
The stages of genetic engineering

The stages of this method of genetic engineering are:

  • The location of the section of DNA containing the gene for making the human protein insulin must be identified (it is on human chromosome number 7).
  • A specific enzyme is used to extract the required gene from the human chromosome.
  • Plasmids are then removed from bacterial cells.
  • The DNA of the plasmids is cut open with a specific enzyme.
  • The human insulin gene is inserted into each plasmid.
  • The plasmid acts as a - it is used to transfer DNA from one organism to another.
  • Bacterial cells are made to take up the genetically modified plasmids.
  • Bacterial cells that successfully take up plasmids are described as being . They can also be called genetically modified organisms. The bacteria are host cells for the plasmids.
  • Each bacterial cell will produce a tiny mass of insulin.
  • By culturing the genetically modified bacteria large quantities of insulin protein can be produced and extracted.

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