
Fraction arithmetic

Adding and subtracting fractions

Fractions with the same can be added (or subtracted) by adding (or subtracting) the .

For instance, \(\frac{2}{9} + \frac{3}{9} = \frac{5}{9}\) or \(\frac{6}{11} - \frac{4}{11} = \frac{2}{11}\).

If two fractions do not have the same denominator, then find a common denominator by making .


Work out \(\frac{4}{7} + \frac{1}{3}\).

Create a common denominator by looking for the lowest common multiple of 7 and 3. This is 21 (\(7 \times 3 = 21\)).

Create equivalent fractions using 21 as the new common denominator.

\(\frac{4}{7} = \frac{12}{21}\)

\(\frac{1}{3} = \frac{7}{21}\)

So: \(\frac{4}{7} + \frac{1}{3} = \frac{12}{21} + \frac{7}{21} = \frac{19}{21}\)

This is the final answer as the fraction cannot be .


Work out \(2 \frac{2}{5} - \frac{3}{4}\).