
What was the kingdom of Benin like?

Cartoon of a person in a Benin village.
  • Benin was a large and varied kingdom. Some people lived in villages and small towns, but most people lived and worked in Benin City.

  • The most important person in the kingdom was the king, known as the Oba.

Cartoon of a ruler of Benin surrounded by guards.
  • Hundreds of men and women lived at the royal court, and looked after the Oba and his family.

  • The people of Benin traded with merchants from Europe and with other African kingdoms. Instead of using money they exchanged goods.

Cartoon of a ruler of Benin surrounded by guards.
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What was life like for the Obas?

  • The people of Benin believed that their Oba was a god. He lived apart from the ordinary people inside the royal court in Benin City.

  • The Oba held meetings with his officials and he led religious ceremonies. But he also had some free time to spend with his family in their palace.

 A brass plaque showing an Oba with his attendants.
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This brass plaque shows an Oba with his attendants. Two bodyguards hold up their shields to protect him from harm. The two smaller figures hold symbols of his power.
  • The Oba owned all the land in his kingdom. He gave orders to his chiefs on how his kingdom should be run and he decided when his armies should go to war. Sometimes he rode into battle at the head of his troops.

  • Everyone had to show great respect to the Oba. People approached him on their knees and nobody could look at him without his permission.

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Who else was important at court?

  • Palace chiefs ran the royal court, organised the craft workers and made agreements with European merchants. They came from rich families and their jobs were passed down from father to son.

  • Town chiefs were chosen to do their jobs because they were good rulers. They governed the ordinary people.

 An ivory pendant from Benin, probably showing Queen Idia
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This 16th century ivory pendant of a Queen Mother probably shows Queen Idia. Around the top of the mask are the carved heads of Portuguese merchants.These are symbols of the kingdom’s power and wealth through trade.
  • Another important figure was the mother of the Oba. The first great Queen Mother or 'Iyoba' was Queen Idia, the mother of Oba Esigie.

  • She helped her son to defeat his enemies and gain control of the River Niger. As a reward, Esigie gave her a palace of her own.

  • People believed that the Queen Mother had magical powers.

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What was life like for ordinary people?

  • Benin was famous for its craft workers. Specialists in a craft (like ivory-carvers) formed groups called guilds. All the members of a guild lived and worked together.

  • There were more than 40 guilds in Benin City and each guild had to perform a special duty for the Oba. Doctors, drummers, acrobats and dancers had their own guilds too.

 A brass plaque showing acrobats
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Acrobats, like the ones shown on this plaque, caught birds for the Oba to sacrifice to the gods. Once a year, they performed a special ceremony where they swung from ropes and pretended to be birds.
  • Many people in Benin lived in villages in the rainforest. They grew vegetables and they built their houses from mud, wood and palm leaves.

  • Men from all over the kingdom served the Oba as soldiers. Warriors went into battle armed with swords, spears and crossbows, and by the 1600s they had guns as well.

  • Some brave boys trained as hunters. They started their training very young and the bravest of all became elephant hunters.

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What kind of gods did people worship?

 A brass head of Osun
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Osun was the god of magic and medicine. People believed he controlled all the plants and creatures of the rainforest. His crown of birds helped him predict the future.
  • The people of Benin worshipped many gods.

  • They told stories about their gods and held ceremonies in their honour.

  • Some of these ceremonies are still performed today by the Edo people.

  • People believed that the Obas of Benin were the direct descendants of Osanobua, the creator god.

Find out about some important gods according to Edo legends below.

OsanobuaCreated the world
OlokunGod of the waters and wealth
ObiemvenGod of farming and childbirth
OgiuwuKing of death
OgunGod of iron and warriors
OsunGod of medicine and magic
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Activity 1: What did people trade?

Click on the items below to find out more about the goods people traded.

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Activity 2: Quiz – Life in Benin

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