
What factors affect food security?

Food security is a measure of the availability of food required to support people of a household, region, country or any specified area. It is a measure of how much food there is, if it is of suitable quality and whether people can access it.

Having fully stocked supermarket shelves is something that perhaps some of us might take for granted. However, this high level of food security is not experienced by all people. In some parts of the world there is a shortage of food, which can result in starvation and death. The United Nations estimate that over 700 million people face hunger each year. They also estimate that each year three billion people cannot afford a healthy diet.

Food security is reduced by:

  • the increase in human , as birth rates are increasing and many people have better access to medical care
  • changing diets mean scarce food resources are transported to be sold to other areas from areas which need them
  • new pests and that attack crops and farm animals
  • the effects of climate change are making farming more difficult in many areas, eg famine in some countries if it doesn't rain for a long time
  • increased costs of farming
  • armed conflicts which affect how available food is.

Finding ways to feed people is an important problem for scientists.