
What was Viking society like?

The Vikings were not all bloodthirsty raiders. Some came to fight, but others came to Britain to live peacefully.

An illustrated Viking scene with a warrior and a longship.
VikingWho were they?What did they do?
KingThe most powerful person in all the landRuled the people and everyone looked up to him
Jarls (nobles)Rich landowners or tradersThey employed men to work for them
KarlsEveryday people like farmers and craft workersThey weren't as rich or important as jarls but they weren't poor either
Thralls (enslaved people)Bottom of the hierarchyThey did the hardest, dirtiest jobs and if they tried to run away they could be killed. However, if thralls could earn enough money they could buy their freedom
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What jobs did Vikings do?

Four Vikings standing in a field.

Many Vikings were farmers.

They grew oats, barley and wheat. They ground the grain to make flour, porridge and ale. They planted vegetables, and kept animals like cows, sheep, pigs and chickens.

Four Vikings standing in a field.
 Viking wooden plates and bowls
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Vikings were skilled at shaping things from wood. These wooden bowls and cups were 'turned' (cut to shape) on a machine called a lathe.

Other jobs were:

  • Craft workers who made plates, cups, belts and shoes.
  • Jewellers who made rings and brooches from precious metals.
  • Blacksmiths who turned red-hot iron into tools, knives and swords.
  • Potters who baked clay pots in a wood fire oven.
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What were Viking homes like?

An open hearth in a Viking home.
  • A Viking house was called a longhouse.
  • It had just one room for all the family to share with their animals.
  • It was built from wood or stone and had a thatched or turf roof on top.
  • Vikings washed themselves in a wooden bucket or beside a stream.
  • The toilet was a big hole in the ground outside.
An open hearth in a Viking home.
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Watch: What did the Vikings believe?

Find out more about what the Vikings believed

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How did the Vikings settle problems?

 A Viking 'law-speaker' overseeing a 'Thing'.
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The 'Thing' was an early version of today's parliament where people met to discuss new laws and settle disputes.
  • Vikings had their own laws and government.
  • People gathered at a meeting called a ‘T󾱲Բ’. Here they would settle problems and make decisions.
  • People could vote on what should happen. For example, the Thing might decide who owned a piece of land or how to punish a criminal.
 A Viking 'law-speaker' overseeing a 'Thing'.
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The 'Thing' was an early version of today's parliament where people met to discuss new laws and settle disputes.
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Activity 1: Viking families

Click on each of the Viking family members below to find out more about their life.

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Activity 2: Viking homes

Click on the labels to find out more about what was inside a longhouse.

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