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What can be done to save water?

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Key Points

  • Water supplies are not evenly . Some countries experience in the amount of water available.
  • We can increase water supplies by building , recharging underground storage, creating water transfer schemes and using.
  • We can decrease water through education, the use of water-saving devices and .
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How can we increase water supplies?

Game - Conserving water

Play a Planet Planners mission and manage drinking water by balancing the needs of the population with conservation strategies.

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Video: Managing the UK water supply

Find out about how the UK water supply is managed

Water supplies are not evenly . Some countries experience in the amount of water available. can be reduced by increasing supply. Ways to do this include:

Kielder reservoir in Northumberland, surrounded by trees and grass and two small buildings
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Kielder reservoir in Northumberland
  • Building - reservoirs are lakes created by people. When are built across rivers, for example, water collects behind the dam and provides a fresh supply. Examples include the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam in Africa, or the Kielder reservoir in Northumberland.

  • underground storage - much of the world’s water supply comes from underground. Diverting water into rocks underground during times of higher rainfall is a good way to store water. Phoenix, in the USA, relies on groundwater. There are seven ‘water banks’ beneath the city, which store water diverted from the Colorado river.

Kielder reservoir in Northumberland, surrounded by trees and grass and two small buildings
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Kielder reservoir in Northumberland

Process of underground water storage

Underground water storage process. Diverted water is pumped under the ground and is stored beneath the original water table until the water is taken out to supply the city.
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Diverting water into porous rocks underground can restore ground water levels. This is done in many places, including Phoenix, USA and London, UK .
The South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China. A canal with a road bridge and surrounded by green space
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The South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China
  • - water is taken from areas of (higher rainfall and a smaller population) to areas of (lower rainfall and a larger population). The South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China transports water from rivers in the south of the country to drier regions in the north.

  • - in countries where water is , desalinisation of seawater provides safe drinking water. This is expensive as it requires large amounts of energy. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has limited freshwater. Around 40 per cent of the country's drinking water comes from desalination.

The South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China. A canal with a road bridge and surrounded by green space
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The South-to-North Water Diversion Project in China


What is the main disadvantage of desalination?

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Quiz: Increasing water supply

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How can we reduce water consumption?

Educating people about the importance of saving water helps to reduce . If people understand the importance of water , they are likely to use less. For example, people can get in the habit of turning off taps whilst cleaning their teeth.

Row of water meters on a wall.
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People with water meters often think more about how much water they use

There are many devices that reduce water use in the home, such as taps that water and . Modern , like dishwashers and washing machines, generally use less water than older models. Many homes are now fitted with . These calculate a bill based on how much water is used. People with water meters often think more about how much water they use.

Row of water meters on a wall.
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People with water meters often think more about how much water they use

Some water does not need to be perfectly clean. systems gather ‘greywater’. This is rainwater or water that has already been used, eg for washing clothes. It is safe to use greywater to flush toilets or to water gardens, but it is not safe to drink.


How can greywater be used?

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Quiz: Reducing water consumption

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Quiz: Which water conversion method are you?

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