
Gross and fine continuum in sport

This continuum is based on the amount of muscle movement and precision required when performing a skill.

Gross skills involve large muscle movements. These movements are performed by the large muscle groups and are not very precise. They include many fundamental movement patterns such as walking, running, jumping and throwing. A tackle in rugby is an example of a gross skill.

Fine skills involve precise movements using small muscle groups. These movements are performed with great detail and generally involve high levels of hand-eye coordination. A snooker shot or the hand movements when throwing a dart are examples of fine skills.

The majority of movements require an element of both skills, and each movement would sit on a continuum. Gross skills tend to get athletes into position and are large movements involving an element of running, jumping or throwing. Fine skills involve the precision, detail and accuracy of a movement – often the fine-tuning at the end of a movement.

Gross and fine continuum and skills that range from being gross tofine, with examples including a cricketer running, moving his arms and holding the ball with his fingers.