
Watch: Rivers fieldwork investigation

Play the video to see how Ayesha and James carry out their investigation at the river.

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Tips for carrying out your fieldwork

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 8, Children showing they are ready to go out on their fieldwork investigation with their backpacks, Before you leave for fieldwork, make sure you pack all the equipment you will need.
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Things to remember

Ayesha and James are with their teacher at the river holding a tablet to carry out their geographical fieldwork investigation

When you carry out your fieldwork investigation, remember to:

  • be prepared - bring the things you need for the fieldwork.
  • remember how to stay safe - wearing the right clothing to protect yourself, and staying near your adult.
  • remember your plans, but be ready to change them if you need to
  • record your findings carefully
Ayesha and James are with their teacher at the river holding a tablet to carry out their geographical fieldwork investigation
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Activity: Quiz – Carrying out fieldwork

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