Vale Parkway, or even Cardiff Central… but what a good idea.

So my colleague Dafydd Pritchard and I sat nearby and enjoyed a musical accompaniment to his chicken salad and coffee and my ham and cheese baguette (but no crisps), a glorified French version of a custard tart and coffee (grande).

That was until the girl who had served us our food appeared from the cafe and calmly suggested we might want to move, since this was a proper security alert and she wasn’t going to hang around…

Meanwhile the pianist played on! 

Sunday 27/6/16 - the day after the Northern Ireland match

Back in Dinard after yet another memorable weekend watching this unbelievable Wales football team - backed by its joyous, slightly disbelieving fans.

I’ve said it previously, there really is a homely feel about the Brittany base Wales have chosen. After yet another tumultuous few days in the French capital, it's good to be back here (yet again) before heading for Lille later this week.

We had one special moment when outside our hotel in Paris on Saturday night, a rather tired and emotional Northern Ireland fan told our motley crew Wales had to go on and win the tournament, having beaten his side.

Then he was told he was talking to former Everton and Wales captain Kevin Ratcliffe. The gentleman bowed in adoration and suddenly a chorus of “Ratcliffe's on fire!!” (adapted from Northern Ireland’s ‘Will Grigg’ version) crackled through the Paris night time air!

Just another memorable moment on this adventure as Wales have made the quarter finals of the European Championships...  Just take a while to think about that… the last eight of Euro 2016!

Wednesday 29 June - two days before the Quarter Final v Belgium

Dafydd Pritchard, Rob Phillips, and Dyfrig Gwent.

Forgive me, this is a strange feeling. I may, stress ‘may’, have left Dinard for the final time on my personal journey through Euro 2016.

I am writing this on the way to Lille with my colleagues Dafydd Pritchard and Dyfrig Gwent. Lille is, of course, where Wales meet Belgium in the quarter final, on Friday night.

A defeat and for me it’s ‘home’ the following day… the stakes are that high!

The point is, I have become quite attached to Dinard, from my favourite ice cream, the local Facebook blogger who was videoing himself while he played goalkeeper in the press football match on the beach last night (just one point on this game, the organisers ensured the English media were evenly spread among both sides - just in case those on the losing side thought the exuberant celebrations at the end were aimed at them) and, yes, even the launderette, which I visited on Monday evening, only to be disturbed by a TV film crew. It’s just a lovely place with a warm ambience.

Gareth Bale was speaking to us again today. Once more he exuded confidence and summed up the spirit within the squad. Asked about motivation to play well every game he looked at the Wales badge on his shirt and said “the Dragon” was all he needed.

Asked whether the squad got bored between games, he said ‘no’ - they were all mates and, tellingly, added: “It's like being on holiday”.

Now, I should quickly point out, this has been no holiday (honest!) but I know exactly where he’s coming from. My spirits were sent soaring. I’ve got two big suitcases in the back of the car and a few other bags, too, just in case the Belgians have a cunning plan to send us packing. But ten minutes in the same room as Gareth Bale and I am suddenly a lot more confident.

As you know the Welsh fans have excelled on the singing front, particularly with the anthem. They have chorused their way around France - making a delightful, tuneful impression.

So in our car, with Lille still a long way off, we’re breaking into: “Don't take me home!”

  •  to Rob’s commentary on Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Radio Wales, followed by the regular post-match phone-in, .
  •  the first instalment of Rob's Euro 2016 diaries on the About the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Blog 
  • Read Jon Jacob's blog about 

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