

Hindus believe that charity, or , is important. This is because helping others is helping , as all living things have an , or piece of Brahman, within them. Selfless charitable acts are seen as examples of .

Dana means giving and means selfless service. The concept of charity in Hinduism is about helping others without expecting something in return and because it is the right thing to do.

Hindus practise an important concept called , which means not harming or killing anything living. Therefore, helping to protect the environment and looking after other people and animals are very important to Hindus.

Environmental charities

The aim of the Friends of Vrindavan is to protect the forests by cleaning areas and educating people about how to look after the environment. The charity aims to join together all people who care about sacred forests.

Hindus believe that Krishna, who was Vishnu’s eighth incarnation or , lived in Vrindavan forest. Hindus believe that the forest should be looked after and protected, especially because of the industrial growth that has happened in India, which has been harming the environment.

Tree conservation is also an important movement in Hinduism. Hindus work to prevent trees being needlessly removed and arrange protests to stop them being cut down. These efforts happen in India and the UK where there are groups of Hindus.

If there is but one tree of flowers and fruit within a village, that place is worthy of your respect.
Mahabharata, Adiparra, 138:25

The cow protection movement

As cows are sacred animals in Hinduism, the cow protection movement is very important as it seeks to look after cows in special places called , where they can be cared for. Cows are important as they have always provided people with everything they have needed to survive, such as milk and butter, and therefore need to be treated with respect.

Many Hindus want to follow the example set by , who was respectful to cows. The , one of the Hindu holy books, says that cows should not be slaughtered. It says that cows are “the mothers of all things”.

One of the most famous cow protection projects is at Bhaktivedanta Manor, in the UK. It was set up in 1996 in reaction to many cows being killed because of the crisis that was happening at the time. Hindus wanted to protect and look after these animals, and the manor now continues to look after cows and shelters them.