
What is the role of Scotland's First Minister?

Just as the leader of the UK Government is the Prime Minister, the leader of the Scottish Government is known as the First Minister for Scotland. Both are officially appointed by the .

While the Prime Minister is elected by MPs from their own party, the First Minister is elected by the majority of all MSPs.

In theory, any MSP can become First Minister. In practice, they are the leader of the party with the most MSPs.

What are the responsibilities of the First Minister for Scotland?

The responsibilities of the First Minister for Scotland include:

  • deciding the direction and priorities of the Scottish Government
  • choosing Depute First Minister, cabinet secretaries and other ministers
  • chairing the Scottish cabinet
  • nominating the appointment of the Lord Advocate, Solicitor General and judges
  • representing Scotland at home and abroad

How is the Scottish Government structured?

The First Minister chairs the Scottish cabinet, the main decision-making body of the Scottish Government. The cabinet is made up of cabinet secretaries who lead government departments eg Education and Skills.

Each cabinet secretary is supported by a number of junior Scottish ministers who, in turn, are supported by or government employees.

The First Minister and their cabinet are collectively accountable for their policies and actions to the Scottish Parliament.

They are expected to appear before parliament each week and answer questions from MSPs.

Who is the current First Minister of Scotland?

After the 2021 election, the party with the most MSPs was the SNP and Nicola Sturgeon was re-elected as First Minister.

SNP party leader Humza Yousaf became First Minister in March 2023, following a leadership election after the resignation of Nicola Sturgeon.

In May 2024 Humza Yousef stood down as First Minister and leader of the SNP. John Swinney has since taken over as leader of the SNP and was nominated First Minister

What is the role of Scotland's First Minister?

The First Minister (FM) has several roles including selecting cabinet ministers, chairing meetings of the cabinet, leading the Scottish Government by having the final say on policy and budget decisions and representing Scotland. As the head of the Scottish Government, it is their responsibility to speak and act on behalf of Scotland. For example, Humza Yousaf attended King Charles’ coronation on 6th May 2023.

The First Minister can change who heads a department and can remove people if they are not doing a good job. The First Minister can also approve deals with other parties. The SNP do not have a majority government and so they rely on making deals with other parties to get their bills passed.

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