
Key points about the perfect tense with 'êٰ' in French

Bullet points represented by lightbulbs
  • The in French is used to say what you did or what you have done in the past.

  • To form the perfect tense you need a , an and a .

  • Êٰ is an auxiliary verb in French.

  • Many past participles are , but there are some important ones.

  • With verbs that have êٰ as their auxiliary, the past participle has to agree with the subject of the .

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What is the perfect tense with 'êٰ'?

The majority of verbs in French use (to have) as their auxiliary verb in the perfect tense. A small number of important verbs use (to be) instead. They are usually verbs that involve movement, such as (to go), (to arrive), (to go out) and (to leave).

Forming the perfect tense with 'êٰ'

There are three key elements needed to form the perfect tense with êٰ:

  1. The subject: This could be a pronoun like je, tu or il, or a name, a person or a thing (eg Marie, ma mère or le livre).

  2. The present tense of êٰ. This is the auxiliary verb and it helps you to form the perfect tense.

je suisI am
tu esyou are (singular, informal)
il esthe is
elle estshe is
on estones is/we are
nous sommeswe are
vous êtesyou are (singular formal or plural)
ils sontthey are (masculine or mixed)
elles sontthey are (feminine)
  1. The past participle of the verb.

To form the past participle of regular verbs, remove the -er, -ir or -re and add these endings:

(to go) → (gone)

(to leave) → (left)

(to go down) → (gone down)

Some of the verbs that have êٰ as their auxiliary verb have irregular past participles:

(to come) → (come)

(to be born) → (been born)

(to die) → (died)

The key difference between êٰ verbs and avoir verbs is that when using êٰ, the past participle has to agree with the subject of the verb, in gender and in number:

masculineno change+s

For example:

Elle est ée à la banque. - She went to the bank.

Ils sont sortis avec leurs copains. – They (masculine, or mixed) went out with their friends.

Which verbs take 'êٰ' to form the perfect tense?

The most common verbs that take êٰ to form the perfect tense can be memorised using the acronym MR VANS TRAMPED, with each letter in the acronym representing the first letter of each verb:

 (to go up) →  (went up)

 (to stay) →  (ٲ)

 (to come) →  ()

 (to go) →  (ɱԳ)

 (to be born) →  (was born)

 (to go out) →  (went out)

 (to fall) →  (ڱ)

 (to return) →  (ٳܰԱ)

 (to arrive) →  ()

 (to die) →  (徱)

 (to leave) →  (ڳ)

 (to enter) →  (Գٱ)

 (to go down) →  (went down)

For example:

Je suis é à Paris. – I was born in Paris.

Elle est ée à onze heures. – She arrived at 11 o’clock.

Nous sommes és au ciéma. – We went to the cinema.

Les enfants sont Գٰés dans la classe. – The children entered the classroom.

Verbs that use 'êٰ' in the perfect tense - Mini quiz

Icon representing a multiple-choice question with answers A, B and C

What is the French translation of the following phrase?

I returned (masculine form)

What is the French translation of the following phrase?

We went out (feminine form)

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Quiz - The perfect tense with 'êٰ'

Practise what you've learned about using the perfect tense with êٰ with this quiz.

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Video: Describing people in French

Watch the video to revise how to use êٰ and avoir in French.

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Now you’ve learned about using the perfect tense with êٰ, why not explore using the perfect tense with 'avoir'?

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