
Watch: Number lines

Watch this video about finding the position of numbers on a number line using tens and ones (also known as units).

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Showing numbers

Click through the slideshow to see some different ways to show numbers.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 4, The number 46 represented in different ways, through counters, number blocks, a part whole model, a place value chart, a tally chart, coins, and different numerical representations e.g. 46, forty six, 4 tens and 6 ones, There are many different ways of representing the number 46. Here we have used counters, number blocks, a part whole model, a place value chart, a tally chart, and coins. You can also write it in different ways but they all show the same value.
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In this quiz you will find numbers represented in different ways, can you work out what the number is?

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NEW! Play Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica - the Halloween update. game

Experience Mathematica as you’ve never seen it before, with all-new backgrounds and costumes for Halloween. Available for a limited time only. Use your maths skills to save the day before it's too late!

NEW! Play Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica - the Halloween update
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More on Place value

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