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(Even more) Wales at Euro 2016

Rob Phillips

Football Correspondent, Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Wales

Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Wales Football Correspondent Rob Phillips has been following the Welsh team at Euro 2016 and, when he gets a chance, he’s been writing updates for his followers and friends on Facebook. We've put together a third set of edited highlights from Rob’s week at the Wales base in Dinard, Brittany, and on the road following the team. Can there possibly be a part four? Well it is Rob's birthday today so you never know...

Sunday 3/7/16 - two days after the quarter-final v Belgium

It's Sunday… So it must be the launderette in Dinard…

You don't know how good it feels to be able to write those words. 'Phenomenal' is one of the superlatives which springs to mind. What a weekend! I expect you might have heard Wales are through to the semi-finals of the European Championships (you really don't know how good it feels to be able to write those words - 'absolutely phenomenal' springs to mind).

Friday night was yet another unforgettable experience, something which appears to be happening every few days at the moment. And it's not just we Welsh who are enjoying it. After travelling back to Brittany from Lille yesterday we had a bit of a celebration last night, which involved a decent meal, watching the penalty shoot-out, and a few drinks with the rest of the media covering Wales. There was a slight air of disbelief among us all, but the barman was convinced Pays de Galles were heading to Paris…

Fast forward to the launderette and an elderly gentleman and I had a somewhat testing conversation (since he didn't speak much England and I spoke even less French - if only I had listened more to my French teacher Mr Burns in Pontypridd Grammar). Anyway, one phrase I did manage to pick up was ''Pays de Galles - Finale!'' - which I took to mean Wales are going all the way to the Euro 2016 final in Paris next weekend. We shook hands on it (so did his partner), so it's almost official.

Today marks a month on this journey now (started at Heathrow, on to Sweden and then France) and the little incidentals take on a new meaning. Whoever would have thought I'd need more toothpaste today? Be honest, you didn't did you? Neither did I. There we go, it must be historic! (Before you ask, yes, it's the same stuff they sell in Wales... Don't be so surprised!).

Gareth Bale spotted in a shop window in Dinard, Brittany

Anyway, on the way to get the toothpaste (for sensitive teeth, I'm that sort of soul), came across this extraordinary signed picture of Gareth Bale. Don't get distracted by the space suit next to it - Tim Peake has had his day in the sun - or should that be stars - the point is, there was no price on the stunning Gareth Bale picture. So I went inside and asked the shop owner, "how much?" ''Not for sale,'' he said....''not until after the final!''

Not dull, this feller. He had correctly worked out the price would rocket (sorry!) if Wales reached those heady heights or even won the whole thing.

His smile was almost as broad as that of the launderette owner who paid a visit while myself and Iwan Roberts were waiting for our respective tumble dryers to finish. As I have noted previously, I suspect his retirement plans are well in hand…

Off to a press conference soon and then to Lyon tomorrow for Wednesday's showpiece. I've given up trying to predict what will happen. You can put nothing past this amazing Wales squad, the new heroes of France. If Wales win on Wednesday, it'll be easy to go with the cliche 'over the moon'.

Maybe that shop owner was really onto something… How much was that space suit?

Monday 4/7/16 - two days before the semi-final v Portugal

This place - yes, and the launderette in town - has basically been home (Chez moi - as they say in France) for the last month. Dinard has been a joy, the people have embraced the Wales squad and all who follow them. Frankly, one of the many major decisions Chris Coleman and his staff have got right in this tournament was being based here on the beautiful Brittany coast. This community and its people will always have a special place in the memory of those who have been here.

I move to Lyon today and - hopefully - on to Paris on Thursday. If Wales can actually continue this fairytale journey all the way to the Euro 2016 final, then the squad will return to Dinard on Thursday - to a no doubt even more rapturous reception than they have had so far (and that's saying something). I am sure more than just myself want to return one day soon.

But for now I say "Farewell Dinard" - you and your charming people have been a delight. You have played your part in an already wonderful Welsh story. Thank you. Bon Chance!

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