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Right Royal films from ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Learning by young reporters

Katy Jones

Executive Producer, ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Learning

β€œThere are fireworks exploding in my head!” said 14-year-old Callum after he finally got to meet the Prince of Wales at a folk evening in his Welsh home on the estate of Llwynywormwood near , .

Callum had spent the day as part of the royal press pack (the 'royal rota') for a new . Starting on the Doctor Who set with Matt Smith and a variety of monsters, he had followed the royal entourage to an opening of a new building in Cardiff, then on to the secluded Welsh home The Prince of Wales has set up with the Duchess of Cornwall. β€œI love the peace and quiet here,” the Duchess told Callum, β€œthere’s nothing except the odd sheep munching away on the grass”.

Callum was one of three young reporters who set out to investigate the role of the royal family in Britain today. After a week of privileged access to events being hosted by both Her Majesty The Queen and the Prince of Wales, the young people had considerably deepened their understanding of the modern monarchy.

β€œI thought the Queen would spend her time chillaxing on the throne,” said 13-year-old Aleem from MIddlesborough, β€œbut she spends a lot of time handing out awards and things, which shows that she really does care. ΜύThat’s what I’m really proud of”.ΜύΜύ

The children’s visit to the royal palaces and homes co-incided with a typically busy summer schedule of garden parties and royal ceremonies. At Buckingham Palace, there was an investiture ceremony at which both Mo Farrah and Ewan McGregor were awarded OBEs, and a special garden party for the . At Clarence House, there was a medal giving ceremony for soldiers of the Royal Dragoon Guards who had completed their first tour of duty in Afghanistan.

Twelve-year old Saffron was lucky enough to be given a tour of Buckingham Palace by Samantha Cohen, Assistant Private Secretary to the Queen. She was fascinated by details of state banquets and visits by presidents and dignitaries, but she was most keen to hear about the Queen’s β€œhomework” Μύ- the red boxes of official letters presented to Her Majesty at 11 o’clock every morning by her private secretaries. β€œWe all moan about being given homework,” said Saffron candidly, β€œhow does the Queen feel about hers?”

Another highlight for the young people was interviewing the Prime Minister at Downing Street about the relationship between the monarchy and the government. β€œWho is really in charge?” asked Aleem.Μύ

That evening, David Cameron attended a prestigious ceremony at Buckingham Palace for the winners of the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, to which our reporters were also invited. ΜύTo the children’s delight, the Prime Minister greeted them on the steps of the Palace with great enthusiasm, and complimented them on their interviewing skills earlier in the day.

There are six films in the series, all of which blend archive with the unique access offered to our young reporters. The films cover everything from the Coronation of the Queen and her role in modern Britain, to the relationship between the military and the royal family and the function of the Commonwealth.

Produced by CΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ, the series was commissioned to coincide with the birth of the royal baby, and the Coronation festival at Buckingham Palace this week.Μύ

ΜύBut the ambition behind the films goes beyond satisfying a surge of excitement about the monarchy sparked by the arrival of a new member of the royal family.

From an educational point of view, understanding our constitutional monarchy and how it has evolved through history is an important starting point for engaging with the political process. ΜύThese films will be available online for the next five to ten years – providing what we hope will be an invaluable resource for schools, helping a new generation of children to understand some of the foundations of our (unwritten) constitution and - ultimately - our democracy.

Μύ is Executive Producer, ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Learning Zone

  • The will broadcast as a compilationΜύon 18th July at 5.00amΜύon ΒιΆΉΤΌΕΔ Two and will be made .

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