
What is the perimeter of a shape?

The perimeter of a shape is the distance around its edge.


An ant walks all the way around the edge of a rectangle, measuring \(3~cm\) by \(4~cm\).

What distance will it have travelled?

Perimeter \(= 4 + 3 + 4 + 3 = 14~cm\)

An ant walks all the way around the edge of a rectangle, measuring 3cm by 4cm.

Key point

When calculating the perimeter, remember to include the length of every side.

Compound shapes

Sometimes shapes can be more complicated.

Be particularly careful to add up the lengths of every side when you work out the total perimeter.

Perimeter \(= 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 5 + 5 = 20~cm\)

Be particularly careful to add up the lengths of every side when you work out the total perimeter.

In some cases you’ll need to calculate the 'missing' lengths, eg \(x\) and \(y\), as in the question below.


A plan of a play area is shown:

a) Calculate the length of \(x\) and \(y\).

b) Calculate the perimeter of the play area.

Play area

Test section

Question 1

What is the perimeter of the following rectangle (each square has a side length of \({1}~{cm}\))?


Question 2

What is the perimeter of the following shape (each square has a side length of \({1}~{cm}\))?


Question 3

What is the perimeter of a square whose sides are \({6}~{cm}\)?

Question 4

What is the perimeter of a rectangle whose sides are \({10}~{cm}\) and \({2}~{cm}\)?

Question 5

What is the perimeter of a regular hexagon whose sides are \({5}~{cm}\)?

Question 6

What is the perimeter of the following shape?


Question 7

What is the length of \({x}\)?


Question 8

What is the length of \({y}\)?


Question 9

What is the perimeter of a right-angled triangle whose short sides are \({3}~{cm}\) and \({4}~{cm}\), and hypotenuse (longest side) is \({5}~{cm}\)?

Question 10

What is the perimeter of the following shape?


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