
Introduction to chromatography

Key points

  • Chromatography is a separation technique used to separate mixtures of soluble substances.
  • These are often coloured substances such as food colourings, inks, dyes or plant pigments.
  • can be used to match known pigments with those in a mixture.
  • On a chromatogram, one spot means that the substance is pure. An impure substance produces two or more spots.
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A video about chromatography

A video that shows how chromatography can be used to separate food colourings.

What would happen if a coloured sweet was placed in the middle of a circle of filter paper and a few drops of water were added?

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Separating dissolved solids using chromatography

Food colouring bottles
Image caption,
Food colourings usually contain different pigments which can be separated using chromatography

When a contains more than one substance, those substances can be separated using .

This is especially easy when the dissolved substances are different coloured . An ink or food colouring is usually made from more than one pigment dissolved in water. Chromatography can be used to separate the pigments in ink or food colouring.

Food colouring bottles
Image caption,
Food colourings usually contain different pigments which can be separated using chromatography

Chromatography works because some of the pigments are more in water than others. Pigments with a higher move further up the paper.

There are two methods that can be used in chromatography:

  • standard chromatography
  • radial chromatography

Standard chromatography

The photo shows an example of a resulting from standard chromatography.

Four samples of ink were used. Looking at the photo from left to right, the first sample on the left is a mixture of pigments (blue and yellow). The other three samples are pure pigments (blue, pink and yellow).

A chromatogram showing three samples of pure pigments of blue, pink, and yellow, and one mixture of the blue and yellow pigments.
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A chromatogram with different samples of ink


Follow these steps to try out standard chromatography. You will need: a pencil, a ruler, a piece of paper, a coloured mixture such as a food dye.

  1. Draw a horizontal line with a pencil and ruler about 1 cm above the bottom of a piece of chromatography paper.

  2. Place a small spot of the coloured you are investigating onto the pencil line and allow it to dry.

  3. You might like to add spots of some pure coloured pigments alongside it, so that you can see if they are present in the mixture.

  4. Gently lower the piece of chromatography paper into a beaker which contains a small amount of a suitable , for example, water. The solvent must not cover the pencil line or touch the spots at this stage. You might need to hang the piece of paper from a pencil or a stick resting across the top of the beaker.

  5. Observe as the solvent rises up the piece of paper and reaches the spots on the pencil line.

  6. As the solvent continues to rise, it will dissolve the pigments in the spots and they will start to move. Coloured mixtures will start to separate into spots or ovals which are positioned vertically above where they started.

Look through this slideshow to get a better understanding of standard chromatography.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, A pencil line is drawn, and spots of ink or plant dye are placed on it. There is a container of solvent, such as water or ethanol., A pencil line is drawn, and spots of ink or plant dye are placed on it. There is a container of solvent, such as water or ethanol.

Radial chromatography

Another technique used to separate pigments in an ink is .

This is done by adding water onto a spot of ink in the centre of a piece of filter paper. The pigments separate as they move outwards from the centre, rather than moving upwards as in standard chromatography.

During standard chromatography, what would happen if the start line on the paper was drawn in pen instead of pencil?

Science flasks
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Analysing chromatograms

Chromatography is often used to compare an unknown mixture with pure pigments. This allows scientists to see if the mixture contains those pure pigments. Pure pigments which are used in this way are called .

The piece of paper left at the end of a chromatography experiment is called a . A chromatogram shows the soluble pigments that were present in the mixture.

Following the process of chromatography, a pure substance will leave just one spot on the chromatogram. The photo demonstrates that the yellow pigment on the left is a pure pigment.

A chromatogram showing five samples of pigments. The first one is pure yellow. The second is pure blue. The third is pure red. The fourth is a mixture of blue and yellow. The fourth is pure blue.
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A chromatogram with five different samples of ink
  • a mixture will separate into more than one spot, in a vertical column
  • the higher the spot, the more soluble the substance
  • by matching the colour and height of the spots, you can identify the pigments which were present in the mixture

Using this information, we can work out that in the image above:

  1. The fourth substance from the left is a mixture made from a yellow pigment and a blue pigment.
  2. The blue pigment is more soluble in the solvent because it has travelled higher.
  3. The fourth substance from the left contains the same yellow pigment as the one tested on the left of the chromatogram, and it also contains the same blue pigment as the one tested on the second position from the left.


Test your knowledge by trying to analyse these different chromatograms.

What conclusion can be made about a pigment that stays on the start line and does not rise up?

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Conclude and evaluate

In chemistry, a conclusion is information learned from doing an experiment or investigation.

Conclusions should be written in short sentences and use supporting evidence.

A chromatogram showing that red, blue and yellow are three pure substances as they each have only one pigment. However, the sample on the left is a mixture of all three pigments.
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A chromatogram, the results of a chromatography experiment

From the chromatogram above, five conclusions can be drawn:

  1. The mixture contained three substances because it separated into three spots in a vertical column.

  2. The mixture contained the same red pigment as the standard reference red pigment because the two red spots were the same height.

What are the other three conclusions that can be made from the chromatogram above?

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