
Compound shapes – area and perimeter

Compound or composite shapes can be made up from two or more shapes or from a shape with a smaller piece removed.

The following prior learning is useful:

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Area of compound shapes

Compound shapes are shapes that can be split into 2 or more shapes.

This compound shape is made of a rectangle with a semicircle removed.

Compound shape is made of a rectangle with a semicircle removed.

This compound shape is made of 2 parallelograms and a trapezium.

Compound shape is made of 2 parallelograms and a trapezium.

To calculate the area of compound shapes

  • Split the shape into easier shapes.
  • Find any missing and necessary lengths.
  • Calculate the area of each part.
  • Add and/or subtract to find the required area.
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Calculate the area of this ice cream shop logo which is made up of an and a semicircle.

Ice cream shop logo which is made up of an isosceles triangle and a semicircle. 26cm ide and 43cm high


  • Split the shape into easier shapes.
  • Find any missing and necessary lengths.
Semicircle of 26cm by 13cm and isosceles triangle  of 26cm and 30cm
  • Calculate the area of each part


radius = \(13 cm \)

Area = \(πr² ÷ 2 \)

Area =\( π × 13² ÷ 2 = 265.46 cm²\) (2 d.p.)

Semicircle of radius 13cm


base = 26 cm, height 30 cmArea = \(½ \times b \times h\)A = \(½ \times 26 \times 30 = 390cm²\)

Isosceles triangle of 26cm by 30cm


  • Add to find the required area.

\(Total area = 265.46 + 390 = 655.46 cm²\)

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Alby has a pond in his garden and the rest of the garden is a grass lawn.

Calculate the area of the grass lawn

Grass lawn of 3.8 by 2m surrounding a 1.2m diameter pond


  • Split the shape into easier shapes.
  • Calculate the area of each part.
Green rectangle of 2.8m by 2m
Circle of 1.2m diameter

\(3.8 x 2 = 7.6 m² \)

\(r = 0.6\)

\( πr² = 0.6² × π \)

\(= 1.13 m² \)


  • Subtract to find the required area.

\( Area of grass = area of garden – area of pond \)

\( = 7.6 – 1.13 \)

= 6.47 m²

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Calculate the shaded area in this shape.

Circle of 120mm containing two circles each half as wide

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Perimeter of compound shapes

To calculate the perimeter of compound shapes

  • Split the shape into easier shapes.
  • Calculate the length of any missing and necessary lengths.
  • Add the lengths of all outer edges to find the total perimeter.
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Calculate the perimeter of this ice cream shop logo which is made up of an isosceles triangle and a semicircle.

 Isosceles triangle of 33cm and a semicircle of 26cm.


  • Split the shape into easier shapes.

There is a semi-circle arc and two straight sides.

Arc with isosceles triangle of side 33cm
  • Calculate the length of any missing and necessary lengths.

πd ÷ 2 = π × 26 ÷ 2= 40.84 cm



  • Add the lengths of all outer edges to find the total perimeter.

40.84 + 33 + 33 = 106.84 cm (to 2 d.p.s)

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Calculate the perimeter of the ticket.

Rectangle of 6 x 6.5cm  with a semicircle of diameter 3cm removed

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