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Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Comedy and Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Writersroom launch the Felix Dexter Bursary for Comedy Writers

Shane Allen

Controller Comedy Commissioning

British actor, comedian, and writer Felix Dexter appeared in episodes of The Fast Show, Absolutely Fabulous and Citixen Khan. He died in 2013 from multiple myeloma.

Today’s an exciting moment for the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ as one of its comedy heroes will now live on by inspiring others to follow in his footsteps. We recognise that now, more than ever before there’s a need to kick open doors and encourage exciting new writing talent who can further the legacy that Felix Dexter pioneered. As well as representing the whole of the UK, we know there’s some amazing talent out there writing comedy professionally or as a pastime that would benefit from some dedicated training to give an adrenaline shot to their comedy writing career. This is not just another come and go scheme – it’s a traineeship for high potential comedy writers from black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds – launched in association with the Felix Dexter Foundation chaired by Paul Whitehouse.

When I first discussed doing something in the name of Felix with Paul his reaction was - "This is a great tribute to Felix Dexter. It is much better that his legacy is used to encourage aspiring young ethnic minority comedy writers than to name a room after him in a corridor at the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ.” I left out the strong language there.

The bursary is designed to make a positive intervention to address an under-representation of BAME professionals in comedy authorship and subsequently representation in the broadcast industry. This training scheme will provide a unique opportunity to gain experience in the programme making world with access to top tier comedy productions so that participants can learn and hone their writing skills across radio and television comedy, panel and comedy entertainment shows.

Two places are up for grabs on this six-month traineeship to give our chosen comedy disciples an unrivalled insight into the creative process and where they can develop their skills and contacts and hopefully in the future move in to comedy writing roles within the industry.

Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Comedy prides itself on working with the very best comedy talent, new and established, on and off screen; across radio, online and all four Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ television channels. Occasionally, the need to address a clearly identified under-representation in the workforce precipitates a need to run a training programme open only to one particular under-represented group.

His unique voice and creations opened up a different world to me and I think Felix Dexter is a beacon for all those who have a passion for writing comedy. This bursary offers training, mentoring, access and support to encourage talent into this world of bringing people together through laughter.

We are keen and committed to finding and supporting the new and exciting talent that’s out there and this is a really practical way to achieve that.

Shane Allen is Controllor Comedy Commissioning

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