
Impact on other design elements

A designer has to plan and consider the impact of their production element on the other areas of design. For example, costume and set designers need to take into consideration how their choice of materials will look under the stage lighting. The lighting designers then have to consider how their colour choices might change and distort the performers’ faces, eg making their skin appear bright red or green. Lighting colours can also mix with the colours of the set or costume, changing how they look entirely.

Designers will often use a or to ensure that they know the relationship between different colours and to see how one might influence another.

A colour wheel split into twelve equal segments showing the spectrum of colours from red through orange, yellow, blue and green to violet.
Figure caption,
A simple colour wheel

Designers also have to choose the right equipment to bring their design to life, ensuring that it fits with the other production elements. For example, a smoke machine may be used by a set designer but could prevent other visuals being seen or overpower soft music with the noise it produces.

Every aspect of design needs to complement the performance, while being cohesive with the choices made by other designers. As such, working together and communicating as a team are essential.