
Support and opposing questions

In this type of question you are given a point of view and you must use the sources to give detailed arguments and evidence supporting and opposing it. The best answers link information both within and between sources.

To achieve full marks you must both support and oppose. If you only do one you are restricted to a maximum of six marks.

You can achieve up to three marks for each detailed point that you make. This means you could make four detailed points if you want to get full marks allowing for some mistakes or inaccuracies. By the time you have finished the question you should have used each source at least once.

You use the same style for oppose. Your points can link two sources to back each other up to gain two marks or sometimes you can use a single quote on its own for one mark.

Advice: You can obtain 10 marks by making 10 points in your answer in the following way:

  • Support: Link two sources twice and make one point on its own = five marks
  • Oppose: Link two sources twice and make one point on its own = five marks

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