

Square Numbers

Square numbers are formed by multiplying a number by itself.

For example, \(5 {\times 5} = 25\), 25 is a square number.

It can be written as \(5^{2}\) and can also be said as ‘five squared’.

Series of dots configured as squares. numbers 1, 4,9, 16. 25...
Figure caption,
Square numbers can be shown using a diagram of dots.

Cube numbers

Cube numbers are formed by multiplying a number by itself and by itself again.

For example, \(2 {\times2}{\times 2} = 8\), 8 is a cube numberIt can be written as \(2^{3}\) and said as ‘two cubed’.

Series of dots in a 3D cube representing 1, 8, 27, 64...
Figure caption,
Cube numbers can be shown using a 3D diagram of dots.

Powers of 10

\(10^{2} = 10 {\times 10} = 100 \) and said as ‘ten squared’ or ‘ten to the power of 2’\(10^{3} = 10 {\times 10} {\times 10} = 1000\) and said as ‘ten cubed’ or ‘ten to the power of 3’

The power, which is the little number, is the number of times a number is multiplied by itself.

Ten to the power of seven is \(10^{7} = 10 {\times 10}{\times 10}{\times 10}{\times 10}{\times 10}{\times 10} = 10,000,000\)

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What is 3 squared?

What is the value of \(4^{3}\)?

What number squared is 36?

What is the value of \(10^{5}\)?

What is the value of \(7^{2}\)?

What is the value of \(20^{3}\)?

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